questionnaire on foreign exchange

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange



    I. MFI Background Information........................................................................................................... 1

    II. Strategy and Business Planning........................................................................................................ 1A. Business and Strategic Planning (CEO / Chairman of Board) ..................................................... 1

    B. Competitive Environment............................................................................................................. 4

    C. Marketing (Marketing Manager) .................................................................................................. 5III. Social Impact (CEO / Chairman / Board Member) ...................................................................... 6IV. Governance and Internal Controls ................................................................................................ 8

    A. Governance Structure, Board & Committees (Chairman / Board Member) ................................ 8

    B. Management (CEO).................................................................................................................... 10C. Financial Discipline / Accounting (Comptroller or Head Accountant) ..................................... 12

    D. Internal Audit (Internal Audit)) ................................................................................................. 14

    E. General Internal Controls (Internal Audit) ................................................................................. 15F. External Audit (CEO / Chairman / Internal Audit) ................................................................... 20

    G. Regulatory Environment (CEO / Chairman) ............................................................................. 20

    H. External Rating (CEO / Chairman)............................................................................................ 21

    V. Credit Risk Management ................................................................................................................ 22A. Underwriting Process (Head Loan Officer)............................................................................... 22

    B. Collections Process (Head Loan Officer) .................................................................................. 25

    C. Loan Loss Reserves, Charge-Offs and Recovery Policies (Head Loan Officer) ...................... 28D. Restructuring Process (Head Loan Officer) .............................................................................. 29

    VI. Capital Structure......................................................................................................................... 30

    A. Capital Plans (CFO or CEO) ..................................................................................................... 30B. Debt & Savings (CFO or CEO) ................................................................................................. 31

    VII. Market Risk................................................................................................................................ 32

    A. Asset-Liability Management (ALM) / Liquidity Risk Management (CFO or CEO)................. 32B. Interest Rate Risk Management (CFO or CEO) ........................................................................ 33

    C. Foreign Exchange Risk Management (CFO or CEO) ............................................................... 34

    VIII. Productivity and Efficiency (CFO or CEO) ............................................................................... 35

    IX. Human Resources (HR Manager).............................................................................................. 35X. Management Information Systems (IT Manager) .......................................................................... 38

    XI. Appendix A: Rating Table......................................................................................................... 39

    Guidelines for Using Deutsche Banks Due Diligence Questionnaire

    Deutsche Banks Global Social Investment Funds (GSIF) due diligence questionnaire was designed to

    be used in conjunction with Deutsche Banks GSIF loan application. It is recommended that before

    conducting the due diligence visit, you review the loan application and complete as much of the credit

    write up as possible using Deutsche Banks GSIF credit format write up.

    Please take all notes of site visit in this document and then scan the document after you have

    completed the onsite visit. The scanned document should be saved in the MFIs file.

  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange



    I. MFI Background Information1. Please update the following information. Date of UpdateNumber of Employees

    Number of Branch Offices/Service Outlets

    Plans for New Branches (when)

    Number of Clients

    Size of MFI in Assets

    II.Strategy and Business PlanningA.Business and Strategic Planning (CEO / Chairman of Board)

    Follow Up Questions from Application

    1. How has your business and strategy changed over the past three years?__________________________________________________________________________________________


    2. In what direction to you want to take the MFI in the next 1-3 years?__________________________________________________________________________________________


    3. When was the last time your strategic medium/long-term plan was updated? _________________________4. Do you have your competitive advantages defined? YES _____ NO _____ What are they?



  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange



    B.Competitive EnvironmentFollow Up Questions from Application

    1. How are you improving your competitive position? (Note:

    You should review loan application to

    determine what they believe their competitive position is as well as how competitive the market place is.)




    2. What types of new activities/products have you seen from key existing competitors or potential newcompetitors (e.g. full service bank platforms)?



    3. Are your loan interest rates above, below or about the same as the competition? ___________________4. Have there been any recent competitive developments (e.g. pricing pressures, anticipated market

    consolidation)? Who do you view as you primary competitors and why?



    5. Are there concerns about clients becoming over-marketed? If so, how are you and industry peers handlingthis potential for over-indebtedness?



    1=Excellent; 2=Significantly Above Average; 3=Above Average4=Average; 5=Below Average; 6=Significantly Below Average; 7=Seriously Deficient

    Section Rating & Rationale (Include Loan Application Observations)

    Rating: ______

  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange



    III. Social Impact (CEO / Chairman / Board Member)Follow Up Questions from Application

    6. Name of the person(s) being interviewed.__________________________________________________________________________________________

    7. How long has s/he been involved with the MFI?__________________________________________________________________________________________

    8. What relevant experience does s/he have fulfilling his/her role at the financial institution?__________________________________________________________________________________________


    9. In your view, what is the primary target market of the institution? Is this accurately reflected by yourcurrent client base? If not, how do you expect to get there?



    10.What type of organization or business will the MFI be in 3-5 years (i.e. microfinance, bank, etc.)__________________________________________________________________________________________


    11.Have you had any problems keeping focused on the primary mission of your institution? Do you have anyplans to modify your mission? Review client breakdown and average loan size in light of response.


    12.Who are your founding members? Are they on the MFIs Board?__________________________________________________________________________________


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  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


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  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange



    C.Financial Discipline / Accounting (Comptroller or Head Accountant)Follow Up Questions from Application

    1. Name of the person(s) being interviewed.__________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. How long has s/he been involved with the MFI?__________________________________________________________________________________________

    3. What relevant experience does s/he have fulfilling his/her role at the financial institution?__________________________________________________________________________________________


    4. Where do the majority of accounting discrepancies come from? What are you doing about this?__________________________________________________________________________________________


    5. What is the date of the latest unaudited financials? ______________ (Note: We should have the latestaudited financials. Audited financial statements should be completed in a few months after the fiscal year

    end. Delays in audited financials can indicate a problem.)

    6. Do you accrue interest from loans? If so, what are the criteria for reversing accrued income on loans madeto clients? If not, what are the policies followed by the banking sector?



    7. Do you have a policy to control & minimize the amount of non-earning assets? YES _____ NO _____(Ask for a copy) In general, how is this policy applied?

    8. Does the accounting system have any suspense accounts where accounting differences are noted?YES _____ NO _____

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    9. If so, how big is this account? Is there variability around it? If not, how do they handle accountingdiscrepancies?


    10.Does the accounting system have separate results for financial and non-financial services?YES _____ NO _____

    11.Does accounting register all guarantees in off-balance sheet accounts? YES _____ NO _____12.Please outline any areas that could be improved in the current accounting system.__________________________________________________________________________________________


    13.What are the current strengths of the accounting system?__________________________________________________________________________________________


    14.Review the General Ledger account and separate out the amount of Other Assets (sometimes calledOREO or Other Real Estate Owned) that are directly related to loan recoveries. This should be measuredas a percentage of the total loan portfolio. If larger than 2%, when reviewing loan files make sure to look at

    credit analysis closely to see if undue weight is placed on the Collateral as opposed to the Capacity of the

    borrower to repay.__________________________________________________________________________________________




    1=Excellent; 2=Significantly Above Average; 3=Above Average4=Average; 5=Below Average; 6=Significantly Below Average; 7=Seriously Deficient

    Section Rating & Rationale (Include Loan Application Observations)

    Rating: ______

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  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange



    10.Do you have segregation of the following key duties:- Key / combination of vault YES _____ NO _____- Credit analysis / disbursement of cash, YES _____ NO _____- Entry to vault / handling of cash YES _____ NO _____- Bank reconciliation / Check signing YES _____ NO _____

    11.Does your MFI disburse and collect cash from clients? YES _____ NO _____ Please describeprocess, i.e. who disburses cash, who receives cash (do loan officers do either?), etc. and any changes thathave occurred in the last 12 months.



    12.Are there procedures for controlling and maintaining a balanced cashier drawer such as?- Internal audit conduct random audits of teller drawers?. YES _____ NO _____- Clear oversight of tellers by management (video camera can also be used)YES _____ NO _____- Daily reconciliation of teller drawers to general ledger YES _____ NO _____- Dual controls of cash and cash management YES _____ NO _____Random audits are generally not an effective control point and can sometimes be an inconvenience toclients.

    13.What are the procedures for signing checks and handling the MFIs bank accounts? Is there clear separationof duties, dual signatures, no Bearer checks issued, etc.



    14.What is the policy for changing the safe combination and location of duplicate keys?__________________________________________________________________________________________


    15.How are checks and receipts handled? Should have someone from accounting walk through process withaccountant and teller to ensure understand process.



    16.Do you have insurance against fraud for all employees that handle funds (fidelity bonding)?YES _____ NO _____17.How oftern are the MFIs bank accounts reconciled?__________________________________________________________________________________________

    18.Does Internal Audit review the bank reconciliation process?__________________________________________________________________________________________

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  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange



    V.Credit Risk ManagementA.Underwriting Process (Head Loan Officer)

    Follow Up Questions from Application

    1. Name of the person(s) being interviewed.__________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. How long has s/he been involved with the MFI?__________________________________________________________________________________________

    3. What relevant experience does s/he have fulfilling his/her role at the financial institution?__________________________________________________________________________________________


    4. Please walk me through your loan underwriting process. Key to this exercise is to determine what criteriaare used to approve or deny a loan (ability to pay, guarantee, share leverage, credit history, etc.)












  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange



    12.Do you monitor/track the work that lawyers are doing? What controls do you have in place?__________________________________________________________________________________________


    13.Have you liquidated any assets used to guarantee a loan in the last year? YES _____ NO _____How many? ____



    14.Are any of the loans to Board or employees delinquent? YES _____ NO _____ Who, Why, How:_______________________________________________________________________________________


    1=Excellent; 2=Significantly Above Average; 3=Above Average4=Average; 5=Below Average; 6=Significantly Below Average; 7=Seriously Deficient

    Section Rating & Rationale (Include Loan Application Observations)

    Rating: ______

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  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange



    1=Excellent; 2=Significantly Above Average; 3=Above Average4=Average; 5=Below Average; 6=Significantly Below Average; 7=Seriously Deficient

    Section Rating & Rationale (Include Loan Application Observations)

    Rating: ______

    B. Debt & Savings (CFO or CEO)Follow Up Questions from Application

    1. How do you ensure qualityThe MFI needs to be able to place this money while maintaining portfolio quality.

    growth of the loan portfolio when placing large amounts of funding?



    2. What percentage of your total loan portfolio would new loan from Deutsche Bank represent? ____%3. Is the current creditor list provided up to date? YES _____ NO _____ (If not, request updated table)4. What additional funding or debt issuance do you have in the pipeline? Get names and dates. How is your

    relationship with your current creditors?



    5. Do you intend to eventually mobilize savings? YES _____ NO _____ If so when? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


    6. Do you have a policy to protect clients savings value against inflation? _____________________

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    7. Given that your institution is mobilizing savings, why are you interested in taking out a loan with DeutscheBank? Why do you need additional funding? Are you looking for subordinated debt to shore up your

    capital base? How much sub-debt do they have? Be sure to ask questions with liability structure in mind?



    1=Excellent; 2=Significantly Above Average; 3=Above Average4=Average; 5=Below Average; 6=Significantly Below Average; 7=Seriously Deficient

    Section Rating & Rationale (Include Loan Application Observations)

    Rating: ______

    VII. Market RiskA.Asset-Liability Management (ALM) / Liquidity Risk Management (CFO or CEO)

    Follow Up Questions from Application

    1. Do you have liquidity reserves (short term investments for liquidity)? Please describe.YES _____ NO _____(this would be more important for institutions that mobilize savings)

    2. Where are your liquidity reserves held? _____________________________________________________3. Has the MFI ever had any liquidity problems? YES _____ NO _______________________________________________________________________________________________


    4.Review funding sources, duration and repayment and compare that with the term lengths for the various loanproducts that they offer. Ideally, average loan term should be shorter than funding. If not, then discuss with

    Management its strategy for matching asset-liability repayment periods.



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  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange



    VIII.Productivity and Efficiency (CFO or CEO)Follow Up Questions from Application

    1=Excellent; 2=Significantly Above Average; 3=Above Average4=Average; 5=Below Average; 6=Significantly Below Average; 7=Seriously Deficient

    Section Rating & Rationale (Include Loan Application Observations)

    Rating: ______

    IX. Human Resources (HR Manager)Follow Up Questions from Application

    1. Name of the person(s) being interviewed.__________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. How long has s/he been involved with the MFI?__________________________________________________________________________________________

    3. What relevant experience does s/he have fulfilling his/her role at the financial institution?__________________________________________________________________________________________


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange



    4.If they answered affirmative on job descriptions or criteria defined for the recruitment of new personnel,review materials used for recruitment. Are the materials comprehensive?


    5. Are the salaries for personnel competitive with other banks and financial institutions?YES _____ NO _____ How do you know?


    6. Does your compensation program adjust salaries and incentives by position? YES _____ NO _____7. Do you have a system for evaluation of personnel? YES _____ NO _____8. How stable are personnel? What is the average tenure of senior management? Of loan officers?_______________________________________________________________________________________


    9. Do you conduct exit interviews with outgoing employees? YES _____ NO _____10.What is the most common reason(s) employees leave your MFI?_______________________________________________________________________________________


    11.Is management making the necessary changes to attract and retain staff?_______________________________________________________________________________________


    12.Is there a Board-approved code of ethics that defines organizational values and ethical standards expected forstaff? YES _____ NO _____ If the answer is yes, ask to see the code. (Client Protection Principles

    question, Staff Ethical Codes of Conduct)



    13.Are there staff rules that describe acceptable/unacceptable behavior, reprimands and violations that can resultin employment termination? YES _____ NO _____ If the answer is yes, ask to see a copy of the rules.(Client Protection Principles question, Staff Ethical Codes of Conduct)



    14.Do all staff sign annual pledges to follow ethical codes? YES _____ NO _____ If the answer is yes, ask tosee a copy of the pledge. (Client Protection Principles question, Staff Ethical Codes of Conduct)

  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange



    X.Management Information Systems (IT Manager)Follow Up Questions from Application

    1. Name of the person(s) being interviewed.__________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. How long has s/he been involved with the MFI?__________________________________________________________________________________________

    3. What relevant experience does s/he have fulfilling his/her role at the financial institution?__________________________________________________________________________________________

    4. Do you have an adequate computer system (with technical support, internal controls, system audits,contingency plans, etc.?) YES _____ NO _____ Explain.



    5. Is there a backup/contingency plan? Please describe it._______________________________________________________________________________________


    6. Are transactions in the loan/savings ledgers of clients tied directly to the general ledger? Note:

    YES _____ NO _____

    This question

    was in the loan application, but is repeated here to confirm with IT. If the MFI has separate systems or ismanual, there is a significant risk of discrepancies between what has been registered on the clients account

    and what has been entered into the accounting system.

    1=Excellent; 2=Significantly Above Average; 3=Above Average4=Average; 5=Below Average; 6=Significantly Below Average; 7=Seriously Deficient

    Section Rating & Rationale (Include Loan Application Observations)

    Rating: ______

  • 7/31/2019 Questionnaire on foreign exchange


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