questions to ask your doctor when you have a brain tumor

Post on 06-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine



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Are you prepared for your next appointment? Know what to ask your doctor? Use this handy checklist of questions to learn more about your treatment options. Consider bringing a friend or family member with you to your medical appointments, someone who can act as an advocate, who can take notes and help you recall important points afterward.


Checklist of Important Questions to Ask Your DoctorWhen You Have a Brain Tumor

© 1997-2014, Jeanne M. Wallace, PhD, CNC • Nutritional Solutions •

General Questions1. What is the name of my tumor?

2. Where is the tumor located?

3. What functions are found in the area of the brain where this tumor is located?

4. What does the MRI or CT scan show about this tumor?

5. Can this tumor or its treatment affect my emotions or personality or cognitive abilities?

6. What kind of treatment do you recommend and why?

7. What are the potential benefits of this treatment?

8. What are the potential side effects and risks of this treatment?

9. What are the potential long-term effects of this treatment?

10. What would be the outcome without treatment?

11. What is a typical prognosis for this tumor? (it may be emotionally wise not to ask this question unless it will arise a fighting spirit in you)

12. What factors (age, tumor location, performance status) influence this prognosis? How can I beat the prognosis?

13. What surgeon do you feel is the best qualified to do this type of surgery?

14. Is there a medical center that specializes in this type of tumor and its treatment?

15. How do I contact this doctor and get my medical records to him/her?

16. Will the social worker or nurse help us coordinate these appointments and treatments?

17. Where would I need to go for radiation or chemotherapy treatments?

18. How quickly do we need to make a decision about treatment?

19. If we would like a second opinion, whom would you recommend?

20. How should we explain this to our family members or to our children?

Questions Regarding Hospitals or Medical Institutions1. Does this institution have a designated brain

tumor center (e.g., a NeuroOncology


2. How many brain tumor patients are treated each year at the institution?

3. Who is the neurologist at the facility?

4. Who is the neurosurgeon at the facility?

5. Who is the oncologist?

6. Who is the social worker?

7. Who is the neuro-oncology nurse?

Questions Regarding Surgery or Biopsy1. What are the benefits to my having this surgery?

2. How will this surgery be performed—what will you do?

3. Are there other ways to perform the surgery than the procedure you use? Why do you use your method rather than this one?

4. How will you protect my healthy brain functions?

5. What are the risks regarding this surgery?

6. Are there alternatives to surgery? What might happen if I decide not to have surgery?

7. What is my prognosis with this surgery?

8. Explain any potential complications following surgery.

9. Can you predict how much of the tumor you will be able to remove?

10. Approximately how long should this surgery take?

11. What kind of anesthesia will I have?

12. How soon after surgery can I see my family?

13. How long is the usual recovery time?

14. Approximately when can I expect to go home?

15. Will I have special recovery needs after surgery?

16. What kind of follow-up should we anticipate?

17. Should I receive some follow-up care by a home health nurse?

18. Will I need any special therapy after surgery (physical therapy or speech therapy)?

Questions Regarding an Inoperable Tumor1. What makes this tumor inoperable?

2. Is there a neurosurgeon anywhere who has any kind of success operating on this type of tumor?

3. If surgery were attempted what would be my

outlook for recovery?

4. If surgery is not an option, what other treatment can be started?

5. What is my prognosis without surgery?

6. What is my prognosis without surgery but with other treatments?

Questions Regarding Radiation and Chemotherapy1. What is this treatment and what does it entail?

2. Is the goal of this treatment curative or palliative?

3. How do you define “success” with this treatment? Be aware that tumor regression is not always correlated with prolonged survival.

4. What is my prognosis with this treatment?

6. Are there alternatives to this treatment? What might happen if I decide not to do this treatment?

5. Will the treatment cause pain and if so, what can be done about it?

6. How will this treatment be given?

7. What are the potential risks?

8. What late effects might I experience from these treatments?

9. What are the potential complications of this treatment?

10. What are the potential side effects I may experience?

11. What can be done about these side effects to make me more comfortable?

12. Where will these treatments take place?

13. Can a family member stay with me during chemotherapy?

14. If chemotherapy, what schedule can we anticipate following?

15. If chemotherapy, can some of these treatments be done at home by home health nurses?

16. How long will each treatment take?

17. How long will I be receiving these treatments?

18. What side effects might we be looking for during this treatment?

19. Will I lose my hair as a result of this treatment?

20. Will I be able to continue working?

21. What kind of lab tests will I need to monitor the effects of these treatments?

Questions Regarding Medications1. What medications will I need to take during


2. What is the purpose of these medications?

3. How long will I be required to take these drugs?

4. List the potential side effects of the medications.

5. Are there any long-term complications associated with these medications?

6. Will these medications be taken at home?

7. Are these medications taken with or without food?

8. Is the medication available in a pill or liquid form?

9. Could these medications interact with other medications that I am currently taking?

10. Are there foods or supplements that might interact with these medications (e.g., grapefruit or pomegranate juice)?

Questions Regarding Clinical Trials1. What is a clinical trial?

2. Who is conducting the study?

3. Where is the clinical trial being conducted?

4. Who is the sponsor of this trial?

5. Are there any costs that the patient or patient's insurance is responsible for? (Check to see if your insurance will pay these costs. )

6. Describe the phases of this study and what phase it is in currently.

7. What are the researchers’ goals in this trial (e.g., to determine the safe dose of a drug vs to see if it is active in fighting the tumor)?

8. What are the potential benefits from participating in this trial?

9. What are the potential risks?

10. How will I be medically monitored while participating in this trial?

11. How will I be medically treated if temporarily or permanently harmed by this trial?

12. Can I withdraw from the trial at any time?

13. What are the consequences of leaving the trial?

14. What could cause me to be withdrawn from a clinical trial?

15. What are my rights during the trial?

16. Will this trial have a blind study component? When a trial is blinded, some of the participants don’t receive the new investigational treatment, and may instead receive standard care.

17. At this time are there any approved treatment alternatives comparable to this trial?

18. If I have medically benefited from this clinical trial can I continue with this treatment when the trial is concluded?

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