r dictionary updated

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  • 7/28/2019 R Dictionary Updated


  • 7/28/2019 R Dictionary Updated


    41 To give something in return for some other thing. Quid Pro Quo.

    42 without intention Inadvertently.

    43 The amount passing through a system from input to the output Throughput.

    44 A manner lacking seriousness. Levity

    45 To call before a court to answer an indictment. Arraign.

    46 Short-lived. Ephemeral.

    47 Mass destruction and loss of life. Holocaust.

    48 Which is beyond correction/amendment. Incorrigible


    Indulgence in sensual pleasures; excessive or immoral activities involving sex,

    alcohol, food, or drugs Decadency

    50 A person who lies repeatedly. Prevaricator

    51 Rise and fall of the voice pitch Intonation

    52 Deficient in alertness or activity Lethargic

    53 A long projecting or anterior elongation of an animal's head; especially the nose Snout


    A leather or wire restraint that fits over an animal's snout (especially a dog's

    nose and jaws) and prevents it from eating or biting Muzzle

    55 Liable to sudden unpredictable change (a # character) Quicksilver

    56 Undergoing small rapid variations. Jittering.

    57 Goalong with, often uninvited ( and annoyingly) To tag along.

    58 Profit oriented ( a # enterprise) Mercenary


    A measuringinstrument for recording the depth and rapidity of breathing

    movements Spirograph.

    60 Evasion of work or duty. Goofing off.

    61 Incapable of being defended ( which can not be defended) Untenable.

    62 The patterns of stress and intonation in a language Prosody

    63 Limp.64 Agreement of opinions. Concord/ concordance

    65 Worthy of praise. Laudable.

    66 An undertaking/task that is very easy to do. Cinch

    67 Seeking/Fond of company. Gregarious.

    68 A roundabout road. Detour.

    69 Pertaining to the psychological effects of words. semantic70 Lover and collector of books. bibliophile

    71 To stand for the whole. epitome

    72 Arousing sexual desire. Aphrodisiac/ Amorous

    73 Without concealment or deception, honest Aboveboard.

    74 me first atiittude. Egoist.

    75 Complete freedom/ authority, absence of restraints of any kind. Carte Blanche

    76 Continually complaining or faultfinding Nagging.

    77 Always talking about ones own achievements, experiences etc. Egotist

    78 One who is critical of the motives of others. Cynic

    79 Hating mankind. Misanthrope

    80 Habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition. Froward.

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    81 Heated argument Altercation.

    82 Short lived. Ephemeral

    83 Quick-witted Adroit.

    84 Capable of using both hands with equal skill. Ambidextrous.

    85 Awkward, tactless and embarrassing way of handling situations ( gen social) Gaucherie.

    86 Lacking physical movement skills, esp with the hand. Bumbling.

    87 Not literal, using figures of speech. Figurative

    88 Showing inventiveness or skill. Ingenious.

    89 Study of evolution of human race. Anthropology.

    90 Enjoyable activities Merriments.

    91 The branch of medicine dealing with childbirth and careof the mother Obstetrics

    92 Vaccination through an injection. Inoculation

    93 Complete extent or range ( ?of emotions) Gamut

    94 Twisted position of the ankle or foot ( generally congenital) Clubfoot.

    95 A religious doctrine which is proclaimed as truth without proof. Dogma.

    96 Try to stir up public opinion Foment.

    97 Business of stuffing animal skin. Taxidermy

    98 Animals with very thick skin. Pachyderm


    Formally reject a previously held belief or a previous statement ( usually under

    pressure); also to pull inward or towards the centre ( as in the cat ? her claws) Retract.

    100 A large projecting front tooth. Buck tooth.

    101 Electrically produced record of the heartbeat. Cardiogram

    102 The instrument which produces an electrical record of the heartbeat. Cardiograph.


    A person who spends too much energy in unproductive purposes ( such as what

    others are thinking about him) so that the personality development is hindered. Neurotic.

    104 Person suffering from full blown mental disorder. Psychotic.

    105 A doctor for the elderly. Geriatrician.

    106 The movement of hands of the clock, keep going slowly but continually. Tick

    107 A flat foot ( the entire foot touches the ground) Fallen arch.

    108 Show the form of or make an outline of Delineate.109 Which has originated In the mind. Psychogenic

    110 Instrument which measures BP. Sphygmomanometer.

    111 Prediction by palm reading. Chiromancy

    112 Lack of knowledge Ignorance.

    113 Growing old Senescent.

    114 Growing healthy again. Convalescent

    115 (following or doing something) with care and persistence. Assiduously

    116 A loud harsh or strident noise Cacophony

    117 Incapable of being explained or accounted or Inexplicable

    118 Lose all hope. Despair.

    119 Convert a code into ordinary language. Decipher.

    120 One who studies about insects. Entomologist.

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    121 One who studies languages. Philologist

    122 One who studies the psychological effects of words. Semanticist.

    123 Devtaa Celestial.

    124 Medical examination of living cells. Biopsy.

    125 Medical examination of dead cells. Autopsy.

    126 Cutting out of breasts Mastectomy

    127 Offensively bold. Brash.

    128 A natural inclination. Propensity.

    129 Smelling of fermentation or staleness. Rancid.

    130 Morally offensive, not pleasing in taste. Unsavoury.

    131 Highly skilled, perfect. Consummate.

    132 Giving back. Redemption.

    133 Beyond reform Incorrigible.

    134 Person with a very deep rooted habit ( specially a bad habit) Inveterate.

    135 Absence of mental stress ( ?ing by the swimming pool) Repose.

    136 Happening during birth. Congenital.

    137 Present since a long time. Chronic.

    138 Person with No principles. Unscrupulous.

    139 No conscience, no remorse for wrongdoing. Unconscionable.

    140 Suspiciously fluent and smooth. Glib.

    141 Without respite. Day in and day out.

    142 Not genuine. Counterfeit.

    143 Out of time/date Anachronous

    144 Out of place (e.g. a formal shoe in a rave party, a miniskirt in office) Incongruous.

    145 Easily noticeable by the eye or the ear. Conspicuous.

    146 Knowing all ( everything that too in detail) Omniscient.

    147 Seeking company of people. Gregarious.

    148 Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible Egregious.

    149 To group together. Congregate.

    150 To separate from a group. Segregate.

    151 Reducing sexual desire. 151.Anaphrodisiac.


    A person who argues to defend or justify some policy or institution ( e.g capital

    punishment) Apologist.153 To talk ambiguously with intention. Equivocate.

    154 Extremely hungry. Ravenous.

    155 Gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts Ingratiate.

    156 The ability to distinguish taste in the mouth. Gustation.

    157 Attempting to win favor from influentialpeople by flattery Obsequious / sycophant.

    158 Flatter in an obsequious manner. Adulate.

    159 To draw attention towards something. Accentuate.

    160 To make unnecessary. Obviate

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    161 To appropriate ( property, cash etc.) fraudulently to ones own use Embezzle.

    162 Not to take a call something happens. To sit on the fence.

    163 Double meaning word one of which relates to sex. Double entendre

    164 Morally very strict. Puritanical.

    165 Physically weak. Frail.

    166 Evil saying. Malediction.

    167 Wishing evil. Malevolent.

    168 Evil doer. Malefactor.

    169 Feeing of bodily discomfort. Malaise.

    170 Doing good. Beneficent.

    171 Who can not be persuaded. Implacable.


    Giving careful attention to detail; hardtoplease; excessively concerned with

    cleanliness Fastidious.

    173 Talking too much without any sense. Garrulous.


    Not being able to speak/express oneself properly, not able to join sentences

    together, in order. Inarticulate

    175 Repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse. Threadbare.

    176 Completely ordinary and unremarkable Commonplace / run of the mill.

    177 Convincing and logical in speech and/or writing. Cogent.

    178 Unspoken, not verbalized agreement/ arrangement etc. Tacit.

    179 State of being polluted. Defilement.

    180 Free ( as if image) from blemishes/ stains. Untained.

    181 Expel from a community or group; avoid speaking/dealing with. Ostracize.

    182 Anything that causes misery. Scourge.

    183 Street with a dead end. Cul-se-sac.

    184 Strange in an interesting or pleasing way. Quaint.

    185 Person with scholarly knowledge of Asian culture and languages. Orientalist.

    186 Spreading ( as if an information) Disseminate.

    187 Protest outside a building/shop to stop others from entering. Picket.

    188 Speech to oneself ( generally in a drama, stage act) Soliloquy.

    189 Informal language of day to day life, not grammatically strict, also not slander. Colloquial.

    190 Encircle as a military tactic, (also cause to be distressed) Besiege.191 Concise and full of meaning. Pithy/ curtness

    192 A tentative suggestion to elicit reaction from others. Overture.

    193 The greatest work of an artist, writer. Magnum Opus.

    194 Word for word, ditto reproduction of a written/ spoken words. Verbatim.

    195 Something ( like company, lecture but not drugs) which induces sleep. Somniferous.

    196 Person who walks in sleep. Somnambulator.

    197 No restriction, no restraints in formal etiquette. All bars down.

    198 Do what is expected. Toe the line.

    199 Someone who demands exact conformity to rules and forms, strict disciplinarian. Martinet


    A person who tries to please someone inorderto gain a personal advantage ;

    playing lackey. Sycophant.

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    A person who engages in some art/activity just as a pastime, with no intention

    to turn professional Dilettante

    202 A noisy, scolding or domineering woman. Virago.


    A person with a prejudiced belief in the superiority of everything that belongs

    to him. Chauvinist

    204 Someone who attacks cherished ideas or traditional institutions. Anti-tradition. Iconoclast.

    205 Man with strong sexualdesires. Lecher.

    206 A patient with imaginary symptoms and ailments. Hypochondriac.

    207 So thin as to transmit light. Diaphanous

    208 Lacking in sophistication or worldliness, inability to mask feelings. Ingenuous.

    209 A tendency to take a side and inability to take a balanced view of an issue. Partisanship.


    Criminaloffense of making false statements under oath / giving false statements

    under oath in a court. Perjury ( verb: perjure)

    211 The act of increasing the wealth, prestige, power or scope of something. Aggrandizement.

    212 Narrowly restricted in outlook or scope Parochial


    The official announcement of a new law or ordinance whereby the law or

    ordinance is put into effect, The formal act of proclaiming; giving public notice Promulgation.

    214 Killing of sister. Sororicide.


    Introduce or insert (oneself) in a subtle manner ( He ?ed himself into the

    conversation of the people on the nearby table.) Insinuate.

    216 A feeling of profound respect for someone or something. Veneration.

    217 Killing of wife. Uxoricide.

    218 Killing of husband. Matricide.

    219 Killing of king. Regicide

    220 Killing of brother. Fratricide.

    221 Killing of parents ( one or both) Parricide.


    Excessively indulgent to and doting on ones wife , giving in to the most absurd

    and outlandish demands of his wife. Uxorious.

    223 Having a psychological compulsion to steal ( and not for economic motives.) Kleptomania.224 Person who sets fire for revenge. Incendiary.

    225 Person who sets fire for economic profit. Arsonist.

    226 Obsessive need for sexual gratification by a male Satyromania.

    227 Fear of cramped space. Claustrophobia.

    228 Fear of heights. Acrophobia.

    229 Fear of wide open spaces. Agoraphobia.

    230 Having delusions of grandeur, power etc. Megalomania.

    231 Obsessive need for sexual gratification by a female Nymphomania.

    232 Characteristic of or befitting a wife. Uxorial.

    233 Highly imaginative but unlikely. Farfetched.

    234 Too much alcoholism. Dispomania.


    Morbid compulsion to steal, not because of economic motives but because of

    the urge to take anothers possessions is irresistible. Kleptomania.

    236 Morbid delusion of grandeur, power and importance. Megalomania.

    237 Phobia of closed spaces. Claustrophobia.

    238 Phobia of open spaces. Agoraphobia.

    239 Fear of height. Acrophobia.


    One who attacks cherished ideas or traditional

    institutions/ideas/thoughts/perception. Iconoclast.

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    241 The act of showing affection. Endearment.

    242 Diffusing warmth and friendliness ( a ? host) Genial.

    243 Someone who enjoys company, parties, good food etc. Convivial.

    244 Very sharp minded, Acutely insightful and wise Perspicacious.

    245 Something which can invoke fear. Formidable.

    246 Person whose profession is to make sweets. Confectioner.

    247 Someone who can not be frightened. Intrepid.

    248 Suitable to your needs ( a ? atmosphere) Congenial.

    249 Full of joy of living, living to the fullest. Vivacious.

    250 Animal/ species that produce young babies in reproduction. Viviparous.

    251 Species that produce eggs. Oviparous.

    252 To take away the life of ( some person, idea etc.) Devitalize.

    253 A feeling of lack of interest or energy Lassitude.

    254 Overeat or eat immodestly ( make a pig of oneself) Gormandize.


    A person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess, having very high,

    almost insatiable appetite for food ( for sex etc.) Glutton ( highly derogatory).

    256 Who can not be tired, Indefatigable.

    257 Someone who can be easily fooled. Gullible.

    258 A person who believes everything that is said to him. Credulous.

    259 Personal principals by which a person guides his actions Credo.


    A very crafty person giving false appearance of being frank and simple ( a wolf in

    sheeps clothing.) Disingenuous.

    261 Someone who shirks his duty. Truant.

    262 Ripen and generate pus ( as a wound) Fester.

    263 A shackle for the ankles or feet ( to impede movement.) Fetter.

    264 Affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit.

    Corporal ( corporal punishment given

    to the child in schools)

    265 A person with very keen mind; one who can understand things fast. Perspicacious.

    266 Which can be easily understood. Perspicuous

    267 To cry with sorrow and grief. Wail.

    268 To interrupt the atmosphere ( momentum, activity etc.) Punctuate.


    Exact, scrupulous and very careful to mind the proper points of behavior,

    procedure etc. Punctilious.


    Someone who gives careful attention to minute details and is very hard to

    please. Fastidious.


    An argument/point which looks good and sensible but it is actually not ( maybe

    because it is based on an error or an untruth.) Specious.


    The side of a coin or medal bearing the principal stamp or design, more

    conspicuous of two alternatives, cases or sides.

    Obverse ( the obverse side of the coin,

    the obverse of the two ideas)

    273 Person with very big heart, noble thoughts, not minding petty issues. Magnanimous.

    274 Person who minds petty issues. Pusillanimous.

    275 Concurrence of opinions, all agreeing on any point. Unanimous.

    276 Cause to feel resentment or indignation, offend. Pique

    277 The sound of a step of someone walking. Footfall.

    278 Talk atlength and formally about a topic. To hold forth.

    279 Marked by extreme care in details Meticulous.

    280 Control or refrain from showing, of emotions, impulses, desires etc. Bottle up.

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    281 To draw back with fear. ( people ? against the muscle power) Flinch

    282 A person who can not be frightened. Intrepid.


    Ability/ quality of maintaining calmness, composure in trying or difficult

    conditions. Equanimity.

    284 Loyalty in the face of trouble and difficulty. Steadfast.

    285 Seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain, bearing pain without complaint. Stoic.

    286 Crude but effective for the purpose athand Rough and ready.

    287 A word with derogatory connotation. Pejorative.


    To spend time in the countryside, away from the turmoil and tension of the city

    life. Rusticate.

    289 An inclination to favor one group, view or opinion over alternatives Partisanship.

    290 Having a very short life Ephemeral


    Dire poverty, struggling to survive, unavailability of even basic means of

    livelihood. In penury

    292 Experienced as a spectator rather than as a participant, second hand feeling Vicarious feeling

    293 Acute feeling of homesickness, longing for the past Nostalgia

    294 Cowlike Bovine


    Secret ( mainly kept secret for it is unethical, illegal e.g. having affair with

    friends wife) Clandestine296 Full in all respects. Plenary

    297 Of no real value. Nugatory


    a reversion to the state (as the ultimate owner of property) in the absence of

    legal heirs. Escheat.

    299 indulging only very moderately in something, especially food and drink Abstemious


    A deliberately offensive act or something producing the effect of deliberate

    disrespect Affront

    301 one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject" Fanatic

    302 The act of releasing from a snarled or tangled condition extricate

    303 capable of producing an intended result or having a striking effect efficacious

    304 A more important thing to do a bigger fish to fry

    305 To take on more responsibility than one can handle to bite off more than one can chew


    To refrain from saying something because it is socially or otherwise better not to

    speak. to bite your tongue.

    307 A person who is excessively sympathetic towards others. A bleeding heart.


    A very difficult task which requires a lot of effort and sacrifice is said to take your

    .., . And . blood, sweat and tears.

    309 to express your anger or frustration to blow off steam.


    To live life at a hectic pace, doing things that are going to affect the health

    adversely. to burn the candle on both ends.

    311 To correct own's or someone's ignorant or delusional belief To burst the bubble.

    312 Leave or give by will after one's death Bequeath

    313 Cake not worth the candle.

    314 Making a passing reference to something, not describing openly and completely Allude


    Freedom from imprisonment for large no of people, generally initiated by

    government. Amnesty

    316 Having unsuitable feminine qualities. emasculate

    317 An average ending to a series of important events. Anticlimactic.

    318 A sense of self-possession and calm amidst chaos

    Aplomb ( Officers expected to show


    319 To distribute or divide something in an equitable manner. Apportion.

    320 To estimate an item's value. Appraise.

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    321 A task which is mentally or physically challanging, pushing one to his abilities. Arduous.

    322 To mitigate grief Assuage ( the grief)

    323 To deteriorate from lack of use Atrophy

    324 The gradual wearing down of something or reduction of a group Attrition.

    325 To hesitate and refuse to go forward. Balk

    326 A stronghold or bulwark of protection. Bastion.

    327 Of monstrous size and power Behemoth.

    328 being bewildered, perplexed or lost in something bemused, flummoxed

    329 sorrowful because of loss of a loved one Bereaved.

    330 Unconcerned with petty cares or problems, cheerful in disposition. Blithe.

    331 To threated swaggeringly, or to issue extravagant threats Bluster.

    332 characterized by being very noisy and out of control Boisterous.

    333 The primary impact of a blow brunt ( bear the brunt)

    334 to speak with no equivocation and doubletalk speak with candor.

    335 to accede a demand or yield a point under dispute. capitulate.

    336 very destructive or causing great upheaval Cataclysmic

    337 to punish or scold severly in hopes that by doing so, new behaviour will result. Chastise.

    338 bringing to the memory something else reminiscent of

    339 To arrange ( usually paper) in logical order collate

    340 speculation based on inconclusive data surmise, conjecture

    341 to interpret or guess the meaning of construe

    342 the process of regaining one's health after illness convalescence

    343 A belief that does not seem logical but turns out to be true and accurate counterintuitive.

    344 To concern oneself with something in an offhand manner dabble.

    345 To diminish in size, intensity or extent deescalate, dwindle


    Due reference of submission to the idea of another. Courtesy of yielding to a (

    presumable higher, or more experienced ) entity.

    deference. ( in deference to my

    family's wishes, I shall not discuss this


    347 Dejection; depression.marked by a feeling that all hope is in vain. Despondency

    348 That which upsets harmony or balance Disconcerting.

    349 To treat with contempt disdain.350 to become discontented or feel cheated. disgruntle.

    351 to cause to be widely known to disseminate


    someone who is easily taught or someone who is submissive and willing to be

    led. Docile.


    Adhering rigidly to a particular belief or principle. Someone who stays withing

    ideological bound at all time no matter what the situation is. Dogmatic.

    354 To hold spellbound to enthrall

    355 Land ploughed but not seeded to improved the quality of land. fallow land.

    356 occuring irregularly or intermittently fitful

    357 To fix one's attention on something, usually to an alarming degree fixate

    358 to display in an ostentatious way flaunt.

    359 to stimulate into action galvanize

    360 Unprotected by trademark, ( also common and unremarkable) generic

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    1 Surreptitious

    2 Camouflage

    3 Preclude

    4 Smoulder

    5 Fiddle ( fiddles his duties)

    6 Disseminate7 Dissemble

    8 Proverbial

    9 Gouge ( gouge 10K Rs.)

    10 Lackadaisical.

    11 Intemperate

    12 Exonerate

    13 Scourge.

    14 Foist ( foisting responsibility/work on others)

    15 Milch ( milch cow)

    16 Esoteric

    17 Suffrage.

    18 Drown out.

    19 To stereotype.

    20 Stooge ( generally negative connotation)

    21 Cornerstone.

    22 Collage.

    23 Creche (Kresh)

    24 Conspicuous.

    25 Decipher.

    26 Lofty ( positive connotation)

    27 Pimp.28 Declamatory ( negative connotation)

    29 Stoic.

    30 To supersede.

    31 Apathetic.

    32 Conciliate.

    33 To vacillate/ to be in ambivalence.

    34 Blate.

    35 Bashful.

    36 Intrepid.

    37 Formidable.

    38 Eloquent.

    39 Extraneous.

    40 Debilitating.

    41 Quid Pro Quo.

    42 Inadvertently.

    43 Throughput.

    44 Levity

    45 Arraign.

    46 Ephemeral.

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    47 Holocaust.

    48 Incorrigible

    49 Decadency

    50 Prevaricator

    51 Intonation

    52 Lethargic

    53 Snout54 Muzzle

    55 Quicksilver

    56 Jittering.

    57 To tag along.

    58 Mercenary

    59 Spirograph.

    60 Goofing off.

    61 Untenable.

    62 Prosody

    63 Limp.

    64 Concord/ concordance

    65 Laudable.

    66 Cinch

    67 Gregarious.

    68 Detour.

    69 semantic

    70 bibliophile

    71 epitome

    72 Aphrodisiac/ Amorous

    73 Aboveboard.

    74 Egoist.75 Carte Blanche

    76 Nagging.

    77 Egotist

    78 Cynic

    79 Misanthrope

    80 Froward.

    81 Altercation.

    82 Ephemeral

    83 Adroit.

    84 Ambidextrous.

    85 Gaucherie.

    86 Bumbling.

    87 Figurative

    88 Ingenious.

    89 Anthropology.

    90 Merriments.

    91 Obstetrics

    92 Inoculation

    93 Gamut

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    94 Clubfoot.

    95 Dogma.

    96 Foment.

    97 Taxidermy

    98 Pachyderm

    99 Retract.

    100 Buck tooth.101 Cardiogram

    102 Cardiograph.

    103 Neurotic.

    104 Psychotic.

    105 Geriatrician.

    106 Tick

    107 Fallen arch.

    108 Delineate.

    109 Psychogenic

    110 Sphygmomanometer.

    111 Chiromancy

    112 Ignorance.

    113 Senescent.

    114 Convalescent

    115 Assiduously

    116 Cacophony

    117 Inexplicable

    118 Despair.

    119 Decipher.

    120 Entomologist.

    121 Philologist122 Semanticist.

    123 Celestial.

    124 Biopsy.

    125 Autopsy.

    126 Mastectomy

    127 Brash.

    128 Propensity.

    129 Rancid.

    130 Unsavoury.

    131 Consummate.

    132 Redemption.

    133 Incorrigible.

    134 Inveterate.

    135 Repose.

    136 Congenital.

    137 Chronic.

    138 Unscrupulous.

    139 Unconscionable.

    140 Glib.

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    141 Day in and day out.

    142 Counterfeit.

    143 Anachronous

    144 Incongruous.

    145 Conspicuous.

    146 Omniscient.

    147 Gregarious.148 Egregious.

    149 Congregate.

    150 Segregate.

    151 151.Anaphrodisiac.

    152 Apologist.

    153 Equivocate.

    154 Ravenous.

    155 Ingratiate.

    156 Gustation.

    157 Obsequious / sycophant.

    158 Adulate.

    159 Accentuate.

    160 Obviate

    161 Embezzle.

    162 To sit on the fence.

    163 Double entendre

    164 Puritanical.

    165 Frail.

    166 Malediction.

    167 Malevolent.

    168 Malefactor.169 Malaise.

    170 Beneficent.

    171 Implacable.

    172 Fastidious.

    173 Garrulous.

    174 Inarticulate

    175 Threadbare.

    176 Commonplace / run of the mill.

    177 Cogent.

    178 Tacit.

    179 Defilement.

    180 Untained.

    181 Ostracize.

    182 Scourge.

    183 Cul-se-sac.

    184 Quaint.

    185 Orientalist.

    186 Disseminate.

    187 Picket.

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    188 Soliloquy.

    189 Colloquial.

    190 Besiege.

    191 Pithy/ curtness

    192 Overture.

    193 Magnum Opus.

    194 Verbatim.195 Somniferous.

    196 Somnambulator.

    197 All bars down.

    198 Toe the line.

    199 Martinet

    200 Sycophant.

    201 Dilettante

    202 Virago.

    203 Chauvinist

    204 Iconoclast.

    205 Lecher.

    206 Hypochondriac.

    207 Diaphanous

    208 Ingenuous.

    209 Partisanship.

    210 Perjury ( verb: perjure)

    211 Aggrandizement.

    212 Parochial

    213 Promulgation.

    214 Sororicide.

    215 Insinuate.216 Veneration.

    217 Uxoricide.

    218 Matricide.

    219 Regicide

    220 Fratricide.

    221 Parricide.

    222 Uxorious.

    223 Kleptomania.

    224 Incendiary.

    225 Arsonist.

    226 Satyromania.

    227 Claustrophobia.

    228 Acrophobia.

    229 Agoraphobia.

    230 Megalomania.

    231 Nymphomania.

    232 Uxorial.

    233 Farfetched.

    234 Dispomania.

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    282 Intrepid.

    283 Equanimity.

    284 Steadfast.

    285 Stoic.

    286 Rough and ready.

    287 Pejorative.

    288 Rusticate.289 Partisanship.

    290 Ephemeral

    291 In penury

    292 Vicarious feeling

    293 Nostalgia

    294 Bovine

    295 Clandestine

    296 Plenary

    297 Nugatory

    298 Escheat.


















    plaited ( wear hair neatly plaited)


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