quizlings feb 1 to 15, 2015

Post on 26-Jul-2015






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Quizlings – Quizician for teenagers

February 1 to 15, 2015


Transcribed by Ramesh Athreya

Which sea-craft is this supposed to be?

ans: The Nautilus/ 20000 Leagues under the Sea

by Jules Verne

Which country is home to the

world's largest herd of

camels? There are reported to

be about 750,000 of them

roaming wild here.

ans: Australia

BAQC India Quiz

courtesy Manoj Saranathan Balaji Srinivasan

Which story does this painting depict?

ans: Nala and Damayanthi

Due to a last minute change in its title, the first

published volume of which classic reads "The Whale;

or, ____ ____"? (blank is the answer)

Moby Dick

The person on the left was a WWII RAF pilot and later spy

but we dont know him for that reason

In any case he was named for the great man on the right

Name both

ans: Roald Dahl who was

named for Roald Amundsen.

What is this called? what did it fail to do, which

has become sort of an accepted norm now

ans: The Penny Black; Britain to this day does not put

its name on its stamps- the only country to do so

They claimed that it was an attempt to contribute to the

debate regarding criticism of Islam and self censorship.

Name the Danish newspaper that published

controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed in


Ans: Jyllands-Posten

The Japanese usually wrote long, elaborate letters with

several lines of just reverence and respect and several

more to indicate feelings. However, the brevity of email

and text messaging removed this clear expression of

feelings. Shigetaka Kurita, devised a solution using Kanji

(one of the Japanese writing systems) and Manga.

What solution did he derive?

ans: Emojis

ans: R K Laxman

Salahuddin Ayubi founder of the Ayyubid dynasty was

responsible for fall of Jerusalem in 1187 AD, which till

then had been held by the Crusaders

How is Salahuddin Ayubi better known to the west?

What was Salahuddin Ayubi's ethnicity?

ans: Saladin / Kurdish

When Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli began mapping

this place in 1877, he dubbed dark and light areas

‘seas’ and ‘continents’ . What "unfortunate" word did

he use for what he thought were channels?

ans; he used the word 'canali' which was translated as

canal...the legend of 'canals' on Mars thus began

Whose motto “write once, run anywhere"?

ans: Java

Whose name could translate to English as "Splitter

of the Vedas"?

ans: Ved Vyas

Which small shoal about 70 kilometers south of

Chandipur in Odisha state has the missile test facility of


ans: Wheeler Island

____ ____ ____ ____

You're picture perfect blue

Sunbathing on the moon

Stars shining as your bones illuminate

First kiss just like a drug

Under your influence

You take me over you're the magic in my veins

This must be love


ans: Boom Boom Boom Clap

According to popular belief, why do some sections

of the Mahabharata employ complicated Sanskrit

and are very dense?

ans: The deal was that that Ved Vyasa would not

stop dictating and Ganesha would not stop writing

but that he (the latter) would only write what he

understood. Whenever Ganesha wrote too fast,

Ved Vyasa would dictate difficult verses, so that

Ganesha had to pause to think

In a well-known Robin Williams film ,what is the

name of the 20-year-old janitor at MIT in Boston,

who finds a difficult maths problem on a blackboard

and proceeds to solve it?

ans; Will Hunting

FUQ: There is a real-life parallel to this scene, where a

graduate student showed up late to a class, saw three

problems on the blackboard and solved them thinking

that they were homework assignments. Turned out that

they were unsolved problems in statistics. Who was this

genius, who later developed the Simplex Method in

Linear Programming?

George Dantzig

Which country was till recently completely dependent

on its neighbour for all its drinking supplies? It expects

to be self-sufficient on this count by 2061 (when it

current agreements with its neighbour expires)

ans: Singapore

What is the aromatic dried flower bud of the evergreen

tree (Syzygium aromaticum), a specimen of the Myrtle

family, used as? and under what name?


This flower takes its name from a German

botanist & lends its name to a colour . Who is the

botanist & what is the colour?

ans: Leonhart Fuchs .. Fuchsia ( purplish pink )

Who was the guest of honour in the first republic

day parade of 1950 ?

ans: Sukarno (Indonesia)

What is name for the burden's that these devotees


This picture is from a Hindu festival that is celebrated

on a bigger scale in Malaysia than in India. What is the

festival called?

ans: Thaipusam festival; the burden is called the


Before the "The Star-Spangled Banner" was

adopted as the official anthem of the USA in

1931, one of the patriotic songs that served as

the national anthem was "My Country, 'Tis of

Thee", also known as "America"

What was ironic about the tune of this latter


Sung to “God save the Queen”

from ASEAN 2014

In its upper reaches, the river is known as the

Mouhon, Nazinon and Nakambe (literally the Black,

Red and White branches of the river). The lower

portion is formed at Yeji, where the Black and White

comes together, passing through its namesake lake

to Ada, on the Gulf of Guinea. What is this river of

Ghana, which formed part of the former name of

Burkina Faso?

ans: Volta

Identify this "legend" of Indian television

ans: Raghu Ram of Roadies

It is a soft conical cap worn with top pulled

forward ..signifying freedom & pursuit of

liberty . Displaying this red cap had been

banned in France till 1870 . In medicine it

has lent it's name to a fold in 'gall bladder '.

What ?

'The Phrygian cap ' .. It is confused with

the 'Pileus ' worn by manumitted slaves in

Ancient Rome . It adorns the bust of

Marianne , the goddess of liberty &

considered a national symbol of France

The blue colour of sky during day & the red

sun at sunset is explained by an optical

phenomenon named after a British

physicist . What phenomenon & who is the

physicist ?

ans: John William Strutt Rayleigh . The

phenomenon is Rayleigh scattering . He

won the nobel prize in 1904 for

discovering Argon

If the Titanic had completed its maiden journey,

which port would it have docked in?

ans: New York City

In Olympic Gymnastics, what two events are

common to both men and women gymnasts?

ans: Vault and Floor exercise

Which International organisation does this lady


International Monetary Fund (IMF),

Christine Lagarde

In South America, the people with both American

Indian and white ancestors are the

______________, while the people with black

and white ancestors are the _______________.


ans: Mestizos and Mulattoes

Which character in popular culture is based on

the famous painting "The Scream" by Edvard

Munch and was originally created as a Halloween


ans: Ghostface in 'The Scream" series

This famous speech by Winston Churchill

gave us the term 'Iron Curtain.' fill in the

blanks with two cities

" "From _______ in the Baltic to ______ in the

Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended

across the Continent."

ans: "Stettin" in the Baltic to

"Trieste" in the Adriatic

Making the rounds of the Internet right now.

who is this making an uncredited appearance

in a 1996 Star Trek: Voyager episode?

ans: King Abdullah of Jordan

Deriving its name from a Dutch word, what do you call this kind of warship, apparently the smallest sailing vessel to be considered to be a proper warship.

ans: Corvette

On January 4 th 2015 , the earth was closest to

sun for this year . This point in the orbit of a

celestial body when it is closest to the Sun is

known as ?

ans: Perihelion

Identify the blanked out word.

Java is correct and is everywhere.

At 14.09% which 'group' comes third?

ans: Non-Religious+Atheists

What is being called the

'wand of narcissus'?

ans; The Selfie Stick

These are Fossils of sea creatures that

became extinct about 65 million years ago.


ans: Ammonites - an extinct

group of marine

invertebrate animals

The image is that of a 1957 Chevrolet school bus

from the 1970s television show The Partridge

Family painted in the style of this Dutch painter

known for his lozenge paintings which includes

Composition With Blue etc.

ID the painter.

ans: Piet Mondrain

Will Gadd and Sarah Hueniken, Canadian climbers,

became the first people in history to do something;

What is their unique achievement?

ans:scale the frozen face of Niagara Falls.

Who is he and what sartorial innovation

of his was emulated recently?

ans: Hosni Mubarak ; the suit has his

name on it like the one Modi wore

Who did the Europeans term as the 'Scourge

of God?'

ans: Attila the Hun

The militant and racist Ku Klux Klan was almost

dormant in the mid 1910's but the release of a film

(considered a classic in film history) revived it and

became a sort of recruitment tool for it. Which film

was this?

ans: Birth of a Nation

What is a 'Todofuken' in Japan? (we know

them by an alternative name derived from what

the Portuguese 15th century traders/explorers


ans: Prefecture

When Felicity Jones recently presented an

award at the BAFTAs - she described her co-

presenter as "the only person on the planet

more intelligent than Stephen Fry".

Her co-presenter responded: "Yes, and better


Who was the co-presenter?

Stephen Hawking is correct.

What is the name of the dragon that features

on Bhutan's flag?

ans: Druk

What Vienna-based non-buttery pastry

eventually made it to France with a Crescent-

shape name, and in a buttery format?

The Kipferl from Vienna moved to France with the

crescent-name Croissant. Acquired lots of buttering

in the preparation process as well.

This has been termed the 'Iron Man' suit or the

'Iron Man suit for archaeologists." the actual

name is boring. what is the name of this

contraption that virtually turns you into a human


ans: Exosuit...read more here....its


Without complicating things too much, tell me

what’s common to

Richter scale, the decibel scale, F-stops scale

(used in photography), pH scale, Stellar

Magnitude scale

ans: Logarithmic scales

Not counting Hindi which is spoken is several

states, which Indian language has the highest

number of Jnanpith award winners?

ans: Kannada

The owner of this house, 19 Louisburg Square in Boston

was slapped with a USD 50 fine for failing to clear the

snow on the sidewalk outside his house. who is the


ans: John Kerry

Who explained his recent actions with “These were

voices in my head. So the voices in my head told me

go and then I just walked up like halfway up the


ans: Kanye West (..mock

interrupting Beck)

From 1941 to 1952, he taught English Literature at Allahabad

University and thenCollege. There, he studied with the famous

English literature don, Thomas Rice Henn, and received a

doctorate in English Literature for his work on the Irish poet W.B.

Yeats and Occultism spent two years at Cambridge University, at

St Catherine's. He was only the second Indian to get his

doctorate in English literature from Cambridge University. After

returning to India, he taught briefly and then worked as a

producer for All India Radio, Mumbai. In 1955, he moved to Delhi

to join the Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India

and there he was closely involved with the evolution of Hindi as

the official language of India. He used to introduce himself as

“Mitti ka tan, masti ka man, kshan-bhar jivan– mera parichay” (A

body of clay, a mind full of play, a second of life – that's me)


ans: Harivansh Rai Bachchan

Pictured are two examples of _____ covers, a

trend commonly seen in comics and named

for their resemblance to a certain work. Fill in

the blanks

ans: Pieta (the statues and paintings that

typically shown Mary and Christ )

Hindi films of the 1960s often featured this car. typically

the bad guys drove this car but posing with the car

here is one of the legends of Indian cinema

who and which car model?

ans: Mohd Rafi / the Impala

What is significant about the title of

Tarantino's forthcoming film "The Hateful


ans: His eight movie

This is from a series of photos shot by

Rochester Institute of Technology photography

professor Michael Peres. What is the subject?

ans; Snowflake

Why did this casual selfie taken at the Miss

Universe competition this year, create a


answer: Miss Lebanon got

roasted in her home

country for posing with

Miss Israel

What did Captain Haddock finally acquire in the

last completed Tintin story 'Tintin and the


ans: His first name

Archibald..till the he was

just Captain Haddock

Which word comes to us from the Arabic for ”long

low seat”?

ans; Sofa

World Cup cricket question. Most world cups

have at least one team debuting (except in

1987). This year we have Afghanistan coming in.

Which team debuted in the 1992 tournament?

South Africa

Canadian company Okanagan Specialty

Fruits Inc. will be introducing two new

varieties of apples i.e., Arctic Granny and

Arctic Golden. Both are genetically

modified and have which special feature?

ans: they dont brown after being cut

The painting by Cristiano Banti depicts a trial on charges

of heresy, an act which was acknowledged to be a

mistake centuries later. Who is the subject of the


ans: Galileo

"The Dresden atrocity, tremendously expensive

and meticulously planned, was so meaningless,

finally, that only one person on the entire planet got

any benefit from it. I am that person. I wrote this

book, which earned a lot of money for me and

made my reputation, such as it is. One way or

another, I got two or three dollars for every person

killed. Some business I'm in".

ID the the book written by the author, known for

satire, humour and science fiction, partially based

on experiences as a POW.

ans: Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut

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