raising drug-free kids millions of american children are on the verge of using alcohol and drugs....

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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Raising Drug-Free Kids

Millions of American children are on the verge of using alcohol and drugs.Children are first subjected to peer pressure to use drugs and alcohol as early as the 4th grade. Fifty-one percent of children have used illegal drugs by the time they are high school seniors.14 million kids between the ages of 12 and 17 become new drug users each year.

Is Your Child at Risk?

Yes!Today: 15,000 kids used drugs for the first time.

397 kids were arrested for drug use.

No family, no child is immune.

Did You Know?

Children of parents who talk to them regularly about the dangers of drug use are 59% less likely to ever use drugs.

Sadly, only 1 in 4 teenagers report ever having this conversation with their parents.

By the time a parent realizes their child is using drugs, the child has been using for at least 2 years.

The Earlier Use Begins, the More likely Addiction Will

OccurMore than 42% of the kids who begin drinking before age 15 will become alcoholics.Almost 70% of those kids will also try an illegal drug.Children who drink are 8 X more likely to become drug users.They are 22 X more likely to smoke marijuana.Kids who smoke pot are 85 X more likely to try harder drugs.

Why Do Children Use?

To rebel against parents/authority.

As recreation at parties.

To express independence.

To handle low self-esteem.

To deal with academic stress.

To deal with family stress.

For instant gratification.

Parental Use Influences Children to Use

Children of parents who smoke (cigarettes) are 60% more likely to smoke marijuana. Tobacco is the most widely abused substance.25% of 15 year olds smoke cigarettes.85% of teenagers who smoke become addicted.

Parental Influence

One of the most powerful predictors of youth drug use is when a parent or other family member is a user.

Where do kids get drugs?

National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) finds that 62% of high school students and 28% of middle school students attend drug infected schools This is up from 44% and 19% in 2002.

This means that 10.6 million high schoolers and 2.4 million middle schoolers returned to schools this year where drugs are kept, sold and used.

Where do kids get drugs?

Teenagers can easily get drugs and alcohol no matter where they live.

Most often, kids get alcohol from their own homes.

Boredom and a lot of cash lead kids to drug and alcohol abuse.

The Truth: Our Children are at Risk!

What are some of the risk factors our children face?






Risk Factors



Transition and mobility

Low neighborhood attachment

Community disorganization

Accepted criminal behavior

Easy availability of drugs

Poor Voter Turnout

School Risk Factors

Academic Failure

Anti-social behavior allowed/tolerated

Low commitment to the school

A negative school climate

Teacher apathy/burnout

Low PTA attendance

No interest in extracurricular events

Family Risk Factors

A family history of ATOD

Parental attitudes supporting use

Family Conflict

Significant family transitions

Marital Discord

Poor parenting practices

Parents not involved in child’s education

Individual Risk Factors

Genetic predisposition to ATOD use Decreased perception of risk Increased levels of hostility Early Aggressive behavior Delinquent friends / Gang involvement Psychological or physical problems Poor life skills; commun. decis. making Negative personal experiences: grief, etc. Poor academic performance

We Must REDUCE the RISK!

Extensive research proves; When the risk is reduced in a child’s life, the child is much less likely to abuse alcohol or drugs.

Parental power is the most effective way to discourage teen drug use.

Protective Factors

The importance of Protective Factors

cannot be overstated because they

promote positive behavior, health, well

being and personal success!

Individual Protective Factors

Help foster a resilient temperamentHelp develop positive social orientationIntelligence: help develop study habitsBonding: opportunities to contributeRecognize & acknowledge effortsEnforce clear standards/healthy beliefsIncrease chances to bond sociallySet clear/consistent boundariesTeach life skillsSet high expectations

Family Protective Factors

Parental bonding during first year of life

High levels of warmth

Absence of criticism

Sense of basic trust

High parental expectations

Clear rules re: chores & responsibilities

School Protective Factors

Parental involvement (PTA, etc.)

Parents set high academic expectations

Clear rules enforced by school/parents

Youth participation in school events

Youth included in school decisions

Participation in extra-curricular activities

Teachers are engaged and involved

Community Protective Factors

Positive social networks in place

Culture places a high value on youth

Youth are valued community members

Opportunities for youth participation

Youth community decisions are valued

Decreased accessibility of drugs & alcohol

Peer Group Protective Factors

Involvement with positive activities

Social competency is developed

Decision-making skills are practiced

Assertiveness is encouraged

Interpersonal communication skills are taught

The Basics!

Reduce Risk Factors

Increase Protective Factors

Keep your child busy!

Involve your child in school activities and community activities and church activities and family activities.The more activities your child is involved in, the less their chance of becoming drug or alcohol users.Encourage them to get a job… volunteer, etc.

Would you rather be busy…

Working on increasing the protective factors in your child’s life…

Or, busy dealing with all the problems that go along with being the parent of a drug addicted child?

The most effective deterrent isn’t the police, prisons or politicians… its’ YOU!

Teenagers are not…

Young Adults

They Are…

Big Children.

Drug Use is…




The most important thing to remember:

When it comes to talking to your child

about drugs, you don’t have to be GOOD

at it; you just have to TRY!

If you try…

Your kids will get the message:

They will get the message that you care.

They will get the message that you

understand about the problems they face.

They will get the message that you are

there when they need you.

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