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Department of Works, Brisbane, 27th July, 1972.

THE Deputy Governor, for and on behalf of His Excellency the Governor, acting by and with the advice of the Executive Couricll, in pursuance of the provisions of the Builders Registrntio~z A L . ~ !971, has been pleased to make the following Regulations.

A. M. HODGES, Minister for Works and Housing.


GENERAL 1. These Regulations may be cited as the Builders' Registration

Regulations 1972 and shall take effect from the date of publication thereof in the Gazette.

2. In these Regulations the terms defined by section 4 of the Act shall have the same meanings as are assigned to them by such section and the following terms unless the context otherwise indicates or requires shall have and include the meanings set against them respectively that is to say:-

"Schedule"-the Schedule to these Regulations; "the Actn-the Builders' Registratio11 Act 1971.

NOMINATION A N D APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD 3. (i) The builder and the architect to be nominated for appointment

to the Board by the Australian Insti!ute of Building (Queensland Branch) shall be nominated by that Institute in accordance with its rules or articles.

(ii) The persons, being not fewer than three in number, whose names are submitted to the Minister by the Queensland Building Trades Group of Unions for the nomination by the Minister of one of such persons for appointment to the Board shall be selected by that Group in accordance with its rules or articles.

(iii) A notice in writing under the hand of the President of the Australian Institute of Building (Gueensland Branch) that the person named therein has been nominated for appointment as a member of the Board as its representative shall be sufficient evidence that such person has been duly nominated by that Institute for such appointment.

A notice in writing under the hand of the President of the Queens- land Building Trades Group of Unions that the names of the persons stated therein have been submitted to the Minister for nomination by the Minister for appointment to the Board shall be sufficient evidence that such names have been duly submitted by that Group for such nomination.

- Published in Qr,rrrrslurld Co,er!~trrer~c Cuzrrre, dated 29th July . 1972. Vol.

CCXL. No. 86. pages 1553-72.

2 Blrilders' Registration Rey~rlations 1972

(iv.) When a vacancy occurs in the office of a member of the Board nominated by the Minister or by the Australian Institute of Building (Queensland Branch), the Registrar shall forthwith notify the chairman and, when directed by the chairman, shall notify the Minister or the Institute, as the case may require, of such vacancy.

&ES AND ALLOWANCES FOR BOARD MEMBERS 4. (i) The fees payable to the chairman and to each member other

than the chairman, for attendance at each meeting of the Board, shall be $50 and $30 respectively, for each day or part thereof.

(ii) A member other than the chairman who acts as chairman pursuant to subsection (5) of section 9 of the Act shall for the period during which he so acts, be paid fees at the rate prescribed for the chairman instesd of the rate prescribed for a member other than the chairman.

(iii) The Board may, in respect of the exercise by any member (including the chairman) of any of his powers and duties under the Act, except in respect of his attendance at any meeting of the Board, authorise the payment to such member of reasonable costs of transport, travelling allowances and additional allowances, as approved by the Board.

CONSULTANTS AND ADV~SERS 5. The Board may, from time to time and for such periods as it

deems necessary, engage consultants and advisers and pay m m c h fees and allowances as it considers appropriate.

DUTIES OF THE REGISTRAR 6. (i) The registrar shall prepare and keep the register decl sza! and other forms and documents prescribed by the Act and

Regulations and bring before the chairman and the Board all-s and things necessary for the due administration of the Act. The ~ g i s t r a r shall summon all meetings of the Board and attend thereat, prepare a business paper for each meeting of the Board and take and record the minutes of proceedings at each such meeting; he shall perform all or any of such functions in respect of meetings of committees to the extent that the Board may direct; when required by the chairman he shall sign notices to members of any special meetings of the Board.

(ii) The registrar shall conduct all coirespondence of the Board, keep a correct record in the proper books of all attendances at Board meetings, accounts, receipts, payments, vouchers, reports, documents, papers and proceedings relating to the business of the Board, and generally do all the clerical work of the Board and arrange for the superintendence of all examinations, business and affairs of the Board. The registrar shall make reports of all building matters that come to his knowledge, for the information of the Board.

(iii) The registrar shall consult the chaiiman on business requirin: attention between meetings of the Board and shall be responsible for the safe custody of all receipts, papers, cheques, cheque books, books, documents, certificates and property, belonging to the Board and shalI ensure that they are always available to the Board or any member.

Builders' Xegislration Rcguialiuns 1972 3

( i v ) 'i'iie regisirar sl~ali receive ali fees, penalties, silbscriptions, doiiatioiis znci o:her moileys paid or given to ihe Board and shall give receipts tnereior from the book oi oliicial reczipt forms provided ior the purpose a1;u snail at the same cixne wiire and keep a duplicate of each such receipt. Every cneque received shali immediately upon receipt be crossed with two transverse iii~ss having between them a suitable endorsernenr so that the cheque can oniy be negotiated through tne bank accouili of thc Board. The registrar shall deposit all moneys received by him on accouilt of the Board fortnwith at the piace and in the manner herein prescribed.

(v ) The registrar sihaii periom sucn orner dutizs, consiscent wi:n the Act and these iIegu!atioils, as the Yoard may from time to timz direct.

3 ~ l u i c i i . r ~ AIGD HZYLICATION OF &';ONEYS

5. ( i ) Aii nloiieys receivei by or oil account o i the Board shall be deposited wi:il the Cornm~nwealth 3ariking Corpoiation in Biisbane, to tne credit of the Eoaru, to an accosnt to be caiied "The Builders' Registration 3aaid Accotirlt~'. kii acccunis readered to the Board shaii, piior io pryx~eni, be cerriiied by tile registrar, couil;ersigi~ed by tile cbairnisn 2nd passed for payment by the Board. Payments shali be made by cheque signzd by any two cf the chairman, the registrar and oze other n~eiaber as may be f:orn iine to iime authorised in. that benalf by the Board. Detaiis of payme~lrs shall be incorporated in the minutes of the Board.

(ii) The iegistrar snail prescat to tne 2oara at each ordinary meeting a statement showii~g the rrceipts a ~ d disbursements since the last pieceding meetiilg aed the coriesponding bank staiernent, and shall present to the Board at any other meeiing, if so required in the requisition for tile holding of sucn nec:i2g, zn up-to-date bank statement. He shall also, as soon as praciicabie after the thirtieth day of June i;l each year, present io the Zoard ; siaieIileni made up to ,;hat date shoviilg the receipts and disbursements of the Board during the preceding year, duly certified by tne Auditor-General.

REGIST~~AR'S FIDZLITY INSURANCE POLICY 8. The registrar shaii ce~lse to be issued in favour ot the Board a

fidelity insurance poiicy in respect of himself, in such amount as the Board may from time to time decide, with the Stat;: Government Insurance Office (QueensIand); the premiums upon such policy shall be paid by the Board.

CERTIFICATES 9. Aii certificates issued bj the Board shall have affixed thereto

the. seal of the 3oard and shall bear the signatures of the chairman and the regisirar.

S E A L i O . - T i e registrar shhii have the custody of the seal of the Board

which shaii no: be used excepr as hereinafier provided. - I he seal of the Soaid m y be ai3xed by the chairman or file regisirar

to any instrumen: i;r writing, when scch fixing is a= horised by resolution of the Board, passe6 for that puqose ind entered in the minutes of the proceedings of the Board.


Builders' Registration Regulations 1972

11. The arrangement of the order of business for each ordinary meeting of the Board shall be as follows:-

( 1 ) Apologies; (2) Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting; ( 3 ) Confirmation or otherwise of such minutes; (4 ) ~"s iness arising out of the minutes; (5 ) Consideration of and decision upon correspondence, inward

and outward; ( 6 ) Consideration of applications for examination; (7) Consideration of applications for registration and certificates; (8) Presentation and consideration of reports of committees; (9) Presentarion of financial statements;

( lo) Accounts for payment; ( 1 1 ) Postponed or adjourned matters; (12) Notices of motion; ( 13 ) General business; (14) Time and place of next meeting:

Provided that the members present at an ordinary meeting may by motion vary the order of business from that above tabulated if they consider it necessary or expedient so to do.

A notice of motion or resolution intended to be proposed at any meeting of the Board shall be given to the registrar in writing at least fifteen clear days before the meeting of the Board, and such notice, when so. delivered, shall be embodied in the business paper of such meeting.

A motion shall be seconded before being discussed.

MEETINGS OF THE BOARD 12. ( i) Ordinary meetings of the Board shall be held at least every

two months at the times and places determined by the Board. Notice in writing of the time and place of each ordinary meeting,

and of the business to be transacted by the Board thereat, shall be given to each member at least seven days before the date of the meeting.

The business transacted at any meeting shall be that specified in the notice.

(ii) A special meeting for any particular purpose may be called by the chairman, by notice in writing signed by himself or by the registrar at his request, at his' discretion or when he is requested by two or more members to call such a meeting. If the chairman fails to call a special meeting within three days after such a request, any two members may call such a meeting by a notice in writing signed by themselves. Every such notice, where signed by the chairman or by two members as aforesaid, shall state the time and place of meeting and the business to be transacted thereat and shall be given to members at least three days before the time of the meeting. The business transacted at any special meeting shall be that stated in the notice.

(iii) At any meeting of the Board, if a quorum is not present within fifteen minutes after the notified time of meeting, that fact and the names of the members present shall be recorded by the registrar in the minute

Builders' Registration Regulations 1072 5

book, and if a quorun is not present within thirty minutes after the notified time of meeting, the meeting shall be abandoned.


13. (i) The register shall be in Form IA of the Schedule for certifi- cates of registration other than interim certificates and Form 1~ of the Schedule for interim certificates of registration.

(ii) In addition to the particulars prescribed by section 17 of the Act, the register shall contain, in re~pect of each registered builder, the date of registration and a reference to the relevant provision of the Act under wiiich he was registered.

In the case of a body corporate or firm, the register shall also contain the name, address and certificate of registration number of the individual nominated by the body corporate or firm to manage and supervise the building construction carried out by it under section 19 of the Act.

(iii) The register shall be in two parts, Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain the prescribed information relating to certificates of registra- tion other than interim certificates of registration and Part 3 shall contain the prescribed information relating to interim certificates of registration.

(iv) In both Part A and Part B of lhe register, certificates of registration shall be numbered consecutively from one onwards.


14. (i) An application for registration as a builder shall be made in the appropriate form in the Schedule as follows:-

For an individual-Form 2 ~ ; For a body corporate-Form 2 ~ ; For a firm-Form 2c.

(ii) An application for registration as a builder shall contain all the particulars to be included therein, shall be duly signed by the applicant and, in the case of a body corporate, sealed. with its official seal, shall be lodged with the registrar and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fees, by such annexures to the application as are prescribed on the appropriate form and where applicable by a statement setting out experience.

(iii) Before finaliy dealing with an application for registration, the Board may, from time to time, require further proof that the applicant fulfils the conditions entitling him to registration and may appoint a time and place for the applicant to appear before the Board, or before any committee of the Board appointed for that purpose, and answer questions and give further information relative to his application.

(iv) The Board may require proof by statutory declaration of any statements set out in an application concerning any matter referred to in section 19 of the Act or in verification of any of the facts necessary to be established in connection with any such application.

(v) Where an application for registration is based upon a certificate that the applicant has passed the prescribed or an approved examination, such certificate or a certified copy thereof shall accompany such application.

Builders' Registration Regulations l972

CERTIFICATES 15, ( i ) . A certificate of registration (other than an interim ceflific~te

of shall be in Form 3h of the Scheduk. An interim certificate of registration shall be in F o m 33 of the

schedule. ( i i ) The registrar shall keep a record of e v e v ce1tific.E issued.

independent of the register.

( i l Xcgi<r,rr/ir,,r (.a. 7 h c fee Filr segi\rr;irion ; r > :I brtitdcr \hal l he a? follo\\.s:-

For n indiuiilu;il $20.00 Fur an inrlividu;ll ~ . h y i\ r e r d under

the H<,~~. \ t*- l~~~ii</<,r t ' I<r~ :~ i .v i r~~~;c~~~ ~I , I [ I H I O I I I . 1 1977 5.:.00

Fc~r .L f i rm $50.00 For :) firm I ~ ; I I i s registered irndcr ihc iloiru~.

tYt///t/~,r~' Rc~,<,Kvfr,~ri,~tl , I , I ~ / / I , ~ I I ( , - U I ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ . ~ ' Protrr.tir/rr I 1977 4.00

Fur e body corporillr: other than ;I prupsic~;rry conlp;iny $lOO.ll~l

For ;I hut$* ;vrpt)r:,fr other- ?h;~n ;I proprietary ctimpenv rh:11 is refisrered ah :I hot~\e- builder under rhr fi~~r,se-Srri/~l~~rs' Rcviv.

For ;L hudy sorporote that is ;t propriet;~ry company $75.UO

Fur body ~.urpur:rtc thar i\ o proprietary i'omp;iny end is re$islcred : ~ u a house- bulldel. clndcr the Nr,,~n~-Br~iI~lcr.s' Rcvis- I I I - 0 Psorcrtio,~ A I Y 7 7 $7.50

( i i J Roll Fr r . The roll fee p;i)..;rble sh;~ll be a\ iu[luui,:- o r an individual . . $25.00 For .. ' ' , .In lndlvldual who i rsgihtercd under thc

Noi,.vc-Brrildcr~' R ~ I I I I I I I ~ ~ HI,III~- O~s.~rci..+' Procccriu!~ /lcr I977 $2.50

For ;I firm $40.00 For :I firm 1h;lr i, I-egistered under the Hotl.s,--

Br~il<l<,rs' Rcyistrorio~~ n11tl H,II,~c-OII.IIP,:~' r Arl 1977 . . $4.00

For a body corpor;lte other than a PI-opriet.1ry company $75.00

For o body corporzrie oxher than a proprietary cornpxny chat is registered n\ a house- builder under the Horrw~-Bir;l~l~~~.,:r' R~:<~;.I- 1~11tior1 <1ti'1 N(~t t~r -O!~~!~~~r . s ' Pr~lrc/;oti Acf 1977 . . $7.50

For I bod) cor.por;i!e 1h.11 is il pcopricta1.y cornp;~ny . . $SU.OO

For :I horlr uorporilie . th;~l i, a propri~!;try conlp:iny :tnd i s rc$ixterccl I 1 hott.?e- t1~1 i i c~Cr 11nt1cr the t ~ ~ ~ ~ r . ~ ~ ~ . B ~ t i i ~ I ~ ~ r . ~ ' R<,si\- lr<11;~111 011'1 / / ~ ~ l l t ~ ' - O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . s ' llrr>lec~~ic>,~ A(.t 1977 . . . . . . 65.00

Builders' Registrution Regltlations I972 - I

(viii) Examinations.-The fee payable by a candidate for any examination conducted by or on behalf of the Board pursuant to the Act shnl! be five doilars for each subject.

( ix) Payment of Fees.-A11 fees shall be paid to the registrar.

"18. A notice under sub-section 7~ of section I9 of the Act shall be in Form SA or 58 of the Schedule as the case may be."

Such notice shall be in Form 5~ or 5~ of the Schedule, as appropriate, shall state the date from which the boay corporate o r :he Sm? proposes that the substitution shall be effective and sha!l be delivered to :he Boerd not less than fourteen days before that date. The substitution shall be effective from the date stated in the notice or from a date which is fourteen days after the date of receipt of the notice by the Board whichever is the later.

The details of every such substitution shall be recorded in the register.

(ii) Failure to comply with the requirements set out hereinabove shall not be a cause for ca.ncellation or suspension of the registration of the body corporate or firm if it is proved to the satisfaction of the Board-

(a) that the prescribed notice could not be given because of circumstances of emergency or other reason satisfactory to the Board; and

(b ) that the building construdion undertaken by the body corporate or firm was at all t~mes managed and supervised by an individual qualified to act in that capacity pursuant to section 19 of the Act and carrying the responsibility associated therewith; and

(c) that a notice of substitution of nominee, in the form prescribed, was given in writing to the Eoard at as early a date as practicable.

(iii) If for any reason the individual nominated by a body corporate or a firm to manage and supervise its building co~structian pursuant to the provisions of section 19 of the Act ceases to act or to be eligibIe to act in that capacity, then, within fourteen days of such cessation the body corporate or the firm and rhe said individual shal!, in writing, notify the Board thereof and the body corporate or the firm shall cancel the nomination of such individual or substitute therefor the nomination of another individual as provided in sub-regu!ation (i) of this Regulation.

APPEAL TO MAGISTRATE 19. Notice of appeal made to the Magistrates Court under section 27

or section 34 of the Act shall be in Form 6~ or 6 ~ , as the case may be, of the Schedule. Such notice shall be lodged with the Clerk of the Court and a copy served upon the registrar by the appellant within 48 hours of lodging the notice of appeal.

8 Buildtrs' Registration Regularions 1972

The Clerk of the Court shall set the manner of the appeal down for hearing and shall notify in ~ r i t i n g the appellant and the registrar of the date so fixed.

Such notice may be given by post to the registrar at the ofice of the Board and to the appellant at the address set out in his notice of appeal, in each case not less than 10 days before the date of hearing.

APPLICATION BY REGISTERED BUILDER FOR BUILDING PERMIT 20. An application by a registered builder to the Brisbane City

Council o r any local authority for a permit to commence or to carry out any buiiding work shall be ~ a d e in the name under which the builder is registered under the .4ct and shall include the builder's registration certificate number.



Brrilders' Registrarion Act 1971-1973 Builders' Registration Regulations 1972

(Regulation 14)


Notice to Applicants-- Incomplete applic>tions cannot be considered by the Board and will be returned. To the Builders' Registration Board of Queensland, Sherwood

House, 37-39 Sherwmd Road, Toowong, 4066. 1. I , ( F l ~ t l ,ran,e of applicant, i ) ~ BLOCK Jelters) (Surname)

(Olher !rarctes), of (Privore address), Telephone No. Post Code , (Occupatiorr ) , (Business Address) , Telephone No. , hereby apply to be registered as a Builder under the provisions of the Builders' Regi~tration Act 1971-1973.

2 . M y qualifications for such registration are as follows:-

( A ) I am over the age of twenty-one years, having been born at (Place of birth), in the State of , on the (Date of birth); and

IB) I am a person of good fame and character, as evidenced by the business reference and character reference annexed to thls application; and

(C) 'I have passed the prescribed examination or an examination approved by the Board and have had practical experience for a period of 6 years, in terms of section 19 ( 1 ) ( c ) ( I ) of the Act; or

(Dl *I am a person subject to the provision$ of- *Section 19 ( 1 ) ( c ) ({!); *Section 19 11) ( c ) ((11); " Section 19 ( 5 ) ,

of the Act. '> Strike out inapplicable.

Builders' Registration Regulations 19 72 9

(v) Subject to the provisions of sub-regulation (ii) of this Regula- tion, any candidate who at any examination fails to pass any subject for which he sat may, on payment of the required fee, present himself for re-examination in that subject at any subsequent examination.

(vi) An intending candidate for an examination shall, not less than three months prior to the date first fixed for the examination, make applica- tion to the Board for permission to sit for such examination in Form 11 of the Schedule. An application shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

(vii) The Board may, from time to. time by notice in the Gazette, recommend for study and reference such text-books as it shall deem fit, and shall similarly publish a syllabus of the examination to be regarded as the prescribed examination, and other matters in regard thereto.


24. ( i) The Forms set forth in the Schedule shall be used for the purposes for which they are respectively applicable: Provided that no such Form shall be deemed invalid if it is to the effect of the respectively proper Form in the Schedule with such modifications as the circumstances may require.

(ii) Where a Form prescribed by these Regulations requires comple- tion by the insertion of particulars or other matters referred to in the Form, those particulars or other matters are prescribed as the particulars or other matters required under the provisions of the Act for the purpose for which the Form is prescribed.

(iii) A Form prescribed by these Regulations shall be completed in accordance with such directions as are specified in the Form as so prescribed.

PENALTY 25. Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the

provisions of these Regulations shall be guilty of an offence. Penalty: One hundred dollars.

SCHEDULE Register of Builders-Part A . . . . . . . . . . Form I A Register of Builders-Part B-Interim Certificates . . . . Form 19 Application by an Individual for Registration as a Builder . . Form 2~ Application by a Body Corporate for Registration as a Builder Form 29 Application by a Firm for Registration as a Builder . . . . Form 2c Certificate of Registration . . . . . . . . . . Form 3~ Interim Certificate of Registration . . . . . . . . Form 39 Notification of Intention to Apply for Registration . . . . Form 4 Notice by Body Corporate of Substitution of Nominee . . Form 5A Notice by Firm of Substitution of Nominee . . . . . . Form 59 Notice of Appeal Under Section 27 of the Act . . . . Form 6~ Notice of Appeal Under Section 34 of the Act . . Form 69 Statutory Declaration to be Completed in ~ e s ~ e c ; of an

Application for a Building Permit . . . . . . Form 7 Order of Exemption . . . . . . . . . . Form 8 Order of Variation of ~ x e m ~ t i i n . . . . . . . . Form 9 Order of Revocation of Exemption . . . . . . . . Form 10 Application for Permission to Sit for Examination of the Board Form 11

Builders' Registration Regulations 1972


Builder$' Re:istrarion Act 1971 Builders' Registration Regulations 1972

(Regulation 13)

REGISTER OF BUILOERSPART A 1. Registration number: 2. Full name: 3. Business address: 4. Category (individual. body corporate or firm): 5. Date of registration: 6. Provision of Act relevant to registration: ?. ( a ) Qualification relevant to registration:

( b ) Date of qualification: 8. *Directors or *members of board of management of *body corporate, o r

emembers of 'firm-

Name Address

9. Nominee of body corporate or firm- (a ) Name: (6) Address: ( c ) Registration Certificate number:

10. Conditions and restrictions applying to registration (if norre, state "Nil"):-

Registrar. Date:

RECORO OF AMENDMENT SHEETS t Amendment Sheet No. was added to Part A of the Register, in respect of the above entry, on (Dare).

Registrar. Date:

* Delete where inappiicable. t To be added as required to original page of entry.


Builders' Registration Act 1971 Builders' Registration Regulations 1972

(Regulation 13)

1. Interim certificate registration number: (e.g., Interim 1 j

2. Full name: 3. Business address: 4. Category (individual, body corporate or firm): 5. Date of registration: - 6. Period of registration: 7. (a ) QualiEcation relevant to registration:

(b) Date of qualification: 8. 'Directors or *members of board of management of ?body corporate o r

*members of *firm. Name Address

Builders' Registratiorz Regulations 1972

9. Nominee of body corporate or firm- ( a ) Name: ( b ) Address: (c) Registration certificate number:

10. Conditions and restrictions aFply to registration (if none, srcte "?Ji:"::- U ~ ~ h t r s - .

Date: --- * Delete where inapplicable.


Received $ Receipt No. Remarks: Fees: Approved: Number: Balance: Refund Cheque No.:

3. 1 have never been banlrrupt nor assigned my estate for the benefit of creditors.

If applicant has been bankrupt or assigned his estate for the benefit of creditors, particulars should be shown as follows:-

(A) Date and place of bankruptcy or assignment (B) Date of discharge or release

4, 1 have never been refused an application for, or dis- qualified from holding a licence under any Act, Ordiaann, Regulations or By-laws.

If applicant has been refused or disqualified, particulars thereof should be shown as follows:-

(A) The nature of the licence ( B ) Date of refusal or period of disqualification . (C) Reason for refusal or disqualification

5. The prescribed fee, in the sum of (Insert amount) $ .................. accompany this application,


I, the abovcnamed applicant, do solemnly and sincerely declare that the particulars contained in my above application and accompanying statements are true and correct. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the "Oaths Act, 1867 to 1960."

Declared at , in the State of this day of , 19 .

Before me: Justice of the Peace.''


Builders' Reqirtratiotz Regulations 1972

DECLARATION I the abovenamed applicant, d o solemnly and sincerely declare that the

particuiars contained in my above application and accompanying statements are true and correct. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Oaths Acts 1867 to 1960.

Declared at , in the state]

Before me

OFFICE USE Approved : Number:


Justice of the Peace.

*Strike out inapplicable.

NOTES :- 1. An application under Paragraph 2 (C) must be accompanied by ,the

appropriate examination certificate o r a certified copy thereof and a detarled statement of experience.

2. An application made under any subparagraph of Paragraph 2 ( D ) must be accompanied by supporting information in the terms of the relevant provisions of the Act.

3 Sections 19 and 20 of the Act, relating to applications for registration, are set out below fo r the assistance of applicants.

SECTION 19 19. PERSONS WHO MAY BE REOISTERED.--(!) Subject to t h ~ s Act any individual

who applies to the Board i n the prescribed form to be registered as a builder under this Act and pays to the Board the prescribed fee therefore shall be entitled to be SO registered upon satisfying the Board-

a . . . ( b ) . . . (c) that-

( i ) he has passed such examination or examinations as are prescribed, or where not prescribed as the Board approves and has had practrcal experience, fo r a period of at least six years or for period3 aggregating at least six years, in building work of such nature as is prescribed or where not prescribed as is approved by the Board whether as part of a prescribed course of training or otherwise; or

(ii) although not complying with the requirements of subparagraph ( i ) of this paragraph, has nevertheless had such experience elsewhere than in Queensland in building work as t o render him in the opinion of the Board, competent to undertake building construction as a registered builder,

but for the purposes of this subsection a person who relies in his application on the provisions of subparagraph (i i) of paragraph (c) of this subsection shall not be entitled t o be so registered unless he satisfies the Board that he was not, at l he commencement of this Act, a resident of Queensland.

( 2 ) Any individual who, at the commencement of this Act, is a builder or supervisor may within three months of that commencement apply to the Board for registration under this section and shall be entitled to be so registered upon payment t o the Board of the prescribed fee therefore and satisfying the Board-

a . . . ( b ) . . .

Builders' Registration Regulations 1972 13

( c ) that he has been actively engaged as a builder, o r has been a supervisor, during a period of not less than five consecutive years.

( d ) that he has during the period mentioned in the preceding paragraph carried out building construction, or has supervised building construction, of an average annual aggregate value of not less than twenty-five thousand dollars; and

( e ) that the period referred to in paragraph ( c ) of this subsection occurred within the period of ten consecutive years ending on the date of commencement of this Act; and

( f ) that he is sufficiently competent as a builder as, in the opinion of the Board, t o merit registration under this section without the necessity of complying with paragraph ( c ) of subsection ( 1 ) of this section.

( 3 ) . . . ( 4 ) . . . ( 5 ) An individual who-

( a ) is registered under the Architects Acr 1962-1971 or holds the quali- fications prescribed by paragraph ( a ) , ( b ) or ( c ) of subsection ( 1 ) of section IS of that Act: o r

( b ) is registered under "The Professior~al Engineers Act of 1929" or js a corporate member of the Institution of Engineers Australia o r IS the holder of qualifications which exempt him from the membership of that institution: o r

( c ) is a member of the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors, and, in the Board's opinion, has had not less than three years' suitable practical experience in bui!ding construction, shall be entitled t o be registered as a builder under this Act without the necessity of complying with paragraph ( c ) of subsection ( 1 ) of this section, if he fulfils all the other requirements of that sub.section.

( 6 ) . . . (7) . . . (8) . . .

SECTION 20 20. APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION. ( 1 ) Application to the Board for regis-

tration as a builder under this Act shall- ( a ) be made a s prescribed; ( b ) be supported by such evidence as the Board may require; and ( c ) be accompanied by-

( i ) the prescribed registration fee; (ii) the prescribed roll fee or roll fees referred to in suhsection ( 1 ) of

section 22 of this Act; and (iii) the prescribed certificate fee.

( 2 ) Where the Board refuses a n application for registration, all fees which accompanied the application shall be refunded save such part of the registration fee as may be prescribed.


Builders' Regislraliorr Act 1971 Builders' Registration Regulations 1972


T o the Builders' Registration Board of Queensland, (address). +o.,61;~ /-*pr.orietarv. 1. ( N a m e of Company) ahcompany incorporated in (Stale place) under

the provisions o f (Stale Act relevarrt lo irrcorporalion) and having its registered office in Queensland situate a t , hereby applies to be registered as a builder under the provisions of the Builders' Registratiorr Act 1971.

2 . The company is authorised under its Memorandum of Association to engage in the business of trading as a builder as evidenced by the certified extract annexed to this a~ol ica t ion. * -

3 . The company has, but for the Act, the power, authority and capacity to trade as a builder.

"5. The names, addresxs and nuatbets of Certificutea of Ragislratlon as a builder of such individuals as have the authority, duties and cespons~bilities for ensuring the proper management and supervision of tho building construction undertaken by the Company arc set out here- under. each such individual being hereby identified aa a director of the Compmy or a member of the board of man- agement of the Company or a person employed by the Company to manage and supervise such building w n - suuction- ( i f insumient spwe, at~och lisr)":

D E C L A X ~ ~ O W - ., , cf . king a .* <-,--. . . *.-*+?.=" .... , , / . .... 1-, cf tk: tcurd o: managernen: of the a3ovemenfioned Cornpuny : .. F A , ........,. .- : ! ,::d si!:.;rrei: 2e:;is;t :ha( ;hc staienents contained in :he above

, . :8;;.:'::;.:;. .::e ';.it sac! ;;r:cc: zn5 I n s k c this sclcmn ic2laration ~0n%l~IIti0u~lS : .nc , :o t.c 1 h;' v i r ~ t j e OF :I;C y!'uv;sions of the Oarhs ,.d ;>:? !$Kt.' :"; i 26,:.

7. ,..-3--md " A .- "..-,-~. -.. + ! *Circc:o:.

I:: :kc T.'?'e . . % c: 1 *Mc~r,ber of thc board of

day cf , , manngernent.

%T: 1 : Fee+ A. F ~ I &aIlons lodgeci or. or before 1% October, 5177, i.e. Registration

fee $130, R d i ipe 375. Certificate fee $2. 5. For a;g:lcatlnns lodged R%r )st Osraber, $252, i.e Registrat~on fee

$!00, ROY k c S!50, Certificate FCF $2


B:rilders' Rejis:r~zior~ ~ c l 1971 Bu.;ldcrs' flcgistra'ion Regulofions 1972


l o :he 3.5lde-5' Xegistrstion Board cf Q~eensiand, I* :'d,.fu: i. (3usicess Ncrcr), of (Full Address!, ?. Crm r;adillg or about t!, .tr;lde

as n i1ul:de: hercby applies :o be icgis:e:cd 3s b~i idcr under the p t 0 v i ~ l ~ n ~ of t : ~ B;tiiddrs' r ' i ~ # 6 ~ r u ~ ~ n a Act 2971.

1. Ti:c icsi?css ;?a:ne of :he Fi rn is regstered u:lder the previsions of the l?rrsi~~ss .Vs.n:.s Act 1962-1971.

3. The mem>ersbip of the Firm conprises:- Ful: Na~nr Address

4. The Firm. but for the Act, has the power, authority and capacity tc trade as a butlder.

"5. The names, addresses and numbers of CertiGcates of Registration,of such individuals as have the authority, duties and respons~bilities for ensuring the proper management and SUPewIslon of the building construction undertaken by the firm

set out bereunder, each such individual being hereby tdentlfied as a member of the firm o r a person employed by the firm to manage and supervise such building con- struction-


1, , of . beinz 2 mcrnkct c: 'hr , .

abovementioned firm )io solemn!y and sinierely dec?nre that the s:n!cmsn:? .;,~n!:,:-:h: in the above opplica(lon are true :ME. cc,.:ect 2nd J nake ;his so1~m.i i:rr.!~r:t.' . ~ :.. conscientiously believing the $;;nP. ?o b.: :c::e an.! by "ic:!l? ,:! !h: ;::C'J'S:P::: :< the Oaths .4cts 1867 !c IUM.

Declared a! in the State of

day of

Before me 1 Justice c f !bc Peacs

- - -___.

* Strike out inapplicable.

NOTE I : Fees- A. For applicat~<ms l i e d on or hef~re 1st Octohrr, I;:;:, '.-. ir.-s:rc,.?!i::?

Fee $100, Roll Fee $7:. Se.+ifioafc Fee s'2. , . B, For appfications todgcd af:er 1st October, S?S-, R-pis.?;?!:?:? i -cc

$100, RoH Fees $159, C=r:i?'cate Fee $2.

BuiLders' Registration Regulatic.~~ !?i: (Reg~il:d~on 15)


hi^ is to cerciyy tth;\c in occo;+a.c.: :uit$ thc prc-isbcs o f :>x ZL~!!:!L':L' Regisfrntion Acl 197!

;Name of rc2i.~re:e8 i"~tilde:!

has th is day in the Stnte of Quccnsiand as a ?::i!!?r.

9pc ia ! Ssal cf R~,~lst-x!icn BP?:~.

Dated this

Certificate Number:

Builders' Registration Regulations 1972


Builders' Registration Act 1971 Builders' Registration Regulations 1972

(Regulation 15)


This is to certify that in accordance with the provisions o f , the B~rilders' Registration Act 1971, an Interim Certificate of Registration as .a budder has been granted to-

(Name) This Interim Certificate shall be effective for a period of

Dzted this , 19 . Chairman. Registrar.

Interim Certificate Number:


Builders' Registration Act 1971 Builders' Registration Regulations 1972

( R e g u l a t b 16) (Section 19 Subsection (3) )

NOT~FICATION OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR REGISTRATION I, (Full Name) , of (Address), in the State of Queensland, (Occupation),

hel-eby notify that I intend to apply for registration as a registered builder under Section 19 of the Act if and when I am able to fulfil the reqairements of subsection ( 4 ) of the said Section 19.

Dated the day of , 19


Builders' Re~istrotion Act 1971 Builders' Registration Regulations 1972

(Regulation 18)

NOTICE BY BODY CORPOKATE OF SUBSTITUTION OF NOMINEE 1. We, , a Company registered as a registered builder,

number , hereby nominated , a registered builder, number , who is a "director/*member of the board of management/*employee of

the Company, to manage and supervise the building conrtruction carried out by us, in substitution for , a builder, number

2. It is proposed that the hforesaid substitution shall be effective as from I he day of , 19 .

Dated this day of , 19 . Company Signature

&' Strike out inapplicable.

Builders' Registration Regulations 1972


Builders' Regisrralion Acl 1971 Builders' Registration Regulations 1972

(Regulation 18)

NOTICE BY FIRM OF SUBSTITUTION OF NOMINEE 1. We, , a firm registered as a registered builder, number

, hereby nominate , a registered builder, number who is a *member/*employee of the firm, to manage and supervise the building construction carried out by us in substitution for- , a builder, number

2. It is proposed that the aforesaid substitution shall be effective as from the day of , 19 .

Dated this day of , 19 . Firm Signature.

Strike out inapplicable.


Builders' Rrgistrarion Acl 1971 Builders' Registration Regulations 1972

(Regulation 19)

NOTICE OF APPEAL UNDER.SECTION 27 OF THE ACT T o the Clerk of the Court in t h e Magistrates Court,

at , Queensland. Pursuant to Sectien 27 of the Builders' Registrarion Act 1971, and Regulation 19

thereof. *I/';We, , of , hereby appeal against the *deci.ion/%rder of the Builders' Registration Board, given to *me/*us on the day of , 19 , copy of which is attached hereto, whereby the Board

" ( a ) refused *my/"our application fo r registration as a builder. or

* ( b ) cancelled *my/*our registration as a builder. or

<:(c) suspended *my/*our registration as a builder. or

* ( d ) refused to annul the cancellation of *my/*our registration as a builder. or

ale) refured to. annul the suspension of *my/'our registration as a builder.

The grounds of appeal are as follows:-

Dated this day of , 19 . Signature.

Strike out inapplicable.

Builders' Registration Regulations 1972


Builders' Reaisfration Act 1971 .

Builders' Registration Regulations 1972 (Regulation 19)

NOTICE OF APPEAL UNDER SECTION 34 OF THE ACT r .: '5e C!e~k of the Court in the Magistrates Court,

'L , Queensland. Fursuant to Section 34 of the B~i lde r s ' Registralio~l Acf 1971, and Regulation 19

: ~ : ~ : ~ f , ::<Ij2we, o i , hereby appeal against . .. . .:: 01drr sf the Builders' Registration Board, given t o *me/*us on the

day of , 19 , t o remedy building work . .... , . . . . :..I -, <I?;: by *me/*us on a building situate a t , and described - ..

ri!c ;.-cunds of appeal are as follows:-

i l l : ~ d :hi3 day of , 19 . Signature.

< ~ ~ k t out inapplicable.


Builders' Registration Act 1971 Builders' Registration Regulations 1972

(Regulation 21 )


SECTION 32 (1) ( c ) OF THE ACT'

*l iuWe (Ffrll Cfiristian Names), (Surname, block letters), of , in the State of Queenrland, occupation , now applying

fur a permit t o carry out building construction on (Real properly description) House No.: Street: Suburb:

Town or City: d o solemnly and sincerely declare that the building s~cn~t:uction fo r which the permit i s sought is in respect of a s~ngle dwelling- house^ Cnr * . myi'*cur own occupation and use.

And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to he C:ne and by virtue of the provisions of the Oaths Acts 1867 l o 1960.

Declared and signed by the above Jeclarant before m e at in the State of Queensland, the :;f , 19 .

Justice of the Peace. V~JTC.--A copy of this declaration is t o be forwarded to the Board by the

Len: A!>tho:ity within 7 days of its receipt thereby.

Ir?..,.RD I :S? CNLY Local Authority: Surname. Permit No.:

Initials. Date of Issue: Value:

Blrilders' Registration Regulations 1972


B~rilclers' Registratiorz Act 197 1 Builders' Registration Regulations 1972

(Regulation 22)

ORDER OF EXEMPTION, NUMBER Pursuant to subsection ( I ) of Section 33 of the abovementioned Act, the Builders'

Registration Board, having obtained the approval of the Minister for the Minister of the Crown for the time being charged with the administration of the Act, hereby o rden the exemption of the person o r class of person o r the building construction o r class of building construction named in the Schedule hereunder from the operation of such of the provisions of the Act as are stated in the said Schedule.

This Order shall take and have effect as from the date of this publication in the Gazcttr and shall remain effective for the pericd of time o r until the date, i f any, stated in the said Schedule unless earlier revoked o r varied by the Board pursuant to Section 33 subsection (2 ) of the Act.





F o r m No. 9 QUEENSLAND

B~rilders' re gist ratio^^ Act 1971 Builders' Registration Regulations 1972

(Regulation 22)

ORDER OF VARIATION OF EXEMPTION, NUMBER Pursuant to subsection ( 2 ) of Section 33 o f the abovementioned Act, the Builders'

Registration Board, having received the approval of the Minister for the Minister of the Crown for the time being charged with the administration of the Act, hereby orders the variation of-

^Order of Exemption Number

"Order of Variation of Exemption Number

published in the Gazette dated , in accordance with the particulars set out in the Schedule hereunder.

This order shall take and have effect as from the date of this publication and shall remain effective for the period of time or until the date, if any, stated in the said Schedule unless earlier varied o r revoked by the Board.





^ Strike out inapplicable.

Builders ' Registratiorz R e g u l a r i o ~ ~ s 1972


Builders' Registratio11 Act 1971 Builders' Registration Regulations 1972

(Regulation 22)

ORDER OF REVOCATION OF EXEMI-TION, NUMBER Pursuant to subsection ( 2 ) of Section 33 of the abovementioned Act. the

Builders' Registration Board of Queensland, having received the approval of the Minister for ; the Minister of the Crown for the time being

charged with the administration of the Act, hereby revokes the- "Order of Exemption Number *Order of Variation of Exemption Number

published in the Gazette dated This order that take and have effect as from the date of this publication.

Registrar. Date:

Chairman. Date:

" Strike out inapplicable.


B~rilders' Registratio~r Act 1971 Builders' Regisrration Regulations ,1972

(Regulation 23)


(Address) I, (Surname), (Other l~ames), of (Full address), hereby apply for

permission t o sit for the following subjects:- in the examinations of.the board for 19 .

I enclose herewith the prescribed fee(s), in the amount of $ (at $5 per subject).

Date: Signature of Applicant.

By Authority: 5 . R. HAMPSON., Governmenr Printer. 8rirbane-'1978

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