question 7

Post on 24-Jul-2015






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Question 7Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt

in the progression from it to the full product?

What have I learnt?

•When I was creating my college magazine, it was lacking a lot of features and so it did not look professional. I did not know how to use Photoshop to its full extent when I was making the college magazine.

Cover page

• In the process of making my music magazine I have learnt many new skills and how to use a variety of software’s efficiently. Looking back at the college magazine cover page, it was very simple and basic, it also lacked a lot of detail.

Cover page

• However, it is clear that in my music magazine, that I have learnt new skills as my music magazine cover page looks professional and well done. It includes features like a skyline, masthead, blurb, barcode, issue number, price and a QR code.


• . The masthead was also created by me using adobe fireworks. I had no previous knowledge of adobe fireworks when I was creating my college magazine but I have learn to use it features in making a custom made masthead for my music magazine.

Contents page

• My contents page also looks simple and boring when I look back at it. It mainly lacks depth. The background also does not fit in with the design. The whole design look it was created by an amateur.

Contents page

• My music magazine contents page shows uniqueness and creativity as I have layered the images and text to give it a house style. I have also maintain the colour scheme of the magazine to give it that professional feel.

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