question six media

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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Question Six

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?

Image To make my models fit usual conventions of a usual magazine (Perfect skin, bright colours and eye catching) I used many different tips to achieve the perfect photo.

Firs I used adobe Photoshop to correct blemishes the model had. I did this by using the spot healing brush tool. You can hover the tool over a blemish and click. It instantly uses colours from around the blemish to cover it.

I also used the red eye toolTo remove the redness from the eyes in my double page. I did this simply by clicking which then removed the colour.

This is an extreme case of the tool I used, healing brush tool in which I have removed the nostrils for presentational purposes only. It demonstrates how other colours can be picked up and placed over other parts of the face to create a different look. I used this to remove eye bags.

I also used some YouTube videos to help with airbrushing my model, and creating darker lip colours. Here are the links


In designIn design helped me make my contents and double page spread successfully. By allowing me to use the tools effectively and easily.

The type tool and the rectangle frame tool are the tools I used the most to insert my photos and text. I found it difficult at the start to use the rectangle frame tool to put my photos onto the programme because if they where not in the box they could not be seen. After using the programme for a while it was very simple to use, the layout of everything was very simplistic making it fun to work with!

I used drop caps to help my letter settle into the rest of the text I used a separate text box and then used text wrap to fit it into the text, this fits the usual conventions of a magazine.

Camera and Blogger

To create a perfect picture I used a digital SLR camera without flash to create the right lighting. I also used Depth of field to take the focus away from the background to focus only on the foreground. I did not use auto focus to I could set the camera to the right setting for my scene this allowed better quality photos.

I found blogger extremely easy to use and a very good website to use to organise my self. It helped me see simply what I’ve already done and how long ago it was made, I was also able to edit freely which was good as I could go back to my work whenever needed.

Blogger also allowed me to present my work clearly, it was also easy to find what work I was looking for due to the dork dates on the right hand side.

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