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Ravindra NANDA USA


EDUCATION 1960-64 Licence de Chirurgie Dentaire (B.D.S.) King George's Medical College

Lucknow Univ., Lucknow, Inde

1964-66 Masters de Chirurgie Dentaire (M.D.S.) Orthodontics King George’s Medical

in Orthodontics College Lucknow Univ., Lucknow, Inde

1967-70 Docteur en Philosophie (Ph.D.) Université de Nymegen, Ecole de Dentisterie,

Nymegen, Pays-Bas

1967-70 Attaché en Orthodontie Université Orthodontique de Nymegen ; Ecole

de Dentisterie, Nymegen, Pays-Bas

1976-78 Certificat en Orthodontie Université Orthodontique du Connecticut,

Ecole de Médecine Dentaire, Farmington, CT,


POSTES UNIVERSITAIRES 2005- 2018 Chef de Département, Département des Sciences Craniofaciales, Université du Connecticut,

Ecole de Médecine Dentaire, Farmington, CT, E-U

2005-2018 Chef de Département, Département d’Orthodontie, Université du Connecticut, Ecole de

Médecine Dentaire, Farmington, CT, E-U

2002-2018 Chaire des Anciens Elèves, Univ. Université du Connecticut, Farmington, CT, E-U

1993-2005 Chef

1992-2005 Directeur de Programme, Programme des Internes en Orthodontie, Département

d’Orthodontie, Université du Connecticut, Ecole de Médecine Dentaire, Farmington, CT, E-U

1992-1993 Chef de Département, Département d’Orthodontie, Université du Connecticut, Ecole de

Médecine Dentaire, Farmington, CT, E-U

1988-1989 Chef exécutif, Département d’Orthodontie, Université du Connecticut, Ecole de Médecine

Dentaire, Farmington, CT, E-U

1979-2018 Professeur, Département d’Orthodontie, Université du Connecticut, Ecole de Médecine

Dentaire, Farmington, CT, E-U

1974-1979 Professeur Associé, Département d’Orthodontie, Université du Connecticut, Ecole de

Médecine Dentaire, Farmington, CT, E-U

1972-1974 Professeur Assistant, Département d’Orthodontie, Université du Connecticut, Ecole de

Médecine Dentaire, Farmington, CT, E-U

1972-2018 Médecin de garde, John Dempsey Hospital, Université du Connecticut Centre de Santé, Farmington, CT E-U

1970–1972 Professeur assistant, Département d’Orthodontie, Université Loyola, Ecole de Médecine,

Dentaire, Maywood, IL, E-U

1967–1970 Professeur Assistant, Département d’Orthodontie, Université de Nymegen, Pays-Bas.

1966-1967 Maître-Assistant, Université de Lucknow, Collège de Dentisterie, Lucknow, Inde

1964-1966 Chirurgien interne, Université de Lucknow, Collège de Dentisterie, Lucknow, Inde

ACTIVITES ORGANISATIONNELLES 1983–1995 Ad-hoc, Membre, Section Médecine orale et Biologie, Institut National de Recherche

Dentaire, N.I.H., Bethesda, MD, E-U

1983–1987 Membre, Comité des Allocations Spéciales, Institut National de Recherche Dentaire, N.I.H.,

Bethesda, MD, E-U

1975-2018 Consultant - Reviewer ad-hoc, Institut National de Recherche Dentaire, N.I.H., Bethesda,


1997- 2004 Président, Conseil des Affaires Scientifiques, Société d’Orthodontie du Nord-Est.

1997-2004 Membre du Conseil des Affaires Scientifiques, Association Américaine d’Orthodontie.

2000-2018 Président de Programme, Réunion annuelle, de la Société d’Orthodontie du Nord-Est, New

York, New York, E-U

2000-2004 Président du Conseil des Affaires Scientifiques, Association Américaine d’Orthodontie

2002–2004 Secrétaire-Trésorier, Branche Nord-Atlantique de la Société d’Orthodontie Edward H.

Angle Society

2001–2004 Vice-Président, Branche Nord-Atlantique de la Société d’Orthodontie Edward H. Angle


2003 & 2007 Examinateur invité, Board Italien de l’Orthodontie, Rimini et Naples

2004-2018 Membre à vie, Constitution Circle, Société des Fondateurs de l’Université du Connecticut.

2005-2018 Président du Programme Scientifique, Réunion annuelle de la Sociéte d’Orthodontistes deu

Nord-Est, New York, New York, E-U

2005–2007 Président, Branche Nord-Atlantique de la Société d’Orthodontie Edward H. Angle Society 2013-2018 Président, Congrès Mondiale des Implants Orthodontiques, Réunion conjointe


ACTIVITES DE PUBLICATION ET DE CONSULTING 2013-2018 Rédacteur en chef, Progress in Orthodontics

2008-2018 Rédacteur Associé, Journal of Dental Biomechanics

2006-2018 Comité de Rédaction, Revista Clinical Orthodontics (Brasil)

2006-2018 Comité de Rédaction, Dental Tribune

2005-2018 Comité de Rédaction, Dental Horizons

2004-2018 Comité de Rédaction, Angle Orthodontist

2004-2018 Journal of Greek Orthodontics Society

2003-2018 Rédacteur associé, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics

2003-2018 Comité de Rédaction, Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics (Allemand/Anglais)

1995-2018 Comité de Rédaction, Seminars in Orthodontics

1992 2018 Comité de Rédaction, Orthodontie und Kieferorthopadie

1991-1993 Rédacteur en chef, The Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists, North Atlantic


1980-2018 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

REVIEWER DE REVUE 1990-2018 Reviewer ad hoc, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 1990-2018 Reviewer ad hoc, Archives of Oral Biology

1995-2018 Reviewer ad hoc, Journal of Dental Research 2000-2018 Reviewer ad hoc, Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research

PERMIS D’EXERCER Permis d’Etat: Connecticut

Boards de Spécialisation: Diplômés, Board Américain d’Orthodontie (1993)

Recertification, Board Américain d’Orthodontie (2002)

HONNEURS ET RECOMPENSES 1980-81 Chercheur supérieur, Japan Promotion for Science, Université de Tohoku, Sendai. Japon

2002 Conférence commémorative Wendell Wylie, Université de San Francisco

2006 Membre Honoraire, Société Orthodontique de l’Amérique Centrale

2007 Membre Honoraire, Société Taiwanaise d’Orthodontie

2007 Conférence Commémorative Gordon Kirkness, Société Australienne d’Orthodontie

2008 Membre Honoraire, Société Tchèque d’Orthodontie

2009 Conférence Commémorative John Valentine Mershon, Association Américaine d’Orthodontie,


2010 Récompense de Toute une Carrière, Université du Connecticut 2011 Conférence Commémorative Sheldon Friel, Société Européenne d’Orthodontie

2011 Professeur Invité Keith Godfrey, Université de Sydney, Australie

2012 Membre Honoraire, Société d’Orthodontie Jordanienne

2012 Conférence John Taylor, Société Australienne d’Orthodontie, Australie


Etats-Unis Association Américaine d’Orthodontistes (Divers endroits)

Association Américaines de Fentes Palatines (Divers endroits)

Association Américaines de la Recherche Dentaire (Divers endroits)

Association Américaines des Chirurgiens Maxillofaciaux (Divers endroits)

Connecticut State Dental Association (Divers endroits)

Société Edward H. Angle (Divers endroits)

Société d’Orthodontie des Grands Lacs (Divers endroits)

Association Internationale de la Recherche Dentaire (Divers endroits) Réunion Orthodontique New Conn (Diverses réunions)

Société des Orthodontistes du Nord-Est (Divers endroits)

Réunion des Anciens Etudiants de l’UCLA, Los Angeles, Californiie

Société des Orthodontistes de la Côte du Pacifique, Los Angeles, Californie

Club d’Etude AOE, Newport Beach, Californie

Réunion des Anciens Etudiants UCSF, San Francisco, Californie

Université de Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland

Conférence Jarabak, Université du Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Groupe d’Etudes Orthodontiques Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Symposium Moyers, Université du Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Département d’Orthodontie, Université de Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri

Société d’Orthodontie du Mid-west,, Saint Louis, Missouri

Anciens élèves de de l’Université de Columbia, New York City, New York

Conférence CTOR, Université de New York, New York

Société des anciens élèves de l’Université de l’Oklahoma Alumni, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Société des anciens élèves de l’Université de l’Oregon, Portland, Oregon

Société Orthodontique de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Université du Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee

Ecole de Médecine Southwestern, Département de Chirurgie, Dallas, Texas

De nombreux groupes d’étude

Canada Société Canadienne d’Orthodontie, Vancouver, Colombie britannique, Canada

Département d’Orthodontie, Université McGill, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Société d’Orthodontie du Québec, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Société d’Orthodontie de Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Société d’Orthodontie de la Côte du Pacifique, Vancouver, Canada

Amérique Centrale & Le Mexique Société Orthodontique de l’Amérique Centrale (Divers endroits)

Academia Costarricense de Ortodoncia, San Jose, Costa Rica

Réunion de l’Association d’Orthodontistes du Guatemala, Guatemala City, Guatemala

Société Mexicaine d’Orthodontie, Mexico (Divers endroits)

Association des Anciens étudiants en Orthodontie, Université d’UA, Nuevo Leone, Monterrey,


Association Panaméenne d’Orthodontie, Panama

Amérique du Sud Société Argentine d’Orthodontie, Buenos Aires, Argentine (Enseignant Honoraire) Société d’Orthodontie du Brésil, Brasil (Divers endroits)

Université Parana , Curitiba, Brasil

Université de Sao Paulo, Brasil

Université PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brasil

Société d’Orthodontie du Chili, Chili

Société d’Orthodontie de la Colombie, Cali, Bogota, Medellin, Columbie

Société d’Orthodontie de l’Equateur, Quito, Equateur

Société d’Orthodontie du Pérou, Lima, Pérou

Congrès Dentaire d’Amérique Latine, Montevideo, Uruguay

Société d’Orthodontie du Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela

Europe Société d’Orthodontie Européenne, (Divers endroits)

Association Orthodontique de la Belgique, Belgique, (Divers endroits)

Université Rijks, Gand, Belgique

Société d’Orthodontie Tchèque, Prague, République Tchèque

Société d’Orthodontie Danoise, Aarhus, Danemark

Société d’Orthodontie Française, Paris, France

Board d’Orthodontie Allemand, Bonn, Allemagne Société d’Orthodontie Berlinoise, Berlin, Allemagne

Société d’Orthodontie Allemande, Cologne, Allemagne

Université de Cologne, Cologne, Allemagne

Université de Munich, Munich, Allemagne

Université de Regensburg, Allemagne

Université d’Erlangen, Allemagne

Séminaires d’Orthodontie IOK, Allemagne et Espagne (Divers endroits)

Société d’Orthodontie Grecque, Thessalonique & Athènes, Grèce

Société d’Orthodontie d’Irlande, Dublin, Irlande

Board d’Orthodontie Italienne, Rimini & Naples, Italie

Société d’Orthodontie Italienne, Italie (Divers endroits)

Université de Palerme, Italie

Université de Turin, Turin, Italie

Congrès Mondial d’Orthodontie Implantaire, Vérone, Italie

Société d’Orthodontie des Pays-Bas, Pays-Bas (Divers endroits)

Congrès Société Chirurgie/Orthodontie, Leiden, Pays-Bas

Professor Invité, Université Libre, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas

Neuvième Semaine d’Etude Internationale, Tromsø, Norvège

Société d’Orthodontie Norvégienne, Oslo, Norvège

Académie Polonaise d’Orthodontie, Katowice, Pologne

Société d’Orthodontie Polonaise, Varsovie, Pologne

Société d’Orthodontie Portugaise, Porto, Portugal

Société d’Orthodontie Ibéro-Américaine, Espagne (Divers endroits)

Société d’Orthodontie Espagnole, Espagne

Dixième Congrès International pour Orthodontistes, Séville, Espagne

Université de Valence, Valence, Espagne

Société d’Orthodontie Suisse, Lucerne, Suisse

Département d’Orthodontie, Université de Zurich, Suisse

Etudes Internationales pour Orthodontistes, Suisse

Société d’Orthodontie Turque, Istamboul, Turquie

Société d’Orthodontie Ukrainienne, Crimée & Odessa, Ukraine

Société d’Orthodontie Société Britannique d’Orthodontie, Londres, Angleterre, Royaume-Uni

Australie Société des Orthodontistes Australiens, Perth, Australie

Société d’Orthodontie Australienne, Perth, Australie

Université de l’Australie Occidentale, Perth, Australie

Université de Sydney, Sydney, Australie

Congrès Mondial de l’Orthodontie Implantaire, Sydney, Australie


Société d’Orthodontie Egyptienne, Le Caire, Egypte

Société d’Orthodontie Marocaine, Rabat, Maroc

Association d’Orthodontie de l’Afrique du Sud, Durban, Afrique du Sud

Asie Réunion Orthodontique Internationale, Beijing, Chine

Université de la Chine Occidentale, Chengdu, Chine

Société d’Orthodontie, Hang-Zhou, Chine

Université de Shanghai, Shanghai, Chine

Société Dentaire de Hong-Kong, Hong Kong

Société d’Orthodontie de l’Inde (Divers endroits)

Congrès Mondial de l’Orthodontie et le 31e Congrès d’Orthodontie Indien, Inde

Société d’Orthodontie de l’Indonésie, Jakarta et Bandung, Indonésie

Université d’Hiroshima, Université Hokkaido, Japon

Université Tohoku, Sendai, Japon

Sociétés d’Orthodontie Coréenne et Japonaise, Réunion conjointe, Séoul, Japon

Société d’Orthodontie de l’Asie-Pacifique, Taipei, Japon Collège Médical et Dentaire de Tokyo, Tokyo, Japon

Société d’Orthodontie de la Jordanie, Mer Morte, Jordanie

Université de Pusan, Pusan, Corée

Université Yonsei, Séoul, Corée

Société Dentaire de l’Asie, FDI, Karachi, Pakistan

Société d’Orthodontie Philippine Orthodontic Society, Manila, Philippines

Saudi Arabian Orthodontic Society, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Singapore Association of Orthodontists Biennial International Meeting, Singapore

Société d’Orthodontie Taiwanaise, Taichung, Taiwan

Troisième Congrès Orthodontique de l’Asie-Pacifique, Taipei, Taiwan

Société d’Orthodontie Thaïlandaise, Bangkok, Thaïlande

Société d’Orthodontie Arabe, Dubaï, EAU

Congrès d’Orthodontie AEEDC, Dubaï, EAU

Groupe d’Etudes Vietnamien, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


Association Dentaire Américaine

Association Dentaire de Connecticut State

Société Dentaire de Hartford

Association Américaine d’Orthodontie

Société Européenne d’Orthodontie

Association Internationale de Recherche Dentaire

Société d’Orthodontistes Edward H. Angle

Collège of Diplômés du Board Américain des Orthodontistes

COMITES D’ECOLES DE MEDECINE DENTAIRE 1970–1977 Membre, Entrées des Etudiants en Licence

1974–1979 Membre, Conseil Dentaire

1974–1976 Membre, Comité de l’Education Dentaire Continue

1975–1976 Secrétaire, Comité de Pilotage du Conseil Dentaire

Secrétaire, Conseil Dentaire

1976 - 2018 Membre, Comité des Etudes post-licence de l’Université du Connecticut

1976-1978 Comité de Conseils Cliniques

1977 Membre, Comité de Surveillance de la Dentisterie Pédiatrique

1977-1980 Comité d’Evaluation du Matériel Pédagogique

1977-1978 sur l’Education Dentaire des Etudiants en Premier Cycle (CUDE)

1978-1979 Membre, Comité de Planification des Retraites de l’Ecole de Médecine Dentaire

1979-1981 Membre, Comité des Admissions en Premier Cycle

1979-1981 Membre, Comité des Expérimentations Humaines

1980-2018 Membre, Comité de Surveillance de Département de Chirurgie Orale et Maxillofaciale

1980-1983 Membre, Panel de Surveillance, Bourses en Dentisterie Clinique, Fondation de Recherche

de l’Université du Connecticut

1981-1988 Membre, Comité des Instruments et des Fournitures

1981-1984 Membre, Comité de l’Education Continue

1984-1985 Membre, Opérations Financières et Gestion

1984-1986 Président, Comité d’Education Continue

1984-1991 Membre, Conseil d’Administration Pratique Universitaire

1984–1992 Membre, Comité d’Evaluation des Etudiants et des Réclamations

1984–1986 Membre, Comité des Affaires Universitaires Pré-doctorat

1984–1991 Membre, Comité des Nominations et des Promotions

1985–1992 Membre, Comité d’Assurance-Qualité

1985–1991 Membre, Comité des Affaires de la Dentisterie Clinique 1991–1992 Membre, Comité des Affaires Universitaires Pré-doctorat

1994 -2018 Membre, Comité Exécutif du Personnel Dentaire

1995-2004 Président, Comité des Conflits d’intérêt, Centre de Santé, Université du Connecticut


D’ORTHODONTIE 2005-2018 Chef du Département de la Chirurgie Orale et Maxillofaciale, Orthodontie et Pédiatrie

Orthodontie et Dentisterie Générale

1992-2005 Chef du Département d’Orthodontie,

1993-2018 Directeur de Programme, Programme Orthodontique de 3e Cycle

1991-1992 Chef de la Division d’Orthodontie

1990-1993 Directeur, Programme Orthodontique de 1e Cycle

1980-1998 Coordinateur et Organisateur du Symposium Biannuel International en Orthodontie de


1972-1997 Directeur de la Clinique Orthodontique de 3e Cycle

BOURSE DE RECHERCHE Fondation de Recherche du Connecticut, "The Study of Normal Vascular Pattern of Periodontium of

Monkeys," Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 1973-1974, $10,200.

Fondation de Recherche du Connecticut, "Normal Palatal Closure and Cellular Kinetics," 1975, $5,075.

Institut National de la Santé (NIDR), "Anterior Displacement of Maxilla by Controlled Forces,"

Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 1975-1979, $104,723.

Fondation de Recherche du Connecticut, "Effects of Altered Salivary Flow Rate on Taste Acuity and


Function", Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 1976, $9,350.

Fondation de Recherche du Connecticut, "Tissue Response to Orthodontic Force in Beta-Amino-

Propionitrile, Treated Rats,” Chercheur principal: Dr. R. Nanda, 1977, $5,046.

Fondation de Recherche du Connecticut, "Post-Surgical Dentocraniofacial Adaptation Following Total

Maxillary Osteotomy in Macaca Irus Monkeys," Chercheur principal: Dr. R. Nanda, 1978,


NIH/Bourse individuelle, (Mentor), "Orthodontic Extensive Stresses of the Periodontium,"

Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 1979-1981, $51,776.

Fondation de Recherche du Connecticut, "Effect of Extraoral Forces on Craniofacial Growth,"

Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 1980-1981, $3,990.

Institut National de la Santé (NIDR), 'Symposium on Orthodontics and Bioengineering," Chercheur

principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 1980-1981, $30,000.

Institut National de la Santé (NIDR), "Anterior Displacement of Maxilla by Controlled Forces,"

Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 1980-1983, $140,000.

Institut National de la Santé (NIDR), "Craniofacial Adaptations After Maxillary Osteotomy,"

Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 1980-1984, $230,020.

Institut National de la Santé (NIDR), "Craniofacial Adaptation After Maxillary Osteotomy,"

Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 1984-1988, $399,708.

Société d’Orthodontie du Nord-Est, "The Stability of Incisor Intrusion," Chercheur principal :

Dr. R. Nanda, 1991, $500.

Société d’Orthodontie du Nord-Est, "Stability and Prediction of Soft Tissue Changes Following

LeFort I Surgery: A Five-Year Folllow-Up," Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 1991, $500.

Fondation Alpha Omega, "Stability of Incisor Intrusion," Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda,

1991-1992, $2,000.

Association Américaine des Orthodontistes, "The Relation of Severity of Facial Disharmony, Self

Concept and Psychological Distress," Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 1/92 - 6/95, $15,000.

Société d’Orthodontie du Nord-Est, "Effects of Orthognathic Surgery on Masticatory Muscle

Function," Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 7/92 - 6/93, $500.

Fondation Alpha Omega, "Efficacy of Extraction Space Closure by Precalibrated Spring

Appliances," Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 1/93- 12/94, $1,500.

Société d’Orthodontie du Nord-Est, "Severity of Facial Deformity and Parents Adaptation to Primary Cleft Lip Repair," Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 7/93 - 6/95, $500.

Association Américaine des Orthodontistes,, "Evaluation of Apical Root Resorption Caused by

Orthodontic Intrusion of Maxillary Incisors," Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 1/93-6/95, $14,000.

Fondation de l’Association Américaine des Orthodontistes, "Control of Vertical Dimension During

Orthodontic Treatment," Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 6/96-7/99, $4,000.

Fondation de l’Association Américaine des Orthodontistes, "Rate of Root Resorption in Maxillary

Central Incisors," Chercheur principal : Dr. R. Nanda, 7/97-7/99, $14,548.


Manuels : 1. Nanda, R. and Burstone, C.J. (eds) Retention and Stability in Orthodontics. WB Saunders

Co, Philadelphia, PA, 1993

2. Nanda, R. Biomechanics in Clinical Orthodontics. WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA,


3. Nanda, R. Biomechanic and Esthetic Strategies in Clinical Orthodontics. WB Saunders Co,

Philadelphia, PA 2005.

4. Nanda, R. Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics. Philadelphia: WB Saunders,


5. Nanda, R. and Kapila, S. Current Therapy in Orthodontics, Mosby, St. Louis, avril, 2009.

6. Nanda, R. Esthetics and Biomechanics in Orthodontics, Mosby, St. Louis, mars, 2014, Sous presse.

Monographies et Contributions sur Invitation : 1. Nanda, R. The normal palate and induced cleft palate in rat embryos: An in vivo in vitro

and autoradiographic study on embryological development. Gebr Janssen, Nymegen, Pays-Bas,

Monographie pp 1-120, 1969.

2. Nanda, R. (ed) Symposium in Orthodontics, Dental Clinics of North America WB

Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, 1981. (Traduction en Japonais, Espagnol, Italien, Allemand et Grec)

3. Nanda, R. (ed) Management of Complex Orthodontic Problems. Seminars in Orthodontics

WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, 1996.

4. Nanda, R. (ed) Adult Orthodontics. Dental Clinics of North America Volume 1. WB

Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, 40:11, 811-1016,1996.

5. Nanda, R. (ed) Adult Orthodontics. Dental Clinics of North America, Volume 11. WB

Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, 41:1-154, 1997.

6. Nanda, R. (Editeur invité) Infromation aus Orthodontie and Kieferorthopadie 30:30, 1998.

Chapitres : 1. Nanda, R. et Torres-Diaz, M. Orthodontic Space Closure. In: Symposium on

Orthodontics. Dental Clinics of North America. Nanda, R (ed), WB Saunders Co,

Philadelphia, PA, pp 95 - 108,1981.

2. Nanda, R. Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Excessive Overbite. In: Symposium on

Orthodontics Dental Clinics of North America. Nanda, R (ed), WB Saunders Co,

Philadelphia, PA, pp 69-84, 1981.

3. Hickory, W. and Nanda, R. Nutritional Considerations in Orthodontics. In: Symposium on

Orthodontics. Dental Clinics of North America. Nanda, R (ed), WB Saunders Co,

Philadelphia, PA, pp 195 - 202, 1981.

4. Nanda, R. and Topazian, R.G . Craniofacial Growth Following LeFort I Osteotomy in

Adolescent Monkeys. In: The Effect of Surgical Intervention on Craniofacial Growth.

McNamara, JA (ed), University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI, pp 99-129, 1982.

5. Nanda, R. and Sachdeva, R. Bases Biomecanicas do Arco de Canto Algumas

Consideracoes Chnicas. In: Ortodoncia Contemporanea. Petrelli (ed), Sarvier, Sao Paulo,

Brasil, pp 267-284,1988.

6. Nanda, R. et Zemik, J. Biological and Clinical Foundation for Orthognathic

Surgery in Growing Patients. In: Modern Practice in Orthognathic and

Reconstructive Surgery. Bell, WH (ed), W.B. Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, pp

22-47, 1992. 7. Nanda, R., Burzin, J., et Kim, J.M. Factors Influencing the Stability of Orthodontically

Treated Dentitions. In: Retention and Long-term Stability Hosl, E and Baldauf, J (eds),

Huthig Verlag GmbH, Munich, Allemagne. 1993 8. Nanda, R. et Zemik, J Retention and Stability - An Overview. In: Retention and Stability

in Orthodontics. Nanda, R and Burstone, CJ (eds), WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, pp 1-

8, 1993.

9. Burzin, J. et Nanda, R. The Stability of Deep Overbite Correction. In: Retention and

Stability Orthodontics. Nanda, R and Burstone, CJ (eds), WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia,

PA, pp 61-80, 1993.

10. Nanda, R., Burzin, J. et Kim, J.M. Factors influencing the stability of orthodontically

treated dentitions. In: Retention and Long-Term Stability Hosl, E and Baldauf, A (eds),

Huthig Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 1993.

11. Nanda, R. Biomechanical Aspects of Extraction Versus Non-Extraction Therapy. In:

Extraction Versus Non-Extraction. Bolender, CJ, Bounoure, GM and BaTat, Y (eds), SID

Publishers, Paris, 1995.

12. Nanda, R. and Kuhlberg, J.J. Biomechanical Aspects of Fixed Appliance Treatment. In:

Orthodontic Studyweek 1995. Prahl, B (ed), pp 175-185,1996.

13. Nanda, R. (ed) Biomechanics Principles in Orthodontics. In: Biomechanics in Clinical

Orthodontics. WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, 1996.

14. Nanda, R. (ed) Treatment Strategies for Midline Discrepancies. In: Seminars in

Orthodontics. 2:84-89, 1996.

15. Nanda, R. (ed) Management of Complex Orthodontic Problems. In: Seminars in

Orthodontics, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, pp 63-153, 1996.

16. Kuhlberg, A. et Nanda, R. Principles in Biomechanics. In: Biomechanics and Esthetic

Strategies in Clinical Orthodontics. Nanda, R (ed) WB Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, pp 1-16,


17. Uribe, F. et Nanda, R. Individualized Orthodontic Diagnosis. In: Biomechanics and Esthetic Strategies in Clinical Orthodontics. Nanda, R (ed) WB Saunders, Philadelphia, PA

pp 38-73, 2005.

18. Nanda, R. Biomechanics and Esthetic Strategies in Clinical Orthodontics. WB Saunders,

Philadelphia, PA, 2005.

19. Nanda, R. et Kuhlberg, A. Management of Deep Overbite Malocclusion. In:

Biomechanics and Esthetic Strategies in Clinical Orthodontics. Nanda, R (ed) WB

Saunders, Philadelphia, PA pp 131-155, 2005.

20. Uribe, F. et Nanda, R. Management of Openbite Malocclusion. In: Biomechanics and

Esthetic Strategies in Clinical Orthodontics. Nanda, R (ed) WB Saunders, Philadelphia, PA

pp 156-176, 2005.

21. Nanda, R.S., Dandajena, T.C. et Nanda, R. Biomechanical Strategies for Non-Extraction

Class II Malocclusions. In: Biomechanics and Esthetic Strategies in Clinical Orthodontics.

Nanda, R (ed) WB Saunders, Philadelphia, PA pp 177-193, 2005.

22. Nanda, R. Uribe, F. et Kuhlberg, A. Biomechanical Basis of Extraction Space Closure.

In: Biomechanics and Esthetic Strategies in Clinical Orthodontics. Nanda, R. (ed) WB

Saunders, Philadelphia, PA pp 194-210, 2005.

23. Nanda, R. Biomechanical Aspects of a Modified Protraction Headgear. In: Biomechanics

and Esthetic Strategies in Clinical Orthodontics. Nanda, R (ed) WB Saunders, Philadelphia,

PA pp 264-277, 2005.

24. Erverdi, N., Keles, A. et Nanda, R. Orthodontic Anchorage and Skeletal Implants. In:

Biomechanics and Esthetic Strategies in Clinical Orthodontics. Nanda, R (ed) WB

Saunders, Philadelphia, PA pp 278-294, 2005.

25. Uribe, F. et Nanda, R. Individualized Orthodontic Treatment Planning. In:

Biomechanics and Esthetic Strategies in Clinical Orthodontics. Nanda, R (ed) WB

Saunders, Philadelphia, PA pp 74-93, 2005.

26. Uribe, F et Nanda, R. Biomechanical Strategies for Optimal Finishing. In: Biomechanics

and Esthetic Strategies in Clinical Orthodontics. Nanda, R (ed) WB Saunders, Philadelphia,

PA pp 330-347, 2005. 27. Uribe, F. et Nanda, R. The Twin Force Bite Corrector. In: Orthodontics Treatment for

the Class II Non-compliant Patient. Papadoupoulos, M.A (ed), W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia

pp. 181-202, 2006. 28. Uribe, F. et Nanda, R. Skeletal Anchorage Based on Biomechanics. In Nanda, R., eds.

Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2008: 145-


29. Uribe, F. et Nanda, R. Treatment Planning Endosseous Dental Implants for Orthodontic

Anchorage and Prosthodontic Restorations. In Nanda, R., eds. Temporary Anchorage

Devices in Orthodontics. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2008: 295-313.

30. Wadhwa, S., Nanda, R. Biological Response of Orthodontic Temporary Anchorage

Devices, Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics, In Nanda, R., eds. Temporary

Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2008

31. Wadhwa, S., Nanda, R. Pilbeam, C. Mechanotransduction of Orthodontic Forces, In

Current Therapy in Orthodontics, Mosby: St.Louis, Missouri 2009: 341-352.

32. Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Efficient Mechanics and Appliances to Correct Vertical Excess and

Openbite Patients. Current Therapy in Orthodontics, Mosby: St.Louis, Missouri 2009: 171-


33. Upadhyay, M. Nanda, R. Etiology, Diagnosis and treatment of deep overbite. Current

Therapy in Orthodontics. Ed: Nanda, R. & Kapila, S. Mosby: St.Louis, Missouri 2009: 186-


34. Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Nivelacion del Plano Incisal con Sistemas de Fuerzas Estaticamente

Determinados: In Uribe G eds, Ortodoncia, Teoria y Clinica. Medellin,: CIB, 2009: 975-983.

35. Uribe, F., Villegas C, Nanda, R. Surgically Enhancing the Speed of Tooth Movement: Can

We Alter the Biology? In: McNamara JA Jr, Kapila SD, eds. Surgical Enhancement of

Orthodontic Treatment. Monograph 47, Craniofacial Growth Series, Department of

Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry and Center for Human Growth and Development, The

Université du Michigan, Ann Arbor; 323-344, 2010. 36. Uribe, F., Cutrera, A., Villegas, C., Nanda, R. Corticotomies and Other Adjuncts to

Enhance Orthodontic Tooth Movement. In: McNamara JA Jr, Kapila SD, eds. Efficient and

Effective Tooth Movement: Evidence-based Orthodontics. Monograph 48, Craniofacial

Growth Series, Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry and Center for Human

Growth and Development, Université du Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2011.

37. Nanda, R., Upadhyay, M., Uribe, F., Mechanics to Expedite Orthodontic Treatment. In:

McNamara JA Jr, Kapila SD, eds. Efficient and Effective Tooth Movement: Evidence-based

Orthodontics. Monograph 48, Craniofacial Growth Series, Department of Orthodontics and

Pediatric Dentistry and Center for Human Growth and Development, Université du

Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2011

38. Uribe, F., Villegas, C., Nanda, R. Surgically Enhancing the Speed of Tooth Movement.

Can We Alter the Biology? In McNamara J, eds. Surgical Enhancement of Orthodontic

Treatment, Craniofacial Growth Series. Sous presse. 39. Nanda, R., Uribe, F. et Chandhoke, T.K., Diagnosis and Esthetic Concepts: Individualized

Orthodontic Diagnosis, Esthetics and Biomechanics in Orthodontics, Mosby, 2014,

Février, Sous presse 40. Nanda, R., Uribe, F. et Chandhoke, T.K., Diagnosis and Esthetic Concepts:

Individualized Orthodontic Treatment Planning, Esthetics and Biomechanics in

Orthodontics, Mosby, 2014, Février, Sous presse

41. Nanda, R. et Upadhyay, M., Biomechanics: Biomechanics in Orthodontics, Esthetics and

Biomechanics in Orthodontics, Mosby, 2014, Février, Sous presse 42. Nanda, R. et Upadhyay, M., Biomechanics: Biomechanics Basis of Extraction Space

Closure, Esthetics and Biomechanics in Orthodontics, Mosby, 2014, Février, Sous presse 43. Nanda, R. et Yadav, S., Biomechanics: Biomechanics Based Management of Impacted

Canines, Esthetics and Biomechanics in Orthodontics, Mosby, 2014, Février. Sous presse

44. Nanda, R. et Upadhyay M., Management of Vertical Dimension Problems: Management

of Deep Overbite Malocclusion, Esthetics and Biomechanics in Orthodontics, Mosby, 2014,

Février. Sous presse 45. Nanda, R., Uribe, F. et Janakiraman, N., Management of Vertical Dimension Problems:

Management of Open Bite Malocclusion, Esthetics and Biomechanics in Orthodontics,

Mosby, 2014, Février. Sous presse 46. Nanda, R. et Chhibber, A., Management of Class III Malocclusion: Class II Correction

with an Intermiaxillary Fixed Non-Compliance Device: Twin Force Bite Corrector,

Esthetics and Biomechanics in Orthodontics, Mosby, 2014, Février. Sous presse

47. Nanda, R., Management of Class III Malocclusion: Biomechanics of a Modified

Protraction Headgear (new figures), Esthetics and Biomechanics in Orthodontics, Mosby,

2014, Février. Sous presse

48. Nanda, R., Uribe, F. et Villegas, C., Orthognathic Surgery: Esthetics and New

Approaches to Orthognathic Surgery, Esthetics and Biomechanics in Orthodontics, Mosby,

2014, Février. Sous presse 49. Nanda, R., Sugwara, J., Aymak, S., Nagasak, H. et Kawamura, H., Orthoganathic

Surgery: Surgery First: The Protocol of Innovative Surgical Orthodontics, Esthetics and

Biomechanics in Orthodontics, Mosby, 2014, Février. Sous presse 50. Nanda, R., Uribe, F. et Mukherjee, P., Finishing: Biomechanics Strategies for Optimal

Finishing, Esthetics and Biomechanics in Orthodontics, Mosby, 2014, Février. Sous presse

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4. Nanda, R. The role of sulfated mucopolysaccharides in cleft palate production. Teratology

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8. Nanda, R. Cannon, B. et Hilgers , D.C. The study of periodontium after orthodontic

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10. Nanda, R. Effect of vitamin A on the potentiality of rat palatal processes to fuse in vivo and

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13. Nanda, R. et Romeo, D. Differential cell proliferation of embryonic rat palatal processes

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14. Sonnenberg, E.M., Catalanotto, F.A. et Nanda, R. Apert's Syndrome: Report of a Case. J

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15. Nanda, R. et Romeo, D., Effect of intra-amniotic administrative of vitamin A on rat

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16. Catalanotto, F.A. et Nanda, R. The effects of administration of a zinc deficient diet on

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17. Nanda, R. May, D. et Lite, S. The role of amniotic fluid on the in vitro palatal fusion of

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18. Romeo, D. et Nanda, R. Generation cycle of mesenchymal cells of palatal shelves of

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19. Nanda, R. et Romeo, D. One effect of dexamethasone and hypervitaminosis A on the cell

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21. Nanda, R. Protraction of maxilla in rhesus monkeys by controlled forces. Amer J Orthod 74(2):121-141, 1978

22. Catalanotto, F.A., Nanda, R. et Macko, D The effects of progesterone upon dentofacial

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23. Heller, I.A. et Nanda, R. Effect of metabolic alteration of periodontal fibers on

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24. Hickory, W., Nanda, R. et Catalanotto, F.A. Fetal skeletal associated with zinc deficiency

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25. Nanda, R. Biomechanical and clinical considerations of a modified protraction headgear.

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26. Nanda, R. et Goldin, B. Biomechanical approaches to the study of alterations of facial

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27. Nanda, R. et Catalanotto, F.A. Long-term effects of surgical desalivation upon taste

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28. Nanda, R. Legan, H. et Langeland, K. Pulpal and radicular response to maxillary

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29. Rains, M.D. et Nanda, R. Soft tissue changes associated with maxillary incisor retraction.

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30. Nanda, R. Sugawara, J. et Topazian, R.G. Effect of maxillary osteotomy on subsequent

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31. Nanda, R. et Sugawara, J. Mandibular adaptations following total maxillary osteotomy in

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32. Nanda, R. Retencion: Una parte integral del tratamiento ortodoncio. Rev Chil de

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33. Nanda, R. et Hickory, W. Zygomaticomaxillary suture adaptations incident to anteriorly directed forces in rhesus monkeys. Angle Orthod 54:199-210, 1984

34. Wendell, P.D. et Nanda, R. The effects of chin cup therapy on the mandible: A

longitudinal study. Amer J Orthod 87:265-274,1985. Egalement publié en allemande: Orthod

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35. Ritucci, R. et Nanda, R. The effect of chin cup therapy on the growth and development of

the cranial base and midface. Am J Orthod 90:475-484, 1986

36. Schantz, J.R., Bertolami, C.N. et Nanda, R. Photodensitometric evaluation of osseous

repair following LeFort I osteotomy. J Oral Surg J Oral Maxillofac Surg 44:977-986, 1986

37. Hickory, W.B. et Nanda, R. Effect of tensile force magnitude on release of cranial suture

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38. Nanda, R., Bouayad, O. et Topazian, R.G. Facial growth subsequent to LeFort I

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39. Nanda, R., Baume, R. et Sugawara, J. A longitudinal study of craniofacial growth in

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40. Nanda, R., Asano, T., Kemy, J et Topazian, RC Temporomandibular joint adaptations

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41. Tanne, K., Nanda, R. et Sakima, M. A longitudinal study on craniofacial growth

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42. Kalra, V., Burstone, C.J. et Nanda, R. Effects of fixed magnetic appliance on the

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43. Caradonna, D., Nanda, R. et Curro, G. Il Morso Profondo Diagnosi, Biomecanica e Piano

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44. Nanda, R., Toor, V.M. et Topazian, R. Increase in vertical dimension by interpositional

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45. Kalra V., Burstone C.J., Nanda R. More on fixed magnetic appliances. Am J Orthod

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47. Firouz, M., Zemik, J. et Nanda, R. Dental and orthopedic effects of high-pull headgear in treatment of class II, division I malocclusion. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 102:197-205,


48. Hack, G.A., Mol van Otterloo, J.J. de et Nanda, R. Long-term stability and prediction of

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49. Kuhlberg, A.J. et Nanda, R . Application of biomechanical concepts in clinical

orthodontics. Orthod Und Kieferortho Heft NY 1, 1993

50. Romani, K., Agahi, F., Nanda, R. et Zeniik, J. Evaluation of horizontal and vertical

differences in facial profiles by orthodontists and lay people. Angle Orthod 63(3):175-182,


51. Kuhlberg, A.J. et Nanda, R . Aplicacion de los concepts de biomecanica en la ortodoncia

clinical. Rev Esp Ortod 23:287-295, 1993

52. Kuhlberg, A.J. et Nanda, R. Applicazione di coneetti di biomeccanica di ortodonzia

clinica. Ortopathodonzia Italiana, 1994

53. Majourau, A. et Nanda, R. Biomechanical basis of vertical dimension control during RPE

therapy. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 106:322-328, 1994

54. Kuhlberg, A.J. et Nanda, R. Applications des concepts biomécaniques à la clinique

orthodontique. Rev Orthop Dento Faciale 28:325-334, 1994

55. Nanda, R. et Kim, J.M. The stability of lower incisor position. Revista Espanola de

Ortodoncia Inform Aus Orthodon Kiefer 27:123-147, 1995

56. Prahl-Andersen, B., Ligithehn-Bakker, ASWMR, Wattel, E. et Nanda, R. Adolescent

growth changes in soft tissue profile. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 107:476-483, 1995

57. van Steenbergen, E. et Nanda, R. Biomechanics of orthodontic correction of dental

asymmetries. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 107:618-624, 1995 58. Costopoulos, G. et Nanda, R. An evaluation of root resorption incident to orthodontic

intrusion. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 109:543-548, 1996

59. Van Steenbergen, E., Litt, MD et Nanda, R. The relation of severity of facial

disharmony, self-concept, psychological distress and gender to patient satisfaction with

facial appearance. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 109:653-659, 1996

60. Margolis, M.J. et Nanda, R. Treatment strategies for midline discrepancies. Seminars in

Orthod 2(2):84-89, 1996

61. Nanda R. Correction of deep overbite in adults. Dent Clin. North Am 1997; 41(1):67-87

62. Chang, H.F., Chen, K.C.et Nanda, R. Two stage treatment of a severe skeletal class III,

deepbite malocclusion. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 111(6):481-486, 1997

63. Pae, E.K., Kuhlberg, A.J. et Nanda, R. Role of pharyngeal length in patients with a lack

of overbite. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. II2(2):179-186, 1997

64. Firouz, T,, Kuhlberg, AJ et Nanda, R Efficacy of extraction space closure by

precalibrated T-springs. Inf Ortho Kiefer 30:663-674, 1998

65. Firouz, T,, Kuhlberg, A.J. et Nanda, R. Biomechanics of T-loop extraction space closure.

Inf Orthod Kiefer 30:663-674, 1998

66. Fotovatjah, M., Baresi, D. et Nanda, R. The stability of rapid maxillary expansion. Inf

Ortho Kiefer 30: 675-682, 1998

67. Nanda, R., Marzban, R. et Kuhlberg, A.J. The Connecticut intrusion arch. J. Clin.

Orthod. 22:708-715, 1998

68. Marzban, R. et Nanda, R. Slow maxillary expansion with nickel titanium. J. Clin.

Orthod. 23(8):431-441, 1999

69. Pae, E.K., McKenna, G., Garcia R., Sheehan J,. Kuhlberg A., et Nanda, R. Role of lateral

cephalograms in assessing severity and difficulty of orthodontic cases. Am J Orthod

Dentofacial Orthop 120:254-262, 2001

70. Keles, A,, Tokmak, E.C., Erverdi, N. et Nanda, R. Effect of varying force direction on

maxillary orthopedic protraction. Angle Orthod 72:387-396, 2002

71. Pae, E.K., Blasius, J. et Nanda, R. Sex differences in genioglossus muscle response to changes in pharyngeal resistance. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 122:500-505, 2002

72. Erverdi, N., Keles, A. et Nanda, R. The use of skeletal anchorage in openbite treatment:

A cephalometric evaluation. Angle Orthod 7:275-283, 2003 73. Uribe, F. et Nanda, R. Treatment of class II, division 2 malocclusion adults:

Biomechanical considerations. J Clin Orthod 37:599-606, 2003

74. Uribe, F. et Nanda, R. Tratamiento de la Clase II divisiόn 2 en adultos. Consideraciones

Biomecánicas. Revista Española de Ortodoncia 33:193-201, 2003

75. Rothenberg, J., Campbell, E.S. et Nanda, R. Class II correction with the twin force bite

corrector. J. Clin. Orthod. 38:232-240, 2004

76. Pae, E.K., Blasius, J.J. et Nanda, R. Heterogeneity in vertical positioning of the hyoid

bone in relation to genioglossal activity in men. Angle Orthod 74(3):343-348, 2004

77. Erverdi, N., Keles, A. et Nanda, R. The use of skeletal anchorage in open bite treatment:

A cephalometric evaluation. Angle Orthod 74(3):381-390, 2004

78. Uribe, F. et Nanda, R. Evaluacion y Mecanica de Tratamiento de la Linea Media. Revista

Espanola de Ortodoncia 35:131-139, 2005

79. Uribe, F. et Nanda, R. Applicaciones Biomecanicas al Ancalje Oseo. Monografias

Clinicas en Orthodoncia. Revista Iberoamericana de Ortodoncia 23:9-17, 2005

80. Nanda, R., Dr. Ravindra Nanda and His Treatment Philosophy, Part 1. JIOS 38:68-78,


81. Nanda, R., Dr. Ravindra Nanda and his Treatment Philosophy, Part II, JIOS 38:120-128,


82. Deluke, M., Uribe, F., Nanda R. Correction of Canted Lower Anterior Incisal Plane. J. Clin.

Orthod. 40: 555-560, 2006

83. Sugawara, J., Kanzaki, R., Takahashi, I., Nagasaka, H et Nanda, R. Dental movement of

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Dentofacial Orthop 129:723-733, 2006

84. Almeida, M.R., Viera, G.M., Guimaraes, C.H., Neto, M.H. et Nanda, R. Emprego racional de Biomecanica em Orthodontia “arcos inteligentes”. Rev. Dent Ortodontia e

Orthop fac. 11:122-156, 2006

85. Havens, B., Wadhwa, S., Nanda, R. Orthodontics in the year 2047: genetically driven

treatment plans, J. Clin. Orthod. 2007 Sep 41 (9); 549-56

86. Palacios P., Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Twin Force Bite Correction for Treatment of Class II

Malocclusion. Ortho 1: 47-49, 2007

87. Palacios P,. Uribe F., Nanda, R. Midline Correction and Management of an Asymmetric

Class II Malocclusion Through Predictable Force Systems. J. Clin. Orthod. 41: 211-216,


88. Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Biamaxillary Dentoalveolar Protrusion Treatment Using Fiber

Reinforced Composite for Anterior en-masse retraction. Journal of Clin. Orthod. 41: 27-32,


89. Uribe F., Nanda, R. Die Biomecvhanik in der kieferothopadischen Behandlung komplexer

multidisziplinarer Probleme. Kieferothopadie alae Nachrichten. Nr. 7/8. Juillet/Août, 2007

90. Maulik C, Nanda R. Dynamic smile analysis in young adults. Am J Orthod Dentofacial

Orthop 2007;132(3): 307-15

91. Uribe, F., Havens, B. Nanda, R. Reduction of Gingival Display Through Lefort-like

Maxillary Dental Intrusion using Endosseous Dental Implants. J. Clin. Orthod. 42: 157-163,


92. Uribe, F., Meiers, J., Nanda, R. Fixed Retention of Congenitally Missing Maxillary Lateral

Incisors Using a Chairside, Pre-fabricated Fiber Reinforced Composite Bridge. World

Journal of Orthodontics. 9 (4): 349-354, 2008

93. Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Considerations in Mandibular Extraction Cases. J. Clin. Orthod. 43: 1-

7, 2009

94. Almeida, M.R., Almeda-Pedrin, R. R., Guimaraes, C.H., Nanda, R. Aplicacao da

Biomecanica na correcao das assimetrias dentarias, Clinical Orthodontics 7: 92-98, 2009

95. Upadhyay, M., Yadav, S., Nagaraj, K., Nanda, R. Dentoskeletal and soft tissue effects of

mini-implants in Class II Div 1 patients. Angle Orthod; 79(2):240-247, 2009 96. Nagasaka, H., Sugawara, J., Kawamura, Nanda, R. “Surgery First” Surgical Orthodontics

for Skeletal Class III Correction in Combination with Skeletal Anchorage System (SAS): A

Case Report. J Clin Orthod; 43(2):97-105, 2009 97. Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Intramaxillary and Intermaxillary Absolute Anchorage with a Single

Endosseous dental implant and Rare Earth Magnets. Am J of Orthod; 136:124-33, 2009

98. Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Nivelacion del Plano Incisal con Sistemas de Fuerzas Estaticamente

Determinados: In Uribe G eds, Ortodoncia, Teoria y Clinica. Medellin: CIB: 975-983, 2009.

99. Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Efficient Mechanics and Appliances to Correct Vertical Excess and

Openbite Patients. In Nanda R., eds. Contemporary Philosophy and Practice of

Orthodontics. WB Saunders, 171-185, 2009

100. Badii, K., Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Maximizing Facial Esthetics in a Class II Brachifacial

Deepbite Patient. J. Clin. Orthod. 43 (9):591-597, Sept. 2009

101. Uribe, F., Meiers, J., Nanda, R. Langzeitprovisorischer Ersatz eines nicht angelegten

oberen seitlichen Schneidezahnes durch eine direkt am Behandlungsstuhl hergestellte

faserverstärkte Kompositbrücke. Kieferorthopädie Die Zeitschrift Für Die Praxis, 23(2):

119-125, 2009

102. Desai, S., Upadhyay, M., Nanda, R. Dynamic smile analysis: Changes with age. Am J of

Orthod Dentofacial Orthop; 136:310.el-310.e10, 2009

103. Uribe F, Posada L, Nanda, R. Correction of Anterior Open Bite using Maxillary Third

Molar Anchorage. J. Clin. Orthod. 43 (12): 773-778, 2009

104. Chhibber, A., Upadhyay, M., Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Long-Term Stability of Class II

Correction with the Twin Force Bite Corrector. J. Clin. Orthod. 44(6): 1-14, 2010

105. Villegas, C., Uribe, F. Sugawara, J., Nanda, R. Expedited Correction of Significant

Dentofacial Asymmetry Using “Surgery First” J. Clin. Ortho. 44 (2): 97-103, 2010

106. Uribe, F., Shafer D., Taylor, T., Nanda, R. A Novel Approach for Implant Site

Development Through Tipping. Am J Orthod. 138(5):649-55, 2010

107. Rodrigues de Almeida, M.R., Rodrigues de Almeida-Pedrin R., Rodrigues de Almeida R., Ferreira F.P., Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Tratamento da ma oclusao de Classe II com extracao de

pre-molares usando recursos da tecnica do arco segmentado. Rev Clin Ortod Dental Press,

9(4): 90-100. 2010

108. Sanders, D., Rigali, P., Neace, W.,Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Skeletal and Dental Asymmetries

in Class II Subdivision Malocclusions Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography. Am J

Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 138(5): 542.e 120 ; discussion 542-3, 2010

109. Upadhyaym M., Yadav, S., Nanda R. Vertical Dimension control during En masse

retraction with Mini Implant anchorage. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. Juillet;138(1):96-

108, 2010

110. Uribe, F., Kalajzic, Z., Bibko, J., Nanda, R., Olson C, Rowe D, Wadhwa S. Early effects

of orthodontic forces on osteoblast differentiation in a novel mouse organ culture model.

Angle Orthodontist. Angle Orthod. Mars;81(2):284-91, 2011

111. Uribe, F., Holliday, B., Nanda, R. Incidence of open gingival embrasures after mandibular

incisor extractions, a clinical photographic evaluation. Am J Orthod. 139(1):49-54, 2011

112. Upadhyay, M., Nanda, R. Open Bite correction. From behavior modification to retention.

Orthodontic products; Juillet 2011

113. Uribe, F., Cutrera, A., Nanda, R. A segmented appliance for space closure followed by

Invisalign and fixed appliances. The Art and Practice of Dentofacial Enhancement, 2011

114. Davoody, A.R., Feldman, J., Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Non-extraction Treatment and

Mandibular Molar Protraction with the Use Of Twin Force Bite Corrector in a Class II

Patient. J. Clin. Ortho, 2011

115. Uribe, F., Chau, V., Padala, S., Neace, W.P., Cutrera, A., Nanda, R. Alveolar ridge width

and height changes after orthodontic space opening in patients congenitally missing

maxillary lateral incisors. Eur J Orthod, 2011

116. Pesce, R.E., Uribe, F., Janakiraman, N., Neace, W.P., Peterson, D.R,. Nanda, R. Evaluation

of rotational control and forces generated during first-order archwire deflections: a

comparison of self-ligating and conventional brackets. Eur J Orthod, 2011

117. Uribe, F., Davoody, A.R., Nanda, R. Orthodontic treatment of a transposed gigantic canine - A case report. J Orthod. 38(4): 282-9, 2011

118. Davoody, A.R, Chen, I.P., Nanda, R. Uribe, F. Reichenberger, E. Oculofaciocardiodental

(OFCD) Syndrome: a Rare Case and Review of the Literature. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. Juillet, 2011

119. Sugawara, J. Aymach, Z, Nagasaka, H, Kawamura, H., Nanda, R. Non-surgical correction

of skeletal open bite: A goal-oriented approach evaluated by CBCT. J Clin Orthod. 45(3):

145-55, 2011

120. Sugawara, J., Aymach, Z., Hin., H, Nanda, R. One-phase vs 2-phase treatment for

developing Class III malocclusion: a comparison of identical twins. Am J Orthod

Dentofacial Orthop 2012 Jan;141(1):e11-22

121. Upadhyay, M., Yadav, S., Nagaraj, K., Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Mini-implants vs fixed

functional appliances for treatment of young adult Class II female patients: a prospective

clinical trial. Angle Orthod 82(2): 294-303, 2012

122. Yadav, S., Upadhyay, M., Liu, S., Roberts, W.E., Neace WP, Nanda, R. Microdamage of

the cortical bone during mini-implant insertion with self-drilling and self-tapping

techniques: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 141(5): 538-46,


123. Yadav, S., Chen, J., Upadhyay, M., Roberts, W.E., Nanda, R. Three-dimensional

quantification of the force system involved in a palatally impacted canine using a cantilever

spring design. Orthodontics (Chic.) 13(1): 22-33, 2012

124. Villegas, C., Janakiraman, N., Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Rotation of the maxillomandibular

complex to enhance esthetics using a "surgery first" approach. J. Clin. Orthod. 46(2): 85-

91; quiz 123, 2012

125. Olson, C., Uribe, F., Kalajzic, Z., Utreja, A., Nanda, R., Rowe, D., Wadhwa, S.

Orthodontic tooth movement causes decreased promoter expression of collagen type 1,

bone sialoprotein and alpha-smooth muscle actin in the periodontal ligament. Orthod

Craniofac Res 15(1): 52-61, 2012 126. Upadhyay, M., Yadav, S., Nagaraj, K., U., Flavio, Nanda, R. Mini-Implants vs fixed

functional appliances for treatment if young adult Class II female patients: A prospective

clinical trial. Angle Orthodontics. 2012 Mars; 82(2):294-303. [Epub 2011 Aug 26]

127. Davoody, A., Posada, L., Utreja, A., Janakiraman, N., Neace, W., Uribe, F., Nanda, R. A

prospective comparative study between differential moments and miniscrews in anchorage

control. Eur J Orthod. 2012 Août 16

128. Yaghoubjadeh A, Upadhyay, M., Nanda R. A Dynamic Analysis of the Display of the

Dentition during Speech. Eur J of Orthod, Advanced access. Novembre 2012.

129. Nanda R., Upadhyay, M. Skeletal and dental considerations in orthodontic treatment

mechanics: contemporary view. Eur J of Orthod, Advanced access. Septembre 2012.

130. Yadav, S., Upadhyay, M., Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Mechanics for treatment of

impacted and ectopically erupted maxillary canines. J Clin Orthod 2013

Mai;47(5):305 131. Chhibber, A., Upadhyay, M., Uribe, F, Nanda, R. Mechanism of Class II correction in

prepubertal and postpubertal patients with Twin Force Bite Corrector. Angle Orthod. 2013

Juillet; 83(4): 718-27

132. Villegas, C., Janakiraman, N., Nanda, R., Uribe, F. Management of unilateral condylar

hyperplasia with a high condylectomy, skeletal anchorage, and a CAD/CAM alloplast. J

Clin Orthod. 2013 Juin; 47(6): 365-74

133. Chhibber, A., Upadhyay, M., Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Long-term retention of deep-bite Class

II correction with semirigid fixed functional appliances. Journal of the World Federation of

Orthodontists. June 2013 Vol. 2, Issue 2, Pages e77-e98

134. Yadav, S., Upadhyay, M., Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Palatally Impacted Maxillary

Canine with Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors and Midline Diastema. Am J

Orthod 2013 Juillet; 144(1):141-6

135. Agarwal, S., Yadav, S., Upadhyay, M., Uribe, F., Nanda, R. Correction of bilateral

impacted mandibular canine using lip bumper for anchorage reinforcement. Am J

Orthod Mars 2013; 143(3): 393-403 136. Uribe, F., Janakiraman, N., Nanda, R. Interdisciplinary approach for increasing the

vertical dimension of occlusion in an adult patient with several missing teeth. Am J

Orthod. 2013 Juin; 143(6): 867-76

137. Uribe, F., Janakiraman, N., Cutrera, A., Schincaglia, G.P., Nanda, R. Dentoalveolar

segmental osteotomy for an ankylosed canine. J. Clin. Orthod. 2013 Mai; 47 (5): 289-96

138. Allareddy, V.M., Ackerman, M.B., Venugopalan, S.R., Yadav, S., Nanda, V.S., Nanda, R.

Longitudinal trends in discharge patterns of orthognathic surgeries: is there a

regionalization of procedures in teaching hospital. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral

Radiol. Mai, 2013; 115: 583-588

139. Uribe, F., Agarwal, S., Janakiraman ,N., Shafer, D., Nanda, R. Bi-dimensional

Dentoalveolar Distraction Osteogenesis for Treatment Efficiency- A Case Report. AM J

Orthod Orthop. 2013 Août; 144(2): 290-8

140. de Almeida M.R., Herrero F., Fattal A., Davoody, A.R., Nanda, R., Uribe, F. A

comparative anchorage control study between conventional and self-ligating bracket

systems using differential moments. Angle Orthod. 2013 Juin 7. [Epub avant impression]

141. Uribe, F., Janakiraman, N., Fattal, A.N., Schincaglia, G.P., Nanda, R. Corticotomyassisted

molar protraction with the aid of temporary anchorage device. Angle Orthod 2013

Jul 8. [Epub avant impression]

142. Uribe, F., Janakiraman, N., Chugh, V., Feldman, J., Nanda, R., The cutting-edge treatment

of severe facial asymmetry using virtual three-dimensional planning and a “surgery first”

protocol, J. Clin. Orthod. 2013. Vol. 47: 471-484

143. Uribe, F., Janakiraman, N., Shafer, D., Nanda, R. 3D Cone-beam CT based virtual

treatment planning in asymmetric patients using surgery first approach. J. Clin. Orthod.

2013 Septembre

144. Uribe, F., Janakiraman, N., Padala, S., Fattal, A., Nanda, R. Biomechanics based

management of a malposed maxillary molar. J. Clin. Orthod. Sous Presse

145. Uribe F, Padala S, Allareddy V, Nanda R. Patients', parents', and orthodontists' perceptions of

the need for and costs of additional procedures to reduce treatment time. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2014 Avr;145 (4 Suppl): S65-73. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2013.12.015.

146. Moin S, Kalajzic Z, Utreja A, Nihara J, Wadhwa S, Uribe F, Nanda R. Osteocyte death

during orthodontic tooth movement in mice. Angle Orthod. 2014 Avr 2.

147. Agarwal S, Gupta S, Chugh VK, Jain E, Valiathan A, Nanda R. Interdisciplinary treatment of

a periodontally compromised adult patient with multiple missing posterior teeth. Am J Orthod

Dentofacial Orthop. 2014 Fev;145(2):238-48. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2013.03.027.

148. McManus A, Utreja A, Chen J, Kalajzic Z, Yang W, Nanda R, Wadhwa S, Uribe F.

Evaluation of BSP expression and apoptosis in the periodontal ligament during orthodontic

relapse: a preliminary study. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2014 Nov;17(4):239-48.

149. Upadhyay M, Yadav S, Nanda R. Biomechanics of incisor retraction with mini-implant

anchorage, Journal of Orthodontics, Sept 2014.

150. Chandhoke, T.K., S. Agarwal, J. Feldman, R.A. Shah, M. Upadhyay et R. Nanda. An

Efficient Biomechanical Approach for the Management of the Impacted Maxillary Central

Incisor. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2014 Août;


151. Chhibber A, Upadhyay M, Uribe F, Nanda R. Long-term surgical versus functional Class II

correction. Angle Orthod. 2014 Jul 30. [Epub avant impression]

152. Murphy CA, Chandhoke T, Kalajzic Z, Flynn R, Utreja A, Wadhwa S, Nanda R, Uribe F.

Effect of corticision and different force magnitudes on orthodontic tooth movement in a rat

model. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2014 Juillet;146(1):55-66.

153. Sanders, D.A., T.K. Chandhoke, F.A. Uribe, P.H. Rigali et R. Nanda. Quantification of

Skeletal Asymmetries in Normal Adolescents: Cone Beam Computed Tomography Analysis.

Progress in Orthodontics 2014, 15:26.

154. Chandhoke, T.K., L. Posada et R. Nanda. “How Would You Treat This Malocclusion: Case

O.Y.” PCSO Bulletin Summer 2014: 22-24, 39-45.

155. Uribe Flavio, Janakiraman Nandakumar, Nanda Ravindra. Management of Open Bite Malocclusion. In Nanda R, eds. Biomechanics and Esthetic Strategies in Clinical

Orthodontics. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2e édition, 2014.

156. Nanda R, Grauer D. Residents' journal review. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2014 May;145(5):566-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2014.02.003. Abstract non-disponible.

157. Uribe F, Agarwal S, Shafer N, Nanda R. Increasing Orthodontic and Orthognathic Surgery

treatment Efficiency using Modified Surgery First Approach. Am J Orthod Dentofacial

Orthop. Sous presse.

158. Nanda R. Reflections on mentorship. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2015 May; 147 (5

Suppl):S189-90. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2015.02.015. Abstract non-disponible.

159. Murphy C, Kalajzic Z, Chandhoke T, Utreja A, Nanda R, Uribe F. The effect of corticision

on root resorption with heavy and light forces. Angle Orthod. 2015 Avr 1. [Epub avant imression]

160. Chandhoke, TK, R Nanda, F Uribe. Clinical Applications of Predictable Force Systems, Part

2: Miniscrew Anchorage. Journal of Clinical Orthodontics. Avril, 2015.

161. Yadav S, Assefnia A, Gupta H, Vishwanath M, Kalajzic Z, Allareddy V, Nanda R. The effect

of low-frequency mechanical vibration on retention in an orthodontic relapse model. Eur J

Orthod. 2015 Mars 4. doi:pii: cjv006. [Epub avant impression]

162. Chandhoke, TK, R Nanda, F Uribe. Clinical Applications of Predictable Force Systems, Part

1: One-Couple and Two-Couple Systems. Journal of Clinical Orthodontics. Mars, 2015

163. Nihara J, Gielo-Perczak K, Cardinal L, Saito I, Nanda R, Uribe F. Finite element analysis of

mandibular molar protraction mechanics using miniscrews. Eur J Orthod. 2015 Feb;37(1):95-

100. doi: 10.1093/ejo/cju017. Epub 2014 Juillet 8.

164. Chhibber A, Upadhyay M, Uribe F, Nanda R. Long-term surgical versus functional Class II

correction: a comparison of identical twins. Angle Orthod. 2015 Jan; 85(1):142-56. doi:


165. Janakiraman N, Gill P, Upadhyay M, Nanda R, Uribe. Response of the maxillary dentition to

a statically determinate one-couple system with tip-back mechanics: A prospective clinical

trial. Angle Orthod, 2015 Epub. 166. Chandhoke T, Nanda R, Uribe F. Clinical applications of predictable force systems. Journal of

Clinical Orthodontics Part 1. One couple and two couple systems. 2015: 169-80

167. Chandhoke T, Nanda R, Uribe F. Clinical applications of predictable force systems. Journal of

Clinical Orthodontics Part 2. Miniscrew Anchorage. 2015: 229-39.

168. Murphy C, Kalajzic Z, Chandhoke T, Utreja A, Nanda R, Uribe F. The effect of corticision

on root resorption with heavy and light forces. Angle Orthod. 2015 Epub

169. Nandakumar Janakiraman, Uribe Flavio, Nanda Ravindra. Incorporating TADs and sound

mechanics for efficient orthodontic treatment. Craniofacial Growth Series, (Vol 51),

Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry and Center for Human Growth &

Development, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 2015.

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