questionnaire analysis

Post on 13-Jan-2017






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Questionnaire analysis

Sarah ButteryQuestionnaire analysis

What Gender are you?

This shows that the majority of people who completed our questionnaire where Female. Due to this we should aim our documentary at Females.

How old are you?

This information shows that the majority of people who filled out the questionnaire where aged 17. This is good as a we are hoping to aim our documentary at this age but people older who we also asked to fill out a questionnaire. The oldest age was 50 and the youngest 12.

What is your favourite colour?

Blue is the most common favourite colour from our questionnaire therefore our colour scheme should consist include this colour.

What time do you watch TV?

This shows that the majority of people watch TV during prime time. This time is 6pm-9pm which is the time we are planning on scheduling the documentary.

What TV channel do you watch the most?

These findings show that Channel 4 is the most watched channel which tells us it appeals more at a younger age range as the majority of people who completed this questionnaire where 17-18. Whereas we are hoping to aim at a wider audience.

How often do you watch TV?

Most people said they occasionally watch TV.

Do you like ice cream?

Most People said they do like Ice cream which indicates that the topic of our documentary may be one everyone will enjoy.

Are you aware on how ice cream is made?

Most people are not aware of how ice cream is made, this is an example of something we can include in our documentary. So that people become more aware.

What is your favourite flavour of Ice cream?

Most people said that their favourite flavour of Ice cream was chocolate Ice cream.

Would you find a documentary on ice cream interesting?

Most people said how they would find a documentary on Ice cream interesting which tells us that our topic idea will appeal to a wide audience.

Would you say your loyal to a specific brand?

Most people said how they were loyal to a specific brand of Ice Cream.

What's your favourite brand of ice cream?

Most people said that there favourite brand of ice cream is Ben and Jerry's.

Would you say branded ice cream tastes better than own brands?

Most people said yes, branded ice cream tastes better than own brands.

How many local ice cream places do you know of?

The majority of people said they know of one to three local ice cream places which tells us there are a lot locally.

How interested are you on the history of ice cream? 5 being very and 1 not at all

Most people said they would be quite interested in the History of ice cream

Would you be interested in finding out more on how Ice cream is made?

Most people said they would be interested in learning more on how ice cream is made. This is a good thing to include in the documentary.

How unhealthy would you say Ice cream is? 5 being very unhealthy and 1 not at all

Most people said they think Ice cream is only slightly unhealthy telling us people aren't aware on what is in ice cream or the health hazards behind it.

Would you be interested in finding out some alternatives to ice cream?

Most people said they would be interested in finding out alternatives to ice cream therefore we can include this in our documentary also.

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