~~~;r~ ~d.# /w6~.(/.f'e:z.,, - iowa general assembly ga/18...strubl6 s·inlth, oak parlr,...

Post on 24-Mar-2018






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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Standard Form For Members of the Le9islature

Name of

1. Birthday and place

2. Marriage (s) date place

/ '

3. Significant events for example: . I

A. Busi~ess~~~ hvMISo,tv~~~uf~~ } JL. . . . ,til( ~-,k~.: . ~


B. Civic responsibilities ~t ~,J?...;.,

C. Profession~'~;~

4. Church melllbersbip ~ _

5. Sessions served ~~~;r~ ~d.# /W6~.(/.f'e:z.,..., 6. Public Offices

A. Local ~i:t L~ 1/?7()~/372

.. "'-7.

B .


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

.. ,:•:

\.) 10. Sducation. ____________ --,.--_____ _

11. Degrees. __________________ _

. 12. Other applicable information._--!,;l~~:::...::::::::~:::.__ ___ _


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

-""... :1 •

Sources Log For Legislatian Bntries




Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



Club ·Members to Assist in·· Distrlbu~ tion of Treats to the· Children__;, Santa Claus. ·wm Arrive PrOmptly · at 3 !~0 in Afternoon . · · .

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

"' ""' •-c-.uutio ·a.-,-e 'v}n'u.-- uuu- t:::A'tH-uuu --u,-·-uu--i' ''dot oC Eastern St~.l' and Belle· Plaine trammelled; without money or In·

,·comr:nandery attended In a body. fiuence to. Impel him forward, with-• The mtislcal ·numbers were· ex_- out friends or assistance, by faith

: ceptlonally pleasing. A . quartet In himself and God, he became the · ·:comPOSed of. Mls.s Dorothy Robinson, learned judge, the well equipped

'.Mh!. Ethel Carpenter, C. D. Stiger statesman; a lawyer who combined . and W. F. Shadle sang "That Will the qualities of. jurist o.n~ aqv9ca~e

. Be Glory for .Me," and Miss Robin- to a markeq ttegree. P.rtmarlly a .·son; who ts from Cedar Rapids, 'two lawyer an~ ·;me o! t!ie str~1~gest ~P!i

day. This plan baa been decided upon that ·the · Chronicle force

may enjoy the Christmas holi·

day, the patrons receivin,g their

pf:\.pen on~ ~ay ~~ier. Correa~

pondenta rutd 1\dvertisers will

'kindly take notioe.

til~. wbolel ly for·· bly '<:Ot as goo(•

Let 1

up on tt~rrltoJ

Sunday per _cet so!oa "No N:lg~t ·;i"~ei'e~·· a?~ "~ead most uprl~4t ~ho ever pl~ad a ciule

~l~1iY 'L.l~liF' nr.. Alex~nder's at tl)e loWI'j. bar. with bait a century --·---~----------;tr-Ibute tci ·lila pepa,rted Jud&e was of practice behind hlm, he was the ,..__,.,_ ____________ ....;; _ _..,.. f?lle pf uliuinial'nwrlt, · ne•tor o! his local bretnren. During ~he ~l!t or· tlowel'l! and nora! hla later ye11,r11 he was able to spend

pl~cM were ~ splendid expres.'!IO!l of his time In 11tudloW1 leisure, In the :the' l\lgll esteem In which Mr. Stru- balm or a beautltul home and n

;.:bl~ WllS .hllld. A more beautiful ar- warm circle or friends. ·.' r~~ongejnent ot floral otrerlngs would Mr. Struble made a high record 'be dUt~lt to conceive. . at tl1e bar, ·on the bench, as a PIJbllc , ; Full. :Masonic burial was given at man or the state, and as an ardent

• .. ,the. grave· In Woodlawn cemetery, and powerful chsmplon ot all moral ·'.Past 1\faster Charles Benesh being reforms. He did not m(suse the .ln charge. :At tho close or the ser- splendid glf~ nature b9.st~we{ upon •. vlce Dr.. W. L. Alexander. offered ~qm: 'lUs, . Intellectual Pj>W~r~~ his ·.P~Ift~:,;·~ :[11~ pkiJ~e~r~rs ~er~} ··n. P!'bje c~tlrnct'er~ · t~e Iotty . senti-. Stl~er., · p. E. ~Vattef8• H. J .. ~er.gu- tnents controllln~ ~Is ft,nl) natqre

': ~gn; fl· F. Tflom!~s, ~,' P. Kepler and were evet us!1d hi maklnq rl~\\t \lfe· ~ .. R. Caldwell~ all Mall!>!!B and ~11om- vall (>Ver wron~, }ust~ce· RVtJf 'lf\1(!11-

. ~~~· pC ~~e ~a~a County D~r ·asao- tl~~. !ffilillltf, hi~ a~e. ~f\Ve rflaped · Fiapqn: . . · the reward pf his unselfish lite. lr>'

· '-'lwse trom ll. dlstanee present to the realization of his Ideals and fine ., 11-ttend the. tuneral t~erv(ces were; ambition he ma.rehalleq the run . Mr~ . Al(nef Struble pay, nutralo, powe~ or l\1!1 nJind, It liS gr!lat heart N~w Y9rk; Mrs, ftertrude Bar~towa r..nd his con!lclep!!e, ·

·: ft.Dil d~Ulthter Ml,ss Qertrurte Shan}t- . He Wll.lf a &trong, pure man. Our · · 11n,· Twin Fall11, Idaho; M111. Or110e lovo tor lllm I& due to the fact that

Strubl6 s·inlth, Oak Parlr, Illlnoll; In his atrugglee and triumphs, In : J!4r •. and MnJ. W. II. Graham; Emil hl.s friendships, In hill relapona to

·'·"'Benesh, Cedar Rapids; T; B. Chari- wife and children, In his battle with < ton, Clinton;· Ross . Free, Spencer; death, his \v!UJ ~he beat tp~6 0~ IJ\1\P-

'::· ... ;: Geor~e. Peter,m!l~· 9· ~l ~:. -~n~1~f.· l!s>O~· -!ie ly.~ ~· frlen~ WhO 414 JlOt :{?{ '! l\~41 t¢.' 4; Scl)nm~e~l.\k ~nd Wl'lt Ple ~I'll! w~en dark days cap1e :''~obet:t · . Hart1 • members of ·Bello to hla frlepds he Wtl.ll at their stde

;~~;.::; flalne ~mma!J-derr: with aympatliY, cou11se1_ .and !I lib-

- atantlal 1\!<\, (.l~or~e ~lx Strubi!J . If! deccnded He wa~ a 111o<1est 1111\n; falae PM-

tNm a .· ftne not6,WOI'ti1Y ance11try. tenalana were no part of llls nj\ture. . Hl• more lmtnedlate. ~tncej!try wll,ll He WI'S a man, bon\ a gent111man, .e•tabUsbed In New Jersey where In who lived up to his opportuntty and

;SuB&ex tounty, he w~ born on JqJy his l<le!J.J#, They who knew him best · 25, 1836. He Inherited from hla loved hlm mOl!t. lila lite, his ex­. , fat))or Isaac Struble, his nne mind ainple, will linger In the memory of

·.and n~ble qtialltles; from Ilia moth· hla family and friends as a benedlc~. er Emma Teasdale Struble, .his gen- tlon, and make them better .men and tl~. ·lovable disposition, · through women for having been able to call

. l"llPP'\ -~!so camtdp~ line pt jaw~ ~he him ta,ther! !flell4 and nell{hbor~ .· ~randflllher pelng Judge Cox ot Vtr- Pn l~st Sundar, surrounded llr bls

filnlq., loved onrs, jp nts \!llflUtlflll l\ome . 'flte family moved from New. Jer- t11at ho loved fiCI well, he f!lept. lila BOY ··to Vtr~lnlp, near Fredericka- g~ntle 'spirit went. across the river bur~, 11nd t}len to· Ohio; In 1857 to the Master, where tbe sweetheart when M.r.- Struble wail .. 20 yean or ot hUI boyhood, the mother of hts age; his parents moved to JowaCity children, the taHhtul wife or their

· and the same year b.e came to· To- many yean ot mutual comradeship Jedo. On arriving at Toledo he took nnd love, a wa.tta him. Thl11 friend

: up the study at J.w. He was untlr- or humanity, this loyal man, this -.. SN! ·Jn ·his a~p.llcapon t~1 t~e .. t~slt useful cjttz~n hjls compl!Jt~d -~Is life ,~Jill l'hlti' ~!n\: hhf natural apt~~ude WOfk. a~!l I)llSI!1ld to the aplrlt Janel. }~R the proteulon, brought ljhu . , .. - , .

·tJlrqugl} ~II obstlrclcs In three·years., A. W. Abbe . a uttered a sllgb t an4 ht 181!0 be wa.s admltfed to the stroke or paralysis o.t hUI borne Sun­

•· pracptie •. ·· Hl.s j\nt partnerablp ·was dar_ morning · but Is recovering ;:tormed ·wtt~ A!'bert St!llldAf4 w~lch ntllel1,.


Rate. to Tama Co·

lf 1919, $2 0 a ~.

Starting with January 1, 1919 tl ::~ubscribers will be $2.00 a year. ·

a yea_r and those outside of the l

however, does not apply to soldi ~

for $2.00 a year.

The Q~r~ni~~ ~~~e~ AG ~· produotion ha.s praotioall prices a.re still soaring.

laid restrictions of an e1· .., . .

only one wayJor a newspa proportion of the extra br

price generally accepted a . Publisher8 in all parts of

izing that there is n~ oth,

ines~ under the present '1 ........ ... · v

gQiD¥ Ql1t Qf b~iness, h~n

On the t1~t day of January the 11

subscriptions will be accepted at

ers and $2.00 to those residing ou by ·paying their subscriptions · f~

The Chroni~l~ kngws fr~m. · Jmft\ I . .

fully ~ AllY ~4\J~Olllble requirem'. alight· inereaseof revenue as. abs(

ftrst-cla..Ss county newspaper suol

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.




I 0 W A,






j ---· --~· . ,.



Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1~· ·~-~~~~~~~4~+ ~ 328 HISTORY OF T AMA COUNTY. r

years spent in this manner, came to Toledo, of St. Louis, now of Geneva New York. read law, and in ::\larch, 1R51, was admit- Mr. Struble first commenced the study of ted to the bar at :\!arion, Linn county. law in the office ofT. v,r alter Jackson, and He was born on the 18th of May, 18:30, was allmittcd to the bar in Fehmary, 1860, at .what is now Attica, \Vyoming county, at the regular term of the distriet court, X cw York. His father was a blacksmith .J ndge \V. E. .:\!iller presiding. In l t\G:)

hy trade, and as soon as \Yill iam became 1 he formed a partnership with Isaac L. of ~ufticient"age, he learned the trade and Allen, under the firm name of Allen & followed it until coming to Toledo in Struble. The partnership continued until 1856. On the :2:2nd of August, 185:2, he 1865. During most of the time of this wa~ married to ::\Iiss Emily Baugh, of partner~hip, .:\Ir. Allen was oecupying the Jonei' county, this State. Four children pusJtion of Attorney-General of the State. have been born to them-Emma, wife of In n<;u, :\Ir. Strubl<· was elected judge of :\I. .J. Boyle, of Toledo; Seward J., George the circuit court of the Eighth judicial Sumner, and Lillil' V., wife of \V. H. di~trict, and held th:<t re~pousible position Louthan, junior member of the firm of until 1 8~:!. :\1r. Struble was (~\(·c·ted a Stin•rs & Louthan. member of the Hou,;e of the l '"'th (~eneral

Hon, George R: StFuhle, the presen· A~semhly of the State of Iowa, and re­Speaker of the House of Representative" elected to the 19th General .-hsemhly, of of Iowa, and a member of the law firm of which he was eleeted Speaker in 188:2. Struble & Kinne, Toledo, has been a He is ncJW practicing law in Toledo, in p.rominent lawyer in Tama eounty for the partner~hip with L. G. Kinne. under the past twenty-three years. He wa,; born firm name of Struble & Kinne. He i~

July :!5, lt':-lu, in Su~,;ex county, -:;\ew abo a tnl'ml>er of the loan firm of H . .T . . Jersey. His parents were I~aac and Emma Stiger & Co., an<l is one of the directors T. (Cox) Struble, both of whom are still of the Toll·d<J SaYings Hank. In politic;; living near Toledo, Iowa. \Vhen quite he is a republican, and is a member of the young, ~r. Struble remove<! from Xe\\" Congregational church of Toledo, Iowa. Jersey to the vicinity of Fredericksbmg, :\lr. and :\lr~. Stru1le have been ble:-;sed Yirginia, and there remained with his pa- with six children; Agne~ X., wife of Hiram rent~ until their removal to Chet'terville, Baldwin, ca,hier of Toledo Saving~ Ja11k; Ohio, in 1847. In 18.5f3, .J[r. Struble left .\lay T., Gertrude X., Je~sie F., (~eorge

Ohio, came to Iowa, and located first in Herbert .and Grace. .J ndge Struble is of Iowa City, hut only remained. in that place medium height, well proporlionecl and io a until the following spring, when he eame tine appearing man; ha,.; a high forehead, to Toledo, Tama county, and has ~ince a keen, pPnetrating eye. Socially, he is made this his home. )Ir. Struble was pleaomnt, affable and courteous, though al­

marrie,J at Toledo, Iowa, on the I nth of ways cosidering bu:-;inl'So paramount to HO­

April, 1860, to Mi>'s Sophia J. :\elson, cia! ties. A~ a lawyer, he i~ •ptick to j I daughter of Seth B. and .Jane X elson, and :-;ec· a !'oint, ha.~ a ready an1l elorpwnt flow nie<'e of Rev Dr H A ~elsnn formerly of language to l'u~h it; is a fureible


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

*1 ________________ H_I_ST_O_R_Y ___ o_F __ T_A_M_A __ c_o_UN __ TY __ . ______ ~-------32-9 r speaker, well educated in his profession, Connecticut; the latter of Pennsylvania. and withal a most successful practitioner. His father died at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, Judge Struble is a man in whom not only November 8, 1861; and his mother in June, the county, but the State may take pride; 1873, at Toledo, Iowa. His father was a and the honors that have been bestowed Methodist minister, and at the time of his upon him have only served to make him death, agent of Cornell College, Mt. Ver­more deserving of them. In his public 1 non. The family consisted of two sons­life he has fully demonstrated himself to C. B., and H. S. Bradshaw, the latter be a man of thorough integrity and ster- practicing law at Ida Grove, Ida county, ling worth, possessing qualities which Iowa. C. B. was reared in Ohio, receiv­make him a leader among men. ing his early education in the common

D. D. Appelgate has been one of Tole- schools. He came to Iowa in the spring of do's attorneys since 1868, and is among 1860, and entered Cornell College, remain­the oldest settler/3 of Tama county. He ing until August, 1862. At that time he was born in Jackson county, Indiana, enlisted in Co. -F. 24th Iowa Vol. Inf'ty, October 31, 1829, and was there reared joining Grant's force<! at Helena, Arkansas, upon a farm. In 1848 he left Indiana and started to Vicksburg, but before reaching came to Iowa, locating in Cedar county, there, was in the battles of Port. Gibson where he remained until September, 1851, and Champion Hills, reaching Vicksb~rg when he came to Tama county and located on the 24th of May, 1863, a· d was there in Carlton township. In the spring of. during the seige of that city. In .July, 1853, he was elected the first clerk of 1865, he was discharged at Davenport, courts of Tama county ; was re-elected where his regiment disbanded. He then from time to time and served until Janu- went to Michigan and entered the law de­ary, 18G9, m the meantime reading law partment of Ann Arbor Pniversity, gmd­with Isaae L. Allen, ex-Attorney General, uating in 1867. Mr. Bradshawwas admit­of Iowa, and in 1868, was admitted to the ted to the bar of Iowa, at Marion, Linn har. He has followed the profession ever county, at a term of the district court, since. In 11'56, Mr. Appelgate was mar- Judge Rothrock presiding. He then ri~:J to :\Iiss Margaret McLaury, o.f Dela- came to Toledo, and formed a partnership ware county, K ew York. They have six with G. R. Struble, which continued until children. He was formerly an "old line ~he fall of 1870, at which time Mr. Struble \Vhig, " but since the organization of the Republican party, has advocated its prin­eiples. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and of the A. 0. U. W. organi­zation, a much respected and worthy citizen.

C. B. Bradshaw was born December 26,

1 t139, at Richmond, Jefferson county, Ohio. j Hi,; parents were Harvey and Susan (Sui-

. J ;;J==l=i;v:a=n=)=n=~=ra=d=s=h=a=w==;=t=h=e=f=o=r=m=e=r==a==n=a=t=iv=e==o=f================================~;;:==;~L~ ~~~ ... . ·r·

withdrew from the firm to enter upon the duties of Circuit Judge, to which office he had been elected. Mr. Bradshaw has since been alone in business. He was married in December, 1867, to Miss Mary Ann Hayzlett, daughter of William and Elizabeth Uayzlett, a native of Linn coun­ty, this State. l\-frs. Bradshaw graduated in the classical course at Cornell College,

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.






Illustrated with Photographic Views of the Natural Scenery of

the State, Public Buildings, Pioneer Life, Etc.






NEw YoRK: c.TY

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


sires of his age in bot!t liht ctnd 5C<:<m,t g•,neratiou. .\lr. Stout died in Dul,uque, .July 17. lHfiiJ.

JOSEPH :\1. STREET was born in Lunenburg County, Virginia, De. cember 15, 1782. He went to Kentucky. ;;tudied law with Benry Clay and praeticcd a few years. Later he was editor of thr· lV<J.~tern World, publiohed at Frankfort. which became famous for exposing the conspiracy of .\.aron Burr to dismember the l'nion. Street wa> repeatedly assailed by the friends of Burr and at one time severely wounded. He lived for several years at Shawneetown, Illinois. where he held various offices. In 1827 he was appointed by President .-\dams agent at Prairie du Chien fm· the Winnebago Indians. During his long service Ill that position he established schools and instructed them in farming. He protected them from plundering traders and ac·quin·d great influence with that tribe. During the Black Hawk war he remover! the Winnebagos out of reach of the influence of the Sa,, chief with whom they sympathized. He wa~ instrumental in secHring the surrender of Black Hawk and fifty members of his band who escaped from the ma,;sacre of Bad Ax, to General Taylor at Fort Crawford. and was also instrumental in procuring the temoval of thf' \Vinnehagos from Wis.consin to northern Towa upon lands they had acc·epted in t>xchangt>. In 1S:l5 General :-::treet wa2 transferred to Rock Island as agent for the Sac and Fox Indians. In 1838 he selected the site for the new agenc·y of the Sac and F'oxb on the Des Moines Rive1 which became known as cigcncy City. whieh "''""' in \Yapello County, near where Ottumwa stands. Hen• General Street died :\1,\y 5, 1840, and was buried near the graYe of the chief \Vapello.

G~QR({Ji)•·,R·'~~;Rl;c:fJir.LE was born in Sw3sex County, New York, July 25, 1836. He became a resident of Ohio at an early age where he attended the common schools and the Academy at Chest€n'ille. He removed to Iowa City in 1856, studied law and was admitted to the bar. In 1857 he removed to Toledo in Tama County, \Yhcrc he began the practice of his profession. He serYed several years as circuit judge in the Eighth Judicial District. In 1879 he was elected Representative in the Eighteenth General Assembly and at the close of the term was reelected. He received the nomination of the Republieans and w·as chosen Speaker of the House of the Xineteenth CJeneral A.s,embly. In lRflO Judge Struble wag the Re· publican candidate for Representa tivP in Congress from the Fifth ])i,;trict; but that year the Democrats for the first time since 1853 elected a majority of the Representati1·es in Congress from Iowa. and Judge Struble was one of the Republicans defeatPd.

ISAAC 8. STRUBLE waa born Th'dr Fredericksburg, Virginia, on the 3d of November, 1843. He received a common school education and at·

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1850 United States Federal Census- Ancestry.com

~ ancestry<con1

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1850 United States Federal Census

Name: George R.Struble

Age: 13

Estimated birth abt 1837


Birth Place: New Jersey

Gender: Male

Home in 1850 Chesterville, Morrow, Ohio


Family Number: 1481


Members: Name

Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: Chesterville, Morrow, Ohio; Roll M432_716; Page: 453A; Image: 214.



40 19









Ance-stry.com. 1850 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.corn Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reproduced by FarnilySearch.

Original data: Seventh Census of the United States! 1850; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, 1009 rolls); Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29; National Archives, Washington, D.C.

person's name, fifteen, the names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images of the 1850 Federal Census. l&arn more ...

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1860 United States Federal Census- Ancestry.com

1860 United States Federal Census



abt 1837

New Jersey

Toledo, Tama, Iowa




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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


1880 United States Federal Census- Ancestry.com

~ ancestryc,

1880 United States Federal Census

Name: Geo. R. Struble

Home in 1880: Toledo, Tama, Iowa

Age: 43

Estimated birth abt1837 year:

Birthplace: New Jersey

Relation to Head Self(Head)

of Household:

Spouse's name: SophiaJ.

Father's New Jersey birthplace:

Mother's New Jersey


Neighbors: View others on :wge

Occupation: Rep To State Legis.

Marital Status: Married

Race: White

Gender: Male

~annot read wnte: Blind: View image

Deaf and dumb:

OJhe~~ 1sa e : Idiotic or insane:

Household Name Age Members: {;eo. R. Struble 43

Sophia J. Struble 39

May F. Struble 16

Gertrude Struble 14




Source Citation: Year: 188o; Census Place: Toledo, Tama; Iowa; Roll 365; Fami1y History Film: 1254365; Page.: 595D; Enumeration District: 334; lmage: 0655·

Ancestry. com and The Church of .Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1880 United States Federal Census [database on-line}. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Op(>rations Inc~ 2010. 1880 U.S. Census Index provided by The Church of .Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints© Copyright 1999 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. A1l rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited use license and other terms and conditions applicable to this site.

Odginal data: Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T9, 1,454 rolls}. Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Description: This database is an index to 50 million individuals enumerated in the t88o United States Federal Census. Census takers recorded many details including each person's name, address, occupation, relationship to the head of household, race, sex, age at last birthday, marital status, place of birth, parpnts' place of birth. AddltionaHy, the names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images of the t88o Federal Census. Learn more ...

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925- Ancestry.com

You searched for George R. Struble in Iowa

Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925

George R Struble


Place: New Jersey









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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



1900 United States Federal Census- Ancestry.com

4)j ancestry c

Contact Us: 1-800-ANCESTRY

@ 1997-2010 Ancestry.com

1900 United States Federal Census

Name: Geo R Struble

Home in 1900: Toledo, Tama, Iowa

Age: 63

Birth Date: Jul1836

Birthplace: New Jersey

Race: White

Gender: Male

Relationship to Head Head of House:

Father's New Jersey Birthplace:

Mother's New Jersey Birthplace:

Spouse's name: Sophia N

Marriage Year: 186o

Marital Status: Married

Years Married: 40

Occupation: View on Image

Neighbors: yjew others o~

Household Name Members: Geo R Struble

Sophia N Struble

Geo H Struble

Grace Struble







Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Toledo, Tama, Iowa; Roll T623_46o; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 147.

Ancestry.com. 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004.

Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census.Th.Jeljth Census of the United 8tates,1900. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1900. T62J, 1854 rons.

Description: This database is an index to individuals enumerated in the 1900 United States Federal Census, the Twelfth Census of the United States. Census takers recorded many details including each person's name, address, relationship to the head of household, color or race, sex, month and year of birth, age at last birthday. marital status, number of years married, the total number of children born oft he mother, the number of those children living, birthplace, birthplace of father and mother, if the individual was foreign born, the year of immigration and the number of years in the United State.<;, the citizenship status of foreign-born individuals over age twenty-one, occupation, and more. Additionally, the names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images of the 1900 Federal Census. Jg_am more •.•

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


1910 United States Federal Census- Ancestry.com

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1910 United States Federal Census

Name: George R Stroble [George R Strufle]

Age in 1910: 73


Estimated birth abt 1837

year: [abt 1897]

Birthplace: New Jersey

Relation to Head Head

of House:

Father's Birth


Mother's Birth


Spouse's name:

Home in 1910:

Marital Status:






New Jersey

New Jersey


Tama Ward 1, Tama, Iowa





George R Struble

Sophia J Struble

.Bessie R Struble

Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Tama Ward 1, Tama, Iowa; Roll T624_424; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 169; Image: 1086.


73 [13]



Ancestry.com.1910 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT. USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2006.

Original data: Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910 (NARA microfilm publication T624, 1.178 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA

Description: This database is an index to the head of households enumerated in the 1910 United States Federal Census~ the Thirteenth Census of the United States. In addition. each indexed name is linked to actual images of the 1910 Federal Census. The information recorded in the census includes: name, relationship to head of family, age at last bitthday, sex, color or race~ whether single, married, widowed, or divorced, birthplace1 birthp1ace of father and mother, and more. Learn more ...

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



Ancestry World Tree Project: Stroble/Strubel Ancestors

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Struble/Strubel Ancestors Updated: 2009-0~-Q915:33:04 UTC (Mon)

Contact:~ ";>,\'• n\> t' ~;~y>~ Home Page: Ml!J:llrr~ .'.~.,~"': ·.~~·" '~"">,\ .'1!~

ID: 1225 Name: George R Stnlble 1 2 Sex: M Birth: 25 JUL1836 In Sussex Co., NJ 1 J Census: 1880 Toledo, Tama Co., lA 1 Occupation: Representative To State Legislature~ Note: ~ Married. Parents born NJ. Change Date: 7 FEB 2003

"'Ancestry Hints for George R Struble

8 Possible historical record~

Father: !51li!~ b: 10 APR 1802 in Newton, Sussex Co., NJ Mother: f!!:!!:ng_~ b: 1810 in NJ

Marriage 1 SQJ;thia J Nelson b: MAY 18411n NY Married: 19 APR 1860 1 Children

Aanes N Struble b: 1861/1862 In lA Marv Teasdale Struble b: ABT 1864 In lA Gertrude S Struble b: ABT 1866 in !A Jessie F Struble b: ABT 1869 in lA §gqrge Herbert Struble b: APR 1873 in lA ~ruble b: NOV 1879 In lA

Sources: Type: Web Site Detail: jriamkin@juno.oom (actiVe); jriamkln2@yahoo.com URL: hllp:/ fwww.geocilies.com/jriamkin2/ Type: Census Title: 1880 U.S. Census Place: Tama Co., lA URL: www.famllysearch.org Text: Cities included: Toledo Text: p 5950; head of house Type: Census Title: 1880 u.s. Census Place: Tama Co., lA URL: www.familysearch.org Text: Cities included: Toledo Text: abt 1837; NJ Type: Census Title: 1880 u.s. Census Place: Tama Co., lA URL: www.famHysearch.org Text: atles Included: Toledo Text: age43 Type: Census Title: 1880 u.s. Census Place: Tama Co., lA URL: www.famllysearch.org Text: atles included: Toledo


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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.




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STRUBLE, George R. Add a Post-em Note

Born: 25JUL 1836 :f}'; How to use oost-em notes ...

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15 DEC 1918




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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



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STRUBLE, Sophia J. Add a Post-em Note

Born: 02 MAY 1842 :i?[j; How to use post-em notes ...

Died: 12 MAY 1918 Cemetery: WOODLAWN

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i Location: TOLEDOTWP. Yc>urE~I: IZJ (required)

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The infonnation contained on this website was originally recorded by Iowa VVPA (Wo!Xs Progress Administration) wo!Xers during late 1930's. In 2006 it was transcribed into a searchable electronic fonnat.

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