qua - qsl.net · 2014. 6. 25. · [ditor's colljmn this is the first edition of qua in the...

Post on 21-Jan-2021






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!\'1 .\ Y I JllN 199-t


PRESIDENT Holl'ard Kramer Zl I J..A" VICE PRESIDENT Des Slra~p l l /UH SECRETARY Molly Henderson Zl/.11~·

TREASURER Mike GoldherK Z2 I !)8 QSLMANAGER Maarten Stakeshy-Lewis Zl /(J)' INTRUDER WATCH George Main-Baillie ZU.JS MEMBERS Jolm Stoole Z15JS I ludley Kaye-Eddie lll./1~


I hi' \II\ 11'1\ l l ;tll"lll l \ lllll lllhh 111111\'1111 ... Oil

the !>CI:Illl!f 'llllda\ 111 l':idl IIIOillh .11 II /I II


Bulletins from Headquarters, Matabeleland

and M ashonaland branches originate on 7050

KHz LSB in the 40 metre band and relays can

be heard on 14.272 MHz USB in the 20 metre band, 3 720 KHz AM in the 80 metre

band and in the H arare and Bulav.ayo area!>

on the R2 repeaters on an out put II t•qm·nn · nf 1·1" (,'i() 1111 11\.1

A l1 1'111a·hul k l111 .., lhl'II ' Will h,·.ll'll\'1.' 1.. IIHHI

nil Ill\' .1hnH' 11 I' IJ II\'11< " '' llw Ill) h111k1111 \\ 111 .11\11 l 11· ,I \ .ul.,hk 11111'.1 \' l.. l'l cn1t ht· ll.u ;11 ,.

/ .! l<t llllll\~tlll I l OX l\ lll1 aud I II X 1 "

1\ II I I'


It you are interested in joining the

1 1111ahabwe Amateur Radio Society.

p it'•"'' \\1 itc to ·-


r .o.nox 2377 II A RARE



GENERAL INFORMATION EDITOR 'SC'OI .lJMN COUNCIL NEWS UniH:rsil~ Rad1o Club Regulations suh-comnullt'<' 1\.lclllbcrslllp IARU MATAI31:LFI .AND III{A N< 'II Pacl..ct R:tdio 111 Hula\\ ,1\ o I) Ill\() <il ll'U:Ill \~ntC...l :l i HIII

II ~ I IN\ I Rl iMI N I \ \0( II I \ I lllRAR\ MASIIONALA NI) N l · \\'~

l'J94 ZARS AGM REPOK I President's Report Secretary's Report Treasurer's Report Q<.;L Burcnu Report lrllrudt·r \\ ;Itch Hq)orl R,·r•nl.rt H>II' ... uh llllllll lllh:c Ri!I>Ort i\ lnlh 1\krcl \\\.Jid

( • tml rullrll ll ( \ llllCSlS ll\N I-\o\~


I 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 ~

3 4 :\ 5 (,

6 10 II 12 12 12 13 I ~

13 14 16 16 17 18 18


This is the first edition of QUA in the nC\\ Socie~ year. 1994/ 1995. Hopefully ~ou \\ill all appro,·e of the im­proved presentations. which ~ ·ou \\ill disco,·cr as ~ ou

read on. For those of you cle' er enough to notice. the last editionshouldhavebecndatedMAR/APR 1994, butdue to the special AGM edition the dating has slipped and it "as dated. A PRIMA Y! We now revert back to the correct format and this one is no'' MAY/JUN. A largeportionof this edition \\ill bede\oted to the 1994 A G M reports. Ob,·iousl~ . not e,·e~ i hing can be reported on but there is sufficient for those \\ho were unable to attend to find out \\hat transpired. The tum-out was ve~· good. relative!~ speaking. about 30 members. The' enue received apprm·al and the post­AGM luncheon '' as \\ ell attended b~ some 25 people. including members and tllCir families. It \\as pleasing to sec se,·eral v1sitors from out of to\\n as well On a different subject. the Editorial office is loolmg for an~ interestmg photographs that readers \\ould like to mcludein QUA. Even interesting scenes can betaken off '1dco tape. So. if~·ou hme an~ thmg interesting. please fom ard to the Editor



or via packet to·-



of the Universit~ radio club ha,·e joined ZARS with a special dispensation on their member­ship subscriptions Depending on the acti\ i t~ of these members. the position regarding sub­scriptions to thc Societ~ formembcrsofZ2 1 UZ " ill be rc-c, ·aluatcd at a later date.

JU·:m 1/.A l'IONS SUR-< 'OMAflr/1~"1-.

Atthe 1994 AGM. Des. Z2 1GH. Chairman of the Regulations sub- committee. outlined the proposed amendments to tl1e Regulations go'­eming the Amateur sen ice for those present There was some discussion but no objections to the proposals as presented and hence. the documents containing the proposals of your committee ha,·c been I om arded to the Licens­ing authorities for the1r consideratiOn and ap­pro,· a I. Council \\ ill keep the membership ln­fonned of de,·elopments m this regard

\ 11-J. IHI~RSHJJJ The follo"ing apphca11on~ for mcmbcrslup haYe been rccen ed and apprO\ cd b~ Council George Rose. G4 EDH Chns F nmmn. G4( 'R !­Peter J Chad"ick. Dalny mine. Chakan Humphr~ Th\\altS. Mhangura. ll\laitm!! ..:all­sign Counci l "ishes them all a l'nutlul and enJO' ­able association \\ ith the Sncict' Please note that subsc11ptions for Socict~ ~car 1994/I !J'-15 \\ ere due ns of 1st Apnl. 1994. Membership pm ilegcs " 111 cease for those I ll arrears 3months aftc1 the due dal<'. '' hich is th..: I st Jul~ . 19!)4 Thi!. means that mernbe1 s Ill arrcm s \\Ill not recci\ C QLA orhmc acccs~ to QSL bureau t:'lctluies. bes1dcs loosm~; th<' lr nght to ' ote on Societ~ matter~ Plea~.: ~end \Our subs to the Treasurer as soon a5 pos~1 hk

and PLEAS E. d0 not endorse chequ~s ns ;\1C

PA YEEon l~ Merely eros!. them At the tnncof this bulletin (>l) member~ arc up to date. and~ I

The Council met on the 6th June. 1994 at CZI House in ha,·e ~ ct to sett le. Harare. The following items \\ere discussed·-

l IN/I .F.RS/71' HA l >10 ( "/.l IR The Pad.et radio StatiOn equipment on loan to the Uni\'ersity radio club from the IARU STARS Program through ZA RS has arrived in the count~ and IS n''aiting customs clearance b~ Umversil) officials 22 members

J .. H(( I

Council has' oted 111 fa, our of mcmbcr-.hlp to Lhe lA R lJ Region I of both Russia and lmq ZARS subscriptions to lA RLI Rcgion I for thc current ~car are up to date


In order to alrgn our Hrall(:h " 11h the ( rntcn:u' ( cldlt" tionsofBulalla~ollearrangcd a Spcc•all 1\.'111 ..,, ,,,,1111 and ''ere g11 c the c:~ ll-s tgn L2 113) 0 ,\llll 11u.:' w 111 menccd for us on the ~rd June ;~ndcntkdontho.: ~ th Jum.: 199-l. It wns n combined operotion designed tons"sltlw Sea Cadets m TS Matabelc HF eondittons 11crc not good but considerable enthusiasm 11as gcner:~ted A separate report on the St:~tion ''ill be found m this issue of QUA We h:~d :1 spirited meetmg on the Xth June at the Cil\ Club and a good at tendance ":1s noted. The J>ackatecr~ . led b~ 0 M Rol:~nd Z2 I H F h:~d fmitful dtscussions 11cll guided by 01\.1 Enc Z2 I BC. Some interesting pomts 11ere made b~ OM Peter Z21 AU and the other OM J>eter Z2 1 HC/R. 01\1 ADRIAN Z2 1 KA/R ga1cspiritcd ad' tee and OM REG Z2 I K E/N 11 1sc counsel . Tall-ingofll hich Z2 IHLisourOSLMan:~gl.!r YLJud' Z2 1 GR our f reasurer 01\1 Enc Z2 1 BC'IR remains Bc~­con C'o-Ordmator ( 'hamnan Padd~ Z21 A Y Commillcc Members OM Adrian Z2 1 KA. OM ROLAND Z2 111F. OM RICK Z21KB/R AND OM TODD Z2 1HZ/R All\ one len <>utma' shout nt the next meetmg 11hich is ' du:dukd fu1 AI (,I J\ 1 II Hnl,utd :u1d I 1\lll ,,,(d• ~ '~ th~· I ktllntlll l ll!' IIII:Cruw \Indent ~ ot the 111111 l''"" h,.,<. uuth,· 17th J11ne 1111 tht• subject of Amalcw R;~d''' It IS a fi11cfresh da~ here " hu.:h kru.h me to mal-c a small change in our usual sa lutat•ons from Uulall:l\0. Mm ~ou ha1 e 11arm 11ords on a cold e1emng A full moo;, on a dark night. And the road do11nhill all the \Ia\' to the door of your shack No surpnscs from Jupiterll · 73 de Padd~ . Z2 I A Y

PACKh'T RAJ){() IN HUJ.A H:4 lU During a eommilll.'C mectmg l.'arh tlu!.' l':Jr. the lllllfl''' al that a ftlll -blo1111 V II F/1 1 F p.1cl-l.' l hulktu1 hon~<f ht· , ,., up 111 Buhl\\a~ o W1thm 2 month' o l th.11 d l.'ll ' "'ll th~ bulletm board 11as up and 11111111111; .mJ lw, 1:om· 1•••111 strength to \ lrenglh 11 tl h I hi.' tuuuh~,·, ol \' II 1 '"l'" ' 'llmgatl ll 1 hc·llln iCtH' hnnd " "' """"' '"'' '"''"·" '"''I the KOmCII l' h.md nl lllf hl I hl t.u "" 1 h.u1d "·" h1·,·n H 'l\ \Utl\''' lnl nnd lloh / Vol II 11h11 ' " ' "'"d' tn tl un •Hill' ' hulll'llll ho,ud' hn, dtllll llo.Hk·d '" llul,l\1 ,1\11 111' \ ll'"' "' ,, I 00 1-. lh tc· ot ntloH 111,1111111 , "" .1.11 1h" IIJl lndl' ' .111 ,·,tl'fl, nt Ullllolnlul " ' ••lhl t •.,th ll1h I'" tu• ~· 11 h1rh "popul.r1 1111h lhl llulml ,l\tl " '•1'1\

The RO metre bnnd. ho11c\ cr. has pr01 ed to be cxtremel~ 1 ariable 11ith chrontc mult i-path fnding 11 luch. unfortunate!~. packet stgnab arc suscepti­ble to Ho11e1 er it is useful for conunumcattons 11 llh the Har:trebulletm boatd tun b1 DcsZ2 1 GH. .urd tlus pro1 tdcs an ··01cnught mall .. sen tee ll<.:lll l.'en Bula11 a~ o and l larnrc I· 01 IlK· computer fundi · s the hnrd11 <Ire set-up at the Buhl\la~ o bulletin board 1!. :~s follo11 s II ( om puler 12Miv. X02!!h 11 ith I M B\11.! of RAI\1 and a 401\1b~ tc hard dtsl. dri1 e · 21 l l't nunal N<Kk ( 'ontrt,flet ~ 1 T N (' )· On H F a PK232 !Than!- ~ ou 'c~ much. Des '). and ,,n V H F.asofh1arc T N(.' tTFJ>C\ s,lllllardlllth a Bn~ com modern. :01 The H F. transcci1 cr is an old but reliab le S M D. RT 4228 . all solid stateexeepl fort he P A dri1 er 'ah e and final 1 ah cs 4/ The V . H. F. trnnsccl\ er 1s a · ·no-name·· 1~ J>C of portable 51 A monster f 701-:g+ ) I:.; 5 1 olt ' "i amp p1>11 cr suppl~ keeps e1 c~ thing. bar the PC po11crcd up

Gcnernl•mpr01 cmcnt of the facllllte!> on the bul­letin board arc :111 on-goingexetcise. rutd one ofthe pnorll tcs is to up-J:,>radethe J> (' lo a faster(' P ll. a~ the n tst111g one IS some11hat 0\ rrloaded

l..!tfm J .\'I'U '/A/. 1·.1 '/-.,\'/ SIA II<),\' As most people l-no11 . 1994 is the centcnar1 of t he establishment of Bulawayo as a to11n. a;1J a~ 3

result of tlus the res tdenls of Bula11 a' o ha1 c be..:n commemoratmg the c1·en111 ith 'ari~us acti1 tires Agamst th1s bncf..ground 11 11 as decided to s..:t up n spcc1al ncnl !>latton. /.2 1 BYO. to he operated at the pc:1~ <ll the ac111 111c~ on the .tth uf Jun.- 1 1)1)4 1',1dd' I' I \' llll'l'lllllllt lton 1\l th Walh L21 K(. 11 ho ' ' ·"' <llttccr 1\llh the Bula11 a~o S~a Cadets. ·'" ·"1!'\'d 1111h l'clct Rollason.lhc commander of 1h1· llulu11 a~ o Sea Cadets.toha1 1.! the station •n the 1 ''" t ongclll<~l snrroundmgs of the tranung shtp I \ fl1atabelc This culminated mthc mstallation.

" " h •da1 ~rd June. of the spccrnl 1.'1 ent station ''lftllpmrnl. This consisted of' an II I ng courtes1 ot Reg l'!. l KE. a packet ~ t a11o11 wwtes1 of fodd 1.2 1 HZ. a QRP station coune" " ' \la;1 Z2 1 HL. and a 2 metre .. talk 111 . · Sl:lltPn w1n ks1 of Adrian Z2 1 KA. (Adrian impr e~,,·J n ,." hod~ b~ bring-'"' " h ••. ~hi .... r.r• .t"r ..... ........ , ,, ••• • • f •• ··'· " " ' ............ " .... .... r

equipment from his car!) The Sea Cadets assisted in the erection of the H.F. antennas, but it must be said that Rodn~ Z2 1 AF set a hard-to-beat standard when he demonstrated ho\\ to climb up a pine tree and achie\'cd the height of o1·er 30 feet for one end of the G5RV anteruta !! With the equipment installed. the hard \\Orking crew retired to the T.S. Matabelc pub for liquid refresluncnt and \\ere last heard chatting to ZS6ZQ\Z2 on the 2 metre net that e\ ening. Saturday the 4th June dawned with a ne\\ lo\\ Solar Flux count and OM Adrian Zl l KA complaining that he had one of the \\orst ··headaches·· in recent memo~·. Eric Z2 1 BC. Lcs Z24JW and Ray Z24JH popped in to see ho" things were going and prO\· ide a spot of tcchmcal ad\icc The H.F. QRP/QRO stations and the Packet station opcrat..:d na" less I~ and many QSO · s were logged. A packet message "as rccci,·cd from the Aberdeen A.R.S. and ga'e ne\\s of the T.S. Matabelcs ·sister ship. the T .S. Sc~ II a. A message "as returned. and it is hoped that this IS the start of a long liaison with the amateurs in Bula" ayo · s sister ci~ .

Marten ZS6ZY and Peter(''). a ZS/S W.L. ,·isned the T.S. Matabelc around lunch lime afler sun h mg some appalling road directions from Roland Zll HF on the 2 metre ·"talk in·· He \\as mobbed b~ the local ops "ho persuaded him to sta~ for a beer. Nice seeing ~ou Mar­ten!! Sunda~ sa\\ a rcasonabl~ carl~ sum thanl.s to Vema Z21 GR. \\TIO snared a number of H F contacts "ith moral support from Reg Z2 1 KE. Doug Zl l AJ and Jud~ \'an Leeuwen. Lunch Time sa" the \\inding down of the e\·ent. and a serious " J>OSt mortem .. in the pub follm1 .:d by the remO\·al of thc station equipment. 73 · s from Bula\\a~ o- Roland Z21 HF

beam is focused onto a phosphor coated screen producing a spot of light and by applying a ,·oltage to internal deflection plates the spot can be deflected proportional to the applied mltage. With appropriate ampl ifiers the in­slnuncnt can measure from micrO\ olts to hun­dreds of \'Oits and from d.c to hundreds of Mcgahertt.. Ho"e,·er as in most electronic equipment. the higher the accurac~·. the greater the n1ngc. and the more facilities a,·ailable. the higher the cost For home eonmuction for general testing. the best oscilloscope which can be afforded should be the aim. hO\\e\cr a simple IO\\ cost A.C. only oscilloscope with lo" frequency :unplifiers of sa~ up to IOMH/ \\ith some response up to l :'iMH/. can be'~ useful. One of the main features of an oscillo­scope is the ·y· axis amplifier \\hich rna~ be D.( coupled responding tod.c le\elsorcould simply be an A C onl~ type. This prO\ ides the \ertical deflectiOn of the spot The ·y· ampli­fier frcqucnc~ response is usuall~ a hmuauon Range switches and controls allo'' diflcrent signal lc,·cls to be accommodated for cas~ measurement The ·y · axis or displa~· can be mO\ed up or do\\n for part•cular t~pcs of \\a,·cform exanunation. e.g . pulses or for cali­bration purposes Another important and ncc­essa~ feature IS the time base and assoc1ated . x· a'\isamplificr\\hichcauses thecathodera~ spot to mO\ e from Jell. to right at a speed" h1ch can be selected b~ S\\ 11 ches and controls to suit the" a\ efom1 ore' .:nt bemg e'\anuned The:\· ax1~ IS the lime a'\ iS of the graph produced on the screen h~ the spot The spot produced h~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- the cathode ra~ beam retums to the LHS oft he



(Part -4)

This month. on the su~1cc t of instruments and test gear. the oscilloscope "ill be d1scussed A modem electronic OSCilloscope is a de, icc 11hich can be used to e'anune \\a\efonns. measure \'Oitages and sometimes accurate!~ measure time int.:n·als and hence on repctiti1 e \\a,·efonns. the

screen read~ for another trace anclth1s n~ bacl. of the spot usuall~ cannot be ~ccn as 11 IS

blanl.cdout S~llchronismgcontwls arcneedcd

to match the \\a\ clonn frequent\ to the time base speed or frequenc~ and the tngger pomt \\hich starts the timcbase can so111ctimes be selected on the \\a1efonn b.:mg C\ammed · x· Amplifier input terminals arc nonnall~ a' ail able so that with both · y · and · X· inputs. 'anous measurements can be made. As an example. the phase difference bct\\CCil the input and output of an audio mnpll lier can he

determined. Various other controls and features rna~ include spot focusing. brightness control. cal ibration \oltage cg .. I V Pk-Pk. double traces. ie .. two ·y· amplifiers modulatmg the spot or beam and direct access to the ·y· dencctmn plates on thccathoderaytube. Ha,·ingdirect access to the ·y · dcncction plates eliminates the· Y · amplifier and it · s frequency limitations so that e\·cn a cheap and simple oscilloscope. pro,·ided sufficient voltage is available. (maybe 30 or 40V ), will allow RF signals to be examined up to at least 30MHz. 30 to 40V into a 50 ohm load represents an averageof20watts or more. SSB transmit­ter modulation R F. envelopes can be examined and ''ith a SUitabl~ cahbrnted cnthode ra~ tube face and suitable connections to the output of the transnuucr. the peak em elope po\\croutput can be detcmuncd The detail for tJ1is output power measurement can generally be ob­tamed in ,·arious handbooks and IS a bas1s for cnsunng tJ1at the peak em elope pD\\Cr of a transnuttcr IS not exceeded. Often. probes or test leads arc a' ailablc '' h1ch offer h1gh impedance to tJ1e circu1t being tested and usuath· as thev hm·c low capacitance. can be used on sa~ a tuned circui.t without too much dctuning. So an oscil­loscope is a most ' ersat ilc instrument and mam tests and measurements cannot be carried out '' ithout one \ome t' p1cal \\ 3\Cfonn~ and thc•r mt.:-rprctations arc shm\ n I o be contmued


(\ . ~ . A fJIJIO v . v ()lff1'fl1'

l\ fRI <>ADIM; < ROSS·0\1 R I 'M •R I 01\ IHI <)

lliS"IClR II<l'\ IU '>1'1'\SI




The Socict~ library is run by Eric C'hrister. Z2 1 FO. A n~ fu lly paid up member is entitled to borro'' books and maga;-jnes. of'' hich there is a ' c~ god sd~:ct ion. The library receives the latest editions of QST. RadCom and Radio ZS A recent addition mcludes a selection of papers presented at the SA Amsat Spacccon 93 . The articles contained therein. CO\ cr a \\ ide range of subjects dealing '' ith com­munications "ith and about satell ites For further infonnation about the libra~ sen 1ccs. contact Eric on llararc. 44995. aficr hours.

I MASHONALAND BRANCH NEWS I RJ<.PONT ON THF. MAr MEUJNG: The meeting for May was held in ilie congenial atmosphere of the Sabi Room. Crcsta Jameson Hotel. on the I Oth Ma~ . The n•ceting was ad­dressed b' Mr. Jolm Dan•IO\\ Ie/. 2nd Secreta~ for the U.S. Embassy in Harare. He spoke on the subject of current dc,elopments in the National Aeronautics and space Administration. NASA. He began by remmding us of the historical dc,·el­opment of NASA and the Jet PropulsiOn Labora­to~ . JPL. '' hich rcccl\ cd cnonnous 1m pet us from the pressure for technological dc\ clopment ans· 1ng from both defence and prcst1gious competi­tion" 1th ilie USSR during the Cold War era. John rcnectcd upon the few disastrous fai lures ofilie us space programme as \\ell as reminding us of the many dramatic successes. amongst them the mmmcd landing on the moon. With the closing of tl•e Cold War era. major changes arc taking place ' ' ithin NASA Ambitious programmes. such as U1c space stat1on. and far ranging space explora­tion b~ unmanned \ ch1cles. are continuing to be planned and brought to fmition by a 'ast workforce of SCielltiStS and engineers. but \\ ithdra\\ al of s•gn1ficant parts of the very large budgets is con­stantly threatened. In the meant ime. a surprising de\ clopmcnt is close cooperation " ith Russian space scientists. particular!~ 111 crC\\ safety and rccovc~· systems. The Space Shuttles arc continu· ing to pcrfonn a ,·aluable scn1cc. Commercial interests and funds arc hkcl~ to become incrcas· ingly important in space actl' 1t 1cs


The Society Annual General Meeting and Construction contcslS were held on Sunday 15 May. 1994 in the Ngczt Room. at the Holiday Inn. Harare. The attendance was \'C~ good. considering recent past Annual General Meeting participation b~ members. ' ' ith about 30 attending. The agenda ' ' as folio'' cd as per notice of meeting and there were no major issues raised. Your current committee "as rctumcd lor a rurther ~ear m office. On financial tssues. thc Soctetics finances arc m a health~ tate. "ith a s tgmfil~ant mcrcase 111 funds 0\cr the past

l he luncheon arranged alicr the A(il\ I" a;. \\ell attended b' 2.:i member~ and thctr famthes ( owtcil "as espe­ctall~ pleased to sec the larg~; number of out of llararc members present for the lunch The Stc\ enson Shtcld construct ton contest \\II~ \\On b~ Enc Chnstcr.l...2 1 FO and there \\ere no entries for the Bob Sutton Cup The Moll~ Mcnt A" ard "as \\Oil this ~car b~ the Regulations Sub- committee for U1cir \\Ork O\ cr the past year and th1s a\\ard sets a first in that there " ere 4

• Zl. lEK Zlffil!IIBUJ£

recipients of the shield comprising the mem­bers of the Regulations Sub-committee. For the first time four call-signs will appear on the annual a\\ard shield. those of Z21GH Z22JE Z23JJ and Z2 1 HF The runner up \\aS Des Sharp.Z2 1 GH for his cffictcnt running of the Harare BBS plus his assistance tn setting up the Bulm,ayo BBS. Congratulations to all




It ts " tth gn:at pleasure that! cnn annow1cc n <;ignificanttum around m the Soctet~· · c; perfom1anec 0\ cr tho.: past ~car Before ltook onicc as Pre~idcut I had SCH'ral tdcas 111 nund that I honc1.tl~ b.: he' ed would bcofbcncfi1to the ~octet~ and at" members Unfortunatcl~ . I \I :IS not in a strong








enough position to carry tl1cm through. So it" as'' ith these tdeas in mind that I took office and \\aS determined. with of course the appro\ at of the majority of the Headquarters Committee. to implement them. Ten items were placed before the Council at our first meeting. I am pleased that tl1ese ideas ha,·c come to fruit ion and members \\ill hopefully sec the fruits of our effo11s in the coming year. REUT!ONS My first objective was to con sol idatc our relations '' ith sister organisations and settle an~ outstanding dues which may exist. Contact was made with lA R U. RSG B. A R R L. DA RC. SARL. JAR Land our locallicenci ng authority, PTC. Many replies \\ere received offering encouragement and support. It \\as b~ sheer chance that shortly after the last AGM, we had a visit from several senior members of DARC \\ho were entertained at Z2l HJ · s QTH. (Guenther). Discussions were held with oncofthc managers ofDARC who ensured us oflheir support in the form of 2 and 80 metre radio kits. Additionally, \\e have been offered radio related books at reduced price by the SARL. Our membership dues for IAR U. "hich had been outstanding for some time. were also settled with no bureaucratic problems. At the IARU Region I conference in Bclgiwn in September 1993. Zimbabwe was represented for the first time. albeit by proxy held by the SARL. STARS (PADC) For some years now, Council had been approached by PADC (Promotion of Amateur Radio in Dereloping Countries), now called STARS (Support for The Amateur Radio Societies). This organisation is an arm of the lARU with South Africa as the Regional Co-Ordmator. Their aim is to assist societies in dereloping Amateur Radio by providing equipment eto where required. Unfortunately. contact was not followed through and no further contact was pursued. However in our programme of consolidation of relations. STARS was foremost and the acceptance of their principles by Council has led to another successful propagation of an tdca. More on this later. MJ.MBER~'H!P AND Sl/BS'CR.IPT!ONS On going through our membership. I was conccmed at the number of members who \\Cre in arrears" ith their subscriptions. I felt that it was unfair on members who regularly settle their dues to carry those \\ho do not. With this in mind, I set about chasing those in arrears and threatening suspension of membership facilities for those who did not settle. Again I am pleased to report that our membership dues arc almost totally up to date Out of a total of 11 3 members. 12 ha,·c lost membership pri,·ilegcs due tononpa~ment spread 0\crthe past 3 ~cars. and 2 ha\e rcjomed after discontinumg their membership There arc 10 life members. Category of members as follows· -


LAST YEAR 73 28 17


THIS YEAR DIFF 74 +I 24 --t 18 - I

116 -2

A II membership records plus tltc Societ~ · s income and expenditure mformat ion has no\\ been computerised. At tlte last AGM. Council decided to suspend Life Membersh•p due to its non-\'iabili t~ created by escalating costs. This suspension will continue until further notice. Additionally. the pre,·ious treasurer. Peter Dale. Z24JC, expressed concem at rismg costs and suggested that the incoming committee examine the current subseriptionratewith a \'iewto an increase. Council is pleased toann01mcc that subs " ill remain atthepresent rate for the coming year but should they pro\'c uneconomical, th~ \\ill increase as of 1st April 1995. QUA The original format of QUA served the society well for many~ ears. and a vote of apprecwtion must go to Molly, Z21 JE for all the hard work and ciTort she put into it. What many <lid not realise was that QUA \\as the newsletter of the Mashonaland branch. incorporating Matabeleland and HQ It ' 'as NOT a Society

Paoc 7

pubhcation. With apprm·~l from both branches. 11 was agreed that QUA should be represcntati,·e of the Society and to this end it" as made the· ·NcwsletteroftheZimbabweAmateur Radio Society·· . The format has changed considerably and is produced using desk-top publishing teclmtques '' ith most oft he articles collected '•a Lhe packet radio net\\ork. Despite the modernisation of QL'A. 1ts cost of production has decre-ased sign1ficantl~ Th1s is due maml~ to the sponsorsh1 p b~ Spec• ~ 1'11111 ·n ~fall ''ho lmdl~ pnnt QUA at no charge Thanks go to Ed Wright for arrangmg th1s Add111onall~ . cost of reparrs and maintenance to the old duplicating machine ha\ c fallen a\\ a~ due to its nonuse Council also agreed to mcludc ad\ert ismg mthc lle\\ slcller and th1s has m fact created a small p101itmargin in thcproduet1on ofQLA Circulation has been increased and is no'' sent to selected schools and other mtercstcd partit·s l :'N/I"F.RS!7T RAmO Cil'H In 1992. the Mashonalandbranch "as a!)proachcd b~ amernberofthr Urm crs1t\ ofl•mbab\\c todt~c,,•;s mtroducing Amateur Rad10 to students I behe,·cd that the nut ial :,Citing up of such act i' JIL('~ 11 nuld Ill\ llhr

a f:ur amOtmt of red tape and thcrefo1..: tool- it '' rth me from branch tn Hcndquart"r' . .\Iter mall~ bure<tueraucmanocu\ res. the call-sign Z1 1l iZ rs 11011 a · ·ran accompli · The cluh ha~ npptO"\onwtch JO student and 5 staff member~ The l lni,crsir. purchased an HF t1unsccn er nnd stuJcnts ha' c erected nn antenna donated b~ ~lashonal nnd branch The current hcencc holder. as reqUired h~ the rcglllatJOns 1s Dr Da1·e Robertson Z2 111 't As ment1oncd carhcr. ~ r ARS hns pl a~cd nnnnport:mt part I nth,· cluh \ t the recent IARUconfcrcncc. IARU apprO\ cd funds forthcpurchascofa Multtmodc VHF statronand .. nt.nna plus computer and packet md10 controller for the club The Ref tonal coordmator for )TAR~. H:m~ ':tn

dcr Groncnda11l. ZS5AK\'. Prc!.Jdcnt ofS o\RL has pla~ed a maJor part m th1s generous offer It mllq h·: pomtcd out. that th rs ..:qwpment ts on loan to the Unl\ erst I~ through lARS and should the (Jn" CJC:Jt~ proJect fa1l, the cqutpmcnt ma~ be rcco\ cred b~ IARU Addu•onall~ the Ch;mman of the Dept •>I" Elect neal Engineering at the Um' crsi~ has stated that the Uni\"crsrt~ station can be utihscd b~ ZARS :~s a club stat ton for new members from fomt 4 up" ards as an inccnt11 c for ~ oung people ll' get 1m oh cd m lhe hobby. PTC R£LA TIONS

Suppliers of advanced computer systems and related Services

Immediately after taking office. an informal meeting \\liS held \\ith the licencmg authority. The atmosphere was extremely positive and it was agreed that we \\Ould work together to modernise and upgrade llie Amateur Service regulations as well as de-regulating someofthe procedures. To this end. a regulations sub-conunittee was fonned to handle this task. prior to presenting the proposals to the PTC Chaim1an Des. Z2 1 GH. and his committee have made considerable progress and it is hoped to finalise this during the current year JA!U. DONATION Some years ago. an otTer was made to ZARS by JARL ofh\ O HF transceivers. The otTer was made through the offices of the Ministry of Information. Therefore. any communications to JARL could only be done through the Ministry. Unfortw1atcly. due to bureaucracy and red tape. plus changes in Council conunittce at the time. all correspondence " cnt awry and the matter fell into oblivion. It has always been m~ intention not to let this otTer go astray and to this, correspondence was revh ed. and contact was again made" ith the JARL through the Minist ry We still await further news. QSL BUREAU The bureau operations are now solely controlled by Maarten. Z2 1GY, thereby taking the load off the

Secretary. Moll:-. Dramatic increases in postage charges will mean restricting clearance of cards to parcels weighing at least 250 grams to take advantage of the minimum rate. JNTRUnER WATCH George. Z24JS/Z21 JW has as usual been kept very busy in this arca. lntroders continue to plague our bands \\ith little assistance forthcoming from International authorities to removing them. George has regularly sent in intruder reports to the JARU Monitoring service and has earned the Society a good name in this regard. BHACONS Zimbabwe no\\ has a beacon operating on the 6 metre band operating from the QTH of Mal. Z23JO in

Centenary, and the Matabclcland beacon,Z21ANB continues to operate well. Thanks go to all those in\'olved in maintaining these important areas. PACKET RAmO BU/l.F.T!N BOARDS The 2 Harare BBS's operated by Des. Z21GH and Paul, Z2 J HOR rcspccti\'ely. continue to function very efficiently The 2 BBS ·s fulfil different requirements of their users with Z21 GH pro"iding forwarding links of personal messages and bulletins throughout the world. and Z2 lHOR providing Share\\ are programme son,, arc. The maintenanceofthcse BBS ·s is an awesome task if they arc to be kept operating to the regulatory standards as required by the service conditions. Additionally, the SYSOPS have dedicated their O\\ll equipment. 24 hours a day for the benefit of others. Matabeleland ha,·e now also set up their own Packet network and BBS ,,fuch now allows constant contact between Mashonaland and Matabeleland. Thanks to Roland, Z21 HF and team. and Des. Z2 l GH who pro,·idcd some of the equipment plus im aluablc advice. UHRARY Eric. Z2 J FO has contmued to keep the library operational \\ ith man~ ne'' additions 0\·er the past~ car. We hove also had a welcome donations of recent books from the A R RL Excess maga~:incs ha1 e been distributed to l'arious schools and they have been \'ery well received. INTERNATIONAL EVENTS ZARS has been represented in a fc\\ C\'Cnts this year. · 'VARIA ... Youth for Amateur Radio in Africa has pro\'cd ,·ery popular and successful and is helping to encourage young people to the hobby. Hunting Lions on the Air, was run b~ Z2IGH from the Harare sho\\ growtds is a less kno\\n c1·cnt but ncl'crthelcss helps to put Z2 on the map JOT A was run b~ the usual staunch supporters including Brian Z21 HB. Mark. Z2 1 HA and Brian. Z2 1 GC in Harare and 1·arious Matabclcland members from Gordon Park in Bulawayo. This c1·cnt still proves not to be what it should and requires more tJtought and serious participation from t11e Scout 1110\'ClllCnt. Cif:NHRAI . HF propagation conditions hal'c been at an unprecedented low for the past few years. and 1993/94 has not been an~ different . Bands open ''hen one least expects them to and many opportunities arc missed. Fo~ metres has in recent months pro\'ed to be the most reliable band and regional si~mals arc ''orkablc late into n ... -- n



the e,·enmg. hen the commercial broadcast organisations have been forced to reschedule thetr transmis­Sions. Bccauscofpoorconditions. packet radio has come into its O\\n. enabl ing hams to maintain contact. albeit" ithin a time delay regime. Packet Radio mailboxes ''ork 2 .. hours a day and there'' ill al\\a~ s be some period" hen themcssagcs gettotheirdestination T\\o mctrescontinues tobcacti' e.espccmlly \\hen one considers the relati'cl~ lc\1 numbers act t\'e on this mode. Both repeaters contmuc to function satisfacton l~ . The Harare repeater" as recent I~ O\ erhauled and is performing" ell The present site is sll ll not totally suitable anddespitedforts, the Marondcrn users are still not within access range. Plans arc afoot to c\'aluatc a split TX-RX s~·stcm " ith an interfacmg 70 em link. and a Sl.'COnd repeater site is no" \\tthm reach. 70 em equipment IS also in hand. There ha' e been numerous ' tsiting hams in the count~ O\ er the past~ ear. and th~ have expressed their appro,· a I of our efficient guest licencing procedure I "ish to C:\tcnd our appreci:llionto the PTC Radio Licencing department for their assistance in the guest licencing procedure. CONCU IS!ON Man~ members might sa~ . "" hnt do these ne" idcns mean to us·• · · Well. the ''ay I see Itt!>. that it is up to the indi,·idualto decide for himself. Ho'' can he or she contribute more to the hobby. and to" hat e:\tcnt doth~ "ant to gel im oh·cd'? Unfortunate!~. the maJont~ of our members do not get in\'oh cd 111 an~ "a~

'' hatsoe,·er. lt " ould appear. that in the main. onl~ those" ho serve on the' arious committees arc the ones v.ho gct tm ohcd. Even \\hen tl comes to social funct ions. or other actt\'lltes. it is the sen mg members \\ho partake. Perhaps. it is merely the nature of the hobby that enables one to enjo~ it purely as an individual. without an~ need for team effort. Without abandoning the needs and requirements of our older and established members. it is to be hoped, that b~ encouraging ne\\ ~ oung bloocl this " team spirit · · can be nurtured and further re\ ita lise the hobby. In conclusion. I would like to thank the members of m~ Cornmillec for their acceptance of my tdeals O\ cr the past ~ car. For some. the changes might hm e seemed a little much, but all in all. the~· ha\e been for the bellermcnl of the hobby. Of the 10 1dcals I started out \\ ith, all I 0 ha,·c been realised and are ll0\1 in placc.l also thank the Commillecs of the 2 briiDchcs for their part m keeping Amateur Radio ali\ e and continuing 10 prO\ ide mtercstmg mont h!~ meetings I can onl~ emphasise here that I \\Ould '~ much like to sec betler support of Rranch functions b~ member~ and especially b~ Headquarters councillors Finally. I \\elcome ,·isitors from outside Harare and \\ish all a successful me-eting. I " ish the incoming committee a successful ~ car and It rust that they" ill continue the momentum built up 111 19<)3/1994.


Left: Mol(l' Hendenon,ZZJJE, Secretary Right: Dudky Kaye-Eddie, Z11JE, Councillor

Moll~ Henderson. Z2 1 J 1:. rep,med thot she had had a \'C~ ens~· ~car. conceming herself\\ 11h clearing the mail. ass tsting the QSL burenu mnnager and kccptng t11e Prc, 1dcn1 happ~ ' Commenlmg on this the Pres1dcnt remarl.cd that. Molly. after mam ~ears of hard work nmning the QSL bureau. QUA. the accounts clr. descn cd a break. Addi tionall~ . the S..,'C rela~ announced that tl1c I 994 Z2 cnll-list \\Cmld be handed to members after the meeting.


Mike Goldberg. Z2 1 DB. reported that the Soc1cty was in a good fmancial situation Despite mcreascd postage costs plus the fact that subs arrears to the IARU Reg1on I dating back ~ years had been settled. the balance \\as significant!~ higher than the prcnous ~car This ''as due mainl~· to the rigorous exercise of rctnc\ mg tmpaid members' subscriptions. m some cases. dating back ~ years Mike also ad' ised m.·mhcrs that a large proportion of the funds banked with CAB<; had been transferred to the POSB at a more attracti\c mtcrcst rate

ZIMHAB_WE AMATEUR RAQ!Q_S_OQ!;_TY-=-.H~l.-!.AB.IERS lm:.Qm? and Expcndtturc ·Year ~nding 31st Mar~Jll<L2~


Balance b/f\vd at Ma~· I 993 (I 992 ) Membership Subscn Donations Log Books. badges. misc. QUA Advertising Interest at May 1994


HircQVM 1993 AGM Postage Statione~ Seccurity Guard Repeater Licences Subs - IARU Rent Box 2377 Subs due Mash. Branch Subs due Mat. Branch TypeYt'ritcr scr\'ice Engraving trophies Trophy transport to Byo. Customs duty · ARRL Bool.s CZI room hire

Cash - in - hand




$8.G90 8!! S2.327.00

$440.41! $20 00

$175.00 $1.294.79


$15.72 $670.92 $232.17

$5.00 $20.80

$1.398.00 $25.00


$19.05 $35.00

$2,849.66 $26.70




$1, 1 'i4 00 $30 00

$ 124.00

~1.091.79 ~10,196.07

$ 14.52 $373.38 $46 1 74


$25 00 $346.00

$ 13.00 $ 183.20

$54.60 $17.75

$1,505.19 $0.00


REPORT OF THE QSL BUREAU MANA(iER .----------, Maarten Stakcsby-Lcwis. Z2 1GY. reported that increased postage charges

were a major factor in the efficiency of the bureau clearance. It had been agreed that onl~ parcels \\Cighing a minimum of 250 grams \\Ould be despatched. howe' er the bureau would be cleared at least 3 times a year. Throughout the )car, 5(, packets \\ere mailed to members (incoming). and 176 packets \\ere mailed cxlcmally. (outgoing) ln all. the a,·crage cost of postage per card \\Orked out at 12 cents. The onl~

problem experienced was confusion m-er routes to the fonncr USSR and Yugosla\ ia. Maruten expressed his thanks to Molly.Z2 1 JE for her assistance

REPORT OF THE I N1'R.lJDER WAl'CHCO-ORDINATOR. George Main-Baillic. Z24JS/Z2 11W reported that intruders \\ere continual!~

acti,·e on all our bands and there was still a major problem in rcmo,·ing them. Little help \\as forthcoming from telecommunications authorities around the \\Or! d. George maintains a constant \\alch on all bands and reports arc continual!~

being sent to \ anous organisations around the world. cspcciall~ the IARU Monitoring Sen icc. He appcaledcspcciall~ lolhoscmembcrs " ho ha' cd•g•t~ l

mode reception capabilities to assist by monitonng intruders and sending 111

rcports. lnln1ders were Ito\\ ut1hsing cxtrcmel~ sophisticated communications s~stems.

REPORT OF THE RE(iUI.ATIONS SUB-COMMITTEE Des Sharp. Z21GH. Chanman of the Amateur Scrv•ce Regulations sub-t:om­mittee.outlinedthcproposcdnmcndments to the ex1stmg regulations The majorit~ of the changes \\ere cosmetiC. such as the

. ··, remo\ at of reference to gend.::r. and the remm·al of age limits to allo" applicanh to quali(' on merit. In order to allo" the man~ expatriates living m Zimbab\\e to operate in the counlry. thc sub-committee ha\·c requested that the requirements fo1 Zimbab\\ean c1titenship bcrcmo,·ed Ad­ditionall~ . the station "SchedulcofEqu•p­ment" form. which licencees recci,·e ou

pa)ment of licence fees to the PTC. has been amended to allo\\ the liccncce to retain a cop~· . thercb~ gil'ing proof. if required. of equipment licenced .. In general. lhe regulat ions hai'C been tidied up to allo\\ thl! Licencing aulhoril) more Ocx1bilit) in interpreting Utcrules The entire document is no" on computer disk. allowing easier duplication and distribution Members arc reminded that these arc onl~ proposals nod Council awa1ts a response from the authorit•es (Pictured ab01·e, Left: Des .\'ltttrp, Z2 JGH, Vice President ZARS. Right: Howard Kramer, Z2 I EK, President ZARS).

Pa_gc 12

MOLLY MERIT AWARD For the first time. there were 5 recipients. They were members of the Regulation Sub-<:<>mmitlee and were being recognised for their hard work which will benefit Radio Amateurs now and in the future. The recipients were: Des Sharp. Z2 1GH. Roland Martin. Z21HF. Dudl~ Kaye-Eddie. Z22J E and h·an Wood. Z23JJ

~~ h·an Wood, Zl.JJJ

Pnor to Ius rcttrement. han Wood. Z2~JJ . serYed in the Post Office for man~· years. Because of his kilO\\ ledge of Post Office ''orkmgs. his posi­tion on the Regulations sub­committee '' ns m\·aluablc. He added anmtportaant d1mension to the deliberations.


Roland Martin. Z2 I HF .of the Matabclcland Branch. committee. took the pro­posed regulations changes to Matabclcland branch members. and reported on their response His input formedama.Jor partofthc proposab

Rnlnnd/lfartin, Z21HF

There \\ere no entries forLhc Bob Sutton Cup novice catcgor~. 110\\C\'Cr. the Ken Ste,·enson Shteld "as " on b~ Enc C'hristcr for his Double S1deband transcei,·cr. Ene has constructed numerous items O\'er the past ~cars and is especially adept in building test equipment. Congratulations Eric. The entries were ably judged b~ Jolm Stoolc, Z25JS \\hO is well kno\m for his · excellence in construction techniques. John is also a councillor on the Headquarters committee.


PAKJ!)TAN. AP2JZB was heard on 2 1299 kHt:at 1636t:. QSL ,·ia K2EWB. IRAN EP2DL \\ llS heard on 14151 kHz at 0045t.. EP2ASZ has been heard a couple oftimcs rccentl~ on 20 meter CW around 2200L NEW FREQUENCJ£<.,' fVR JAs. On May 20 the Japa­nese Ministry of Posts and Telcconununieations made the segment 3747 to 3754kHz available to Japanese amateurs. This allotment is in addition to 3500 to 3575 and 3791 to 3805 kHt: segments. FIUNZJOSEFUNU. 4K2BY,4K2MAL. RIFJLand RIFJC haYe been active, mostly on 20 meter CW be­tween 2130 and 0300z. RIFJC has been on the 14247 DX Net around 21 45z and 4K2MAL has been heard on

1.11• .~. ZlSJS. ~.,

I 807!1 kHz at 2020z.. WE.WERN SAMOA. ClifT. 5W I GC gets on 7(1() I kHT. fron1 0830 to 1115z. He can sometimes be heard around I 0 I 03 kHz during the same time rrame. SOWHKOREA. HL90C"as heardon7005kH.r. between 1030 to 1200z. Lee. HL5AWS. can be found bct\\CCn 14180 and 14205 kHz around 0745.111 5 and 1415z. Harry. HL9HH. checks into the I .f226.5 DX Net as early as 23 15£. HL31WD gets on 14018 kHt- between 1100 and 1200z. SAINTV/NCENT. Rudi. DK7PE.isnowacti\'eas J8/ AHOG on all bands working mostly CW. QSL Yia DK7PE. MACAO. XX9GD was heard on 50135 kHt. at 0 154z and 3799 kHt. at 1204z. QSL \'ia Antonio A. P. B. Costa. Box 1476. Macao. XX9AW ''as

• • .,.n,.. 1 •• . .... • r- ",..' • ' ' ' tn,-,

UIJJ'A. 5A. There arc nunors for a pla1mcd operation in Lib~ a b~ a Japanese group led b~ Aj1ro. JA2JPA No official date IS kno11 n. the operation has a United Nations agcnc~ sponsorship .\'I'AIBAIU> . .JW. Tom. LA-4LN and and Magnc. LB3RC' 11111 be acti\'e as JW4LN and LB~RC'/JW from I throught 20 August I 994 The1 11 ill usc all bands from 1(,() to 10 meter mcluding WAR(' on CW. SSB and d1gital modes QSL direct onl~ to the rcspccti1 e home calls Rl 1.\:\'/AN JU'CONTJ::\'1 TheC'ontcstcorrunitlecoflhc <>RR desidcd to change the dates oft11e First Russian DX contest So RUSSIAN J>X CONTJ;.\Tin 1994 11ill be dc1 otcd to GOOf> WI U. GAM I:'.\ 111 St. Petersburg and IS going lObe on the fiflh II CCkcnd OfJu)l . )20() lJT(' Jul\ .~0- 1200 UTC' Juh 3 1. Dunng the c~ntcst 11111 be l\1~ spcc1al c1·ent stations one of them R I GWG - (ioocl Wr/1 Uamc1. and the other R I MYI - Malr l 'rmd. t· lslallll 1>.\-pcdrtum Both stations 11ill b~ ~untcd as nc11 Mulllplicrs for all the pmi1c1pants. for Russian stations as nCII count~ multipliers and fo1 the others a~ nc11 Ru%ian oblasts R I MVI 11ill be Russum-Fumh DX­ped1!1011. but 1111111 be act11c mosth dunn~ the Russian DX Contest . -.J I II //H. 17 l ' H/·.A nQll.'l IU'I· U.\ rc ii·.N IJ 'A J 1 en KR:!R. '' 111 be act11 e dunng the lA Rl HF \hampwn­~hlp Contest IJuh 9-1 0) and l\10 da1' he fore fh1s '' Ill lx· a smglc operat~r cffon and the -HJ .I 1'1 U station count~ as a HQ mult1phcr for the contest Act111L1 '' 111 he on X0-1 Omctcrs and poss1bl~ 160 meters The l\1oda1 s bcfor, the contest. Len 11 ill be act I\ e as tunc pcnmt~ on RO- I 0 meters \ W/SSB and on the WAR(' bands 1fantenns art' a1 ailable. QSL the cnt1re expedition (contest and pre­contest l \ Ia WA2( J r. bureau or dm:.-ct /<I?FNC'H /SIAN/>.'.,- m 11/X'OMI: AfORI: AC '/111: The1e ~ ~ nunor statmg the French gm ernment 1s going to bed01nga lot ofelcctronic updatmgon the French 1slands located m the lndmn Occanth1s summer As a result. it IS thought thnt there ma~ be a lot ol'amateurradio acth 1t~ because of the F1ench amateurs 1111 ohcd 111 this up~::rad­ing KHO. MARIANA /SIAN!>.\ Jun. WIIOAAV.onSaipan. '' as hcard on 3795l-Hlatl l~O,r Alsoched. 14226 DX net around OJJO,r Zl-. C4 >MAN /.\'/.ANI>.\' Rand~ . 1\0 fG. \\ill be acti\C as ZF2GT from June 2~-~0th Emphas1s " ill be on CW and the WARC hands

CAMBO/)/A. XU7VK should remain acti1e tlrrough February 1995. Watch the usual DX frequencies TON<;A. Paul. K K6H. is signing A~SRK T~ 14023 Kht: bet11ccn 0000 and 0400t.. and 2 1024 KHt. bet\\een 2100 and 2400,r. ANGOLA D2/HB9AI\IO 1s act11c and should remam so through Ju l~ .

/ 'A( '/ f-1( . I>XI'I:'J>JTION Yarl. SMhFJY. lea1es Angola on June 5 to embark on h1s Paci fic tour The planned itinerar1 is as fol­lows. Manana Islands. KHO. Jun~ 13 to 26 Guam. KH2. June 27 to JuJ, I 0 Bel au. KC'6. Jul~ II to 24. After Belau. it is back to Angola until August 18. SA /Nl' 1'/FRRH & M/{!1 ff.'J.<JN. 1-1' FP/ KA I NCN '"II be act11 e m C\\'. SSB and RTTYfromi(>Oto IOmcters from Juh 1{}-2.' He 11ill participate 111 the IOTA-conics! ()'d 1 aa AA I AS

Thcmklto the Northem ( Jlno 4matcur Raclrn \ 'o< I t' f.\·. A(Jr/hcm 0/un fl.\ h \f iCIII/11111. ( 1/un

l'enn /'acl..ctC'Itt.\lt'r ,\, 111 orl. Jli.JU/ 1

1>1 7 1'1~·1. & I >.AN I. . I·XR/1 KH::U A/J f( A 41!:} . Kl XI 'W. II HNZRI and.flli/(; /m rlr" /)\ 111/lll'/11(///fJ/l


SATELLITES FOR HECill\'.VERS. l'arf :: No11 that ~ ou can pred1ct 11 hen a satellite 1s '' 11hm range and can successful(, henr th<' do11 n hnJ.. ~ ouma~ \\ant to thmJ.. ah.out 1\ hat 1'­needed to conduct a 2-lla~ satellite QSO In general. ~ou " ill need a restncted (no-cod~ or tcchmcian) or lugher hccnsc to opcrat~ on the satellites Your uphnk frcquenc~ needs to be 111 a band \\here ~ou ha1 c operat 111g pm1lcges The Authont~ 1 1c11s n ~ntelhtc as a t~ pc of cross-band repeater. ~o 11 s k gal to usc the

Page 14

do\m-link in a band where you do not have operating privileges. For example, with mode A operation all you need is a restricted/R license toopcratelhe 2meteruplink even though thedo,m-link is in the fulllicenseportionof the I 0 meter band. You are not transmitting in a portion of the band your license docs not pcm1it. Again, the best place to start is mode A on RS-1 0. You will needtoadd2 metcrSSB capability to your station for voice contacts on RS-10. Not much power is needed. 25W into a 1/4 wa,·e ground plane \\ill get you going. You will find that a 2 meter all-mode radio is more expensive than the FM only variety. but the extra im·cst· mentis worth it if you plan to be acti,·e on satellites. Not only will a 2 meter sideband rig get you up and going on RS-10, but it can also be used as you upgrade to other satellites by becoming the d0\\11-Iink receiver for mode Bon Oscar l3or0scar lO(a 70cmradiowillberequired for the uplink). Many older 2 meter all-mode radios are now coming on to the market at reasonable prices (\\e hope!) as operators upgrade to newer and fancier equip· ment. There have been some YC~ good articles published on using RS-10 in the past )Car. The August 1993 issue of QST contains an excellent article by Walter Daniel. KE3HP. If you plan to work this satellite I would highly recommend reading his article. Once you are operational on these satellites you will find that thC\· casilv CO\ er most parts of Conttnental Africa. the Indian ckean Islands. and the Southern European countries. From , ·our Meiliesburg location, the kind of contacts you wit( be able to make depends on the pass of the satellite. For example if RS-1 0 passes directly o\·cr Harare the eastern part of Africa "ill be covered as well. A pass that moves across the central part of Africa will letvoumakecontacts as far as Namibia(V51 )onthc\\cst co~st. There is a group of Amateurs m Cape T 0\m. South Africa. who are consistently on RS-1 0/11 looking for contacts to the North. On most passes ~ ou \\ill be able to contact them For someone with no satellite experience. the best" a~· to get started is to begin tracking some of tJ1e satellites and listening to the down-linJ... This " ill gi' e you a chance to get your feet wet without adding additional hard,,are. Once you can hear the satellites. your interest ' ' ill gro'' and you will begin planning for your first 2-\\ ay satellite QSO.

Thanks 10 Des. Z2/GH for 1h1.~ anicle.

Page 15

DOVE SPEAKS It has been said that good things come to those

who wait. and it is a pleasure to report that DOVE­OSCAR-17 is uttering its first words! Congratu· lations to Jim White. WDOE. and the other space­craft controllers for their fine effort in bringing this injured satellite back to life. UNAMSAT-1 NEWS The launch campaign for the UNA MSAT-1 MicroSat is currently undema~ \\ith launch set for 15th June. but there is a possibility that it might be delayed about one week. . The laWJch will be on a refurbished Soviet SS-1 K ICBM designed to cam· satellites. The final Keplcrian elements of the intended orbit are not knO\m. but the kno,,n parameters arc as follows: Orbital inclination = 73 degrees: Altitude = 730 KM: Orbital Eccentricity = 0.00000000 UNAMSAT· I·s pnmary mission is to act as me­teorsounder. When UNAMSAT-1 is not mvolved in meteor research. it can be turned into a standard PACSA T messagestore-and-fom ardsatellitc and data will be sent using standard amateur AX.25 packet but the actual frequencies ha,·en ·t been determined yet.

MIR Professional frequencies: FM 143.625MHz downlink (\·oice). FM 121 . 750MH~: for Mir extra vehicular activ1ty FM 121.750MHz for Soyu1. docking approach. SSB 166.150MHLfortclemctric Progress freighter. Radio amateur frequency: FM 14~ 550 MH~: up/d0\\1llink voice contact. FM+AFSK 145.550M H~: AX.25 packet PMS 1200 bps (ROMIR-1 J

REPORT FROM DLJHRT Karsten Hansk~ . DL3HRT. reports tllat he is active on RS- 1 0 and monitors the satellite cspc­ciall~ during passes in rangcofNorth America. but hears fe" signals. DL3HRT recently heard his own do\\nlink signals using an uplink po"er of 300 milliwalls into a 9-clemcnt yagi. He feels this should encourage others to lr) RS-1 0 mode A (2metres up. 10 metres do\\n)


The abo1 cc1 cnt 11as held once again at the Lint I erst!~ Of /.nnbab11c Radio ( 'lub. 1.2 I l iZ on Saturda1. 21! Ma~ There 11ere G ~oung patt icipants. 11ho all thorough!~ cnjo~·cd taking part and tail- ing to other ~ oung people in the Southern region. Unfortunate !~ . propa!!ation to ZS 11 as extreme!~ bad. but the S11 <ll.iland Slatton. 3 DAORS . .11 Stsckelo High School came through 1c~ 11cll. We decided to QSY otT the ZS net frcqucnc~ and had mnn~ <)SO's 11ith the pupils Ill S\\a1iland Later on in the allcmoon. conditions unpro1cd and 11e 11crc able to talk to the ZS participanb The ~oung people tnkmg part in /n11bab11e \\CTe Konstantnl Ncgn . Kt11man Ganchn . Chnstophcr Col­hcJ. Asllfill clmisst~. F~SIC Buxton and C'o)ra ClarJ.. Durmg the nc\.t Y AR IA. \\ C 11 ill hopcfitll~ ha1e the club's pacl-et radio stauon operational so that messagct. <.:an he c:-.changcd "ith other stations taJ.. ing part . ZARS lhanJ..s the llni1 <'r~ll~ authontics lor enablmg ~ oung people to uti li se the club stall on and allo11 mg them t<' taJ..c part Ill this ' e~ re11ardmg bi -monthl~ c1 cnt Mem­hers arc requested to assist b~ aiiU111ng mon: ~ oung people to parttctpatc from thctr shacJ..s


IA RU: TH E I'EA R IN REVIEW The IARU 11orld11ide membership gtc\\ h1 Sl'\ during I !)C)J . \\ ith the addi tion or rcpr~­scntali\'CS of the rurJ..s and Catcos Is land!.. the former Yugoslm Rcpnbltc of Macedonta. Angmlla. Bosllla and Her t cgm ma. and Qatar. and the ~ubstllution of the C1ech and Slm aJ.. Republics for (' t~chosJo,·aJ..•a .\ t ~ em -end. a

proposal lor tltc adnusston "a5 bcmg , otcd on by the mcmbcr-socicties (No\\ accepted! 1

Abo he lor.: the member soct~tt -:s \\Ct\; pt OJlll' ­als to rail(~ addlllonal lh c-~car terms lor the mcumbent President and Vtcc Prcstdent of the 11\Rt .. Rtclwrd L Bald11in. \\' I RU. and Mtd1ac::l J 011e11. \'J..:.~K~. rcspcctn ch

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'-------------- - ---------

Proposals to terminate the memberships of three inaeti\·e member-societies,rcpresenting Belize, Guyana and Haiti. did not receive sufficient support for adoption. There was good news later in the year. when we heard of the reacti\·ation of the Guyana Amateur Radio Association. Region I held a successful conference in De Haan. Belgium in September. attracting nearly 200 allendecs. Especially note,,orthy \\as the election to the Region I Exccuti,·eCommitteeoffivenew members. providing an infusion of fresh blood into the affairs of the IARU.

MFMBERSHIP APPLJCA TIONS The Iraqi Radio Amateur Club, (IRAC). There are 42 licenced radio amateurs in Iraq, including the club sta­tion, Yll BGD.

The Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia (SSR). There arc reported to be about 4.000 members. The IARU Administrati\e Cow1cil determined the the IARU mem­ber that had represented the SO\ iet Union. the Radio Sport Federallon of the USSR. no longer existed b~ ' irtue of the fact that the country it had represented no longer existed. Therefore. at the present time, there is no member society representing Russia ..

The above applications ha\ e been apprO\·ed b) the Executi' e Committee of IARU Region I and awa1t the results of \'Ot.ing by member-societies.

MONiTORiNG SYSTEM There are 71 Member-Societies in IARU Region I. but only 12 acti' el~ support the Monitoring System! (ZA RS is one of them. Thanks to George. Z24JS/Z2 11W .... Ed ) Many often ask what to do \\hen confronted by and intruder. We as self disciplined ethical amateurs \\Ould. I believe. be contra' cning the condit•ons of our licences if we actually engage in d1rcct on the air commwlication ,dth unlicenccd operators. We should not demean our­seh·cs b~ entering into d1scussion or swearing matches with these individuals: certainly the aggra,·ation is not \\Orth the while! The following. suggests a wa~ in which to deal with intruders on our amateur bands.-

Listen and try to obtain as much information as possible. These operators frequently gh·e names and addresses and sometimes telephone num­bers. With this information. contact can be

Page 17

made'' ith the national society of the COWl­

~ concerned asking them to take appro­priate action.

If you feel you must try to take immediate action, you could disrupt their communi­cation by using your keycr or sending in CW which may be used anywhere in the band. or if in a part of the band where it is permitted. idle in RTTY. FEC (Amtor). or consider contact other ·stations through your local 2 metre net. requesting they Join you on the frequency to render it unuseable to tl1e offending stations.

We are using our frequencies by right. so never lose your temper. it onl~ brings you dO\m to the le\'el of the intruder.

Above article by Ron Roden. G~GKO. coordma­/Or JARI IMS Reg ton I

At the time of \\Tiling. the only regular intmder reported from Zimbabwe. is as follm\s:-

21.37670 MHz, Mode SIT OR A. Shift I 00/170. Egyptian Embassy. Harare .... Ed.

I DIGITALCOMMUNICATIONS I In this issue. we should ha,·e had Part 3 of an lmroduction to Packet Hulletin Board Opem­f1om. Howc,·cr. on lookmg through the rest oft he article. I felt tl1at 11 \\aS outdated and \\as based on the earlier mailbo" s~·stems. What has alread~ been pubhshed over the last two editions. still holds true for the present s~ stems. Facilities on Packet mailboxes arc de' eloping rapidly and it is sometimes difficult to keep up with what is m·ail­ablc. There is a lot you can do on a mailbox besides sending and receiving messages. and depending on the interest shom1 by our readers, we mght ha,·e a series on ho\\ to utilise features such as downloading and decoding 7PLUS files, request­ing files. searching mai I boxes aroW1d the\\ orld for a particular topic etc. So if you arc interested. please drop the Editor a line! I

Whilst on the subject of ad\'anccd utilities on packet Paul Howard-Beard. Z21 HOR. gave a talk at the Masho­naland Branch June meeting on hm' to usc his GPSERV programme. Many ma1lbox operators around the world lapprox $00) are using Paul's programme with tremen­dous success. At the meet in g. Paul's explanation seemed to go 11a~ O\'cr the heads of the smal number attending. Howe\·cr. the pad.ctccrs present. especial!~ Mike, Z21 DB. learnt a lot on how to usc the system to its full capability. There arc 1\lo more utility progranunes com­ing out of the shack of Z21 HOR, namely "GOPHER" and"ARCHIE". two,·el) exeitingutilitics Keep a watch out for them.!


SU/ISCRIP110NS: Ordinary Members Associate Members Student Members

$24 00 $ 15.00 $12 00

The Society year is from I st April to 3 I st March, and when joining afkr the 30th September, the above figures can be halved Subscriptions are due on the I st April Members whose subs are in arrears, 3 months after due date. ie 1st July, will cease to have members privileges such as QUA, QSL bureau, and will not be able t0 •ote on Society matters.

NOTE Associate m~:rnber~ are -a) Persons resident outside Zimbab,,e h) Non-transmitting wives of Ordinary

members c) Persons under the age of 18 years

If you are a non licenced member, you may be issued with a listene1 's call-sign on request .

AD VERTIS/N(i: Full Page $SO 00 Half Page $2S .OO



Badges. Society badges available from the Secretary, $3,00. Phone 46341. Log books available from the Secre-tary. $5,00.


Headquarters extends Get-Well greetings to h·an Wood. Z23JJ and Lou Bater. father of Rod, Z21GO, both of whom arc reeo,·-cring following surgery.

Art ides oflocal or regional content are always urgently needed by the Editor. They are of more interest to the major-ity of readers Please send in anything interesting. be it technical, construe-tional. or personal accounts of your experience as a radio amateur. Also, don't forget to send in any interesting photographs or video clips

Write to :-HOWARD KR<\MER



Or 1 ra Pacl.cL radro Lo:-Z21 EK fa1 Z21GH.MAS.ZWE.AF


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