rahmanhadiq for ali sina

Post on 09-Apr-2018






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  • 8/7/2019 rahmanhadiq for Ali Sina


  • 8/7/2019 rahmanhadiq for Ali Sina


  • 8/7/2019 rahmanhadiq for Ali Sina


  • 8/7/2019 rahmanhadiq for Ali Sina


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  • 8/7/2019 rahmanhadiq for Ali Sina


    Verse above describes the human events both men and women who are determined by thesemen (sperm) emitted. Then after a day of Judgement, man will be raised again withdifferent forms of events that go unnoticed by humans.

    Branches of science that develops as genetics and molecular biology have scientifically

    validated the accuracy of information provided this Al-Qur'an. It is now understood that sex determined by sperm cells from the male, whereas women do not play a role in the processof determining the sex of this.

    Chromosomes are the main element in the determination of gender. Two of the 46chromosomes that determine gender. Two pairs of chromosomes are "XY" in men, and thepair "XX" in females. Y chromosomes carry genes that encode the properties in men,whereas the X chromosome carrying the genes that encode the properties of womanhood.Formation of a human cross originated from the merger of one of these chromosome pairs inboth men and women. In women, the second part of sex cells, which split into two eventsduring ovulation, carry X chromosomes. In contrast, a male sex cell produce two differen

    sperm cells, one containing the X chromosome, and the other containing the chromosome Y.If a chromosome Y sperm `joined and paired with a female egg cell that carries the Xchromosome, then the baby to be born male baby's sex. Meanwhile, if one cell spermas withX chromosome of men joined and paired with an egg cell that carries the X chromosomethen the baby to be born female gender.

    In other words, a baby's sex is determined by which chromosome from the male who joinedor paired with a female egg cell. This means that the process of arranged marriages of couples its chromosome that determines sex, whether the X meet X or X met Y?.

    B.. Imperfect of pregnancy

    Sometimes on the phase formation from zygote to embryo stage experience events that arenot perfect so there will be a miscarriage, pregnancy failure or bleeding. But the failure omiscarriage of pregnancy rarely occurs after the fetus is turned into a fetus because of itsposition in the uterus has been very strong and perfect. Failure and miscarriage often occursduring the first trimester. It has been told by the Al Qur'an mentioned in sura Al-Hajj verse which reads;

    O mankind! if ye have a doubt about the Resurrection, (consider) that We created you out ofdust, then out of sperm, then out of a leech-like clot , then out of a morsel of flesh, partly

    formed and partly unformed, in order that We may manifest (our power) to you; and We cause

    whom We will to rest in the wombs for an appointed term, then do We bring you out as babes,then (foster you) that ye may reach your age of full strength; and some of you are called to die,and some are sent back to the feeblest old age, so that they know nothing after having known

    (much), and (further), thou seest the earth barren and lifeless, but when We pour down rain onit, it is stirred (to life), it swells, and it puts forth every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs).

    ( QS 22:5). "

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    Description sura Al-Hajj also strengthens the explanation contained in the sura of AMu'minuun verse 14, as described above was, that is about the phases of the formation of the fetus in the womb .. There is nothing contradictory in the description of the verses of AQu'an, all mutually reinforcing and complementary.

    Thus miracle of Qur'anic verses that Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad. Though he cannot know in detail the scientific developments in present century, because he is an illiterateperson, with absolutely no scientific education. So it is true that Muhammad only conveyRevelation he received from God. actual omniscient and all-right on the testimony of theQur'an is Al Allah. The conclusion is that the Al Quran was not written by ProphMuhammad SAW, but the word and revelation from Allah SWT. Supreme true God with aHis Word. MashaAllah?

    Of course the excitement and the good news of the sentence delivered by rahmanhadiqabove will be rejected by the KSW, because he is not a descendant of man, because he wasdisguised as human beings. He hated to hear the good news, especially that delivered by the

    verses in the religious books, especially the verse of the Qur'an. Actually he's afraid of theinformation conveyed by the Qur'an, but he hid his fears by making the opinion andcompensation in a way opposed to the Al Qu'an. He's scared to death that rapidly growingIslamic religion which is already seeing signs that direction, so he did not have room tospread hatred and his scolding, he will be isolated and die himself. For that he invited anyonewho would join him to oppose the teachings of Islam and Muslims anywhere in the world. Buhe was not aware and have made a big mistake, even with the hostile attitude of truthproclaimed by Islam, the more and more people are interested to learn the values of the truthof Islam . And finally he will be desperate to see the fact that will happen, how not longethan a lot of the peoples troop after the truth of islam.

    (Dr. Naik) Quran says in Surah Sajda Ch. 32 Verse no. 8 We have created the human beingsfrom Sulalah - That means the best part of a whole. The one sperm which fertilizes the ova outof the millions of sperms, the Quran refers to as Sulalah best part of the whole.

    (Ali Sina) Here are various translations of this verse:


    Pickthall Then He made his seed from a draught of despised fluid;

    Yusuf Ali And made his progeny from a quintessence of the nature of afluid despised:Hilali-Khan Then He made his offspring from semen of worthless water Shakir Then He made his progeny of an extract, of water held inlight estimation.Sher Ali Then HE made his progeny from an extract of aninsignificant fluid; Khalifa Then He continued his reproduction through a certainlowly liquid.

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    Arberry then He fashioned his progeny of an extraction of mean water, Palmer then He made his stock from an extract of despicable water ;Rodwell Then ordained his progeny from germs of life, fromsorry water:

    Sale and afterwards made his posterity of an extract of despicable water; TransliteratedArabic

    Thumma jaAAala naslahu min sulalatin minma-in maheenin

    Far from callingnutfa or semen the best part of a whole Muhammad is saying that it is adespised fluid, ma-in maheenin . Isn't it clear that Dr .Naik is not at all concerned about


    (Rahmanhadiq; turned out to Ali Sina is looking for another way to divert the topic questionpreviously he did not understand at all, and even not able to refute it. Then he took a

    sentence stating that "semen is despicable". With that way, he incited mankind in order tooppose the description of al qur'an who had insulted humanity. He used the ancienttechnique to incite and hate to anyone who ever read the description of al qur'an it. It is afurther proof, that he did not also understand a sentence parable information contained in theabove sentence. He was only able to analyze the meaning of this parable with itsmathematical formula. This proves that Ali Sina is a human figure that has no conscienceanymore because it was filled by hatred and pit politics to human being, he just relies on thepower of thinking which turned out to contain feces.

    Whereas someone who has a conscience and the right mind would understand and realize,that the human actually comes from something that emanated from his own genital tool that

    also as a place that smelled of urine disposal of urine, which if this semen was allowed to rotor smell very fishy once. Hence, man should realize about their origins and the story, so shewould not be proud and arrogant as that is always shown by the KSW of this. That's themeaning of philosophy contain in that sentence, but the Ali Sina is never realized at all.That's because he always indulge the evil desires, evil).

    (Dr. Naik) And Quran says in Surah Insan, Ch. 76 Verse No. 2 We have created the humanbeings from nutfatun amshaj a minute quantity of mingled fluid - referring to the sperm as wellas the ovum - Both are required for the fertilization.

    (Ali Sina) Amshaj means thickened or mingled. Muhammad saw that sperm is a tick liquid.Nutfa means sperm - precisely the liquid that contains the sperms. It does not mean thezygote or the embryo.(Rahmanhadiq; turns out reason Ali Sina is really disorder. He writesthat the word Amshaj means something that is thick or a mix. He not know that at the droof semen that contains only one kind of material that is "Sperm" which is of the existinelements of chromosomes in human beings?. Perhaps he thought that semen was a mixtureof his brain that dirty stinking. It is clear that the KSW does not understand aboutembryology, but acting smart exceeds an expert profersor of Ginecology and any Embryologin this world. KSW is required to write the Qur'an word Zygote or embryo to prove its truThis is how KSW deceive and spread incitement and hatred to twist the facts. Ali Sina is the

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    man who acted smart.)

    023.013Then We placed him as (a drop of) sperm nutfa in a place of rest, firmly fixed.

    023.014Then We made the sperm nutfa into a clot of congealed blood;

    Mother, in Muhammads embryology is only an incubator. She does not contribute geneticallto the formation of the embryo.(Rahmanhadiq; visible once this KSW speech rhetoric style,this shows that he does not understand about the scientific at all. KSW is, is really no logicWhereas in the previous paragraph already explained, that in the womb of semen emitted(the term now is "sperm"), which of the "drop of semen" (cool word now is "the single spercell" of the millions of other sperm), will be mixed with something. And the followdescription of al qur'an explained that the mixture ( the term now is "spema meeting with thegg"), will be stored in a sturdy place called the womb (the term is "uterus"). In the nexdevelopment will be a blood clot. Though this lesson was taught by the teacher several timesand assisted by an of Dr. Naiks assistant to Ali Sina, but he still can not hear it. Instead he

    turned talks and accused the pregnant woman as an incubator. That incitement is not qualitythat always smell exhaled from his mouth. At the time the verse was revealed to Muhammad, medical science has not been there at all any more about the information that in the uterusof female egg cell is also there. Muhammad was told only, and it turns out the experts andGinecologist and Embryologist in this millenium century has been proved right. KSWbelonging envy and jealous indulgence only without being able to accept the facts.)

    036.077 Doth not man see that it is We Who created him from sperm? nutfa

    075.037 Was he not a drop of spermnutfa emitted (in lowly form)?

    There is no allusion to 'two sexes' or female egg in any of the verses speaking of embryo.Here is how other translators of the Quran have translatednutfatin amshajin

    (Rahmanhadiq; His incitement stance is not qualified in by the mouth smelly gutter again. Iseems the disease is no longer curable. Whereas in the previous paragraph alreadyexplained the meaning of mixing sperm in the mother's womb. Many of Al Qur'an has a versethat clearly and precisely describe and explain human events. So can not just use a singleverse, by ignoring other verses related to the topic discussion.)

    Pickthall: drop of thickened fluid.

    Yusuf Ali: drop of mingled sperm, Shakir: small life-germ uniting (itself)

    Sher Ali: mingled sperm-drop

    Arberry: a sperm-drop, a mingling,

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    Palmer: a mingled clot,

    a couple of translators also have tried to be smart like Rodwell who has translated it as: theunion of the sexes. But this is only Islamic deception.

    Dr. Campbell said that TheQuran agrees with Galen here, when it says in Surah 76:2,Wecreated man from a drop of mingled sperm Dr. Campbell is too generous. Galen knew thatwoman must also contribute something to the formation of the fetus, although he erroneouslythought this something is congealed blood. But Muhammad did not think any femalecontribution is needed. Mother was only an incubator in his mind.

    (Rahmanhadiq; So people who think clearly and be honest should be found the meaning of the parable that conveyed by the description of Al Quran verse with the words "mixed" iMedicine experts of the world in this millenium century has proved that mixing is betwesperm cells and egg in the uterus. So the words "mixed" in the description of al quran verse,it is not a lie even match with the invention of modern medical science. Only KSW was no

    able to accept the meaning of the word mixed, according to the contents of his brain thathave been mixed between hatred and incite it.)

    (Dr. Naik) The Quran describes the various embryological stages in great detail, of which theslides were shown to you - Dr. William Campbell; he helped me to complete this topic. It ismentioned in Surah Muminun Ch. 23, Verses No. 12 to 14 - The translation is that We havecreated the human beings from a nutfa . A minute quantity of liquid. Then placed it in

    qararen makeen - a place of security. Then We made it into an Alaqa - a leech like substance -something which clings - a congealed clot of blood. Then We made that Alaqa into a Mutga a

    chewed like lump. Then We made the Mutga into Izama bones. Then clothed the boneswith leham flesh . Then We made it a new creature. Blessed be Allah Who is the best tocreate.

    These 3 Verses of the Quran , speak about the various embryological stages in great detail. Firstthe nutfa placed in a place of security - Made into an Alaqa. Alaqa has got 3 meanings - One is

    something which clings, and we know that in the initial stages, the embryo clings to the uterinewall and continues clinging till the end. Point No.2, that it also means a leech like substance, andas I discussed earlier, the embryo in the initial stages, does look like a leech. Besides looking likea leech - it also behaves like a leech - It receives its blood supply from the mother like abloodsucker. And the 3 rd meaning which Dr. William Campbell objected to - that is the rightmeaning the congealed clot of blood- And that is why Quran has a scientific error. And I doagree with him that Dr. William Campbell did not agree. He said how can it mean a congealedclot of blood, because if this is the case, then the Quran is wrong. I am sorry to say Quran is notwrong - Dr. William Campbell with due respect to him He is wrong. Because todaytodayafteradvancement of embryology, even Dr. Keith Moore - He says that In the initial stages, the

    embryo, besides looking like a leech, also looks like a congealed clot of blood, because in theinitial stages, of the stage of Alaqa , 3 to 4 weeks, the blood is clotted within closed vessels. AndDr. William Campbell made it easy for me - He showed you a slide. It will be difficult for you tosee - But this is the slide he showed you.

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    This is exactly what Professor Keith Moore said Looks like a clot, in which the blood is clottedwithin closed vessels. And during the 3 rd week of the embryo, the blood circulation does not takeplace - it starts later on - Therefore it assumes the appearance of a clot. And if you observe theconspectus - that is after abortion takes place, you can see it looks like a clot.

    (Ali Sina) This picture does not look like a clot. Of course if you don't have a microscope youmay see it that way. But that is not a scientific statement. Anyone could have seen anaborted embryo and say it looks like a congealed clot. Is that scientific? Where is This part isalready explained by Dr. Campbell who showed why the Quranic description of thedevelopment of the embryo is all wrong.(Rahmanhadiq; here's how a former student whonever graduated, asked to his teacher. If he did not understand at all, then said that theprofessor did not understand. Looks like this idiot students must be fed on, to be able toexplain what he did not understand. It seems Ali Sina is not follow the final level courses imedical school, this little boy should have to repeat to start all over again, from elementaryschool again. He does not understand reading an anatomy drawing venous blood flow andaortic blood flow, of course, because he did not see any blood drop on the picture. So he didnot deserve was present at the event that debate, because his level is not allowed toparticipate. If he was present at the event, of course, the committee will busy preparingmicroscope facilities and other learning tools specific to the Ideot this. Or maybe he alreadyhad enough to eat a meal in the form of immediate fresh blood from the woman who amiscarriage as soon after. Even from the abortion of pregnancy under 40 days, still formblood clots, which indicates that the fetus was still not resemble a child or fetus. )

    Dr. Naik is repeating what Dr. Campbell has already refuted without trying to counter hiarguments. It was, first the Greeks who came up with these stages of the embryonic growth,not Muhammad. And the Greeks were wrong.(Rahmanhadiq; this shows that the KSW was,not knowing that in the days of Greek medical science had not been present at all, let aloneon the development of human embryo or fetus in the womb of the mother. So evident that AlSina is talking not to use the brain but with who is in his pants and lust. So he put the blameto the Greeks or the Arabs who did not know the science Embryologi).Even if this explanationwas true, no credit goes to Muhammad because he was only rehashing what others had said

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    a thousand years before him. (Rahmanhadiq; sentence delivered by the KSW, shows thathe knows the pregnancy news of old information that comes from the philosophy of theGreeks only. So it is worth the Ali Sina have to learn again starting from kindergarten).

    The Quran says that humans are created fromnutfa (a drop of semen). Then placed in a

    secure place (womb). Then We made it into a clot of blood, 'alaqa' . (No mention of femaleegg.) Then We made that 'alaqa' into a mutga a chewed like lump. Then We made themutga into izama bones. Then clothed the bones with leham flesh. Then We made it anew creature.

    Well, this explanation is wrong. There is no need for me to repeat what Dr. Campbell alreadyexplained so clearly. Mr. Naik thinks by repeating a lie often enough, it becomes true. But noin this case! This description of the development of the embryo explained in the Quran isscientifically wrong.(Rahmanhadiq; found out that the Ali Sina is not understood to what hasbeen described by the teachers on the development of the embryo in the womb. He was onlyable to argue but does not explain the reasons that make sense to reinforce his opinion. The

    crab boy was not able to speak the language scientifically correct, because he could notspeak the language of science at all. What is in his brain is his own feces so that he couldonly spend a very bad smell nose piercing. The swashbuckler is indeed not worth discussingparticipate in the event of Dr. Campbell by Dr. Naik, his ability is very limited. He's juboasting challenging his teacher, but by learning to Recall 10 thousand years he will not beable to defeat his teacher. The proper course, why if the Ali Sina is always avoided if invitedto an open debate in public which was witnessed by the whole world, because its ability isvery limited.)

    (Dr. Naik) Only one line answer is sufficient to answer all the allegations of Dr. William Campbellis that, the stages of the Quran while it describes the embryological stages, is only based onappearance Appearance. First is the appearance of the Alaqa , a leech like substance as wellas a clot of blood. And Dr. William Campbell rightly said that some ladies come and ask Pleaseremove the clot - It does look like a clot. And the stages are based on appearance. It is createdfrom something, which appears like a clot, which appears like a leech, and is also somethingwhich clings. Then the Quran says We made the Alaqa into Mutga a chewed like lump.

    (Ali Sina) Here our good doctor is making a major shift of strategy. Now, he is no longerinsisting that the Quranic description of the embryo is scientific. He says that the Quran talksabout the appearance that exist between a clot, a leech and the embryo in its differentstages of growth. If so, why claim that the Quran is scientific and miraculous? In the pastwomen had miscarriage way more than today. The fetus was aborted and they could see thatit remotely resembled, first to a clot of blood and then to a leech. In the absence of a

    microscope this is all they could see. So, where is the miracle? Why make so much adoabout it saying how could Muhammad have known this 1400 years ago? when such aprosaic knowledge was available to anyone for eons? In fact as Dr. Campbell noted,Hippocrates described the embryonic growth much more accurately.

    Rahmanhadiq; The KSW is not understood the scientific language and the language of parable, so that he thinks that the teacher is speaking in the language of collogial. In factpresented by the teacher is a parable or a comparison that is when a woman miscarried

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    during pregnancy under 40 days or the medical term "the first of trismester." This period is acritical vulnerable period or miscarriage in consequence of the embryos are not strongenough retained in the uterus wall. In the century of this millenium, at a critical time durinpregnancy, usually the doctor will give tonic womb as "alylestrenol" with the name of the drupatent Premastone (Wow.. its promotion .. Doc.!).

    That KSW is in translating the language metaphor conveyed not by scientific language, butmerely spread hatred and incite the audience who was not watching the debate within hiscricket fighting site.)

    (Dr. Naik) Professor Keith Moore took plastic seal, and bit between his teeth to make it look likea Mutga - The teeth marks resembled the somites. Dr. William Campbell said When the

    Alaqa becomes a Mutga the clinging is yet there - It is there till 8 and a half months- So theQuran is wrong. I told you in the beginning, the Quran is describing the appearance. The leechlike appearance and the clot like appearance, is changed to the chewed like appearance. It yetcontinues to cling till the end - There is no problem. But the stages are divided on appearance -Not on the function.

    (Ali Sina) Alaqa either means something that clings or clot of blood. One word in onesentence cannot have two different meanings. If alaqa is something that clings, then the fetusshould be calledalaqa during all its gestation. Why then the Quran says it becomesmutga ?If its only the appearance to the clot, then we should discard Dr. Bucailles suggestion whosays this word should be translated as something that clings. If the Quran is clear, then whythis much confusion?

    This, like other "scientific statements" made in the Quran, could have been observed byanyone and there is nothing scientific in it. If I say the Moon looks like melon, I am right. Butis not a scientific statement and I cant be credited with divine knowledge for having sai

    something as banal as this. Therefore this hullabaloo about the Quran having predictedmodern science is hogwash.

    Conclusion : If the description of embryo in the Quran is intended to be scientific, then it iswrong. If it is only a reference to what it looks like, this was known to everyone at the time ofMuhammad.


    The verses of the Qur'an was not a science but a clue or a sign. The term used by the Qur'andoes not have the same term given by modern medical science. Al Quran only provide initia

    guidance as a basis or a term that has very deep meaning, can also a parable, metaphor or allegory. So Al-Qur'an can not be blamed when using terms that do not smell the technologyor medical terminology today.

    The term used by the Qur'an is only a guide who never lie or contrary to the evidence in thefield of medical science. So in this case the word "Alaqa" became more widespread, becausethe word is not referring to the function of a noun, but rather meant as an adjective from theobserved. This means that if the word "Alaqa" was defined as blood clots, then the term does

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    not infringe the principle of the discovery of the early stages of human embryo formationIndeed, the word will be different meaning when interpreted as the word "fetus" . Had thesewords be interpreted as something inherent in the womb, then the term is also suitable,because it does not conflict with the results Embryologi discoveries in the field, especially ithe early embryo stage is formed.


    So God planted his words that are global and have a deep meaning, so that can understandand knew by all levels of society from all aspects of any science. This is one the Qur'anmiracle that is not owned by any language in the other books. Because the terms used byother books, always will be expired due to a recent discovery that could replace the discoverypreviously.

    This proves that the language be planted in the Qur'an by the Creator, was the Universal andflexible language that can not be destroyed by any force. Though the language and terms

    used in these verses existing 14 centuries before modern medicine was found, but the wordsof the Al-Quran was never cracked by the turn of the period.)

    (Dr. Naik) Later on the Quran says We made the Mutga into Izama bones - Then clothedthe bones with flesh. Dr. William Campbell said, and I do agree with him, that The precursorsof the muscles and the cartilages that is the bones, they form together - I agree with that.Today embryology tells us that the primordial of the muscles and the bones - they form togetherbetween the 25 th and the 40 th day, which the Qur`an refers to as the stage of mudga. But theyare not developed They are not developed. Later on, at the end of the seventh week, theembryo takes form of human appearance - then the bones are formed. Today modernembryology says the bones are formed after the 42 nd day, and it gives an appearance of askeletal thing. Even at this stage when the bones are formed, the muscles are not formed. Lateron, after the 7 th week and the starting of 8 th week, are the muscles formed. So Quran is perfectin describing first Alaqa , then Mutga , then Izama , then clothed with flesh, and when they form- the description is perfect.

    (Ali Sina) This description is wrong no matter how many times it is repeated. I quote againwhat Dr. Campbell said in the conclusion of his talk on embryo: There is no time whencalcified bones have been formed, and then the muscles are placed around them. Themuscles are there, several weeks before there are calcified bones, rather than being added around previously formed bones, as the Quran states . This statement is scientific. TheQuran is not.


    The KSW is better for not talk nonsense, because he talks seem folly always. Discoveredthat he would not understand to what has been described by both speakers. It was obviousthat Ali Sina is too small and very stunted when confronted with these two distinguishedspeakers above. Between the opinions of Dr. Campbell and Dr. Naik has much in commonso that Dr Naik approved research that results of Dr. Campbell in some of postulates.However, the KSW is to create a different conclusion, so far once baked with fire.

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    Dr. Campbell concluded that the formation of bone and meat at the same time, it is approvedby Dr Naik, but from the results of some recent research indicates that there are some whostill have not developed bone called cartilage. This cartilage had been developed in the flesh,to perfect during the 7-8 weeks later. So in this case, AL Qur'an does not tell lies. But Ali Sinais to imagine a description by understanding the Qur'an is very much different, he thought the

    bones were affixed to the meat at other times and place. So he imagined that, meat that hasbeen formed that will be attached to the bones that are growing at different locations. Thatway of thinking, no wonder he did not pass of any lesson given by his teacher Naik DRWhereas the above verses of the Qur'an does not describe such a case, but his brain isalways error, so he was reading from talking like a magic formula. He had just acquired ifrom the ocean floor.)

    (Dr. Naik) As Professor Keith Moore said that The stages - that how it is described in modernembryology stage 1,2,3,4,5, is so confusing, The Quran ic stage on embryology describing onthe base of appearance, and the shape, is far more superior. Alhamdulillah.

    (Ali Sina) This is ludicrous. How can the Quran be superior when it is all wrong? JosefGoebbel, Hitler's minister for propaganda said: "If you tell a big enough lie, frequently enough, it becomes the truth. " This is what Dr. Naik wants to achieve. He wants to repeat alie frequently enough, until it becomes true. I am sorry. It does not work in this case. Thedescription of the embryo in the Quran is all wrong. It wont become true even if it is repeatea billion times. Bones are not created first to be covered with flesh later. Period!


    The New kid graduated elementary school, wants to teach about science Embryologi totallyweird for himself, of course highly improbable. KSW is felt very hurt when heard Dr. Nasaid the word "Alhadulillah" a very deafening for his ears. KSW is very allergic to the greetinthat was played by the teacher. Though his teacher Dr Naik has just submitted a figure of speech or metaphor of the journey is so complex science of embryology and so long for acentury recently. But in the end produce a conclusion or postulates similar to what is alreadyconveyed in the verses of al Qur'an. Though these conclusions Qur'an existed long beforethe experts get it Embryology, although the journey from the study for a long time andwinding road once. KSW is still not accept that in the process of development of the fetus inthe womb of the mother begins from meat. But the swashbuckler this does not explain thescientific reason at all, this shows that the Ali Sina is just windbag only. In fact, he wants toimpose its conclusions to the audience with the words "Period" without reason acceptable tocommon sense. Wow.. The Psychopath man.)

    (Dr. Naik) Therefore he said therefore he said that I have no objection in accepting thatProphet Muhammed is the messenger of God and that this Glorious Quran has to be a DivineRevelation, from Almighty God.

    (Ali Sina) If Dr. Naik is speaking of Dr. Moore, it should be noted that he did not convert toIslam. This tells us that his interests were this-worldly. He did not see any miracles in theQuran. He simply fooled the Muslims and laughed his way to the bank.

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    Dr Naik said that Dr Moore believes that Muhammad is the messenger of God and the AlQuran is a revelation from God, this is very painful ear of KSW. With these words heimmediately concluded that Dr. Moore had converted to Islam. Anxiety of the Shrimp brain

    terribly concerned, but his teacher did not say that Dr. Moore has been with the greeting ofIslam. This shows that the KSW was just thinking with his hatred was not wearing a clearsense and reason at all. Even Satan could read the thoughts of Dr. Moore that he did notbelieve in the miracle of the Qur'an, whereas Dr. Moore delivered his speech in front of thestudent at visiting to various universities in the Middle East. That's how Satan pit and incitinto the religious community in the world. Then he went on his inciting to think that Dr. Moowent to the bank to take some money. So prove that, an acronym true name for Ali Sina, Al= King, Sina = Satan, the Devil of World.)

    Does God Punish People?

    (Dr. Naik) It is mentioned in Surah Nisa, Ch. No. 4, Verse No. 56, It speaks about Pain. Previously the doctors, they thought that the brain was only responsible for feeling of pain. Today we have come to know besides the brain, there are certain receptors in the skin, which areresponsible for feeling of the pain, which we call as the pain receptors. Quran says in suchSurah Nisa Ch. 4, Verse 56, that As to those who reject Our signs, We shall cast them into thehell fire, and as often as their skins are roasted, We shall give them fresh skin, so that they shallfeel the pain . Indicating that there is something in the skin, which is responsible for feeling of pain, which the Quran refers to as pain receptors.

    (Ali Sina) Let me change the subject for a moment and tell you about my cat. Ihave adopted this animal since he was a kitten. I bought for him all sorts of toysso he would not get bored. I personally played with him even when this meantputting aside my work. I took care of him; fed him with expensive food becausehe would not eat anything else. I wash him regularly and do everything aresponsible owner would do to keep a cat happy. He gets into fights with other cats and sometimes hurts himself. I take him to the vet to make sure his wounds do notbecome infectious. I have been a good owner to this cat. (Rahamanhadiq; when Ali Sina hasa right to have a cat ?, it's not his name ownership rights, but custody or the right to care for.Ali Sina liar)However this little animal is very ungrateful. He never comes to me when I calhim. He does not even turn his head to acknowledge that I exist. He slightly moves one earwhen I call his name and then ignores me. But when I sit down to write and dont want to bdisturbed he insists to sit on my lap and even if I put him down ten times he just keepscoming back. It is all about him and what he wants. I leave my work and groom him with brush to remove his falling hairs. He loves it and purrs loudly and rolls over exposing theparts that he wants me to brush. But as soon as he feels comfortable he starts emitting putridgasses right under my nose. I think he does not have any respect for me. I am very muchoffended by him and his behavior and I am thinking of punishing him. He has been veryungrateful and rude. I think he deserves to die. But I don't want to kill him just like that. I wato torture him and make him die a very slow and painful death. That is because he is veryungrateful and I am very much offended. I have thought to crucify him so he can't moveThen chop his fingers one by one. Then put him over a bonfire and burn all his fur and skin.

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    will do that very slowly so he suffers a lot. Then I'll pour on his little body boiling water awatch him scream in pain while he is still tied to the cross and can't move. Then I'll leave himfor some times to suffer in agony. Then come back and start dismembering him alive. With apair of scissors, cut first his ears and tail inch by inch so he can suffer a lot and thendismember him live and burn him. You see, I am very compassionate and merciful. That is

    what my friends say about me. But I am also very just. Justice must be done and this cat hasbeen ungrateful to me so he must be punished. Okay, calm down. I am just kidding.

    ( Rahmanhadiq; despite the ravings Ali Sina is already far digress and has nothing to dowith scientific problem submitted by the teacher. But as the assistant of Dr. Naik,rahmanhadiq will be explain and discuss the problem about cats were included as additionaltopics by Ali Sina . Apparently Ali Sina wants to divert discussion to other topics, so he wgive a parable, but from the talks earlier , KSW did not understand about the parables or metaphor at all. But suddenly he wants to tell a story for the purpose of parables. In thiscase, he took samples of a cat to identically between"KSW with a cat" with"man with hisLord." Of course the comparison is not equivalent, because the relationship between

    humans and cats is a fellow creature relationship, while the relationship between man andGod is the relationship between the Creator with the created.

    KSW Of course will not be able to make an equal comparison in parables, because he wasunable to create anything on this earth. It is a big lie if Ali Sina says that the cat belongs tohim. Exactly, when KSW is able to create a cat? Let alone to kill the cat, even for painful, hhave no rights to do at all. Whatever the animal is consumed by Ali Sina into his stomach, hewas not right to eat it without permission or told the name of God. If he had been consuminganimal without permission or told the name of Allah, then he can be said to be a robbers andthieves of the animal belongings of God. Only God who created the animal that hadswallowed up by anyone on this earth.

    Ali Sina is like a passenger who does not have a ticket, then he pick another passenger tickets, and then accuse other people who took it, so he arrived at the next station. However his journey of life still is not over, he lived on earth only for a while before his life was takebefore the court a more just dropped for him.

    Furthermore all samples taken for parable was totally irrelevant, because the Cats areanimals that can not be equated with the figure of a man who has feelings and intelligenceare far higher than any animal. Animal does not have the manners in the cultural life, fromthe first animal remains settled only. But if the cat was used as a sample to be confused withthe figure of Ali Sina, of course, exactly right now, because Ali Sina has exactly the samenature with quadrupeds. Even wild animals like Tiger or Pig also have a much bettercharacter than on Ali Sina, because these animals do not know the feeling of resentment, noanimosity for spread among animals, and not too willing to be humiliated like Ali Sina.

    So the comparison is inserted into the story by KSW is, of course not acceptable to the manwho has a conscience and the ability to sense a far more perfect than a cat. Evil or a bunchof wildest animals will not be any more evil than the man who has such properties that havebeen shown by a man named Ali Sina this. The figure of Ali Sina, far more dangerous than in

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    animals or humans that most evil ones, because Ali Sina is the man that has properties likethe devil. So once again proved that Ali Sina is not understood by the parable let alone makethe story a true parable at all.

    Until now, on this Earth, only humans who can lead and be above all the creatures of life.

    Humans are social creatures that high intelligence and his ability to rule the earth, so thatwhen the desires have mastered the capacity to think, then nothing can deter his desire.Similarly, the KSW is that has been dominated by his own desires so that's good reason arenot working anymore. This means that Ali Sina has the character, attitude, nature, ability andimagination, much more evil and dangerous to human life than any wildest animals in thisworld.

    If people who do not have a conscience like Ali Sina is given the trust or the power to leadman and nature on this Earth, then the damage this natural destruction and destroyed thelivelihood of human beings who are always longing for peace, harmony and progress ofwelfare. What if there are thousands of people who have a character like Ali Sina, while

    religion has been successfully be broken up? Would have been unimaginable anymore whatconsequences, especially if the religious of life has been replaced with the teachings andprinciples of Ali Sina's life was. This is actually desired by the KSW is, he does not agree witreligious life, he hated with the teachings of any religion, because he was an atheist whodoes not believe in God and the rules of any religion.

    He together with his gang want to destroy the values of religion, because religion preventshim do as he pleased, because religion would hinder his free attitude, because he did notwant regulated by any rules. And the loudest impede his desire is the religion of Islam. SoIslam is the main target for him to have been destroyed. Currently, the KSW has beenentered into the beginning stages of instilling a sense of hatred and managed to facilitate the

    dispute within his site that it is global. At this stage, it seems he already feels confident toproceed to the next stage, so that other religions are focusing on attacking the teachings of Islam from all sides and from all over of the world for achieved his goals. That thecharacteristics of Satan that intangible as human beings. )

    I love him. I love him particularly because he has independence. He is a lot like me, afreethinker, a free spirit, and just like me, he is not an appeaser. I am not offended by him. Iwill not be offended no matter what he does.(Rahmanhadiq; its on own showing by Ali Sinathat nothing can stop him in the act of freedom. He admitted that he was the same with catswho do not want to like peoples. KSW also admitted that he did not want to be regulated byany rules. Whereas he wants to regulate religious so until not have any rules at all. Butstrangely he did not have the rules any more.Ali Sinas Doctrine is the disorder itself.)

    Wouldn't it be insane to be offended by a cat? There is nothing a cat can do that could offendus humans. Cats are not intelligent and we do not expect much from them. (Rahmanhadiq; supposed to Ali Sina is aware of this with can be applied for in the life of respectable andhonor society)

    But what if I was serious? Wouldnt you say that I am a maniac, insane and dangerous? Of

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    course you would. Of course I am not going to hurt my little cat.How could even one think torturing a cat or any animal?(Rahmanhadiq; humans do not have any rights against other creatures to be treated arbitrarily, the cats are not entitled to, let alone against other humanbeings, because KSW is not the figure of the creator of living beings. But the way the mindnext KSW is to blame nature of the creator which he said no right to impose penalties on

    anyone as he has done to cats)But think about it! Isn't this exactly how Muhammad described Allah? Do you really believthat the maker of this universe is a psychopath sadist? If these qualities are not befitting for asane human how can they be befitting for God? Allah, as described by Muhammad is evenworse. I could probably torture my cat for a few hours in this sadistic way until he dies and iput out of agony. But the god that Muhammad described will continue torturing humans foeternity. He is far worse than any sadist you can imagine. Isn't this an insult to the Creator?Don't you think that holding such belief is blasphemy? When you talk of hell and eternapunishment for disbelief, you are attributing insanity to God.

    Rahmanhadiq;KSW, of course, had no right and not be torturing that cat, it is a predestinate, because theKSW did not have any power against itself especially to cats, even more so to humans. Butthe Creator would have powers beyond what was ever thought KSW. If KSW is always tospread hatred and slander are not responsible, then who a man has hurt by him had todemand? As long as his time spent to insulting and slander a man who has been creditedwith changing the face of the world to the values of goodness and truth, although that personhas died. Then to whom the peoples who have been abused and that slander to demand austice? And how Muhammads follower feeling had been contempted by KSW? Is KSWthinks that he can be free just like after hes death later?. Sure KSW does not believe that at

    the time of his death later there is still the ruling against for his life. During this time he hafelt proud and arrogant, insulting a man who have died and insulted all of humanity a religionthen who else will give him justly punished for that mistake? It's okay he does not believe, buactually he did not understand what would happen after his death.)

    Hell is the most prevalent subject in the Quran. This theme recurs no less than 200 times.The Quran is full of warnings and threats of punishment and gruesome details of divinetorture. What does this tell us? It tells us that Muhammad envisioned God as a psychopathsadist. Allah is not God. He is Muhammad's own alter ego. He is the personification oMuhammad's narcissistic wet dreams. Muslims do not worship God. By attributing sadistiqualities to Him, they blaspheme Him.

    Isnt this enough to see that Muhammad was a crackpot? Is it possible that the maker of thisvast and magnificent universe be so petty and so insane that he could be offended by whatwe humans think? If a cat can't offend us no matter how bad he behaves and how ungratefulhe becomes, would God, a reality infinitely bigger than us be offended by what we believe?The difference between me and my cat is infinitely less than the difference between God andwe humans. If we are not bothered by what a cat does and consider punishing a cat insane,how can we attribute this insanity to God? If we can love an animal unconditionally, withou

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    expecting him to thank us why can't God love his creation unconditionally? Is God less thanus humans? How can God be so petulant to punish humans in such a sadistic way for notbelieving in him? Why is he so desperate to be worshipped? Certainly God can't be like that.(Rahmanhadiq; so narrow-minded and understanding of an Ali Sina insulting the God. KSWis just shows the nature of His ego alone, without would look in the mirror of the sort so fa

    He wants to live freely without going to set up, but otherwise he would not care to othepeople by his free attitude. So he wants to abolish the penalty of God addressed to him, byinciting others in order to have the same mind with him).

    Muhammad lied. That fiend had no understanding of God. How pathetic is this that a billiopeople follow a pervert psychopath to tell them about God! As a narcissist he thoughtdespotism is the utmost glory. He wanted people submit to him through fear. That is whyAllah is a despot. While God can't be anything but Love. Imagine you own a vast garden;somewhere in that garden there is an ant colony. You may or may not be aware of itsexistence. Now imagine one ant tells to other ants that he is your messenger and that youhave ordered that all ants must worship you and obey him and that if any ant decides not to

    obey your messenger, you would one day gather the disbelieving ants and punish them bythrowing them in a huge bonfire. This is ridiculous. Why should you care if ants worship yoor not? The thought of it is laughable. Yet this is exactly what is happening to us humans. Acharlatan like Muhammad proclaimed himself to be the messenger of the owner of thisuniverse, and has managed to fool the gullible people that they should obey him or they wilbe barbequed in the Landlord's cosmic bonfire.

    This is stupid. This is pathetic indeed. But the tragedy is that today a billion people believe inthis charlatan and his sadist deity. There must be a limit to stupidity. Or is there?

    If you don't give a damn about ants worshipping you, why should God care whether we

    humans worship him or not? Who do you think you are? Have you ever thought about youinsignificance in this universe? You are nothing! You and your world do not even count. Dyou think that you are so important that the maker of this universe and perhaps billions ofother parallel universes depends on you to worship him and if you don't show him your reaend five times a day he will be so disappointed that he would sadistically burn anddismember you for eternity?(Rahmanhadiq; There is limited understanding and reason for the Brain of Shrimp as Ali Sina, to know the religion and sense of religious surrender to hiLord. Then the atheists Ali Sina mock it. That's the nature and the work of Satan and demonsto the faithful on this earth.)

    The whole concept is just insane. This is the acme of stupidity.And this is the veryfoundation of Islam. Islam is based on stupidity. It is a shame to be called a Muslim. There isno glory in foolishness. As these truths gets out, and I urge everyone who agrees with me tospread this message, the whole world will come to see Muslims are fools. If you are aMuslim, you and your children will become the laughing stocks of the thinking humanity. Yobecome the butt of jokes, despised and derided. Soon it will be an insult to call one a Muslimust as it is an insult to call one a fascist or a Nazi today. Do not persist in stupidity. Do notmake a fool of yourself. The fallacy of Islam is as clear as the sun.

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    We can forgive the foolish people of the Seventh Century Arabia who fell prey to thischarlatans lies, but can we forgive educated people today, who still want to be fooled?

    If Muslims were capable of rational thinking, only this would have sufficed for them to sethat Muhammad was an impostor mad man and not a prophet of God. His imaginary god was

    his own alter ego, a lot like himself, a sadist, a psychopath. Allah is everything Muhammawanted to be - a tyrant, one who does whatever he pleases and responds to no authority;one who is worshiped, one who is feared. Being loved and feared is everything a narcissistdreams of. Muhammad invented Allah to live his narcissistic dreams. And one billiofollowers are unable to see the ploys of one mentally deranged man. This is tragedy. Nowonder Muslims live in such a misery. They follow a psychopath as their prophet and worshipa sadistic deity - the figment of the mind of that psychopath. How pathetic!

    If it was not so depressing, it would have been funny that Dr. Naik should choose such amacabre statement of the Quran to prove its alleged miracle. What part of this stupid verse ismiraculous? All it reveals is a sick mind of a fool. Dr. Naik speaks from the position of utt

    ignorance. In the old days no one knew that brain had anything to do with sensing pain oreven thinking. Aristotle thought that brain acts like a radiator to cool the body. Thinking wadone with heart, they believed. We still say memorizing things by heart. People feel pain righwhere it hurts. Pinch or slap yourself and see where do you feel it? Do you feel it in yourbrain? You feel the pain right where you are hurting yourself. So what part of this simplististatement is miraculous? Muhammad is stating the obvious. There is no miracle in theseharebrained verses. They do not reveal any science. They reveal Muslims' deficiency ofintelligence and the characteristic of their sadistic god.


    KSW was want that all religious people do not believe in punishment or reward contained itheir respective religious teachings. He wants to eliminate religious thinking about therewards of law which he said does not make sense. He said that religious believers shouldrealize that God has only just affectionate nature, making it impossible to God is punishingpeople that hard. Even the devil is comparing between a sense of love himself to the cat withthe love of God to man. If he just can not bear to punish an innocent cat, then why did Goddo not let a guilty man? KSW is equated human nature with animals like cats, he thought thatcats also have a feeling, a thinking intelligent as humans, have compassionate, have theability to do evil, have a plan that can destroy nature and other human life.

    KSW wanted to illustrate a parable that is more real, that he is more forgiving to the cat, letalone act the evidence he had a cat that throw dirt onto the clothes. KSW feel have thenature of love beyond love of God to man, he just could not let the cat go withoutpunishment, then why did God have to punish an innocent man? That simple thought, he feltvery love to cats, but strangely he hates religious people who actually have many virtuesthan a cat. KSW is actually just want to lead the way religious mind to abandon the beliefswhich he considers stupid. KSW has a mind and reason is very simple to remove theattributes of God which he does not deserve owned by the figure of the Creator. KSW give alimit to the attributes of God according to the selfish ways of his thinking, because the nature

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    of God who can punish it, would restrict their freedom to do as he pleased without limitThough each of any religious teachings have limitation norms of human treatment to otherhumans or to nature, so that it is not a human being can do to others as pleased himself. If the rules were not obeyed or violated, the penalty of retaliation will be subject to him. This ithe law of cause and effect of balance.

    Actually religious laws more flexible than the rules that apply within a democrazy state or thstate of democracy, because the rules that apply to the state of democracy will be the judgedirectly after the evidence revealed in a court, while the law of religion is tolerant and flexibfor patient was later suspended the sentence after his death or after in the afterlife will be.Religious law still gives a grace period to let the villain was enjoying life on this earthbecause people who still profess to be patient to suspend the sentence for the time being. Agood religious believers are still to be patient after be hard done unjustified, reviled, insultedand abused by another man because he has no power to demand justice to the stateauthorities, so that he surrender penalty is the fairest one day to the Creator after his deathlater.

    However, KSW is still not received, any form of punishment given to him, in despite of a forof punishment that are stored in the minds of people who insulated will be run out. Finally hfeels has the absolute freedom by unlimited, even beyond the nature of God, known by thereligious ones. So the depiction of evil traits described in the teachings of religion have beenmet by a human figure who initial Ali Sina like this. Even within Christianity there are alegal or retribution against people who are always doing evil to others who reviled, this iperpetuated by Jesus in Matthew 13: 36-42;

    13:36 Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: andhis disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of

    the tares of the field. 13:37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is

    the Son of man;

    13:38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom;but the tares are the children of the wicked one;

    13:39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.

    13:40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it

    be in the end of this world. 13:41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out

    of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;

    13:42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing andgnashing of teeth.

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    In the above verse, Jesus explains the parable of the Last Day or the end timesand the torments of hell fire. The field is a metaphor for life in the world, thosewho sow the good seed that has been likened to a person during his lifetimedoing good in the world, while tares likened to evil doers, while the enemy for those who do good is the devil or demons, then the mowing results or who reapthe good and the errors that are the angels.That is the angel assigned to separate the good seed with weeds that are notuseful in the latter days later, while the harvest is the Day of Judgement or dayof the end or the end of time. Then the tares or the wicked or arsonist will becollected and burned in the fire of hell. Who threw the arsonist is the angels of kingdom of God that messange by child or children who do good for peoplewho live in this world always have been wronged by the sinner that. Thecriminals and the makers of sin will be collected and dumped into the kitchen(stove) the glowing fire. So that's where there will be wailing weeping andfeeling pain unlimited by a parable from the gnashing of teeth sinner it.

    Ali Sina is not able to provide the right reason and right to eliminate thereligious teachings and replace it with a new indoctrinating, so for that he didthe strategy fighting to pit human race in religious communities, with the aim of destroying the entire teaching religion in the world. Sniper tactics by himconsidered the most powerful is to spread hatred, slander and spread of detestation to produced and provoked emotion for religious people. If religiouspeople who believer already emotionally against it, then he has managed toprovoke outrage assess religious community, especially to the hated Muslims.Because if the people are emotional, usually no longer road again his reasonand incapable of rational thought. That is actually desired by the devil like this

    human intangible. If Muslims have been provoked emotions, then he clappedhis hands and laughed himself. He accused a prophet has a psychopathicdisease, but actually he himself who suffer of diseases that danger for humanlife. The disease is very chronic so that he did not realize it at all. Ali Sina is nota normal human being who does not understand what he was saying, maybehe's too old to learn the science of the devil so that he talked nonsense and notnecessarily the direction, there not have the slightest good value, his fiddlesticknot qualified at all so that he could only hurt the feelings of religious peoplethroughout by his mouth.

    KSW is a real atheist, but he's also like a chameleon who can change the color

    so that he is everywhere in the wily and cunning disguises. He pit the Muslimsand Christians even though he himself is not the adherents of both religions.After the two religions that hate each other, debating each other, deriding eachother, and mutually blaspheming, the devil is getting satisfied and applaudedenjoy a fun fight for this crazy psychopath.

    He himself was not able to damage of religion alone, so he pretended to helpthe followers of Christianity who does not understand his religion, to attack

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    Islam together. Only people who provoked emotions and do not have anyreason that can be hooked by the KSW of this fraud, to each other on his pridesite on www.faithfreedom.org . But they really do not realize that their actionsare not commendable, it is not going to weaken and hinder the development of Islamic religion in the world. On the contrary, where such heinous way, everyday and every turn of the year more and more people are saying shahadasentence upon this earth. It is a fact that is irrefutable by anyone at this time.

    Then the KSW was denied information presented by teachers verses theamount of Dr. Naik, when the real devil is already feeling frightened of thethreat of Qur'anic verses devoted to him. So in that verse description he suedwith answers that are not scientific at all, even if the KSW was once seen never to follow developments in medical science in the century, this millenium. He hasbeen too long meditated under a volcano crater that he still follows the myths of the devil.

    KSW is thought that the pain is felt it had nothing to the nerves in the brain, thisis proof that he did not know the medical science and he is the gibberish man.And already many years ago the experts found that there was nerves in thebrain centers that can receive and deliver stimulation of sensors / receptors inthe epidermis and from the skin to the nerve centers in the brain. If the sensor is still on the stimulation threshold, then the pain can still be detected by anerve center to be felt at the site of stimulation. But if the sensor stimuli thatexceeds a threshold, it will cause people to faint, so it will not feel any pain. Sois the skin tissue, where the under layer of skin epidermis have nerve pointsthat can receive stimulation to feel the pain if there are outside influences, suchas scratches, pinch, even to feel the effect of temperature or stimulus of sex. If

    the epidermal layer peeled off due to accidents of fire as a result stage 2, thesensor nerves there will be lost so that the skin will not feel any pain at all.Surah al qur'an presented by Dr Naik is a parable with a style that is in itsmeaning. This verse gives metaphor that people can not evade the pain,because the torture was the nerves in the skin.

    The atheist Ali Sina does not understand about Islamic teachings truely, then

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    he spread self-delusion. He just assumed that the God of Islam is the cruelpunishment, and only requires worship throughout Him at any time. That's howrumors spread by this instigator every day. Though God's punishment wasmore addressed to Ali Sina is an always incite, that spread lies and planting theseeds of hatred in the breasts of mankind. This KSW deserve such punishmentin the afterlife even more weight if he can anymore.Whereas in the Islamic teachings, God will not punish anyone except for themistakes he has made. As for people who still make mistakes, the mistakes willcontinue to accumulate and eventually he could not escape from theserewards. Man is called human Infidel. The term of Infidel is more directed topeople who would not accept the values of truth and oppose the truth evenreject it without good reason, he deny the truth of the just-eaten by hatred or incitement which is spread by Ali Sina, so as the people who incited is nolonger able to use his reason a more just and full of wisdom.

    This is perpetuated by al Qur'an in sura al Baqaraah verse 81 which reads;Nay, those who seek gain in evil, and are girt round by their sins,- they are

    companions of the Fire: Therein shall they abide (For ever).( QS 2:81)

    Even followers of animist religions who worship idols or other gods, which hehad never received the correct information about the Lord of hosts, then theQur'an never defines the demand for them in this world. Except if they opposethe truth that has been communicated to him and hostile to goodness valuedelivered it with hatred and incitement. Punishment given by God to someone,not because he does not worship God, but is caused by evil deeds ever doneduring his life.Before someone dropped justly punished, al qur'an explains there will be fair incourt that led directly by the Judge who is God's justice.

    While Polytheisme or Pagan is an act that intentionally committed by a personin accordance with their knowledge to incite and get someone else to worshipidols or gods other material, while others may not understand what he haddone. That is not the people who worship idols that are pagan, but people whoordered and understood that more idolater, when else who made more awareof and understand the meaning of polytheis. Perhaps only people who worshipthese idols do not understand or have never come to their descriptions, so thatthey are dragged to the deed that he did not realize, then that is said topolytheist here, not the pagan but those who give it polytheist science. They areeternal in hell, because they have been taught something that is false, eventhough it knew provocateur like Ali Sina.

    The Qur'an is called the instigator pagans are people of the books scribe whohas misled many of mankind, but they hide the truth. While the Qur'an says that

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    those who continue to commit crimes, inciting people to do evil, hatred, is thedevil and satan. Satan can be either Genie creatures and can also be derivedfrom a class of human beings who continue to commit crimes without beingable to be made aware by anyone. What is meant by the devil here is a manwho named Ali Sina this. So the religious teachings of Islam are not as depictedby this KSW.(Dr. Naik) Professor Thagada Shaun, who is the head of the department of Anatomy, in Chang Mai University in Thailand, - Only on the basis of this oneVerse, he proclaimed the Shahada , in the 8 th Medical conference in Riyadh, andsaid (Arabic). That There is no God but Allah, and that Prophet Mohammed,peace be upon him, is the Messenger of Allah.

    I started my talk by quoting the Verse from the Glorious Quran from Surah fromSurah Fussilat, Ch. 41, Verse 53, which says(Arabic) That soon We shall showthem Our signs in the farthest reaches of the horizons, and into their souls, until itis clear to them, that this is the truth. This one Verse was sufficient to prove to Dr.

    Thagada, Thagada Shaun, that Quran is a Divine Revelation. Some may require 10signs, some may require 100. Some, even after a 1000 signs are given, they willnot accept the truth.

    (Ali Sina) Professor Thagada Shaun must be a fool. Heaven knows if such anidiot actually exists or he is a fabrication of Muslim wishful thinking. Theseverses are stupid. Not only they reveal that Muhammad was a sadist, they alsocontain no scientific information whatsoever. Muslims have based their entirefaith on logical fallacies. "Doctor so and so has confirmed the Quran so Islammust be true" is an asinine argument. There are many more authentic doctorsand professors born and raised in Islam who reject this cult and have left it.They find Islam and the Quran utterly stupid. Why not listen to them?


    Ravings of the Ali Sina has been no showing that he is a man who can talk aswell. Ali Sina is talking not use the brain, but a sense of hatred that is not usefulat all in a healthy discussion to seek the truth values of honest and fair. It isthat his Shrimps brain has no capable scientific at all, he just refused a factwithout any logical reason, however he can use convey a abhorrence sense,suspicion and hatred to the religion of Islam.

    Ad Hominem in the Quran

    (Dr. Naik) Quran calls such people, as in Surah Baqarah Ch. 2, Verse18(Arabic) The deaf, the dumb, the blind, they will not return to the true path. The Bible says the same thing in Gospel of Mathew, Ch. No. 13, Verse No. 13

    Seeing they see not, hearing they hear not, neither will they understand.

    (Ali Sina) This is called poisoning the well or the famousad hominem fallacy.The Quran fails to give one solid argument that cannot be successfully refuted.

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    Instead of proof, Muhammad tried to undermine the intelligence and sincerity of those who did not agree with his irrational claims. He did not stop there. Hethen went on ordering his demented followers to fight, and wage war againstthe unbelievers, to crucify them, to cut their fingertips and to slay themwherever they find them.


    Ali Sina is pretended to be offended by the term made its own 'ad hominem'.Whereas he was speaking casually insulting blindly before with cursingMuslims for no reason and scientific evidence whatsoever. But instead he feltoffended by a warning delivered by his teacher who are written in the Qur'anand Bible verses.

    This indicates that Ali Sina was most afraid of with scripture verses that echoedinto his ear hole. He felt burned by these verses, so he's mad is talking

    nonsense there-here without clear what he's talking about, like someone who isepilepsy. Apparently the Ali Sina is not able to use his senses, because theeyes and his heart was blind, brain and mind is very dirty which can no longer be cleaned at all. Better for he was be imprisoned again under the volcanocrater, rather than making an inconsequential chatter and unclear.

    The Quran vs. the Bible

    (Dr. Naik) And regarding the other parts of Embryology, I will deal in my rebuttalInshaAllah, if time permits - I have to do justice to the other part also regarding

    Bible in the light of science. At the outset let me tell you, that Quran says inSurah Rad, Ch. 13, Verse. 38, that We have given several Revelations. By nameonly 4 are mentioned - The Torah , the Zaboo r, the Injeel and the Quran . TheTorah is the Wahi the Revelation, which was given to Prophet Moses, (peace beupon him). The Zaboor is the Wahi , which was given to David, (peace be uponhim). The Injeel is the Wahi , the Revelation which was given to Jesus, (peace beupon him). And Quran is the last and final Revelation, which was given to the lastand final Messenger Prophet Mohammed, (peace be upon him).

    Let me make it very clear to every one, that this Bible which the Christians believeto be the word of God, is not the Injeel which we Muslims believe, was revealed toProphet Jesus, (peace be upon him). This Bible according to us, it may contain thewords of God - But it also contains words of Prophets, words of historians, itcontains absurdities, obscenity, as well as innumerable scientific errors.

    (Ali Sina) Both the Bible and the Quran contain absurdities, obscenities andinnumerable scientific errors.(Rahmanhadiq; how could KSW actually hadinsulted the holy book of Islam and Christian religion, wants to talk about truthand goodness. What kind of goodness that can be expected by the Atheists of this curse.) However since the thinking Christians and Jews know that the Bibleis not the verbatim word of God, but stories written by men who allegedly wereinspired but nonetheless fallible, they take their scriptures with a grain of salt.

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    This allows them to adapt to the changing time and let their intelligence be their guide.

    Because Muslims think the Quran is the verbatim words of God, they cantchange it. They are stuck in the 7th century and cant go forward. Other religionsare living. They are growing and changing. Islam is fossilized. This will bring thedownfall of Islam. Because Islam is unchangeable it is bound to break and fallapart. Precisely because of this reason, other religions have a future, but Islamhas none. Other religions will survive this century and many more, but Islam willnot. Islam will meet its death, thanks to its own rigidity. It is pathetic for Muslimsto point out to the errors of the Bible in response to the errors that exist in theQuran. The Christians and the Jews can overlook those errors and attributethem to the fallibility of the scribes. The Biblical prophets were humans andthey could have erred. This is a luxury that Muslims can't afford. They musteither accept the Quran as one package or reject it in its entirety. This claim of authenticity that Muslims think is the strength of the Quran, is actually the

    cause of its fall.Jesus said: "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. Butwhen he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth".John 16:12 -13

    The spirit of the truth has come. It is the new age of enlightenment. The gatesof knowledge and understanding are flung open and new truths are beingrevealed every day. Christians know that knowledge of God is not limited towhat is in the Bible. They know that truth is infinite. They are open to learn newthings. Muslims don't know that. Muslims foolishly think Gods knowledge is

    limited.(Rahmanhadiq; just Muslims who are always preaching about scientificinformation for the power of God, which surpasses all whatsoever.)

    That everything He wanted to say He has already said it in the Quran and thereis nothing more to learn. They think the hands of God are tied and his wisdomis dried out. That is why Christianity, and all other religions that allow changeare alive and Islam is dead.


    Apparently this KSW speaking outside oif the context of Islamic religion, nor in

    the Christian understanding of language. What might the Ali Sina has tounderstand very well about the book of Christian people, so that he dared torepresent the church leaders to speak on behalf of Jews and Christian, whichhe said "Jews and Christians know that the Bible is not merely the word of Godentirely, but the stories written by people who claim to be inspired but stillwrong, they do not take them with the verses at face value ". As if the atheist isconcluded that the teaching of Christian religious leaders are no longer adhereto the teachings of their Bible contained the book. So he thinks that Christian

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    religious leaders have left the joints of their religion by way of thinking asdesired by the KSW of this. With its conclusion, the KSW was satisfied with theattitude of the Christian faiths that are not glued anymore to the verses in thescripture, to be transferred to the Spirit of Truth. To explain the Spirit of truth,this atheists who are changing of colors, spoke as a Christian religious leader.He took a verse in the Christian holy book which will be published as above.The KSW is to translate the word "Spirit of Truth" is " knowledge andunderstanding" that implemented to "science and technology" that has madethe goal for Christian faiths, so that the "new truth revealed every day." Thatreasoning of Ali Sina. This atheist is to give praise and appreciation toChristians who are not taking full scripture, but have started turning to worldlyinterests to achieve progress in science and technology, according to ademocratic society. That is the atheist concludes that Christians are better thanbefore because it was able to follow the progress of modern humans in thecountry of democracy, without having to follow rigid religious doctrine. Becauseof the verses in the Bible is not the verses of God, but comes from writers who

    have the holy spirit.Instead of this Satan, Islamic religion which he considered still shackled withthe description of al quran verses that can not be modified or engineered to suitthe times and science. That's how Ali Sina's view, the underlying purpose of hislife just to satisfy in the world alone, so he justifies all means to gain advantage,including insults, hate, inciting and pit all religious communities to achieve itsmission. The atheist does not have any views about the philosophy of thecultural life as well as what happens after death, the important thing for him isto pursue the needs and desires after death it is game over. To achieve hispurpose, he concocting a negative conclusion from the teachings of Islam

    according to his hatred of logic and passion alone. Then the results wereformulated by hatred in the form of negative slander and gossip, then spreadthis issue to damage the joints of the teachings of Islam to the world through hispride site in www.faithfreedom.org. Though described by his teacher DR Naik,is precisely the joints that support the Islamic religion and requires Muslims tolearn and follow the development of science and technology. However, his setthinking of power is dead, so he just talk nonsense and do not touch on thetopic of science altogether.

    (Dr. Naik) If there are scientific points mentioned in the Bible - there arepossibilities - why not? It may be part of the word of God, in the Bible . But whatabout the scientific errors? - What about the unscientific portions? - Can youattribute this to God?

    (Ali Sina) And what about the unscientific portions of the Quran? The Quran iscompletely unscientific. There is absolutely nothing scientific in this book whileeverything it says is nonsense. There is not a single scientific statement in theQuran that was unknown at the time of Muhammad.

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    Nagging is expressed by the KSW, showing that he did not receive any truth of the verse of al qur'an, without explain with the scientific reasons. But that is justgiven hatreds far deviate from the topic of the question, like he was fishing for new problems from behind the walls of his house. This shows that the Ali Sina,not a man who has thought and the Spirit of truth, he only favors only hatredalone without guided by right thinking and scientific.

    So appropriateness, Ali Sina is being rewarded for that is worth the publicutterances, so rahmanhadiq give lessons how it feels when someone insultsand berating himself. But it seems, this devil is not be effected by the cursed or insulted though, because he already has no sense of compassion for mankindand also do not have Spirit of truth altogether. So do not expect much, in casethis demon can not be resuscitated or not to spread hatred again to the Islamicummah.

    (Dr. Naik) purpose of my presentation on Bible and science is not to hurt anyChristians feeling. If while presenting, if I hurt your feelings, I do apologize inadvance.

    (Ali Sina) Dr. Naik is gauging Christians with Islamic yardstick. Its Muslimswho get offended, make riots, burn churches and embassies and kill innocentpeople if their religion is criticized. Christians have been taking criticisms for along time and if those criticisms were correct, they have changed their waysand beliefs. That is why I call Christianity a living faith and Islam a dead andfossilized faith.


    Clearly visible, that the sentences which were prepared by the KSW, wassentence to provoke hostility and hurt. Though his teacher Dr Naik, has limitedthe problem is only in problems the relationship between "Science with the HolyBook", in terms of scientific perspectives. Moreover, Dr Naik is especiallyapologized to the audience, if there are words that are not pleasing to theassessment of the Christians. That's two big speakers were arguing with thehigh spirit of sportsmanship and openness, then throw away feeling offendedthem.

    However, the KSW is getting the opportunity to malign intent discriting andslander Islamic religion, and lure the people who had been thought thatchristian always harassed by the Islamic religion. It is view of Satan Ali Sina's inthe sense that the words of Dr Naik, i,e view from the negative side and thenspread incitement that are not qualified.

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    (Dr. Naik) The purpose is only to point out, that a Gods Revelation cannot containscientific errors.

    (Ali Sina) Well, thank you doctor Naik! We will hold you to your own word andexpect you to explain how the Quran with so many errors can be God's

    Revelation. Its clear that the Quran is wrong and the adamant denial of Muslims, their riots, hooliganisms and threats do not make it right. Few Muslimswill bother to read this rebuttal, but most of those who do will first think how tokill me. Why instead don't you exert an effort to refute me and prove me wrong?


    Apparently Ali Sina is already having some materials sufficient to reject thetruth that will be delivered by his teacher Dr Naik. Apparently, Ali Sina hasprepared voodoo from his ancestral to refute the information that will bedelivered by a former teacher Naik DR. Well we will just wait spells and his

    voodoo that will shown by KSW is, whether reason can still make sense andhave the correct scientific language, or merely just a nagging, as long as he ismodeling before.

    Creation of the Universe in the Quran

    (Dr. Naik) First we deal with Astronomy . The Bible speaks about the creation of the universe. In the beginning, 1 st Book, Book of Genesis, 1 st Ch. , it is mentioned -It says Almighty God created the Heavens and the Earth, in six days and talksabout a evening and a morning, referring to a 24 - hour day. Today scientists tellus, that the universe cannot be created in a 24 hour period of six days. Quran toospeaks about six ayyams . The Arabic word singular is yaum plural is ayyam . It

    can either mean a day of 24 hours, or it is a very long period, a yaum , an epoch.Scientists say we have no objection in agreeing that the universe - it could havebeen created in 6 very long periods.

    (Ali Sina) Here Dr. Naik is vividly revealing the hypocrisy and the doublestandard that characterizes the Muslim mind. The story of the creation stated inthe Quran is borrowed from the Bible. So, logically, what is true about theoriginal version is also true about its copy. What is good for the goose is alsogood for the gander. However Dr. Naik says that the days stated in the Bibleshould be interpreted as 24-hours days while the days stated in the Quranshould be interpreted as unspecified periods of time - eons. Why this doublestandard? It is because the Muslim mind is a sick mind, bereft of fairness andcommonsense.

    This story, whether in its original version stated in the Bible or in its plagiarizedversion rehashed in the Quran is fairytale. No scientist has ever said that theuniverse has been created in six phases. Geologists have divided the history of the Earth in several epochs, which have nothing to do with the Biblical and theQuranic version of creation, but the history of the universe is not demarked by

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    phases. This is clearly an error.

    Furthermore the Quran contradicts itself in relaying this fairy tale.


    Apparently student Ali Sina is not able to argue his professor Dr NaikDescription. He just expressed his frustration only. Back he was only able toregurgitate his stomach contents of foul, curse and revile. There is nothing new,scientific rebuttal that can be conveyed. There is no argument that can refuteany testimony that his Master. He was only able to talk throught hat withoutunderstanding the topic presented by the teache DR. Naik, and then convey hisgrudges with a different problem with the topic. Ali Sina, who was acting smartArrogant want to teach the teachers with a old spell. In fact, he accuses theKoran copying the Bible information. An accusation without reasonable excuseis not presented in a scientific discussion. It is clear that Ali Sina is not using

    common sense, in his mind there was only his own feces like a case with aPrawn, he was only able to convey a sense of hatred and incitement only.

    So whenever the a man talk by arrogant, the empty keg loud sounds, emptyrice will be higher standing than those contained. He only believed in referenceto the human scientific discovery, because till now human beings have notmanaged to find out how long this nature is created, then he rejected the Bibleand the Qur'an information. But he did not have another opinion at all, evenspells as not useful in this book. Then Ali Sina only able to compare thefindings of experts on the formation of Earth's geology, not the universe, whichhe divided into various phases are not 6 stages. The shallow thinking of KSW.

    Later he changed the subject talks into another problem, namely delivering theothers al quran verses, which he said conflict with scientific discovery, below.Though the verses had been discussed by the professor DR Naik, on the lastsemester, but he still did not pass away, then he must repeated on thissemester. For that rahmanhadiq as an assistant of professor Dr. Naik, willprovide additional assistance or private concern to help this student is, for thenext semester, he was able to graduate with mediocre value.

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    Six or eight days of creation?

    041.009 Say: Is it that ye deny Him Who created the earth in TWO Days And do ye join equals with Him? He is theLord of (all) the Worlds.


    041.010 He set on the (earth), mountains standing firm, highabove it,and bestowed blessings on the earth, and measure thereinall things to give them nourishment in due proportion, in FOUR Days, in accordance with (the needs of) thosewho seek (Sustenance).


    041.011 Moreover He comprehended in His design the sky, and ithad been (as) smoke: He said to it and to the earth:"Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly." They said:"We do come (together), in willing obedience."

    041.012 So He completed them as seven firmaments inTWODays,and He assigned to each heaven its duty and command.And We adorned the lower heaven with lights, and(provided it) with guard. Such is the Decree of (Him) theExalted in Might, Full of Knowledge


    Total days of creation 8

    Sura 7:54, 10:3, 11:7, and 25:59 say that God created "the heavens and theearth" in six days.


    The combination of two words "heaven and earth" in Al Quran verse, explai

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