question 3 - media evaluation

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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Institution: Definition

An organization founded for a religious,

educational, professional, or social purpose.


In my opinion, the best way for our film

would be a small indie company, that has

good access to somewhere to film.

This is because there would be less

pressure to make a ‘huge’ film, which is

wildly successful, therefore it makes it

easier to not mess up.

Another Opinion:

I also think that Benderspink would

be a good movie company, as they’ve

done movies such as The Ring (2002), The Butterfly Effect (2004),

and Insanitarium (2008). This is

because they’ve got a history with

psychological horror, and have the

funds to do a great movie.


The institution I would most like to get our movie

involved with is Warner Brothers. They have made

movies such as the ‘Harry Potter’ series (2001-

2011), ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ (2010), and

‘We’re The Millers’ (2013).

I think this would be good because they have the

money and time to make good special effects and

green screen.


We could make merchandise linked to our movie.

There are numerous things we could do such as…

T-shirts / Hoodies / Jumpers

These are the most popular type of merchandise, and almost

everyone has bought one. Whether that be for bands, TV shows,

Video Games, or movies. Because our audience are teenagers, this

makes sense to do.

Action figures

These are also very popular with teenagers. These allow

people o have small figurines of their favorite movie

characters / video game characters/ band members.


These also seem popular with teenagers, as we put them up on

our walls. They can also come in different variations, so the

consumers can have a lot of choice.


These also seem to be becoming more and more

popular as time goes on. For example, a comic

series may become a TV series or a Video Game.

Original Soundtrack

Similar to before, it is becoming more popular to

buy the music from the movie / game / TV show.

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