qotw jan 1...4. joan fits a new 60w lightbulb in her kitchen. what does the w stand for? watt or...

Post on 24-Jan-2021






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Spotlessly Clean

Use a pen. Circle or draw a line under all six things used in cleaning.

Scrubbing brush


Record player

Dustpan and brush


Flower pot


Bucket of hot water

Floor cloth

Frying pan

Carpet beater

Electric fire

Garden gate


1.Scrubbing brush 2. Duster 3. Dustpan and brush 4. Bucket of hot water 5. Floor cloth 6. Carpet beater


Pulling A Pint

All the questions are about ales and beers.

1. The opposite of bitter. Strong or Mild

2. In Scotland you might ask for a pint of h _ _ v _

3. IPA stands for I _ d _ a P _ l _ A _ e

4. This is where beer is made. Brewery or Distillery

5. This is used in brewing. Onions or Hops

6. Germany is famous for its l _ g _ rs

7. Guiness is what type of beer? Pale Ale or Stout

8. Newcastle B _ _ w _ Ale – A famous Tyneside beer


1.Mild 2. Heavy 3. India Pale Ale 4. Brewery 5. Hops 6. Lagers 7. Stout 8. Brown


General Knowledge

1. Which band leader had the signature tune, ‘In The Mood’? Tommy Dorsey or Glenn Miller

2. Assam and Darjeeling are both types of: Tea or Coffee

3. What did John Boyd Dunlop invent? Tennis rackets or Inflatable tyres

4. Joan fits a new 60W lightbulb in her kitchen. What does the W stand for? Watt or Window

5. How many shillings were there in a pound?

6. Stan is cutting the grass. He is m _ _ _ _ _ the lawn.

7. Who wrote ‘Little Dorrit’? Dickens or Thackeray


1.Glenn Miller 2. Tea 3. Inflatable tyres 4. Watt 5. 20 6. Mowing 7. Dickens


On The High Street

Joan has her shopping list on the left. But which shop does she need to go in for each item? Draw a line from each item to the correct shop.

Slippers Boots the chemist Cough sweets Bacon Dettol Burtons the tailor Sandals Tie Shirt Dewhursts the butcher Socks Pork chops Brisket Timpsons shoe shop Rose hip syrup

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