
Post on 18-Jan-2015






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2. RADARRadar (radio amplification detection and ranging) is anelectronic system for transmitting electromagnetic signalsand receiving echoes from objects of interest (targets). 3. HISTORY OF RADAR Invented in1900s(Patentedin 1904) Implemented inWorld war 2 Installed onships fordetecting enemy 4. HOW A RADAR WORKSTransmits anelectromagneticsignal modulatedwith particulartype of waveform.(modulationdepends onrequirements ofapplication)Signal is reflectedfrom targetReflected signal isdetected by radarreceiver andanalyzed to extractdesired information 5. TYPES OF RADARDetection and search radarsMissile guidance systemsBattlefield and reconnaissance radarAir Traffic Control and navigationSpace and range instrumentation radar systemsWeather-sensing Radar systemsRadars for biological research 6. Radar Frequency BandsFrequencyWavelength 1 mm1 km 1 m 1 m 1 nm1 MHz 1 GHzIR UV109 Hz0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1230 20 10 8 6 5 4 39 7Allocated Frequency (GHz)Wavelength (cm)X-BandC-BandS-BandL-BandUHFVHFVisible1012 HzKuKKaW 7. Target Target range =c2where c = speed of light= round trip timeRADAR RANGE MEASUREMENT 8. RADAR APPLICATIONS AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL AIR NAVIGATION REMOTE SENSING MARINE LAW ENFORCEMENT AND HIGHWAY SAFETY SPACE MILITARY 9. GENERIC RADAR SYSTEM 10. Basic Radar Range Equation - Monostatic Usually the same antenna is used for transmission andreception and we have the relationship between Gain andeffective area: 11. LATEST TECHNOLOGIES IN RADAR STEALTH SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR MTI RADARS MESA TECHNOLOGY AIRBORNE METHOD SATELLITE BASED METHOD 12. FOR REDUCING RADAR DETECTION The sea water is used to make the ships less detected as they are goodreflectors. 13. AIRBORNE METHOD USEFUL TO DETECT ENEMY IN 3-D THEY USE LIDAR MADE TO FLY HIGH UP IN THE AIR 14. SATELLITE BASED METHOD THE SATELLITE USE RADAR SENSORS THEY COVER A WIDE AREA THEY ARE MORE RELIEBLE AND SAFE 15. SURFACE BASED METHODS Radars of high sensitivity are used, like Radio Telescopes. They work good at all weather conditions. They use the concept of Radio-Astronomy. Requires heavy installations. The speed & trajectory of the enemy can be easily detected. Can detect he difference between hostile & Stealth crafts. Destroy the enemy with out their notice. Do not release radio signals. 16. STEALTH VEHICLES

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