quick start guide using virtuozzo 7 (β) on aws ec2

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Quick Start Guideusing

Virtuozzo 7 (β) on AWS EC2

Twitter: @ebiken | ebiken.g@gmail.com

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 1

• Virtuozzo 7 is now available on Amazon EC2 since October 2015.• Announcement:

• https://lists.openvz.org/pipermail/users/2015-October/006548.html

• It is free provided you use t2.micro instance type.

• This document aims to give you a quick overview of steps to setup Virtuozzo on Amazon EC2.

• Steps was referenced from below OpenVZ wiki.

• Please check the page for further information.• https://openvz.org/Using_Virtuozzo_in_the_Amazon_EC2

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 2

About this Document

• Virtuozzo only supports containers when deployed on Amazon EC2.• In other words, you can not create VMs on Virtuozzo running on EC2.

• (At least as of today)

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 3

Important notes when using Virtuozzo on AWS EC2

1. Create EC2 (VPC) Instance• Create instance based on Community AMI (Virtuozzo)

• Configure "Security Groups".

• Create Key Pair.

2. Configuring IP Address for Container• To access container, you need to configure additional IP addresses.

• Allocate Private address

• Allocate Public (Elastic) IP address and associate with Private address

3. Connecting to the Instance via SSH

4. Create and Configure Container

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 4

Setting up Virtuozzo on Amazon EC2 : Overview

1. Create EC2 (VPC) Instance

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 5

a. Sign into the AWS web console.

b. Click “EC2”c. Click “Launch Instance”

1. Create EC2 (VPC) Instance

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 6

a. Chose “Community AMIs”

b. Search for “Virtuozzo”c. Click “Select”

1. Create EC2 (VPC) Instance

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 7

a. Select “t2.micro” for free try.b. Click “Review and Launch”

1. Create EC2 (VPC) Instance

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 8

By default, SSH is allowed from any address.

a. Click “Select”

Change any configuration to your preferred value.Recommend changing “Security Groups”.

1. Create EC2 (VPC) Instance

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 9

b. Click “Add Rule”

Example to only allow access from the current address.

a. Select “My IP”

IPv4 Address you are currently accessing from is automatically filled.

1. Create EC2 (VPC) Instance

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 10

a. Click “Launch”

Setting of “Security Groups” was changed.

1. Create EC2 (VPC) Instance

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 11

“Key Pair” creation wizard would start afterclicking “Launch” in previous slide.

1. Create EC2 (VPC) Instance

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 12

a. Select “Create a new key pair”

Create and Download Key Pair (Used later for SSH access)

b. Enter “Key pair name” and “Download Key Pair”

c. Click “Launch Instances”

2. Configuring IP Address for Container

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 13

To access container, you need to configure additional IP addresses.• Allocate Private address• Allocate Public IP address and map with Private address

a. Select “Actions” -> “Networking” -> “Manage Private IP Addresses”

2. Configuring IP Address for Container

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 14

a. Click “Assign new IP”

b. Click “Yes, Update”

d. Close the dialog window.

c. Address will be assigned.

2. Configuring IP Address for Container

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 15

a. Click “Elastic IPs”

b. Click “Allocate New Address”

Allocating Public IP Address (Elastic Address)

2. Configuring IP Address for Container

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 16

a. Select “VPC” (not EC2)

c. Click “Close”

Allocating Public IP Address (Elastic Address)

b. Select “Yes Allocate”

2. Configuring IP Address for Container

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 17

!! Caution !!If EC2 was selected, instance would not be shown in the dialog box when associating it with instance / private address.

2. Configuring IP Address for Container

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 18

a. Select “Associate Address”

b. Enter “Instance ID”

Address will be associated.

Associate Public (Elastic) with Private IP Address.

c. Select newly allocated private address

d. Click “Associate”

3. Connecting to the Instance via SSH

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 19

Example of connecting to the Instance via SSH (using TeraTerm)

a. Enter Public IP address of the instance.

b. User = “ec2user” / No Passphrase.

c. Specify “*.pem” file of the “Key Pair”.d. Click “OK”

4. Create and Configure Container

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 20

a. Check release. set hostname.[ec2user@ip-172-30-x-xx ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release

CloudLinux release 7.1 (Vladimir Komarov)

[ec2user@ip-172-30-x-xx ~]$ cat /etc/parallels-release

Virtuozzo release 7.0.0 (495)

[ec2user@ip-172-30-x-xx ~]$ sudo -i

[root@ip-172-30-x-xx ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname vz7

[root@vz7 ~]# hostnamectl status

Static hostname: vz7

Icon name: computer-vm

Chassis: vm

Machine ID: 85bd28436587402eb9b5ce23627487e7

Boot ID: 587a70b90bcb4d2e9813e03048a0e9c2

Virtualization: xen

Operating System: Virtuozzo release 7.0.0 (495)

CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:virtuozzoproject:vz:7

Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-123.1.2.vz7.5.29

Architecture: x86_64

Check Release

Set hostname

Virtuozzo 7 (β) is based on CloudLinux 7.1, which is based on CentOS7 / RHEL7. Thus, General Linux commands are identical to above distributions.

4. Create and Configure Container

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 21

b. Container creation / configuration[ec2user@vz7 ~]$ prlctl create 100700 --vmtype ct

Creating the Virtuozzo Container...

The Container has been successfully created.

[ec2user@vz7 ~]$ prlctl set 100700 --ipadd 172.30.x.xxx/24

Enable automatic reconfiguration for this network adapter.

Configure venet0 (+) type='routed'

ips='172.30.x.xxx/ '

Configured venet0 (+) type='routed'

ips='172.30.x.xxx/ '

The CT has been successfully configured.

[ec2user@vz7 ~]$ prlctl set 100700 --nameserver

The CT has been successfully configured.

[ec2user@vz7 ~]$ prlctl set 100700 --hostname ct100700

The CT has been successfully configured.

[ec2user@vz7 ~]$ prlctl start 100700

Starting the CT...

The CT has been successfully started.

Set name server and hostname

Create container.(Container ID = 100700 can be any number above 100)

Set private IP address allocated on AWS console.

Start container

4. Create and Configure Container

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 22

c. Check container. Set container password.

[ec2user@vz7 ~]$ sudo -i

[root@vz7 ~]# prlctl list


{319323f3-7333-4286-98cc-12777e6d9c3c} running 172.30.x.xxx CT 100700

[root@vz7 ~]# prlctl enter 100700

entered into CT

CT-319323f3 /# passwd

Changing password for user root.

New password:

Retype new password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

“prlctl list” will show containers on the host.

Enter container and set password.(password will be used when SSH to the container)

4. Create and Configure Container

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 23

d. Login to the container via SSH.SSH to “Elastic IP” associated with Private IP address of the container.

User name : rootPassphrase: <the one you set in the container>

No need to specify “*.pem” file.(Only User name / Passphrase)

4. Create and Configure Container

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 24

e. Sample output inside Container[root@ct100700 ~]# ps aux


root 1 0.0 0.2 19284 1452 ? Ss 10:17 0:00 init

root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 10:17 0:00 [kthreadd/319323]

root 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 10:17 0:00 [khelper]

root 140 0.0 0.1 10692 696 ? S<s 10:18 0:00 /sbin/udevd -d

root 511 0.0 0.2 179560 1344 ? Sl 10:18 0:00 /sbin/rsyslogd -i /var/ru

root 530 0.0 0.2 66276 1136 ? Ss 10:18 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd

root 540 0.0 0.1 21768 908 ? Ss 10:18 0:00 xinetd -stayalive -pidfil

root 551 0.0 0.1 66460 904 ? Ss 10:18 0:00 /usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /v

root 552 0.0 0.1 66460 652 ? S 10:18 0:00 /usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /v

root 573 0.0 0.4 82640 2260 ? Ss 10:19 0:00 sendmail: accepting conne

root 582 0.0 0.8 98436 4428 ? Ss 10:19 0:00 sshd: root@pts/0

root 584 0.0 0.3 11492 1620 pts/0 Ss+ 10:19 0:00 -bash

root 597 0.0 0.8 98440 4424 ? Ss 10:20 0:00 sshd: root@pts/1

smmsp 599 0.0 0.3 78236 2052 ? Ss 10:20 0:00 sendmail: Queue runner@01

root 610 0.0 0.6 175264 3600 ? Ss 10:20 0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd

apache 615 0.0 0.4 175264 2220 ? S 10:20 0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd

root 622 0.0 0.2 20028 1204 ? Ss 10:20 0:00 crond

root 629 0.0 0.1 4116 596 ? Ss+ 10:20 0:00 /sbin/mingetty console

root 630 0.0 0.1 4116 596 ? Ss+ 10:20 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty2

root 631 0.0 0.3 11492 1744 pts/1 Ss 10:20 0:00 -bash

root 645 0.0 0.2 13372 1060 pts/1 R+ 10:24 0:00 ps aux

[root@ct100700 ~]#

Small number of processes.(PID starts from 1 == init)

4. Create and Configure Container

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 25

e. Sample output inside Container[root@ct100700 ~]# ip a

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN

link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00

inet scope host lo

valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

inet6 ::1/128 scope host

valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

2: venet0: <BROADCAST,POINTOPOINT,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN


inet scope host venet0

valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

inet 172.30.x.xxx/24 brd scope global venet0:0

valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

[root@ct100700 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release

CentOS release 6.7 (Final)

[root@ct100700 ~]# cat /etc/parallels-release

cat: /etc/parallels-release: No such file or directory

Only “lo” and “venet”.No “eth” etc having MAC addr.

Running “CentOS 6.7”(different distribution from the host)

No “/etc/parallels-release”

Quick Start Guide using Virtuozzo 7 (beta) on AWS EC2 | 2015/10/31 26

Checkout OpenVZ wiki for more info!!


Feedback to the slides is also welcome.Twitter: @ebiken | email: ebiken.g@gmail.com

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