qz . r:^ ^ top secret ^ u t/ulf - nato · tbe enporienee drcren dm±ng a year of efitinusy of tbe...

Post on 21-Aug-2018






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O ' CODMiO \ Q Z r . r : ^ ^ T O P SECRET ^ u t / u l f

BfftASJt SagJStt- 12

In hia opsoins »Mtfce V o i r a i Momtbatteo said bow very honoured ho f o l t t o be Katruatad Ditti tbe UUad Command o f Uw and Jdr FnrcH Is «bc M i t a n n i n i and lie thanked arajaaa f o r IuslKgs' oma to i H t hin In parson to dlaotua how tbs Ocwtiind e liould bo

2, Ba qontinued b j e&jliig that be bad prepared a peper giving bia Ideas an the Coanind orgiiti nation and that 1» the fiirat loatanee he baa teken I t ta 3.H.A.P.K. « i s » bc had bad » talk >itb SAOBOR and diteusaiooa Kltb hia s ta f f , *a a result o f «blah ha had « d e a fow alterations; tbo rariaed papoT vas noir before» tbe meeting.

3. Adalral Kounttaitton ssid that aa a result of talks with M n l n l Camay bo w oiroulatlng two further aoenAmat* to paragraphe 14 and 1J o f tba paper^ iMcii b* suggested should bo diaouamd Bhen they m o t thraqgb the paper. Bi added tbat after healing everyone's Tlene tbtB iiKwnlBa beiateaàad to «r i te a ne* «rtd omprchenaive papor to tairtrd to SàSBrm f p - -"itnl - ixinvi l sotting up tha AlllaA Besdqusrtara, and CmtoA9

V. U O r a l Xovaitebtan sold tbat titan & new ooutmA bad t o ba M t up Ohe f i r s t thing to be den» TTJiA to look at the area of amtaifl and see bur i t could ba organiced Imto areas, fmotioiial ooHtands and ao forth. I f i t MS * one-aaWon ^oooand Uis problem ncs w r y eo«y: tha (kmn^^l iHQldaf exeroleel l i r c o t control oror tbe fftale area eod over «11 foroes. Ba f a i t , homrer, In Oe oese o f tho tteditaawMan Ocnand tbat he bad b e « given an oxtnwely a l f f l on l t and, therefore, reny iatgrastlng ta Itr beawaas o f til* Tgriooa navlee iraplioated. porta of HMD Kcriaa had toon doolwed MÖQ and therefore only thosa parte n M OOBO inder his diroot OTNMIIDO Otbsr parts of national f l oats bad been retained mdar national oosownd tuid, therefore, were not

5. Ih tb* ease o f tbe Otltod States, tba whole of tba Sixth f l oa t had bean l e f t iuder tho StrateeIo otwwiid o f Adiiiral Carney and i t «as ba ubo «cold a l l o t i t s Missions. He (id-airal Houn1fcatt*n) bad been given W ^ ï S i w S s S j i r Sfcsfe and ths Air, but ba

' lntereratea tbat to K e a n tbat I t w a s his function to faoi l i teto tba oiieoicna «hioh CDlCSOinS vlaftod tbe* to perfora and to amko auro tbey ««re oloar of other operetta») b» bad no authorl-tr in any oaeo to change their mdoBiens»

6 . NeKt1 M tbera «a« already a Srenoh Zoas in tbo Vestara Kcditerronean and en Italian Sono roind the tyrriwniao uni AAriatio S o u , then there «aa a. oase for u r o « In lb* BlaOK Sea, Aegean nmJ Swttem Keditaxttaieafe

7. WnniiT. there »or» Jthe tatl bad J S S t W M - 0 « to tb . S ^ 0 L s S f a o n o ^ c a and would greatly inoreaa* the coaplloatiai of oomand in mo Kedl terreneed o / ^

A> Oto





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6 . JWhitrcil U » n < 9 » t t n m i d 'Hunt he f a i t t£o only w t o toolclo tbsaa IMAliao m t o i n v i t o tte A H U t OttaunaAra-in-Oiiei- to bo his * prinoipal MrtsM 1 c , « M a i n s i n tb* « l ieft Instant» , i n A o t t o - d « ? , \ tartoüM^tto oamd o f the m « , bo* t o as t t b » hsadqmrtort end, IUbseoi--^iTtly, ba* ta dsaX with M d i pcottftu trhiah s o » along, a nakad that , a» tiioy would' not be ODcpcotftd t o iittend ovary aaatlng* thoy abotOd dolegato authority t o « amlcr o f f i c a r - ^ t t o s b w j U m l or • Qaptniii » i d » ttouia n i t panaaaaatlg JB hlo M a d g i w i i e à j ®

j g i f l ä ropreaoai ro-n yoapooiivo Ooiwi«»wiœr-in-ahl«r nna gjye hta ï TEPT representative <tonld Imva with hta a. anäu. s t a f f StrIBSS"! o f f i c e r « e t fais « m navy anâ Kxrna TOtOd be oat aside in ttw headquarters In oMoh O n « « a f f i o o r « could n e « « , spoek OMIT a n JUotguagp, «ad J l i o u a aafctaxa together. l a oldition be matea tha« t o f a in his oni l a i t o m t o d JUled Staff, and «a werte l oya l l y f o r Uau

9* Xa Ii» « t a f f diviaiaas «hieb be tad jropoaed eod thick bad been n l lgbt ly a l t e r » « aa a resu l t o f talk* « t S.B.A. f .E. to eoafaxn « e tor aa posai b io oith tb> atetf organisation thnrs, it v x U b» noted that tboro voro M n a di-rigiarw - ltarltlaa Air, Qperatieaat f l o a s , IntslllgODOo, OggMiI ntlon, I og ia t l oa and CtaawMitantiMia, AttnlriQ Uouatbatten eaked that lit each o f those d iv is ions tbare a h n ) ! ba a t laaat ana o f f i c e r o f every »s»y. Bi Um aarHar natrlsa be m m , In paaoe U n s t c o r t â l a l y be {CO^and to aooept c e s o f f l o ö r oavering antt Uma oao S ta f f DiTiaioo.

',0. U a l M l JSoulttattea oald be A i t « tat l o b i s heaSquartcre ba oatftd take sor lngo tor Diia oohaae o f not l ov ing two ooparate s t a f f a ( W t d i g s t i f f aad l la laaa s t a f f ) . Si «anted t U a t too jabs t o ba dsn* by tba aana pcoplo . So m o t on t o ssgr that nban he IMrat postulated tba Ü B « In 19V. o f a s t a f f CndnB o > separate a l l s g i m u » t o the ir oaa OnnandBT'ln-OMaf and Joint aMegionoa to bin aa 3upre?ie Al l i ed OnanMar I t « a £ro*t ly c r i t i e i s a ä . Bi t U u aaooesa o f the Sobeos vas alunm by tba f b a t that Araa Ootobor WA to Jtaie 19^6, both in the otrone o f war aad during the «ven moro ooaplidated pröblcaa l o c ountrie» a f t e r I lbMat laa 1 thaaa aeitooda vorkad t t l w m l y wal l and tbe or ig inal a r i t i as bad baa ew»

IT. Malrtil Hoantbattan then suggested that Uie aaetlng should <D Untntgb tho paper, paxogrAph by paragraph, as a Dteaas o f raising qUMtlena, Of f lasra oMld aalt any queutions t » put « « w a r d any alternative proposais .

IZi Xtaagragh 1 m a moreIy en explanation oT the two eystaaa o f ooauad - ( a ) and ( b ) and paragraphs 2 and } implntned »bat would haprm I f M t M ( a ) n i aaadc

13, Paragraph« K and S contained tbe reasons f o r » « l oo t ing vathad ( b ) .

Adolral Uanfrvdl Bade tho fo l loadog atateaent on the oathod o f aiamlala ltiamil ^ogoaed by A d o i n l Motntbatton,

• K 38/J a f tOBi Paoatber 1952, a r t i o i e 6 , provides that tins ïïtiiiiiMiiUi o f the Baditomcaneaa l a to ba assisted t>y on I a t e g r t M s t a f f l a i l n l l q t oifflcaafa o f a l l nattona oonoarnad. S a t a r a r tbe argantaattwi planned Anr OffiOOB), th« aboya aentianed condition n o t be o u p U a d with.

1* 1« i* **»«* ^Tf"" -11 11 i'" ' a o o u n w i s a batwesn itofliod ( a ) and (b ) aLiggeotod tt j OXMOfffiI

alMMr, howavsr. t o the prinoipleD ooatatnod l o tha I M t o r (Uothod ( b ) ) .

OOSMlO Ahafollwlng . . .





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A a following oonaidenitlaBs also ecnatltuto the entoŒia o f tbe enporienee drcren dm±ng a year o f efitinUsy o f tbe Italian Üaritli»e Sono lo the existing Mediterranean KIKO OrganiaAtion.

a . National CaaiBnaers em the pzittolpal achrlaera of tha Allied Cwisadar <n o i l general question« conotrufetg the preparation eod the ooadoet o f tho war Itt KoditarremoaB, their s o u s end pwtioularly their fonts*. I o Wili «ad the Allied Qsnasnder «111 bald regular stealings, with Ketloflal Cnaaartders pfa-tlcipaVl.ng personally or being represented V their Chiefs of Staff as the Offioers best aoqualnted «Ith tho eraot advioe of their Coraamdera.

b . The Allied C-ln»C. i s assisted by a staff o f Allied Ofiioers owlog allegiance to hin. Tbe Senior Offlosr of eoeh nation contra tbs double appointment of a Bttiber of ClbGOED staff and of a penuuent representatives of his national otngugidar.

e . Expcrtanao has proved Uia'; an Allied Staff la not in A position to carry out the whole planning ( eapooiolly i f atsb S-4sff i s to he a osell one -So »set tbe general Irishes) but thst s t s l l stages Allied CanHandor» should be talked ta send certain specialists t&o oould furnish al l awoeaary elsawttet for tho preparation o f pl«ns*

cL omatED integrated staff ohould-ba responsible f o r the -prspvxCTtiofl' of~drdar®.

UO 58/3, sirtlola 5, s t e t « o m a s a to be a IWSC O am and. I t would therefore appear opportoie thst th? British OoManS In tho »et&terrftnoMk assume a Sifforent MHB."

13. Admiral Kcositbatten aald *îhat be usa very grateful f o r tbo points nade by AdBlral Xsnfredi and did nut think thsro ins anything «Ith Trtdoh he oould not go along! In fac t , bo thought that Actairai Manfrcdi* s ideas oo-lnoided Tory mich with bis onn. lie m i l d propose to the Britiab AamiraZty that the BidWoh Ntnral CoeaHndstvin-Chief should no longer noo tho ldtle CHiCStKD. bvti c^rt- otbar tt-Àû, possible conSBD.

1É. He tfeensht tbo proposal tllet fiatlonsl Coamndom-in^Chio/ should be oalcod to Xeitd additional uteff of f loera temporarily çhere his craa Allied StafT wna not in a position to Osrry out the «Able planning « a s an âxoellent CfIO „

17. Turning no* to paragraphs 6, 7 end 8 of the gapor, be aaksä .to be Informed the nnoen of the Haflistaol Coaunders-ln-Chlef «ho vould. be b is prlnelpal advisers; and be «tûded tbat be quite agreed witb Admiral Hanfredi that i f s MatieariAl Ca™*aaor-in-Ûfctsf ocold not attend a » e t l n g in persv he aboiQd cevialilly authorised to aend his Chief o f Stuff or any other representative fron hin oin BeaAquarters.

IB. Tho replies e e r o se f o U o r o J -

ffijftWffi - ASBirAl 'isla (AliBSEOO) who »oiilä nominate Osar-Adwiral I e n n M aa his repreeenîati 'o in Hal ta.

TWnrT - w w n i l'i'ir'iflTf KoaT"Mairal as his represents tiro In Halts.

O1^1 - AOriral Hnght (CDKKMa) «he would nminate a Kear^Unlral 1Ï.S.N. with aviation axpetteooo.

THUtET ~ Adnlrttl Altlnoan1 OiTOimdor-in-CMef of the MaTJ-, would iusinate i'Ji appropriate eeulor o f f loor as b is






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fifia fr.

gffiBCB - Admiral Lappa» later Stfttod that lu 1Bw f i r s t Instmas he would Mnself f i l l this role «s Obttf of the Hgsral Staff end stated ha would noli Elate a Captain aa his representative in Malta.

19. Adnirsl Iloimtbattao statsd that he had slightly obangsd paragr«|>h 9 of the f i r s t draft paper so as to f i t in better with Ë.H.A.P.B, organisation. Varltiste Air would be discussed a l i t t l e later .

20. AduiTbl Hcrexifbattan added that i t "irOUlii fee se (lit that he was proposing that the senior o f f i c e r of sash nary resident in ths headquarters ehoüüd also not as Chief of one of tba staff divisions and as Itaiputy ox-Assistant OMof Of Staff . In the osipasl-ty of Obisf of a DivisiMi they would ba working internationally and not in any way f o r their cam oouatty.

21. A&airal Uippcx thou^it that the contents of thin peragrc$b «cold be d i f f i cu l t to warte. Be suggested that the rspreaentat iven of Oresoe keeip only coe task, and that separate o f f i cers be fUrniGhod f o r notional, and international slsmsats of tbe ota f f . Admiral üeunfbatten pointed out that hie experience In the past bad protfad that his proposed organisation edit *ork and he atrouely f e l t that Uie prsaeneo of on additional liaison o f f i cer would lead to duplication and a slowlne 17 ef eperationa. Be pointed ont that under his plan a Oresk raproaontotive would attend every staff oooferosoe ia every cingle division) no staff ocotferenoe could tnict; plana nntil tbs Oreak o f f iaer ooncsrnod agreed to i t . All Oreek interests worcH thos bs vstcbod, and i f ths staff division could not agree to yield to tbe ßröetk point of' view then tho senior o f f ioer woiüd take the natter up with the Oblsf o f the Allied Staff or tbs Allied CMntandor-in-Ohlef himself, and tba Dattar would ba further dismissed* I f one ooisitiy broke the ayotcoi then other countries would want to do the uste. Admiral lappas stated that hs did not «ant to tesat the syst™ and wenOd agree to i t I f other eotmtrlas did the same«

23. Admiral Sala agreed irâola heartedly with Adniral Ketsstbattea* s views, and the Othar representatives also did sof in oonseqpienoa Adnlral ldppas witbdrew his objeotien.

p a W y i I l , 1 0 ,- Orapnlaatioti of Oynaanid aqd Staty 23. Mairal Ita&fredl tbs following Etataooctt

riQidBr tile I'rinciploa contained in the fore going oonaidsrations the broad lines of -Ote staff organisation proposed by QINCHak ara «emeurred in*

"Wa twr«, bmerer, tibaerved that;

s . KASC OÏHGSED should &s oleorly separated f rat the British Canoand in the Hsdlterransott.

fc. The Brltleh representation in tbs said CXimand should ba fcoouratnly dafinad, the sane as f o r the other Havioa.

o . Altboi^i the neoosalty f o r tha AlUed Gbief of Staff (British Tloe Adnlral) to have a Dspnty Is rooognlesd, otto^ Pepcto Aoald not OMtstitllt" •*" Jitl-Ir-. h. -T. -,1.. Jll.lT:.u. P1 th^ "Ml l f TYf a nffi I t would thorafore be otnronient that I t should not be asutiênod ap*oif lc i l ly in tfeo basis doenuat of the Ctmand.

/ d . Iho





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d. SlM AUMl Ocnnt SHHtacUt SIKNU laolxite tapwantatliraa of All KvrlM. "A« for the aaJnr of I W l l t o OfflOsre tod «Iter r u b , I t la

" » • » » • 4 t h c t a CWiaJtr o r Idemtaiusit-OcMMAw f o r Karltlaa Air H d tba M v t M A UWtiii o f t n w l t e w te adM*

tba d i f f l oo l ty o f « raqOata solution o f «to | n U * la entirely mlerstood, I t ta «fcmgb« « M a WfD lanwi lont lne Offlea, MpMfeta fro« tba Brltleh C M , lboliating «lyiala IB o f a l l V V I M , WioaU be «et n> ta analogy »Ith «dat ing AHIat ff—ill vl«b dottU «Üaglnos»*

Ï*. Adnma V m t t a t i n aal« Uat a* retard* (a) ad ( b ) , Ua o n eolation « u «Mit tte 9 n e a M » O n a l ta tbe Brltlak MtraX O n a s a d a f U -Obl«f ItbMlld look after KiitUh Intarwta la FeMa and that there alght poaslVIr ba a Mpanta Ci eamü»l-Ip-Cbtef ID bar. Re «npbealaed that ha m l U , of e o v a e , not l a a > aaaa be Inflnaneed bar British ln tesnte In «adostt iw tba AlUed C a i a l ,

25. In regard to (a) A M i s l Vwatbvtten eenflmed Ibet A.O.O.A.S. vonU act «at «a an eobeloo beteeen His C .0 .1 .8 . «ad sanb S1C1O1S, oar A.G.0.3,

36. Actaitxal KotSItbAtten ssld that Is reSiri to (d), if way Ravy vooid produce any help In tbs SasretNrlat wltb Koglleh speaking personnel It »oitld be very weloone. Zf, In regard to the organisation of nc—aiutaatlns AMUal

Hoantbstten ssld Mat help en tba Gomnmioatiena side ma pertloularIj needed, Hjr using tbs British network as I t ne* existe tboy oould need only an additional 30 telegraphists: a Mpsrate XUO o f f l oe ma id require so lnoresae et 75 apart ft» the expenee of nee t r i l l t t i a g and rsealvibE stations. Bie vould be very happy to have Allied Operators, and Wlehod tbie question to be oonsldorad by the Allied Ooswuiiltmtlon Offioera. _

.gffiftgttrt JMggiUnSi. Adniral Mounttatten oiroulâtiâ * rerlst.1 draft and ashed anbsea

to read this paragraph through eod t o o f f e r auggeetlona. œ . He explained that be bad lud a aieoueeiun itb Adainl Caiaqr

and bdaflfi they n r s In agrement ai oertaln bread vrlnclplee. AatlrtI Carney bad ooyhael eed Ikat no mbIaa atteste» on tba Hedltarrsnean by a ir oould take viae* »ithout aroMrtag OIHOSOOHt territory, v j that the f i r s t person oqooornod a ith sur particular a ir raid or Maonnalseenoa mold be OIIICSOnB. for thla iaaacn OTWCSOelE aaa setting Vp an Air Information OMitce under CrtMTBfCTHB, «ho sas Bowing to Vaplea. In UaltatCINOBD required a OutUoate Air Xnfsmat ln Oontra In order tbat he eight laws of all a ir Bnramta 1WltItla Mm Hedltarrsnsn and Iwre fttja QStMm lAfcraation of air aoynanta U t o tbe Medltawaaen area. If be failed to deetrciy all the sntwy airoraft, hoeever.CWCSCUTK poeld be ^Ten the lnfcnatlsn to tafca on three en tbsir rat LSM Journey. CItKIKinrH bad accepted that ODKSKD would do the tf s4r "pfstlmwi -rfrir tbr -

BaaitearaceMh— Iu Uis of IUealon flights Iy the Sjrth Meet , CgNOOD

/ « m i d be . , , .





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Faae 6 .

would be to la «hait IAc aimions vsrs and he « o d d f a c i l i t a t e the adwions sa such u poeoible by ^propriate co-ordination. Coaoeqpent men th i s general asreenent I t would be neoeasaxy t o ao Into M M detai l Iov tb* Karitine Air Division would be set n>, and I t « Igt* be deeldsd later to Ivotft i t dorn Into Plans and Oparatione and lato even m a i l e r scfe-dlvlsUtw.

» . Admiral Wright said be thought that tho paragraph as written was a l l x l g h i t t He f s l t that tbe t a s k of co-ordination ns set forth l a t te Ki l i tarr Ccmittee paper ™s tho basic tank on whiob thla paragraph should be written, Ke did not ï iaaaliao that CIHCKED* s oo-ordlnatine task would 8° beyond wbat was dssaribed in the 33/} paper - ninety, OUOB» would oo-ordlnnto ths qpsrationc o f assigned forces with those o f other («••anders. Hs said that whether or not that lnolttded oo-onUnation o f the a i r operations o f tbe Sixth Fleet with th* a ir operations o f Mediterranean Coasasd sas ocwwthing that irafld bevo to be gone into in none deta i l .

Jo. Admiral Utmntbattm said that sa he saw i t , W o r e the Siocth Floet f l ow a Btoslon ha wottld have to he lnforoed and would than do everything to fao l l i tn ts tbe a i salon. He would haw no right to change a mission, but in certain e lnmstanoss he ad|$it be ofcliged t o a l ter ( f o r instance) the position o f the Carrier Poroo f e r tba f l y - o f f In order to keep thM olear of ocas previously arranged operations or oamroye.

31. ASiiral Wright said he noted that In the proposed organisation I t w a a planned t o e s t a b l i s h representatives frtm the s i r forcée and naval foross of the several nations ooncernsd, and Uie l iaison o f f i oere f r c o outside O imisnds4 A&alral Kbmtbatton «p la ined that o f f l oe rs In the Uaritine Air Diviaion would ba on the Allied Camendsr-In-Chier a S t a f f t and that the l iaison o f f l oers frtai ths other Moasads would represent their sCWutAders and not neoessarily bs Bflbirti o f the Allied s t a f f .

I t was agreed that tbe word "pqssiKty" in tbe seventh l l a * should be atmok out and the brackets moored,

ragranfo Ip 33, Adndrsl Kouitbiatten snaeunoed that « l e Chief of tbs Al l ied Staff

(0 .0 ,4 ,3 . ) iNnld be Hawr Adoiiwl reter Cftsalstl who was tba senior «ntl-ateaarlaa speoialiet In the Brit isb Mary, and who In the J i jht of U a previous IUTC cxperlenoe as C.O.S. to P.0.0.S1 was highly qualified f o r tb* position. Hla Assistant (A,D.O.A.3.) would be Captain Lloyd Darias, o f CCUt&VSOUTH, Wbo was also a f i ra t c lass o f f l o a r and what he f e l t would provide the oontinnlty Whioh was an aaeessary f o r the new Keditairsnaaa HiMaiH These two British Offloers would have no national ftlloglanoe vhataoarvor. The Seoretariat would also bave no national aUaglanset but wmld Merely be there t o serve tbs asohlne. Kls own Secretary would, of e ourse, work with hi« personally In both jobs*

Paragraph 17

34. AdairSl Moimfbatten stated that he bad received instructions to hava two D a p n V C e a n M a t t d e r s - i n - s C f o i a f , an Atelral f r a s the Q.S.K., sad an Air Marahal from the H.A.P. Se did not Ilka Onutioa who bed nothing to do eicoept s i t round and wait f o r ht» to gs> siokl To keep tbe Deputias " T ^ t H J i ^ i i M nn r.n n S . . j f r . < » 4 ( I M l m i I « uT>. n i l ' m i l y IlS 1 « O t h S P

Ccaoaada which kept tbos butty. Ee bad proposed to the Air Miniatly that the A.O.O. Malta (Air Tine Karshdl Bqnralds) siKht be the R.A.P. Depnty

/and he





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and he had discussed nith MKdraL »fright tba possibil ity o f »a Aneriesn ROTAI CaBitDSsr such as CtKPAIFansIitf being tho other but Admiral Wright profcrrc-i the proposal lia the paper nareely that the Amefieian IAnlreil irtlo voiQd be Ma rcpr-eoüDtative and Adadrôtl Wowrtbattea' g Vloe Chlof of äie Allied Staff should be the Aneriosrt Deputy Oowamier-infChief. AdnirsJ ICotutbatt«» said bo bad bed axperlenoo of a similar arrangement l o Oaatb Bust isla, eher« Ideutehant Osnersl IFbeeler nost saaaoSBfally aod happily ocsbineâ the roles of DepuV Supron. Allied Conasolor and Prlbolpal iVlsildt.B-railve O f f i œ r , be vould glrdly accept this arrangement) i t be Ins Usdorstood that tills AAidral would bo under C.0.A.3, except WhtiD tbo o™atimd ^as toBporarily turned over to him, Trhlcb muld Oiily ocoar Is the «vont of siekDBSS.

SBTaffiaafejg 35. ïbe re*droft IosrlAg oat htj rsfsreneo to a Heditorr«&ean

«hipping Boerd aas agreed,

3 6 . Adolrsl Uountbetten stated t h A t I t j S O u l b require an expenditure TUtHijtsg into InsidrsdA of thousands of poinds and m addition 7} ratings to duplicate the oçnsiunàoatictio netvorï In Malta, '?o save H n ^ and ratings. jUie proposai nap to Uu tho British nstvoatä* end euporlmpouo HhXO Ooimnnioetiomi on this . îhe IUIO budget and Raeaoa Ocmittae had visited Halta £hiiee days ago and in approving the proposal a expressed particular gratifioetion at the groat awing in espsnse aohimred by so t dopUoating the Ooanailoatlooo fno l l l t l es .

37. I t una decided to Ohaega tbe «Ording of this t i t l e to "PuMio Inforaation",

PeJMJanh 24

38. Adelral Howitbetteo »nid that be bed received toatraotilonii trta GeriftriCl KidgQc^ to set up his organisation by 15tb Warch. On 23rd February the Chief o f the Alliod Staff stroM report f o r duty. Bs hoped tbat oQ Äsbruozy one e^fioor fresi oaoh AHled nation acruLd .Join; and fron lot to 15th Itorab the reanlndor of the staf f , AU Ctmnunde.-»-in«öhief •stère asfcod to arrange for the naaittatlaB of tba o f f i cers 'ns thorn In Appeodlx B to the Caraaaiid Orgsniaetion donaseht: and to report tbs details to ÖHtCHEU.

ÏS. Agktirol ltountfcatteti stated that i t «as his Intention to divide tbo Uediterrsnean into areaa to be Ioiovn Qy geographical iunoe and to aboil eh national neues sttoh as JrsnOh Zone or Italiiui Zono. I t aas his aish tbat tbe Adnlral Ctsniraidlng Miob Sone should bave « t l o t i t aie staff o f f i c e ? frra each ad^aoont £otie Beodquarterii and any other Allied o f f i c e r s by Btttnal arrangement in order that they should have Allied rather then National 'VT l iH"^ I Ha asked jUie Canaaders oonoomed libera tboy TTiehed to bare their Keodquorteafa ond aa a renilt of dissuasion the following «Awigeafiaits wore agroodi-»





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JHSt Weotora Moditcrrsnean

Osoiral Kodtterrsnssn

Xsstsirn Ksditsrxansan


Blaatc Sea

IiO. He Mentioned that tbe Britirii Adairal Ccmanding Hto Eastern Ksdltarranean m O d be Srltiidi Kanral Ocmadsr-Iji-Ofcisf1 Kedlterrsnsaa1 and that he weald be able to obtain allied assistasse f o r his staff by using selected end Ojreed staff o f f loers f r o i the IIaln Allied Headquarters* Iblu would aère bavins to appoint additional staff o f f i cers frcai tbe vaxioua nntimn. Be went on to aey that Uiore would also be a Olbmltar •ran under a IMttrii Admiral attending Into 1Uie Atlsntio mder !IACIJUVT «ad Into ths Kediterranson under cnKBÉBD, Aäriiral Sals expressed IHs ocuplete esresaent and said he proponod to dungs b i s t i t l e t a a ALUS) to AIMBiOO finirai ltediterranoe Oeoldentals). Aaalral Uanfrodt also liked tbs idea. figreOMnt wsa later obtained fron Admiral ïerrwrl, Chief Cf tbs It nil Ml BiTftl S ta f f ) .

Itf • Aanitial Ec^pos wlidiad to know what was neant by the term 'national waters"? AAairal Kountbatten aaid Uiat national waters wars those oeastal waters whleh hod yet to be eonaidered ehioh wara outside M s control ty tha KAtO IHreotiTe» These bad to be negotiated later , aa also the question of oo-furdinatlng aorwent and operations between thsM «ad his c m oauand*

UZt A&nirnl Lajpaa stated that the Uniting l ine of national Waters at aase other places around Crsese nust be at least 30 a l les fma -the shore because of ths Cesrqys that wil l hare to peas through these areas.

Aduiral Kcrantbattan said that tbs boundary would bans to be waited out with the national ocnounders otocwned, efter his Csnsnd had been set sp.

MM Adsdxal Lappa» also pointed out that the Oreek Aray had to faoe t lh^ii . u d stated that the Uni t s of national waters should take »00OWt of the need f e r Week Ktnel Foiroes to support their easoieo,

Adsiral UvnBitbatten said that there would be no d i f f i cu l ty about auTTlng ships through Central Uediterransan wet em partieularly I f they had a OreSk o f f i c e r in the Central Uoditerraraan Headquarters.

Infi. Adniral LajfiaB requested transit rights along tho Ccast up to VaIona. Actolrsl KounUiatten stated that although the straits ef Otmnto wenild hare to be under the Central Usdlterranean Commits, any provisions necessary to assure that the Cresk Antgr1 s sigjport requirements were fu l ly aet vould be oorared.

Ackalral Kanfredi tnads ths foll^wlnn at at «cent t-"the so called Siaillaia Channel Sidt-Zona mta set tip on tba

principle that auoh fooal area of the itediterranean should be under one Qasnand*

C O C ^ I I C /Sinî

ABBffitgBB Algiers

Kaples Halta


Frsooh Adnlral

I t e l i w Adnlrwl

Sritlsh AOnlral

Creek Acbiiral

Turkish Aduiral





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"Staoe tbe control of tbe aald area (*/S, Oefmalvo nine fieldc, nlncoTTeeplüS and antl aircraft pretootlcn of shipping Oallfl for lnrgtt Keaoa I t «aa thought Wben I t nan set tjj tbat tbe Ivltleh Savy « « l a be given oesmend of It1 being the nost suited Hosy to exerciaa oontrol In the Area4

"The Italian point of vienr reaalns tba eons, With a Vitnrl however, to «mid that the wootern part of tbo aift-aoao ooostltntss a TOdge betseen tho Freneh and tbo Italian area, «»tailing oarioua duplications In tho defocoo of shipping, i t la f o i l that tbo Eieiliui Chsiiiiol f,vto-sono should have aa i ts nsdtorn bowdoxy a line drwn through Capo Bono and Cqptt Idlibao. Ibe portion of snob area enoeedics the aforesaid boundary ehould bo divided between the Prenoh &$d Xtellaa Zrawa IQT a. line dreen to pues Harth of Skeriqf Bank,

"Should othor solutions be adopted and the SiolliAh Obonnel i®llt la two portions (which sonW be objeoticwable ftxm a military point of vloir) i t IA thooght that the position north of a line drovn through Malta eod Pantolleria ehouM be left under Italian responsibility.

"The eastward boundary of the Italian Saw should be the KJtb parallel not Inolud Ing ba&rever the Greek Iarritas1Ial asters around OorlhUd

"As for tho foroes, i f the other Allied Navies oononr in the Aestffilng foroes to f u l f i l tasks of MXO responsibility tbo ItAllcm Navy Is pnpared to assign 5 IKlSs and V Ce end to « z s o i t B Acre eeoort salts.

"It Is desired that tho Interpretation of Iteu P of paragraph 11 of -Hie äociraeot EC 38/3 be clarified, for alnesweeplng and defensive mine ittyins bare so far boeo cciipldertd as questions of national reapmeibiuty. "

ItBt AdKlral Ihmtbatten stated tbat tbe question of the bomdary between 1Hte Weatem end Baatem Msditcvranean aroü had already been dieauBB«i between Ebrln and Lcmdon glnco i t really onlj eononroed Froneh end Bxitieb £ones end be bed been lnstruoted fay General RidgBoy to take ^ l a natter ÏP in IÜÜ. HD hiraaelf vas quite prepared to eooept the propoool, (whioh AdnirAl EAlti siçpor-tnid) that the boundary sitcuM be e line drawn fixa Cnpe Agji^mto In Sicily to the Tooi uitui/Wbyon border. He elao iiiBhsd ac sdjostoeot aada to tbo S.S. owner of tbs Otntna liedlterranaan area to enable ships to sail dircot fnm Malta to the Cresk Coast without having to pass Into eod out of a separate area, AdralrAl Hantfredi agreed tbat âme adjugèrent horo n s acceptable and Adairal Hombtbetten said that be vould take tho Jibolo matter up tilth Admiral Kerrerl the following day.

Adadrol Hountbntten «nggestod that at Athens tbe British Haval Wesicn sbotfld assist the Area Cccasandor, Admiral Eteltb noting as his deputy and helping with his Btaffi and the Aserioen KiosioB also, If the U.S. Havel authorities agreed» Adniral IniffpaA veloeued the idea tuod eaid he would appoint an AdsiiftCl to thla twaiwil Ahd vould be glad to have Adairsl &ilfch and also Ataixal Hlaee associated with thlr Adniral a« hla deputise.

SO. Admiral Kountbatten a aid that be wished the Blaok Ssa to Va rasder a ïudclsb Aamiral nith an allied ataff, Uicugb the oo-enUnation of this oasaand with StffiKODlS had y<it-to be-diaouaeod. AWlral AltiMeB1 besides stating that the Cooaatid BsaiqttEtriore vould bo At Colour in the

/Sea of





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BM «f M m m stated that tho main l u t would ho at Istanbul «Ith « w<hMM1 « 7 Ww in tha Slsek Sea a« Sre6U.

91. AMekllIavnMaMM explains« *a ntt up «a 9.KJUF.X. tha fcroe n n a m wa h*ld Is RagIaa at tha H t w m W l t M a« * rwsslt of wbidh

tat KUO bot Wkt for

that C1H0HCWTU hol rwqalraatioU tos Uta ~ ant of Oatshar rtlwhl

ŒMWS0» had pot .. A.

tha an« of *ot

IsfMBatltB m ad mt ha« Wan written antt*a*r an

préparai br OOOUVKWlt! and sas tabled far Mk to stem. at ISO for M k ,

at fU9.

i tnrtv had olearlr used a OiTNrort prlaolpla la patting * « ! r r*«Ar«Mnt> » , Isaewtsh ss ItaMHr had a! looated aoat Ot ksr (Uma t* HKI1 s ü i r i had allooated sens. I i «Mali to MB that Oraaaa «ud Tmtaar should p«t in tbdr foros roqulrwots In tb* n u *sy. Bs snajested that tba question should bs goae lato »nd,slnoo I t KM d l f f l o u l t to do 14 at thla IMetlag, that Adalml Isgpaa and A M n a AltlMsa Aanld sand hi» a telegrae that* rwrlsed flgarss ma Itaat ha aMU oorreot the paper Wd M t It la to r

ÎJ. A fineral dtaaasatoa enmed, in whlofc AdaiMl Mevtbatten presentsd Ua rise that swary nation -a—«a Baka en effort to plan i ef their ships at tbs dlqnsal of RUOr hut at the mm tljta stmOd taJee oar« of their o n national rangt«-Bate. AftO&C. %snbattea seqsttatal, thai all rwpreeentatlTca should i or ooxnatlag tbe foroe require aata pnpand by CtBKATOOUH!, tod tabled at thla Heetin8. Ha esgfrealeed that the British had pat in all tfcap eould. Iba i l tHslwy K l i U i i eould nûjr bs esiuotwa ty I In tbe OMAtrias oonnsrstd or aodaUnc *Upa at praaant eu*anted t w OtAe tbsatras or dntiee M n s transferred to tbs Msaiterranasn. Xt WDtild be for IUHK ta Bate the final :

Sk. Cb the qaaslloa of MaAedtoi - -Of ths Aecsan C f s a d with I M M l Altiisesn ths natter

AMnal Altiwnan and AAtlJal to Msraiaa beatdsrlM

ma was alao r t f a a M to dise usa the CNbvI and protection of

laijilial for tranaportlag staff M l r a n to i o o f tries Md I M q l i i aaU. AMrsl Ifaontti in das wares what astfh omitif aMM oca tribute

Ualr r s q p f r e a s n t a i M l ha.





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J**!? ^ 4 4 AMIMI M d l W aAsd t<w i«Hrwli 12, «aMUOK MvnMILtAai <*> th. AIli4A Statt JKvtatMo, BU on tJow wm that tb« IWtiBh M l t m no m m oft no Inn IwtlBaaoo in th« »taff than t*v M w Mtional «1 IBWlta. AMna KOtfit M H U m l It «SMatlal to haro snttrslr separate Siltldi Stafr Offlowa pointai smbwlTsiy tor KttO dutlaa. •a «DHU IDta «ha «snafnl feelin« of tb* neetla* b seams It aooU ha «etMMljr «iffioolt for tba AMmltr ta find tha additional BritiA staff offloara, It «MM mean hartes qntta a Xot af antra offloera, at Imait OM for SaBh division. 5T. AMCTI «rit f it aaid that aa ha sa* I t , tho WTO M p w «hieb

V y Mt UIMMB> aa a HItO o*stfdaatl«n prwesrlbed that I t A o a U h m sa Intagpratad staff in « head Tnsrtsrs a A a » . Iba purpoao o f sa integrated ataff ans to got lato staff divisions r a ^ r m n t a t l n fron a l l of tba natloaa inrolvwd, M I t oould W dons, «ithar thrm^i tho M d l M o boa an her* o f oartain ataff ofrioors tb* rsaponelblllty of repnssnting th* vlswa o f their «Maunders, «w hy aaana <f UaiMm off loara. Jf I t aas deal rod to do i t by Man* o f national onaaadara' ataff o f f loara , tu tboogbt I t «KB a reasonable proposal. Mueeear, B r l t l A Offlaaana In Srltlah HaadAarteFa were not in quit« the aaae oategeiy aa r g j n t n o t a t i m of tba B r i t l A C«i«nder-ir-Ch»of. a* «as sow th* HMO staff of CUKMB

v-ahoold be a f a l l ths* oofçpletc HMXJ ï t i f f , aad that i t AotOd not be part at tba staff of wgr otter ocalender. IM i t tbe Britirf: T T j I f OR anyone elae. ïne intest o f M 36/3 waa that GDtCl(Q)' » atafT would be a f u l l tine and otapletc l j Intsgwked staf f . So that eod he ooaaddamd Uw MfcffO staff organization should oonstat of o f f loers from a l l nation« and that taelr prinary and onlr appointait should be for daty oa CmOB> StafT with the additional teak, U l t w u wiAad so «0 entow IQw t o f napi*ceating the Tlewe of their ftiwwiiilan In Hilqf I f this concept «aa aooeptahle, i t would lneelwa an understanding that this XAIO ataff w o u l d bo a ecaplotely eepnrate organisation fraa any natiwal staff sod i t should, In his opinion, be definitely phyeioally separated frcm any national s t s f f .

53. Adairnl Kmetbettni BSld that !Ha ?rejs=al ™ Uiat both staf fs AonJd be ans uswedatad In the o f buildings Alob foi»od his present Headwartere and that unless a new building oould ba ooquirad the only tfay he oould ensure the ftyodoel separation Adalral Wright aAsd for was by Slving the bulk of the nain build lug to the HtIO Staff and «ovin* Uo BritiA Staff on to the lower floor or a different «lag separated by staira or doors fron the raaulnder.

91. AihiiFal Sals aaid be thought, In prlnoiple, it would ba desirable to accept the visais expressed I7 AMMl lKrltftt. Ibe BiltUb Offloers s o C D K W D ' s staff should b e a a exeotly t h e s ose footing as tha other AUlod officers, that is, having allagiaaoe sod aeosas to «Mir GroMasri-In-Chlef or Hatlcaal Camendar hut givin« their foil tl»e work to the Allied Staff. ¢0. AMral «rood agreed with AMnl SeU. AMiwl Iamea had no ocMeat to (lake, and was oonteat to le are natters to IMnl Itovtbatten. Adnlral Altteoaa waa of the opinion «at It Would ha better if tbe BriUah Matla-Al and AUiOd Staffs «era osparatsd. STT AMral Vrltfit said that in regard to the «Matloa of the Mwtlnas of staff offloara within the HUO staff, be thoaAt that oa

M a t l n o within tbe WHO staff atould be United to the staff ofKosrs who would bs permanently ansifcned to tb» MIO ataff. St would not b* reeeasaMe to expect that Attirai Sala, fer instante, oould asatd COSMIC





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n s n n s t i t l W over to national staf f aMtJngg. R a t i o u l ataff sett ings AoaM be oonfiued, therefore, to nattowl Starr o f f l oors eaeignod to tk» actual KWO s t a f f . In othsr voedo, HMtO ataf f aa m aee i t m a t bo a f o i l t lao staf f concept within i t s e l f and separate fma other s ta f f organ! aaticoa.

62. AteiraI Brigiit aald be felt It vould be perfectly reaaonabla tbat OtaawiioatioaE facilities in azlotenoe «boula be shared by NMB and D A arganlBattons. Ss tbmght, however, that the Flanning Officer on tba IttTO Staff for HAM CcsmnnioatlobB Pligaing should be a f u l l tlae HATO staAT offloer.

Sî . Adniril Honntbattsn agcsed to apply f o r a f u l l ttaw Sr i t isb ocmanleaiione staf f o f f l oar f o r MtD planning duties, but aald ne mat aettle the organisation o f this division Masel fe

64. Adnlral Homtbatteo went on to point ont the Brit ish national Bepreoentative Irould be the Brltlab Xaval CCEnandsr~ln-Chlaf end -while ho also f i l l e d tbls role he would aide Ms Deputy or âeoond-iu-Canaad to ast f o r Ma in this oopacity; British HAfD Staff vould thus be able to obtain the o f f i c i a l HetloBal Brl t lsb Vieira t n a this o f f i o o r or h i s Ohiof of Sta f f . In any eass he now knew whit tbs feel ings of a l l tbs Nationel Cowmndere were and Wnld do his best to l i r e up to tbe sp i r i t of tbs neo proponalii but tbe f ina l organisation snst be l e f t to his in consultation with SlCBBB1,

6Ç, AAilrAl Vright than infeoltted the following paragraph ae a SUbsH1^ito f o r paragraph

•fhe OUfOISB EUSO staf f wil l be A f a l l title staf f with personnel «ud f a c i l i t i e s auffioient to pemlt disebergo o f CItiCMBl' e HlTO taDlres S R n i S ' i s ta f f o f f i c e rs nay be eotfcoriead to reprscant tbs riowo o f . their respective national authority. Htnwver, they wi l l be f u l l tine KfUKi staf f naafbera of the (HFfiaKD HAJO staf f end the CIHCHED NAtO staf f s i l l be separated orgonleatiao&lly end physloally f i t s nt.Vionel staffs« In. OO f a r aa IUXO i s eoDosmad, the Kationol Staf f« of KDfflKTO v i l l be these s ton ing f ree his national reeponeibilitiea as Ceonandor of tbe Sastem Mediterranean area, ^bese lattter reapoooIMllties ^1¾. Sa — rjterüeed thrown à Wtfeiato staf f f r » tbe HATO a t o f f . "

66. Atedxsl Umistbattco thsalced Adsilxtil «r ight and said tbat thla draft -would ba helpful to b i s oben ho r o n r e t e the pop»* as a result o f tbls meeting f o r etä»laaion to SiCEUR.

67. Adniral Usoittuitten stated tbat Admiml «right had asked MB about bis IUddle Sast responolbil ittce and be wished to put the position qtäte franKly to tha IisaUag9 the Clddls Sast d u A theatre ^rtaiah, In the event of war, Kould be f ighting the seme snsny as the Surooean theotxu and whose front, In f o o t , was adjacent to the Turkish fronte thus i t «as quite oleer tbat Oonvers with flopplles would have to be run through to the Kiddle Best In war. ïbe Brit ish Aihiinltp had undertaken to mhfee enough naval fcross available to nut these ooRvoye through the Hedlterrenean* Trithout assistance frc® any other nectlon* Thore was thus no question of any other nations bsdng aaVed to aontributs tlioir foroes f o r this purpose. In faet , tbe reverse vas true sines by OoeAiiBine t o n e s there would be help fron tbs Br i t ldt to tbe Eureyean patrera whlob would mrf-n.-hl • i f Uiu Pnl LI «h »Ua» HmJl nlm-inin TnHriffB th. Allied aomand and oonflned their e f forts t o the Hiddle Boot and other Brltlah Interacts»

/68 C v w tJt i C





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Paoe -H..

i n i t lu B l » * w l e i l » g raa i to that M i already h**n t » Parla aber« ba had a * « tba Okisf of I t a r w a t d MwRfi tha Inlilif of Mgrlni XlBletar of Mtawl Aftar

thla Baattot ha e t (clac to Bom to BMt tha Oktof «f the XtaIiM Hanl Staff, tte WAetwaTBt fMM, Md th* M e f of «h* IMtnM Staff. On lbs ITtb 3BHOtT ba «a* proeeedlMa ta AAara to Oeat ta« <Urf of Kml Staff «et IWatar of IMAaaa «M on tb* SMh AeWT

I be la I a d r to OmtMt O u r a l Vjnaa and then «n to Athna i M U ae* AMral lama*, tb* HlnUtar of IMmM and Aa M e *

Minister. TtMae r i site « «re in order to t l « in at tbs ethar soda tba

<9. VlnaHrt A M M l KeMthattan Awfesd th* Ibtloaaa 1 fer tbs os ^ a t r t t e tbsp M «Inn WB ttewtfuot Ae Baetlag, Atob 1 fait angnnd pall f t r tha f u t s e amoosas of bis oMplioated I S M





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PiaotBSieB » PBAFT oawiMTi n^nM^wp^w TuriclBh-Oraric Oeyl s jene

<h aonoluslcn of t lv Sooting heia in BAPLE3 on l6th January 1953 between tho Katlanal ftsditorrene*i , , L j j , . Ceananans, a separate Ueetlne sailed betseên the TDBfaaj and CSGGK BepresentatlmirfOr the purpooe of disoosaing certain outstanding ^aobleas Affecting bote these Henries.

At this latter Meeting, the followinc deoiaiona were reauhed

A. Liailta of the JHTn JRfHiM 7fnx Fof tho time being, the dividing-line between

the HAJO AEISttr ZCMS and TURKISH BATIOMAii -VAIiHa shall bo -

(a) & tbe Harth, Ute existing diviî ins line of TÜEKISB-OBSiK Territorial Waters;

(b) In tbe Sontht tbe old pra-vttr dividing ÏWKISB and ITALIAN Territorial Vaterst this being sttbjeet to afpreeaent between tho CKSiK and IUiiKISH GovsroBanta.

% Turfriah Oamroyp

The question o f the responsibility far the safety of ÏOEKIBH Ooostal Oowoys would he dlsouased at a later meeting.

0. Shipfl aalrcftod to N.i't.T.O. —&wrquestion o f tJus oondltions shioh aiiould govoro '

the cajplojTK'-n* of ships assisted to H* A, T.O. was disoussed, and differing views wore emhemgeä.

I t was Agroed tbat, In tbe l ight o f tbe rvntarfca ncde br Admiral MODKTftiïTEl at the Uain ifcoforenoo, the -question o f assigning GB£1& ships to II. ri. r. U. Cosyarod would be taken UD with the appropriât« G&fdïC Natiooal Authorities; end that In tbs case o f TUfiKdE foroea, a report on this Ueetliig ootiM be given to the TOKKIStt Katioaal Authorities.





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