raritan presents green data centers around the world

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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As cloud computing necessitates the use of more and more data centers on a global scale, technology firms have begun to embrace the use of renewable energy and other naturally available resources to increase efficiency and lower costs.



According to Orange, the facility equates to “the annual domestic electricity consumption of a town of about 30,000 people”. It also features a “green wall”, which helps cool the building by drawing off heat via the moisture produced by the vegetation.

= 3,000 people

Originally used as a military base for the United States Department of Defense between 1963 and 1965, Server Farm Realty’s Titan Data Center is capable of blocking

electrical, mechanical or acoustic emanations which might unintentionally disclose sensitive data.

Kista, Sweden’s Interxion data center uses seawater cooling which is alleged to run

the company a paltry 3 cents per kWh for conventional air conditioning.

Titan Data Center - Moses Lake, WA

- Kista, Sweden

In addition to using evaporative cooling, an impressive 85% of its energy

is generated via hydroelectric power.


The water is then stored in insulated tanks where it retains its temperature before being pumped through-out the facility during the day to cool the servers. This clever environmental hack allows the company to save

a significant amount on electricity bills.

With water flowing in between 40O and 54OF, the setup is said

to save the company a cool $1 million per year.






















- Lulea, Sweden

Green Data Centers Around The World Green Data Centers Around The World

Ideally located near the Arctic Circle, Facebook’s gigantic data center in Lulea,

Sweden relies on it’s surrounding atmosphere to deliver cold ambient air to its equipment.

Running entirely on hydroelectric power, the company claims a ratio of roughly 3:1 that of

conventional data centers when it comes to power needed vs power consumed for computing.

Apple - Maiden, North Carolina

Changhua, Taiwan

On any given day, the Maiden facility generates 60-100% of its renewable energy onsite via biogas fuel cells and two 20-megawatt solar arrays

-- the nation’s largest privately owned solar farm.

Remaining necessary power is purchased from entirely clean sources. The Maiden Data Center generates 167 million kWh of renewable energy onsite per year, enough to power 13,837 homes.

Google’s Taiwan data center is optimized for efficiency through the use of a nighttime cooling and thermal energy system. The system works by collecting and cooling water in the evening hours when temperatures (and electricity rates) are decreased.

- Arizona, US NSA - Ft Meade, Maryland, US

Designed to be environmentally conscious from the ground up, Chandler, Arizona’s NextFort data center employs

numerous innovations in power distribution, architecture and related schools to improve efficiency. According to CEO Mark Towfiq, the facility racks up about one quarter the

cooling costs of conventional data centers.

Never a stranger to controversy, the NSA’s mammoth data center in Ft Meade, MD is slated to be one of

the world’s greenest. The data center will use as much as 5 million gallons daily of recycled wastewater to cool down and power the facility, simultaneously maximizing available resources while minimizing environmental impact.

Orange’s Normandy - Val-de-Reuil, France

Eni Green Data Center - Pavia, Italy

Green High Performance Computing Center - Massachusetts, US

French telecommunications giant Orange S.A’s data center, dubbed ‘Normandy’, takes advan-tage of the region’s cool weather conditions by using ambient air to cool its computing equip-

ment for 11 months out of the year.

$1 Million/ year


Val-de-Reuil, France

Energy company Eni’s facility is said by the company to have the world’s best power usage effectiveness rating at 1.2.

Apple is one of the largest non-utility clean energy generation companies in the US, using 100% renewable energy across all of its

data centers and 75% at its corporate facilities.

PUE rating1.2

This is accomplished in part by using ambient air to cool servers in addition to restricting usage of non-computing energy as

much as possible (the lights only work when someone is keyed in to the building).

Eni claims that the data complex creates 335,000 fewer C02 emissions

per year when compared to a conventional data center.

C0 2






Residing in Holyoke, Massachusetts, this environmentally friendly data center uses a

variety of energy efficient processes to lower its carbon footprint.

These include air cooling the water used to pull heat from hot aisles, as well as using low fan pressure in its ventilation system to reduce power used by fans. Electricity consumed is

70% produced from hydroelectric generators.

Holyoke, Massachusetts

The facility is also outfitted with Bloom Energy Servers, or technologically advanced power cells which convert

fuel into electricity through a clean electro-chemical process rather than dirty combustion.

Topaz Data Center - Utah, US

The second phase of eBay’s Topaz Data Center deserves recognition for its 72,000 square feet of rooftop solar paneling which generates more than 900,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year.

generates more than 900,000 kilowatt hrs

of electricity per year.

Green Mountain Data Centre - Norway

The aptly named Green Mountain Data Centre is considered the greenest data center in the world on the basis of it’s

100% renewable energy usage and free cooling from nearby fjords.

Housed deep inside a mountain in a former NATO ammunition bunker, the

facility’s developers claim a “world class” power-safe effectiveness, reducing the

cost of operations by 30%.


Other features include a rain collecting rooftop for the humidification process and white-painted walls to reduce the need for lighting. As a

result, the Wynyard data center is expected to reduce energy consumption by 40% versus comparably sized facilities while

producing about half the carbon emissions of a standard data center.

Hewlett Packard Wynyard - United Kingdom

- West Sussex, United Kingdom

Relying on 100% wind-sourced energy, HP’s innovative Wynyard data center also takes advantage of the surrounding climate to cool IT equipment, allowing the facility to go without air

conditioning for most of the year.

Rackspace’s newest data center was designed from the ground up to be green. The BREEAM-certified 130,000 square foot facility will use cutting-edge technolo-gies such as “indirect outside air” cooling which utilizes

specially designed heat exchangers to enable cooling without air entering the data hall.

Rackspace reports that this innovative new cool-ing method will lead to an 80% reduction in

operating energy expenditure.


Citi’s 230,000 square foot data center in Frankfurt Germany lays claim to being the world’s

first to achieve LEED Platinum status.

Data Center - Frankfurt, Germany

Green features include reverse osmosis water treatment to reduce sediment in its cooling towers, a vegetative green wall and

roof irrigated with harvested rainwater, and a design optimized for “free cooling” throughout 65% of the year, Citi estimates.

the cooling costs of

conventional data centers


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