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Quantification of dynamic protein complexes usingRenilla luciferase fragment complementationapplied to protein kinase A activities in vivoE. Stefan*, S. Aquin*, N. Berger*, C. R. Landry*, B. Nyfeler†, M. Bouvier*‡, and S. W. Michnick*§

*Departement de Biochimie and ‡Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer, Universite de Montreal, C.P. 6128, Succursale Centre-Ville,Montreal, QC, Canada H3C 3J7; and †Biozentrum, University of Basel, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland

Edited by Anthony Pawson, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, and approved September 11, 2007 (received for review May 7, 2007)

The G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily represents themost important class of pharmaceutical targets. Therefore, thecharacterization of receptor cascades and their ligands is a prereq-uisite to discovering novel drugs. Quantification of agonist-in-duced second messengers and downstream-coupled kinase activ-ities is central to characterization of GPCRs or other pathways thatconverge on GPCR-mediated signaling. Furthermore, there is aneed for simple, cell-based assays that would report on direct orindirect actions on GPCR-mediated effectors of signaling. Moregenerally, there is a demand for sensitive assays to quantifyalterations of protein complexes in vivo. We describe the devel-opment of a Renilla luciferase (Rluc)-based protein fragmentcomplementation assay (PCA) that was designed specifically toinvestigate dynamic protein complexes. We demonstrate thesefeatures for GPCR-induced disassembly of protein kinase A (PKA)regulatory and catalytic subunits, a key effector of GPCR signaling.Taken together, our observations show that the PCA allows fordirect and accurate measurements of live changes of absolutevalues of protein complex assembly and disassembly as wellas cellular imaging and dynamic localization of protein com-plexes. Moreover, the Rluc-PCA has a sufficiently high signal-to-background ratio to identify endogenously expressed G�s protein-coupled receptors. We provide pharmacological evidence that thephosphodiesterase-4 family selectively down-regulates constitu-tive �-2 adrenergic- but not vasopressin-2 receptor-mediated PKAactivities. Our results show that the sensitivity of the Rluc-PCAsimplifies the recording of pharmacological profiles of GPCR-basedcandidate drugs and could be extended to high-throughputscreens to identify novel direct modulators of PKA or upstreamcomponents of GPCR signaling cascades.

G protein-coupled receptor � complementation assays �protein–protein interactions � protein fragment

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent the largestfamily of cell-surface molecules involved in signal transmis-

sion. GPCRs play roles in a broad range of biological processesthrough regulating the majority of cell-to-cell and cell-to-environment communication, and, consequently, their dysfunc-tion manifests in numerous diseases (1, 2). The GPCR family hasenormous pharmacological importance, as demonstrated by thefact that �30% of approved drugs elicit their therapeutic effectby selectively acting on known members of this family (3). Thehuman genome harbors �800 putative GPCRs including aconsiderable number with unknown physiological function orligands. GPCR cascades hence remain a major focus of molec-ular pharmacology (4, 5).

Signal transduction by GPCRs is mediated by activation ofprotein kinases (4), among which the most intensively studied isthe cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) (6). Variousextracellular signals converge on the cAMP/PKA pathwaythrough ligand binding to GPCRs. The adenylyl cyclase thenconverts ATP to the ubiquitous second messenger cAMP.Intracellular cAMP gradients are shaped through the sole means

of degrading cAMP in the cells by phosphodiesterases (PDE),providing a negative feedback system for down-regulating re-ceptor-mediated signaling cascades (7). The release of thissecond messenger induces the activation of its main effector,PKA, by provoking the dissociation of activated catalytic sub-units from the inhibiting regulatory subunits of PKA (Fig. 1) (7),which enables the specific phosphorylation of a plethora ofsubstrates (8, 9).

Several cell-based assays have been developed to detect specificactivation of PKA, including fluorescence and bioluminescentresonance energy transfer assays for detecting catalytic activity (10)or cAMP-induced PKA subunit dissociation (11–13). These meth-ods have been invaluable to the study of protein complex dynamicsand particularly to the integration of compartmentalized GPCRsignaling pathways (14–16). However, their range of application islimited because of cellular autofluorescence (for fluorescenceresonance energy transfer), limited signal-to-background, and nar-row dynamic range. Hence, more general and broadly desiredcell-based applications are not easily performed with these assays.Among the most important are high-throughput screeningsto discover direct and indirect modulators of protein kinase activ-ities (17).

We reasoned that the desired features of a cell-based assaywould be met by one that could capture the dynamics of PKAsubunit assembly and reassembly in cell populations and wouldbe based on a reporter system that could be easily implementedwith simple, off-the-shelf technology. On one hand we tried todevelop a reporter that addresses limitations of high-throughputscreening studies like sensitivity and signal stability, and on theother hand the same sensor should offer the possibility to be usedat different stages of pharmacological drug evaluation (e.g.,single cells, cell populations, and animal models). We reporthere a protein-fragment complementation assay (PCA) based onthe reporter enzyme Renilla reniformis luciferase (Rluc) thatmeets these requirements. The PCA strategy allows the detec-tion of protein complex formation by fusing each of the proteinsof interest to two fragments of a ‘‘reporter’’ protein that has beenrationally dissected into two fragments by using protein engi-neering strategies (18–21). Binding of the two proteins ofinterest brings the unfolded fragments into proximity, allowingfor folding and reconstitution of measurable activity of the

Author contributions: E.S. and S.W.M. designed research; E.S., S.A., N.B., C.R.L., and B.N.performed research; E.S. and S.W.M. analyzed data; and E.S., M.B., and S.W.M. wrote thepaper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

Abbreviations: GPCR, G protein-coupled receptor; PCA, protein-fragment complementa-tion assay; PKA, protein kinase A; Rluc, Renilla luciferase; PDE, phosphodiesterase; �2AR,�-2 adrenergic receptor; V2R, vasopressin-2 receptor; AVP, arginine–vasopressin.

§To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: stephen.michnick@umontreal.ca.

This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/0704257104/DC1.

© 2007 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA

16916–16921 � PNAS � October 23, 2007 � vol. 104 � no. 43 www.pnas.org�cgi�doi�10.1073�pnas.0704257104

reporter protein, which can be of different types (19, 22–29). Wechose to develop the PKA sensor with the Rluc-PCA because ofthe inherent sensitivity and lack of any cellular background of aluminescent reporter. Although assays based on this enzymehave been reported (25), we chose to redesign the assay forimproved signal based on structural constraints obtained bystructural homology modeling (30) (described below) and todemonstrate its reversibility. Reversibility is absolutely necessaryfor an effective PKA reporter because it is the cAMP-mediateddissociation of the catalytic and regulatory subunit complex thatresults in activation of PKA. Commonly used PCAs based onGFP and its variants are irreversible and therefore act ascomplex traps, preventing detection of protein complex disso-ciation as we show here for the case of PKA. We previouslyproposed and have demonstrated that PCAs could be designedto be reversible (19, 29, 31, 32). Here we not only rationallydesign the Rluc-PCA to be reversible but we also show that it canaccurately report known dissociation–association kinetics ofPKA subunits and known pharmacological responses in a naturalbiological system. It is the first demonstration of a reversiblePCA upon natural dissociation of a protein complex due toallosteric changes or posttranslational modifications. We alsoshow that the Rluc-PCA fragments unfold and separate afterdissociation of the PKA complex, demonstrating that the de-tected disruption of the PKA complex represents true moleculardissociation of the PKA subunit–PCA fragment fusion proteins.We illustrate pharmacological applications of this tool to (i)identify endogenously expressed GPCRs and (ii) to uncover aselective role of PDE-4 family in down-regulating constitutive�-2 adrenergic receptor (�2AR)- but not vasopressin-2 receptor(V2R)-mediated PKA activities. These examples illustrate thesimplicity and versatility of the Rluc-PCA to study the dynamicsof protein complexes that are key to the understanding ofpharmacology in vivo.

ResultsDesign of the Rluc-PCA. The purpose of our study was to create aPCA for quantification of dynamic protein complexes. We choseto generate a PCA based on the Rluc, which is, because of itssimplicity and sensitivity, a widely used bioluminescence re-porter. In contrast to the reported PCA version of Rluc (25), weused a homology-modeled structure of Rluc to test differentdissection sites. Points of reporter protein dissection into twoPCA fragments are generally chosen based on the followingcriteria: (i) the cut sites are as far as possible from the catalyticsite, (ii) the fragments represent recognizable subdomains, (iii)the reporter protein structure can be accessibly folded fromfragments fused to interacting proteins, and (iv) the cut sites are

in nonstructured regions (19, 21, 22, 33). The structure of Rluc,isolated from the marine ‘‘sea pansy’’ R. reniformis, has not beensolved; however, a simple Blast search (34) immediately identi-fied several sequences with �40% sequence identity to thebacterial haloalkane dehalogenases [supporting information (SI)Fig. 6 and SI Methods]. Based on this observation we submittedthe Rluc sequence to the Modeller database (35) and retrievedthree high-scoring structures of which, predictably, the highestscoring was a haloalkane dehalogenase from the proteobacte-rium Xanthobacter autotrophicus (Protein Data Bank ID code1EDE).

Based on the predicted structure of Rluc and the PCA designcriteria we identified and tested several potential sites to dissectthe protein into separate complementary fragments (SI Fig. 7A).Among these, fragments that dissect the protein between aminoacids 110 and 111 proved to provide reconstitution of the highestbioluminescence activity in overexpression experiments in Sac-charomyces cerevisiae (SI Fig. 7B and SI Methods).

Design of Rluc-PCA Sensor of PKA Subunit Complex Dynamics. Thegeneral scheme for construction and detection of the Rluc-PCAPKA sensor consists of fusing complementary fragments of Rlucto the regulatory (Reg) and catalytic (Cat) PKA subunits of PKA(Figs. 1 and 2A). In our first tests with HEK293T cells, quanti-fication of the first 10 seconds of bioluminescence gave thehighest luciferase activities for coexpressed PKA combinationsof Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) and Reg-F(1):Reg-F(2) after addition ofthe Rluc substrate benzyl-coelenterazine. Neither expression ofindividual nor coexpression of PCA fusion proteins Cat and the


inactive PKA active PKA

cAMP levelR CR C




Rluc-F(1) Rluc-F(2)benzyl-


Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the PCA strategy using Rluc fragmentsto study the dynamic complex of the PKA heterodimer [regulatory (R) andcatalytic (C) PKA subunits] in vivo. Cellular cAMP levels are controlled directlyby adenylyl cyclases (AC, production) and PDE (degradation). cAMP elevationand association with the R subunit of PKA induces dissociation of R and Csubunits, resulting in decreasing Rluc-PCA activity.

Fig. 2. A dynamic PKA activity sensor based on Rluc-PCA. (A) Schematicrepresentation for the design of a PCA-based PKA reporter. The regulatory(Reg) and catalytic (Cat) PKA subunits were fused to fragment 1 [F(1)] orfragment 2 [F(2)] of Rluc. (B) The Rluc-PCA was detected from transientlytransfected HEK293T cells in suspension aliquoted to 96-well microtiter plates.Immunoblot analysis verifies expression of PCA-tagged proteins (representa-tive experiment � SD of triplicates). RLU, relative luminescence units. (C) Effectof forskolin (100 �M) and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (100 �M) treatment onReg-F(1):Cat-F(2) and Reg-F(1):Reg-F(2). The Rluc-PCA was detected fromtransiently transfected HEK293T cells in suspension and aliquoted to 96-wellmicrotiter plates (mean � SD from three independent experiments). (D)HEK293T cells coexpressing Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) were treated for the indicatedtimes with forskolin (100 �M) and were subjected to immunoprecipitationand Western blotting using anti-Rluc antibodies. (E) The Rluc-PCA was de-tected from untreated and forskolin-treated (100 �M, 15 min) HEK293T cellsstably expressing Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) in suspension (� SD from three indepen-dent samples). Immunoblot analysis shows the expression of endogenouslyexpressed and overexpressed PKA subunits.

Stefan et al. PNAS � October 23, 2007 � vol. 104 � no. 43 � 16917





Ras binding domain of serine threonine kinase Raf (RafRBD),which should not interact directly [Cat-F(1):Cat-F(2) andRafRBD-F (1):Cat-F(2)], gave significant bioluminescence sig-nals, confirming the specificity of the assay (Fig. 2B). Theseresults indicate that a direct protein–protein interaction isnecessary to promote reconstitution of Rluc enzyme activity.

Use of the PKA Sensor to Monitor Protein Complex Dynamics in Vivo.To show that the Rluc-PCA could be used for kinetic studies ofprotein complexes, we analyzed the effect of cAMP elevation onReg-F(1):Cat-F(2). We treated transiently transfectedHEK293T cells with the cAMP-elevating agent forskolin. For-skolin induced disruption of the Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) within 1 minof treatment, and after 10 min almost 80% of the PCA fragment-tagged PKA subunits were dissociated (Fig. 2C). In agreementwith in vitro data, an increase in cAMP concentration causespartial dissociation of the type II PKA holoenzyme with �20%of the complex remaining associated (36). We measured reas-sociation of the PKA subunit complex upon removal of forskolin(Fig. 2C). Also consistent with this observation, pretreatment ofcells with the general nonselective PDE inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine and subsequent forskolin treatment for 10 minfollowed by its removal maintained cAMP levels elevated andprevented apparent reassociation of the PKA subunits. In con-trast to the PKA heterodimer we detected no dissociation ofReg-F(1):Reg-F(2) in response to forskolin (Fig. 2C).

Results of the PKA Rluc-PCA are consistent with the knownmechanism of dissociation and reassociation of PKA subunits. Interms of the Rluc-PCA reporter, these results could be inter-preted in two ways: either the cAMP-promoted dissociation ofthe PKA subunits leads to a complete disassembly of the Rlucreporter that dissociates as free fragments or it promotes aconformational change within the assembled Rluc that results ina loss of Rluc catalytic activity. To distinguish between these twopossibilities, we examined the association and dissociation ofReg-F(1):Cat-F(2) in response to forskolin directly by immuno-precipitation. We confirmed that the Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) com-plex is formed under basal conditions. Dissociation of thePCA–PKA complex could be detected within the first minutesafter forskolin treatment (Fig. 2D). The time course of PKAdissociation appears consistent with the observation we haveobtained with the bioluminescent readout. To demonstrate thehigh sensitivity of the Rluc-PCA in measuring dynamic proteincomplexes we generated stable HEK293T cell lines expressingthe Rluc-PCA PKA sensor. In response to forskolin we recordedthe dissociation of Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) in individual clones withexpression levels of the biosensor similar to or far below endog-enously expressed PKA subunits (Fig. 2E). The reversibility ofthe Rluc-PCA PKA illustrated here stands in contrast with whatwas observed with other popular PCAs based on the fragmen-tation of GFP. Indeed we could not detect disruption of the PKAsubunit interaction using the Venus YFP-based PCA reporter inresponse to cAMP elevation (SI Fig. 8 and SI Methods). Thus,although GFP-based PCAs may have broad applications invisualization, localization, and translocation of protein com-plexes, existing GFP and mutant variant PCAs cannot be appliedto study dynamic protein complex assembly and disassembly.

Imaging of the Dynamic PKA Sensor in Living Cells. To test whetherour reporter could be used for localization studies, we performedlive cell imaging of transiently transfected HEK293T cells. Fig.3A shows the comparison of bioluminescence intensities mea-sured by luminometry of full-length and complemented Rlucactivities of adherent cells. We have obtained �10% of thefull-length Rluc bioluminescence with the coexpressed PCA–PKA combination Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2). As predicted, we ob-served bioluminescence signal throughout the cell upon expres-sion of the full-length Rluc (Fig. 3B). In contrast, the signal

generated by reconstituted Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) was selectivelylocalized to the cytoplasm with a clear exclusion from thenucleus (Fig. 3C). Upon pretreatment with forskolin for 30 minthe bioluminescence signal was no longer detectable (Fig. 3D).These data indicate that imaging of bioluminescence is not onlyfeasible for localization studies but can also be used to detectalterations of protein complexes.

Monitoring GPCR Activity Using the Rluc-PCA PKA Reporter. We nextexamined whether the Rluc-PCA PKA reporter could be used tostudy the dynamics of PKA activation under the control ofGPCR-mediated signal transduction pathways. We used physi-ological stimuli to activate two G�s-coupled receptors, �2ARand V2R. Treatment of stable receptor cell lines [HEK293-�2AR(37) or HEK293-V2R (38)] expressing the PCA-tagged PKAsensor with the agonist isoproterenol (Fig. 4A) or the antidi-uretic hormone arginine–vasopressin (AVP) (Fig. 4B) inducedthe dissociation of up to 80% of Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) within thefirst 15 min. The specificity of the receptor-mediated responsewas confirmed by the observation that the �-adrenergic antag-onist alprenolol and the V2R antagonist SR121363B blocked theactivation of the PKA reporter by isoproterenol and AVP,respectively (Fig. 4 A and B).

These results indicate that discrete GPCR activation inducesthe dissociation of the cAMP/PKA reporter Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2).In contrast, isoproterenol or AVP treatment did not induce thedissociation of the regulatory PKA homodimer.

Fig. 3. Cellular imaging of bioluminescence of transiently transfectedHEK293T cells expressing full-length Rluc and Rluc-PCA. (A) The Rluc-PCA wasdetected from HEK293T cells expressing indicated PCA fusion proteins (10seconds) or full-length Rluc (1-second integration time) grown on 96-wellmicrotiter plates (mean � SD from triplicates). (B and C) Visualization of Rlucbioluminescence of HEK293T cells. By using a CCD camera and integrationtime of 30 seconds we imaged the bioluminescence (shown in gray scale) offull-length Rluc (B) and localized bioluminescence of HEK293T cells expressingReg-F(1):Cat-F(2) (120 seconds) in PBS supplemented with 5 �M benzyl-coelenterazine (C). (D) Effect of 30 min of forskolin (100 �M) pretreatment onthe bioluminescence of Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) (120 seconds). Cotransfection of thered fluorescent protein (RFP) serves as control for transfection. C, cytoplasm;N, nucleus. (Scale bars: 5 �m.)

16918 � www.pnas.org�cgi�doi�10.1073�pnas.0704257104 Stefan et al.

PDE4 Regulates Basal Activities of the �2AR. The accumulation ofcAMP is regulated through the activation of adenylyl cyclase byG�s and its degradation by PDE activity. To test the role of PDEin the regulation of constitutive basal GPCR activities wequantified PKA activities in HEK293 cells treated with specificinhibitors for those PDEs that have the highest activity inHEK293 cells, PDE3 and PDE4 (39). In HEK293 cells that stablyexpress the G�s-coupled receptors V2R or �2AR, we transientlytransfected Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) and treated the cells with thePDE3 or PDE4 selective inhibitors milrinone or rolipram,respectively. Milrinone had no effect on PKA activity, butrolipram caused concentration- and time-dependent activationof PKA in stable �2AR-HEK293 cells in the absence of anyligand as well as in the presence of the neutral �2AR antagonistalprenolol (SI Fig. 9). No response could be detected in V2R-HEK293 cells (Fig. 4C) or HEK293 cells (data not shown).Pretreatment of �2AR-HEK293 cells with the selective �2ARantagonist ICI118,551 (inverse agonist) inhibited the roliprameffect on PKA activation as well as the isoproterenol-mediatedresponse (Fig. 4D). This finding indicates that inhibition ofPDE4 increases the �2AR-mediated accumulation of cAMP andtherefore PKA activity. Binding of inverse agonists ICI118,511and propranolol (data not shown) to the �2AR prevented thereceptor-mediated PKA response evoked by PDE4 inhibitionunder basal conditions. These data indicate that the �2ARspontaneous activity is a major contributor to the basal cAMPlevels that can be regulated by PDE4 in these cells.

Detecting Endogenously Expressed GPCRs Using the Rluc-PCA. Wenext applied the Rluc-PCA PKA reporter to assess the presence

of endogenously expressed GPCRs in selected cell lines. Wetreated HEK293T, HeLa, COS7, and U2OS cells, transientlytransfected with Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2), with combinations of V2Rand �2AR agonists and antagonists. After agonist treatment weobserved PKA activation only in COS7 and U2OS cells inresponse to the nonselective �-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol.In HEK293T and HeLa cells we could not detect any isoprot-erenol-mediated response, suggesting little or no activity of�-adrenergic receptors. Pretreatment with the nonselective�-adrenergic antagonist alprenolol inhibited the isoproterenol-induced activation of the PKA reporter. No expression offunctional V2R can be detected in any tested cell line. (Fig. 5A).These results confirm that COS7 and U2OS cells express at leastone subtype of �-adrenergic receptors endogenously.

Kinetics of �2AR-Mediated PKA Dissociation and Reassociation. Wegenerated a stable U2OS cell line expressing the Rluc-PCA PKAsensor to analyze responses of endogenously expressed GPCRs(SI Methods). We performed immunoblotting analysis and detectedexpression levels of Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) at similar levels of endog-

Fig. 4. Effect of GPCR agonists, antagonists, and PDE inhibition on PKAactivities. The Rluc-PCA was detected from transiently transfected HEK293Tcells grown on white-walled 96-well microtiter plates. (A) Effect of combina-tions of alprenolol (10 �M, 60 min) pretreatment and isoproterenol (10 �M, 15min) treatment of stable HEK293 clones expressing the �2AR on Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) or Reg-F(1):Reg-F(2) (mean � SD from triplicates). (B) Effect of SR121463B(10 �M, 60 min) pretreatment and AVP (100 nM, 15 min) treatment of stableHEK293 clones expressing the V2R on Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) or Reg-F(1):Reg-F(2)(mean � SD triplicates). (C) Stable V2R-HEK293 and �2AR-HEK293 cells werepretreated for indicated times with milrinone (10 �M) and increasing concen-trations of rolipram (�M) followed by plate reader analysis of the effect on theReg-F(1):Cat-F(2) (mean � SD from three independent experiments). (D) Sta-ble �2AR-HEK293 cells were pretreated for 30 min with the selective �2AR-antagonist ICI118,551 (1 �M) and isoproterenol (1 �M, 15 min) or increasingconcentrations of rolipram (�M, 15 min) followed by Rluc-PCA analysis ofReg-F(1):Cat-F(2) (mean � SD from three independent experiments).

Fig. 5. Identification of endogenously expressed GPCR cascades using theRluc-PCA PKA reporter. (A) The Rluc-PCA was detected from attachedHEK293T, HeLa, COS7, or U2OS cells grown on white-walled 96-well microtiterplates. Shown is the effect of combinations of alprenolol (10 �M, 60 min)pretreatment and isoproterenol (10 �M, 15 min) treatment and combinationsof SR121463B (1 �M, 60 min) pretreatment and AVP (100 nM, 15 min) treat-ment on Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) (mean � SD from three independent experiments).(B) The Rluc-PCA was detected from U2OS cells stably expressing Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) in the presence and absence of isoproterenol (1 �M) (Left). Immunoblotanalysis verifies the expression of endogenously expressed and overexpressedregulatory and catalytic PKA subunits. EC50 values for isoproterenol-mediated�-adrenergic activation were obtained by using increasing concentrations ofthe ligand measured as changes of Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) (Right; mean � SD fromthree independent experiments). (C) Real-time kinetics (normalized on thecontrol experiment) in response to isoproterenol (1 �M) of Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2)recorded with attached U2OS cells (stable clone 1; three independent samples,representative experiment). Washing steps were performed four times withPBS after 10 min of first isoproterenol treatment. (D) Real-time kinetics(normalized on the control experiment) of changes of Reg-F(1):Cat-F(2) re-corded with attached U2OS cells (stable clone 1) when treated with combi-nations of ICI118,551, alprenolol (both 10 �M, pretreatment 60 min), andisoproterenol (1 �M). Half-times of PKA dissociation were calculated fromthree independent experiments (mean � SD). Calculation of EC50 and t1/2

values and curve fittings were done with Prism 3.01 (GraphPad) (mean � SDfrom at least three independent samples).

Stefan et al. PNAS � October 23, 2007 � vol. 104 � no. 43 � 16919





enously expressed PKA subunits in clone one (Fig. 5B Lower). Inresponse to isoproterenol treatment, we detected the dissociation ofReg-F(1):Cat-F(2) (Fig. 5B Upper). The half-maximal effectiveconcentrations of isoproterenol required to induce PKA activation(EC50 value) by endogenously expressed GPCR was determined tobe 5.2 � 3.5 nM (Fig. 5B Right), in the range of values obtained byin vitro cAMP measurements of isoproterenol-treated �2AR-expressing HEK293 cells (13.9 � 3.9 nM) (40).

Finally, we studied real-time continuous kinetics of PKAactivation by recording live cell bioluminescence of the wholecell population. Subsequent to cAMP-triggered dissociation(first isoproterenol) (Fig. 5C Left), reformation of the PCA-tagged PKA complex could be detected immediately afterremoval of isoproterenol within the first few seconds, reachingthe maximum amount of PKA holoenzyme in a biphasic processwithin 2–3 min. Repeated isoproterenol treatment induceddissociation of the Rluc-PCA PKA sensor, demonstrating thatthe PCA detects PKA subunit reassociation (Fig. 5C Right).Immediately after isoproterenol treatment we observed thedissociation of the PKA reporter (t1/2 � 30.47 � 3.03 seconds).A similar pattern and timeframe of PKA activation has beenobserved with fluorescence resonance energy transfer-basedPKA activity reporters in different cell types (10, 11). Pretreat-ment of U2OS cells with the nonselective �-adrenergic antag-onist alprenolol and with the selective �-2 adrenergic antagonistICI118,551 prevented isoproterenol-mediated PKA activation tothe same extent (Fig. 5D), indicating that the response wasmediated by the �-2 adrenergic subtype.

DiscussionOur results demonstrate that the Rluc-PCA sensor meets severalrequirements to study cell biological aspects of signal transmis-sion in vivo. First we show that folding of rationally designed Rlucfragments is reversible, which is a prerequisite to study signalingevents by the dynamics of protein complex assembly and disas-sembly. The simplicity of this technology allows the detection ofinteracting proteins even at expression levels far below theendogenously expressed proteins, which causes fewer perturba-tions of the cellular physiology. Second, the very high signal-to-background ratio due to folding of the Rluc fragments in livingcells permits more sensitive detection of protein complex dy-namics by imaging single cells or more simply by spectroscopicmonitoring of whole cell populations as would be desirable forhigh-throughput screening applications.

Another advantage of the Rluc-PCA is the ability to recordand quantify repeatedly live changes of protein complexes in cellpopulations. This approach provides the basis for accuratedetermination of dose dependence of pharmacologically in-duced alterations of protein complexes with temporal resolutionin the timeframe of seconds. In contrast to fluorescence andbioluminescent resonance energy transfer approaches, Rluc-PCA is a readout for absolute values of protein complexes, whichallows for the precise quantification of even modest perturba-tions. Kinetics of protein complexes can be tracked via a simpleand undemanding protocol in high-throughput screening formatusing 1,536-well plates (SI Fig. 10 and SI Methods). Reconsti-tution of Rluc enzyme activity can be continuously measured for�60 min (SI Fig. 11). Overall we demonstrate that Rluc-PCA canbe used as a reliable real-time sensor for detecting dynamicprotein complexes in living cells featured by its sensitivity andsimplicity.

We could not observe reversibility, a precondition to studydynamic protein complexes, with the ‘‘barrel’’-structured GFP-based PCA (SI Fig. 8). We have tested every potential dissectionsite in GFP and several variants and found none that arereversible (data not shown). A key criterion for choosing a PCAreporter has been to select those that have recognizable subdo-mains (regions with more contact surface among a group of

residues than with the rest of the structure) and to choosedissection sites between these domains (21). The GFP �-barrelstructure has no such subdomains. It is possible that, given thefewer contacts between subdomains, the dissociation of frag-ments observed with the Rluc-PCA occurs first through disso-ciation of its subdomains. The mechanistic details of PCAdissociation are under investigation.

To assess pharmacological effects of cAMP modulation inliving cells we set out to use the Rluc-PCA in a biological systemto study protein complex dynamics of a key player in GPCRcascades, PKA. Through the analysis of signaling cascades of twoprototypical G�s-coupled receptors we evaluated the extent towhich PDEs modulate constitutive basal GPCR activities (41).We demonstrated that PDE4 inhibition selectively augments�2AR-mediated PKA activation in the absence of any ligand(Fig. 4C) as well as in the presence of the neutral �2ARantagonist alprenolol (SI Fig. 9) while having no effect onanother G�s-coupled receptor (V2R). These findings betterdefine the role of the PDE4 family, whose involvement inagonist-mediated �2AR signaling had been described (42, 43)and whose inhibitors are therapeutic targets for a variety ofdiseases (44). The existence of PDE4 and �2AR in the samecomplex under basal conditions could explain these results (45,46). Interestingly, the effect of PDE4 inhibition could not beobserved after binding of the inverse agonists ICI118,551 (Fig.4D) or propranolol (data not shown) to �2AR. Inverse agonistsstabilize the receptor in its inactive conformation, therebymaximally inhibiting interaction of the receptor with Gs. Theneutral antagonist leaves the equilibrium between active andinactive receptor more or less unchanged (47). Given the largenumbers of inverse agonists used clinically one could predictunexpected synergistic effects of simultaneous treatment withPDE4 inhibitors.

Our study also confirms that the Rluc-PCA PKA sensor issensitive enough to report rapid alterations of protein complexesoriginating from endogenously expressed receptors and effec-tors. This is a prerequisite to reproduce known dissociation–association kinetics and known pharmacological responses withfidelity in response to GPCR stimulation. We further show thatit is possible to identify and characterize functional, endoge-nously expressed receptors in a parallel fashion.

Given that the GPCR family is the most important class ofdrug target, the Rluc-based PKA sensor represents a widelyapplicable assay to study various aspects of GPCR signaling inthe context of drug discovery. Our findings demonstrate thatusing combinations of selective agonists and antagonists it ispossible to assess key features of GPCRs such as (i) identifyingregulatory components and mechanism of constitutive GPCRactivities, (ii) identifying subtypes of endogenously expressedreceptors in distinct cell lines, (iii) estimating dose–responsecurves for ligands, and (iv) recording quantitatively the real-timekinetics of PKA activation and inactivation.

In conclusion, our data indicate that using the newly devel-oped Rluc-PCA PKA sensor we can quantify and image dynamicprotein complex assembly and disassembly, which are modulatedby distinct modules of the cAMP machinery. We have identifieda mechanism of how constitutive basal GPCR activities areregulated and demonstrate a strategy to identify endogenouslyexpressed G�s-coupled receptors. Thus, this approach opens thedoor to the identification and characterization of multipleeffectors of PKA. The design of further PCA sensors for distinctG�-coupled signaling cascades would provide a functional assayplatform to establish and analyze interconnected signalingroutes of kinases and the GPCR family.

MethodsConstruction of Plasmids. Fragments [F(1):1–110aa; F(2):111–310aa] of the humanized Rluc gene were PCR-amplified (tem-

16920 � www.pnas.org�cgi�doi�10.1073�pnas.0704257104 Stefan et al.

plate, phRL-CMV; Promega). Regulatory (rat, type II, Reg) andcatalytic (mouse, type �, Cat) subunits of PKA [cDNAs gener-ously provided by M. Zaccolo, Dulbecco Telethon Institute,Padua, Italy (11)] were subcloned into the 5� end of the 10-aalinker (GGGGS)2 and the Rluc-PCA fragments [Rluc-F(1) orRluc-F(2); pcDNA3.1].

Cell Culture and Immunoblot Analysis. Indicated cell lines wereplated into 12- or 96-well dishes and grown in DMEM (Invitro-gen) supplemented with 10% FBS. Transient transfections wereperformed with FuGENE-6 reagent (Roche). Cells were treatedwith forskolin, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, AVP, isoprotere-nol, alprenolol, ICI118,551, rolipram, milrinone (Sigma), andSR121463B. The reactions were terminated and immunoblottedwith anti-Rluc antibodies [MAB4400 versus Rluc-F(2),MAB4410 versus Rluc-F(1); Chemicon] or anti-Reg and anti-Cat PKA antibodies (BD Transduction Laboratories).

Coimmunoprecipitation. PCA-tagged PKA complexes were immu-noprecipitated from agonist-treated six-well dishes of HEK293Tcells. Cell lysate proteins were immunoprecipitated with 0.5 �gof anti-Rluc antibodies (MAB4400; Chemicon) and proteinA/G-Sepharose (Calbiochem).

Bioluminescence Assay. Immediately after treatment, exchangeof medium, and addition of 100 �l of PBS to the 96-wellwhite-walled plates (Corning), the bioluminescence analysisusing the LMaxII384 luminometer (Molecular Devices) wasinitiated. Cells grown in 12-well plates were resuspended in 600�l of PBS. A total of 100 �l of cell suspension (�105 cells) wastransferred to 96-well plates and subjected to bioluminescenceanalysis. Rluc activities were monitored for the first 10 secondsafter addition of the substrate benzyl-coelenterazine (5 �M;Nanolight).

Bioluminescence Imaging. Transfected HEK293T cells wereimaged on a Nikon Eclipse TE2000U inverted microscopeconnected to a CoolSnap HQ Monochrome CCD camera (Pho-tometrics) with binning 4 and CCD format of 6.45 � 6.45-�mpixels. Bioluminescence images were background-corrected andprocessed by using Metamorph software (Universal Imaging).

We thank M. Vasseur and M. Oueslati for their support and E.Manderson for critically reading the manuscript. This research wassupported by Canadian Institutes of Health Research Grant MOP-152556 (to S.W.M.). S.W.M. holds the Canada Research Chair inIntegrative Genomics. M.B. holds the Canada Research Chair in SignalTransduction and Molecular Pharmacology.

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