qualities and mastery of 6th ray

Post on 13-Nov-2014






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Easy to read and print--notes on the 6th. Ray.


6th.Ray of God Peace, Ministration and Selfless


The 6th. Ray is the Ray of Accelerated Unity.

Life Lesson:-- “ Walk the Middle Way of Balance.”

The energy of the 6th. Ray :--

--enables you to minister and serve all life.

The energy of the 6th. Ray can be mastered as you learn to use

the energy of the Solar-Plexus Chakra correctly :--

--by mastering your desires.

--by aligning your desires with your goals in life.

--by setting aside your own desires when necessary to support

and serve others.

--by mastering your emotions.

--by engaging the power of your emotions as an instrument for


--by cultivating inner peace, brotherhood and selfless service.

--by striving to walk the Middle Way of Balance.

--by letting your solar-plexus chakra be the open door for the

expression of Divine love as God Peace.

--by letting the solar-plexus chakra radiate the Dynamic peace

that will consume all division.

Positive Qualities of the 6Positive Qualities of the 6Positive Qualities of the 6Positive Qualities of the 6thththth. Ray.. Ray.. Ray.. Ray.

--peace --balance

--brotherhood --harmlessness

--selfless service --desirelessness

--right desire --reunion with God.

Unbalanced Expressions of the 6Unbalanced Expressions of the 6Unbalanced Expressions of the 6Unbalanced Expressions of the 6thththth. Ray.. Ray.. Ray.. Ray.

--anger --agitation

--fanaticism --aggression

--egoism --overindulgence

--fear --anxiety



--You become harmless when you:--

--let go of all desire for justice, revenge.

--you let go of trying to somehow make up for the wrong by

committing new wrongs.

--you stop fighting and resisting.

--you stop feeling victimized.

--Leave such things behind and love and surrender

unconditionally. Then the Holy Spirit can descend and change

the situation so that what seems to be the guaranteed outcome

will not come to pass.

--By refusing to play your part in the dualistic struggle, you might

inspire others to realize that there is an alternative, there is a

way beyond the struggle.

ReunioReunioReunioReunion with God.n with God.n with God.n with God.

--The highest, safest and most expedient road leading to reunion

with God, is the Path of Initiation under one or more of the

Ascended Masters, wherein you invoke the Violet Flame

(through the giving of decrees and rosaries) to transmute your

past records . You also call on Archangel Michael as your

protector ( by giving his decrees and rosary.)

www.transformnet.org ---for Violet Flame decrees.

www.askrealjesus.com www.mothermarysgarden.com

For decrees and rosaries.


--Peace can only be obtained through your heart chakra, by going

to your heart daily and practicing being centred in your heart.

---There is only peace where there is love. And there is only love

where there is the Will of God.

--The only place you can have peace is inside your own being.

--Keys to peace:--

--forgiveness and tolerance.

--giving up all revenge.

--overcoming all warring in your own members.

--reconnecting to your own Higher Self, your I Am Presence.

--bringing your conscious awareness in contact with your soul so

that you can make sense of your life with your conscious mind.

--using your free will to make right choices.

--focusing on being Who You Really Are and letting other people

be who they are or who they are choosing to be at the moment.

--expressing your own unique individuality and being less

concerned about the beliefs and actions of others.

If you are at peace---then know that you are Being Who You Are.

If you are not at peace---then know that you are compromising

your true individuality and you will feel agitation in your solar-

plexus chakra.


“ I find peace in constant self-transcendence.”

“ I attain inner peace by purifying my heart. “

“ I know who I Am, therefore, I have inner peace. “

“ I claim my God peace. “”

“ I Am Peace ! Peace I Am ! “

“ My inner peace depends on nothing outside myself.

My inner peace depends on my inner contact with, my

centredness in, the God Flame of Peace. “

“ Inner peace is necessary in order to bring about outer peace on

Earth. “

“ I express God peace that is in alignment with the Will of God. “

Right Desire.Right Desire.Right Desire.Right Desire.

A true, right desire is based on oneness with the Source of life

and will make you feel whole, fulfilled and nurtured.

A right desire springs from :--

--the drive to be part of the self-transcendence of God.

--the drive to share God’s abundance.

--the drive to express your divine individuality.

--the drive too experience the beauty of God’s creation.

--the drive to become More of God.

--When you are pursuing a true, right desire you will not seek to

own or possess.

Instead, you will seek to give so that you can receive more from

God and thus be part of God’s River of Life that constantly brings

more abundance to this world.

This is how a true, right desire becomes a spiral that leads

upward to greater and greater fulfilment and a sense of being

perfectly nurtured.

--Examine all your desires and check whether they spring from

your sense of being separated for God and others, or whether it

springs from the drive to magnify, to raise the Whole because you

accept your Oneness with the Whole.

--Learn to accept and pursue only true, right desires.


“ I align my desires with my goals in life. “

“ I surrender all ego-based desires, ambitions and expectations. “

“ My desires and my free will choices are in alignment with my I

Am presence. “

“ I accept only, true, right desires. “

“ My desires are in alignment with the higher desires of my soul.”


--Service is an act of help or assistance that is given to someone

in need.

--Pursing your own spiritual growth will enable you to serve all

life in a better way.

--Giving service to others is an excellent way to transmute your

karma, especially if your service is given with a joyful heart and

no sign of resentment or obligation.

--You also need to understand that you have creative powers or

abilities which you can use to either raise up yourself or to raise

up others, raise up the Whole, of which you are a part.

--To give truly creative service you need to help others to realize

that there is More to life than the endless struggle that most

people experience.

Your creative powers are :--

--power of thought , of imagination.

--power of your spoken word ( to speak positively or negatively.)

--power of your attention and the ability to focus.

--power of free will that enables you to make choices.

--Once you realize and accept that you are the one responsible

for creating your own life, you can then teach others and show

them how to take command of their own lives. (teach them how

God’s laws work ---see notes on 1st. Ray.)

This is true service.

--True service is to serve the God who is in all.

You do this by:--

--serving others in your family, workplace, or community.

--raising up all life by supporting and encouraging others to learn

and grow spiritually.

--setting all life free by forgiving and loving others


--attaining inner peace through being non-attached to people and

the things of this world.

--using spiritual techniques to balance negative energy/karma.

Ie. Give affirmations visualizations, decrees and rosaries.

--By serving others you are releasing God’s light and love from

person to person.

--Reconnect and maintain your connection to your higher self,

your I Am Presence. Then you will know what to do each day.

You will naturally give the service that is needed in any given


--There is a higher service than giving an outer practice, such as

prayer, meditation, decrees or rosaries.

--The ultimate form of service you can give is total, inner peace.

This kind of peace only comes when your are completely non-

attached to other people and the things of this world.

--Becoming the Christ while here on Earth is the most important

service you can give to yourself, your loved ones , your planet

and to the Ascended Masters.



--You only have a certain amount of energy released to you each

day. Therefore, it is important that you do not waste it or allow it

to be tied up with your false desires.

--False desires arise when you feel separated from God and from


This causes you to try and fill the emptiness and loneliness with

the things of this world.

--A true desire will give you inner peace because it is based on

your sense of Oneness with God and with others.

Out of this sense of Oneness you will then be willing to freely

give of yourself to others.


--Brotherhood is the understanding that we all came for the same

Source--God. We are all One. So what we do to another we have

already done to ourselves.

--Strive to live with brotherly love with all you come into contact


--Do not concentrate on your differences, but celebrate your


The 6666thththth. Ray corresponds to Right Effort. Ray corresponds to Right Effort. Ray corresponds to Right Effort. Ray corresponds to Right Effort, one of the points of the

Eight-fold path of the Buddha.

Right Effort always involves service to others , ministration to

life, caring for others.

When you are motivated by the care for others, your effort will

always be right.


A choice is an expression of your current state of consciousness.

It is an expression of how you see yourself, how you see the

world and how you see your relationship to the world.

Life is all about making choices.

Only you can make the decisions that will change your life.

You can never turn off the responsibility of making choices.

You are constantly choosing.

Life is the choice to Be--to BE MORE.

All choices have consequences.

You are either making free choices or you are allowing others to

choose for you.

Either way, YOU are the one who must live with the

consequences of those choices.

You can only influence the consequences if YOU are making your

own decisions.

Consequences that limit you are the result of choices you make

based on incomplete or incorrect knowledge.

Consequences that liberate you are the result of choices you

make based on full understanding.

Before you can make a truly free choice, you must make the

decision with your conscious mind.

You must base your decision on a complete understanding of the


With your free will, you must take back your ability to make truly,

free choices, to make conscious decisions.

By making choices and reaping the consequences of those

choices, you learn and grow .

Master the 6Master the 6Master the 6Master the 6thththth. Ray and balance . Ray and balance . Ray and balance . Ray and balance it with willpower, wisdom, love,

purity, vision and freedom, the qualities of the other 6 rays.

Use your free will, your willpower, your determination, to step up

to the next level of the spiritual path and leave behind the

focusing on yourself and move on to focusing on others.

Through the giving of service to other parts of life, you can

balance your negative karma and learn your spiritual lessons.

Eg.--by serving your family and those in your immediate circle of


--by serving those in your workplace.

--by serving those in your community.

Your service to others should always be more than just seeing to

the personal needs of others.

Ideally, it should also include a sharing of your knowledge , of

what you have learn about the spiritual side of life.

Eg. --about the ego and its games; about God’s laws and how the

universe works; about how to change and imptove life.

It should also be about helping to raise up other people’s

consciousness/ awareness and to empower them so them can

take care of themselves.

Your motivation for serving others should be pure.

It should not be for the purpose of making you feel better or more

superior, or to make people like and accept you, or to fulfil any

personal need of your own.

A pure motive for serving others would be :--

--because you love God and other people , because you realize

and accept that we are all extensions of God---we are all One.

--and because you have compassion for others who are suffering

and you want to help them rise above their illusions and


Any service you render to another should not make them

dependent on you. It should enable them to take control over

their own life experiences and enable them to Be free to choose.

Realize that any imperfections that you observe in other people

do not have to be permanent.

They can change.

By giving people the knowledge and tools of self-empowerment,

you can serve them in the best possible way.

www.askrealjesus.com --easy to read and understand

teachings on the universal spiritual path.

www.higherawareness.com --tools for journaling .

www.transformnet.org ---Violet Flame decrees for transmuting

negative karma.

www.mothermarysgarden.com --teachings and rosaries for self


www.AskAlana.com/Intuition --information on developing your


www.jeshua.net -teachings on your origins and how to deal

with aspects of your life.

You can also strive to see the good in all people and to focus on

their potential rather than their mistakes or imperfections.

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