question 4

Post on 18-Jan-2015






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Youtube and Vimeo are websites that hosts millions of videos and allow you to upload and view videos

On Youtube we were able to research soap operas and their trailers, in order to analyse good and bad features that we could replicate or avoid in Rowtown

I also used Youtube and Vimeo to embed videos into my blog to help demonstrate points I was discussing, and Vimeo to upload drafts of my own trailer in order to receive feedback from its audience

YouTube / Vimeo


Wordpress is the free and easy-to-use blogging website that hosted my Rowtown production blog

Using HTML code, I was able to embed videos and images into my blog to make it more aesthetically pleasing , and to demonstrate different features my group was working on, such as embedding a draft of our song to Soundcloud

Wordpress also allowed my group to receive and respond to feedback from our teacher, making the process of improving any alterations needed a great deal easier

Photo Plus helped in the production of both of my print pieces, as well as in my video

My group created the graphics for our video in Photo Plus, before importing them into Premier Elements

For our print work, we used Photo Plus to create the template for our magazine, using shape and text tools

We then used the software to edit photos that we had taken, using the blemish removal tool to edit the actors in the photographs, and editing the background of the characters to remove any colour around them

These are some screen shots and photos taken of our work using Photo Plus

Premier Elements

I used Adobe Premier Elements to edit the video and audio footage for Rowtown

This software made it very easy to crop pieces of video and audio, and to add transitions between scenes

Premier Elements was fairly simple to use and allowed me to synchronise video and audio to create a smooth and professional looking soap opera trailer

I was also able to make graphics in Premier Elements.After importing images from Adobe’s related softwarePhoto Plus, I was able to make them move aroundthe screen, making the text that was written appearmore powerful

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