questionnaire results

Post on 26-May-2015






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Results for the questionnaire i passed around.


Audience Research- Results and conclusions

These following question will help me to decide which features and what different things I will include in my magazine.


I thought that it would be important to see which gender would be most interested in my magazine. I asked more women so that would mean that my results will be biased towards women.

I wanted to know what range of age of the readers that would be reading my magazine. The results show that the most likely age range that will be reading my magazine are 15-17 years old. So I will be targeting my magazine at this age range.







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Favourite colour

BlueRedGreen PurpleBlackYellowIndigo


I asked this question so I could get an idea about which colours my audience would like to see in my magazine. Blue, red, green and purple all received 4 votes so my colour scheme will include these colours.

I asked this question so I could actually see how many people actually read music magazines. I was pleased with the result I received because I saw that lots of people would read music magazine so my target range has been increased as I discovered that more people would enjoy it.

Like to read music magazines

I asked this question so I could get an idea of when I will release the magazine. Because 8 people preferred I will release my magazine monthly as than I could charge more because it will be a bigger issue.

How often do you buy music magazines?

Kerrang NME Q Rocksound0123456789

Which music magazines do you like to buy?


I asked this question as I could get a wide range of what my magazine should include. Most of my audience read Kerrang so I will try to include more stuff and more bands that are included in Kerrang.

This shows me what my price range should be for my magazine. Most people would prefer buying a magazine for £2.50 so I will base my price around that price range. 8 people decided £2.50 however 5 people decided £3.50 so I think the most reasonable price would be £3.

How much would you pay for a music magazine?

I asked this question so I could get more ideas about who to include in my magazine. Most of these bands are indeed indie bands so t will help me to decide which bands I should include. As the All American Rejects and All Time Low received two votes each, they will both be included in my magazine.

Favourite Band or artist

This question helps me to determine what my magazine should be called. As these words associate with Indie in peoples eyes, it will help me a lot to find a word that my magazine could be called as it is an indie magazine. There is a lot of different choices I could pick so it would be a good title that people will like.

Three words associated with the word Indie

This shows me that if I created a indie magazine, lots of people would be interested in it and they will want to read it. Only 3 people said no, so a lot of people would be interested.

A new Indie music magazine?

Features in a music magazine

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