qualitative research4 bahman taherkhani

Post on 15-Dec-2014






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روش تحقیق کیفی


کارآفرینی دانشکده89خرداد

In the name of GOD

Mixed Method

آمیخته تحقیق روش :عربیون دکتر استاد :طاهرخانی بهمن دانشجو

Developments (last 20 years)

Increasing interest in and advocacy for mixed methods

Evolving understanding of what is mixed methods research

Developing designs and innovative techniques

“The emergence of mixed methods as a third methodological movement in the social and behavioral sciences began during the 1980’s.”

Mixed methods is not that different from other methods

Mixed Methods within Designs

What is this Method Called?

Multi-method Triangulation Integrated Combined Quantitative and qualitative methods Multi-methodology Mixed methodology Mixed-method Mixed research Mixed methods

Mixing (How)

Mixing – Why? Validity – to corroborate quan and qual data Offset – offset weaknesses of quan and qual and draw on

strengths Completeness – more comprehensive account that qual or

quan alone Process – quan provides outcomes; qual, the processes Explanation – qual can explain quan results or vice-versa Unexpected results – surprising results from one, other

explains Instrument development – qual employed to design

instrument Credibility – both approaches enhance integrity of findings Context – qual provides context; quan provides general. Utility – more useful to practitioners

“Single” Paradigm Stance Pragmatism (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2003)

Focus on research question What “works,” consequences Multiple methods – large toolkit

Transformative (Mertens, 2003) Transform lives of underrepresented, marginalized groups Incorporate this focus into all phases of research

Developing Designs and Innovative Techniques

Notation Typologies Diagrams of procedures Complex evaluation models Reconceptualizing designs Emergence of innovations in procedures

Unusual blends Methodological issues Data analysis techniques Presentation techniques

Key Developments

Preliminary Design ConsiderationsApproach Type Purpose Limitations Resolutions

QUAL + quan Simultaneous Enrich description of sample

Qualitative sample

Utilize normative data for comparison of results

QUAL Sequential Test emerging H, determine distribution of phenomenon in population

Qualitative sample

Draw adequate random sample from same population

QUAN + qual Simultaneous To describe part of phenomena that cannot be quantified

Quantitative sample

Select appropriate theoretical sample from random sample

QUAN Sequential To examine unexpected results

Quantitative sample

Select appropriate theoretical sample from random sample

Concurrent Mixed Methods DesignsTriangulation Design

Sequential Designs Mixed Methods Designs

Explanatory Design

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