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BBSMmm Til TIrlJli DAILY wimffffi l--C IijjjgQ JLJ KJ J- -J I


'fro. i5o. HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1882.

THE DAILY BULLETINla published every morning, and cir-

culated throughout the town, andto the other Islands by every

opportunity.Subscription, CO cents per month;H. Ij. Sheldoh,, .... Editor.All business communications to be ad-

dressed, J. W.'BOnKivrsON & Co.It must bo distinctly understood that

we are In no way responsible (or theopinions expressed by correspondents.

THE SAILOB BOY.Ben Boscn was a sailor man,

But not a mnn asallcr,Therefore he would not whale a man,

He'd only man a whaler.He'd sail the seas and seize tho sail,

And when he'd heave the lead, 'Ho would be led to heave, and pale,

Throw up tho sponge, most dead.

He'd eye his pipe and pipe his eyeWhen smoking was forbidden;

When wet he'd say that he was dry,And search for liquor hidden.

Sometimes he'd seo a ship; sometimesIlc'd only ship a sea,

The climes he saw were mostly climbsUpon the mast to sec.

Ben's hardtack was to tack tho ship;Yet never man was sooner

Than he, when in the slip, to slipAud quick attack a " schooner."

He was aboard when on the sea;When on the shore a boarder;

Though not a hoarding pirate, hoWas then a pic rate boarder.

Though Ben could not direct at sea,At sea lie could die wrecked ;

His resurrection day would beThe day they'd ralso her wrecked.

One day a shark went swimming by,And Ben, alas I ho filled him.

No shark, they said, could mako him die,Had not the shock first killed him.

Detroit Free Press.

Alligator StoryIt .has long been a tradition in the

South that alligators swallow theiryoung to got thorn oat of danger,but most peoplo thought tho storyno more credible than Bailors' yarns.

A Southen naturalist, however,nays that ho has seen it. That alli-

gators swallow their young I havehad ocular demonstration in a dinglecase- - I was engaged in making asurvey on the banks of the Homo-chitt- o

Lake near tho MississippiRiver. Tho bay was warm andBunny, and us I halted near thomargin of a pond, nearly dried up,10 piCK up siieiis, i siarieu u imurof young alligators that scamperedoff yolping Hka pupios, and retreating come twenty yams to tnc mice i

saw them reach their refuge in thomouth of a five-fo- ot alligator. Sheevidently held her mouth open toicceivo them, as in a single file theypissed in beyond my observation.

Tho dam turned slowly aroundand blid down beneath tho.. water andpassed into a large opening in thebank beneath tho root of an old ashtree. Doubtless this refuge is buttemporary, and the young arc releas- -

ed at plcasoure, the descont beingbut partial and in no way interfer-

es ing with digestion.

' The rock in which were placedthe charges of dynamito that werefired by the Queen pf Greece at theCorinth Canal ceremony a fortnightago was tho same iu which theRoman, Emperor Nero began thework of cutting a Corinth Canal inthe first Christian century. Otl erparls of tho canal ceremony weie'carried out as announced before- -

'ilinnrl Tkn nvnnt. wnn fnvnrprl withbrilliant weather.

FOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from 5 to 10 tons per day.

..iAlso, pulleys, belts, etc.. all in goodorder; can be run by (.team or horse

1 ' power, just the article for a plantation.ALSO,

HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole and

f Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.

A8 CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, -- &'") LAINE & Co., M Fort st.

B. F. EHLERS & Co.,

All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods71

from 30 to 50per cent below theusual thenext 30 days.





Qoods 8"dvr(xi

prices during

A. KVIellis, 104

New York Life Insurance Co.Asset, $47,000,OQ0. Surplus, $10,000,000.

Purely Mutual.This Company issues every desirable form of policy.Th tontine issued Compnny better returns than

thoao offered by any other company. For apply71 C. O. Haw'm


Staler In Hawaiian Curiosities.Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- i

lng, opposite the Bank.

BCKABT, ManufactnringJeweler, No. 6 Kaahamunu st. 31

D. Gcmsch;

Practical Watchmaker.8ST Hotel Street, opposite the

123 3m International Hotel, -- a

D. W. CLARK,Watch Maker Jeweler,

Always on hand a nice stock of

&8Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.-- a

Repairing Watches and Clocks a Speci-alty, No, 68 Fort Btreet. 32


So favorably known throughout theHawaiian Sold by all

re3pectablcNo.l3Liliha st., Honolulu 71

Redwood and OodarPOSTS

ty FEET LONG, for sale in any quantitles, by

84 Axlen &



F, HORN, Traetical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No.71;Hotel t. Telephone 74. 55

iPl -

BH $ l "mii 1' JL n w

DRY IMPORTERS,Received by evory iteamwr.

M. Fort St.

policy by this yieldsparticulars to

BERGER, General Agent Islands.





Offered at tho




Robert Leirori, l!. X. Cooko.T EWERS & COOKE.

(successors to Lew.r.i & Dlnk.onn A

Importors and Dfalers in Lumbor and allkinds of Building Material. Kort itrcot,Uonolula. i

TITILDER & Co., Dealers in' ' Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nolls, Saltand Building Materials of evcrv kind,cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1

ALLEN & ROBINSON, Dealers inend all kinds of Bulldinir

Materials, Paints, Oih, Nails, etc. 71

TTOLLISTER & Co., WholesaleJ- -- aud Itetall Druggists, and Import-ers of J'luo Tobaccos aud Clsjars, nndManufacturers of Uoda Water, GingerAie, Ac, &;. i;i

T)ROWN & PHILLIPS, Practical- I'lumbeis, GasFitters and Copper-

smiths, No. 18 Nuuanuat., Honolulu.House nnd Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

bCHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st.and dealer In Gent's,

Ladies' and Children's boots, thoes andslippers. C3

"DROWN & CO., Importers and- Dealers in Ales, Wines and spirits,

No. 9 Merchant St., Honolulu. 12

HONOLULU IRONWorks Uo. Steam engines, sugarmills, boilers, coolrrs. iron, brais

and lead castings; hiachincry of everydescription maclo to order. Particularattention paid to ship's blacksmith ing.Job work executed on ihort notice. 1

A LL PERSONS SEEKINGEmployment, and all parties cither

n Honolulu or at any of the Islands Intho Group in want of Employees willplease make their wants known to thoandersiRHcd, who will do all in theirpower to till their orders.

P. C. Jones, jr.. J. B. Atherton, B. P.Dillingham, Employment Committee T.M. C. A. 1


Lilikalani Manifesto !


of February, 1882,

Translated by II. L, Hheldou) publishedby T. G. Thrum.

Price, : : SS cents.May be hod ut J. "W. Robertson & Co's

FORT STREET.Commission Morohants.

Claui Sprockela. Wm. O. Irwin.

WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY,' Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

GW. MACFARLANE & CO.,and CoromUsion llor.

chAnU. ltobinsoa's Flro-Bro- Balldlng,Queen strcot, Honolulu. 1

& COMPANY,General Commission Agnts,

Quoen street, Honolulu. 1

AS. 4 Co., ImportersCommission Merchants, Deal-

ers In General MerclmndUa, Quoon audKaahumanu sts., Honolulu. 78

II. A. P. C&rlor. P. O. Jone, Jr.

BREWER & CO.,Shipplnc and Coramluion Merchants

Qucon street, Honolulu. I

THEO. II. DAVIES & CO.,and Commission Merchants;

agents for Lloyd's nud tho LiverpoolUnderwriters, British and Foreign In.suranco Company, and Northern Assur-anc- c

Company. 71

VP HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO..- Importers aud Commission Mor- -chantfr, Hcnolulu, Qahu. 1

JOHN T. WATERHOII8E.Importer and Dealer In nnnornt

Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

S. GRINBAUM k CO.,"x- - Importers of General Mer-chandise and Commission MerchantsHonolulu. i

GRINBAUM & CO,Commission Merchants, 214

Callfoiniu Btreet, oan Jfranoisco.Cal. ,

"P T. LHNE11AN&GOImnortcrs nnd nmnmliimn Mor

chants, Nuuanu St., Honolula.

8. X. CaiUa. J. D. Atherton.

PASTLE & COOKEShinnlnc nnd CnmmUglnn iuchants. Importers and Dealers in Gon.

eral Merchandise, No. 80 King street.Honolulu. 1

ING WO CHAN & Co.,Imnortcrs and General DpfiWc

In English, American and Chinese 1'nvvisions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colorod con-tra- ct

inattlnp, all qualities and prices.E6y No. 22 Nuuanu Street, opposite

Mr. Afong's. 8

n.B.WIIIIams, A. Cbasebrtugk, W. H. DlmandWILLIAMS, DIMOND & Co..

T Shipping and Commission Mer-chant- s,

Union Block, corner Pine uudMarket strocts, San Francisco, Cal.

aobnts roilI'aclflo Mall Steamship Company,P.elHe Steam Navigation Company,Cnnard Royal Mall Steamship CompanyCal. lino of rackets from Now Vork;Hawalian lino of I'uckntN,China Traders rusuranco Co. (limited).Marine Insurance Co. of London. 71

TORN A. HASSINGER.ui Agent to take Acknowledgments toContracts for Labor. Interfor Office,Honolulu.

T E. WISEMAN, 27 Merchant st.w ' Real Khtato Broker. RroploymcntAgent nnd General Offlca Business.

Telephone, No. 172. fi


Agent to tako Acknowlcdgmentti toLabor Contracts,

AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT.Office, In Mnkcc's Block, corner Queen

and Kaahumanu streets, Honolula. 21

G. II, ROBEItTSON,Drnyman-rbc- Bt teams

In town. telephone j.0

Pencil Holders.Something Now, 15 cents each, for sale

Rukurlptloi m80 Crnls ptr Month. jBB


Jaumjs Dodd, - - - ProprUtoc.NUUAXCJ VAJJ-R- IlOUTKi

Up trips: I.oe Vf. O. Irwin Co'n.A.M. G:16, 7:00, 8:00, 10:30.p.m. 12:03,2:00, 4:00, 5slO,G:30, 8:00

Down trlpn: Lofirc I!o. of J. U.Tnir-A.U- .C:30, 7:30, 8:30, 11 :O012 :4.r, 2:30, 1 : 10, 5: (0, 7;00,B :E

Sunday Timk Tahij:.Up trlpij Leave W. Q. Irwin & Co'11.

A.M. 0:00, 10:00.P.M. 12:10, 2:00, 4:00, C:30, SiU.

Down tripn; I.cavo Itca. of J. II. I'aty,A.M. 9:30, 10:30.P.M. 12:4D, 2:30, 1:30, 7:10, 0:10.

BERETANIA & l'UNAHOU XT. ROUTRUp trips: Lmo W G Irwin A CoV,

A.M. C:00, 0:50, 7:15, 10:00.P.M 12:03, 2:00, 1:00, C:10, 646, 10:

Dowstrlpo: I.caoI'unnhnu street,A.M. C:30. 7:2o, 8.40, 11:10.P.M. 12 :43, 3:10, 4 :30, C :10,7 il0,10:M

Sunday Timk Taiilb.Leave the Stables, cor. Fort and ITotal

its., for l'unuhou Strcot, Long BranchBaths.-far- c 0 cts., baths iuclnded:

A.m. 6:30 to Wulklkl; 9:00, 10:00,and 12:15.

p.m. 2:00, 4:00 to WalklUtand 8:45.Down trlpi: Loava Pnnahon street.

A.M 8:00, 9:30, 10:30.P.M. 12:40, 3:10, 5:30, 7:10, 0:00.

WAIKJKI ROUTR:Outtrlpc: LeavoW. G. Irwin i C.'s

A.M. 7:45, 10:00.p. M. 2:00, 5:10.

Down trips : Leavo Walklld.A. M. 8:20, 10:50.p. m. 2:r0, 5:fi0.

Sunday trips : Lut stabler.a. St. 0:30.v. m 2:00, 4:00.

Loavo WalklU:a. m. 7:4Q.r. m; 2:r,0, D:10.

Tlie Lonjj'Brunch Uatlis will he tho ter-minus. .


w R CASTLEat Law anu Nol

ary Public. More: ant stroot, next totho Post Ottlco, 1

SB. DOLE, Lawyior and Notary Pnb- -No. 15 uiiuauu st. U

JM. DAVIDSON,Attorney atLnirMerchant utreet. 15

JOnN RUSSELL. Attorney at Law,oornor of Fort and Merchant

streets (up .stairs) 115 0tn

RICHARD F. BICKERTON,and CoutiHellor at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Pioe-liol- da.

Ofllco, No. 34 Merchant bU 1

BROVN, ATTORNEYand Counsellor at Law, NoUry lub-H- e,

and Aucnt for taking Acknowlwlg-mcn- U

of Instnimcnts for the Island ofOnhit. No. 8 Kiuilmmium strcot, Hono-lulu. 1

IjRANOIR M. HATCH, Attorney15 Kiuliiiniunu st. 23

TiTlTa'm 0.""sMITn, Attor--TT ney at Law, No. '66 Merchant

fitrcet. ill Im


Ph3rsician & Surgeon,Office, 223 Fort street. Onic5 hoursfrom 10 to 12 a.m.; and 3 to5 p.m.

Refldemw 191 Nuuanu st. 101

DR. (J. TROUSSEAU begs to notifyfriends that ho has lvsmncd

practice in Honolulu. Resldenco audconsulting rooms, No. 73 Puuclibowl f.t,ojipoite the makai gnti of tho Queen'sHospital. Cou-iiltl- hours from I) n.mto U. Telephone No. 103. SB lin

EMERSON, rosldoiice and m

rooms at No. 2 ICuktii St.,coiner of Fort.

Telnphouo No. 140. .W 2ui

A FULLER, Surveyor for Bureau '

Verltns. 71

TTIlAY TArXOR, Toncbernf Piano.



lnrlfi mill Ormm. Timlin. In nil ""J

lta lirandics. 10 (im.1,: .m

fcTT' ? llNTfTi-si- T 1. 4, 891w i uuuxui onRninng'nnagaav'

. ,' by, J. W. Robertson & Co. t 38MenMtMtV ' MsSn




P- -

KTf ?


. '&'.


$pw jjjailg allftiiH;

TUEJOAY, JULY 25, 1882.

ENGLISH vs. HAWAIIAN.Among the laws passed lu the year

18151, te one which rends its follows:" Whcuecr there shall be found

to exist any radical and irrcconeili-nbl- e

difference between the English

and Hawaiian version of any of thelaws of the Kingdom, .which havebeen or may hereafter bo enacted,'the KnglUh version shall be heldbinding."

The reason for the passage of thislaw was found in the fact that, owing to incompetent translators andcareless legislation in former years,(and it is not certain that the latterdefect is even now thoroughly cured)there often was and is to be found" radical and irreconcileable differ-

ences " in the two versions of laws.These exist in both tho Civil andPenal Codes. It would have beenthe proper course, when provisionwas made in 1880 for the classification and reprinting of laws, to haveordered a revision in order to thocorrection of these differences

tho English and Hawaiianversions. But our legislators haveeo many very important matters tooccupy their time that they don'tbother themselves about such triflesas the existence of two versions of alaw on the same subject. And now,ono of the Representatives hasbrought in a bill, and which is nowon its second reading, to amend thelaw above quoted, in the last line,so that " the Hawaiian version shallbeheld binding."

The passage and enforcement ofsuch an amendment would lead tosome nb&uiditics, and somethingworse. (Since tho abve was writ-ten, we learn that the bill his beenrejected, by one majority.)

THE JAPANEBE.By the Colonial papers received

last month, we learn that the author-ities of New Zealand wero expectinga visit shortly from a Japanese man-of-wa- r,

the Isakuba, and prepara-tions were being made to give herollteora a cordial welcome. A steamcorvette from Marco Polo's land ofCipango is another evidence of thewonderful changes which are goingon all round this great Pacific ocean.Prom time immemorial down to avery iccent period, Japan had lockeditfcelf in from intercourse with theouter world, aud it had no otherBea-goi- craft than tho clumsyjunk.Now it comes out with a man--of-wa- r, ' armed, equipped and navi-

gated in European style. Japan isone of the oldest of civilized nations

, in her own way, and she is theyoungest member of the family ofnations. Emerging from her isolation and feeling the necessity ofadopting the appliances of moderncivilization which have made Europeand America so powerful, Japan,unlike China, has not been contentwith half mea8uics, and the few in-

novations which the latter countryhas adopted, almost exclusively of amilitary and uaval sort.

There is no record of a changemoro sudden and extraordinary thanthat Vvhich was carried out a fewyears since in Japan to give the gov-

ernment and administration amodern efficiency. Of tho generalprogress tho working of the postaloystein in European 'style ; the linos

'of railway, telegraph, &c., verylull information lis - available', asstatistics are now annually issued,there being a central bureau for thopurpose at the seat of government.Thus we read that in 18d0, there'- - jnnw'in rnnnd nnmli(Sm foiirTTlilllotiH

'of Railway passengers, and that two

millions of messages were sent byi telegraph, and sixty-seve- n millionsof lottors wcro eont by post. Iu thesamu year thore wcrcone hundredand fifty-tw- o banks with a circula-

tion amounting to thirty-fiv- e milliousof dollars. There wcro employed 'In

trade 199 steamers and 174 sailingvessels ou the European model, be-

sides an innumerable fleet of junksaud small native craft. Educationla well attended to. The number ofschool teachers is stated at C5.C12.

Tho population is about thirty-si- x

millions, nearly half cngagod inagriculture. I no islands possess afine climate and are rich in a varietyof resources.

While in China the governmentand mandarins stand sullenly aloof(except in military matters) fromtho waye of ' tho outside barbari-ans," the Japanese have not allowedprejudice to blind them, but havehastened to adopt the arrangementsand institutions which render Europeand America powerful, and whichcan alone enable their Empire tohold its own in these days. TheJapanese are a bold, intellectual,enterprising people, and are sure yetto play an important part in the NorthPacific.

LEGISLATIVE.Monday, July 24. Mr. Nawahi

presented a petition from Haroakua,praying that $500,000 bo appropria-ted for a railway from Hilo to Harna-kua. Tabled.

The Committee on the Judiciaryreported on the petition from Harn-

akua asking for the dismissal of D.F. Sandford, the Deputy Sheriff ofthat district, for having shot aChinaman; the Committee recommend that the petition be referred tothe Attorney General. Adopted.

Mr. Rice read first time a billto amend the law of executions onproperty.

Mr. Kaulukou read first time abill to regulate peddling licenses.

The same gentleman read first timea bill to establish street care in Honolulu. Ordered minted. " '

Mr. Kalua offered a resolution instructing the Ministry to investigatothe subject of mutilated coins in circulation in Lahaina, and Wailuku,with a view to their being withdrawn. Adopted. .. .

Mr. Mahoe proposed to insert82000 in the appropriation bill, fora bridge at lvaupoo, Waialua.Tabled until the billjcomes up.

Mr: Kamakelo read first time abill to repeal the Act of 1876 andalso that of 1878, respecting thesales of geyernment lands by auc-

tion. Reforred to the Committeeon government lands.

Mr. Widemann offered a resolu-tion enquiring of the Minister of theForeign Kclatiqns'Vhether the Hon.H. A. P. Carter now holds anyofficial position under 'the govern-ment. Adopted.

The Minister replied that Mr.Carter had been commissioned bytho late Cabinet as Minister Plenipo-tentiary to the Court of Portugal,which appointment is still in fullforce and effect

Mr. Hamakcle offered a resolutionappropriating the sum qt 810,00,0for a monument to Kamehameha III,tho King who gave his people theirlands?1

Tho Assembly procoeded to thoorder of, tho day.

The bill defining the limits withinwhich none but ftfe-pro- buiidipesmay be erected in 'Honoluly, passeda final reading.

Tho bill o amend Chapter 90 ofthe PenatfCode, by' making'thd Ha-

waiian' version the standard in alllaws, came up on its second reading.AftcKa brief dhjuiiasion, a motion toindefinitely postpone resulted in a


lie 21 nyco, 21 noes- - , Whorcuponthe President, Mr. .Rhodes, gave thecasting vote with the ayctf, and thebill was lost. Recess.

Tho House at 2 p.m.The bill to amend Section 780 of thoCivil Code, increasing the number ofRepresentatives of the people to 32,was passed finally.

The bill to amend the law in re-

gard to suits against contract labor-ers for debt, was passed on its thirdreading.

On a suspension of the rules, thebill to provide a permanent settle-ment for A. P. Briekwood was re-

ported from a select committee, witha recommendation that it passi Thebill was debated at length, and amotion to postpone indefinitely wascarried, 20 ayes to 16 noes. Ad-


A Dead StatuteMn. Editor,: It is universally

conceded as an undeniable fact, thatthe law against selling, giving, orfurnishing intoxicating drinks tonative Hawaiinns, is systematicallyand constantly violated, all over theIslands that it is really tho mostdefunct of all dead letters on thestatute book. Now it is currentlyreported that there aro a number ofproposed bills iu the Assembly, theobject of which is supposed to bo insome way to remedy this state ofthings. I have little faith in anymoro g, prohibitory orotherwiso, on this subject. What isneeded in order to accomplish anygood, is a strong public opinion,and concerted action. Let thosewho talk so much in public and pri-

vate on the dreadful evils of drink,(which we all agrco are dreadful)band themselves together, under asolemn compact, pledged to hunt upand expose, to tho best of theirability, every infraction of the lawin question. Were this done effec-

tually and thoroughly,the nowdormant law would soon becomo alively one. Teetotaller.

The Band will give a concert atthe Hawaiian Hotel, this evening, at7 :30 o'clock. Following is tho pro-

gramme : .

Overture Charles VI. . . ; HalevyWaltz Wedding Dances Gung'lGavotteSecret Love ReschSelection Olivette AudranSelection Bohemian Girl Bulf eWaltz Naples WaldteufolQuadrille Mascotte Motra

Hawaii Fonol.

The Britlch steamer Hansa, fromLondon, via St. Michaels, will bedue her,o on August 27th.

TnE bark D. C. Murray and bktneElla, from San Francisco, aro duethis week.

The brig W. H. Meyer commenc-ed loading yesterday, and will sailfor San Francisco on Wednesday orThursday.

W beg to call attention to thenotice in another column, of a meeting this afternoon to consider thesubject of an annual stock exhibiuon. inis snouia do maoo a veryinteresting event to do looked forward to.

H. HARPER will pleasecall at Messrs. C. Brewer & Co's

Ofllce. 142


THE attention of all who aro favor.. to the institution of an Annual

Bhow of Stock. Aericultural. and DnirvProduce, etc., is requested at a meetingto be held at the Hawaiian Hotel,

This Tuesday Afternoon,at half-pas- t 4 o'clock.

The object of the meeting is to organ-ize a society for the promotion and man.agement of Agricultural Expositions,and to petition the Legislature for as.sistdnco to the name.



Honolulu, July 26, 1882. 160 It

--Vtv T 3 j'nvSomx fishermen caught a shark

this morning in their ncl, near thelight-hous- e It was of the- - shovelnose variety, fully six feet long, andhad a dozen live young ones insideits pouch.

B3ST Heavy Biack Bunting at05 cents a yard during the Inven-tory Sale at he Honolut.b Cloth-ing Emporium. A. M. Melmb.

B5T Gents' Fine Buckskin Suitssomething new, from $13 to $25during the Invertory Sale at theHonolulu Clothing Enroimm.

A. M. Mellis.

SST Jfian, Oriental, Olivette andSpanish Laces will be sold at re-duced prices during the InventorySale at the Honolulu Clothing- -

EstromuM. A. M. Mellis.No need at going barefooted

ij y u can get your Moots, Shoesand Slippers 60 cents cheaper atthe Honolulu Clothing Emporiumthan elsewhere. A. M. Mellis.



Oaliix Cemeteryare requested to meet at tho

Rooms of the

Chamber of CommerceOn THURSDAY NEXT,

July 27th, at 10 o'clock a. ra.Object of the Meeting:

To Elect Officers and theAssociation.

To Addi't the 'Treasurer's Accounts andmake disposition of the cash onhand now amounting to; seversthousands of dollars. ' .

'Alex. J Cartwrioiit, Treasurer.Honolulu, July 21, 1882- - . 148 5t

a young Glrl,tomako her-self generally useful In tho house

of a lady-o- n Manl. For particulars en-quire at the Hawaiian Hotel, Room No.16, In the morning before 9:30. 97

WANTED A live man with modorwho Is both mer-

chant and accountant, can hear of itgood business opportunity by address-ing C PD,, Bulletin ofllce. Principalsonly. All communications strictly con-fidential. 105

IpOUND A Plantation Draft, whichowner can have om proving

property and paying for this advertise-ment. Apply tb

120 Messrs. Castle & Cooke

LOST, a Black Leather Satchel,a. ladles' card case. The

finder will please leave same at Meson.H. Hackfeld & Co's. 145 lw

LOST, on Saturday evening, 6n theRoad, between Mr. Henry

Carter's and Mr. J. S. Walker's pre-mises, two pieces of MUSIC "Tanhau-ssr,- "

and "Secret Love." Theflndorwill receive tho thanks of the owner byleaving the same at tho ofllce of J. W.Kobertson Co's. uiLOST, in town, an Oval Blood Stone

movable pivoted steel pin, .as a scarfpin. j.ne iinaer will do suitably re-warded by leaving same with J. W.Robertson & Co. 140 lw

LOST A white basket cloth sack,a Gold Locket 'and chain

marked " Irene II." The finder will besuitably rewarded on leaving the sameat tho Bulletin office. 13a

TjlOB SALE, LOT No. 124, In Kaplo-- -lanl Park, dimensions 64 x 300,

facing the beach, and well fenced, Ap-ply to C. O, Berqeiu 143

HOUSE TO LET. Afonrroomed house, nicely furnish-ed, with kitchen and bathroom

attached It is pleasantly situated, andis within five minutes' walk of the PostOffice. For particulars apply to J. W.Robertson & Co. 145

FOR SALE. Thoso desirablepremises situated out on thePlains on Bcretanla street, be

longing to tho undersigned. House con-

sists of parlor, sitting room, 3 bedrooms,sewing room, dining room, pantry,kitchen, and bnth room. There Is alsoon the premises a nice barn. The pi areIs well covered with raanlenlo grass, nndhas a nloe gaiden, Terms easy. Forfurther particulars Inquire of JonN F.Coulbuiin. 140 2w

TWO OFFICES TO LET, on thefloor of the building occupied

by J. W. Robertson & Co 189

UNION FEED COMPANY, A. W.Manager. See adveitlso- -

ment on other page, 28

For the Best and Cheapest'

Stationery,QO tO J. W. ROUEKTSOM & Oo'S,



1 Fine Buriness Suit, in tho latest style,1 Gents' Fine Straw Hat,1 Fine Percale Shirt, extra cuffs, 2 collars1 Pair Fine Shoes,1 Undershirt,2 Hose, 1 Tie, 1 Handfcrchlsf,




Corner Fort and Hotel sts. 133--


FOR SALE in quantities to suit,

At Lowest Prices,134 By Castle & Cookb,

FOR SALE.To arrive per D. C. Murray,

6 COT'S WOOL BUOKS- -2, 2 yearsold, and 4,-- year old.

1 Southdown Buck, 2 years old.10 Southdown Lambs, 7 Bucks,' 3 Ewes,

2 tyalo's Mjirlno Bucks'1 Cow and Calf, half Durham and halt-Holste-

And a few dozen

Game and Fancy Fowls.'

144 lw A. W. BUSH.

The Patent IndestraotibleShaft-Sprin- g

ANTI-RATTLE- R IBy their use all rattling of tho shtfU

Is prevented.

Every pair warranted. Try them andyou will use no others.

tFor sale by

C. WEST,'''141 2w r" No. 70 Queen street.

0arrllSi!l Bunder

Buggies, Carriages, Express Wagonsand' every kind of vehicles' 'manufactured. t

Blacksmithing, horse-shoein- g,

and all hinds of repairing done.

A RARE BARGAIN INE of the most comfortable endneatly located itftges In Honolulu

to rent, iurnisncu. or lull sell inrnlture-on the most reasonable terms. Housecontains flvq rooms with garden and allconveniences. Rental of House, (30per month. Furniture entirely new andcomplete. Reason for disposal own;rleaving the Kingdom. Apply at oncoto J. E. Wisemann,

138 Real Estate Broker

flEOrE LUCAS,Contractor vMcHnEKa.

and Builder,'Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blluds,Sashes. Boors, and all kinds of.. Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other Is-

lands solicited 21

M. W. McCheanoy & Son,.Proprietors Honolulu Tannery ;

Dealers in Hides, Tallow & Leather,Also, Groceries, Provisions

71 Salt, etc., etc., etc.

Drink Palmer & O.o's '

GINGER ALE75 cents por dazen . 4$


a MULE CaRT.102 H. Hackfeld & Co.

IjIOR SALE, one new Scow, capable ofin 10 tons, built by G. Emmes,

and now lu good order. For further partlcnlars apply to Tutu. H Davies & Co.


I?OR SALE, a two-seat- wagonpole and chafts, nnd a

double harness, nearly now, prico$ 150. May be seen in rear of tyo.20 School ot. W. G. NeodliafnV 72


4H '

n .




m 'i?




m?;ywmv$mffi' iw--.


Dtmond Head, July 3G, 6:30 a.m' Ltgbt E. wind,Nothing in eight.

Arrivals.July 25

Doparturos.July 24

Stmr Iwnlnni for Koua and KauStinr Mokolll for KoolauSchr liana for llilofichr Wailcfo for MalikoStmr Lchua for Molokai and MauiStmr C H Bishop for Kauai

July 25Stmr IVaimanalo for Waimanalo

Vessels Leaving this day.Schr Mary E Foster for Honua'pSchr Jenny for XilnueaStmr Likclikc fot Hawaii and MauiStmr Kilnuca IIou for KahuluiSchr Kaukioulo for HamakuaSchr Halcakala for FepcckcoSchrEnuria for Wnlanae

jl-j- l.' jkzPassengers.

ForKbna and Kau, per steamerIwalani, July 24 Professor Zam-loc- h

and wife, Mr Marks, D Kamnio-pil- i,

II M Fuller, Dr Remiss, Chaa ABailey, Mr Barnes, J M Crowell,

' JMrs W S Brash, Miss Aldro, HonS G Wilder and about 45 deck s'.

"s J For" Kauai, per C R Bishop, July, 24 K Keopke, Miss Flaxman, G N

and 25 deck.For Molokai au'd Maui, per Lehua

July 24 A Unna, Miss Reddington,Mrs Erkiugston, Mrs Kalupehaoleand 35 deck.

Vessels in PortGcr Bk Paradox,Haw bilg Nlnlto, CameronAm bark Edward Hay, JohnsonAm bgtne W. G. Irwin, TurnerAm bk Calbarien, Hubbard..Am bgtno W II Mcyer,,HowoAm bk Adelia Carlcton

Vessels Expeotod.'. linma From One

Gr bk Adolph, fm Nowcastlc-on-Tyn- e JnHaw ok Kale, im Urcmen SeptHaw bk Iolanl, from Bremen, OctBk Josofa, fm Cardiff, AugBk Obcron, fm 'Liverpool, AugBr bkOlcniaiber, fm Liverpool.Am bk Martha Davis, from Boston 8pBrit ship British Ambassador, NC.HSW20e bk Bcraljlo, from Nc, NSW dueAm tern Hera from Nc, NSW ,Am bk EL Pcttloglll,Departuro'Bay, for

KahuluiBtsunr Hansa, fm St Michaels, Aug

" Rtmr Zoalandla from 3 F, - " Aug 6Brit eta Suez, Dodd, fm S F, Aug 118S City of Sydney, from Sydney, July 31Am schr Anna, fm Eureka, for KahuluiAm term Emma claudlnafm SF fr ICaluAm betne Hazard fm S F. for KahuluiAm bk Emerald fm Pt Gamble, JulyHaw bk Chlclago fm Newcasclc, July

i i ii -P 116


I nrIsidor Eosenorantz.

0 Commnntcatlons to bes. Tjilt at J. W. Robertson' & co's

ONOLTJLU IC 3JANUFACTOIIY.H Ice delivered to all parts of theCity. Shlppln supplied In quantitiesto suit. Telepbone, , mo. 50. otflee atWilder BZ CO.'S. 18

Artesfa i Ice Works


DELIVERED to all parta of theeltv-an- d suburbs at all kours of the

day.Orders from tho other Islands prompt-

ly attended to.Office at W. E. FoeTsa's, Baddler,

Fort street.Telephono No. 111. 129

WATER I WATER!after this dato (JunoIRRIGATION la limited to (4) four

hours per day,From Q to 8 In the morning, andFrom 4 to 6.1n the evening,

rermlsmon to Irrigate during moreconvenient hours will be granted on ap-

plication to the Supcrlntcnpcnt.Pcrtons found Irrigating except dur-

ing npcclfled hours will have their pri-vileges suspended without notice,

G. D. Fuebtii,finpt Waterworks.

Approved. Signed, S. K.JCaat,Minister of Interior. 124

Oceanio Steamship Comp'y.THE A 1

Iron StoamorSuoz,DODD, .... OOMMAHDEB

Will leave Honolulu

FOR SAN FRANCISCOon August 22nd,

For freight or passage, having superioraccomodations, apply to121 Wu. G. Iuwi.v & Co., Agents

FOR SAN FRANCISCO.jm The clipper bgtneWm W. G. Irwin,Turner, .... master,

Will have quick dispatch for the abovenort. For frclcht or nassacc apply to

VM. w. inwm mi auuw- -


asaa auu wipiitr uyiuc.W. H. Meyor,

llowe,, - Master,Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

U. BncwEtt & Co., Agents.


The clipper barkCaibarion.

Hubbard, - - - Master,Will havo quick dispatch for the aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

VjlBtul & Cooke, Agents.


Chas. Brewer & Co. will dispatch the

Bark Amy Turner,Newell, - Master,

From Boston, on the 15th October next,II sumctcnt lnauocinent ouera.

Orders for goods should go forwardat early date to insure shipment. Forfurther particulars apply to111 3w C. Biikwkb fc Co., Agenta

PACIFIC MAIL Steamship Company.

FOR SAN'FRANCISCO,Tho splendid steamshipCity of Sydney,

Dearborn - Commander,,--

V111 leave Honolulu for San Franciscoon or about July 31.

FOR SYDNEY via. AUCKLANDThe splendid stoamshlp

Zealandia,Webber, Commander,

On or about Aug 0th,For freight and assage apply to II.

Hackfeld ! Co., Agenta. ,

T. R. FOSTER & Co.'s

Line of Steamers

The Iwalani,Bates, --- --- Commander

Runs regularly to Kona and Kau,as per following Time Table:

Leaves Hokolulc at i p.m. onMonday, July Thursday, Aug. 24Thursday, July 13 Monday, sept.Monday, July 24 Thursday, Sept. 14

Thursday, Aug. 3 Monday, Sept. 25Monday, Aug. 14

AunivEs xt Honolulu:Tuesday, July 11 Friday, Sept.Friday, July 21 Tutsday, 8ept.Tuesday, Aug. I Knday, Sept.Friday, Aug. 11 Tuesday, Oct.Tuesday, Aug. 22

The O. B. Bishop,Berry, --- Commander

LrEA.vns Honolulu evebtMonday, at 5 y.ir., for Nawiltwih,Koloa, Elocle, and Waimea, Kauai.

Returning leavesNawiliwili every Friday evening.

The James Makee,McDonald, ' - - - Commander

Leaves Honolulu everyThursday, at 5 p.m., for jKapaa and

Kilauea, Kauai.Returning Leaves

Kapaa every Tuosday evening. 75

Sjtoamer Likoliko,King, - Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., tsuchlug at Lahalua, Mna-lae- a

Bay, Makena, Mahultnna,Laupaboebne and Hllo.

Returning, will touch at all thenlovo ports, arriving at Honolulueach Hunday a.m. - 1


Tho Brig Ninito,Having in.l:igoni eiten'lvc repairs:with n good lnvento7, and well foundIn juIIf, rlgslnp. &c. is now oflered fortab. For partluul ir" Inquire of

117 . . A. J.,CAUrWBtCUT.

C. BREWER &-Co--


Tho Following QoodaTo arrive on the

S.S. " HanBa" from London,Due horc on August 27th:

Tons Black Annealed Fencing Wire,assorted,

Tons Galvanized Iron Roofing, storkbrand,

Nests round and oval Qalv. Iron Tubs,Galvanized Iron Buckets,Tlnncd.lron Saucepans and Kettles,Cases Cane Knives,Cases Tapu Saw Files,Case Butcher Knives,Barrels of J. B. White & Bros' Portland

Cement,Cases of Boxes Irons,

1 "A small assortment of

O TJ O? DL. 3B IR, Y.


A Largo Assortment-- or THE


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!Just received, and for sale by


tgL. Call and examine. 117


VTOTICE I beg to? notify my manyjl. i ooa menus ana customer tnat

,Wlr. M. Peterson

Has charge of my

DRAYAaE BUSINESS.And that he rill be pleased to accom-

modate them In that ilne with tho

Best Teams on tho BeachBsjr King up Telephone No. 65 -- a

When you want teams, or leave ordersat the offlcoon Queen street, betweenWllder's and Dowsctt's. Don't forgetme xxumoer, ou.139 lm G. H. ItOBERTSON,

Only Fifty Cta. per Found

Chocolate Creams !

This delicious and very nutritious

Confccti mIs manufactured freaj very week by

XT'. HOItlV,Fraetlcal Confeotloner and Pastrycook.

Warranted to be

Strictly P.ure!For sale at his Pioneer Steam Candy

Manufactory, 71 Hotel street,116 Honolulu. 2m

HARD SOAP,Toilet Soaps, Blue Mottled Soap,

tint recched. Our toilet soaps arcand cheap, families would do

wMl to examine.06 A. 8. Cleotiorn a Co

Just Receivedex Kalakaua,

Table and Pie Fruits,Nice Breakfast Goods, such as

Candle Pish, Salmon andPlot Pork to Wb, Tins,

Sultadlc for families. For sale by96 A. B. Clkouorm Co.

Cs Medium Bread,ex Caibarlcn, for sale ip

auqntlth'M to suit by1)6 ,A. 8. Cunonouw &, Oo.


rft r THIS




Nos. 26 and SO Fort street,(above Hotel.)

Now oi all kindson hand and built to order.

Repairing, Painting and Trimming75 promptly executed.

The of

DeDip me In de Sea,BlueSince last we mot,Life,The Rosa fromThe goes andDars one more for toTho(Join' for the cows.The OldMy utuo Dt&y

ofUp theLa Diva

UtterThe now


"SO cases


10 cases

10 cases ,

10 cases

5 cases La ,

5 cases

5 casos

5 casea egg

5 cases

25 cases

10 cases

5 cases

iO cases

I ease

1 case

1 case noAo.

For &al byH. & Co

1. 113

DAY!t 4h9bsV






STiiJN,Carriage Maker,


J. W. ROBERTSON & CO.,,Have just Recoivod

The fo Hewing New Music:Opera and Bound Music:


Claude Duval,Pirates Petuaoce,


Songs:Mofhers's Birth-plac- e,

Halle-L- u Band. Banjo arrangement,Golden

Alsatian Mountains,

White Mother's Grave,World round round,

rlbber ctom,Mi'Intyre's,


Days Youth,Thames, martow woods

Pollca,Jolly Gallop,

Racquet Galop,Pattl's Song,

H.KACKlllBu.CU.Have just received

R?i iSpi-covei-y,-"

medium bread,

Sugar crackers,

banana crackers,

soda crackers,

Grande craokers,

cocoanut taffy.

ginger snaps,



corn, "Crown" brand,

twist tobacco,

sewing machines,



calif blankets,

dwa goods,&0., &o,


-- ;jflvL1!



La Masootte,Smith's Musical Albnra, 12 3 4 0 6,Chlldren'fi'hour of Pleasure,Prixo Piano School, by Earl frrfcacVGems ot WaldteufclfModern Gcma.


Blessed Dreams,In the zloamlnir,The Tryst;Across tbo Betas,My dear little '

nom o'r the tea,Lea E Morta,Poor hulo Swallow,Does your heart beat true to roe,Reminiscence,I hold my heart so still.Her I love and her alone.Bright land of gold,

Caprice Lancers,Rural Festival a Recreation,Vicissitudes Reverie,Roccheronl's celebrated MlnnettoHazel Kirke Polka.

Lewera & Cooke,

Lumber Merchants,Keep constantly on Iiaml full

assortment of

Lumber of all Kinds.Paints, Oils, Varnishes

Brushes of all aorta.

Wall Paper, Nails,

71 Spikes, &c, &e.

PILSENER BEERSJust Received por

Bark Edwarrt May,A small lot of the celebrated .,


Wbice we offer, in quantities, toeull purchasers. Alto '

Wines and Liquors!IV

Warranted good QuaWiia.130 w

'Sd."HoftK.-Watt- f A Orr.

Instrumental :



Kf :







t -..w


M. MCINERNY,Importer and Deal? la

Clothing', Boots and Shoes, Perfumery,'

Toilet Artlolos, Pookct Cutlery, w etc.

Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises,Traveling lings, Watches, Diamond, Juwelery and Surer.waro, tc

Northonst Comer of ort and Merchant sts.. Honolulu.


fFjill Lines of Superior Furnishing Goods,

tST Call and Seltet ono of Uiom Celebrated -

Gold Medal Waltham WatchesMay 12 (82)

Bruce Cartwrlttht. V.

Union Feed Company-- CARRIES THE--


Largest and Best Stook

HAY, GRAIN AND FEEDOf All description, and guarantee to keep a full supply

oooHtontlv mi hand.

02 CSBond orders to


. .ESTABLISHMENT,At Mrs, A. M. Mollis' Cloak and

Mnntlo Making Department,No. 104 Fort Street, : : HonoluluOrders executed at short notieo. 72

Just Received,Per bktne Enreka, a. full line of

BYCICLE SHIRTSSilk, merino and cotton.

Pajarna Suits, Etc.'

01 A. W. Richardson A cc.


Blacksmith and Farrier.Ia now permanently located at the

hop on King street, jaieiy occupioa uyMr. 61.0. West. ua

Dr. Do Fries,Veterinary Surgeon.

'' The Doctor has just returned from atour around tho Islands, and holds flattorlng recommendations fromnuincrouBiantiar and private owners of horsesfor liWitiklll and capabllltlcn Incurlug

rall manner of illHoascs and complaintIn slock.

All orders to be left at Jas, Dodd'sPantheon Stables. 116

JOHN NOTT,'Tin, Copprf and Sheet Iron Woskw,

riumbor, Gas Fitter, &o.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,Huubo Furnishing Goods,

11 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o.

$10.00 Rewardbe pnid for In formation thatWill lead to the conviction of

whoever maliciously cut the tailleathers off, and plucked the backand breast foathcrs out of a Peacockbelonging to roe. A fnrthpr rewurdof $10 vvul.be paid for information

din($ to tho conviction of whocTcrf'

tol'3 a IVaehieka about a month old,belonging to rae, from Pawaa on

' ."Wednesday the 24th ulto.Geo; H. Lvoe..

Pawaa, Little Britain, Juno 9, 1862T

Shirts and Hosiery.UTanoy and Blue Flannel Shirtaj

WMte Shirts in creat variety,Imported expressly for this market.

W W lw A Cloghora & Co.

""-""-"'- "-'"' ''''WMWW '.. .

be found


8. Luce, A. W. Bush.

A. W. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu.

THE OLD CORNERKtabllshw, 1833.

Hajit Bros., t t Proprietors.

MEALSServed up In first-cla- ss style at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on band

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&., &c. Also;

Iced Brinks!75

Just Received

Per D. C. MurrayA new lot of cloth backed

Drawing Paper.36, 42, and 58 inches wide :

Tracing paper in sheets,Trianglos and Color Slants

Dixon's Drawing Pencils,Blank Books, Fools Cap,

Thumb Tacks, and a fine assortmentof Notarial Record Books,

Supremo Court Scrap Books,

Register of Actions.

Stock- Wallets,or Bill Cases, Ac, &c.,&c.,&c.

J. W. Bobortson & Co.



For ealo at35 A, W, KtctuiuuoK's.

$jt lailii ttlldst(.

TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1882.

Stubborn Integrity.A dispute from a singular cause

took plnuo at the oillec of a bankerin the Chaussco d'Antin, Paris. M.Benjamin F., the cashier, who hasfilled that office for the Inst twenty-fiv-e

years, was at his post, when acollecting clerk, named Pierre Doul-lo- y,

presented himself with a draftfor ton thousand francs, drawn by aLondon banker. Tho notes werecounted out, and tho man left theplace. In a few hours he returned,and said to the cusliicr,

There is a little mistake betweenus, monsieur ; there ia a differenceof ono thousand francs in ouraccount."

"I ucvermake mistakes," repliedthe cashier, indignantly; u fcrtwenty-fiv-o years my balance baB al-

ways been correct.""But tho error is against your-

self," said Doulle', "as you havegiven mo one thousand francs toomuch ; I am as honest a man as youare ; I have been employed as colle-

cting-clerk for thirty-fiv- e years intho same house. There is your note.I will not take it."

"Insolent foolt" cried the cashier ;

"I regard any man as an enemy whowishes to prove to my employer thatI am capable of making a mistake.Take the note, monsieur, or I willturn you out of the placo!"

Pierre Doullcy was not thus to borepelled, and from words the partiescamo to blows ; but tho clerks of thohouso hastened to separate them.The cashier, not wishing to avow anerror, which he would have regardedas a stain on hisreputation for correctness, was fainto put up with the loss of the note,and Pierre Donlley carried the onethousand frano note to the mayor cfthe arondisscment, to be distributedamong the poor.

A Rash Promise.A local editor of a country paper

had printed an article severely reflec-ting upon a prominent citizen of thoplace, who vowed he would takesummary vengeance upon tho manof types, bought a horsewhip andproceeded to tho hotel, where theeditor was boarding out a big ad-vertisement. Hero ho inquired fortho object of hia fury, and wasshown to bis room, wnero ho foundthe editor in bed.

" Are you tho author of this paragraph?" said tiic avenger, drawingtuc paper irora his pocket and thohorsewhip from under his overcoat.

"I am," replied the editor, turn-ing over, to get a better grasp of thesituation.

" Well, sir, I havo come to settlethis matter with you," shouted theavenger.

u Office hours from sis a. m. totwelve r. m," replied the editor,yawning: " but if you prefer to dobusiness here, how do you proposeto settlo it?"

"By giving you a horse-whi- p

ping," cried tho avenger." What!" exclaimed tho editor;

"surely, you will not commit a ruf-fianly attack upon a man in my sit-uation in bed, undressed, half-aslee- p

1 You would be a coward totake such an advantage."

" No, sir," retorted the avenger;"I am no coward, sir. I ask noadvantage, and will take none. Ishall not strike you, sir, until youget out of bed, and dress and defendyourself."

"Then," said the editor, wrappingthe blankets around him. " I guessyou'll have to wait a spell. I'mgame to stay hero till next week,anyhow and longer, if I can geta supply of writing materials'. Sitright down, and tell us tho news."

There was an appeal to the "Re-vised Version," and tho avengerstalked off unavenged.

Among other fanciful ideas putforth for honouring Garibaldi'smemory is that of changing thename of tho Isola di Caprcra to thatof thclsola di Garibaldi. A mororeasonable suggestion is that a hos-

pital should be built at Caprcra forinvalid soldiers, whoso duty shouldbe tho . guardianship of the latoGeneral's tomb; and that a loftybeacon should be orectcd, which allmariners on the Mediterranean wouldknow for ever hereafter as the Gari-baldi light.

DILLINGHAM CO.Importers and Dealers In

Hardware, Agricultural ImplementsHouse Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &o.

Have made large additions to their stock ofgoods

To which they Invite the attontion of buyers.

Simple and cheap devices lor holding Tubular Lanternsunderneath tho body of a carriage, for the purpose of

illuminating tho roadway.

The "Warner" TubularLantern Holdor.


Lanterns.mNew styles of Plows,

full line of Tinware, and




rHe s



r I t03






All style of

A many





numorous to mention.Call and examine our stock.

DILLINGHAM & CO., Fort Street.


one nodand

ourour aro

a low


a. Cord.Apply to

S. M. CARTER,1371m Wharf.


of fire

For Cheap!cord woed or cut split

"order. All wood topart of the city


Enterprise Planing Mills,71 J2T Port


Jnst ex Fumcss

Coils ofall sizes.

For salo by

92 3m A. W. Pclrcc &

Hawaiian " KoPah Aixa,"

edited by Bros. ; has aweekly of copies,is oost advertising medium.

C st. 1

' ? Hft;?m

" efc wr9

Harrows,Cultivators, &cv &c.

so this market,


WILDER & Oo.,General Agents for the

Mutual Life Insurance G&.

of New-York- ,

Tho Largest, Safost and Most

Economical Life Insurance (To.

in the world,i r

Cash assets, - - over $90;000,00O

For information thoCompany and for rates of insuranceapply to Wilder & Co., GeneralAgents ; or J. E. Wisemak, Solieit-n- g

Agent. 71

flM5,000,OOCMA. JAEGEE, - - Eesidont Agent

Honolulu. I. 71


alifornian Mules !Expected Lady. Laropson.

R? Apply to O. Brewer &


Subscription DepartmentWo are prepared to receive further orders paper or magazine-- ,

published in California, the Eastern Statos, Canada and Europe.At the prcsont time wo receivo by evory mail over hundred

fifty different papers magazines, published in tho English, FrenchGerman and Scandinavian Languages, subscribers.

subscription list is large, we onablcd to furnish the p asporat rate of subscription.


JL.t $10


FIREFirst quality best wood

SaleKltterln and to

5QP deliveredany without


Send to


CORDAGEreceived Abbey,

1200 Manilaand Sisal Rope,



THE Journal,owned and

Kawainuiedition 3,200 nnd

the Of-

fice, No. Merchant

Tho "Coulter."

Noyeltles, new too






rfeij'y.mtMmmmmiM wj... ., , ,,.$&&'.

top related