race and poverty in the us

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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Presentation about racism and the different situations that has happened in the U.S. about this topic.


  • 1. Race and poverty in the US Ddac Mas Arco

2. Civil rights movement 3. Civil rights movement The civil rights movement startedin 1955 when the murder of black people was common in the south of the States and also it wasnt punished. And finished in 1968 with Martin Luther Kings dead. The Civil rights movement contain every idea to obtain the equality of rights in the US. 4. Civil rights movement Emmets Till murder wasthe beginning of this movement, he was a teenager from Chicago that was visiting Money, Mississippi. That crime wasnt forget because of its age, and the reason of the murder.Emmet Till before its murder 5. Civil rights movement Its supposed that Emmet was murdered because he whistled to a white woman in a shop. In the burial, his mother decided to let the coffin opened to show the assistants what the murderers did him. The assassins werent condemned because of that crime.Emmet Till after its murder 6. Civil rights movement In this year also happened the Montgomery Bus Boycott, in Montgomery, Alabama. What happened is that awomen called Rosa Parks didnt accepted to let half of the bus for white people because there was no white people in the bus.Rosa ParksThe Montgomery Bus 7. Civils rights movement She was arrested and went to court. The 3rd of December of that year, black people came in accordance to not to use the bus, so they shared cars for example. This movement spent 381 days, until the segregation law was aborted. Rosa Parks going to the court 8. Civil rights movement The civil rights movement finished in 1968 when Martin Luther King become dead in Memphis, he was there to help the garbage man in a demonstration demanding a better treat and a better contract.King during a speechMartin Luther King Jr. 9. Martin Luther Kings Murder 10. Martin Luther Kings murder This event is known as the end of the civil rights movement, because he was the symbol of that fight. He was murdered in the balcony of the Lorraine Motel at the 18 hours and a minute of the 4th of April of 1968.The balcony of the murderLorraine motel 11. Martin Luther Kings murder He received a shoot in its head. Rapidly its friends went out when they heard the shot, but it was late. An hour later he was declared dead.King at the Lorraine MotelKing at the Lorraine Motel 12. Martin Luther Kings murder Hes very famous for its speech in the Washington Memorial the 28th of August of 1963. He fought for all the black people rights in the United States.The famous speech in Washington 13. Martin Luther Kings murder He was killed by James Earl Ray, hewas born the 10th of March of 1928 and dead in prison on April 23rd of 1998 by a hepatitis C. He was caught in London with a false Canadian passport, after Kings death. Before that crime he was consideredRay at prisona minor criminal, because of that is said that he wasnt the real murderer of Martin Luther Kings. James Earl Ray FBI search poster 14. Racial riots 15. Racial riots The racial riots was a wave of civil disturbance after Martin Luther Kings death. The riots were caused because King was the leader of the Civil rights movement.Riots in WashingtonCar destroyed during the riots 16. Racial riots People felt angry for its dead; so many people thought that violence was the only way to fight against racism. Riots near a Candy shopRiots in Chicago 17. Racial riots The biggest riots took place in Washington DC, Baltimore, Louisville, Kansas City and Chicago. The resulting damage was $50.000.000. In this riots 39 people dead, 34 of them were black people. 18. Current situation 19. Current situation With the recent decades, it is said that there exists a colour blindness or an "understanding that cultural differences rooted in racial identities are irrelevant for peoples. Black people that has succeed 20. Current situation Furthermore, many cite the 2008 United States presidential election as a step forward in race relations. White Americans played a role in electing Barack Obama, the country's first black president. The U.S. President, Barack Obama 21. Current situation In fact, Obama received a greater percentage of the white vote (43%), than did the previous Democratic candidate, John Kerry (41%). Election results of 2008Election results of 2012 22. Information sources http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movements_for_civil_rights http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King,_Jr. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montgomery_Bus_Boycott http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Earl_Ray http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_assassination_riots http://charlotte.cbslocal.com/2013/05/24/racism-in-america-racism-is-a-diseasethat-needs-to-be-cured/ 23. The End Ddac Mas Arco

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