raymond rinehart's review of tom chatfields ted talk

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Tom Chatfield

7 ways games reward the brainPresentation by: Raymond Rinehart

Thesis: • Tom Chatfield believes that we can harness the engaging nature of video games to solve our biggest world problems such as education and bettering our planet.

To capture the attention of the audience

Tom Chatfield by showing what games do for people and explaining what makes them so engaging and how we could use that.

He kept everyone on the edge of their seat by providing intriguing facts and statistics that show how that brain reacts to games and how our mind reacts to a mundane task when you add in a continuous reward system and math.

Tom uses the first

commandment the best by bring to light something

that is labeled in our society as a waste of

time and turns it into source

of productivity and


The dynamic score I would give

him would be : 4/5.

Tom has an amazing idea that could change the world and he has the studies to prove a good foundation on his ideas, the only thing I would change is that I wish he would show a little more passion about his subject

One thing I learned about delivery after hearing him speak is that good facts to back up your idea helps sell your point a lot

One thing that Tom uses that Nancy duarte mentions is including imagery that powerfully illustrates a point. During his whole presentation he had slides that related to what he was talking about and often used them to communicate his point

One similarity I saw between Sir Ken Robinson and Tom is that they both want to make a change to the education system to better it for modern times and they both think it should be changed radically

In Contrast I would say tom actually offered a solution in how to tackle the solution of education. Sir Ken only gave information but no clear path to take to accomplish his goal.

One tip I would give people based off Tom’s Speech would be offer supporting evidence that is relevant to your goal

Another tip I would give is reward yourself when going through the processes it will make the work more fun and rewarding while also keeping you actively engaged in your work

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