question 6

Post on 12-Jun-2015






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Question 6


Question 6What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?Jack Richards

Desktop Publisher I have used Microsoft desktop publisher many times before in my school years so when I made my preliminary task on this software I felt comfortable. I made my school magazine on this software and I found it easy to use but it didn’t produce the best results. The program is quite basic and there isn’t many technical features which can be used to produce good work. I also had to do all my work on my cover and contents at school as I don’t have the

Microsoft desktop Publisher program at home but this was not too much of a problem as I didn’t take too long to

complete the document as I knew the package well.

Desktop Publisher

As you can see there isn’t too

many options on the software

that will help the document look interesting and

stand out.

This is my contents of my

school magazine and it is quite simple and it doesn't look

great. I found it hard to make a good document

on publisher even though it is

simple to use.

Desktop Publisher capabilities

The software was very basic but I made use of the shapes tool to

make it look interesting and

different. I only used two

images on the cover of the school

magazine as on the software you cant

edit the pictures too much so they look a

bit boring.

The range of texts on publisher is limited so I used a simple font that would also

stand out.

Adobe Photoshop I decided to use Photoshop for my main task which was to create a Music magazine cover, contents and double page spread. I was told that it was better as more can be done to produce better results but it was complicated to use. I thought it would be worth it as I want to make my main task as good as possible. I was difficult to use at the start but I picked it up fairly easily and after doing my practice piece I was ready to make my proper documents. There was a lot of tools which can all be used to great result and once I got used to these they help me make great effects on my work. I thought every document I did got better on Photoshop as I was getting better at using the program. Again I didn’t have the program at home so I did all the work at school which was not ideal as I would always like to add more and make changes rather than going back after school.

Adobe Photoshop

There is a lot of tools down the sides which do different things and it took me a while to know

what they did and how to use them.

There is a lot of different tools in the

tab as well and it took me a long time to know how to use

them all.

The layers was confusing at the start but when I got

used to it was easy to use and effective.

Adobe Photoshop capabilities

The contents looks a lot better as it is laid out better and the little effects make it look

professional. It is clear and easy to read which

the customers want, this was because it was done

on Photoshop.

This quarter circle wouldn’t be possible on publisher but was easy on Photoshop. I just but a circle inside

another, cut of the rest and added a drop shadow.

This just looks more professional and appealing than any of the

publisher documents. I used this website while making my preliminary and final task as there is a massive range of fonts and there is one for every purpose, I used dafont for my magazine masthead. It didn’t work too well as I don’t have a membership so I had to print screen the fonts and copy and paste them. On publisher I could only use the black example colour and effect which wasn’t that good as it didn’t look great. However on Photoshop I could change the colour with the paint brush tool and add effect which I did with my masthead. Even though this website wasn’t the best it was still good and helped me a lot with the creation of my magazines and without out the website my documents wouldn’t be as good.

You can download the font on to

word, publisher or Photoshop if you have a account

which would make it easier to change the colour and add


There is a wide range of fonts on the

website. I looked through many of and

there was lots of options for me that I could choose. There was also a search bar to look up catogories you wanted the font to be related about.

Other technologies I used I used lots of other technology's in the creation of my work for many different reasons. These includes:

oMemory stick

oSD card





Memory Stick

I used my memory stick to save all my work on as I could work at home and school. I regularly backed up my work to my computer incase I lost my usb stick.

SD card

I used a SD card when taking photos as I could move them onto my memory to view and look at the best ones before putting them onto my work.


I used the laptops at school to do all my work as I didn’t have any Photoshop and publisher at home. I used my personal laptop at home to do research and other blog work.


The computer I used was at home which I used to complete research and look at other magazines to give me ideas.


I used my camera to take most of the photos of my models for my magazine. The quality was quite good which was good.

Mobile Phone

I used my mobile phone to take one photo as I didn’t have my camera on me and I needed to take a photo. The quality was ok but not the best.

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