r. · ·city couocil's second marathon session ' page8~t.w8 lift·bdi serviee added to...

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·city Couocil's SecOnd Marathon Session Page8~T.W8

Lift·BDI Serviee Added to F-6 Line

R!!!!" Thund!IY, July 28, 18'lt•

roll the chair either forward « backwud on the ·utt. !It ia euter to maneuver lnllde the bus If the ebalr Ia rolled In forward.> ()Dee oecllre on itie lift,. the operator wiU actiVate It and carry the wheel­chair Into the. bus. If a atandlq pasaeJI&'er uses the lift, he should lltand as cloae as poaslble to the In-· side edce on the lift to avoid bein&' struck by the top of the bua door­way.

Of the· Summer Requires Two Meetings h7 Alu Amberg 6 c..l Claoper

On July 9, city council beg11n a surruiu~r marathon session to clean· up all of the Items that hed accumulated during the past month. The meeting ran into the morning hours before council flnatry gave up and con­tinued the meeting on July 8.

Parking was a large item on council's IIF.enda. Gouncll ap­pro\red an. Increase In oarklng ticket fines from $5 to $10, ef­fertive ln l 0 davs.

Councilman Richard Cutaldl ex­preMed concern about the ''No Puking alps the etty hu placed alOnlf Creacent Road between Park­way and thl! Mobil IfiLl atatlon af­fectlnlf 8 to 8 '*JIBCH, City Manqer J'amea K. G!eoe explained that the •llfftl ar.. tem110l'Br)' meuu,.., to 1-n the danaerou• situation eau.ed by thl! IfiLl· llnl!s and the con.ltructlon of curb and lfUtterlnlf AIOIII' ~ O))))OIIte 1ldP of the road. OUtaldl wondered If the sima coud be r..movoo When thP. curbs &re finished or If thP.re were other att .. matlvea as the altuatlon lncon­""DIP.nced rP.•IdP.nts of that area. Gl- IUII'II't!8ted using alps that nnly restrict narklnA' t'lurlnll' c•rtaln hour•. 'He alao. wonder•!! If Mobil cootld cllang• Its pm'lolng hnur• notlnll' th•t "No Parklntr" after 6 a.m. In P.l!'f!Ct means ''No Parking Ovemllfht." .

('..nnnellman Charle• Schwan no-­tPd that parkin,. In that area wa• AIWilVtl bRd, bnt If the curbing were fln!~hed there would be merit to the •uPII'eatlo;,, otherwl•e no.

Riel< B'lrber ..ncl John Leslie. both l't'•ldent• of the !WI oourt of r,.,..-.•nt. acrnsa the street from the no porklnl! signa, told council tb.a sltuptlnn WM vprv d&nJrefOUS,

ro,.,>cll dlrPotf'C'I th~ eltv man1111er """ t11- notice depsrtment to lnveft­"""ta the problem and ~treot 11 Ao­lutlon.

1'....,.. Ont~ B Council &))proved & prellmlnsry

olan of subdlv111on for Parcel One .. B subj~ct to certain conditions. P&rcel One B C9D&Ists of 2.02 Beres oltuatf'C'I on Edmonston Road, be­tween the Pooples Bank "Building Rnd the Stidham/Nationwide Build · lng Ju•t south of the BCcea• road conneetln&' .to Kenilworth. A town houae condominium complex for profP.Ralonal ofllcea &nd sm111l buol­ncNu~,. 1!11 propottM for thr tract.

The mstter WM submlttrd tn the Advloory Phlnnlng Boo•·ll (APBl for Rtudy.

In Its report to council APR recommend~d spproval but with thr condition that the poaslbl• widen · lng of the accPaa ,road be allowed hy plRclnA' " building re•trtctlon line on the ~astem aectlon of thP. •ubdlvlllon. ,,.,... Ia a 11011lblllty that the road will be widened when the lnteraectlon of Greenbelt Rd. and Kenilworth Ave. I• Improved.

APB aleo tnanted 10lved a dl•­orepancy conoernlq the location ol tbl! ace- road currently paftd. The 8Udbam/Natlonwtde Bulldln&' •lt.e Ia on the otbl!r aldl! of the - road fi'CIII Parcl!l One B. H-r tile~ line~ ol. each 11top at th" betlnnlq ot the pav"-11118ftt. I•Yiq In qUMIII.., on which .,._ ., property the pa- II. Allo, APB no-Dded t)lat tile oltJ' iiiMiukl lit allowwd to -ment on e11e 8lbl plan at a later dat..

ReY. a. Kftnet~a Bum thanked GR11C111 lfw tile proolamatlon the;, ,... """ to Mia and hl8 'lt'lfe, Ka-


-DonW.tauWie --' ., .... a.-wt, .... ""' 474-5007

J.A:. ............. ................ ......... s--011 , ••. .._..._:• s,-.JL

tharlne Buker, on the occulon of their eotb annlver~Uy. He explain­ed that he wasn't aure on which wall to hans It, but It would be someplace where people could see It when they came to visit.

In the exl•tln&' IJ'Item or t1'81U1fer- Sunday, July. 't the Waahlnlflon Inc to the new IYitem. Metropolitan Area Transit Author-

Council approved a ne"'' .. !tC!!lli'~ ~-tty ln&ugurated lltt-bua lervlce on for Behavioral Service Consultants, 12 routes. Inc., at a· c;oat of $16,800.

Schw&n suneated aendln&' a mea­sqe to ReJI'I!&entatlve Glady& Spellman blddlnlf her to 1et well. Spellman Ia now In Bethesda Nav&l Hoepltal.

Council also unBJ>Imoualy voted to &'l'ant Ofllcer David Ful1ham an extra 80 daya administrative leave. He hu recently und~l'J'One surifery due to a job-related Injury and re­quested this action even tholl&'h It now appears that he will be back on the job In leu than 80 days.

Council authorized Giese to hire two temporary employees to Install aome playcround equipment. The two people hired will be paid with Community Development Block Grant fundi.

MeeUng Omtlnued At the July . 16 continuation of

the July 9 meetlnc, council acceP­ted a PRA'B report which sugcested that the city's new balllleld park be named uHonor~ Park" tn order to allow eventual recognition of many outstanding Individuals. The 188ue however was eontlnued for a se~arate 'work se•alon.

Mayoral Election• Council decided not to place an

advisory queotlon on the September b&llot as to whether or not there should be a aeD&rate election for mayor. Castaldi suggested con­tinuing with the old system. Schwan concurred becauae of an ••absence of-Interest" on th~ part of citizen•. r-ounrllman Thomas White. who ;.,M abs•nt. left a letter statim> that lte was uunalterablv onnoRPd" to cha.nP.'inJt the nresent svqtf•m. ~Avnr Rlohard Pllokl oUglfesloiJ <lrooulnl! the Issue bec&use of the conoenoua of council.

'R.Prt11P.IIts }uu~ hf.~,., .,,.,..,,.lw•n fr"m '"h"" MArvlanil MunlcinAl l.RRifUe for leglshttlvr aotlon propooals for r.on•ldAration for the Leaauf'l'!'t 1980 legislative procram. Council de-

.,~:lded to walt primarily because White, who is B delrgate to the L<oglslatlve Action Committrc was not prrsent. Weldenfeld added that right now th• MML lo looklnc for nropoAR.ls on stateWide tssuf'R, thf'rr will bo plonty of time to consider local propoBill•.


Tn thP 1!\l=lt Nrs~lon of thf' Stat,. ~f'g\~laturr. J...,iit1f4lntton WFUI rnRdf'd !"rvnmplng thf" StRtP Rrtirf'mrnt ·•v•lcm In which thr city may par tlr.tnatr, hut dcwAn't hRVr to. CounC'll npprovrrt a rr~nJutl('m giving: cur rent omploycra thr option of Atay\ng

The reaervatlon of the Sprln&"hlll Lake Induktrlal tract for uae aa a METRO station expired June 80. By placln&' the land under reaer­vatlon, the· owner 1lves up develop­ment rl&'/lta and, In return, the property taxeo are abated. The city has been advlaed that the Prince Georges Plannlnl Board In­tends to piBCe the land In l'l!aerva­tlon for &n additional three years.

Gleae mentioned that the owners of the tract were very Interested In developing the land If It were not to be used for the Metro sta­tion. Castaldi noted that there was some lllllnr alld gradln&' work being done on the trBCt and wondered If that did not violate the provisions of the re•ervatlon qreement. Schwan said that some lllllng waa allowecl under the agreement. but didn't know how m11ch. Ed James wanted to know when there would be a Metro Statton. Council re­plied th"t th• l•.test estimate Is 1990.

Council anproved an increa.se In thP City Solicitor's fees to $1!00 per month retalnrr Bnd SilO per hour for all extra work not covered by th• retainer.

Weldenfeld added an Item to thP Pnct of thP fUc"Pnda: somP rPsldents had complained to him that ther• werfl' t'll'l dlref'ti011R as to where the golf course be«ln~ or Pnds. Emmett Nanna. City Solloltor, nulpped "They must have been \~RtchlnR' Mr. Giese piRy!" Glesr mentioned a problem of vandalism of direction slj!'ns or !lags. but r01mcll ~lrcoted thr stal't to find a rcmody to the problem.

Roosevelt Grouns Toward thr end of the school

ypar two of thr c>horal groups of ~'leanor Roosevelt High School wl'!re cho!iten to tWrform out~lde thE' RC;hool. Thr Chambf'r r.horUR <Ma· drlgal Sing•r•l pRrtlripat•d In an area festlvRI at thr NRtlonal Gal­lery of Art. Thr Chorus was the only group to rrC'f'lvr ~uperlor rat 1ngfl In both !-li~ht rPading and per­formance from nil thrN"" judgPs. Th('y rrf'rivf'd n. trlbutP. from Theo­dor~ Morrison. adiudlrRtor, who askrd th<'m. "Why do ;vou need ~~ to tPll YO' I how wondrrful you Rre ·

Thf' ·~rhool'~ 100 mrmhf'>r ('horu.s ,.,hiC'.h nrrforml'd At n. ff'RtivAl at P~rkslde H!!l'h S'hool in Salisbury, Mrl .. Rho:~o wn..s. honorr.rl. Tt WAR t.hr only rhoru~ <'hn<.Jrn to rrpn-~tf'nt

Prl'1rro r.orgf'~ County at the fes­tival.

DANCE Gre•nbelt Vofu,.teer Fir• D•partm•nt & Rescue Sq~d

125 Crescent Road In Greenbelt

SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1979 9:00P.M.· 1:00 A.M. Featurln&' the !:.....,.,... 8ounda ol. W...crte


sa.oo per pereon ' .5.00 per I!CIIIple

Soda .80 pee -Beer .1!0 per can

0111 ..... ,.. for.,...... ... A MAil-IN OOVPON TO R£018'1'1:8 BY MAIL JI'Ca £l'lT JIILIIO­

ftONI!I ONLY may be uled b;, penon1 who are unable to 1'1118tar In

penon. Tbl! application 1hould tie IDIIIIed to tbe Cit,. Clerk, • a-t

Road Greenbelt, 1114. 20'7'70. The Cit;, Cluk '!flU Ntum Ul OJ'J'JCJAL

~ RIDGnrraATION FOIUI to the applicant for -pletion and

llpature; h.,_, tJw completed form muat be retumed .o u to NMh

the Cit;, Cluk by AUifUit 20th - the Jut day to be NlllteNd.

clip here

Application for OrMnbelt Citizen to Regl1ter

by mall to vote in City of Greenbelt ElectJOM PI~..,. Print Date of Reque1t

Name pi P•roon lo be re1lilM

Mallin&' addr•aa II dlife,...nt from abOve

Name or applicant It otlii!r btiiii rql1trant

The new buaes will operate from Greenbelt on certain trips on. the F6 which runs between Sliver Sprln&' and Grfl<!nbelt. Center via Beltway Plaza ant!. Prince Georps Plaza. The service has been available On the 02 which rung out of Beltway Plaza and &'DeB. to Montgomery M&JI via Prince Georges Plaza, Four Corners Pond Wheaton Plaza.

Lift-equipped buaes Will not be operated on every trip of the new routes. However, the. trips featur­ln&' the lift buses will be marked with a "w" on the. timetables. To obtain a timetable call 637-1261.

Buses with the lift feature are clearly ma,ked at the front door with the words ''Wheelchair Lift Equipped" and the wheelchair symbol. If cllftlbln&' steps Ia a problem, the bus will "kneel" so that the steps will be lower, If steps can't be necotlated at all, the followln&' procedure Is used: the person who needs the lift boards the bus before other passen&ers. If In a wheelchair, the passenpr should

Aboard the bus, wheelchairs lock Into a specially-reserved area where the ton&' benches are. The ·bench will fold up ao t~ tbe wheelchair can be secured. ~ gers In the long benches will llf.ve· up their se(lts ..

Once the seat Is up, b~k th~> wheelchair Into piBCe qalnst tile back barrier and lock the brakel.

A new brochure which explains how to use the new llft-<!Qulpped

-'bus Is now available. Call 637-11'111 to receive one by malt Call 637~UII4 to srran&'e for a special &'roup dem­onstra.tlon.

Handicapped and elderly pBIIen­gers ride Metrobuses at reduced fares. ' Handicapped pBIIenpra should call the transit authority at 637-1245 or 637-1246 to recelw Information on how to get an Iden­tification card to use on the bus, Persons 65 and older may take proof of ace to BDY public library to receive an ldentlllcatlon card:_

Shouldn't your~sbe

anchorea here?

W FIRSf FEDERAL SAVINGS ~ &IAJanAssn.ci Annapolis r. ANNAPOLIS: Main Offtce; 2024 Weat Street, 268-7891

flRE'ENRELT: Beltway Plaza Shopping ,Center, 474-6004

--- s=m- r=••--4 •·--·---=== _._ __ _

~ ~

City of Greenbelt Voter Registration for

1979 Council Election On September 18, 197&, a regular election wlll be held In tllle City of Greenbelt to elect five members of the City Council who

shall be elected at large. In order to vote in a city election, It

Is necessary to be a registered voter of the City of Greenbelt.


e Unlted States cltl7.en

e 18 years of age on or before the date of the electien

(September 18, 1979) e Of sound mind

e Domiciled In the City of Greenbelt

Persons who wish to register, may do so at the fellowi•l


CITY OFFIC1118 Mond~~P thru Frldayo Municipal Bulldlq Saturda;,, AUI'\IIt II 211, Cre~eent RAia4 Saturday, Au&"Uat 11

SPRINGHILL LAKE Monday• thru 'M1uro. Community Center JO'rlda:v• 8220 Sprinrhllll Dl'lw Saturday•

GRII:II:N'BIIlLT HOIIIICS, Inc Monday1 thru Frlda)'o Admlnlatratlve Oflles Hamilton Place

July 18, 20, 2ll and 24 i\liCIIllt I thm An&'Ue& to

............. 10 a.a.-1 pa. 10a.a.-lp.a.

• a.a.-1 .... 9a.a.-tp•. • a.a.-t ....

• a.M.-5 p.m.

12:80-t .... ORIIlii:NBRIAJt r,ommunlty Center 'niOO Hanover Parkwr.r WHkdaya, f'Xcept Wednead. 12:110-t p.a

Saturday• and Sundaya 1-4 p.a

'ftll: IAift' DAY TO RI!:Oitn'II:B 18 MONDAY, A.UOUIR' It, 11tt

Gudrun H. Kill• Cit,. Clerll

Vol~ 42, Number 37

by Carl Choper Rexford Guy Tugwell, ·an ori­

ginal member of Franklin D. Roosevelt's brain tr~t wl;lo was instrumental in the establish­ment of Greenbelt, died at the age of 88 in Santa Barbara, California on July 21. By co· incidence, exactly 22 years ear­lier, on July 21, 1957, hi' had received from council a resolu­tion welcoming him as a new resident of Greenbelt. It was through this residence that ma­ny Greenbelters became friends of Tugwell and his family.

Actually, some Greenbeltel'll knew him before the TulfWella moved to Greenbelt. James Cauels met him In Chlcqo In the early 1950's when Tu&"Well was teachln&' at the Unlvel'lllty of Chlcqo. Both he and Caaaela were on the Boe.rd of Direc­tors of Hyde Park Cooperative, a food co--op. Also, they lived two dool'll away from each other In Pioneer Co--op, a hou~lng coopera­tive.

Woodland mlta When TulfWell reached the age of

65, he was forced to retire, He was working on hla book, "A Democratic Roosevelt," and had to do some re­search at the Library of Con&'reas. He alao was curious as to what It waa., like to actually live In Green­belt, which was once known as one of tbe "Tu.-u town.o." Cauet., In the meantime, bad been helplnc to Otlf&nbe the Woodland Hilt. houal111r de'ftlopment on Woodland Way and Northway. Tugwell de­cided to buy Into It and build his liouae there, rn order to hrlp the development and lflve It more cash on hand, be allo boll&'bt two extra lots, which he later sold at no pr<>-· fit.

Alao involved In the Woodland Hills drvelopmrnt wa.o then ·City ManR~ter Chari,.. McDonald. He had first mrt Tugwell In · 1943 In connor.tlon With thr G..,.n Hills Proj<oct outsldr of ctnelnatl, Ohio. Tugwell had romr to •peak with lhr Rral EstRtr A•soclatlon !herr ~bout the mattrr. Later, whon both Tugwell and McDonald Jived In G"""nbelt, McDon'lld fr<'Quently met fo,...lgn ~lannel'!l who came to the city officr l\8klnlf for diN!Ctlona to~~ll'1 hru•~. McDonald, aa


City Mana1er and nel&'hbor, would act as lfUide or tour director. He rec&lled th&t Tupell once told him that he'd been Involved In con­struction all hla life, but when he moftd to Greenbelt It wu the first time he bad ever slped a deed for hlo own house.

119 NorChway Tu&"Well lived at 118 Northway.

Anyone now pualnlf the houae, with Its shaded front yard and lmpene­trable mock oranp hedp, .would lind It hard to believe that when Tuawell moved In, In 1957, only the crabapple tree wu there. Harvey and Helen Geller, who. have lived In the house next door for tba past 22 years, have many memorlea of 'l'u&"Well. "He was alway• putter­Ing around the house," Helen aald. "We built our porcheo tOfrether." But Tu&"Well continued with his lmprovem.ents, and, before he mOV-· ed away In the early 19608, he had completed an addltlon to his houae; an enclosed porch, and a network of paths and patios complete with plantlng and a goldftsh pond. The Gellers also remernlberecl that Tu&'­well'a mother had Jived there with his family for a while, and that Tugwell's grandchildren uaed to play with the Geller children.

Lowell and Marjorie Owens now Jive In Tugwell's former residence. The knocker on the door still has the name ''TulfWell' Inscribed on lt. Their patho ci'Oised when T}'ler TulfWell. Rexford's son, applied for a job at the Beltavllle A&'l'lcultural Jtele&roh Center. Lowell hired him to work In a greenboull!,

The Owens didn't see RPX Tugwell too often. They met In the C<>--op store sometimes and were Invited to a few parties. '-rhere was no way not to enjoy a party wh~n he was a boat," Marjorie said. Sever&! othor fonner advisors to Roosevelt, some still workln&' for the govern~ ment, had kept In touch with TIIR' well and werr at the parties. HP atwa.ys had ~omr.thlnk nPw going and was a 11W•ry unpretentlouA, nice person," ~hr. C'Onc1udr.d.

Tu&"Well, while a prlvatr rltlzrn In Greenbelt, W88 •till somewhat In­volved In the clty'o 111'tairs behind­the-scenes. Charle• McDonald som•tlmes consultrd him 111 to what part of the federal buri!Bucracy to approach with municipal problems. Becauoe of hi• put experlt-nc~. he

Feur Candidatea File Fer Election All five curN'nt city oouncllmen

h&ve Indicated to the N.,... Revt.w thl!lr Intention to run for another two-year term In the municipal Plectlon on Tu.,.cbly, September 18. Mayor Pro-Tem 011 Weldenll!ld Ia the llnrt eandldate, followed clooely II)' Oounetlman Chart.. Schwan and n*W -- Jeanette· Gord7 and Nobard Ley, to llle the n~ nomlll8tlnlf papaN with tba cit,. ciPrlr Gudrun Klllll, The deadline for -m.t!on1 11 lllonclay, Auruat e at e JUII,

Mayor Richard Plt.kl hu 1ervec1 on council IInce IIMill, Weldenfeld and Schwan 1111<'1! 1A71, and Ooun .. cllm@n Thomu X. White and Rich­ard Cutaldl olncr 1e'IJ .

Followlnl 11 tho blo&"raphy of Wetdenfeld. The rHt will be. pub· ll•hed whl!n they ue available.


A &'raduate •nrln""r Rnd Rn at­torney, 011 Weldenfeld hu oervl!d for el&'ht yPara on the City Council H• •rved no mayor durin&' 1975· 1977 and Ia pl'Paently lll'rvlng his leCOtld t<>nn u mayor pro-trm. Weldenfeld WM rPcently elected Ill

a vice--president of the Maryland ll(unlclpal Le&l'\le IMMLJ and Ia aerYin&' on the MML'1 Board of Dlre<!tor• for the third conNCutlve ,_,, He ball 1erved on the ~·· Leglalatlve Action Colli· ~ for the PMt eve yean •

Weld@nfeld Ia tbl! past president or the Prince Georlfel Municipal A• IIOCiatlon (.J'OMA 1 and 1.1 aervlnlf on the POMA Executlv~ Oommlttl!f' for the llfth ooftlecutlvl! year. He Will tecOifnl&ed by the POMA "'' tba "Outstandlnlf Municipal Ofllclal of Prince Geo,.... County" for 1971-tm. Wetdenteld also ~ervl!d on th.­

-BOard of DlrectON of the WUhlnl· ton-Metropolitan Council of Gov­ernments and presently ""rvea on lt. Public Safety Polley Committee.

Weldenfeld 11 a Patent Examiner for the U.S. Pat.,t Oftlce and h.., eamed numeroua &'OVernmental award• for outstandln&' p4!rforrn­anee, opeclal achlevl!lllent and for work of out1tandln1 quality

In 11180, Weldenfeld euned " law dt>&'tee, Doctor of Jurl•prudenco. from Catholic Ualvel'llty In Wuh­lngton, D.C., and In 1980 .....,elv.-d a drrrec In rn&"lneerln&' from RutaPro trnlvrrolty In New JeriPy, He lo B member of the Maryland Bar and thP United Stateo 9upreme Court Bar

Weldenf~ld, a fourtern yPAr real­drnt of Oreenbrlt, lived In Sprln&'­hlll lAke for el&'ht yeMt~ prior to movln&' to Boxwood Vlllaae In 1973. Hll wife, Muriel, hu been active In numerous civic llOtlvitls 'In Greenbelt. The Weldenfl!idl have two ci&UC'htel'll, 811aron, 17, and

119Jen, 111. -

Thursday, August 2. 11179

was well qualllled to lflve IUch ad­vice,

Oolnmllllity ~ He also served on a committee

chaired by Charles Schwan who: coincidentally, had known Tupell's uncle years befor... In 111&11, Schwan recalled, City Council appointed a committee to provide advice on bow to "Insure that plannln&' would be carried on continuously." Tu~rwell was a member of that adviaory committee arid Schwan wu chair­man. Becauae of hie ''well-de­served reputation In planmn&'," Schwan noted, ''I approached my assi&'Dment with dlflldence. What­ever mlslflvinp I had be dispelled at once. He was as channln&', as easy to work with, as unlmpre.saed with his own competence u he was competent In fact. His contribu­tion to the work of our commltteP. was only a small part of his contri­bution to this community and the nation." The recomrllendatlon ot that committee was to create the Advisory Pl&nnlnr Board, which council esabllshed and which exists to this day.

Later Yean rn the early 1960's, Tugwell and

his family moved to Puerto Rico and, from there, to Santa Barba1'B.

. Althouch he no lon&"er lived In Greenbelt, some Grenbeltera kept In touch With him. Former Green­belter Lewis Bl!msteln bad heard of Tu&'Well u early as 19~. When TulfWell moved to Woodland HUts o.n article In the Wuhl.._tO'n Poat deaclibed thle bOUIIq develop­ml!nt. It IICJ\blded .., 1~; said Bernstein, that he and his wife, ljllalne, also boucht a home there, two dooro away from Tu&"Well. The friendship that started at that time continued beyond Greenbelt. The Bl!matelns laat saw Tugwell just a ff!W weeks 811'0 In Santa Barbara. He WM ''bright. •l•rt: and active with no Indication that hf!' had slowed down," Bernstein rocalled, stating that Tugwell WM "a gifted person, an lntellectulll genlu11, a ~TP&t economist . . • R

great plannrr and a 1rrat neigh­bor. He lovPd people, und.,rstood prople ... was very aophlotlcated and moved In all circles ... humble and a great cardenl!r With an ln­tr.n~te Jove of outdoor• and nature,"

Rexford Tupell Ia well remem­bered bJ Oreenbelter1.

OESPfRATfl We need 1omeone to taka

N-. Rntew copy to the pl'lntal In Hyattsville (1 bloolc north ol. Biz() brldpJ on Tuelday, Wed­neadaJ' and Thul'lday momllllfl by I :00 Lm. for the IDOIItb ol AUifUit on)J'. Cop, dellvllftld to your "- the .qbt befcmo. Mo­mlnal pay. Call 441-1111, fT._..,,

The GrNnbelt Boyl And Glrlo Club tall aoccer protrram bo!lfln• with the lll'tlt practice on Friday, Au&'Uat 1 at I p.m. at Braden Fll!ld All member• who wllh to partici­pate In IIOCCer thla fall lhould be preoent. Teama for boyo and &'lrll atrecl 1 to 11 will be orif&nl•ed.

Thnse who are not ;,et r•lfl•~•red m•mber. nf the Oreenbelt Boyo and Olrla Club and· wl1h to part:clpat• In the fRII oocePr prorram, plraae rel'l•t~r at the ftrwt practice. New PnrolleiNI mu1t brln&' a birth e@rtlf teat•, a •mall phcltorrRJlh. p:,. a registration for.

Several ooachea ancl many aulat­ant coachro are •till n•eded. Pre· vloua ex!l<'rlcnce In" playln&' ooccer or jn coachln&' 11 not a requJ,.... ment the only requirement II a •lncere lntereat In pruvldlnlf a h•lthy • p o r t 1 eltpei"lence for youth&. Paret~ts! PJ- bl!lp! l1'or .rnore lnloNiatlon, call !lob 8~ at 441-1~.

Gm 85 Million Rehabilitation Progratn To Cost $6.7 Million .7 Leta llllreh ~ ......: .

A lO&o, u well u a facellft, · VInyl ~ b cUe~ wu adopted for Greenbelt hom-. &Altea beld ...., .,_ • .....,. Homes Inc. (GHI) by the GHI -: ~ ::..=;:;,~ Board on, July 17; The. ~l' Yl~ ... ..,_. ...._ tlllr' will 1 be available on t·llhirts prtae ot u. ,.._ llui4 JI'O:­and canvas bqs .at the Green- duet ball ~ '\'Ill llou« belt Labor Day Festival, while deellledthllt~caforaie111D* the often discussed rehilblllta- h011181 will be provided bJ·.'- Ja-. tlon will provide a · facelitt. sulatlon whlcll· will --== Member options, insulation· and R value Qf lT. m-~ ....... ......., costs of rehabilitation flooded will 'lleltlown tnto the -· -· ... the agenda b7 driUlq hoM, It wiD.~ ::;.:::;.

. • a&r7 to npablt • - -Coats were at the Blfl!nda a creat with lldlna. Xopilteln ..,........ ail the board acc~>pted a finance that llaklu palDt wu a oode .Sol&­commlttee report calllftlr for a spe- tlon The ~oob ~ par b clal membll'llhlp meetlnlf to au- the · .. dlq or painting IUICl lliltlll thorlze additional funds for reba- brlcka and bloclu pq for tbe ~ bllltatlon and ~ anticipated 1979 atlon.

~:!:.."! ~!'.cl~~~:; !u::t t:':,e~:;: After much dlacu.lon the '-'4 the meetln&'. GHI mana,ement voted to oover the biOC!Ir ~ "::: hopes to have a commlttment by !vinyl aldllllf u the atail then on HUO 312 funds (8<,0 In- provide the -her option ~th terestJ for rehabilitation. The lq U a part ol. rehlliiiUfor ,_.,_. board directed that consideration the member ltlliPOft81ble -..-•· of electric heat convenlon The board'• prtrne eonoem Will th• added to the apnda for the opecl&l enforcement problem In kftplng the

painted hOUII!a In lfOOd ahape. Kop-membershlp meetlnr. •teln felt It would 'lie &A aWful

Buclpt Do!ftclt . m&nalfement Ptolllem. J'-Because of eilcalatlnc fuel costa, countered that "you will haft a

a bud&'et deftclt of about •200,000 bluer community problem If It I• is expected for 1979. The finance rammed down people' a throat~. N

committee had sU&'&'ested the anti- Schwan aiTeecl that without the clpated deficit be covered by option there would be no IDBftllle­$38,000 of reserved. funds in the ment problem "beeauoe without the 1979 budget and contract sales option It won't pus." receivables from Individual mort- A related topic which m&Aalll­i!'"&'~s tor units not yet sold when ment. wu directed to a:plore -the corporation was formed. Dl- Insulation of. the brick hom-. . ID rector James Smith stated he &ddltlon, manajrement waa tl&lce4 would prefer lncreasln&' char~res to look Into a Pr'OII1'UD for the ,_ rather th&n using the joint asoets block home• that now have aldlntr of th.e corporation. These funds are and the live freeatandlnr h0111e1 traditionally used for loans to 'Woodland Way. inembera for Improvements. The on board decided to dlscuu tlie mat- Opdomo ter further. Window options, a topic alre&dJ

HUD Ftn...,.,lnr dlsculled July 12, Blf&ln occul~~ To obtain HUD fundln&', GHI dlacunlon. Dlteeton WaJM

manaccment Wl\8 directed to pre-- llama and Donald Volk ob)ected to pare revloed rehabilitation fl1111re1 the aeuon-all plllf)'-baock window ualnr tba lnlt4&1 pac~ Wltll w..r belnc lltalldu4. Wllllalu explaiiUICI noqurre11 ""'•tom anlf liii&rd pi>Jicy -nm-- 1le ....,...._ ...,. • ...._. decisions, The problem 81 GHI that mllllajrement prefl!rl the -­member Charles Schwan pin- mopane but II ofrerlq options 'lie­pointed It Is the confllctlnc llmlta- cau1e of the COlt. lions of scope and money In the Member optlona tor rehabllltatlon orl&'lnal rehabilitation ))Ackaee wu a major topic dl~eualed. The approved by the membe"rs. 'M1• lm- board approved color opt4ona lor the provementa to be madl! cannot now vinyl sldlnlf. Ellfht coloN -be done tor the approved $5 mU.- approved with slat,e blue, pebble lion. The orlclnal mrmber•hlp grRY and desert brown belq the approved packqe will now costa three basic colol'll. Architectural $6,7 million. However, Dlreotor Ed consultants feel earth tonea and Jameo felt the packace waa "more dark color• would be better far nccoptable to people now becau~~e o>f thla parklike community. If " all the options." It was IU&'&'eStPd member has no preference, hR that sidewalks and parkin&' be would receive the basic color for' dropped ·from the Ptolfl"&m. Jn- his court. Th~ throe bulc colora •te•d they were kept In u a con-· would alternate eveey third court. Unpncy- an area that could be The board authorized man&lfe­dropped If somethlnlf el1e costa ment to hll'l! Jlln¥troameat Dealp too much. Deputy General "Mana- Oroup. Inc., u archlt.cta for tiM> 1er Ken Kop1teln 1ald poor •Ide- rehabilitation ))tolfi"UD. Thta II to walk• were • code ¥tolatlon and meet .tate and fecle1'al requl,.. would coet II!H to repair undn re- lllents. The board al.o decided to habilitation. U•lnlf HUD 112 fundo, appoint a small ~lttee &a ,.. all code violation• would have to vi- the d8lllfn booll llofte b1 -­be corrected. 1 uttant :Ropr K. lAwla. The -­


Sun~ Alii. I, 7 p.m. OI'MIIlltlt Concert Band, OI'MIIlltlt Lake Puk Bandltalld.

"- ........ 7, I p& OlD JA­form&Uon&l lleetlftlr, :Mmtll End leW!.

Wati.,A ............ Cl~-­tlon 'Board Drawtq f~ U­lot Order, Kuialolpal ,~

mitt" would pi'Oftde IAwla with &"Uidell,.. for a 8Dal wl'llon.

PGCC Regiatratioa The Prlnee O.Orp'a· ~

Colle.. llxttftlloft OIDteN oe.e wiD hold lt. elf--.- ln.,.,_ Nllltratloll at .._ "--" lftrll 1e11001 011 or-, Alll'le& lt frcnn 1: ... :10 p.-.

J'or .. llollr lnfonMtlall, 01111 DI-07I1 or the ICxtealloa oe. M -.«a





Ouctrun H. ·MIUa Ctt1 ~k



!' I I

Pa e 2

Volume 42, Number 37 Thursday, August 2, 1979

Diversity For Common Goah Two events took place last week on either end of our conti­

nent-one in Santa Barbara, California and one in Greenbelt, Md. They are rather dissimilar events and yet-as we think about them-they are interwoven.

Rexford Guy Tugwell died on July 21. It was Tugwell, one of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's closest advisors and director of the Resettlement Administration, who was respon­sible for the federal government buildJng Greenbelt in 1936.

11'rom the beginning, the town was controversial-as was the man who inspired it. Both were damned in the press and in the Congress. The press ridiculed the regimentation by the government of the people who could not hang wash out on week-ends or own pets other than birds in cages and fish in bowls. And Congressmen berated the federal bureaucracy for creating "TUgwelltown"-spending what amounted to $16,000 per home--an incredible price then-for low-income residents.

The seeds were ·sown. And Greenbelt has remained true to its historical roots. So that when a group of people in town ·Want to start a new organization, controversy becomes a bycword. And newcomers to our community should not wonder that it 'took two- separate meetings to settle on a name and purpose fot that organization and; who knows, we may not have heard the last of that argument yet.

Greenbelters ~re noted for the variety of their opinions. Yet, when there are major issues to be solved, as there were in the 60's when higl:! ·density zoning madness threatened to destroy the character of the city, Greenbelters spoke with one voice. So, also, did Greenbel).ers fight together for a change in the site of the Eleanor Roosevelt High School and for the· type of school it has become.

TherP was a l'(reat deal of diversity of opinions in the meeting to form a new "citizens" organization last week. We think it is healthy to disagree. We must admit, too, that we favor thl! nam,., Citizens for Greenbelt, over the proposed vame of "The Greenbelt Citizens' Association". Unless the new group serves as an um· brella organization for the various other "citizens" groups, e.g. aoxwood Civic Association, Lakeside Citizens' Association, we think the original name would be misleading to those outside of Greenbelt.

We think that any organization purporting to represent a unified Greenbelt must be broad-based, representing the wide spectrum of thought prevalent throughout the community. The purpose of the. organization, its steering committee and bylaws, should be able to encompass this diversity.

In !act, we would recommend that the permanent steering committee of "Citizens for Greenbelt" be comprised of represents. tivcs from each of the already existing citizens' organizations. We al(ree with those who feel that this type or organization would have more clout when appearing before county, state and federal !(overning bodies.

There arc important issues facing Greenbelt--one of the most critical being the dissecting of our town by the State Highway Administration. And perhaps we have not achieved Rex Tugwell's dre.am of a new America. "a land in order, wisely used with hills !(reen and the streams blue". Nevet·Uteless. most of us have common goals althou!(h our methods for lichievinl( them are diverse. YPt, w·e must work tol'(cthN fot· those common !(oals. If thert• had bl'l!n no compromises, Greenbelt would not have been built.

"Disheartening Start" To th~ Jlldltor:

A111 I"Onf'P.rned dtizt'nll nt OrNln · bfolt, wr attrnded thP ni'Jianlu. tlonal mf'f'tlnl! of thr propo!K'd ''OrM'nbelt Cltlzrn• Auoclatlon". 'l'hr )>urpo•r nf thr meet1n1 wa• to obtAin A.pprovAI by thos~ pre11 t>nt of thf' Con"'tltutlon llnct By l.aw•, A" drAflrd by thr fltrrrlng f~ommttt,.f•. Tn uur opinion. thf" CommlttN- did nn ••xN~llrnt job. Th1• Con!ttltutlon Anrl By Law~ W"ff' mnrf' thnn ndi'\Qh.nt,.. to f'~

tnhfi"h lht• fl,•dKllng "''N'Hlll'l.nlion. II .'4f'f'tnf•d, !'I llt'4l, WI' wnnlrl hnvf• an nrJ(ttni7.Jllion 1111\l would lw dl'd H .ti(•d, In fnt'f, to lh'' intrr1·~l'< nf I h,.. f•iti7f'l1"~ of Ort•r•nhf·lt

It Wtt!-1 lmmt•rtintdy ''Vldt•nt lhu! thr• mN·I\ng \\'1\.~ lnlllltnlf'tl Y.ilh 1 :rt•f'llb~ll!•rN "h1l~" only JllltJln"'' WIUI to rlho~rupt nn•J pn·c\1uh• •wy prn.•:rrNI"' in !h1• apptr\\'11 1 •1f tlw •frflft CnnJ~tllulirofl Hn•l Hy I,P\\"", Tht•ir c·omnH•fl!" w"r" n1. Jll('kinP," 11nd Hot 111\lb~tH.nt.iv,.. In n•ltlltf', 11 W('r,.. llll thou<h Af'Vf'rnl "flhllnctr·l phia l.awy('ni'' hnd bN'n hlrf'd tn prttV~'nl Any agrf'rmt-nt on thf'

draft. Th~y wrrr succr••ful, "" It took over An hour to approvr Ar tid~ I, which wa• th~ namr of thr


ThOIIf' who Wt'tr. 11rrlouM about unltlni' topth~r to do •om~thlnr con•tructlvr In moblll•lnl th~ cit IIPn• of Or~onbelt w~r• In thr ml norlty. Th~r• were dollbforatr In tt-rruptlon• and 111f'n!llf'lt"fll C'om mrnh mRdr to !ttRII tht' procrt'd lnl'" and dltwouraar. thoAf' prt•Mf'nt from any furthrr thouaht of or Jr&nizlnr 1\ purpoMPful IUUUX'Iatlon.

IR •pltr of It• dl•hrartenlng •tart, we ur1• all dtlzrn• of OrPen~­.,.,_U to join toaf't h1•r nnd mRkf' thl~ A.sso~·iatJon f11ndlon R!-1 il '''As intf'ndl'tf by tho.'-'f' whn ''Rf" nrlll nrl' t'Oil''''l'll''d n\1•1111 thr future' of 1 ;rrf'nlwlt.

Distressed T u I hr );dlt<>r:

I bPih•vr thnt R worthwhilf' put i'''!'4!' w\11 hf• fll<'rVf'd bv nn or)itanla

.11 ion or (''u"""" rtrVotr(l to thr p:·,,~,~rvRtinn And f'nhnnC't"mrnt of "hRt i111 lx-Rt in GI"M"nbf.Jt. How­•·vt•r. I am di"trf'Rit'd at rratrictlonR rn lllf' propoR~d conRtltution 1\nd hyiRWR thnt WOUld llt'IVI' MWerplnl JltlWerH to lht" F."rcutl ve Board and mako th'• rnf'rnbcnh'tp RUits('rVI<'nt to tho Board. Powrr ohould be drl <'lfAtl'd by thr mombc>rshlp to the Board • not the other way around.


I ~llevo that the constitution of , this oraanizatlon should not pro·

vide that, "The i'Overnment 1\Jld pollcymakirtl responsibilities shall' · lte vested In the Executive Board, which shall direct Its aJfalrs ... "

I also believe that the member .. ship voie would be retltrlcted un• duly by requiring that,· "Amend· ments to thla Constitution may be propoaed by written petition Sl&"ned by a majority of the total .Votlni' Membero.''

Similarly, the membership role would be restricted by requlrlni' that, "Any Amendment or Addition to theile Bylaws may be proposed by the Board or by a majority vote/ at any meeting of the Oeneral Membership.''

I did not think It was healthy for .a member of the steering com­mittee to sugest that thoee who do not like the proposed constitution a.nd bylaws should leave. Contrary to this advice, I hope Greehbeltors will attend the next meeting ot the "Citizens for Greenbelt" In lar&"e numbers.

SOnia GIU'in

Neither Ostriches Nor Sheep

Is the Nf'wa Revlrw now presum-1 n1 to a; I ve legal ad vice to the ma­jority of Greenbelt Homes mem­bers who choose not to sign . the subordination amendment to their mutual ownership contract? From m.v perusal of your July 12 editor­ial, entitled "Frightening Fact" it would seem so.

Those member.s are not "os­ti"lches,. or 118heep" but are reason­Ing adults, who upon conwltation and study with family or lawyer have decided not to sli'n this blank check unh•ss It Is properly Wdrded to protect their legal rights, as hom~owncrs In this rf'cesslon pe-­riod.

The law governing contracts is very complicated and there Is the strong possibility that the GHI opinion rould be succe•sfully chal­Pnged in thr courts. Furthermore, there is grf'at conct:rn about the f"Xiatence at lhe present time of two.-- maybe, lhree types of GHI cor;ttracts.

So th<• GHI bo"'d I• "on the hornR of a dilemma." If so, my a.nswPr IH they can only blam,• thrmselve• for being thus Impaled. Did they level with us at the Re­habilitation mret1n1 on either the Rmf'ndmcnt to our contract11 or a new mortgage? These were un­veiled aftPr that. However, th I• whole question had been the subject of diSC'URBIOO ll8 long R.go 1\R 1972 According to thr "dltorlal "mem­bers Will have to pull tog••thrr and show somp mutual truat," Trust must b(' f'Arnccl! Why were we not Informed that thr GHI Board had mrt beforr thr elrctlon with thr offlcf"rs or bnarda of two local bank­lnllt' ln•tltullons to rxplorr wlt.h them the same subordination plea?

Thr lncrrdlbly bumblln1 mannrr In which thl• wholr prorram hA• b••rn handlrd, thr <'onftlctlnl poll ••lf'R And announc!rmf'nt• and lack of a ftn&nciAI plan have not lnoplred c·ontldrncf'.

CA.jollng m1•mbPr~ via t"ditorlaiR, frlllt'htrnlng and worryhlllt' thrm, and prr.uurlng thrm by lrttrr Ifill ftddtnr lnRUit to Injury,

"Buffoonery" To th11 F.dltor:

A!-t C'lliZE"nH nf OrN"nbf'Jt, wr looked fnrwnrri lo thC' flnt mef't lng of lh•• Orernb<'lt Citizens A• ,.o<'IRtloh for thr purpo~f' of unit lng Orf'f'nbrltf'r~ for a <'ommon I'RII~f'. \Vr \\'rrc· ~hot•kf'ri nnd HmR?.f•cl by f llf> buJTonnrry or R ,-,·r!A!n ~~1"1111p of Pf'IIJ)lf• who \\-'R.<~I

''fl c·vf'ryhfHly'.o.; tlnw by arli{ulnli{ ovf"r th1• mo.o.;l ln:<il{niflntnt point:~. AlmoMt ~''' hnnr wn-. I'•HI~llmf'·! 11L~ c·nq~tng tlw IHlMf' nf llw orli{Anl 'l.ltllnn. I( l tnny qun~" Hh:llH• ·"Jwnrl', I! ~ <'f·mc•d ' ~lul'lt Ado .\hout Nothtng".

Tlw ~::,·~ rin•: f' lfl1r'!l.tt"'' had tlorlf' a ~{!loci joh 111 dr:1fLin:z n ('nn .'.it'Uirnn l1lld B>· Ltw.~. but If np J)f'!tff'tl nbvi•Hl.~ I h:1! n c'l'f! nln ~H· thul or tho.s(• Jll't' .• f'ltt ..... ,.rr df'lib f'rnh•ly trying t11 unclf·rminf"1 thrlr work by fllibu."'lf•l ing nnd trying to rr•wtml ~'\'Pry s••nt,f'IH'f', whlrh rNmltcd in totAl pAndE:monlum And prPVf'ntM:I Rny .!ltrrloul!l business from taking place.

Tom and l,orl MOI'IIII

WUI FOR HEART The Greenbelt Swim Team will

sponsor a 'Swlm-A-Thort In coop­eration with the Hear~ Association of Southern Maryland to provide support to heart disease research and public education. Tho Swim· A-Thon wlll be oonducted at the Oreenbelt Municipal Pool on Au· I'Uit 7 from 4 to 8 p.m .. 'file event Ia boln* co-chaired by Marie and Larry White. Pleue call uii-7C88 for additional Information.

Summer CP K Class The second CPR Course of the

•ummer will be conducted on Wed­neaday and Thursday, Au.-ust 1G and 16, at the Sprlnl'hlll Lake Com­munity House located on Bprln&"hlll Drive In the Sprin&"hlll Lake apart­ment complex. The 3 - hour class wlll be&"in at 1 p.m.

Pre-registration Is required and can l!e done by calling the Oreen· belt Rec. Depart., Mon. throui'h Fri., 9 a.m . ...'! p.m. at 474·8878 or tho SHL Community House, 474·~.

Thursday, August 2, 19711

Tips From the Postmaster Mailboxes are protecte<l by feder·

al law and ollenders <vandals) are subject to pun_lshment under feder­al statutes and may ~ fined up to. $1000 or lmprlslonment for not more than three . ( 3) years or both.

Moat juvenUes do not understand the aPrlousness of their actions un­til the penalties are broul'ht to their attention.

Mailbox vandallam Is a crime which should be reported to the nearest Post Office or Poatal In· spector. In addition, report the occurrence to the local pollee.

Farmer's Market In College Park ·

A Farmers' Market will be held on Saturday mornln1o In AUIUet from 7 :30 a.m. till noon at t1w MNCPPC Ice RIQI< and Swimmlna' Pool, 0211 Calvert Rd., Collep Park. Produce &"rown b.y Maryland farmers will be for sale.

& The?o.~~~ ~~~~~dges and Clerks of Elections to 8erve at the Regular Council Election to be held in

, the City of Greenhelt, Maryland, on Tues-day, September 18, 1979. The Board of Elections is soliciting applications from interAsted citizens.

Prior election experience i6 desirable, but the Board of Elections

will give consideration to all applicants. However, only ex­

perienced. election judge~ may be considered for appointment as Chief Judge.

Please contact the City Clerk at 474·3870 or 474-8000 for information.

Gudrun H. Mills City Clerk

MOWATT MEMORIAL United Methodlet Ohureb 40 Rldp Rd. 414-11410


Baltimore BIYd. at Powder Mill

Church School 9:30 ·10:30 a.m. ft4., Belta..W.. 8 a.m. Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. Mornln1 Pr&7er 10:30 a.m. Sunday School

Mornin1 Wor1hlp 11 a.m. Rev. Ira C. Keperlln1, Pastor

414-1924 Rrv, John 0, Bats, Rector


Greenbelt Community Church (United Church of C.::hri~t)

Hillside and Crescent Roads c Phone 474-6171 (mornings)


Vacation Church SchoollO a.m. Family Worship Service. 10 a.m.

Nursery provided at 2B Hillside

Rev. Sherry Taylor and Rev. Harty Taylor, co-pastors

Spring Summer Fall Winter Whatever the MellOn

Whatever the temperature You are invited to worship with us


Billie Study for all A&"•• <Sun.J Wor1hlp aervloea Mid-week Prayer oervtce <Wed.J


8:45 ... 11:00 am 1: 7:00 pa

8:00 pa For blla tranaportatlon, caU Church olllce 8:80-12:80 weekdaya.

c Holy Cross Lutheran Church

6905 Greenbelt Road Wonhlp l¥rvk!ee: 8:80 o.nd 11:15 .....,,

Sunday Saheol: 8 :IJO a.m. Weekday Nu......,. 8olaools lo-li:M ... .

~ II. Blnle., Puter ....... lt&-IJ.ll

• TJ,e Changing Face OE Gree~belt:

Hilton Inn Featured In New Capital Office Park Complex

. bJ Elaine Skolnik North which .'Will ultimately houte Nort!i - 4150,000, Golden Trianrie, 'l'he long seareh by Springhill four ktol')' oftlce bUildlup. The .ao,ooo and Greenbelt mut, liOO,-

Lake North developers, Green- entire complu: 1.1 U:peoted to pro- 000), 1

belt Associates, for a motel-con- vide employme~~t for 8,000 pe-. omo. OoaGo~ veation center has been success~ Accordtnc to Perkins, hotel faoW- The Prince Georpa Plannlna' ful. A 250-room Hilton Inn will ties will be avallable for uae both Board on .11117 2e approved the pre­be constructed by the developers : by IU88ta ol the hotel and b7 per- llmlnaey plan o1 aubdi\Otlloa tor 011 an 8.li-acre site near the sons worldq In the oftlce build- the "Bre.ewoocs omce Oeater," a State Highway Administration, lnl'•· condDminlum complex for protea-north of the Capital Beltway Ollloe BullcUnp. slonal oftlllu and ~mall bu1ln-. ud west of Kenilworth Ave- Tenant. are expected to move I The 2.02 acre tract t,.located on Ed-

lnto the lll'llt oftloe bulldJna' b7 the mouton :Road between the Peop!H nue. The land already has the en<l o1 this :vear. Perldna hopea Bank BUildlq and the Stidham/ appropriate zoning. Greenbelt that a second building will be&"ln to Nationwide BUildtq juet south of Aaaociates also built the 3,000- rise thla year. The conatructlon the aceaa road connec~ to Ken­unit Springhill Lake Apart- timetable will depend on a favor- llworth. The land Ia owned by Al­ments. able respon.~e to a promotional fred Stidham, but will. be developed

Conetructton ot the 10-a!qry, $10 campalrn and occupancy of the by Breezewood Ofllce Aaaoclatea 111llllon hotel Ia expected to bealn available office space. (BOA>, contract purchaser•. In 1110 and the openlni" Ia planned Three of the four 8-story baUd- The all-brick complex Ia alated t~ the 1prlq of 1981, accordlni' to . lngs will ani'le away from the Belt- to house approxtmatel7 80 units, developer Al~rt Small. The tacll- WS)', while the fourth will Btand according to Arnold Salus of BOA. It)' will lncludo a restaurant, lounge, alone. Archltecturall7 they are to "If eve1'7thlni' goea the W&7 Jt llanquet rooms, lnd!>Or swimming be Identical, with the poealble ex- should," ho said, "tllere should be pool, tennis court and a health ceptlon of the fourth, In which case occupancy by Au.-ust 1880." Arohl­club, site work will determine Jts com- toots are Berry, Rio and Associates.

Gre<!hbelt Assoclatea also built plectlon. Archltecta are Cohen, The Planning Board Ia requlrlni' tbe 3,000-unlt Sprln&"hlll Lake Haft Asooclates, ' that the developer oubmlt a alta Apartments. The combined 1!'086 square foot- plan tor review at the appropriate

The Hilton Ia part of the Capital age proposed for office bulldlnlfll on time. Tho city wll also have tnput. Otllloe Park complex, a new busl- three large tracts In Green~lt Is n- eenter, on Bprlnl'hlll Lake . approximately 1,100,000 < s H L CffY NOJ!$

APB Required To File Financial Statement

Base along the curb and broken areas on Lakecrest Drtvr at Green .. belt Road were repaired, and ,are ready to be resurfaced. The base failure on Westway at Ridge Roed haa been removed and replaced. Curb and rutter work on Crescent Road wu also completed except for the radius at driveway• and ·lnter­secttona.

by Mar)' Lou Williamson The Greenbelt City Council.voted July 16 to require mem­

bers of the Advisory Planning Board (APB) to file the same financial disclosure statements as those now required of council and city manager. In addition, persons who wish to serve on APB must file such statements along with their resumes much lUI candidates for council do.

The lobby floor of the Spring­hill Lake ·Recreation Center was completely stripped, resealed and refinished. The IYm floor wlll be treated in the same manner.

Installation of special play1round equipment purcluued with Block Grant Funds Is undei"Way. The fourth major piece is being placed at the Plateau Place and Ridge Road playground.

Ooolnctl accepted olt:v manapr p 6 Blo .Taa• K. Giese's recommendation 0 ee ller to drop the six month supplemen­tai'J' report. The supplem~ntary reports now filed, Olese explained, contain a lot of lnslgnltlcant Infor­mation and are little more than a nuisance Council, while Rlreelng, wu concerned that tho public ln­tereot would not be wPII sorv~d If Important new Information did not ap)lr&r for up to a year . Thus they vot~d to rf'qulrr thr sttpplemcntary report only whrn an Individual hao n~w Information to add to the an­nua.J ~port for thP ('Rif'ndar yPar ftled each April.

<!'•rmnt Rllqulrronrnlfl TbP. flnanr::. 1 statf'm~nt now rr.­

qulrt'!R rl~ :doat: ·r In flve dif'f'r.rcnt area.: 1. Finn 1cinl lntf'rf'at In n bualn(•Nt--~ flf mor(• than :l% or in f'X·

c.,. of $1000 ~. l•'lnanclal lntcrMts In f@a) es:tat£'. :l. Sourcn~t ot lncomP Ill e~c••• of $1000 4. Nnmc• of lendf'ra furnishing JoanA In <'X~Nis of $GOO 0. Gift• In exec'"' of $00.

NI'W Lelflala&lon N~w State lrllt'lshtllon p8118rd thlo

oprlng on othlc• anti tlnnnclal dis cJ011ure will require coundl to cho.n1e Its ordlnanoo, but not until D<>cember 31, 1980. In the mean­limP, A ni'W Rto.tr Ethics Conunl•­alon, to br Rppolntrd by the Govrr nor, Ia to draft a model ordinance for local 1ovornmrnt•. Council ac­ceptocl 01•••'• rrcnmmendatlon to walt and occ the new model before draltlna Ill own.

While th(\ new law will r"Qulm cit)' olllclalll to dllclooe more lnfor matloll tban the ourrnnt clcy or· dlnance rrqulrrs, the Information only bAA to be> diRcloacd wh~rc a potential conftk>t exl1t1.

In reaponoo to a call for clarifi­cation by City Clerk Oudrun MiliA, council jott Intact tho requl!'l'ment that all candldatro for city council nn.ta\ ftlo a six-month, January to June, llnanclal dl•clo•urr otatemrnt with !he city clerk by Au.-uat 8.

!Cunlet> Co~oti, who had appeamJ before oouncll on Frbruary 28 to requelt that member• of APB be required to dlacloar I'I'Al l'ltate ln­te!'f'ats particularly In view of tho oxten1lve land· drvolopment cur­rently unduway In Omenbdt, ex­Preeeed her approval at council'• action. "It lo hi&h time we had It," 1he 18ld, "we ahould have had It before."

After recelvln&" a complaint ot an Indecent exposure In the Sprlng­~111 Lo.ke aroo., Pfc. Rtcuccl appre­hended the allepd euspect. The person, a Z7 year old resident, WIIB

chai'Jied with Indecent expoaure, tro.naported to the Commissioner In Hyattsville 1\Jld lncarcerated In lieu of $000 In bond.

Offlcer CI\Jicelose, while on rou­tine patrol In Sprln&"hlll Lake, was approached by complainants who advised of a Peeping Tom In the area. The youth, a 17 year old rell­ldent, was approhended. He wao charged with trespa•sln1-Peeplng Tom, and Incarcerated In Boys VII-· IRir, as his parents wore not avail-~ able to takr custody ot him.

Thl' motor from the rosouc boat. at Ol'<'rnbelt l..ako WIUI •tol•n dur lng the wrekend.

Two non-r~sldonts were appl'f' hended after they we..., ob1ervrd tamperlnl with a motor vehicle on Mandan Road. The ltRmo vehicle ho.d be~n tampored with twloe prr vlouoly durln1 the week. Ch&I'Jied with tamprrlnl! with a motor vc hlclr were an 18 )'Mr old llt'ld, 8 20 YMr old.

The refuse cr£'ws are on the new schedule and everything Is· running smoothly at this time. Special trash crews are llill working 8 day weeka ll8 requests for special trash plck­upo are sllll heavy,


ll'cw 1urance Call:

Don W. Taulelle

-~·-114. 0-belt, Md. 10nt 474-5007

Llka a pod Delrllllw, State Pum II theN,

Btate l'arm lnlurance c-()Utel .U....~9JILJII~qWe,..JJI,


TION'!II ONJ,Y may 1M! used by p~nons who are unable to rertster in

person. Ttlo application ohould be mailed to th8 City-Clerk, 26 Cre110e11t

Road, Grrenbelt, Md. 20770. The City Clerk will retum an OP'FICIAL

VOTER REGISTRATION FORM to the applicant for completion and

lirnature; however, the completed form muot bfo returned 110 u to reach

the Cit)' Clerk by Aui'ust 20th - the laat day to be rerlatored.

clip here ,

Application for Greenbelt Citizen to R•lster by mall to vote In City of Grnnbelt Election•

Pleue Print Date of Requ111t .....

Name or Per1~n to Iii lii!itiriHI

oomlclle or Person to Iii reitiiterid

• Rilllni' o.cldrea lr 4ilterent from abOft

Name or applicant It otliir Uiiii pilitrant


~ . . NOTICE! OF .MEmNG 16'

..... !:.':~ .. WedneSday, August a, 1979 at 1 p.lft. .

In the Llbrary/COIIfert~~ce .aaa.. Kunlolpal . Bid&'. aG ~~~~~ ~ Gre<!obelt, Maryland, to Dll'l'llltMJNil BY LCYr 1'Hill OJU)D . llt WHICH CANDIDA,_ N.DDIB SHAUo '~ OK TRJil OJ'-· li'ICIAL BALl.OT ot the Rellllar CoimctJ llllectlon. to M 11114-ln the City ol Gl'eeAbelt an 'I'Ulll8DAY, B1llPl'lllKBJll U. 1fll. Candidates, their re)ll'88eRtatlv. and lntereated oltUen1 a'"! lnYitM to attend the meettnr. ·

REIIP!lMBEB- A..,_ .IIi; n Ia the IMt daJ to~ few. t.* September 18 OoaaClll J!Jdoa. .


Gudrua B. XlU. a~ Clerk

A .


City of Greenbelt Voter Registration lor

1979 Council Election On September 18, 1979, a regular election wUI be held In tile City of Greenbelt to elect ftve members of the City Council wllO shall be elec(ed at large. In order to vote in a city election, lt is necessary to be a regiatered voter of the City of Green~ REGISTRATION Wl'!;'H PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY DOBII NOT ENTITLE GREENBELT CITIZE!ItS TO VOTE IN GlTY. ELECTIONS. Registration requirements are:

e United States citizen e 18 years of age on or before the da~e of the election

(September 18, 1979) e Of sound mind

• Domiciled in the City of Greenbelt Pet"sons who wish to regiater, may do so at the folio-.· locations:

CITY OB'I'ICI!lS Mond8.vo. t1m1 l'rldQe Kunlclpal Bulldlq Saturd&)', AUI\IIt U aG Creecent ~ Saturday, Auruet 11

SPRINGHILL LAKlll Kondaya thru Thurs. Communlt7 Center l'rldaya

........... 10~ ..... 11-~·· ..............

8!120 Bprtqblll Drlw Saturdays

GREENBillLT HOlODI, lao Konda78 thru ll'rldara Administrative 'Ofii-Hamll~n PI~

GREENBRIAR Aupet I tllro A ....... 10

tLIIIAp.tL tUliA .....

·-~ .... Community Center 7800 Hanover Parkway Weekda)'8, noept Wednead. lJ:I0-4 ,..

So.turda)'8 and SUndays l-4 ,..

ftiE I..AST DAY TO Rl!:GDrl'.lllR 18 MONDAY, A.VOV!J'I' 10, _.'

Per Annum paid on pasgbook accounts

Compounded dally

Gudl'UII B. Xllllt Ot7 Clerk

Annual Yield

' Certificate Accounts· $1000 minimum deposit required

a month - .,.,. PR IIIIJI8l; ~ annual )'leld

I -thl -._,.per annum; Ul" anaual "* u montlu - 7~ per &~~nu.; 7_.,. annual )'leld i8 montha - 7.110" per IIIJIIIID; 7.,. annual )'lelA N montlu -~ per au-; .... ,. anaiMI )'lalcl

Note: A lut.tutaal ........ ~ Ia ........ 11tr law far eaft7 vet' :Ill

Mone7 Market Certifteate - tlO,OOO Dltnlmum depG~~lt, 111 d&7 .~ Call for ww1c17 Nte.


' . ~-.--

~. r'·· "r ~~·\,., ' • • J ~ . 1\.\,l l~! I);

••• ... Member MSSIC


Monday • Thunday t-1

Friday t-1

S.turday t-11



I : I

Gre~nbel,t: Citizens D~cide To Name New 9roup·s "Citizens For Greenbelt"

·by Barbara Llkowskl The nucleus of "Citizens tor

Greenbelt" (CFG), the city's newest civic organization, was fonni!Q on July 13 in the Green­belt library by more than 80 interested citizens, but not without controversy and Te­hashlrill of old issues.

loleetlq for 'the HCond time, the croup conatdered a ccmatltutlon and b;rlaW8 drafted by a eteerinc com­mitte formed In Karch (see Newt~ Bomeor ot April ~). 'l'be co-lt­tee, changed from Ito oriclnal num­ber because of poor attendance nt plannlnrr meetings, Included: Ed James~ 'Bettie Denson, Irene Hen­sel, Dorothy Baluch, Barry Schles­lneer, William Olfenbacher, Eunice Coxon, Steve Poiaschlk arid' Rich­ard Ley. Ley chaired tile meettne and Polaschlk acted 68 secretary.

"Many times Greenbelters have joined tocether when a crisis hill'," but the city really needs a perma­nent oreanlzatlon to deal with problems lUI they occur - zoning decl1lons, htehway construction, l1111d decisions, etc. - Ley declared. Thill new oreanlzatlon will be look­Inc at events that would a.lfect Qreenbelt, such as cutttne down trees or overpass, he .continued. It will be open to all Interested rest­dent.: dues will be a dollar a year.

No sooner did the eroup beeln COI)aldertne the propo~ed constitu­tion and bylaws, than objection• to tlul propoaed name - Greenbelt Cltlzena Aaoclatlon - enaued. Op-. pcmenta &r&'Ued that tbe name lm­pUed that · all of Greenbelt'• civic &nd cttiHna auoclatloQ w.re In­cluded In an umbrella--like orpnlr.o.­tion that would appear to be lpeak­lftl' for aU when, In f~t, It 11 not. 'Tiae olub over a name confuaed tlloee .who llad not attended th• ftnt meettn1. Newcomer Paul

Pen. wu appalled .. t the "sleee -Q~lty• 1\e .~·

At tb• Mar'Ch meetlnl tile pro­]IOied nam-o,....belt · avtc ~ eoclatlon-had bee11 rejected. Then, u naw, opponents felt that u11leu oreprea~ntatlvu of all the lulldlvl­aton croups were l11cluded, thta .... would be IDIIIIeadlftl. Pro­plmentl, Clll tiM otller 'bud, thouPt til. ~ alellrl7 11111--' what dM ,roup Intended to be - an .....,._ ot.tiOG IJI. clvlo--iDinded Greenbelt--· Bobbl Keearth1 moved to chanp

rullnl that wu promptly chal­leneecJ. At tuue wu whether ''Rob-, ertl Rulea ~.Order," UDder which the matton wu In order, would pre-. vall. The membel'll then reveraed the chairman &nd tile ateertne commtt:t.. and \IPheld "Roberta Rules." In tbe end, however, the voq, on the alternate name failed.

The compromise riame - Citizens For Greenbelt - that seemed to Imply InvolVement of Individual citizens rather than represent&-

. Uvea ot erotipa, was proposed by Ron Ott, chairman of the Boxwood Civic Association. It was over­whelmingly approved.

Since the discussion on the name took so long and the meeUne room had to be vacated by 9:30, Ed James suuested that th.e meeting adjourn at 9 p.m. He felt that wttll only half an hour left, nothing further could be accomplished. Undeterred, however, the eroup buckled down to bu•lne ... Jeanette Gordy moved to consider Article fl, uto assure the people of Greenbelt a significant role In decisions wlllch at'tect Greenbelt and/or surrounding areas which 1mpact Greenbelt."

Objection• were voiced on the grounds that this purpooe already beiOillled to another group - the City Oounoll. Reworded by Bobbl McCarthy ud James W. Smith, the purpoae finally adopted was "to re· search tsauea of concern to Green­belt and brlnrr· them to the atten­tion of the Greenbelt community <and) to represent the position or the association's membership be· fore .rovernlnl bodies."

An exasperated Sclllealnger as­oerted that thlo purpo~e would "C"Ut the heart out of the organization," notln1 tlurt there was no need for an oreanlutlon to do research. Ear­lier In the meettne he had observed that reiUiar meettnp of the eener­al memberslllp would not be necea­R&ry, alnce moat of the wotk would be ')one at tfte CQMIIl~ \evel, Jl"rfotmtne r .. earch, lobhylne, etc. He expressed ama~ment at the reactions of 110me people present and wo.nted t'l know "Why are you wutlne our time?" If they didn't like the PUfpole of the orpnl:&&· tlon u ori&'IQaily proposed, he uk­NI, why didn't the)' leave? Charlea Schwan replied that everyone had bf>en Invited, all were ctttlena, and nll wera tryln11 to come up with an orcantutlon.

While acme of the oteerln• com-· mlttN' member• stood up to leave the amended purpose or the orran:

l7.atlon was passed just In time to beat the 9:80 deadline.

othrr Dll!Cuealon

There was considerable concern expressed over what appeared· to be too much power Jn the hands of the board of directors, which con­sists ol the president, vice-presi­dent, secretary, treasurer, and the chairpersons of the standing oom­mittres. Is policy-making a func­tion of tho board rather than the general membrrt9h\p, Dick French nskrU ."It seems to me," he added, that uhdcr this organization, the mcmb('rship Is ''subservient to the board." Hf' asked why no rf'gular mf't'tings wrr<' ~whrdulcd, a:-~ldr from thC' annual mpeting. Milton Hoffman agrf•pd that rrgular mN~t­ing-s \V{'fC' nccNtsnry J.,.~py rountPr­f'd that Uw powrr to keep· th£' or v,anir.ation going was Vf'st.rd in thr board \Vhen special issUf'S arisP, hP cxplainrd, thf" board will gf't thr whole group togrther. He also noted th:tt bnard ffif'{''tingR will bf' open to all members - unless the board (lrcidPs to go into Pxccutivc lclosf'd) ~<·ssion, he added

To Carl Chopcr's question of how ::tanding commUtef's would be fm•mrod. Lroy answe "by presidPn t iJ.tl appointment" a d volunteers, though th be lp would have a chance to decide on the establish­ment of standing committees. <Un­der the proposed conatli:'utlon tile chairpersons of the first standing commttt.ccs are to be named by the president, with approval of the executive board.)

The questk>n of what conatltutea a quorum also aroused members. A• proposed, a quorum would be half th~ number of votlne members preaent when the meeting lo called to order, but no leu than 10 mcm­beril. Allen Lencheck pointed out that If the entire membership were pruent at the beetnnlne of a meet­lnl and half of them plua one were

! to' ·a"f'e (·ffw .,.arn..re, 101 out of 800) there would be no quorum, but If only 10 membera allowed up for a meeting and four of them left, thl! remaintne atx would constitute a· quorum and buolneH could con­tinue. hal'll were e.IIO exprellaed that If a majority at members wu n-.ry to propoi,e an amend­ment to th.; constitution or the bylaws ,It would be al11108t lmpont­ble to brinr an amendment to the ftoor under the propelled constitu­tion.

Still to be oonaldered are the reat of the conatltutlon and bylaW8

tlla name to "Auoclatlon to Pre­ael'ft Greenbelt," which had been appi'09ed at the tlrst meetlq 111 a allm aaeF't1· u,, IIMIIed b)' -....._. IJI. the ateerlftl oommlttee. ._,led the •otlon out ol· order, a LIGAL CLINIC of DOUGLAS I. MALCOM

Swim Team News by llaren ,_

Oreenb<>lt rn.lnyed an une:.prctrd vldory ovrr T"koma lf\st, Wf'rk with

•P ,_roN! f'f 302·212 Trlplf' wlnnPn wrrr Robblr n ... d. Lyn<l& Blur, N'<"olcttr Durontlnr, ond Cr&l• I'll'!!!. Othrr high acorf'!rM wrre .lamrtl F'rllowa, fluMn Oordes, and Laurll. M&rtln 1131; Almr~ F~tlnwo anti Simone Ylrnm 1111: Kathy Bar­w\rk and LIA• Whltr 1101; Tara Yaney, Porlrnr F.rldo, ond Scott lAlddy 191; Mnr1arrt Wllllam~v.>n ll,n: ~::"k Dill<' IRI; Colin AI· d '!''thtf'. Dr\nn fl\ros. nnrt KArP.n Jnnro 111: Krn ~l<lf'. Shawn Luddy. Dana IIP'>II, and Oren Stern <81; ~nd 1A11.h Cho.,..r, RPnl• Smith, and Amy !Caton <Dl.

Many team and pool l'f'COrdo wrre 'broken Jut Saturday. Mark Blur {l•·d the trAm ""'nrdl In 111-11 fiy and I.M.: Nlcolettr Durantlne took team recorda In tr.-IA fly, free, and l.M.: Crill~ J")lr• hMk,. th• breaat and l.M. toa1.1 r•·eor<la anJ the pool l'<':ord In !ret': .Tameo Frllnwo and Lynda Blue took team r<!c:>rdl In bi'MIIt otroke and pool reoorda In barkotrok•: and Rollble Roed, Colin Aldrrtde~. and Ken Blue brokr b.1ckatroke tettm recordo.

Th!l Saturday, Gn!l!nbelt will •wlm In thP dlvlllon champlonAhlpo at Smallwood VIllage. ln thta· meet thr raote1t two owtmmera In each rvrnt from eacll team will compete lJ<ocause or the limg f!tatance to be t ra•·cled, awlmmrro anti oftlclala are uked to be at Ol'<'cnbelt pool ready to l""ve at 7 a.m.

Dlv-, Unoont. n18J10 l1100rporatlon 110.00 BlmpleWIIt 11.08 Bankruptc:r 1 Tti.CIO Adoption 110.00 Ouardtanahlp 100.00 Auto Aoetdont llll'llo

Hourly Rate • 10.00 <Fee• ll:llolude Coital


Beltway Plaaa Bhopptq Center

Greenbelt, Md. 20'TTO

474-8808 can for appointment


Hair Fair · .. Hair Stylists ·

Perms are now on Sale Recllcen - WeUa - Unlperm

... hstlc - Zotoe Perm Values up to $4S.OO now all

at the one low IN'Ice of $·1 S.OO <Lonl Hair and katr cuts ICxtral •

Ivery Day. Low Price Q!!! 00 for Hair Cuts ~de

Special for Men I Children under 10 On Monday- Tuesday • Wednesday

Hair Cuts $3.00.1 Shampoo & Hair Cut $5.00 1411 B•l'lqWU .._. 345 8686 o-wc.Marrlu• "'

Now Open Mondays

~---------------------------------------------· lreenllelt Pizza - Sub Shop August 2-8 16 oz. Pfpsi Co1a or Coca Cola

(your choice) .................................................................. $1.39 carton Piua of the day ............................ - ....................................... -.~· $a.95 Canned Sodas (your choice) .............................. $1.19/carton Half Quart Sunkist Orange Soda (cold) ............ 25c/bottle

107 CENTERWAY 47~998



Two Informational Meetings on 'Rehabilitation are Scheduled

Tuesday, August 7 at 8 p.m. at North End Elementary


Saturday, August 11 at 10 a.m. at the Greenbelt Library

Sample windows and sldln&' will be avs\lable for vtewln1.

GrHnbelt RecNatfon Department



The final reetstratlon, for the Summer Dally Children's Clauea, will be held on Monday, AUI\I8t t, t-11 am at the Greenbelt Youth Center. Thl• Ia an ln-11'1..- re.rtatratlon, on a first C..e, lint 111'ftd bull. ftl!-'•tratlon, on a 11pace available bull onl)', 111 ~e ,_ 11 :IG-12 noon. Cl.-l will be held Tuetlday ttlroucb Friday for two weeke be&'lnnlnl Tuelda:r, AuiUst 7.



Art• A: Crafts

Balance Bee.m!Vault1n1

Chuck• 'n' t.Uatea - Group O&mes!Ph;vatcal ll'ltneaa Pro­lr&m - bo)'a A: &'lrl• 1-12 ,n.

Creative Caroueel

Swtmmtne Leseono

"Beetnner. Adv. Be-'nner

lnt•rml!dlate A: Swimmer


Group <:ompet\1\ve Technique.

AGE .... &-1& yrs. $8/1 clauel

&-11 yrs. 1I'Rilll

1-12 yrs. $8/1 era-.

Tue 6 Thu Jlttllllll Jill'

H yrs. $8/1 olaaeea

G A: over $818 cluse1 Reoldent Child

$12/8 cl&loes Reoldent Jl'amll:r

8 .l over $8111 ctas ... .,-ftl!•ldftt

•12/8 clu•es Non-re•. Puo Holder

Adv. Be1lnner Cours~ $818 cl&llea

mult "" completed RealdeM

U0/1 oi­


•Water Baby 1 S yrs. $811 eluoee tte.t._t 11518 clauea-Nma-Real"-t

!Cach chtld muot be accompanied by a penon 1• yro. a: over

•Watrr Ballet-Oft•red u formed 8 A: over $818 clauea-ftl!lldent

•orrered to Non~ftl!1ldmt Pan Holders on 1pace avatlallle ...._ _.,. .1111 0~ ... elllld



I-1G )'ft.



In' person r-,listratlon al1o at the Municipal 8wlmmln1 PCMI Monda,,

Au1u•t 6, from ~ p.m.

Swim lor Your Life - Adult Swim, exerdae, technlqul! and 1 .. tnrla­

mtne under direction. Tuesday thru Friday, T-1 am. tall -'•1

or $2/datly ~ealdento; $12/8 eeaaton1 or 13 dally non-re1ldenta.

Thursday, ~ugust 2, 1979 GREJI:hBBLT NEWS RJ:VIZW p_,. ('-....;....--------------------'

UIH IIC. ·REALTORS Capitol Cadillac. Opens Business With ~nly A Paper Sign by Mary· Lou WWiamaon Oadlll&cl. Council and atalr were .set tbe trend (on the l!ntirl tnct

David D. Freishtat, attorney dubloua at the time. U we're IOlftl' to a&Jl no ,...,_ representing Capitol Cadillac, Tllua when ·Curlett appeared be- lt&ncHq .ai&'M ehould lie oa tll&t appeared before the Greenbelt fore councU thla 4nq to requeot property, thU: ..._... 1uu1 to 11p City ,Council or:i July 9 to ...,;, approVal of a free-«&ndlnl,' IIIII- 10tten ~ron." OD the other band;

a1 D-· mlnated thoueh not revolvlne pole Caltaldl wu not aure aU llualnetiiM approv of a 25-foot high pole stan In the area ot the dlllplay clr- on the Goldea Trlanlle "ooulcl 1118 sign at the eastern-mast edge cleo, A:OllJU!I.l tumed .him ~own un- JoW-lflllll .acna" beoaiiM of the of their site, alongside the Belt- der tbe atronc urctne ot council'- uni!YIIn taiTain. Qutaldl Aid lie. way. Council had turned down man Thomu X. White. would prefer to have eounoll·"'ook the same request on April 16. The Prince Georeea pJ811ntnc at sl&'ftllndlvldually."

E!arlier i~ the evening, Capitol Board, whose job It Ia to approve "I feel very much this Is atfU a Cadillac V

1ce President John J certain types of stena, acceded to 51 to 49 decision," said Counclm.n

Curlett, personally led ::nember~ .Green~lt's wishes, aucceattq that Charlea Schwan. "In looklftl at tiM­of cduncil, staff and press .,

0 all partie• eet together to tlnd a balloon, I did eet a much 'better.·

•• compromise. Idea of the stan. It defended (my ·vi~w the proposed locatiol). and Curlett, however, fee II stronely decision to oppose. the alp) len re ative size of the sign and that the sign he Is asking for Ia ~han before, but r am very reluc­also to tour the almost comple• what the agency properly needs ' tant to make any motion to ted dealership building. and Is In good tute. He posttt0118 chanp."

"We placed an eight-foot blue that' In the local neighborhood ''the "I was very impressed with the bal!oort on top or .a 11>--foot pole in· building IR the statement of the agency," said Councilman Gl~ the exact spot where the sign would agency" - In other words, Is Its own Weldenfeld, acttnr as ma)lor In the •tand," Frelshte.t explained at the sign. He would not have any slens absence of Richard Pllskl. He council meeting, "so you could see directly facing Greenbelt Road. would be wtlltnc to reconsider, but Its appearance from Greenbelt Curlett claims that the sign he lUI acting mayor said he could not Road." Becaus~ of the slight rise does need Is one that tells passing mal<e the proposal. In the land between Greenbelt Road motorists on the Beltway where Since a 2 to 2 split on a motion nnd the sign, he continued, only Capitol Cadillac Is located. Since to reconsider would fall, council the <'lght-by-ten foot blue on white the Beltway Is on much higher then would put olf further action Cadillac Pmblem would be distantly ground, a low-lying sign there until all five members could be visible - in effect, appearing "" a wouldn't be seen. He really does presellt. low-rise sign - from Greenbelt not !Ike what he considers to be Had a motion to reconsider coun-. Road. his other alternative-two elgns In ell's orl&'lnal dlsapptoval been voted

The argument between Curlett front of tile building, which, ac- down, which see'llled a fair bet In and council stems, In part, from cording to Frelshtat, have already view of statements made by coun-statementa made at a council work- been approved. ell members, tllen a second effort shop held last summer. Under dlf- Oouncll'1 Ree.etlon to reconsider, which would require ferent management, then, Capitol - Cll!&rly-lmpreased that · the si&'n & aftlrmatl'<'t! votes, would be hlchly Oadtllac had promlaed Greenbelt Is much teas conspicuous than they unlikely &'lven White's stronc op­there would be only one, JoW-Iytn1 had expected,· nevertheless, coun- pomtl~. •lift - probably aomethlnl like ell members were reluctant to In the meantime Capitol Cadtl)~ railed bronn lettertne on a brick chanee their recommendation. hu opaned lte dool'll for 'bulllnl!u retatnlne wall just behind Walker Counctlme..n Richard Cutaldt led with a pape1-' stan tacked up on Dr. There would be no .alan alonr olf, saytne: ''I per11onally have no the Inside of the dlaplay room win­the Beltway, council wu told, In problem with the •tan that wu dow and an outdoor billboard fac'-what . .,.. then described u OYel'- presented at the cmtncll meet1n1." In&' thl! BeltwaY. · lappllll cru• dlaplay ctrolea wbere But In explalnlnl to J'relahtat and 'l'he declalon on the alan Ia ex­flq poles would call attention to a Curlett ..,by we'n In thtl -D&rld' peotec1 at the next council meetlnl, special ebGwln1 of the latMt model he Aid, ''Wflre pttln• read7 to Au.,..t 11,

GHINotM· TWo tntonnatlonal mMttnp· Will

be lleWI for members to a&k •­tton• allcNt the win..,_ &114 lllcllJ>I ehokiH. These meetlnp wll be on TuMCI&y AUI'U•t T ! chaneed from Wedn1Nlda1, Aueust 8, u Indicated lfl the packet of Information mailed to members), 8 p.m .• In tbe North End llll!mentary School and Satur­day, Aaeu•t 11. 10 a.m.. In till! G'!'Hnbelt Library. Sampll! windowa and atdlne will be available.

A18o, member• may view aample wt.ndowa and •ldln• color• In the GHI Board Room on Hamilton PIBC4'.

The datP for rrturnlq the tnfor. matlon oheet s~nt members thla week Ia AUJ'u•t 17. Members who do not r;"f'turn the Information 1heet wtll noorlve wtndowo "nd lldlng ln­clu~Pd In the butc pe.ckt,&'e for the\ r type home.

B- Pr.,.ourr TeMIJqr Blood prt>uure trJJttne at GHI

will b<o held on th~ first and third Wrdneaday of thp month only, durin&' Aueuat. Voluntfl@r nuroea nrp •ttll needed. Any student nurlf' or !.PIN tntprrstrd tn -'vln1 blood prt"'MUN' tr11tlnR', pleu~ r.ontact SllndrR Rarnr• 474-&1188.

~tlon IIAMialanCliO ThP frdPral 1ovornment hu com­

mitted fund• lor Section a tlnanclal RMIIIt&nc~ to help cover the coat• of rrhabtlltatlon for 3211 GHI famt-ltPii" -

At thla ttmo, GHI hu eerttfled :lOO f_,..tHitl &I •11-'bllt for the J>!O­I{r&m. 'l'hPrPforr, there are opentnp for 211 ' additional !amlltee: The I{Ov•rnment hu recently tncreaaed l'lr<!tlon I tncorne llmlta.

'l'lo qualify, !IUI'IIIIrl ahould have an annual Income. from aU IOUI'OM, not ... l!&edtne the followlnc IIIDita­tlbno: one .,..roon · Sl2,800; two per­lOOn~>-· Sl4,400; thr•" pe__.. 111,:1110; four prroon•-·•18,000; flw peraona--·$18,100: olx peraona--120,000.

Mr•bers who feel they may qua• llf:v. or who hav• any qaeatlo111 about the Section 8 P""-1'&111, ahould oontaet Donna Bercmann. Bec:tlon II Coordinator, 47~-M82, AlllnqulriN And Information Rrr. handled In •trlctelt confidence.

Rellldenta mi\Y rectater at GHI to ... In Olt)' eleotiOIII lftonda¥ th......,. J'tld&)', 9 a.m. - II p.m. The boolu will cloae Aucuat 10

Little League Champs The llrat p.me of the 10're Green­

bolt Llttle~Aa~rUB World Berte• wu ... ,....-~.bl:l' •. It ¥•­Donald F I " I d. The American Le&&'Ue winner wu the una de­fendtnr City Champion• American Legion P01t 188 Cardtno.t., with the Cub• repreaentlne the National Le&&'Ue.

The Cardlnallo -ra winners of pme one - 29-1. Jimmy Lloyd on the mound for the Cards alk>wed 4 hits wttll 14 ltrikeoutl to pick up th'l win. Lloyd at.o led the cam., olfenatve attack, hltUnr for the cy­cle with a lllnele, 2 doubles, a triple and a home run In G at bata and drtvtne In 9 run•. Don McCord chipped In with a 3 for ft day at bat. Paul Kwlaikciwokl had 2 hltl . for the Cube.

SuJ11;1ay, the Carda aent. Don Me· Cord ~to the mound qaln1t the Cube' Paul Kwtatkow1kl. The Cube

jumped out to t, quick ~ lead tn the tint trinlll•· The Carda took the lead In the third lnnln• and went on to beat tlae Cube 18-4 and win their aeoond attaltrht Little IA&pe Champtonah!p.: 'tJk))od· Wl1:ll ··-t bat In the lll!t'ke acaln led the Car­dinali' attack, with 3 hlta In 4 1\t bata and drivlnl In T runs. Catcher Eric Brumley collected 2 doubteo for the winners.

It wu a ftne aeuon for all team• In the Leque. The racM were very

·ctoae In botll teaiUe• with the win­ners belnl decided on the Jut &'&fDC

of the IM!&IIOit.

There will be an All Star Berlel between the Sprln.blll Lake Little l..ealue and tile Greenbelt Little Le&&'Ue. The fl,..t two eamea were played at Sprlnchtll Lake on July 31 and AueuJt 1 o.t e p.m. The third gAme will be playl'll Rt Braden Jl'leld, Frida:v, Aueuat 3 at 8 p.ni •. ·

Everyone Ia ln\'ltrd to come out

to 1upport thN" youn1 players.

Window Treatments Including woven woods, clraperl•,

mlnl·bllncls, custom shacl .. ancl more.

WE COME TO YOU ! ! ! Call 937-3733

10102 lalti1110N llvtl., Wtftllle, Mel.


KASH, Inc. says vacation time Ia time to taka a vacation from

paying rent. Also a time to start beating Inflation by owning a

home that goes up in value. For example:

Lanham Area

We've just listed an absolutely beautiful one-owner homa

(n Lanham. A lovely 3-bedroom rambler with full basement and

beautiful level lawn. The owner has given It loving care, and Ia now retiring. You will love it, offered on all terms at only $58,950. But don't wait. This will sell right away. .

Luxury is Calling

See this fantastic 4-level all brlck.apllt level in wry convenient

Ray Park, near New Hampshire A.ve. All luxury teaturee Including central A/C. fireplace, 2 recreation rooma, beautiful fenced lawn.

Only $88,500 on all terms; Including no money down VA.

Knode Knoclc ., ,, ,.

Who's there? Opportuhlty, that's whol In the form of. a beautiful 3 bedroom Cape Cod In R"'-..._; many - taatu,.. and priced to sell now ·at only S47,800, all terma.

·-. That'L.,~t -11rroynclt thla lovely 2-beclroom comar _.. lownouse; deep woods In back, 'P-rtect privacy;. tiil8 unlt'Ye. v~· and In clean lovely cOndition and action prlcard at 121,500.


Yes, just a step and a jump from- t~ GJMI!beh OI!Mrl .,.;'

very nice 2-bedroom co-op unit Is vacant and redaDDrlled. own-. er says sell. and says get any reuoNible orw. Clll 4Uk* If yOW

need a really good starter horne now; lllklng $20,180.

leclecoration A/moll Com,.,. Our Giant renovation project Is almoat complele on .3107

Perry St. In Mt. Rainier. Thll gl9*1flc atruoture, .a ......_ 1ft stone and alate Is as greet an opportunity as you d aww ._,., Featuring 8 bedrooma, den, 3 full bathl, 3 porohel. IIM•Int, and private beck yard. We're asking M5,180, eubfect to VA appraisal which we will accept. If you ara a wt.nn, we Clln put you Into this home for a grand total of $2,000.00. We wm ouar­antee satisfaction to our purchaHr. H the home doaa not .-.... you we will give you 13500 (a $1500 profit), and ta11e lhe holM back. You cannot go wrong here.

Late Flashl Charlntowne Vmage honla just lilted 3 bed­rooms, 2 1/2 batha and extras; thll 1yp41 unit Is ruatt ......... and when It Is, It sell!! lmmed(itely. C.ll tut for dalaftL






• ~

l ~


I I I l I






saw o La. 1.1.1.a. CIIIICI-.ss

lotto• Round Roast tan II' Ll • I.U.A. CIMI '

Boneless Beef for Stew itillhg-; saft•·w .... '12!

G~ELT NEWS REVDW Thursday, Auguat 2, lett·



All ffEHS ON .'\4lf


FAT BACK·~:.~"" IIOZIJI. 1'011 ~I· THINLY $

96 SliCEu VEAL (SAri 4r 111 3 11 Numr 1un11 'WillY 1•mr

Nabisco Cookies

.... lrape Jelly ... ._.,IIAIII,IIAN

~ 88c ·t;;ldMecla1Fiour86c ~~48c

Co.oP .

Liquid Bleach Fruit Drinks


Italian Dressing -White Vinegar -OlD lAIII-.

Peanut Butter -IIAMIUIO

Dill SUces , .. ., Applesauce . - WIIOll Dl StiCID

White Potatoes

Puritan Oil ,_ Nescafe Instant


110143~ n1

, ..... ,84 , .. , .. ,554 ... Mol$)08 ... 4 1001$) , .. ,

1101$468 ...

--Y-48• ... .. 3r !\'~ ~784 ,.......



Cake Mixes ·~:~7sc t• Off HISOIIAL SIZE


Coffee Creamer ASST. YAIIniiS

9-Lives Cat Food co.cw

Dry Dog Food f'IIIT

Raisin Bran CCI·M NONFAT


Pampers Diapers CQ.CW

Aluminum Foil CO.OPI,IT

Toilet Tissue


Ntct.lnea 111111

Grttn Onions IIIW

Grttn CaWiatt

, ... , $)08 , .. uor 484 "" '"' $218 ...

1001 $)21 ... ',':: $1188 '"' .£--

'"''$)55 ...

.. 484 4-•1

.. -124


Cascade Detergent":.~·$) 58 50' Off · GmiOINT

Wisk Liquid IWinMIAIT

"' $468 lUG ,

White Plates s· Off

IIOCJ $)48 ••NC•sm

Ajax Cleanser ~~:.~ 444


Freezer Bags .~~ 784 .~. 984 LIYIIG

Playtex Gloves ... $) 58


Gree11 Beans MIMifl MAll YIUCIIJ Dl

Pink Lemonade ....._ 4:.~ $)

Fried Chicken Ill $)98 ... 1-.._. "C.C. IOifOII CIIAM $ Mrs. Slnlth Pies "" )18 ...

.... $)17 .. ,



... , $,... CAM £--

Hawaiian Punch ·~~·$)51 IUIMS IIG. 01 DIIT

Triple Cola NAIISCO

"'" 68C . .. Ritz Crackers ·:..:· 754

HIAlTII Alii IIAIITY Alii u· Off

Signal Mouthwash ·:.~~ $) 11 IS' Off· AliT. SCIIm

nckle Roll On 101 $)38 kll


Soft M•garine lOAf

Kroft Velveeta '" $)31 ... IUnYIILOWIIIIOIU

Amer. Stack Pak "01 $)78 ... sunm Sour Cream ~~ 78' NOMOOIIIIZID

Vihlnin D Milk

AdJo must be prepaid IUJd aullmitted Ill 'lll'l'ltiq to: • The Newa Rev!- omce In t1ut bueJilent of 1(5 Parkway between I alld

10 p.m. on the MOJiday or Tuftclay precedt~ publication. • The Twin Pine, omce · <Newa Be'fiMv d,rop boll).· Delldllne Ia ':10 p.a.

Tuesday (Put ,ayment In envelope With ad. Do not pay TwiD Pinel), a P.O. Box 88, Greenbelt, Md. 207'10. Mu.t be reoelwd bJ' Tuelday. RATEs: $1.1!0 minimum (or the llrtt ten word1. lOc eaeb a441tlanal wuz.L No oblll'ae for n.tl~ Item. that are foUnd. · · 80DD AJ18 - $3.80 miDimlim for a 11, Inch 1HU1 ooiiiJIID boll. tUCI eaob ddi&loul half Inch. Kaxlmum ad for thla leOtloD Ia tflfte !naMa. CALDWELL'S WASHl!IR · SIDRV- ~ ~ 114 JCI:. All makes expert17 repaired, VIII d"~ Authorized Whirlpool dftler. OR- . J 4-06111 Jim and Cqs CooMy, aona lm,

. . Brendan and Klke, and their d<e !PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR - Josh have retumed to Greenbelt llxpert and Reliable Plano Service <i3C Hlllalde) after four marvel­to Greenbelt since 1980. Benjamin ous yean. In Rota, Spain, Thoqb Elrrkofsky 4~4-·-8894. we cannot olfer buUI!shtlnr and

Need Bathroom Remodeled?


345-7497 l!lpeolallzlng In Ceramic Tile

<MARIE'S POODLE GROOKING> make your appointments today. Call·7~J9.

TYPEWRITER REPAIR - Elee>­trlc, standard, and portable. Call 47~84.

PIANO LI:SSONS: Peabody Con­servatory Graduate. Be~rlnnen­AdYanced, 49()...3208,

PAINTING . Interior, exterior, wallpapering, J!ght carpentry, and ceramic tllf'. Good Greenbelt ref­erences, excellent workmanship. Frank Gomez. 47..,3814.



Electrical Services and ,.,.tollations

Heavy~ups Our Specialty Fr•e Estimates

Licensed- Bonded-Insured

937-4684 PAINTING Interior, eKterlor, 20 year~ f'Xp. Do my own Work. Call Bob Neal, 776-15461.

HANSEN P!,liMBING 11 C Hl!l­s•dl'. Bondf'd, lkensr.d, sma.ll homr. jobs. 341'> &837.

FOUND - If your pet Ia l011t, call thfo animal warden 474-7200.

ALTERATIONS AND MENDING. PrgftftMional work at re&Honablf' ratro. 474 79M.

RENT .. Mod~rn 4 brdronm hou•r on LakcRidc Driv•• to family •tart in&' IMr Aui'u•t. $47~. 47·1 7131.

APPLtANCF. fUcPAIR !.argo and 111mall f4f'Wtng machlnf' t('palr. 1 ~ali Dnn, 474 7379 .

I >0 YOU N~:~:D a bobysltter7 l i\m Z7, marriPd, and hAVf' had piNlty or cxpt•rlf'nC('. Will takf' kid• 2 6 and Wf' ar~ locatf!d In Orrf'nbrlar. }l~vf'nlng~ a).!otiJ, -47·t 8001\

HOO~I ~'OR RF.:NT · Ma.trr brd room In Wf'll furnlHhf"d apartmrnt. lltllltios paid. $160, r.o GO pllnnr. Urrpnb(.Jt, 474 3~78.

WANT~:O: Tutor for lOth &'tade nutr pla)'r.r. 474-3187.

~'OR !l.AL~: MaytRI' drluxr aut" mat it• Wll,.hPr, S7fl. ("RII bf'tWl'"n r. 7 p.m. ~l!i 4942.

C F.JohM<>n of

In-Home TV Se~ce

•·!aha OI'N'nbrlt 4 dayo M<'h WN!k

1· A.lwayo ... umal<'ll within 10',;

1 .\lwa)·• ro.ll~ hrfnM vloltlnlf 1 Work• oon1" nlghto & w .... k •

•\nd• \ 1'aJJ ratOO with ('Onllnmrr


I' I'Jonmpt, fair - 18 yro. el<Jif\rl­enM - lftl llotf!no:

, Meet ,.,.,...,. done In yonr btme

Muter ~"• VISA ,aeept<ld. OAU. .... ,. IN DA1'TIMI:I!! -.-a JC.-IIIp II W...._..

ocean mmmtnr In· Gnenbelt, we 'hope they ftlld our cmnmunlty .. conrenlaJ· and excltl~ aa they did before they departed In 18'71!. Wel­come home!

At Friday nlrht's duplicate brldre game, the team of Laura 811d Blll }Valker were hlrh scoren and In second place were CI&Q Jacobe and her brother Ray Carriere.

Coa.st Guard Boatllwaln's Mate 2nd Class !Henry D. Hllller, wha.e .wife, Evelyn, Is the daurhter of Wllllam and Allee Donahue, 14-F Rldre Road, baa reportecl for duty at the Coast Guard Marine Safety Oftlce, St. !Paul, Minn.

Councilman Richard J. Caatald! h88 been elected chairman of the National Capital Rerion Tranapor­tatlon Planning Board for 11178-80.

Bob and Eleanor Shlftlett of Edrewater announce the arrival of Elissa Fae on June 80. Wel.rhlna 8 Jbs. 6 oz. She joins a brother, Dusty. Proud grandparents are Norwood and Jean Shlftlett of Greenbelt.

Help Wanted Secretary for Pollee Depart­ment. High school graduate or equivalent. Muot have rood typ­Ing and shorthand. Experience preferred. Startln&' aalary. $11,-481.80. Apply: City of Green­belt, 2t! Creacent Road, 474-80152. The· City Is an r.qual oppor­tunity r.mployer:

Senior Citizens

YARD SALES YARD SALE Aua. 4, 9:30 til 3:30. misc. ltemo. 2- A Laurel Hill Rd. APARTMENT SALE Moving, must orll all ltPms. ~3A Crescent Rd. lt 209. Aug. 4 & r., 10 a.m. 474 93M. YARD SALE Aug. 4, 53 0 Ridge Rd .. 10 3. Antiqueo to toolo. APARTMENT SALF.! Mu•t oeil all Item•! 201 l..akeolde Dr .. Apt. 104. Aug. 4, 9 2.

Th• Unlver•lty Boutique Intr.mallonal, Ine,

In Colle~r• Park lo havtnr 11.8 Incredible

once-a .. ye1u Swnmer Clearance Sale!

Save on Danskln, India lmporto, and hand...,rafted Jewelry.

Unlverolty Boutique International, Inc.

7420 Ball. Blvd. Coller• Park 277 3521 Hour•: to:ao to 8

l~rtJHIAHTlC t'F:RSON nrf'drd to ml\kf' phonr <'flll~ In lhf'ir own homf', HI 27M,

FOtJNf) Ou1 hoflrd rng~H', C1Lil S""'" Hf'\'lf'W nffif·r, 474 U!U, and if'<Wf' y1u1r 1111mhrr.

V\V J.t"OR ~1Al..F: ftun!-1, no ru!(t. $400 or hr•l orrer. a46 6557 . Jo"'ii~T ,1 b<droom lurnl•hrd townhou,..., 4 6 mo. lcal!e startlnr lmmodlatrly .. U20/month. rledrt .. city. c,.n 34:> M!\8.. .

TENNII Li!SSONs .liealnnen, Intermediates welcoa~e .• !Clrperl~ en~ecl coli.,... and ·club lnlti'IH!tor. 3411-4622.

ART SHOW Artlats lntere8ted In rerlllterl~

for the lAbor Day l'wtlval Art Show may find rule~ and re,wtra· tlon for!J!a at: Twin: Pine~, Youth Oenter, Greenbriar Community Oentei', Sprln•hlll I.-Ice Pharmacy and Hl&'h'a at Beltway"Pla&a,,For further Information call Susan· Ba· p.n 474·8978. Susan Wicke~, 3411-488fi, or Betty Arpon, 3411-98711. Phototrraphen who would like to exhibit their · work should contact Don Volle, 474-2408.

Ml•• Greenbelt Be inlf,olved tills wmmer! Enter

the .Min G.-eenbelt l'llpant, Have fun and make new friends! Learn about special make-up technlqu.,. from a make-up consultant vlsltlna Monday, August 13, 7 !'.m. 11t the Greenbelt Library. Other ~rifts and prizes lncludlnlr. a modeling schoi.. arohlp to the wlllner, go to partlcl· pants. Appllcatlo,n deadline Is AU· KUSt 11. Any rlrl who Is a Green· belt resident, 11!"19 years of qe, may enter. For more Information call c<>-ehaiJWoman Bal'bara Van Wambeke- 3411-2278 or Jeanne Gos­horn 47~.

Outstanding Citizen. The deadline for nomlnatlna an

Individual • for Greenbelt's Out· standing Citizen Award for 1979 Ia Auguat 13. Help provide recornl· tlon for one of Greenbelt's many a~tlve citizens by wbmlttlng . a nomination form to Linda Shevltz, 9004 l'!reezcwood · Terrace, Green· belt. Forma may be requested by phone ( 34~-93118- or may lie picked up at Twin Pines or the Sprlnahlll Lake and Greenbriar Community Houses.

Reereation Review Annual Children'• Summer Play Production

All «reenbelt kids, 8-12 years of age, lntel'<>oted In helping with the Summ~r Play come to tile Youth Cmter's Arts & Crafts Room Tues. thru Fri. at 3:30 p.m. Children don't haw~ to know how to Ret People urr alAn nrf'drd for 9ct>nrry and sound etTccts.

First Moonlight Swim In the his­tory of the Greenbelt MUnicipal . Swimming Pool. Friday, August 10 Is thr datr; 8:30pm.- 11:00 p.m. Is thP time. A aeparate ff'f! will be charged at the door For more In­formation, call 47f...M78.

RON BORGWARDT 10211 laltlmoro Blwl.

COIIoto 1'1111. Md, lla740 (on u.s. 1 oc tho lallwiJI


"See me Cor car, home, life, health aDd busiaess



.... , ......... ~ -~~~·-·--·-

All Work

Rateo Guaranl.ed

Odd Jolla a Specialty



HIIRVKD lllverythlq for your home or

yard • · No '"* t.o llllall

1l'ree ~ltlmatea

PlaygrouJtdll are held at the lilprlnlhlll Lake Cent~f. and North End Elementary School. 10 LQl. • ·

4 p.m. 'Mon. thru Fri. All chlldren.-8·12 yean are weloome. ActlvltiH li'lclude arts and crafta, sparta, ta· ble runes, natllfll hlkH and Jpeclal .VentL The pla)lrf'Ounda are co­oponaored by the Greenbe)t Recrea-


$5,00 off on all Repair Jobs With This Ad

CAU 441-9116

tlon Depar:tment and the MNCPPC. •.:./' .

.... ud w~ .. ...,..... ....,_ ·. ThHe Jeaau• wiU ...._rat ot •Is

or 1- teaiu piu'tlol-"~ Ia ~· ble round !lObin competltloa. All - lntal'elted In Jolnba• tither Jeque ehod1d eaU m-erra. ,., fW'1' thtir tee Blld ~tlOJI ln ...... tlon.

·Edl~wOOd. TVA: Audio

DllT•f ... =QiiMI .............

-~ ... <lOLI.IIS ·~ liD. ...


Get the WHOLE Story - CaU 441·1229

24 H~n a Day. 7 Days a Week

$too orr ANY LAROE PI~ WE .LL f


Qood Until Autult t -1110 ONIIIIIIIt RIMII (Nt!lt to.._,~. MJ'J4<11·1-.


City llectlon• Sept •. 18 To Include Referendum


,,, · tWS. ~· •. , ·- -: w AtaBoardotElec:Uon~m~tmlofA,~B,adrawm:.= : held , to determine the order of candidate'• namea on the The order ill aa. follows: Chlliel 1', Schwan, Gil Weld~=· Richard Ley, Konract Herllna, Thomas X. Wblte, Richard ,

AN, IND. EPENDENT, NEWSPAPD- . Richard Castaldi, and Jeanette Gordy. di -·"' --~, X Incumbents Richard Pllaki, Richard Caatal ...... ........._. • ----------....!.~...!!~!!!!::!!=~~::.::::::..:::::..:::::;__~--:_--A:-~t:-:-9-l=-:9:::79 White and newcomer Konrad Herlln1 tiled their noinblatioD petl..

V..:.::o:.:lume:::::::.,.:42::!,~N~wn=~be::r:..:!:38~-....,..-_;G~REE~~NB~:::;E::T:,::!r:!.,.:.M:=;AR=::!YI,.A=.::ND:.::, ___ __:T:.:h:.:ur::.:::sd::a:::y.z.., .:.::u;.:gus~;....;.•:.. tions with the city clerk this put wC!8)c. The deadline for fllinl 'Will

Preview- of Hot City Election 01 Sept.18 :~~::v:::c::w:=:: :u:o:~o~==~=~ membera to aezve two - on the In 1888, be ,becUI\e • a J8l'bUic' Ill I_ s Council Stru••les With Overpass lssae :~:n~fe~~d:s:~ ~::..:u.: :e=r::a~n:r::~~-=

•• , &dvlaoey queetlon on the ballot. lcnrlq JeBr be joiiM'd With Gillin by Elaine Skolnik and, ill. They were ap.lnat ualnc still support Mandan." Up , for refenndum, will be the to lotm Jlln+tronmota for TOIIIIC!f-

Temperatures in Greenbelt .0994~ of an acre of. private land, Castaldi ablo felt there -:u no approval or, a new iectlon to be row, Inc~ a CIOftaUitilll' llria Olla-d ring the "d g d , f A moat of which Is an 8-foot path In need for the amendment. 'Coun- &dded to the City Charter provld- nlll!d . to BMilt pllllllc and ....

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ays 0

u- the median of the parkin&" lot be- ell hail taken a position whlcb the Inc for revenue llond flnallcl118 tor atltl,il In llleetlq. a~t.a gust .will probab~y be the hot- tween 7'118 and 7718 Hanover Park- majority support," he said, "this the nhabllltatlon or exUUnc atruc- requfl'tllllllnt.l. ln l'ebruarF wra test m the W~~&hmgton area. A WBJr In Phase I. Generally apeak- tells the ator;y pretty much ••. " tunt& wltbtn the city. Bcbw*n NtlNII tn. both fl .... unique, combination of weather lnr, Phase I residents oppoaed the VOnfu8tDs At Ita meetlnc Monday nlpt, Schwan Ia a forihr _._ 'Of and a sizzling upcoming city Gardenway alte; Phase II opposed White, a Gardenwa;y supporter, council Ia expected to plaee· an 114- tbe National CloJiuUttae on Uld-council election is expected to the Mandan location.> thoucht the two queetlona would vl1oey question on the ballot con- form Trame ·t..~n and Olrdt,._: contribute to the record-break- Want. <Jholce be confualn&" because or the varlou• cernlnc tbe city'• aequtaltlon or the Advisory Council on PGIIoe ing highs Relteratlnc their support for tbe "comblnatlona and permutations" private property In Onenbrlar Tralnlnc, International ANonlatlon · c· M' J · K G · Garden way location, Schwan and that could neult. He aliO believed Phase I to provide acoet~~~ tor a or Clll~ or Police\ Mil .........,

It! anager ames · lese, Weldenfeld had no quarrel with the that placlnc the :Mandan location pedestrian--bicycle overpaaa acroa Committ" on Air ~ ClaatzoDI the fll'st to feel the effect, told question drafted but thoucht the on the ballot would be "ralalnc the Baltlmol'e-'Waahln.Wn Pkwy. Grants, U.S. Public Health lerrkie. council on July 30, "You tossed alternative of the Mandan Road false hopea to a croup of citizens" Voter reclatratlon will continue Bclrwan participated In d~ me a hot potato" on the over- overpass should ,be Included to Jive becaUse the Federalcovernment re- throuch Monday, AUI'Uat 20. RH- the Water Relloui'CU Plannlq AGt, pass. On July 9, council directed council maximum guidance, This jected the Mandan location and fa- tdents mq either come to the clt;y and the Kultlatate ~ CoaiJMt, the staff to draw up a citizens would be responsive, they said, to vored a Gardenway overpass. He offices Monday throucb Friday He Ia tbe author or artlclea . 8Dd advisory question or questions Greenbriar Phase I owners' request noted tbat 'he mlcht have been per- from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. or call tbe city nporta on- fllderal-etate •ttou. on the issue. for an advisory question that would suaded If the revernment thought clerk'• office, 47...a870 or 474--11000 federal crant--ln-ald NCJ~$11,

"I tried to write something that Include alternatives. the Mandan site h&d merit, "to cet to request a form to reclater b;y nlultflltate taxation, hi•JiweT Bate-was not biased," he explained, "and "Suppqse we ret a 'No' answer an overpass In a timely fashion." mall. Persona may also reclllter In ty, and radiation Protectian. first came up with a question two on the question," said Schwan, add- William Ayers, president of person at the Sprinchlll Lake and Schwan has Uved Ia ONenbelt for typewritten plges long. It Is dlffi- lnr ' ... we would 'be In no poal- Phase I, speaking aa an Individual, Greenbriar community houRs and 28 ;yean, fll'llt at 7A CNacent Boac!, cult to put a question on the ballot tlon to get an overpass ... If we're countered, the Federal High- at the Greenbelt Homes Offices. and, llinee Ka7 tm, at 2ln' Hill­that is short and has adequate de- rolnr to ask for advice, It ought to way Administration said "Gar- (See City of Greenbelt Voter Reel•- aide Road. A widower, bt 11u thNe scription." be meaningful." denway was the only one, but If tratlon ad for da;ya and tlmea.l children. Charlee Uvea In l.anlllm,

Council m<>mbers thoucht Giese's Welden1eld was concerned that the electorate votes for Mandan, The blo~rraphtes of Incumbents with hie Wife Bett7 and four ~&.. final draft was well prepared and, "It could appear to many people we will have addltlol'll'l ammunl- Charle• F. filclrwan and Richard dren. P.ul neldea wltb lila W1f1! with sQMe refinements, Mayor that they would be voting for or tlon and will use our persuasive Pllskl follow: Connie at 7A Crescent Road, p-Richard Pllskl and Councilmen agalnot an overpass ... this would powers just as tbe cltloena did when Sehwan llvee In Waahlnaton. · Richard Caataldl and Thomas be their only choice ... I'd like to tbey went to Contreaawoman Spell- First elected to council In 1971 Pllald White were ready to ask the elec- sec people have a choice · · . to see OVERPASS OonUnuecl on pace Z and re-elected In 1878 and 18711, Rlchllrd Pllekl Ml'ft4 four t.nlu torate to vote "Yes" or "No" on: whether the position of the city Charles Schwan's prior llirvlce to as Ka;yor wltb another four 1-a

"Should the dty continue to pro- council Is larcely supported." He WHAT GOES ON tbe city Includes hi• havlnc been as'ooullclllllan. He bu !Men a reai-ceed to acquire 'by condemnation offered a second part to the quea- chal"l'an of the comnn.ttee which dent or GretDbelt for 10 ,..,._, A an easement through private prop- tlon: Fri., Auc. 10,,8:30-11 p.m., Family recommended nttlns up the Ad- native ot Klnpton, Penna,t,.. erty located In Greenbriar condo- "Should the city support a pedea- • Moonllcht Swim, Greenbelt vlaor;y Plannln&" Boerd <tllle--40!, he 11"" In Bainrood Vllla&e wltllllla mlnlum'a Phaae I, In order topro- trlan-blcycle overpass across the Municipal Pool member, Charter Rev!- Oommlt- wUe, Clalnt, a Rtw!ateNII N.-, vide acceaa for a pedestrian-bicycle Baitlmore-Wuhlnaton Parkway at , 'Hat., -'Ill· 11, 10 a.rn. GHI Infor- tee (1~7), and cball'lll&ll, In-- aa4 tbret children, Rlcbard, Jr. -- acro.u the Baltimore- the locatltn neer the end of Kan- matlonal Meetlnc, Greenbelt door ewtmmlns Pool ··c.luntttee ~,11114 ~ H•·-.-...-.... Washlnaton Parkway at the loca- dan Ro&d In Greerlbrlar?" Ubrary (1971). Dyrtnr hla tenure on colin- plo,..,.S as ~ . ..,.......taUW,'ID'lf" tlon nrar the end of Gardenway Weldenfeld's amendm~nt was ell, Schwan has been a member of conaullallt for Prentice-Hall Inc. •~lected by thP majority of th~ city supported only by Schwan. All 8:80-10:30 p.m, Teen Splash the Land Use Polley Committee, tor the peat 21 yMrl. council and upprov<•d by the ~'ed members of council thrn voted Party, Greenbelt Municipal Metropolitan Walthlnaton Council He Ia al.oo a member of the fac-rral government?" unanimously for the original ques- Pool of Governments. He served as a ult;y, Prince Georps Community

Orllflnal o..c-lolon • tlon, with Schwan reservln&" the Mon., An.-. 13, 8 p.m. City Coun· member of the Greenbelt Blcenten. College, On May 1078, after many month• right to chance his mind llfter I'll Mcetlnw M,unlclpal Building nlal Committee and the Advlaory Pllakl attended Klnr'• Colh'lrP,

of hN\rlngs on the overpass Riter stud)'lnc the matter. "I'm con- Committe. on Hoo.sln&' tor the El- Wilkes-Barre, Penno;ylvanla, and natlvr I o C' at Ion~. Councilmen cernrr:l about a negative votr. on d k I N d d derly. hold• a 8.8. degree tn Buslneea Chnrll's SrhWilll, G'l \VcidPnf.-ld thP question," he Sllld, Use Boo s ee e A member of the Greenbelt Administration from llyracuae Unl-and Whitfl votC'd for thf'\ Garrlrn Mandan RORd ov('rpa.o;s Nllpport I Homc!i, Inc., Board of Directors vrrAity. He Ia a member of the way "prcferrt·d route." They con- ers Pllskl and Castaldi said they Magazines A SO from 1968 to 1971, Schwan served Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. He sldorl'd It th.- b.-st In term,< of dl were against the amendment in Greenbelt North •:nd School PTA a• pr~!!ldent from 18M to 1970. His also se:'Ved thref' yean In the Unit., r('('t rout<-, nr'.un.l IINf', publlr ~nfc rludlng thP Mandan· location, bf' llf'<'ds book.a and mal"azlnc>~ to be other community activities have ~d States Navy. ty, iowPr <·ost and optimal topor- cause the majority of council sup,. sold at the Labor Day Featlval Included hla belnC a member of the Pilskl Is on tbe National Leacue raphy. Oppoooro were Pllskl and ported the Gardcnway site. Book Booth. Boxc• arc located In Steering Committee, Cltl&ena for of Cities Tranaportatlon CoDUDIL­Castakll who •upported the Man Pllskl said, "Council listened to Twin Pines, C<>-op and Marla's a Planned Gnelllbelt; CCH!halnnan, tee. He baa oerwd 1 7eara Oft'the dan Road location, running from a lot of testimony and a.ttended Beauty Salon. For pick-up call Greenbelt P'reedom ot the Preas Council of Govemmentl' Boerd ot Hamilton PlacP east to Mandan hearlncs ... I didn't aupport Gar- 474-7029 or 474-1708. Committee; and chairman, OHI Dlrecton and tbe lllnertJ Policy Road betw ... n Qr.,.nbrlar Phase II denway then and I don't now · . · l Advlaoey Committee on Housing Committee. Ptevloual7, Ptlakl '-

ch C A 0 S•d lk tor the llllderll'. repreM~~ted Greenbelt on tbe r•lsLacos • eiLY 9 ree n f ewa s, Schwan received an A.B. dearee Prinoe o.or ... OnuntJ Tax DUrer-t;; t;; from Hiram Collece, and dkl crad- entiat Coeamlttee, the lllualltl"

uate work Ia political aclence at Conulllttee or tiM Kar7fan4 Mwalo-p ke W • 1 C L Rezon·1ng S;yracu .. unhNNitJ. Then be ... 1,.. Leac~M. MCl tiM-"'--ar rng a1ver n en~er ., varloual;y a Graduate TtMhinc Ae- tal an4 Pvltlla llafetJ' eo.alttee ol t th p alatent, r.u-. and lnathletor In tiM Oounall ot ao..n.-ta. lly Leta Mach plalned "While I believe that the pay for the lmpro\'elllen rou the Kuwell llchool. He •nwd In LociiUJ, be hM aerwd on the

In its conaideratlon of a re- dic..,lo~ I• Intended to be helpful a .peclal -•nt not to ftC!etd World War n until dlacbarpcl a Charter ftftl- and ~ Plu-zoninl petition for the center to the city, I do have aome con- UII,IIO. captain In lHI. Ht waa W'&llllq- nlq BDaiod OalaalttaM ot tiM GIQ>;

cern• about how It ma7 be worked In return for tiM -em. the ton "-P,_Matlw ot tiM 0111111011 baud ot dii'IICitoon ot o-~~ett mall by owners, Oeoree and out In detail." Thomas Gentile, city wiU an-~ to - of State aowm.eata ,_ aa to CNIIt unt-. ........ ot aa­Lisa Chrlatac:os, council hu Chriataeoe' attorney, felt It was 140 parklq .,._ IJl tiM _..,, lN2, 'Wilen 1M IMcame DINCtor or ~; IIDd ~ ot UM been COntei'Jied •bout aidewalk better to pt tbe propert7 re.oned Nanna pointed aut Ulllt tile..-, tbe Oounoll'a Wulllqton .-.. Lallewalod au- A-.latlaa. upkeep and parklna facilities. uni!Oftdltlonall:r. To do tbla an wlllob ~ 1a a1n1111r 1111111& At ftr1oua u- durlq tbnt Plllld ta lltllnM1)' Mtlft 111 tiM At a special council meetlna acreement on parklnc facllltiM ancl will net be Uld aa1u11ft1:r ll71da. ..;ean he Mrwd u ,.,...,.. ltd ~ ......,. .._... _.tile July SO, council authorized Ma- a aldew&ik -ent was drawn up The clt;r wtn Rill be -.;anidllle aide to tiM Natlanal a-nc.r'a V,lff, •-- u a e*--­yor Richard Pilski to execute b;y the attorne7 and clt7 ltafl'. A for tiM up11eep cl tile puldq let Oonfernae on lntwlpvw.-nta~ ..._ to tiM l'lt- a-.,. ...,. an alfwment about pukina and NCJueet few an oral PNMIItatlon and ~ llftel' tber BN upeata ot . .-.~. and~ lflle- ...... an4 to tilt a...... 111e1pL

I before the Dlatrlet Council baa been b-· ... t to ___ .. _ _. Ont -aidewalka thus mov1n1 c oaer ftled The rwqueet will be mac1e • ...._ up _.,, to the solution of the "oldest that' the oon41tlon of a parklnc !;':;::~;~:.::-::•:::-::: problem" city solicitor Emmett acreement be remOY..t on the county requiNIIIenta. on- n­Nanna could recall during his C1'011nda that the acreement baa qulrementa .,. for 1111 ~ twelve years of service to the already been made. 1.,._ ror alt tbe omter ,..._In­City. The queatlon or aldewalka has cludlnc Cllrl.ataooa. Tllen art ..

At an Mrllrr council meetlnc on lone been conni!Cted with clt7 ap- apacea. Aa part ot the .._eat. July 1&, Clt7 Kanapr J-• 01- proval of the I'MODinc petltltma the city will support Chrilltacol' Informed council of the procre•• of and p&rklnr walwro. Oouncll to pooltlon for rezonln• and any ne­the f<'Whlnc application• which concerned lh&t the ald<!Walkl bfo c~M&ry parkin&" walvero up to 310, would resone the ohopplnc center kPpt In bettPr repair. To do thll, to C-~ (Comm~>rclal Shopping council had OUII~•ted that they be c e n t., rl from R--<1'--C (Rural df'dlcated b;y Chrhrtac011 to the city. Planned Commnnlt;y). On June 29, How"""'· Chrlot~oa cannot pt ap. the 'Zonlnc H"arlnc Examiner rPc- proval tor mandatoey dedication oo ommend..t approval on the condl- he hao offered the clt7 an .,....,_ tlon that the clt;y and property own- mont. One advanta1e of an NUe­en eatabllah a contlnulnc acree- Ment. Giese @Xlllalned, was that It ment to aamre the nqulred oft- could be re!IIIOY..t more eul17 If ltreet parklnc. The reo-mend&- there wu eYtr a need In cue or tlon wa1 eent to the DlatriC!t Colin- major remodellq ol the C!enlar. ell tor action. Chrlataeoa hal aai'Md that til.- lld&-

Jn ble eewnda not-. Olne ex- 'lt'l1b wiU be l111pi'O'fed 1114 lie wiD

Councilman Richard Out&WI waa ooncern..t that th~ ...,_ent 18ft thf' owner carte blanche. Council­man Tllomas White also felt that "thl1 ...,_ent blnda the elt7 to Aupport future uaes. J don't like the blank check,". lie ..,d, Nanna 1tated that mucb ot tiM ..-.nt c-e fi'OIII tile· Nq1ltiiD or Patll and, ~. llowwftr, -'I did d~lebl tiM warda •ot the nlat­~ 1ILU.I. o.eiHit-,..


& Monday, Auauat 20, 11'711 is the Ia1t

. . ... ,_-. ..- : ~Ba,y to register to vote for the September

·. ., 1079 city election. REGISTRATION



doubt about your reeiatratlon, call 474-38'70 or 474-8000. Loea

tlail. and tlmi. tor reliatratJGn are llatad In thla. paP'r.


' l'

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