
Post on 01-Jul-2015






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The music magazine I created is stereotypical of the classic rock genre as it has the genres relaxed and not in your face colour scheme. The magazine also follows the genre in its styling e.g. lay out and pictures.


The front cover of the magazine is very similar to other magazines, such as Q, as it follows the same conventions and patterns. The main image on the front cover draws similarities from other magazines, such as FHM, as it is a close up of the artists looking at the camera in a cool and smart way. This is because they needed to seem relatable to the audience. The picture takes up the whole of the front cover and should be the part of the magazine that draws the reader in. I took inspiration from the front cover of FHM with the arctic monkeys as they look very calm and in their natural state. I also tried to get my models to wear fairly similar clothing as it suited the mood I was going for which was serious and intellectual. The masthead is at the top of the page and is styled in a way that is stereotypical of the genre. We see that it is very cool but also unique compared to other mastheads. The slogan below the masthead is a complement to the reader and basically tells them why to buy it. Towards the bottom of the page we see that there is the main sell line in bold and big font. This will be the second or third part of the front cover the customer will look at so it has to be catchy and draw the reader in to want to know more. The main sell line does the job of basically summarising the main article and this will help the customer decide on whether they want to buy it or not. Also on the front cover there are other smaller sell lines telling readers what else is in the issue and what prizes they could win which again attracts the reader to go and buy it. I put information about the potential prizes at the bottom of the page below the main sell line so that the reader sees this after they read the main sell line. The issue number is in the top right hand corner of the page as this is similar to other music magazines. The price of the magazine is just below this again following the trend of other magazines. The bar code is at the bottom right hand corner of the page.

CONTENTS PAGE The contents page of the magazine was made on

Photoshop and was inspired by rolling stone magazine. I first added a white background to the contents page. I did this as it follows with the conventions of other magazines as they use a primary colour for the background and then layer on top of it. I then took inspiration from GQ magazine as I put the page numbers in a random order but the articles were in order of what the reader is most likely wanting to read. I also added in an image of the two models on the front cover to promote their article. I wrote a little bit of information by the image to give the reader a small taster of what’s to come. I also added in the magazine name to reinforce to the reader what they are reading and also the contents page so the reader knows where they are looking.

DOUBLE PAGE SPREADS The double page spread was similar to the GQ

magazine as it was laid out in a similar style. I first added a dark blue background to symbolise that the band is quite serious about their work this follows the pattern of other music magazines in the same genre. Secondly I added in a large image of the two cover models again following with the conventions of other magazines. I then wrote an introductory paragraph to introduce the act and give a summary of what they are about and what the interview will focus on. I then followed this up by adding in an opening section to the main interview. I included a blown up quote from the interview to show what sought of things the band will be saying

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