question 1a revision help

Post on 08-Feb-2017






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Section AQuestion 1

Create 5 separate posts on your G325 blog

Why?• During the course of your A level add to each

blog post examples of your learning under these 5 headings.

• The exam question asks you to EVALUATE your skills development over the two years.

Digital Technology

• Evaluate your skills development in terms of your use of Digital Technology in your practical work.


• Evaluate your skills development in terms of your creativity in completing your practical work.

• How did you edit in order that it looks like 2 locations are actually the same place? Waterloo and Orleans Park.

• How did you dress a set in order to make it look authentic?

• Were you creative with costumes or props?

• How have you creatively indicated your genre - eg. locations? music?

• How did you get around sound issues - ie. no microphones for dialogue.

• What about lighting? How did you creatively find ways around that?

• Sound effects? Any creativity used to mimic alternative noises?

Research and Planning

• Evaluate your skills development in terms of research and planning when completing your practical work.

Post Production

• Evaluate your skills development in terms of post-production (editing, sound,special effects) when completing your practical work.

Using conventions from real media texts

• Evaluate your skills development in terms of how you used or subverted real media texts when completing your practical work.

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