quality in construction; cidb mandate & focus

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Quality in Construction; cidb Mandate & Focus. February 2014. Overview. cidb Legislative Framework and Mandate Quality in construction cidb Focus on quality: Programme Structure Concluding comments. cidb Legislative Framework & Mandate. cidb Legislative Framework. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Quality in Construction;cidb Mandate & Focus

February 2014



• cidb Legislative Framework and Mandate• Quality in construction• cidb Focus on quality:

– Programme Structure• Concluding comments


cidb Legislative Framework & Mandate


cidb Legislative Framework

• White Paper (DPW; 1999): Creating an Enabling Environment for Reconstruction, Growth and Development in the Construction Industry

• cidb Act (Act 59 2000):– to provide for the establishment of the Construction

Industry Development Board– to implement an integrated strategy for the reconstruction,

growth and development of the construction industry• Construction Industry Development Regulations (DPW; 2004;

as amended)


cidb Mandate

• Provide strategic leadership• Promote sustainable growth and participation of the emerging

sector• Promote improved performance and best practice• Promote uniform application of policy and improved

procurement and delivery management• Monitoring and regulating the performance of the industry and

its stakeholders, including the registration of projects and contractors


cidb Act & Mandate: Quality (i)

• 4.(d) promote best practice through the development and implementation of appropriate programmes and measures aimed at best practice and improved performance of public and private sector clients, contractors and other participants in the construction delivery process

• 16.(1) ….. establish a national register of contractors, which categorises contractors in a manner that facilitates public sector procurement and promotes contractor development

• 21. …. establish a best practice contractor recognition scheme which:– (a) enables organs of state to manage risk on complex

contracting strategies– (b) promotes contractor development ….


cidb Act & Mandate: Quality (ii)

• Risk management in procurement• Performance improvement• contractor development

• No mandate in terms of quality assurance


Regulations; Home Building

• 4.1 Any contractor who is registered as a homebuilder …. is exempt from registration in terms of these Regulations for the purpose of construction works in relation to the provision of a home as contemplated in those Regulations– i.e. it is not a requirement that homebuilders register with

the cidb


Quality in Construction


Base Documents

• Construction Quality in SA; A Client Perspective

• cidb Construction Industry Indicators (CIIs):– annual survey:

• client satisfaction

• quality of construction

• defects


CIIs; Quality (2009/13; GB & CE)

0.1 1 10 100 1000

Project Cost (Rm)


Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied



CIIs; Quality (2009/13; GB & CE)

0.1 1 10 100 1000

Project Cost (Rm)


Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied


Clients were neutral on 25% of the projects surveyed (R43b)

Clients were dissatisfied on 1% of the projects surveyed (R2b)


CIIs; Level of Defects (2009/13; GB & CE)

0.1 1 10 100 1000

Project Cost (Rm)

Few Defects

Major Defects

Totally Defective

Some Defects

Apparently Defect Free


CIIs; Level of Defects (2009/13; GB & CE)

0.1 1 10 100 1000

Project Cost (Rm)

Few Defects

Major Defects

Totally Defective

Some Defects

Apparently Defect Free

Around 2% of the projects surveyed had major defects or were totally defective



State of Quality; Quality per SectorScale: 1 = very poor; 3 = average; 5 = very good

Sector Overall Mean Rank

Commercial 3.5 2Industrial 3.5 3Infrastructure 3.3 4Residential:

Low-income 1.9 6Middle-income 2.9 5Upper-income 3.9 1


Barriers to Construction QualityScale: 1 = minor; 3 = average; 5 = major influence

Interventions / Situations Overall Mean Rank

Poor site management 4.4 1Lack of contractor quality expertise 4.4 2Corruption 4.3 3Inadequate resourcing by contractors 4.1 4Lack of understanding of quality 4.1 5Level of subcontracting 4.1 6Inadequate information 4.1 7Detail 4.1 8Focus on cost by contractors 4.0 9Poor constructability 4.0 10


CIIs; Level of Defects (2009/13; GB & CE)

0.1 1 10 100 1000

Project Cost (Rm)

Few Defects

Major Defects

Totally Defective

Some Defects

Apparently Defect Free

Largely design or construction related barriers, together with client monitoring

Largely procurement related barriers, including functionality, procurement

capacity, corruption


cidb Focus on Quality

Programme Structure


Construction Registers Service (CRS)

• cidb Register of Contractors:– financial capability– established 2004

• cidb Best Practice Contractor Recognition Scheme:– capability and performance– subject to Regulatory Impact Assessment– establish 2014?

• cidb Register of Projects– performance of contractor, agent and client– subject to Regulatory Impact Assessment– establish 2014?


Procurement and Delivery Management (PDM)• Standard for Uniformity in Construction Procurement• Code of Conduct for the Parties Engaged in Construction

Procurement:– non-performance, corruption, …– sanctions

• Practice Notes:– PN 9; Evaluation of Quality in Tender Submissions:

• encourage use of functionality

– PN 30; Blacklisting of Contractors for Non-Performance – PN 31; Requirements for Registered Professionals on

Construction Works Contracts• Capacity building of procurement officials• Integrity Management System for clients (draft)


Construction Industry Performance(CIP) (i)• Best Practice Contractor Recognition Scheme:

– Contractor Performance Reports (Grades 2 to 9) (2013):• includes quality management

– Best Practice; Construction Management Systems• SANS 1393: H&S, quality and environment (site)

– Competence Standard for Contractors• minimum acceptable standards necessary for running a

contracting enterprise and for supervising building and construction works

– Standard for Contractor Integrity Management Systems (under development)

– subject to Regulatory Impact Assessment– establish 2014?


Construction Industry Performance(CIP) (ii)• Best Practice Project Assessment Scheme:

– Standard for Indirect Targeting for Enterprise Development (2013)

• Best Practice Register of Professional Service Providers (under development)

• Piloting and testing the BCA Construction Quality Assessment Scheme (CONQUAS) system in South Africa:– feasibility report complete


Provincial offices and Contractor Development (PCD)• National Contractor Development Programme (NCDP):

– NCDP Framework (2011):• endorsed by DPW MinMEC; September 2012

• endorsed by SALGA and COGTA MinMEC; September 2013

– Guidelines for Implementing Contractor Development Programmes (CDPs) (2011):• work opportunities, training, mentoring

• graduating

– Monitoring of CDPs• Capacity building of officials


Concluding Comments


Concluding Comments

• cidb is collaborating with National Treasury on building procurement capacity in national and provincial departments

• cidb and NHBRC should consider encouraging clients to require cidb registered contractors on home building

• cidb collaborates with the NHBRC to share knowledge and systems in the area of quality improvement

• cidb is collaborating with built environment professionals (BEPs) to enhance focus on contractor development

• cidb is collaborating with SACPCMP in establishing the necessary mentoring capacity for contractors


Concluding Comments

Building a strong government focus on

quality and contractor development


Thank You

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