qdca for reversible logic gate

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  • 8/10/2019 QDCA for Reversible Logic Gate


    Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering CISME

    CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 4 2012 PP. 8-18 www.jcisme.org C 2011-2012 World Academic Publishing

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    Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) Design ofMulti-Function Reversible Logic Gate

    N. A. Shah 1, F. A. Khanday 1* and J. Iqbal 1

    1Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Technology, University of Kashmir, Srinagar 190006, India*Corresponding Author E-mail: farooqsnn20@yahoo.co.in

    Abstract - This paper presents implementation of multi-functionreversible Gate using Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA),which fulfils desirable circuit features of small size, high devicedensity, and low power dissipation of contemporary emergingcircuit design technologies. The design methodology followed issuch that the resultant circuits not only occupy smaller area, butalso enjoy superior performance factors in respect of noise,circuit stability, and low power dissipation. The multi-functionreversible gate can be configured to work as universal gate, Fan-out and comparator functions. And all have been designed inQCA and presented in this paper as well. The operation of QCA

    circuits is simulated using QCADesigner bistable vectorsimulation.

    Keywords - Nanotechnology; Quantum-dot Cellular Automata; Nanoelectronics; Reversible Computing; Circuit Design; CircuitSimulation

    I. INTRODUCTION The emerging technologies pertaining to circuit design lay

    great emphasis on small size, high device density, and low power dissipation to achieve objective of portability ofsystems [1]. Among up-and-coming technologies, Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) [2,3] promises aforementionedfeatures. The implementation of circuits using QCA is based

    on Coulombic interactions. In QCA, inverter (INV) andmajority voter (MV) gates as well as other devices such as binary wire and INV chain have been proposed as primitivesfor the combinational circuit design [5]. It has been shown in[6, 7] that for QCA, the functions with at most three inputvariables (such as MV) forms the basis for efficientcombinational design. As a combined methodology forcomputation and communication [8, 9, 10], different designsof logic circuits have been proposed for implementation inQCA [8, 11-17].

    The use of emerging technologies in implementing newcomputational paradigms [18] must necessarily have thefeatures of small feature size, high device density, and low

    power dissipation. One of these paradigms is reversiblecomputing, accomplished by establishing a one-to-one ontomapping between the input states and output states of thecircuit [19]. This bijective property was initially investigated

    by Landauer who showed that 2lnKT joules of energy aregenerated for each bit of information lost due to non reversiblecomputation [20]. But, if computation is performed in areversible manner, it must show that 2lnKT energydissipation would not necessarily occur. Due to the bijective

    property, testing of reversible logic is generally simpler thanthe conventional irreversible logic [21]. Moreover, reversiblelogic gates are information lossless, i.e. the information outputof a reversible circuit is maximized. Therefore, according to[22], the probability of fault detection is maximized too.Reversible logic is inherently easier to test, because the one-

    to-one onto property improves controllability as well as theobservability of the circuit.

    Traditional logic functions (such as AND, OR) are notreversible, because more than one input state is mapped to acommon output state. In this case, given the output state, it isnot possible to determine initial input states. Inverter (INV) isa simple example of a reversible logic gate. The most studiedreversible logic gates are the Toffoli [23] and the Fredkin [26].Besides Toffoli and Fredkin gates, various other reversible

    gates have also been proposed [23-33]. Recently a newmultifunction reversible gate has been proposed and can beused to implement various logic functions [34].

    A wide range of gates as primitives [23-33] for reversiblelogic computation have been proposed. In most cases, anelegant mathematical analysis (such as those based on theconservative property) of these gates has been provided todescribe a technology independent characterization by whichreversible computing (mostly at logic level) can beaccomplished. However, little work has been reported on thecapabilities of emerging technologies to perform reversiblecomputation. Based on this fact, our endeavor in this paper isto present efficient QCA implementation of multi-function

    reversible gate [34]. The various logic functions that could beimplemented out of the multi-function reversible gate havealso been presented.

    II. MULTI -FUNCTION REVERSIBLE GATE Figs. 1(a)-1(c) respectively show the block diagrams of

    two, three, and four input reversible gates. The input-outputrelations of various reversible gates that have been reported inthe literature [23-33] are given in Table I.



    (c)Fig. 1 Block diagram representation of two, three and four input


  • 8/10/2019 QDCA for Reversible Logic Gate


    Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering CISME

    CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 4 2012 PP. 8-18 www.jcisme.org C 2011-2012 World Academic Publishing

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    S. No. Gate InputVectorOutputVector


    P Q R S

    1. 2*2 FeynmanGate [25] B A I , QPO , A A B X X

    2.3*3 Double

    Feynman Gate[26].

    C B A I ,, RQPO ,, A A B A C X

    3. 3*3 Toffoli Gate[23] C B A I ,, RQPO ,, A B AB C X

    4. 3*3 FredkinGate [24] C B A I ,, RQPO ,, A A B AC A C AB X

    5. 3*3 New Gate[ 27] C B A I ,, RQPO ,, A AB C A C B X

    6. 3*3 Peres Gate[28] C B A I ,, RQPO ,, A A B

    R=AB C AB C X

    7. 3*3 NFT Gate[26] C B A I ,, RQPO ,, A B B C AC BC AC X

    8. 4 * 4 BVFGate[29] DC B A I ,,, S RQPO ,,, A A B C C D

    9. 4*4 HNG Gate[30] DC B A I ,,, S RQPO ,,, A B A B C A B C AB D

    10. 4*4 HNFGGate[31] DC B A I ,,, S RQPO ,,, A A C B B D

    11. 4*4 SCLGate[32] DC B A I ,,, S RQPO ,,, A B C A B C D

    12. 4*4 TSGGate[30] DC B A I ,,, S RQPO ,,, A A C B A C B D A C B D AB C

    13. 4*4 MTSGGate[33] DC B A I ,,, S RQPO ,,, A A B A B C A B C AB D




    DC B A I ,,, S RQPO ,,, A B C A B AB D AB D


    A QCA cell can be viewed as a set of four chargecontainers or dots, positioned at corners of a square [5]. Thecell contains two extra mobile electrons which can quantummechanically tunnel between dots, but not cells. The electronsare forced to the corner positions by Coulombic repulsion.The two possible polarization states represent logic 0(polarization P = 1) and logic 1 (polarization P = +1), asshown in Fig.2. Unlike conventional logic circuits in whichinformation is transferred by electrical current, QCA operates

    by the Coulombic interaction that connects the state of onecell to the state of its neighbors. This results in a technology ofwhich information transfer (interconnection) is the same asinformation transformation (logic manipulation). One of the

    basic logic gates in QCA is the majority voter (MV) [5]. Themajority voter with logic function MV (A, B, C) = AB + AC +BC, which can be realized by only five QCA cells, as shownin Fig. 3a. Logic AND and OR functions can be implementedfrom the majority voter by setting one input (the so-called

    programming or control input) permanently to a 0 or 1 value.The inverter is the other basic gate in QCA and is shown inFig.3b. The binary wire (as interconnect fabric) is shown inFig.3c. Besides, an XOR gate given in Fig.3d forms animportant gate in the QCA design of reversible gates.

    Fig. 2 QCA cells showing how binary information is encoded in the two fully

    polarized diagonals of the cell



  • 8/10/2019 QDCA for Reversible Logic Gate


    Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering CISME

    CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 4 2012 PP. 8-18 www.jcisme.org C 2011-2012 World Academic Publishing

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    Fig. 3 QCA implementation of (a) Majority Voter (b) Inverter (c) Binary wireand (d) XOR gate

    In VLSI systems, timing is controlled through a referencesignal (i.e. the clock); however, timing in QCA isaccomplished by clocking in four distinct and periodic phases[15] (as shown in Fig.4). A QCA circuit is partitioned intoserial (one-dimensional) zones, and each zone is maintained ina phase. The use of a quasi-adiabatic switching technique forQCA circuits requires a four-phased clocking signal, which iscommonly supplied by CMOS wires buried under the QCAcircuitry for modulating the electric field. The four phases areRelax, Switch, Hold and Release. During the Relax phase,there is no interdot barrier and a cell remains unpolarized.During the Switch phase, the interdot barrier is slowly raisedand a cell attains a definitive polarity under the influence of itsneighbors. This is the phase in which the actual computation

    takes place. In the hold phase, barriers are high and a cellretains its polarity. Finally in the Relax phase, barriers arelowered and a cell loses its polarity. Timing zones of a QCAcircuit or system are arranged by following the periodicexecution of these four clock phases. Zones in the Hold phaseare followed by zones in the Switch, Release and Relax phases,one after another. There is effectively a latch between twoclocking zones. A signal is latched when one clocking zonegoes into Hold phase and acts as input to the subsequent zone.This clocking mechanism provides inherent pipelining [35, 36]and allows multi-bit information transfer for QCA throughsignal latching. Because a zone in the Hold phase is followed

    by a zone in the Switch phase (and preceded by a zone in theRelax phase), the computation in QCA is strictly one-dimensional (i.e. unidirectional and consistent with signal

    propagation). Designs are partitioned along one dimension(say the X-axis), thus effectively creating columns of clockingzones. The clocking signal is applied through an underlyingCMOS circuitry that generates the required electric field tomodulate the tunnelling barrier of all cells in the zones.



    Fig. 4 Four-phased signal for clocking zones in QCA, adiabatic switching

    (a) 4 Phase Clocking (b) Switching of a Binary Wire

    Various reversible gates have been presented in theliterature but a few of them have been designed in QCA [37].Considering the applicability of multi-function reversible gategiven in row fourteen of Table I, it was designed usingQCADesigner tool as shown in Fig. 5. In the environment ofthe QCADesigner tool, the overall QCA cell dimensions aredefined to be 1818nm; the dot diameter is defined to be 5 nmand the inter-cell distance to be 2 nm. The number of cells,gates used, area covered, cell area to overall area and Delayfrom input to output (in Clock Zones) of the mult-functionreversible gate is given in Table II. The simulation results ofthe design, acquired by the QCADesigner bistable vectorsimulation engine, are given in Fig. 6.

    Fig. 5 QCA implementation of multi-function reversible gate [34]

  • 8/10/2019 QDCA for Reversible Logic Gate


    Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering CISME

    CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 4 2012 PP. 8-18 www.jcisme.org C 2011-2012 World Academic Publishing

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    S. No. ParametersValue

    1. No. of Cells Used 69

    2. No. of Gates Used 6

    3. Cell Area (m 2) 0.119556 (m) 2

    4. Cell to Overall Area 1/4.22

    5.Delay from Input to Output

    (in Clock Zones)8


    As mentioned earlier, multi-function reversible gate can beused for the following applications:

    a) Universal Gatei) AND and OR

    ii) OR and NAND

    iii) AND and NOR/1 to 4 DEMUX

    iv) NOR and NAND


    Fan-outi) Fan-out

    ii) Fan-out and Complement

    c) ComparatorThe above functions can be obtained from the multi-

    function reversible gate by adjusting the inputs to differentlogic levels as given in Table III. The QCA designs of thesefunctions are shown in Fig. 7. The simulation results of thedesign, acquired by the QCADesigner bistable vectorsimulation engine, are given in Fig. 8.

    Fig. 6 Simulation results of multi-function reversible gate [34].


    S. No. Gate InputVectorOutputVector


    P Q R S

    1. AND and OR 0,0,, B A I S RQPO ,,, A B A B AB AB

    2. OR and NAND 1,0,, B A I

    S RQPO ,,, A B A B A B AB

    3. AND and NOR/1 to 4 DEMUX 0,1,, B A I

    S RQPO ,,, A B A B AB AB

    4. NOR and NAND 1,1,, B A I S RQPO ,,, A B A B A B AB

    5. Fan-out DC I ,,0,0

    S RQPO ,,, C D D D

    6. Fan-out andComplement

    DC I ,,1,0 DC I ,,0,1 DC I ,,1,1

    S RQPO ,,, C C C

    D D D

    D D D

    D D D

    7. Comparator 0,1,, B A I

    S RQPO ,,, 0 A B A B A B 1 A B

  • 8/10/2019 QDCA for Reversible Logic Gate


    Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering CISME

    CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 4 2012 PP. 8-18 www.jcisme.org C 2011-2012 World Academic Publishing

    - 12 -





  • 8/10/2019 QDCA for Reversible Logic Gate


    Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering CISME

    CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 4 2012 PP. 8-18 www.jcisme.org C 2011-2012 World Academic Publishing

    - 13 -





  • 8/10/2019 QDCA for Reversible Logic Gate


    Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering CISME

    CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 4 2012 PP. 8-18 www.jcisme.org C 2011-2012 World Academic Publishing

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    Fig. 7 QCA implementation of logic functions obtained from multi-function reversible gate, (a) AND and OR, (b) OR and NAND, (c) AND and NOR (d) NORand NAND (e) Fan-out (f) Fan-out and Complement 1, (g) Fan-out and Complement 2, (h) Fan-out and Complement 3 and (i) Comparator


  • 8/10/2019 QDCA for Reversible Logic Gate


    Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering CISME

    CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 4 2012 PP. 8-18 www.jcisme.org C 2011-2012 World Academic Publishing

    - 15 -




  • 8/10/2019 QDCA for Reversible Logic Gate


    Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering CISME

    CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 4 2012 PP. 8-18 www.jcisme.org C 2011-2012 World Academic Publishing

    - 16 -




  • 8/10/2019 QDCA for Reversible Logic Gate


    Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering CISME

    CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 4 2012 PP. 8-18 www.jcisme.org C 2011-2012 World Academic Publishing

    - 17 -



    Fig. 8 Simulation Results of logic functions obtained from multi-function reversible gate, (a) AND and OR, (b) OR and NAND, (c) AND and NOR (d) NOR and NAND (e) Fan-out (f) Fan-out and Complement 1, (g) Fan-out and Complement 2, (h) Fan-out and Complement 3 and (i) Comparator

    V. CONCLUSION In this paper, multi-function reversible gate was

    implemented using QCA. The gate is very useful for the futurecomputing techniques like ultra low power digital circuits andquantum computers. The use of gate in the design anddevelopment of combinational and sequential circuits would

    prove to be beneficial in respect of power saving, reduction ofgarbage outputs and less amount of delay. Besides, beingreversible will enjoy low energy dissipation, simple testabilityand increased fault detection features. Further, the multi-function feature of the gate has also been demonstrated in this


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