rakshe arati-pt9_edp260_assignment2_b

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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  • 1. Last summer vacations, Elisha and David flew from Sydney toMelbourne to their grandma and grandpa.

2. They had many questions so sister Katedecided to give them a surprise..Arent they enjoying with theirgrandpa, grandma and aunt Kate? 3. KateKate is studying Arts from Curtin University. Kate is very passionate fordrawing and paintingWow ! 4. David and Kate did lots site seeing in Melbourne 5. GR8workguysOne day they had to stay homebecause it was rainy and windy,so they did drawing and painting 6. Elisha and David wereamazed to see Katespaintings 7. They had lots and lots of questions for aunt Kate; theywould have hours and hours of discussionsHow long didit takeLeonardo daVinci to paintthe MonaLisa?What tolook forin apainting?What is sogreatabout theMona LisaPainting?I mean itsgreat but whyis it so greatto becomeworldfamous?Ok, I have aplan tosurprise bothof you !! 8. Surprise !! 9. Mona Lisa by Leonardo da VinceIn the present era, this isarguably the most famouspainting in the world. Its famerests, in particular, on the elusivesmile on the womans face whichmany people think to be verypleasing and divineNo doubt this is a beautifulpainting but why has thisbecome the most iconic imagein the world?Yes, it is not obvious. By first impression she isvery small, dark and very yellow. Watch closely, she is trying to communicate with us with herdelicate smile. There is really an intimateconnection between the spectator and thepainting. She has become important part ofhistory. Other characteristics found in this workare the unadorned dress, in which the eyes andhands have no competition from other detailsWow she seems to be not just apainting but living and breathing 10. Did you observe her hands? Youcan have the feel of bones andthe joints in the back of herpalms. The artist has painted themodel in its most natural way..How did Leonardo managed topaint this mysterious andcaptivating womanLeonardo da Vinci was Italianpainter who was clever at manydifferent things. Look how hemakes subtle use of colour . Hedoesnt rely on lines and appliesindistinguishable brush strokes. Hemakes use of the light reflectedfrom the image. See how the noseline is illuminated and so the otherparts of her face. Did you noticethat the background is rather dull?And that catches our eyes moretowards the face.The painting, thought to be a portrait of Lisa Gherardini,the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, and is believed tohave been painted between 1503 and 1506. It wasacquired by King Francis 1 of France and is now onpermanent display in a museum in Paris 11. This is a simple portrait of WingCommander Paul Richey in his royal air-force uniform. He was one of thefamous pilot to serve in the RAF. Davidwhat do you think about this portrait?Wing Commander Paul RicheyBy Olive SnellDate painted: 1942Oh WOW ! He is giving a verysharp look straight into my eyes.He looks brave and strong built.He is quite handsome too !Painter Olive Snell has depicted his sharpfeatures very well. Also he looks strongbut he doesnt look fat. Very elegantpainting !See how the painter hasdepicted his relaxedposture and alertness atthe same time. He looksso vigilant. The shade ofcolour used for theuniform andbackground doesntcompete with his face 12. Charwomen Use Shell By: Edward ArdizzoneDate painted: 1938This picture is of twowoman who work together.They have stopped as theypass each other at thecorridor and they arehaving a moment together.Can you imagine what theycould be talking?They could behaving a goodgossip.Might be about thethird lady who isjust leaving out ofthe door !How is your eye drawn towards thepicture? Would you like to commentupon the first lady at the left and herwhite apron?The eye is drawn from the first lady , thenthe second , then the bucket and then thelady leaving the Shell (corridor).Come oneverybody,dinner isready! 13. ReferencesDinham, J. (2011). Delivering authentic arts education, Melbourne: Cengage LearningAustralia Ptd. Ltd.Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci (copyright free picture). Information BBC, 2013Da Vinci- The Lost Treasure (BBC) Retrieved fromhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/yourpaintings/guidedtours/joan-bakewellCharwomen Use Shell by Edward Ardizzone BBC (2013) Retrieved fromhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/yourpaintings/guidedtours/joan-bakewellJoan Bakewell (BBC,2013). Take a guided tour, Women together retrieved fromhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/yourpaintings/guidedtours/joan-bakewellJohn Sergeant (BBC 3013). Take a guided Tour, A Pilots Story, retrieved fromhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/yourpaintings/guidedtours/joan-bakewellWing Commander Paul Richey ByOlive SnellImage courtesy : Google Royalty free imagesNote: The images used in this presentation, are royalty free images. However there could be an image having copyrightissues. Hence the slides are created for assignment purpose only and are not intended for commercial or real time use.

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