rd 050 self_service_v6

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Oracle RD 050 Self Service





Self ServiceAuthor: Raqmiyat Consultant

Creation Date: 28-April, 2014

Last Updated: 14-Jun-14

Document Ref: RD050_SELF_SERVICE_V6.0

Version: 6


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Core HR RD.050 Business Requirements Scenarios

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28Apr-14 Feras Ahmad 1.0 No Previous Document08-May-14

Feras Ahmad 3.0 No Previous Document

05-Jun-14 Feras Ahmad 4.0 No Previous Document14-Jun-14 Feras Ahmad 6.0 No Previous Document


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Mr. Kashif Project Manager – RaqmiyatMr. Sultan HR manager


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Doc Ref: RD050_CORE_V6.0April 13, 2023

Core HR RD.050 Business Requirements Scenarios


Document Control..........................................................................................ii

Implementation Scope..................................................................................4

Introduction to Oracle Self-Service...............................................................5

Business Process Identification.....................................................................6

SSHR – Suggestion Request..........................................................................7

SSHR – Pay Slip..............................................................................................8

SSHR – Applying for Leave............................................................................9

SSHR – Payment Status...............................................................................10

SSHR – Password Activation........................................................................11

SSHR – Pending Items.................................................................................12

SSHR – Request assignment to work overtime...........................................13

SSHR – Over Time Request.........................................................................14

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable..............................................15

Open Issues............................................................................................15Closed Issues.........................................................................................15

Document Control iii

Doc Ref: RD050_CORE_V6.0April 13, 2023

Self Service RD.050 Business Requirements Scenarios

Implementation Scope

This Requirement Definition Document (RD050) for Self Service documents the self service Requirements by Human Resources function of FUJCCI.

Doc Ref: RD050_SELF_SERVICE_V3.0April 13, 2023

Self Service RD.050 Business Requirements Scenarios

Introduction to Oracle Self-Service

The FUJCCI Employee and Manager Self-Service extends the functionality of the standard HR Back Office system. By enabling both employees and managers to participate in Human Resources management via a web browser.

What does Employee self-service mean?

Employee Self-Service means that the originator of a task is also the person responsible for that task. Using a standard web browser, the user accesses the HR data and performs a specific task, for example, registering a change of address. By transferring the responsibility for the task to the originator of the task, Data accuracy is increased and administration costs are reduced.

Some changes require an approver, e.g. an absence request must be approved by the requester’s line manager. In these cases, approvals are managed via Self-Service notifications, which reduces the time, effort and cost of normally cumbersome manual processes.

What is Manager Self Service?

The Manager Self-Service menu contains functions that a Manager can perform on behalf of his/her subordinates. The underlying difference between the Employee and the Manager Self-Service is that the Manager has the added responsibility to approve specific transactions via the Self-Service module, for example Leave of Absence. In Addition to the above, Additional functionality exist for managers such as viewing all appropriate information about subordinates and Change Manager as well as Management Information queries, Suitability Matching for open Jobs, Positions, competencies and Work Opportunities.

Doc Ref: RD050_SELF_SERVICE_V3.0April 13, 2023

Self Service RD.050 Business Requirements Scenarios

Business Process Identification

Self Service RD050 covers the following processes/functionalities:

- SSHR – Suggestion Request

- SSHR – Pay Slip

- SSHR – Applying for Leave

- SSHR – Payment Status

- SSHR - Password activation

- SSHR – Pending Items

- SSHR – Request assignment to work overtime

- SSHR – Over Time Request

Doc Ref: RD050_SELF_SERVICE_V3.0April 13, 2023

Self Service RD.050 Business Requirements Scenarios

SSHR – Suggestion Request Process:

SSHR – Suggestion Request Business Function:

Self service Date:

14-APRIL-2014Control Number:

SSHR – 01Mapping Team:


FUJCCI EmployeesLibrarian:


MCore? (Y/N):


Process Number:CHR – 01

Description: FUJCCI Employees should be able to change their personal details in Oracle HRMS -SSHR

Assumptions N/A


Description:This event will be initiated when employee needs to do the following:

Insert ideas Insert comments Insert suggestions

Number:CHR – 01

Type: System

Source Agent:HRMS consultant and FUJCCI employees

Mechanisms:HR Business User / Personnel to change FUJCCI Employee self-service on Oracle HRMS – Self Service

Process ID #

Description Type ElementaryBusiness Function

Result Agent Status

SSHR – 01.1

FUJCCI Self Service should be assigned to employees in Oracle HRMS – Self-service human resource ( SSHR)

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Oracle Self Service Responsibility assigned

HRMS Consultant

SSHR – 01.2

FUJCCI Employees should have access to Personal details function

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Oracle Self Service Responsibility assigned

HRMS Consultant

SSHR – 01.3

FUJCCI Employees should be able to do the following: Enter all his ideas and comments and


System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Oracle Self Service

Personal details Created, Updated,Inactivated

FUJCCI employees

Doc Ref: RD050_SELF_SERVICE_V3.0April 13, 2023

Self Service RD.050 Business Requirements Scenarios

SSHR – Pay Slip Process: SSHR – PAY SLIP

Business Function: Human Resource

Date: 14-ARIL-2014

Control Number:SSHR – 02




Priority (H, M, L):M

Core? (Y/N): N

Process Number:SSHR – 02

Description: FUJCCI Employees should be able to view employee pay slip in Oracle HRMS – Self service

Assumptions N/A

Event Description:This event will be initiated when employee needs to do the following:

View pay slip

Number: SSHR – 02 Type: System

Source Agent: FUJCCI Employees

Mechanisms:HR Business User / Employees to view pay slip on Oracle HRMS – Self service

Process ID #

Description Type ElementaryBusiness Function

Result Agent Status

SSHR – 02.1

FUJCCI Self Service should be assigned to employees in Oracle HRMS – Self-service human resource ( SSHR)

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Oracle Self Service Responsibility assigned

HRMS Consultant

SSHR – 02.2

FUJCCI Employees should have access to Pay slip function

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Oracle Self Service Responsibility assigned

HRMS Consultant

SSHR – 02.3

FUJCCI Employees should be able to do the following: View all element ( earnings , deductions, net

pay )

System – FUJCCI Employee self service Oracle Self Service

View and print pay slip

FUJCCI Employees

Doc Ref: RD050_SELF_SERVICE_V3.0April 13, 2023

Self Service RD.050 Business Requirements Scenarios

SSHR – Applying for LeaveProcess:

SSHR – Applying for LeaveBusiness Function:

Human ResourceDate:

14-04-2014Control Number:

SSHR – 03Mapping Team:


FUJCCI EmployeesLibrarian:


MCore and Self-service? (Y/N):


Process Number:SSHR – 03

Description: FUJCCI HR Department and employees should be able to enter and maintain FUJCCI Employee leaves in oracle HRMS – Core HR and self service

Assumptions N/A

Event Description:This event will be initiated when employees needs to do the following:

Apply for leaveNumber:

SSHR – 03Type: System

Source Agent:FUJCCI Employees

Mechanisms:HR Business User / FUJCCI Employees to maintain Leaves on Oracle HRMS – Core HR and self service

Process ID # Description Type

ElementaryBusiness Function

Result Agent Status

SSHR – 03.1 FUJCCI Employee can apply for leave through self service

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Oracle Self Service Apply for leaveFUJCCI Employees

SSHR – 03.2

HR Department can create new leave for employee through core HR

System – FUJCCI Core HR

Oracle Core HR Apply for leave HR Department

SSHR – 03.3

Employee can view his net entitlement balance for his leave

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Oracle Self Service View balanceFUJCCI Employees

SSHR – 03.4 Employee can attach document with leave request

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Oracle Self Service Attach documentsFUJCCI Employees

Doc Ref: RD050_SELF_SERVICE_V3.0April 13, 2023

Self Service RD.050 Business Requirements Scenarios

SSHR – Payment StatusProcess:

SSHR – Payment StatusBusiness Function:

Human ResourceDate:

14-04-2014Control Number:

SSHR- 04Mapping Team:


FUJCCI Finance DepartmentLibrarian:


MSelf-service? (Y/N):


Process Number:SSHR - 04

Description: FUJCCI Employees should be able to view all pending items in work list on self service module

Assumptions N/A

Event Description:This event will be initiated when FUJCCI Finance Department needs to do the following:

Send notification to specific employee Number:

CHR – 04Type: System

Source Agent: FUJCCI Finance Department

Mechanisms:HR Business User / FUJCCI Employees can maintain the request on work list using self service

Process ID #

Description Type ElementaryBusiness Function

Result Agent Status

SSHR – 04.1

The FUJCCI employees can view the transaction in work list by using the self-service web page

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Work list – self service

View payment status

FUJCCI Employees

SSHR – 04.2

FUJCCI Employees can do the following : See the status of his payment

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

View payment status

FUJCCI Employees

SSHR – 04.3

The FUJCCI Finance Department should fill the following data :

1. Employee Name 2. Salary Processed ( Yes / No)3. Type of payment (Transfer, Cheuqe) 4. The number of payment5. Date of payment6. Total amount 7. Comments

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Fill the data FUJCCI Finance Department

Doc Ref: RD050_SELF_SERVICE_V3.0April 13, 2023

Self Service RD.050 Business Requirements Scenarios

SSHR – Password Activation Process:

SSHR – Password ActivationBusiness Function:

Human ResourceDate:

14-04-2014Control Number:

SSHR- 05Mapping Team:


FUJCCI HR DepartmentLibrarian:


MSelf-service? (Y/N):


Process Number:SSHR - 05

Description: FUJCCI IT manager should be able activate the password after the employee return to work

Assumptions N/A


This event will be initiated when FUJCCI HR Manager needs to do the following: Send notification to IT manager to Activate the password for specific employee

Number:CHR – 05

Type: System

Source Agent: FUJCCI HR Manager

Mechanisms:HR Business User / FUJCCI HR Manager can maintain the request on work list using self service

Process ID #

Description Type ElementaryBusiness Function

Result Agent Status

SSHR – 05.1

The FUJCCI HR Manager can view the transaction in work list by using the self-service web page

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Work list – self service

View Password activation


SSHR – 05.2

FUJCCI HR Manager can do the following : Select the employee who needs activation for

password Send the notification to IT manager IT Manager will activate the account

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Activate the password

FUJCCI HR Manager / IT Manager

Doc Ref: RD050_SELF_SERVICE_V3.0April 13, 2023

Self Service RD.050 Business Requirements Scenarios

SSHR – Pending ItemsProcess:

SSHR – Pending ItemsBusiness Function:

Human ResourceDate:

14-04-2014Control Number:

SSHR- 06Mapping Team:


FUJCCI HR DepartmentLibrarian:


MSelf-service? (Y/N):


Process Number:SSHR - 06

Description: FUJCCI Employees should be able to view all pending items in work list on self service module

Assumptions N/A


Description:This event will be initiated when FUJCCI Employees needs to do the following:

Approve the request Reject the request Return for correction Make delegation for all items on work list

Number:CHR – 06

Type: System

Source Agent: FUJCCI Employees

Mechanisms:HR Business User / FUJCCI Employees can maintain the request on work list using self service

Process ID #

Description Type ElementaryBusiness Function

Result Agent Status

SSHR – 06.1

The FUJCCI employees can view all items in work list by using the self-service web page

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Work list – self service

View all item status

FUJCCI Employees

SSHR – 06.2

FUJCCI Employees can do the following : Approve the request Reject the request Return for correction Make delegation for all items on work list

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Work list items Approved , Reject ,Returned for correction,delegated

FUJCCI Employees

Doc Ref: RD050_SELF_SERVICE_V3.0April 13, 2023

Self Service RD.050 Business Requirements Scenarios

SSHR – Request assignment to work overtimeProcess:

SSHR – Request assignment to work overtimeBusiness Function:

Human ResourceDate:

14-04-2014Control Number:

SSHR- 07Mapping Team:


FUJCCI HR DepartmentLibrarian:


MSelf-service? (Y/N):


Process Number:SSHR - 07

Description: FUJCCI HR Manager should be able to make Request assignment to work overtime on self service module

Assumptions N/A


Description:This event will be initiated when FUJCCI HR Manager needs to do the following:

Approve the request Reject the request Return for correction

Number:CHR – 07

Type: System

Source Agent: FUJCCI Employees

Mechanisms:HR Business User / FUJCCI Employees can maintain the request on work list using self service

Process ID #

Description Type ElementaryBusiness Function

Result Agent Status

SSHR – 07.1

The FUJCCI HR Manager can create Request assignment to work overtime by using the self-service web page

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Request assignment to work overtime – self service

View all item status


SSHR – 07.2

FUJCCI HR Manager can fill the following data : Administration letter number (Auto Generated

Number ) Set the date of administration letter Select FUJCCI Employee number and name Fill the subject of administration letter Fill the body of administration letter Approve the transaction Send the notification to Direct manager of

employee and the employee him self

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Request assignment to work overtime Approved , Reject ,Returned for correction

FUJCCI HR Manager , FUJCCI Employee

Doc Ref: RD050_SELF_SERVICE_V3.0April 13, 2023

Self Service RD.050 Business Requirements Scenarios

SSHR – Over Time RequestProcess:

SSHR – Over Time RequestBusiness Function:

Human ResourceDate:

14-04-2014Control Number:

SSHR- 08Mapping Team:


FUJCCI HR DepartmentLibrarian:


MSelf-service? (Y/N):


Process Number:SSHR - 07

Description: FUJCCI Employee should be able to make Over Time Request on self service module

Assumptions N/A


Description:This event will be initiated when FUJCCI HR Manager needs to do the following:

Approve the request Reject the request Return for correction

Number:CHR – 08

Type: System

Source Agent: FUJCCI Employees

Mechanisms:HR Business User / FUJCCI Employees can maintain the request on work list using self service

Process ID #

Description Type ElementaryBusiness Function

Result Agent Status

SSHR – 08.1

The FUJCCI Employee can create Over Time Request by using the self-service web page

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Over Time Request – self service

View all item status

FUJCCI HR Employee

SSHR – 08.2

FUJCCI HR Manager can fill the following data : Select the administration letter number and its

date Fill the total working hours Approve the transaction Send the notification to Direct manager of

employee and the HR Manager

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

System – FUJCCI Employee self service

Over Time Request Approved , Reject ,Returned for correction

FUJCCI Employee

Doc Ref: RD050_SELF_SERVICE_V3.0April 13, 2023

Self Service RD.050 Business Requirements Scenarios

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable

Open Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date

Impact Date

Closed Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date

Impact Date

Doc Ref: RD050_SELF_SERVICE_V3.0April 13, 2023

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