reading / writing 4 listening / speaking. 30 professions! how many can you write?

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Reading / Writing 4

Listening / Speaking

30 professions!How many can you write?

What does he do?

He is a doctor.He treats patients.

What does she do?

She is a nurse.She helps doctors and looks

after patients.

What does he do?

He is a fire fighter.He fights fires and saves

people’s lives.

What does she do?

She is a life guard.She saves people’s lives.

What does he do?

He is a policeman.He arrests criminals.

What does he do?

He is a detective.He solves crimes.

What does he do?

He is a judge.He decides legal cases.

What does he do?

He is a lawyer.He represents people in court.

What does he do?

He is a politician.He makes laws.

What does she do?

She is a newsreader.She reads the news on TV.

What does he do?

He is a web designer.He designs web pages.

What does he do?

He is a computer engineer.He fixes broken computers.

What does he do?

He is a mechanic.He fixes cars and trucks.

What does he do?

He is a plumber.He fixes broken pipes.

What does he do?

He is a chef.He cooks delicious food.

What does he do?

He is a waiter.He serves food to customers.

What does he do?

He is a football player.He plays football.

What does he do?

He is a coach.He teaches people how to play sports.

What does he do?

He is an astronaut.He flies to outer space in a


What does he do?

He is a pilot.He flies a plane.

What does he do?

He is a race car driver.He drives race cars.

What does she do?

She is a hairdresser.She cuts people’s hair.

What does he do?

He is a barber.He cuts men’s hair.

What does she do?

She is a model.She shows fashionable


What does he do?

He is an actor.He acts in movies.

What does she do?

She is a teacher.She teaches students.

What does she do?

She is a musician.She plays a musical instrument.

What does he do?

He is a writer.He writes.

What does he do?

He is a postman.He delivers letters and


What does he do?

He is a herder.He looks after sheep and



Listen and fill in the occupation names

“The Most Important Profession in My Country Today”DIRECTIONS : Write a short essay about the topic, be sure to answer the following question :In your opinion, what profession does your country need most today? Give three reasons for your choice.


the most important professionWhy?


Why? Why?






Lots of new buildings Beauty



High density of people

toilets sinksbaths showers

washing machinesinstalls and fixes





“The Most Important Profession in My Country Today”

DIRECTIONS : Write a short essay about the topic, be sure to answer the following question :In your opinion, what profession does your country need most today? Give three reasons for your choice.

In my opinion, the most important profession in my country today is plumbing, because plumbing helps us to live healthy lives in a town where a lot of new buildings are being built resulting in an increase of population density.




In my opinion, the most important profession in my country today is plumbing, because plumbing helps us to live healthy lives in a town where a lot of new buildings are being built resulting in an increase of population density.

Personally, I think that it is vitally important in modern day Mongolia to train highly skilled plumbers, because good quality, reliable plumbing contributes to our health in a town that is rapidly becoming overcrowded with construction projects that result in an increase of population density and possible hygiene issues.





attracts the readers’ attention

In your introduction :

• Attract the reader’s attention – HOOK

• Supply background information

• Present the writer’s main idea –


Some common methods used in writing introductions :

1. Begin with a general statement, end with a specific idea.2. Begin with an idea that is opposite, and then tell your opinion.3. Explain the importance of the topic.4. Begin with a short story, then relate it to the topic.5. Ask a question – the essay will answer it.6. Use a quotation – related to the topic.

Last week’s title :

You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks. Which country would you visit? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.



1. Begin with a general statement, end with a specific idea.

A United Nation’s report says that there are 196 countries on seven continents in the world today. I have always wanted to travel but I have never had the opportunity until now. So now I have to decide where I would like to go. Actually, that’s not a very difficult question for me. I would like to go to New Zealand because my friend Chrissy lives there, it is the only place where Kiwi birds live and it is a gorgeous environment filled with beautiful lakes and mountains. Thesis statement

2. Begin with an idea that is opposite, and then tell your opinion.

Now that I have the chance to travel to a foreign country for two weeks, I have to choose a country to go to. My friend Devon loves to travel and tells me that India is the place to go because it has such ancient history and the food is amazing. India seems interesting but after reading a book about it, I think I might have a problem with the spicy food and the large crowds make transportation difficult too. Actually, my first choice has to be New Zealand because my good friend Chrissy lives there, it is the only country with the funny little Kiwi bird and the natural environment is absolutely amazing with its beautiful mountains and lakes.Thesis statement

3. Explain the importance of the topic.

Life is so short and the world that we live in is so big that I think travelling to see and experience our world with its seemingly endless variety of cultures is one of the most important things we can do in our lives. Now that I have the opportunity to travel to a foreign country for two weeks, I understand how important it is to choose a place that will give me a truly memorable experience. However, for me the choice is an easy one because my good friend Chrissy lives in New Zealand which also has the unique Kiwi bird and fabulous lakes and mountains.

Thesis statement

4. Begin with a short story, then relate it to the topic.

When I was young, my family used to drive to Switzerland every year for winter holiday. I’ll never forget the first time that we left our country. I was so excited that I could hardly believe that we were travelling in a foreign country. As I looked out the window of our car, I saw the signs on the road and I realized that the people in this place spoke a different language from us. So I wondered how my dad would ever find the hotel we were going to! Ever since that, I have loved to travel and now that I have another chance to go to a foreign country on my own I am still just as excited as I was when I was a child, maybe more! I really want to go to New Zealand because my good friend Chrissy lives there, it is the natural habitat of my favorite animal the Kiwi bird and the natural environment is amazing, filled with beautiful lakes and mountains.Thesis statement

5. Ask a question – the essay will answer it.

Now that I have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks, I have to ask myself a question. Out of all the countries of the world, which one would be the most exciting and interesting one for me? It is not hard for me to make my choice. I think New Zealand is the place for me because my good friend Chrissy lives there. Also, the lovely little kiwi bird only lives in New Zealand and I really want to see one with my own eyes and there are an endless number of beautiful mountains and lakes.

Thesis statement

6. Use a quotation – related to the topic.

It has been said that “A person has not truly lived until they have traveled abroad.” I think this is very true. In my opinion, I might appreciate my own country more if I traveled to another country and experienced a different culture. Now that I have this wonderful opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks, I am very happy that I finally will get a chance to do that. I want to go to New Zealand because my good friend Chrissy lives there, it’s the only place in the world where kiwi birds live and it is filled with beautiful lakes and mountains. Thesis statement

Essay outline






Paragraph 1. 1st important point

Paragraph 2. 3rd important point

Paragraph 3. 2nd important point



KConnecting sentences

“The Most Important Profession in My Country Today”





Paragraph 1. 1st important point

Paragraph 2. 3rd important point

Paragraph 3. 2nd important point



KConnecting sentences

DIRECTIONS : Write a short essay about the topic, be sure to answer the following question :In your opinion, what profession does your country need most today? Give three reasons for your choice.



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