rabbi menachem goldberger דחא בלב - amazon s3...the weekly parsha gather them parsha potpourri...

Post on 25-Feb-2020






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This week’s Lev Echad is being sponsored by Bluma Bier, in gratitude to Hashem for her naches, and in gratitude

קהילת תפארת ישראל פרשת בהעלותך���� / ��� ������ ��-���� ����bWelcome to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel! Parshas Tazria/Metzora

בלב אחד

DAVENING SCHEDULE Friday Candle Lighting: 7:00-8:14 pm Mincha: 7:00 pm Shabbos Day Shacharis: 8:30 am Rebbetzin Bracha’s Shiur: 5:30 pm Rabbi’s Shiur: 6:30 pm Mincha: 7:30 pm Maariv: 9:30 pm Shabbos is over after: 9:45 pm Sunday Shacharis: 8:00 am Mincha/Maariv: 8:20 pm Monday-Friday Shacharis: 6:30 am Mincha/Maariv followed by Rabbi Goldberger shiur and Bais Medresh: 8:20 pm Next Shabbos — Parshas Shelach Candle Lighting: 7:03-8:17 pm Friday Mincha: 7:00 pm

There are two times for candle lighting. The earlier time is Plag HaMincha and is the earliest time to light candles. The latter time is the regular candle lighting time and is 18 minutes before sunset, the latest time to light candles. If one wants to light candles when the shul accepts Shabbos, this is approximately 40 minutes after the start of Mincha.

Girls’ Learning Group The Girls’ Learning Group is over for the

year. Thank you to everyone who participated, and thank you to Nechama Goldman for coordinating.

This Shabbos • 5:30 pm. Rebbetzin Bracha’s shiur on the

13 Attributes of Mercy. For women. • 6:30 pm. Rabbi Goldberger’s Derech

Hashem shiur. For men and women. • Shalosh Seudos Sheva Brachos sponsored

by Fred and Rena Levi in honor of their grandchildren, Talia and Shuki Nissan.

Mazel Tov to • Yehuda Tenenbaum, who is graduating

from Talmudical Academy Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim.

• Shuki and Talia Nissan on their wedding this past Thursday evening. Mazel Tov to their parents, Dov and Tayna Goldstein and Rabbi and Mrs. Amnon Nissan; their grandparents, Fred and Rena Levi, Mrs. Ruth Goldstein, and Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda Nissanov; and their great-grandmothers, Mrs. Charlotte Levi and Mrs. Gert Sternfield. May they be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisrael!

• Aviva Childress on her graduation from Yeshiva of Greater Washington.

Focus on Tanach This is a reminder that if you haven’t

already signed up for a parsha or book of Tanach, it’s not too late. We would like to complete all of Tanach, as a community, with each family or individual learning a book from Tanach or a parsha from the Torah. There can be overlap, as long as we finish

Tanach as a shul. All of Tanach is being studied. Now we just need more members to participate.

Sign up. We even have someone for you to study with.

Mishnayos If you signed up for Mishnayos, the

deadline is fast approaching. If you would like to be a part of this seudas

mitzvah and help to sponsor the event, please contact Moshe Cohen.

Rebbetzin Bracha Shiur on the 13 Attributes of Mercy

The Tiferes Yisroel Sisterhood is presenting a series of shiurim with Rebbetzin Bracha Goldberger, “Emulating the Ways of Hashem, Based on the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy,” based on the sefer, Tomer Devorah.

Classes are held Shabbos afternoons, one hour before Rabbi Goldberger’s shiur.

The shiur is dedicated in commemoration of the yahrzeits of Esther Nechama Margolese, a”h, and Judy Ference, a”h, the 17th and 18th of Nisan.

Rabbi Goldberger’s Nightly Halacha Shiur

Each evening after mincha/maariv, Rabbi Goldberger gives a shiur for men in the Mishna Berurah for about 15 minutes on hilchos tzitzis.

Pushka total: $3,737.57 (see p. 3) 19 Sivan 5772/June 9, 2012.

5746-5772 Celebrating our 26th year 1986-2012

Rabbi Menachem Goldberger

הרב מנחם ראובן הלוי גולדברגר שליטא מרא דאתרא


Welcome to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel Parshas Beha’aloscha

This week’s Lev Echad is sponsored by:

The Reznick family, who express their deep appreciation to the kehillah for the chizuk given to them in so many ways — the tefilos and tehilim, the shmeras and t’haras hamaas, the erev Shabbos kivura, the shiva visits and meals and countless other

acts of caring; and to the Rabbi and Rebbetzin for their continued love and guidance.

Rabbi and Mrs. Reuvain and Meira Shnidman, with heartfelt thanks to Hakodosh Baruch Hu for their recent family simchas, and with great appreciation to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldberger and the entire TY kehilla.

Dvora Childress and family, with gratitude to Hashem Yisborach, on the occasion of Aviva’s graduation from Yeshiva of Greater Washington. What s’char halicha she has earned! We are so proud of her.

The Weekly Parsha

Parsha Potpourri – Selections

by Oizer Alport

Zacharnu es ha’daga asher no’chal b’mitzrayim chinam (11:5)

On our verse, which relates that the complainers lamented their recollection of the fish they used to eat in Egypt, the Medrash Pliah cryptically remarks mi’kan she’madlikin neiros b’Shabbos — from our verse we may derive that one is obligated to light candles on Shabbos, a mitzvah which has no apparent connection to our verse whatsoever.

The Chida explains the Medrash Pliah by noting that we must first understand what they were complaining about, as we are told that one was able to make the Mon taste like any-thing he so desired simply through his thoughts. If so, why were they complaining about the fish they used to eat in Egypt when they were perfectly capable of causing the Mon to take on that taste with no effort what-soever? Rather, the Gemora in Yoma (74b) states that although one was able to make the Mon taste like anything he desired, it never-theless retained the standard appearance of the Mon. Even though they were able to make the Mon taste like fish, they lacked the enjoyment and satiety which comes from seeing the food which they wished to taste. The Gemora there even notes that a blind person won’t enjoy or become as full from a meal as a person with normal vision who consumes the same food. Based on this complaint, the Medrash Pliah questioned how a person will be able to avoid the same dilemma on Shabbos, as he won’t be able to enjoy and appreciate the Shabbos delicacies if he is forced to eat them in darkness, and it therefore concluded that from our verse we may derive that one is obligated to light candles on Shabbos!

V’ruach nasa ma’eis Hashem va’yagez slavim min ha’yam vayitosh al ha’machane k’derech yom koh u’k’derech yom koh s’vivos ha’machane uk’amasayim al p’nei ha’aretz. (11:31)

Uk’amasayim — por’chos b’gova ad she’hein k’neged libo she odom k’dei she’lo y’hei torach b’asifasan lo l’hagbia v’lo lis’chos. (Rashi)

The Darkei Mussar quotes Rav Yitzchok Meir ben-Menachem (son-in-law of Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer) as deriving from here a beautiful lesson in how Hashem runs the world. Rashi explains that the quail floated in mid-air at a level of two amos (3-4 feet) off the ground, so that the Jews who went to

gather them wouldn’t have to exert themselves to bend over and pick up the quail from off the ground. However, we know that a mere two verses later (11:33), the Torah relates that those who gluttonously consumed the quail died with the unchewed meat still between their teeth. If Hashem felt that their complaints and request for meat were inappropriate and planned to use the quail as an instrument of Divine punishment, why did He miraculously suspend the quail in mid-air in order to prevent unnecessary efforts on the part of such sinners?

Rather, we may derive from here that Hashem’s Divine system of reward and punishment is precisely meted out, and even a person upon whom suffering is decreed will only experience exactly the amount of pain which is coming to him and not the slightest bit more. We similarly find that although Yosef was sold into slavery and forced to endure untold suffering in Egypt, the Arab caravan which took him to Egypt was uncharacteristically carrying sweet-smelling spices (Bereishis 37:25) in order to save him from unnecessary suffering. Rashi also writes (Vayikra 14:34) that even when Hashem brings tzara’as upon the house of a person who speaks evil of others, it still brings with it the blessing of allowing the owner to discover valuable treasures which were hidden in the walls of house by the previous Canaanite inhabitants. Although nobody enjoys the suffering he is forced to endure throughout life, the knowledge that it is precisely meted out by a loving and compassionate G-d who won’t put him through the smallest amount of unnecessary pain can make it significantly more bearable.

This article is provided as part of Shema Yisrael Torah Network. Permission is granted to redistribute electronically or on paper,

provided that this notice is included intact.

Graphic courtesy of Chinuch.org.

Coming Up • June 24: TY Sisterhood Coffee House


Shemen Lamaor Sponsors • Ari and Caryn Blum • Jerry and Elka Rottman in loving memory

of Elka’s dear parents, Aryeh Leib ben Eliyahu HaKohen a”h and Golda bas Yosef Zelig HaLevi

Saturday Morning Lite Saturday Morning Lite is an educational

explanatory service held from 10 to 11:30 am in the Upper Bais Medrash. It is for young professionals, singles and couples ages 18-45, and is led by Rabbi Roll and Yaakov Novograd.

Even if the program is not for you, you can still bring a friend or neighbor along and

introduce them to the program and, in that way, help build the shul.

The service is geared toward beginners and those who would like more than just a rote repetition of the prayers. The focus is on teaching and discussion.

If you have any questions, please call Rabbi Yisroel Roll at 410-585-0497.

The Nancy Taffel Annex

The Nancy Taffel Annex is now available for meetings, shiurim, and special functions. Please contact Eileen Rosenbaum at 410-764-8443 or ejrosenbaum@gmail.com to schedule.

The Annex is not meant for heavy food events, children’s events or unsupervised teen events. Anyone under 20 must be in the company of an adult.

Please leave the room in the condition you found it or better. Thanks for doing your part to make our shul a wonderful place to grow and learn!

Ahavas Yisroel Jewish Women’s Project

The AY Project is what “women can do” in response to the darkness of our times to unite Klal Yisroel. Twenty minutes a week gives neighbors a chance to meet, shmooze and grow within the inspirational and fun sessions.

To locate a group, form a group on your block, or add your existing group to our current chabura list, contact Meira Blaxberg.

Groups in close proximity to TY are Shabbos 5:30 pm at Chani Caplan’s, Monday 2:30 pm at Sara Silverberg’s, Wednesday 8:15 pm at Rina Miriam Bethea’s and Wednesday 9 pm at Sara Weingot’s.

Sisterhood Coffee House Please join the TY Sisterhood for an

exceptional evening on Sunday, June 24, where Rebbetzin Goldberger will inspire us with the melodies of Shabbos.

If you would like to support the Sisterhood in its work for the shul, you can join our growing list of sponsors for this 2nd annual Coffeehouse Concert. A sponsorship is $100 and includes two tickets to the concert. Regular admission is $36. Please contact Caryn Blum at acblum@verizon.net with your reservation. Whichever way you choose to attend will benefit the Tiferes Yisroel Sisterhood and the shul.

If you are able to assist with setup, transforming the TY Simcha Hall into an elegant coffee house on June 24, prior to the concert, please contact Caryn as well.

Pushkas If anyone has any pushkas that are full or

close to full, please contact Shlomo and Ahuva Goldberger at 410-358-4456.

Visit us at www.tiferesyisroel.org Parshas Beha’aloscha

Half Way to Sinai Halfway to Sinai-Ayshel Avraham is open

for the season. If you will be walking to Sinai Hospital, Levindale or any other far-away places on Shabbos or Yom Tov (through Sim-chas Torah 5773), you can have a cold drink and rest your feet on the porch of 3000 Glen Avenue (corner Key Avenue) or 5932 Cross Country Boulevard (corner Simmonds Ave-nue). For more information, 410-466-3132.

Graduating? Is your child graduating this year? Please

let us know so that we can properly embarrass them by putting their name in the Lev Echad.

Summer Art Classes The shul is offering a summer art class in

basic drawing for men and boys Wednesdays from 4:30 to 5:30 pm, June 27-August 8.

Designed to improve technique and understanding of the drawing process.

Taught by Jonathan Raun. For more information, contact Jonathan at 410-243-2691, jonathanraun@gmail.com.

Yahrzeits Giving tzedakah in the name of the

departed has the power to elevate their soul. When you give charity on behalf of your loved one, consider giving to Tiferes Yisroel.

And may the soul of your loved one be bound in the bond of life, together with the souls of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov; Sarah, Rivka, Rachel and Leah; and together with the other righteous men and women in Gan Eden.

Batya Sklar, Batya Shifra bas Yosef Lave a”h,

20 Sivan, sister of Steven Sklar Moritz Kahane, Moshe Lazar HaKohen a”h,

21 Sivan, grandfather of Suzanne Kayne Norman Levenson, Nachum ben Shimon Tzvi

a”h, 21 Sivan, father of Aryeh Levenson Asher Balaban, Asher ben Yitzhak Zvi a”h,

22 Sivan, father of Dvora Childress Barbara Rubinstein Eiseman, Batsheva bas

Hirsh Vulf a”h, 23 Sivan, mother of Nancy Wells

Rebbetzin Leah Rosenbaum, Leah Hinda bas Rav Yosef a”h, 25 Sivan, mother of Miriam Lowenbraun

For Our Loved Ones Who Are Ill If you have a loved one who is seriously ill,

and you wish to have Tehillim recited on their behalf, please contact Rena Levi, 410-358-4817.

Our Women’s Tehillim group meets every Sunday morning from 10 to 10:45 in the Nancy Taffel Annex. Please join us if you can.

Daven with us at 6201 Park Heights Avenue Parshas Beha’aloscha

Pushka Challenge

The challenge is to deposit 36 cents into your shul pushka every day (it could be more or less, the challenge is to give something every day). When your pushka is full, drop off the money (in a bag, marked with your name) in Shlomo Goldberger’s mailbox.

Call Shlomo and Ahuva if you would like them to pick up a pushka or if you need a pushka.

Our goal is to bring in $10,000 by next Rosh Hashanah. To join the chal-lenge and the other members who have already signed up, contact the Goldbergers at 410-358-4456 or shlomhuva@aol.com.

Member families signed up: 67 Pushkas emptied: 72 Running total: $3,737.57

Aharon and Feige Rochel Adler

Avrum Weiss and Joan Kristall

Eli Freidman Ken and Chana Birnbaum Ida Goldberger Moshe Shaul Grossman Yaakov and Batsheva

Goldman Betzalel and Esther Huff Yehuda and Leah Bennnett Mo and Shaina Margolese Stuart and Debbie

Goldman Ann Stiller Keely and Jillian

Goldberger Elie and Esther Levi Jonathan and Talia Raun Ray and Risha Saperstein Bob and Karen Rosenfelt TY Daily Minyan Barbara Landsman Dov and Karen Pear Ladies Tehilim Group Yosef and Tova Schuerholz Nisan and Marietta Jaffee

Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldberger

Jerry and Elka Rottman and family

Louis and Rachel Rosenstock

Shulamis Heldoorn Shlomo and Ahuva

Goldberger Yosef and Chani Steinberg Mordechai Beleck Eric and Elaine Gerstenfeld Saul and Raizy Cohen Drew and Adrianna

Steinberg Lori Saltman Lenny and Glenna Ross Susan Vick Fred and Rena Levi Dvora Childress Ari and Caryn Blum Binny Margolese Efraim Katz and Judy

Schnidman Jerry and Eileen

Rosenbaum Ed and Mesa Leventhal Ari Freidman

Gavriel Haskins Elliott and Hillorie

Morrison Moshe and Shelly Cohen Scott Ference Howard and Dvora Sora

Reznick Scott and Sandy Parsowith Rabbi and Rebbetzin

Lowenbraun Nisan and Meira Blaxberg Saul and Toby Passe Ron Maltz Aaron and Shoshana

Shamberg Rafi Kristall-Weiss Bryna Kitay Mark and Joyce Dreyfuss Mark and Chana Singer Nathan and Jessie Franco Dov and Tayna Goldstein Jerome and Summer

Bethea Ken and Yocheved Gelula Suzanne Kayne Louis and Gail Feinstein Keren Hening Mordecai Zev Margolese

Louis and Gail Feinstein (Mishlei) Shoshana Goldman (9) (Shoftim) Rena Levi Jonah Rena Levi J Eliyahu Margolese (2) Lech Lecha onah N

Focus on Tanach The idea is to complete all of Tanach, as a community, with each family or individual learning a book from Tanach or a

Parsha from the Torah. There can be overlap, as long as we finish Tanach as a shul. Sign up with Shaina Margolese at momargolese@yahoo.com or 410-358-7387. Rabbi Goldberger would very much like the Torah parshiyos to be completed by the youth of our shul. Sign up with

Nechama Goldman, nechamabgoldman@gmail.com, 410-440-6234 or Shonny Katz, 410-358-0440, Shonny613@hotmail.com.

Aharon and Feige Rochel Adler (Esther)

Feige Rochel Adler (Malachi)

Shaul Allen (Rus, Eicha, Koheles, Esther)

Karen Beleck (Shmuel

Bais) Shira Beleck (Koheles) Yisrael and Rina Miriam

Bethea (Yechezkel) Chananya Blaxberg (3)

(Shemos, Va’eira, Bo)

Gavi Blaxberg (Nasso, Shoftim (parts))

Nisan Blaxberg (Micah, Zephaniah)

Rachamim Blaxberg (5) (Emor, Behar)

Blum family (Shmuel Aleph)

Chaya Blum (11) (Vayeitzei,Yishayahu (parts))

Dovid Blum (4) (Shemos, Va’eira, Bo, Yehoshua)

Reuven Blum (6) (Vayikra, Kedoshim)

Moshe Cohen (Melachim

Bais) Saul and Raizy Cohen

(Yechezkel) Joyce Dreyfuss

(Vayishlach, Vayeishev, Yayigash, Mishpatim, Melachim Aleph and Bais)

Feinstein children in

memory of their brother, Yaakov Chaim z'l (Toldos)

Louis and Gail Feinstein (Mishlei)

Elaine Gerstenfeld (Esther) Rabbi Goldberger

(Yehoshua) Rebbetzin Goldberger

(Shmuel) Shlomo Goldberger (Shir


Tehila Goldberger (2) (Tehillim)

Yaakov Goldberger (Va’eira, B’shalach, Yisro, Mishpatim, Terumah, Tetzaveh, Ki Sisa, Vayakel, Pekudei, Tzav, Shmini, Tazria, Metzora, Acharei Mot, Kedoshim, Emor, Behar, Bechukosai, Bamidbar, Naso, Be’halot’cha, Shlach, Korach, Chukas, Balak, Pinchas, Masei, Devarim, Vaetchanan, Ekev, Re’eh, Shoftim, Ki Setzei, Ki Savo, Nitzavim, Vayelech, Haazinu, V’Zos HaBracha,Yirmiyahu)

Andy Goldfinger (Koheles)

Goldman family (Bo) Avi Goldman (9) (Esther

(parts)) Goldie Goldman (11)

(Vayeitzei) Nechama Goldman

(Miketz) Shoshana Goldman (9)

(Shoftim, Melachim Aleph, Esther)

Yaakov Goldman (B’shalach)

Talia Goldstein (Koheles) Aharon Grayson (Ezra,

Nechemya) Nossi Gross (Yirmiyahu) Yaakov Gur (Iyov) Mark Hart (Tazria,

Metzora) Shulamis Heldoorn

(Shoftim) Davidi Howarth (Yisro,

B’shalach, Va’eira, Shemos, Bo)

Debby Howarth (Noach, Malachi, Esther)

Bezalel and Esther Huff (Daniel, Ezra)

Samantha Hulkower (Yisro)

Bert Kahn (Obadiah) Efraim Katz (Chayei

Sarah) Suzanne Kayne (Koheles) D Klotzman (Shelach) Barbara Landsman

(Esther) Elie Levi (Tzav, Shmini,

Tazria, Metzora, Acharei Mot, Kedoshim, Emor, Behar, Bechukosai, Bamidbar, Naso, Be’halot’cha, Shlach, Korach, Chukas, Balak, Pinchas, Masei, Devarim, Vaetchanan, Ekev, Re’eh, Shoftim, Ki Setzei, Ki Savo, Nitzavim, Vayelech, Haazinu, V’Zos HaBracha, Melachim Aleph)

Elie and Esther Levi (Ezra)

Rena Levi (Jonah) Eliyahu Margolese (2)

(Bereishis, Noach, Lech Lecha, Vayeira)

Mo and Shaina Margolese (Melachim Bais)

Mordecai Zev Margolese (Nechemya, Divrei

Hayamim) Hillorie Morrison

(Koheles) Parsowith family (Shmuel

Aleph) Aviva Paul (Vayechi, for

L'ilui Nishmas Tamar Rayzil bas Nosson)

Shlomo Pear (6) (Behar, Bechukosai)

Batya Perlman (10) (Beha’aloscha, Trai Asar (parts))

Gavriel Perlman (Ki Seitzei)

Hadassah Perlman (9) (Shemos, Melachim Bais (parts))

Levi Perlman (4) (B’shalach)

Minky Perlman (5) (Shemos)

Mordechai Meir Perlman (Devarim)

Noam Petersen (7) (Terumah)

Yaron Petersen (6) (Mattos)

Jonathan and Talia Raun

(Iyov) Aaron Binyamin Reznick

(Pinchas, Mattos) Dvora Sora Reznick

(Tehillim) Howard and Dvora Sora

Reznick (Habakkuk) Jerry and Eileen

Rosenbaum (Trai Asar)

Louis and Rachel Rosenstock (Va’eschanan)

Lenny and Glenna Ross (Hosea)

Jerry, Elka and Elisheva Rottman (Vayigash)

Judy Schnidman (Noach) Shoshana Shamberg

(Malachi) Meira Shnidman

(Melachim Aleph) Avi and Susan Sonenthal

(Zechariah) Avi Sonenthal (Mishlei) Shmeuli Tenenbaum

(Shmuel Aleph) Aryeh Yehuda Vanderhoof

(6) (Behar, Bechukosai)

Betzalel Vanderhoof (7) (Pinchas)

Tzadik Vanderhoof (Divrei Hayamim)

Elie and Esther Weiner

(Yishayahu) Women’s Tehillim Group

(Tehillim) Hillel Zeitlin (Rus)

Yasher Koach!

All of Tanach is being studied.

That’s part I. Part II is to have full

participation. Sign up!


Community • June 9: Women’s shiur in memory of Esther

Nechama Margolese. Sefer HaChinnuch, led by Dr. Dovid Clay. Home of Joyce Dreyfuss, 3820 Menlo Drive, each Shabbos at 4 pm. All women and high school girls are invited. Copies available.

• June 10: Single young women and mothers of singles are invited to join Baltimore Shadchan Inc. for an Evening of Advice and Guidance, “Reading the Parsha Correctly.” Program features R’Shaya Ostrov, author of Menuchas Hanefesh in Dating, Engagement, and Marriage, and a panel discussion with Rebbetzin Lea Feldman, Mrs. Rochelle Goldberg and Mrs. Dvora Meira Ringo. Light refreshments. Information: Mrs. Sandy Rosenbluth 410-764-2711, Mrs. Tamar Charnowitz 410-602-5215, Mrs. Lois Volosov 410-764-0255. 8:30 pm, BJSZ.

• June 16: World Juggling Day. • June 17: Ohr Chadash Academy presents the

Maccabeats, Live in Concert for their first live performance in Baltimore. 4:30 pm at Goucher College. For tickets and sponsorships, please contact concert@ohrchadashbaltimore.org

• June 20: CHAI’s Smart Homebuyer Workshop for first-time homebuyers. Find out about incen-tive loans and grants available to residents of Baltimore City, Baltimore County and Maryland. To register, call 410-500-5309 or tsherman@ chaibaltimore.org. Walk-ins welcome. 6-9 pm, CHAI, 5809 Park Heights Avenue.

Refuah Shalaimah to Our Members

• Karen Rosenfelt, Chaya bas Sheindel • Karen Eisenberg, Keren bas Levana Yuta • Elliott Morrison, Eliyahu Reuvain ben Chaya

Raisel • Raizy Cohen, Raiselle bas Sarah

Joblink. Joblink provides job seekers, recruiters

and employers with valuable information regarding employment opportunities and career information.

If you are looking for a job or know of one at your office, contact our shul liaison, Yehuda Bennett, at YehudaBennett@gmail.com, 443-827-8420 or Elly Lasson, executive director at Joblink, elasson@joblinkemployment.com, 410-602-8700.

No Peanuts! The shul is peanut-free. In consid-

eration of our members with peanut allergies, please refrain from bringing peanut products into the shul.

Mitzvah Cards. For $18, you get four cards that

you can mail out yourself. For $10, we will send the card out for you, and your donation will be announced in the Lev Echad.

Contact Glenna Ross at 410-358-1687 or e-mail glenna@tiferesyisroel.org.

Big Brother. We need Jewish Big Brothers!

Right now, there are boys in our community waiting to be matched with a mentor and a friend. Find out how rewarding this volunteer experience can be! Getting together with your “Little” twice a month is all it takes. Training and support are provided.

For more information, please contact Katie Cohen at 410-843-7462 or kcohen@jcsbaltimore. org.

Shul Rentals. To reserve the use of the shul’s

simcha hall or Nancy Taffel Annex, please contact Eileen Rosenbaum at 410-764-8443 or eileen@ tiferesyisroel.org.

There is no fee to reserve the date. For availability, go to www.tiferesyisroel.org, and click on the “Calendar” button on the left. This online calendar is kept up-to-date continuously.

Sponsorships. To arrange your sponsorship,

email levechad@tiferesyisroel.org, call 410-764-1971 option 4, or go to www.tiferesyisroel.org and click donate. Please send your donation to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel, 6201 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215.

To sponsor Shemen Lamaor for a month or the Lev Echad, Camp Shabbos or Father/Son Learning for a week, the donation is $36.

For the following, please contact Nisan Blaxberg at 410-358-3943 or inn8doc@aol.com.

Siddur $50 Chumash $75 Yahrzeit Plaque $300 Other seforim may be dedicated as well.

TY Shiurim Schedule Sunday: • 9:30-10:15 am: Men’s Gemara Brachos shiur

given by the Rabbi. Rashi, selected Tosfos and Maharsha following Shacharis.

• 10-10:45 am: Women’s Tehillim gathering for cholim (Nancy Taffel Annex).

Monday: • 6:45-7:45 pm: Rambam Hilchos Ishus. Given by

Jay Taffel. Upstairs Beis Midrash. On hiatus. Tuesday: • One hour before mincha: Gemara Chulin. The

8th perek dealing with the meat and bones and blood of kashrus, given by Jay Taffel. Upstairs Beis Midrash.

• 8 pm: Chabura learning — Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, focusing on the laws of Pesach. After maariv in the Bais Medrash. Led by Elie Weiner.

• 8 pm: Megilas Rus, given by Yael Weisbord.

Wednesday: • 8-9 pm: Nesivos Shalom. Bais Medrash. Led by

Fred Levi.

Daily (Monday-Friday): • 6-6:25 am: Chabura learning Rashi on the

weekly parsha given by Nisan Blaxberg. All men and (older) boys are invited to attend.

• Every morning following davening — a chabura for strengthening Hebrew reading with Nesivos Shalom. With fresh hot coffee!

• Sunday through Thursday evening after mincha/ maariv for 15 minutes — Rabbi Goldberger shiur for men. Mishna Berurah hilchos tzitzis.

• 8-9 pm: Nightly men’s bais medrash. Sunday through Thursday.

• 9:20-9:40 pm: Rabbi Goldberger teaching Tur-Bais Yoseph. Monday through Thursday.

Shabbos: • 8-8:30 am: Morning Chabura: Learning, discus-

sion and inspiration by Rabbi Apisdorf. Shabbos Malkisa.

• 8-8:30 am: Mishnayos Chabura. Nezikin. • One hour before Rabbi’s shiur: Rebbetzin Bracha

Goldberger, “Emulating the Ways of Hashem, Based on the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy,” based on the sefer, Tomer Devorah.

• One hour before mincha: Rabbi’s shiur on Derech Hashem. For men and women.

OFFICERS President Nisan Blaxberg 410-358-3943

blaxberg@tiferesyisroel.org VP Mo Margolese mo@tiferesyisroel.org VP Membership Louis Rosenstock 443-255-4343

louis@tiferesyisroel.org, lrosenstockphoto@ yahoo.com

Secretary Ari Blum 410-358-5478 blum@tiferesyisroel.org

Treasurer Yaakov Gur 410-358-2005 yaakovgur@tiferesyisroel.org

CONTACT INFORMATION Ahavas Yisrael Chabura Project Meira Blaxberg

410-358-3943 MeiraB@aol.com Bais Medrash Rabbi Elie Levi 410-318-8932 Calendar Eileen Rosenbaum 410-764-8443

eileen@tiferesyisroel.org Camp Shabbos Adriana Steinberg 202-641-6677

abpeljovich@yahoo.com Candyman Ari Blum Chesed Committee Chana Birnbaum (shiva) 410-

358-7736; Ester Gur (births) 410-358-2005; Raizy Cohen (cholim) 410-764-8852

Davening Schedule Jay Taffel 410-358-9029 Father/Son Learning Dov Pear 410-358-9825 Gabbai Rishon Jay Taffel 410-358-9029 Gabbai Sheni Hillel Zeitlin 410-358-7316 Gabbai Tzedakah Nathan Franco 240-472-2815 Girls’ Learning Group Nechama Goldman Hospitality Gail Feinstein 410-764-2532, 410-456-

4306 Kitchen/Kiddush Volunteer opportunity Lev Echad Suzanne Kayne 410-764-1971, Option

4 (please use email) levechad@tiferesyisroel.org Mitzvah Cards Glenna Ross 410-358-1687 Seforim

Purchase Nisan Blaxberg 410-358-3943 Repair Mark Hart

Shalosh Seudos Coordinator Hinda Blum 410-764-2279

Simcha Hall Reserve Eileen Rosenbaum 410-764-8443 eileen@tiferesyisroel.org

Sisterhood Batsheva Goldman 410-358-3768 jenbgold@gmail. com; Elka Rottman 410-358-5427 elkarottman@gmail.com; Devorah Taffel 410-358-9029 jtaffel@yahoo.com

Supplies Ordering Shulamis Heldoorn 410-664-1212 pheldoorn@verizon.net

Tzeischem L’Shalom Coordinator Mordechai Be-leck 443-570-3850 mordechaibeleck@yahoo.com

Webmaster Tzadik Vanderhoof 410-764-2258 tzadik@tiferesyisroel.org

Yahrzeit Plaques Nisan Blaxberg 410-358-3943 Yahrzeit Records Alisa Mandel 410-963-2977

apmandel@yahoo.com Shul Business admin@tiferesyisroel.org

Lev Echad Deadline: Tuesday, 6:13 pm


Good Shabbos!

Rabbi Goldberger’s Shul Congregation Tiferes Yisroel

Experience Saturday Morning Lite Parshas Beha’aloscha

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