quad tutorial

Post on 06-Mar-2015






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Here is the information on the UAV (unmanned Ariel vehicle).

Below i have discussed that how to build a QUADROTOR

which is one of the most favorite UAV in today's world.

This is so much useful so that it can be used for many important

application such as surveillance. The quadrotor design,working and

principle given below is the one on which i am working recently.

so first of all get known to the basic introduction and working

principle of the quadrotor.


The basic principle on which the quadrotor works is by making difference

in the rotation of the motor and that is by making difference in torque

applied on the body of the quadrotor by the rotating propellers.

the motors rotates in the direction as shown in the images below :

now look at this image, motor1 and motor3 are rotating in same clockwise

direction so the torque applied by these motors is anticlockwise on the quad

body. similarly motor2 and motor4 are rotating in the same anticlockwise

direction so that they apply torque in the clockwise direction on the quad body.

If the torque applied on the quad body by both pair of the motors in one and

the same then the overall torque on the body will be ZERO, so that the

quadrotor will be stable.


Following is the list of the basic material and components required to build your

own quadrotor :

1. 4 outrunner brushless motors( towerpro motors can be the best option).

2. 4 brushless ESC's.

3. 2 rotating and 2 counter-rotating propellers.(3 blade gws).

4. Transmitter and receiver (minimum 4 channels).

5. Quad rotor frame.


Building your own frame is one of the best and cheap option or you can also

buy ready made frames online. A strong frame can be built with many kind of

material which are easily available and are cheap following are some materials

which you can use for building your frame

1. CNC rods.

2. PVC pipe.

3. BALSA wood rod.


5. BASS wood.

Any of the above can be used to make a frame.I decided and made my framewith

PVC pipe which are normally used for covering wires in household for electricpurposes

and they get easily available at any local electric shop.

O.K now next step is to cut the pipes in four part each of same length. I cut 4pipes

having length 25cm. it can be changed if you want depending upon what size ofQUAD

you are making.Here are some pics of pvc pipe so that you will get some ideaabout it:

this is a PVC pipe which you can get from any local electric shop.

Now the second thing is to get four way connector for the pipe which you have

you will get that also from the same electric shop here is the pics of four way


just remember to get the connector for same diameter as of your pipe.

Now push and fix the four pipes which you have already cut in the holes

into the four way connector as shown in the picture below:

see that they fix properly into the hole and push them until they get upto thestopper

inside the four way connector.After that just take out all the rods now putfeviquick

on the end of the pipe and instantly push it inside the hole in four wayconnector

so that it will perfectly fix inside and do the some with remaining rod in this wayyou

will finish 90% of the frame work.


Now we have proceed with the motor mount.It can be done in lot of ways but

while doing this one thing you should remember is that the motor mount should

be perfectly horizontal that means it should be in the plane of quad frame and

for this purpose you can use spirit level so that you can adjust the motor mount

at the 0 angle with respect to the ground level. the platform for motor mount

you can use aluminum strip with proper width so that that can be placed on the

arm of the quad frame and can be then fixed with screw these steps are shown

below :

cut the aluminum strips as shown above and drill the holes in it for mountingmotorsand holes for screwing it on to the arm you should do it as follows:

so that it get fixed tightly on the pipe and then motor can be mounted on

this repeat the same for remaining arm so that after finishing your frame

will look like this:

In the above picture instead of aluminum strips i have used PVC foam board

as the surface and i have fixed them with the clips.You can do them in this way

also but the first one will be good and strong option.


Until now we have seen the most of the hardware part and the main hardware

which will control all the functioning of the quadrotor, those are listed as


1. ARDUIMU V2 FLAT Board( from diydrones).

click here to view the ARDUIMU V2 FLAT

2. FTDI CABLE.(from diydrones).

click here to view the FTDI CABLE

3.PPM ENCODER FOR ARDUIMU V2.(from diydrones)

click here to view PPM ENCODER



click here to view MeekPe encoder

Out of above hardware you can directly purchase ppm encoder fromdiydrones stores

directly i.e 3rd option or you can build your own meekpe ppm encoder which isgood

and cheap option given in 4th option.Now strating with our first hardware i.e

arduimu v2 board.


dhiraj jadhao
dhiraj jadhao
Sticky Note

Arduimu is the arduino based inertial measurement unit which have 3-axis gyro,

3-axis accelerometer i.e total six degree's of freedom.To read all other details

about arduimu v2 board click here.

1. pin details:The pin details of the arduimu are shown below:

Now all pin names and their connection are shown in the above

image.Upper four PWM outputs are going to four motors ESC's.

The arduimu board need 5V supply for functioning which can be

taken from any one of the ESC's and fed to the board.

The main thing you should notice here is that the arduimu board

takes PPM signal as input from the receiver instead of taking

different PWM signals.And therefore we need PPM ENCODER

to convert man PWM signals from receiver into singal PPM


So next we will see PPM ENCODER.

2.PPM ENCODER:I have already mentioned about this in the HARDWARE section.

Basically PPM ENCODER is device which takes many PWM

signals and convert then into single PPM signal.

Here for this project i have built my meek pe encoder on my own,

and all the details about components and other thing you will require

to build is given here.

Here are some images of my self built Meek Pe encoder


1.Now main software yo will require for programming arduimu v2

board is arduino 0021 which is the latest version of this software

to download this software 1. click here for windows.

2. click here for mac OS.

3. click here for Linux (32bit ).

2.Second thing you will need is the FTDI Drivers which always comes

with it but sometimes get problem so for downloading that go here

and download according to your OS.

3.Arduimu v2 flat is open source code.The whole code for this quadrotor

is given here and get the latest code.you can download it from there .


I have made a simple soldering for connecting all four ESC'S

to motor and for powering up the Arduimu v2 board.

here it is:

I have made this for connecting all four ESC'S for that i have soldered

only the ppm signal wire coming from the receiver to the arduimu v2

board.And only +5V supply and GROUND from one of the ESC'S is

soldered for powering up the Arduimu board.

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