pyp application form part b - msd washington township

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Primary Years Programme

Application form part B (application for authorization)

School name:

Fox Hill Elementary School

Primary Years Programme Application form part B

(application for authorization)

Published September 2006

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Organisation du Baccalauréat International Route des Morillons 15

Grand-Saconnex, Genève CH-1218


© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

1. This PYP application form part B should be read in conjunction with:

• Application procedure for candidate schools • Rules for authorized schools: Primary Years Programme • General regulations: Primary Years Programme • PYP guide to school application • PYP school guide to the authorization visit.

In addition, it is important that schools consult the following documents:

• Making the PYP happen • Programme standards and practices • IB learner profile booklet • PYP coordinator’s handbook.

Further information can be found in School’s guide to the Primary Years Programme (

2. This application form requests information under the following headings.

1. Contact details 2. School information 3. PYP section 4. School’s planning and support 5. School site and facilities 6. Teaching personnel 7. PYP coordinator 8. Finance and planning 9. Management of resources 10. Implementation of the programme

3. This document also includes the following additional information and requests for information.

• Application coversheet • Appendix 1 Classes in the PYP section • Appendix 2 Organization of teaching time • Appendix 3 PYP staff training • Appendix 4 Transdisciplinary units of inquiry • Appendix 5 PYP teaching staff and qualifications • Appendix 6 Proposed PYP implementation budget • Appendix 7 Action plan for implementing the PYP

4. This PYP application form part B and supporting documentation should be sent at the end of the school’s second phase of the application process—candidate phase: trial implementation period (please refer to articles 9–10 of Application procedure for candidate schools). This trial implementation period must last for at least one year.

5. This application form, and all supporting documentation, must be submitted in one of the IBO’s official languages: English, French, Spanish. Translations of official documents should be duly certified.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

6. The PYP application forms and appendices should be completed electronically and returned to the appropriate regional office. Please insert your response in the box provided for each question. The box will expand as you type your response. In consultation with the regional office, any supporting documentation should be sent on CD-Rom(s) wherever possible. Where this is not possible, hard copies of the documents should be provided. Please ensure that the school is clearly identified in all correspondence.

Note: Deadlines for submitting applications may vary from region to region. Please check with your regional office for the application deadline that applies to your school. If you are unable or unwilling to provide information for any of the items in this application, please provide an explanation.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

APPLICATION COVERSHEET—PART B To the director general of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), Geneva, for authorization to offer the Primary Years Programme

Official name of PYP candidate school:

Fox Hill Elementary School

On behalf of the above-named school, I request official authorization to offer the curriculum of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) of the International Baccalaureate Organization. Information about the school is supplied on the attached form and in the accompanying documents. The relevant application fee is included.

I understand that this application is submitted after one full year of trial implementation of the PYP in the school. If, after careful review of this application and the accompanying documentation, the appropriate regional director forms the opinion that the school is fully prepared, an authorization visit will be arranged before a final decision on the application is reached by the IBO director general.

I confirm that:

A. I have read the following documents and agree to abide by the regulations, criteria and conditions stated therein: • Rules for authorized schools: Primary Years Programme • General regulations: Primary Years Programme • PYP guide to school application • PYP school guide to the authorization visit.

B. the appropriate financial authorities of the school/public school district know of the schedule of PYP fees and have agreed to their timely payment

C. the school will not advertise or otherwise imply that it is authorized to offer the PYP unless, and until such time as, the school receives notification of authorization from the IBO director general, Geneva

D. authorized schools are entitled to advertise themselves as an IB World School only in connection with the IB programme(s) they have been authorized to teach.

I agree that this electronic application form, whether signed electronically or not, will be understood by the IBO to have been read and endorsed by the head of the candidate school, without a signed hard copy being necessary.

I understand and accept that any dispute arising from, or in connection with, this application or any other document relating to the authorization process shall be finally settled by three arbitrators in accordance with the Rules of arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Geneva. The seat of the arbitration shall be Geneva, Switzerland. The proceedings shall be confidential and the language of the arbitration shall be English.

I further declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given on this form is correct.

Name and title of head of school: Date:

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Kathleen Levine, Principal 30/9/11

APPLICATION CONDITION A candidate school must implement the PYP for at least one year before submitting an application for authorization.

When did your trial implementation phase begin? (day-month-year) 27/5/09


1a Name and title of head of school: Kathleen Levine, Principal

1b Name and title of primary school principal:

Kathleen Levine, Principal

1c Name and title of PYP coordinator: Janet Pfadt, Media Specialist

1d Name of school: Fox Hill Elementary School

Legal registered name of school: (If different from above)

Postal address:

802 Fox Hill Drive Indianapolis, IN 46208

Street address: (If different from above)


Telephone: (Include country and area codes)

001 317 259 5371

Fax: (Include country and area codes)

001 317 259 5383

Web site: (district) (Fox Hill School)

E-mail: Head of school/primary school principal

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

General for the school

PYP coordinator

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006


2a Date school was founded: (State year only) 1991

2b Legal status of school: (See note below) State X


Note: • A state school is a government or national school where the employees are

government civil servants and are paid by the state either at a local or national level; usually there are no tuition (as distinct from examination or other) fees.

• A private school is an independent (not-for-profit or for-profit) institution whose

teachers are not civil servants and whose main revenue comes from tuition fees; government subsidies may apply in some countries but they are not the major source of income.

2c (i) If “state”, do students pay tuition fees? Yes

No X

(ii) If “private”, do IB students in particular receive any government subsidy?



2d Type of school: Boys’


Coeducational X



Boarding and day

2e Academic structure: what divisions (for example, pre-primary, primary, middle school and high school) operate in the school, if any?

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Name of section Age range of students Number of students

Primary 5-12 771

(add rows as necessary)

2f Total number of students in the PYP section: 771

2g Age range of students in the PYP section: From 5 to 12 years

2h Total size of whole school: Students 771 Staff 70

2i Is there entry selection into the school?


No X

If “yes”, please explain.

2j Does the school offer other IB programmes?


No X

If “yes”, please specify IBO school codes.

2k Does the school intend to offer other IB programmes?


No X

If “yes”, please specify which programme(s) and planned dates for introduction.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006


3a Number of classes in the PYP section: Please complete appendix 1.

3b Organization of teaching time: Please complete appendix 2.

3c Nationalities/ethnicities of students: (Optional)

Nationalities/ethnicities Approximate numbers

Multi-Racial 56

Hispanic Ethnicity 210

Black 390

White 108

Asian 5

Native American/Alaska Nat. 2

3d Is the school designated bilingual/trilingual? Yes

No X

(i) If “yes”, what are the languages of instruction?

(ii) If “no”, what is the principal language of instruction?


3e What are the additional languages introduced?


3f At what age is an additional language introduced? 5 KDG

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

3g What provisions are made for mother-tongue classes?

There are 16 different mother tongue languages spoken at Fox Hill Elementary School: English, Spanish, Arabic, Tagalog, Ijaw, French, Dinka, Tigrinya, Ewe, Russian, Djerma, Hungarian, Yoruba, Mandarin, Japanese and Fulani. We provide mother tongue support for Spanish which is the language spoken by the largest population of our English as a New Language (ENL) students. This support is provided by bilingual teachers and instructional assistants. Native Spanish speaking students have the opportunity to improve their literary skills during their World Language/Spanish classes. Bilingual staff also communicates with parents in their mother tongue and translate for parent conferences and meetings. Some printed information is sent home in Spanish. Spanish vocabulary words are posted in most classrooms and public areas of the building. In the future, it is our hope to provide additional support for mother tongue development as part of our before and after school programming.

3h When are mother-tongue classes offered?

(i) During the school day Yes X No

(ii) Before/after school Yes No X


4a How did you first hear about the PYP? Please be as specific as possible.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program was established at Washington Township’s premier high school, North Central High School, over twenty years ago. It is the most well-established and prestigious Diploma Program in the state of Indiana. Being familiar with the Diploma Program, Washington Township district administrators began to investigate bringing the PYP to the elementary schools over four years ago. In May of 2009, the district hosted a mass on-site training for administrators and teachers to begin the feasibility study. It was then that Fox Hill Elementary School, as a staff, began to investigate and learn about the Primary Years Program.

4b List the main reasons for wanting to introduce the PYP.

The staff at Fox Hill believes that the Primary Years Program will enhance the teaching and learning at Fox Hill Elementary School in the following ways: • It combines a deep understanding of the learning process with best practices in

teaching to bring about a profound change in the way instruction is delivered. • While still adhering to state and district academic standards, the IB PYP will provide all

students with an international education guiding students to make connections between what they are learning in the classroom and the world around them.

• All students are given the opportunity to study Spanish.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

• The PYP curricular framework, delivered by high-quality teachers using best practices in instruction, will assist Fox Hill Elementary School in closing the achievement gap that exists between students of different races and socio-economic statuses.

• The inclusion of the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile will encourage Fox Hill Elementary students to develop into internationally minded citizens by cultivating the whole student – intellectually, physically, emotionally, and ethically.

4c Has the governing body made a formal decision to adopt the PYP?

Yes X


4d Has there been consultation with:

(i) appropriate IBO regional offices? Yes X No

(ii) teaching staff? Yes X No

(iii) parents/parent-teacher association? Yes X No

(iv) local, regional or national educational authorities, where applicable? Yes X No

(v) other IB World Schools? Yes X No

4e Have PYP responsibilities been identified for:

(i) primary school principal? Yes X No

(ii) PYP coordinator? Yes X No

(iii) year/grade-level coordinators, where appropriate? Yes X No

(iv) subject coordinators, where appropriate? Yes X No

(v) PYP teachers? Yes X No

(vi) library/resource centre staff? Yes X No

4f Please indicate the PYP training received by, and planned for:

(i) the head of school/primary school principal

(ii) the PYP coordinator

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

(iii) all other teaching staff.

Please complete appendix 3.

4g Please indicate the organization of meetings of PYP teachers, including single-subject teachers and library/resource centre staff, for horizontal and vertical planning of the teaching of the programme.

This is an area that has been a focus at Fox Hill, and improvements have been made in the past year. Currently, each grade level has a common 40 minute planning period during the day and all teachers have 45 minutes of planning time at the end of the school day. Each grade level uses one of the after school time slots each week to develop and reflect on unit planners. Single Subject Teachers are often invited to attend these meetings. Informal planning often takes place during the common planning times during the day. Single Subject Teachers are collaborating with grade levels to more fully integrate their student experiences with one unit per grade level. With the other units in a grade level, Single Subject Teachers are working within their own curriculum to support the key concepts that are being taught within a grade level’s unit. The Single Subject team also meets regularly to plan supporting projects for IB. For the 2011-2012 school year, we are planning a year long peace project. All grade levels dedicated time over the summer for team planning sessions that also included the Media Specialist (PYP Coordinator). Fox Hill has been working to develop Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s). During PLC meeting times, Single Subject Teachers will be available to rotate from one grade level to another to discuss any IB concerns. Monthly staff meetings also include IB information and professional development. The Fox Hill IB Core team meets monthly to discuss ways that IB can be supported school-wide. Currently, we are working on revising the FH Action Plan. Future meetings will be used to develop professional development relating to the PYP. Regular meetings have taken place at the district level to assure horizontal and vertical alignment of the Program of Inquiry. Representatives of each grade level from each school collaborate in this process. The state of Indiana revises standards on a rotation based on subject area. Since the POI is a fluid document, it is assumed that these meetings will continue to take place to reflect on and revise the POI and also to realign with state standards as needed.

4h How will the school ensure that all new teaching staff are trained to deliver the PYP?

Fox Hill recognizes the importance of getting new staff members up to speed in delivering the PYP as soon as possible. We are also sensitive to the overwhelming aspects of being a new teacher. Introduction to IB and the PYP will be part of the interview process so new staff members are aware of the school’s expectations regarding IB. New teachers gather prior to the opening of school for a day of district training. An overview of IB is part of this event. All new teachers will be given a notebook by the FH PYP coordinator that contains

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Making the PYP Happen and the IB Learner Profile Booklet as well as any documents relevant to FH’s IB program (Mission Statements, walk-through guides, etc.). The FH PYP coordinator will meet with new teachers early in the year to explain the key parts of these documents and also to give instruction on the OCC and the MSDWT IB wiki. As a first step, new teachers will be introduced to international mindedness as defined by IB and given some guidance with the Learner Profile. Each new teacher will be assigned an IB buddy from their team for their first year. For the first few months, training in IB will be one-on-one with their buddy. There is discussion about having a one day district level PYP workshop early in the second semester for all new teachers.

4i How does the school inform the support staff of the principles and practices of the PYP?

Copies of Making the PYP Happen and The IB Learner Profile Booklet will be available for all Fox Hill support staff. A representative from ENL is a part of the FH IB Core Team. Many of the support staff, including reading and math specialists, ENL teachers and some Special Education (SPED) teachers have already received Level I PYP training. Those who have not will be invited to the new teacher training early second semester. We are encouraging this level of support staff to participate in the OCC and Atlas training that will happen this fall. (Atlas is an online software program that is used by teachers throughout the school and district to house IB unit planners and curriculum documents.) This will give them access to and understanding of the grade level units. They will also be included in any IB training that occurs during Staff Meetings. Grade level planners are posted in each classroom. They are encouraged to attend any grade level unit planning meetings to assist in planning differentiation for students. We are working to improve the training of our instructional assistants. Plans are in place to provide release time to share relevant PYP information with these staff members. A new page is being developed on the Fox Hill website which will include the PowerPoint, « What Does IB Look Like at Fox Hill?» and a short video showing students discussing the Learner Profile and the IB Attitudes. These tools will also be available to assist in the training of instructional assistants.

4j Please provide details about the transdisciplinary units of inquiry that have been taught in the last school year. Please complete appendix 4 of the application form and submit at least three completed planners (stages 1–6, including the reflection) for each age group.

4k Do teachers use the PYP planner to document their teaching outside of the programme of inquiry?


No X

4l Which scope and sequence documents are being used?

(i) Local/national Yes X No

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

(ii) PYP Yes No X

(iii) Other (specify) Yes X No

We use the Indiana State Standards rather than the IB Scope and Sequence documents. We, of course, use the PYP Program Standards and Practices.


5a Nature of school site: Please provide a brief description including number of campuses.

Fox Hill Elementary is located on a large wooded lot on the north side of Marion County/Indianapolis. It is close to the much used city park, Holliday Park, and Butler University. The building has been in use since 1991 and has classrooms to accommodate five sections per grade level. Two sections of full day kindergarten and four sections of alternating kindergarten fill the four kindergarten rooms. Two large group instruction areas and a theater-style large group instruction area are part of the second story of the building. The school has a technology rich atmosphere. Each classroom is equipped with five computers and one teacher computer station. There are two fully equipped computer labs and one mobile computer lab. TV monitors are available in every classroom although many have been replaced with Promethean Boards and plans are in place to have all classrooms equipped with this exciting piece of technology in the near future. Morning announcements and a magazine style news program (highlighting IB unit work) are broadcast from a small studio located in the Media Center. A large Media Center, with over 17,000 materials is located in the center of the building. There is a classroom area for instruction and research which also has a Promethean Board. Additionally, there is a story area for literature based lessons. Approximately twenty computers are available for readers’ advisory and inquiry. Separate classrooms are available for the single subjects of art, music and physical education. The MSD Washington Township’s Challenge Education course is located in the wooded area surrounding the school. Most Fox Hill students attend middle school at either Westlane or Northview Middle Schools (MYP candidate schools), and then continue on to North Central High School (MYP candidate school and DP school). Community organizations often use the facility on nights and weekends.

5b Are there any of the following special facilities?

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

(i) library/media/resource centre Yes X No

(ii) computer laboratory/centre Yes X No

(iii) language rooms/facilities Yes X No

(iv) science/technology rooms Yes X No

(v) art room Yes X No

(vi) music room Yes X No

(vii) theatre/drama studio Yes X No

(vii) gallery/exhibition space Yes X No

(ix) gymnasium Yes X No

(x) sports field Yes X No

(xi) outdoor education centre Yes X No

(xii) other (please describe) Yes X No

Fox Hill is the site of the MSDWT Challenge Education course.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006


6a (i) Number of full-time PYP teachers: 30

(ii) Number of part-time PYP teachers: 0

6b Number of support specialists: Please give details.

Literacy and Math Specialists – 6, Special Education – 4, World Language –Spanish - 1 Speech and Language Specialist Therapists - 1, ENL – 2, Single Subject Teachers - 4

6c Number of classroom assistants: 12

6d Are there year/grade-level coordinators? Yes X No

6e Are there subject/language coordinators? Yes X No

6f Are there single-subject teachers? Yes X No

If “yes”, for which subjects?

Music, Art, Physical Education, Media Specialist, World Language

6g What arrangements are made for student counselling/pastoral care?

Fox Hill has a counsellor and a lifeskills specialist contracted through Cummins Mental Health. A home/school counsellor is available if necessary.

6h Please indicate qualifications of all teaching and support staff. Please complete appendix 5.

6i Nationalities/ethnicities of the PYP staff: (Optional)

Nationalities/ethnicities Approximate numbers

African American


East Indian (add rows as necessary)

6j Are there currently regular staff meetings for PYP planning? Yes X

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006


If “yes”, how often and for how long?

The MSD Washington Township has implemented a new schedule to accommodate staff interaction for the 2011-2012 school year. For thirty Tuesdays during the school year one and a half hours is allotted for staff meetings, PLC meetings, committee meetings (i.e., IB Core Team meetings) and professional development. Time during PLC meetings is given for Single Subject Teachers to rotate into meetings to do some quick on the spot planning/assessing, etc. Time is given during staff meetings for IB professional development. Currently, each grade level has a common 40 minute planning period during the day and all teachers have 45 minutes of planning time at the end of the school day. Each grade level uses one of the after school time slots each week to develop and reflect on unit planners. Single Subject Teachers are often invited to attend these meetings. District level POI planning meetings take place several times throughout the year (a day of release time is provided for teachers attending) and the PYP Coordinators meet monthly for at least one hour.

6k Are PYP publications made available to staff?

Yes X


If “yes”, please list those publications available.

Making the PYP Happen, IB Learner Profile Booklet available on the WIKI Continuum of International Education

6l Do all teaching staff have access to the OCC? Yes X No

6m Who is responsible for hiring staff in the PYP section?

District School Administration, Human Resources Director, Principal, Assistant Principal

6n What is the average percentage of new teachers in the school in any given year? 1%

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006


7a Name of PYP coordinator: Janet Pfadt

7b Projected responsibilities of PYP coordinator:

(i) PYP coordination

Pedagogical Leadership • Understand and endorse the philosophy, standards and practices, and

principles of the PYP • Promote international-mindedness throughout the school • Organize on-site professional development related to the PYP • Facilitate PYP induction process for new teachers • Support implementation of PYP best practices in classrooms through

coaching, modelling, co-teaching and co-planning of lessons and units • Encourage an inquiry-based learning environment within the school

community • Play an active role in planning and facilitating the PYP Exhibition Communication • Help maintain systems of collaboration related to the implementation of

the PYP within the school and within the district • Communicate with parents and the wider community regarding the

implementation of the PYP at the school • Serve as a liaison between the school and the district IB coordinator • Meet regularly with the head of school and district IB coordinator • Attend coordinators’ meetings Resource Management • Provide staff access to information published by the IBO • Promote staff use of the IBO Online Curriculum Center • Maintain an online folder that contains PYP curriculum materials and

related documents • Ensure all regulations, set by the IBO, concerning programs and

procedures are conducted properly and all deadlines are met

(ii) other

Full time Media Specialist

7c Will non-teaching time be allocated for the position?

Yes X No

If “yes”, how much will be allocated per week?

Seven hours/week release time during the school day and five hours of after school time used to meet with grade level teams.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

7d Is PYP clerical support available? Yes No X

If “yes”, how much is available per week?

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006


8a Will all fees payable be covered by the school? Yes X No

(i) If “no”, what proportion will be covered by the school?

(ii) If “no”, state the authority/institution responsible. Please provide written confirmation from the authority institution.

8b Is there a strategic development plan?

Yes X


If “yes”, when is it due to be reviewed?

The Fox Hill School Improvement Plan is reviewed quarterly. The district strategic plan is monitored throughout the year as well.

8c What funding is available this year to enable staff to attend IBO-approved workshops? Please complete appendix 6.

8d What amount of funding, per year, will be available to support the implementation of the PYP including appropriate professional development? Please complete appendix 6.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006


9a (i) Number of full-time library/resource centre staff: 1

(ii) Number of part-time library/resource centre staff: 1

9b Qualifications of library/resource centre staff: Please give details on appendix 5.

9c Is there an annual library/resource centre budget?

Yes X


If “yes”, how is it controlled?

Funds are allocated for each Media Center from the district bond. Resources are purchased by the Media Specialist after collaboration with teachers and consideration of the development of the Media Center’s collection.

9d Does the budget provide for additions as well as maintenance of resources? Yes X No

9e Are books/related resources centrally held? Yes X No

9f Do the classrooms have libraries/resource centres? Yes X No

9g Give the approximate number of books in print/electronic form in the school library/resource centre, by language. Please specify the languages and add columns if necessary:

Language 1 Language 2 Language 3 Other

English Spanish

General reference 450 50

Non-fiction 10,000 120

Fiction 5500 120

9h Are there newspapers/periodicals? Yes X No

9i What are the library/resource centre loan arrangements?

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Students in grades K-3 may borrow two books each week. Students in grades 4-5 may borrow three books each week. Staff has unlimited check-outs.

9j Total number of computers available to students in the PYP section: 250

9k (i) Number of full-time IT staff: 0

(ii) Number of part-time IT staff: 1

9l Does the school have the following IT resources?

CDs Yes X No

Internet access Yes X No

Video/DVD Yes X No

Other (specify) Yes X No

Software and Databases purchased with district licences. The Media Center, one computer lab and several classrooms are equipped with Promethean Boards.

9m Are there resources in the mother-tongue languages of the PYP students? (Not all languages are represented.)

Yes X


9n Is professional development for the library/resource centre staff available? If “yes”, please supply details on appendix 3.

Yes X


© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006


10a Please provide an updated three-year action plan for implementation of the PYP. Please complete appendix 7.

10b Please indicate any major difficulties and/or concerns that you have encountered during the trial implementation period and how you have, or intend to, overcome them.

The Fox Hill IB Core team discussed this question with their grade level teammates. What follows is a digest of the major concerns expressed with proposed solutions :

• With the POI coming from the district, where is the school level ownership? This has been a question that has been wrestled with since the beginning of the candidate phase. The new IB Coordinators have already begun to discuss the potential solutions that would allow for differentiation between schools in experiences and assessments for the units.

• The quality of student inquiry is dependent on the level of the students’

questioning skills. The FH IB Core Team is aware of this concern and will provide professional development in assisting students in asking better questions. Teachers will be encouraged to use the identification of the key concepts as an informal assessment of our students’ qustioning abilities.

• Time is always a concern of the Fox Hill staff. The IB Core Team needs to

work on professional development that would assist teachers in finding a better flow with the integration of IB units into their daily teaching. Teachers need continuous and systemic practice revising the integration of common core standards within the transdisciplinary themes for a fluid horizontal and vertical articulation of the written and taught curriculum.

• There is some concern about being able to align the grade level unit with

our state standards and still have the students understanding the global interpretation. The IB Core Team believes this challenge will be resolved with professional development focusing on the teachers becoming more efficient teachers of authentic literacy.

• IB professional development needs to be more authentic. The FH IB Core

Team is working to find ways to present information to the staff in smaller bites or chunks. For example, ideas for teaching the Learner Profile shared on post-it notes displayed in an area of the teachers’ lounge. Our core team also believes that our IB professional development needs to be visual – Showing the teachers “what it LOOKS like. »

• Having a separate grade for social studies, science and health for each

grading period makes it difficult for the units to flow naturally. This issue is being addressed at the district level.

• Students have so many new IB terms to learn and internalize. This issue

should be resolved over time. The Fox Hill Associate Principal, the

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Positive Behavior Committee Leader and the IB Coordinator are working to merge the language of PBS and Responsive Classrooms with IB language.

10c Please consider the programme standards below. All IB World Schools are expected to work towards achieving these standards as they fully implement and develop the PYP. They form the basis of the regular programme evaluation self-study, visit and subsequent visiting team report. Please write a brief outline of your school’s position as it prepares to further develop the PYP according to these standards. This should be a reflection by the head of school or the PYP coordinator. At the point of authorization, the standards will be applied holistically; schools will not be assessed on each individual standard.

Section A: philosophy

Standard A1 There is close alignment between the educational beliefs and values of the school and those of the programme.

Standard A2 The school promotes international-mindedness on the part of the adults and the students in the school community.

Standard A1 • MSD Washington Township has revised its mission statement to align

more closely with the IB mission statement.

• Students are internalizing international mindedness. Grade level teams work together to plan the teaching and recognition of attitudes and attributes of the Learner Profile. There is sharing also of ideas between the grade levels.

• There is an increased level of inquiry being used through our newly

adopted science curriculum. Many Fox Hill teachers who participated in the MSDWT Science Academy have been trained in I-STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), which emphasizes the use of inquiry. As teachers become more comfortable with the use of inquiry in science, the use of an inquiry approach will transfer to other curricular areas. The teachers, who have been trained, will also train other teachers in inquiry.

• Positive Behavior Support and Responsive Classrooms have been used

in our district for some time to assist students in value clarification. The school district for the past ten years has had six core values (respect, responsibility, caring, courage, self-discipline and honesty) that were taught to our students. At this time, there is work being done to align these values, the philosophies/vocabularies of PBS and Responsive Classrooms with IB.

A2 • The Fox Hill staff strongly believes in the IB philosphy of helping students

establish a personal set of values and as mentioned, MSDWT has

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

supported that belief for many years with the district’s Six Core Values. Using the IB Learner Profile and the IB Attitudes expands the base of attitudes and values being presented to the students.

• The Fox Hill staff believes in exhibiting Learner Profile/attitudes

authentically. Students are recognized school-wide through a system of receiving « Fox Heads » for demonstration of attributes of the Learner Profile and/or IB Attitudes.

• Different grade levels and/or teachers have varying ways of recognizing

students for authentic displays of the Learner Profile and/or IB attitudes within their grade level or classroom.

• In the 2011 – 2012 school year, a video will be made with students

discussing their ideas about the Learner Profile. This will be available on the Fox Hill website.

• The Fox Hill staff considers itself to be a community of learners. Work is

being done to improve our grade level Professional Learning Communities.

• The Fox Hill staff demonstrates the characteristics of life-long learning.

Several teachers are working on advanced degrees. Our staff willingly takes part in the many professional development opportunities offered by the school district. Teachers often attend conferences relating to their teaching.

• Students are exposed to many different cultures through strong art and

music curricular programs at Fox Hill.

• Fox Hill has always had a large multi-cultural population. The school climate has always supported and celebrated various cultures through special programming, displays of flags representing home nationalities and cultural events like our Fiesta Luncheon.

• Single Subject Teachers often work together to promote the education of

other cultures. Through grants written to our school district’s foundation and through special community funding such as Run for the Arts, we have received money to support this special programming.

• In the 2011-2012 school year, the Single Subject Team will promote a

« Year of Peace. » We will begin with a special ceremony rededicating our Peace Pole and celebrating the International Day of Peace. Each month, there will be a different activity to promote peace throughout the school. We are planning to culminate the year with the creation of our own Peace Pole.

• The Fox Hill IB Core Team is working to find ways to promote IB and its

philosophies with the adults in our students’ lives. Monthly newsletters will emphasize an attribute of the Learner Profile or an IB attitude giving suggestions on how parents can help develop these values at home. We also plan to have an « Attitudes Fair » in conjunction with our Dad’s Day Pancake Breakfast and Veterans’ Day music program. Parents will learn

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

more about the IB attitudes and will be able to purchase a t-shirt for their child stating, « I have Attitudes!» with a list of the attitudes on the back. We are continuing to develop our parents’ understanding of IB’s philosophy of international mindedness.

Section B: organization

Standard B1 The school demonstrates ongoing commitment to, and provides support for, the programme through appropriate administrative structures and systems, staffing and resources.

Standard B1 • The MSD Washington Township has always been a leader in the state in

the area of professional development, and the Fox Hill Staff has always actively participated in any professional development offered.

• Much IB training has been offered. The school district provided level 1

PYP training several times during our candidate phase and we only have a small number of teachers who will receive this training later this year. Fifteen Fox Hill teachers and our administrators participated in level 2 and 3 training this past summer. At this time, training is being done at the grade levels as people share what they have learned at IB trainings. A more formal presentation of information learned from these trainings is being developed, and will be presented later year.

• Several of our fifth grade teachers and the Media Specialist have visited

other IB World Schools to observe in preparation for the exhibition. Other teachers have gone to observe IB in action at their grade level. Single Subject Teachers took advantage of the opportunity to visit a local IB World School to gain a better understanding of the integration of art, music and physical education into the program.

• The district has a district level IB Coordinator to assist with the

implementation of the program.

• Last spring, the Media Specialist in each school assumed the responsibility of PYP Coordinator. This is a natural blending of the two assignments.

• The district has provided substitutes for release time and stipend money

for after school and/or summer planning.

• The school district provided each school/Media Center with additional resources to purchase resources to better implement the grade level units.

• The district has provided a World Language Teacher for Fox Hill.

Section C: curriculum

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Standard C1 A comprehensive, coherent, written curriculum, based on the requirements of the programme and developed by the school, is available to all sections of the school community.

Standard C2 The school has implemented a system through which all teachers plan and reflect in collaborative teams.

Standard C3 Teaching and learning at the school empowers and encourages students to become lifelong learners, to be responsible towards themselves, their learning, other people and the environment, and to take appropriate action.

Standard C4 There is an agreed approach to assessment, and to the

recording and reporting of assessment data, which reflects the practices and requirements of the programme.

Standard C1 • The core of the Fox Hill curriculum is the Indiana State Standards. Work

has been done to integrate these standards into all grade level units.

• The POI shows the integration of these state standards. The POI is prominently displayed in English and Spanish at the front entrance to the school.

• The POI is available on the Fox Hill website.

• Each grade level displays the grade level POI with the current unit of

study highlighted.

• The POI and the FH IB brochure were included in Back-to-School-Night packets.

Standard C2

• Grade level teams meet weekly to plan and reflect on units.

• Stipends were provided for grade level summer unit planning and many teachers worked independently over the summer to ensure development of units.

• All Fox Hill teachers have access to Atlas. Single Subject Teachers,

Reading and Math Specialists, SPED Teachers,and ENL Teachers also have access to learn about the grade level units and to also add any of their own plans and or resources for the unit.

• Grade levels have a dedicated weekly meeting for IB planning and

reflection. Any other support teachers or Single Subject Teachers are invited to attend these meetings.

• IB is part of the monthly PLC meetings.

• The FH IB Core Team meets monthly.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Standard C3

• The FH IB Core Team believes the implementation of the PYP program is having a positive effect on the Fox Hill staff and students.

• Work is being done to make the RTII Tier Two forms reflect the IB Learner

Profile/IB Attitudes. It is the school’s goal that each Tier Two BEP reflects one attitude or attribute of the Learner Profile.

• IB vocabulary is being integrated into the inplementation of PBS and

Responsive Classroom activities.

• Fox Heads are used to promote positive attitudes.

• Following the Action Cycle is encouraged in the classroom, in school common areas, in the community and beyond.

Standard C4

• The district level Assessment Committee is working on the Assessment Policy that will improve the reporting of grades in a manner that aligns with the grade level units.

• Common Formative Assessments have been created at the district level.

• Five Fox Hill teachers participated in Level 2 Assessment training and are

sharing their knowledge.

• Discussion has begun at Fox Hill regarding the use of student portfolios as a method of assessment.

Section D: the student

Standard D1 Students learn to choose to act, and to reflect on their actions, so that they contribute to their own well-being and that of the community and the environment.

Standard D2 (applicable after the point of authorization)

In the final year of the programme, all students complete a programme-specific project (the PYP exhibition) that allows them to demonstrate a consolidation of their learning.

Standard D1 • Essential Agreements have been established for each learning area of the

school. • Fox Hill has established a Focus Room where teachers who are not on task

can go to meet with the Associate Principal and reflect on their actions and make a plan to redirect their behaviors.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

• Daily/weekly behavior reflections are happening at various grade levels. • Fox Heads are given to students who are demonstrating exceptional behaviors. • Single Subject Teachers have developed a communication sheet to use with

the students to discuss behaviors and reflect on needed changes. These forms are shared with teachers and parents.

• Students reflect during morning meetings about what they have noticed about

appropriate actions by other students. Standard D2 • Exhibition guidelines and IB documents regarding the exhibition have been

shared with fifth grade teachers. • The PYP Coordinator and several fifth grade teachers have had the opportunity

to visit exhibitions at other IB World Schools. • A representative from Fox Hill will be sent to IB Exhibition training. • Service Learning is being incorporated into fifth grade classrooms. • Teachers are encouraging the development of the Learner Profile and IB

Attitudes to encourage students to move their thinking from self to others.

10d Describe the degree to which teaching and learning at the school supports students in developing the attributes listed in the IB learner profile booklet?

• For many years, the MSD of Washington Township has promoted its “Core Values” including : respect, responsibility, courage, caring, self-discipline and honesty. Therefore, the movement to include the Learner Profile and the IB Attitudes has been easily accomplished.

• Learner Profile attributes are identified in each grade level unit. • Teachers incorporate the use of the Learner Profile terminology in working with

students. • Each day, one of the attributes of the Learner Profile is discussed on the

school’s broadcast of our morning announcements. • The Learner profile is posted in each classroom and many common areas of

the school. • The language of our PBS system is aligned with the language of the Learner

Profile. • Discussion of the Learner Profile is included in the discussion of literature. The

online Media Center catalog has resource lists connecting books available in

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

the FH Media Center with the Learner Profile and IB Attitudes. • A printed chart of the Learner Profile and IB Attitudes is included as a part of

Friday folders so parents are more aware of the emphasis on thèse attributes and attitudes.

• Beginning with the 2011 – 2012 school year, each school newsletter will

highlight one of the Learner Profile attributes or IB Attitudes with suggestions of how parents can support the development of these characteristics at home.

10e What can the school’s introduction of the PYP bring to the school community and to the local community?

• The POI and unit planners are concise so that the school community can easily understand them.

• With our families learning the “language” of IB, the community will feel closer to

the school; there will be more consistency between home, and school and it will help develop stability in families.

• The PYP will develop more balanced students. • Teaching the PYP Action Cycle will encourage students to take the knowledge

that they have gained to make their community and world a better place. • As students move from “self to others,” they will develop more interest in the

well being of their own community and others in the world. • Students are engaged in service learning activities which allows them to make

connections between their actions and the effect their actions have on their community and the world.

The person(s) who completed this form should sign below.

Name: Janet Pfadt

Position: IB Coordinator, Fox Hill Elementary School

Date: 30/9/2011

The completed application form, application fee and supporting documentation should be sent to the regional director responsible for your area.

Note: The PYP application forms and appendices should be completed electronically and returned to the appropriate regional office. In consultation with the regional office,

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

any supporting documentation should be sent on CD-Rom(s) wherever possible. Where this is not possible, hard copies of the documents should be provided. Please ensure that the school is clearly identified in all correspondence.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Appendix 1 Classes in the PYP section

Name of teacher Grade/year Age of students Class name Number of students

Mrs. Miller Kdg. 5-6 Class K A 26

Mrs. Smith Kdg. A.M. 5-6 Class K B 19

Mrs. Smith Kdg. P.M. 5-6 Class K C 24

Mrs. Gray Kdg. 5-6 Class K D 25

Mrs. Burt Kdg. A.M. 5-6 Class K E 18

Mrs. Burt Kdg. P.M. 5-6 Class K F 21

Ms. Bell 1st Grade 6-7 Class 1 A 27

Mrs. Scherrer 1st Grade 6-7 Class 1 B 25

Mrs. Hardy 1st Grade 6-7 Class 1 C 26

Mrs. West 1st Grade 6-7 Class 1 D 26

Mrs. Oldenburg

1st Grade 6-7 Class 1 E 26

Ms. Kendrick 2nd Grade 7-8 Class 2 A 27

Mrs. Spector 2nd Grade 7-8 Class 2 B 24

Ms. Hinkle 2nd Grade 7-8 Class 2 C 27

Ms. Cash 2nd Grade 7-8 Class 2 D 28

Mrs. Gropp 2nd Grade 7-8 Class 2 E 24

Mrs. Burgan 3rd Grade 8-9 Class 3 A 22

Mrs. Sprinkle 3rd Grade 8-9 Class 3 B 23

Ms. Stout 3rd Grade 8-9 Class 3 C 21

Mrs. Morrow 3rd Grade 8-9 Class 3 D 22

Ms. Pulley 3rd Grade 8-9 Class 3 E 22

Mrs. Knestrick 3rd Grade 8-9 Class 3 F 18

Ms. Christy 4th Grade 9-10 Class 4 A 25

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Mrs. Jenkins 4th Grade 9-10 Class 4 B 24

Mrs. Perez-Dugger

4th Grade 9-10 Class 4 C 24

Mrs. Cecil 4th Grade 9-10 Class 4 D 26

Mrs. Rumble 4th Grade 9-10 Class 4 E 23

Mrs. Memmer 5th Grade 10-11 Class 5 A 27

Mr Butler 5th Grade 10-11 Class 5 B 26

Mr. Valdez 5th Grade 10-11 Class 5 C 27

Mrs. Dickerson

5th Grade 10-11 Class 5 D 28

Mrs. Pinsky 5th Grade 10-11 Class 5 E 24

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Appendix 2 Organization of teaching time

Year/grade Total teaching time in hours per week/cycle*

% of teaching time with classroom/ homeroom teacher

% of teaching time with single-subject teachers

Other (assemblies, special events)

Kindergarten 5–6 years

27.5 88% 12% 0%

Grade 1 6–7 years

27.5 88% 12% 0%

Grade 2 7–8 years

27.5 88% 12% 0%

Grade 3 8–9 years

27.5 88% 12% 0%

Grade 4 9–10 years

27.5 88% 12% 0%

Grade 5 10–11 years

27.5 88% 12% 0%

* Please indicate length of cycle. Weekly

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Appendix 3 PYP staff training

Please indicate what IBO-approved PYP professional development and training your teaching staff have received. We are also interested in which teachers, if any, have visited IB World Schools authorized to offer the PYP. Please indicate this below.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Name District or Regional workshops: place/date/ number of days

District level or In-school workshops: date/number of days

IB World School visits: place/date

Head of school/ primary school principal

Kathleen Levine, Principal

Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009

MSDWT HIBS Symposium February, 2010 Inquiry in the

PYP 10/10 CEC

Assessment Level 2

August 8 and 9, 2010 CEC

Summer IB Planning

6/11 Professional

Learning Communities


Associate Principal

Sean Taylor Inquiry in the PYP

Level 3 September 22 and 23, 2010

CEC Assessment

Level 2 August 8 and 9,

2010 CEC

Atlas Curriculum Training 10/10

Differentiation Reaching all

Learners 1/10 Harvey Daniels Comprehension

and Inquiry 6/11

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Coordinator Janet Pfadt Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009

MSDWT Inquiry Level 3 August 8 and 9,

2010 CEC

Harvey Daniels Comprehension

and Inquiry 6/11

PYP POI Revisions

5/11 Science Inquiry

and PYP Collaboration

8/11 Inquiry Circles in the Classroom

5/10 Professional

Learning Communities

8/10 PYP Unit

Planners 5/10 PYP POI

Revisions 4/10 Media

Specialists’ PYP Training

8/10 PYP POI

Revisions K-3 1/11

PYP Single Subject Planning

3/11 FH Summer IB

Planning Grades K-5

5/11, 6/11, 7/11 PYP “Boot

Camp” Coordinator, 2-12

IPS School 84 Indianapolis, IN

IPS School 2 Indianapolis, IN


Kindergarten 5–6 years

Becky Miller Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009

MSDWT Inquiry Level 3 August 8 and 9,

2010 CEC

Atlas Curriculum Software

2/11 FH IB Summer

Planning 6/11

IB POI Revisions 6/11

District Level Kindergarten

Planning Meetings

2/11 PYP POI

Revisions K-3 1/11

PYP Unit Planner Reflections


© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Adriane Smith Introduction to the PYP

May 27 and 28, 2010 CEC

District Level Grade 1 Planning

Meetings 2/11 PYP POI Revisions

6/11 PYP POI

Revisions K-3 1/11

FH IB Summer Planning


Ellen Gray Introduction to the PYP

May 27 and 28, 2010 CEC

Assessment Level 2

August 8 and 9, 2010 CEC

Professional Learning

Communities 8/10

Atlas Curriculum Software

2/11 FH Summer IB

Planning 6/11

District Level Kindergarten

Planning Meetings

10/10 2/11 3/11

Jessica Burt Introduction to the PYP

September 22 and 23, 2010

CEC Teaching and

Learning Level 2 August 8 and 9,

2011 CEC

Atlas Curriculum Software 2/10/11

FH Summer IB Planning

6/11 District Level Kindergarten

Planning Meetings 9/17/10 2/7/11 3/18/11

First Grade 6–7 years

Ashley Bell Introduction to the PYP

September 22 and 23, 2010


District Level Grade 1 Planning

Meetings 10/10 11/10

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Kristin Scherrer Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009

MSDWT Inquiry in the

PYP 10/10

Teaching and Learning Level 2 August 8 and 9,

2011 CEC

Atlas Curriculum Software

2/11 IB POOI

Revisions 5/11 Inquiry Circles in the Classroom

5/10 PYP POI Revisions

1/11 FH IB Summer

Planning 6/11

IPS School 84 Indianapolis, IN


Tammy Hardy Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009

MSDWT Inquiry Level 3 August 8 and 9,

2011 CEC

District Level Grade 1 Planning

Meetings 10/10 2/11

Inquiry Circles in the Classroom

4/10 5/10

Professional Learning

Communities 8/10

FH IB Summer Planning


Angela West Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009

MSDWT Making the PYP Happen Grade 2 October 16 – 17,

2009 CEC

District Level Grade 1 Planning


Kathy Oldenburg Making the PYP Happen

October 16 – 17, 2009 CEC

District Level Grade 1 Planning

Meeting 9/10

Inquiry Circles in the Classroom

5/10 FH IB Summer

Planning 6/11

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Second grade 7–8 years

Pam Kendrick Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009

MSDWT Inquiry in the

PYP 10/10 CEC

Inquiry Level 3 August 8 and 9,

2011 CEC

Inquiry Circles in the Elementary Classroom 4/10 FH IB Summer

Planning 6/11

IPS School 84 Indianapolis, IN

Bev Spector Making the PYP Happen

October 16 – 17, 2009 CEC

FH IB Summer Planning


Nancy Hinkle Making the PYP Happen

October 16 – 17, 2009 CEC

Assessment Level 2

August 8 and 9, 2011 CEC

FH IB Summer Planning


Lindsey Cash Introduction to the PYP

May 27 and 28, 2010 CEC

Teaching and Learning in the

PYP 8/11

Inquiry Circles in the Elementary

Classroom 4/10

PLC Learning Communities

8/10 FH IB Summer

Planning 6/11

Karen Gropp PYP “Boot Camp”

(Orientation) 2-1-12, CEC

Third Grade 8–9 years

Neelu Burgan Making the PYP Happen

October 16 – 17, 2009 CEC

IB PYP Unit Planners

5/10 PYP POI

Revisions K-3 1/11

IB PYP POI Revisions 5/11 FH IB Summer Planning


© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Susie Sprinkle Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009


Professional Learning

Communities 8/10

PYP Unit Planner Reflection 3/10 FH IB Summer

Planning 7/11

April Stout Introduction to the PYP

September 22 and 23, 2010


FH IB Summer Planning


Kim Morrow Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009

MSDWT Inquiry in the

PYP Level 3

September 22 and 23, 2010

CEC Assessment

Level 2 August 8 and 9,

2011 CEC

IB POI Revisions 6/11

PYP POI Revisions K-3

1/11 PYP Unit Planner

Reflection 3/10

FH IB Summer Planning


Kara Pulley Introduction to the PYP

September 22 and 23, 2010

CEC Teaching and

Learning Level 2 August 8 and 9,

2011 CEC

Inquiry Circles in the Classroom

9/10 District Level Kindergarten

Planning Meetings

2/11 3/11


Chris Knestrick Introduction to the PYP

May 27 and 28, 2010 CEC

Assessment Level 2

August 8 and 9, 2011 CEC

FH IB Summer Planning


© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Fourth Grade 9–10 years

Liz Christy Introduction to the PYP

May 27 and 28, 2010 CEC

FH IB Summer Planning


IPS School 84 Indianapolis, IN


Rhonda Jenkins Introduction to the PYP

May 27 and 28, 2010 CEC

Inquiry Circles in the Classroom

6/10 FH IB Summer

Planning 6/11

Linda Perez-Dugger

Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009

MSDWT Inquiry in the

PYP 10/10

FH Summer IB Planning

6/11 PYP POI Revisions

5/11 Inquiry Circles in the Classroom

5/10 IB Unit Planners

5/10 POI Revisions

1/11 PYP Unit Planner

Reflections 3/10

FH IB Summer Planning


Erin Cecil Introduction to the PYP

May 27 and 28, 2010 CEC

Inquiry in the PYP

Level 3 September 22 and 23, 2010


FH IB Summer Planning


Vicky Rumble Introduction to the PYP

May 27 and 28, 2010 CEC

Professional Learning

Communities 8/10

FH IB Summer Planning


© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Fifth Grade 10–11 years

Kay Memmer Introduction to the PYP

May 27 and 28, 2010 CEC

Assessment Level 2

August 8 and 9, 2011 CEC

Harvey Daniels Comprehension

and Inquiry 6/11

FH Summer IB Planning 6/11 Inquiry Circles

7/10 Professional

Learning Communities

8/10 FH IB Summer

Planning 7/11

Noah Butler Introduction to the PYP

May 27 and 28, 2010 CEC

PYP Unit Planner Reflections

3/10 FH IB Summer

Planning 7/11

IPS School 84 Indianapolis, IN

Spring 2010

James Valdez Introduction to the PYP

May 27 and 28, 2010 CEC

FH IB Summer Planning


IPS School 84 Indianapolis, IN

Spring 2010

Emily Dickerson Introduction to the PYP

September 22 and 23, 2010


FH IB Summer Planning


Anat Pinsky Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009

MSDWT Teaching and

Learning Level 2 August 8 and 9,

2011 CEC

MSDWT IB Head Council

2010 - 2011 POI Grade Level Representative

3/11 PYP POI

Revisions 5/11 PYP IB Unit

Planners 5/10

PYP POI Revisions 1/11 FH IB Summer

Planning 7/11

Special Education

Nikki Tepper PYP “Boot Camp”

(Orientation) 2-1-12, CEC

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Emily Kniesly Introduction to the PYP

September 22 and 23, 2010


Emily Gore PYP “Boot

Camp” (Orientation) 2-1-12, CEC

Professional Learning

Communities 8/10

Bobbie Recktenwall

Art Katie Jaskowiak Introduction to the PYP

September 22 and 23, 2010


Single Subject Training

3/11 CEC

Music Kimbra Becker Making the PYP Happen

October 16 – 17, 2009 CEC

Single Subject Training

3/11 CEC

IPS School 84 Indianapolis, IN


Physical education

Walt Morris Introduction to the PYP

May 27 and 28, 2010 CEC

Single Subject Training

3/11 CEC

Library/resource centre staff

Janet Pfadt (See above)

Title I Barb King Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009


Harvey Daniels Comprehension

and Inquiry 6/11

Mary Fran Lotfalian

Introduction to the PYP

May 27 and 28, 2010 CEC

Fatima Rich Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009


© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Susan Schaeffer Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009


Harvey Daniels Comprehension

and Inquiry 6/11

Inquiry Circles in the Classroom

4/10 5/10


Carol Pierobon-Hofer

Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009


Science Inquiry and PYP

Collaboration 8/11

Rebecca McGill Making the PYP Happen

May 29 and 30, 2009

MSDWT Teaching and

Learning in the PYP 8/11 CEC

Professional Learning

Communities 8/10

Speech Kathy McPeek PYP “Boot

Camp” (Orientation) 2-1-12, CEC

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Fox Hill’s Professional Development

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Appendix 4 Transdisciplinary units of inquiry

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Age of students Number and title of units of inquiry taught

** Attached to the application

Teaching staff involved in planning the units


5–6 years

Who We Are “Happy Healthy Me!”

Becker, Kim Burt, Jessica Gray, Ellen

Jaskowiak, Katie Miller, Becky Morris, Walt Pfadt, Janet Pulley, Kara

Smith, Adrianne

Where We are in Place and Time “Home Sweet Home”

How We Express Ourselves “Express Yourself!” **

How the World Works “Our Wonderful World”

How We Organize Ourselves “Super Systems” **

Sharing the Planet ** “Birds, Bees, Flowers and Trees”

First Grade

6–7 years

Who We Are “Responsible Citizens” **

Becker, Kim Bell, Ashley

Hardy, Tammy Jaskowiak, Katie

Morris, Walt Oldenburg, Kathy

Pfadt, Janet Scherrer, Kristin Smith, Adrianne

West, Angela

Where We are in Place and Time “Then and Now” **

How We Express Ourselves “Customs Around the World”

How the World Works “Understanding Weather and Matter”

How We Organize Ourselves “Our Wants and Needs”

Sharing the Planet “Living and Non-Living” **

Second Grade

7–8 years

Who We Are “A Community for All” **

Becker, Kim Cash, Lindsey Gropp, Karen Hinkle, Nancy

Jaskowiak, Katie Kendrick, Pam

Morris, Walt Morrow, Kim Pfadt, Janet Spector, Bev

Where We are in Place and Time “Working in Our World” **

How We Express Ourselves “Once Upon a Tradition”

How the World Works “As the World Turns” **

How We Organize Ourselves “Making Cents of It All”

Sharing the Planet “Yours, Mine, Ours”

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Third Grade

8–9 years

Who We Are “Proud to Be an American”

Becker, Kim Burgan, Neelu

Cecil, Erin Jaskowiak, Katie Knestrick, Chris

Morris, Walt Morrow, Kim Pfadt, Janet Pulley, Kara Spector, Bev

Sprinkle, Susie Stout, April

Where We are in Place and Time “Life Is a Highway” **

How We Express Ourselves ”Hoosier Who?” **

How the World Works “Shake, Rattle and Roll”

How We Organize Ourselves “Change in Your Pocket” **

Sharing the Planet “We’re All in This Together”

Fourth Grade

9–10 years

Who We Are “Who Runs This Place?”

Becker, Kim Cecil, Erin Christy, Liz

Dickerson, Emily Jaskowiak, Katie Jenkins, Rhonda

Memmer, Kay Morris, Walt

Perez-Dugger, Linda Pfadt, Janet

Rumble, Vicky

Where We are in Place and Time “On the Road Again” **

How We Express Ourselves “Rock and Roll”

How the World Works “Flash! Sizzle! Crash!”

How We Organize Ourselves “Cha Ching! Haciendo Dinero!” **

Sharing the Planet “A Tangled Web” **

Fifth Grade

10–11 years

Who We Are “Survival of the Fittest”

Becker, Kim Butler, Noah Christy, Liz

Jaskowiak, Katie Memmer, Kay Morris, Walt Pfadt, Janet

Scherrer, Kristin Valdez, James Wallman, Emily

Where We are in Place and Time “A Whole New World” **

How We Express Ourselves “13 Going on 50” **

How the World Works “What’s the Matter?”

How We Organize Ourselves “Working Together”

Sharing the Planet “Who’s in Charge?” **

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Appendix 5 PYP teaching staff and qualifications

Name # of Years Teaching Current Grade/Single Subject

Qualifications (Educational Degrees)

Teaching Experience (Number of Years in Total)

Number of Years at This School

Full-time/ Part-time

Becker, Kimbra


B.A., B.M.E., M.A.




Bell, Ashley 2 B.S. 4 2 FT Burgan, Neelu 4 B.A. 4 5 FT Burt, Jessica 2 B.S. 2 2 FT Butler, Noah 12 B.S. 12 12 FT Cash, Lindsey 3 B.S. 3 3 FT Cecil, Erin 1 B.A 4 4 FT Christy, Liz 1 M.A. 3 3 FT Dickerson, Emily 1 B.S. 5 2 FT Garis, Jolee 3 M.S. 39 3 PT Gore, Emily 6 B.S. 6 6 FT Gray, Ellen 9 B.S. M.S. 13 9 FT Gropp, Karen 4 M.S. 8 8 FT Hardy, Tammy 18 M.S. 18 13 FT Heidelburg, Jessica 4 M.L.S. 12 4 PT Hinkle, Nancy 7 M.S. 34 21 FT Jaskowiak, Katie 5 B.S. 5 2 FT Jenkins, Rhonda 9 B.S. 16 16 FT Kendrick, Pam 15 M.S. 31 21 FT King, Barb 5 B.S. M.S. 24 13 FT Knestrick, Chris 9 M.S. 34 16 FT Kniesly, Emily 33 B.S. M.S. 33 5 FT Levine, Kathleen 11 B.S. M.A. 19 5 FT Lotfalian, Mary Fran 3 B.A. M.A. 25 3 FT McGill, Rebecca 4 B.A. 4 4 FT McPeek, Kathy 33 B.S. M.A. 33 1 FT Memmer, Kay 1 B.S. 11 11 FT Miller, Becky 6 B.S. M.S. 34 21 FT Morris, Walt 21 B.S. 26 14 FT Morrow, Kim 1 B.S. 14 11 FT Oldenburg, Kathy 9 B.S. 28 5 FT Perez-Dugger, Linda 5 M.S. 15 4 FT Pfadt, Janet 15 B.A. M.S. 24 15 FT Pierobon-Hofer, Carol

9 B.A. M.S. 18 4 FT

Pinsky, Anat 8 B.S. 8 6 FT

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Pulley, Kara 1 M.A. 2 2 FT Recktenwall, Bobbie 22 B.S. M.S. 28 1 PT Rich, Fatima 2 B.A. M.A. 8 1 FT Rumble, Vicky 4 B.A. M.S. 26 21 FT Schaeffer, Susan 4 B.S. 9 4 FT Scherrer, Kristin 3 B.A. 9 4 FT Smith, Adriane 1 B.S. M.S. 17 7 FT Spector, Bev 6 M.S. 28 21 FT Sprinkle, Susie 3 B.S. 8 5 FT Stout, April 1 B.S. 4 1 FT Tayor, Sean 4 B.S. M.S. 9 1 FT Tepper, Nikki 32 B.S. M.S. 32 8 FT Valdez, James 7 B.S. 12 12 FT West, Angela 5 B.S. 5 5 FT Yeary, Katheryn 1 B.S. 2 2 FT

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Appendix 6 Proposed PYP implementation budget

Candidate Phase 2010-2011

Candidate phase 2011-2010

Post-authorization year 1 2012-2013

Post-authorization year 2 2013-2014

Post-authorization year 3 2014-2015

Application fee $9,500 $9,500 $3,500

Annual fee $7,300 $7,300 $7,300

Resources: Library/ resource centre

$13,500 $7,000 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500

PYP Grade Level Classrooms

(Supply money each year)






PYP Grade Level Classrooms

(PTO Grants)






Professional development: Regional workshops

$4,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000

In-school workshops

$15,000 $15,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

Visits to IB World Schools

Visit other schools at little or no cost to the school

Visit other schools at little or no cost to the school

Visit other schools at little or no cost to the school

Visit other schools at little or no cost to the school

Visit other schools at little or no cost to the school

Teacher Planning

$5,000 $5,940 $6,480 $6,480 $6,480

Other expenses $13,000 for IB resources

Atlas Curriculum Mapping






TOTAL $56,800 $55,240 $42,080 $42,080 $45,580

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003, 2006

Appendix 7 Action plan for implementing the PYP

See attached.

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