
Post on 29-Jun-2015






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This brand started a very unique ad campaign- X Academy. Students of the Academy could choose to graduate with a degree in B.A (Babe Attractor), M.B.A (Major Babe Attractor), PHD (Promoter of Huge Desire) or an M.B.B.S (Magnet for Beautiful Babes). Subjects offered at the Academy were Hottieculture, Lasstronomy, Libidology and Chillosophy to name a few.Id X.

Q2What is this ?


What is so special about this ?


It is the swahili word for “ pepper pepper”It is the 3rd hottest variety of chilli in the world. Maybe, that’s why this clothing brand adopted the name. Which brand?HINT: McDonalds also has an item which shares this name.


Professor Paul Frommer, the linguistics expert from the University of South California was roped in to develop this. Some say this sounds like German or Japanese. What?


Sildenafil Citrate, is a drug marketed by Pfizer. It is a blood-flow regulating drug which was originally developed to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension. It is also known to cure Altitude Sickness and Jet Lag. But it is not at all popular for the above mentioned uses.So, how is it commonly known by all?

Q7X is a device used to introduce a stream of water into the body… usually the female reproductive organ.

However, X has found its place in the vocabulary in a different context- someone who is a jerk, obnoxious , an a@#hole.


Y, sued the producers of X, for referring to one of their products in a song without their permission. As a result, the said producers agreed to an out-of-court agreement. The actress filmed in the sequence had to endorse the product.Give me X??


Designed by Frederick William Stevens, its design is influenced by both mughal and gothic architecture. In 2004, UNESCO made it a world heritage site.It changed its name from X to Y in 1996. At that time, it was even glorified as “the biggest sex-change operation in history”ID X/Y

Q10X, a famous footballer, was planning to sue the Indian government after it used his image in anti- smoking messages on cigarette packets.



X is an American entrepreneur and one of the world’s youngest billionaires. In 2010, he was adjudged by Time magazine as the person of the year. There is a popular rumor that , X is red- green color blind and he sees the color blue best. What happened as a result of this?


“…I'll describe their houses a little. You've heard of thatch roofs, well that's all they were. Thick straw, piled high, with no wood underneath. They were the only place for the little animals to get warm. So all the pets lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery so sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof.”Funda behind a famous phrase


Andy Warhol was a famous but controversial (somewhat eccentric!!)American painter and illustrator. His works include some of the world’s most expensive paintings ever sold. Amongst other famous works are the oxidation paintings. These were actually canvases with copper coating , which were then oxidised.How did Andy Warhol oxidise these paintings?


Who is he???


Easy….. What event?


One day, members from the VIA , a students’ network association came back drunk with something that they picked up from the road while defying traffic . They then began collecting these, the collection is now quite impressive and they decided to use this as their project logo. Which infi popular software got it’s logo in this way ?


In Hindu Mythology, What do the following ten guard.• Kubera, Yama, Indra, Varuna, Ishana, Agni,

Vayu, Nirruti, Vishnu and Brahma.


This Finland based company, X, was the world’s largest seller of digital cameras. In 2012, it was dethroned by a South Korean conglomerate, Y.X and Y?


Bhil tribes of Madhya Pradesh use the bow with their middle finger instead of their thumb. Why do they do so?


His contribution to cancer awareness is often compared to what Arthur Ashe did for AIDS in the US. After his death, his family gave the go-ahead to use him in the campaign. Though they feel “it isPainful” to see him in such a manner.How do we know him?


Any new visitor to the Osho International Meditation resort has to pay a certain amount before entry. It covers your registration charges, cost of the robes to wear . It also includes the cost of submitting oneself to a procedure , failing which one shall not be allowed entry.What procedure/test am I talking about?


Id the popular name given to the insect…

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