reactions to makeup

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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Reactions to Makeup

Every women wants to look the best at all times! Whenever they see another charming beauty around them they strive hard to emulate her.

Women all across the globe use makeup on a daily basis.

In the craze to look more and more glamorous/beautiful women use all sorts of skincare products and at times even those products that are past their “best by” dates.

In their haste people often forget the fact that like all the organs in the body skin too has a absorbing capacity.

How Much is Enough?

According to the recent research an average women uses 20 different skincare products every day.

This is the reason why so many cosmetics manufacturing companies are having a meteoric rise.

Every product contains a large percentage of chemicals. More chemicals are absorbed by the skin more are the chances of having skin problems and aging issues.

If you apply only one product then there are no issues but once there is a mixture of many skin care products used it is then that they produce adverse reactions to makeup.

How Chemicals React?

When two chemicals are mixed together they always produce a reaction.

When women put on more skin care products in a day then one, they react together and the result is never positive.

How to Save Your Skin?

Simple way is to be informed about what you put on your skin.

Know the ingredients of the products well before applying them.

Either judge for yourself or take advices of professionals on which product blends well with the other. If such precautions are not taken then it is you who will suffer at the end of it all.

How Do Chemicals Enter Into the Body?

At times you might accidentally swallow some chemicals this goes into your stomach. The chemicals are broken down in the stomach causing no harm at all.

When it comes to applying skin care products on the skin they are instantly absorbed by the skin and quickly enter into the bloodstream. Thus there can be a lot of harm done to your than you possibly can think.

Some of the side effects include appearance of wrinkles, other aging signs, and even cancer.

Some Harmful Chemicals

There are some chemicals such as parabens and lauryl sulphate that are being scrutinized minutely by the skincare specialists.

Though the cosmetics industry claims that these chemicals are of no concern yet this is not entirely true.

If you come across a product with many chemicals it is essential that you know in details about those.

If you find that some of them are harmful then switch to organic products instead.

Organic is the Best Solution

Organic products are derived from natural sources and thus they contain only those ingredients that are safe for your skin.

Organic products have no negative effects on the skin.

For further details please visit

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