raw food vegan diet

Post on 30-Mar-2016






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http://rawfood-now.com presents a look at how to move to a raw food vegan diet and have a more healthy body.




Raw Food Vegan Diet Making the change to a raw food vegan diet can be a challenge. We must distinguish between intuition and our habitual eating patterns, peer pressure cultural pressures and food transference. Food transference is where we attach some pleasant memory to a particular food. Say there was one particular pie that our mother made for us if we were good, then we will continue to be attached to it even when we realize it now longer serves our nutritional needs. So when we are about to eat something we must ask ourselves some questions: Am I really hungry now? Is there another food that would fill this desire to eat now? Could I be doing something else that will take way this need for food? For some overeating is their way of suppressing anger, low self-esteem, rejection and loneliness. It is a great way of punishing ourselves. If people lost weight then it would be one less thing to complain about. Some people like to think nothing will ever work for them, so they never even try to change and the whole thing becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure. Being overweight proves to these people that life doesn't work, and anyway they don't want to let go of their resentments. If they felt good there would not be anything to complain about. A raw food diet can be threatening to some people because it forces then to face their food issues. Raw food has so much more nutrition in it you need much less of it. Think about the big rituals we have around food, the long preparation, peeling chopping and cooking. This is followed by the eating itself usually three courses of maybe more. So much food most of which you don't need. But how else can you join in with Christmas and Thanksgiving? So a switch to a raw diet may bring up emotions that have been long suppressed by overeating which must be managed if you are to make the transition smoothly.

We may eat sweet foods in the belief they will make us happy so to suddenly switch to an almost sugar free diet can be difficult. So I recommend you make this change slowly over a number of weeks or even months so that is not quite so a shock to the system. Only when these negative thought patterns are dissolved can we move to a health diet with ease. Once the inbuilt food filters are removed then we can eat the foods that know are good for us and do eat with ease and joy.

For more information about the raw food diet go to


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