question 4 – who would be the audience for your media product? by kieran davies

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Question 4 – Who would be the audience for your media product?

By Kieran Davies

Thriller audiencesA typical thriller target audience includes…

Age: Young + Middle age ( Usually late teens to 30 and 30 – 50 years old)

Depending on the genre the viewer will usually go for different aspects and factors of a thriller film.

For example: Females tend to go for the – Thrills, strong male lead actor.


: Males tend to go for the – Thrills, anxiety, twists and turns, action

Social Class: Wide social class, this is probably why thriller films are high successful and are usually high grossing films.

When people go and view a thriller film they want to be thrilled, experience fear and tension and witness climatic moments, which they will remember and look back on.

Age rating based on content

The age certificate varies for being low as a 12 certificate film, but can go as high as the scale can go. This is usually because thrillers always include deaths and killing, the amount of detail the film goes into determines on the narrative of the film, for example if the deaths were important then they would show that, but if they are not then hardly any detail is shown (James bond kills lots of people their body are rarely shown after.)

The age certificate varies depending on the hybrid or sub category associated with the film. For example a action thriller is usually lower rated than a physiological thriller . Bourne ultimatum is a 12 and silence of the lambs is a 18. Thriller films are never below the certificate 12 mark but they can go as high as an 18, depending on the nature of the film.


The core audience for Animus will be between 15-35 as this age range includes the majority of people that go to the cinema. The Thriller genre appeals to this age group the mos as well, because of the complex narrative and fast moving story. Thriller tend to attract a broad age range, between 15-60. The target audience is not gender specific.

Animus revolves around a teenage girl being killed and involves a mentally unstable person making rash decisions, that aren't suitable for younger audiences, so Animus would most likely be rated a 15.

Mainstream Thriller films tend to have big marketing campaigns, usually involving television ads and through social media website like Youtube and Facebook. But a very common advertising technique is a trailer. Th trailer has glimpses of the narrative, but doesn't reveille a lot.

Description of audience member Let me introduce you to my typical audience member. His name is Jonathan

Pierce. He is 18 years old, living in the heart of London He isn’t a trend setter, hence he tries to keep up with the latest fashion , beanie hats etc; purchasing these items mainly from Topman . He is a a very sporty person. His favourite sport is football, he plays for a 5 a side team every Tuesday, with his friends. He watches a lot of t.v, keeping up to date with the television series he follows, such as CSI Miami, scrubs, Two and a half men, Arrow, the majority of these programmes are aired on comedy central and sky 1. Jonathan likes a lot of action based crime related films as well, like the Bourne series and one of his favourites being the latest Batman 'The Dark Knight Rises'.

His choice in music is one that was suited to the 90's. He enjoys Oasis, Nirvana and the red hot chilli peppers. However he doesn’t mind some of the newer rap music and dub step, but tends to avoid it.

I believe that our film would appeal to people like Jonathan because, he is a stereotypical boy, likes action and football etc. Hence I believe he would like our Thriller film, that has that sub genre of action to it, appealing to typical boys.

Films and T.V





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