purposeful programmed planning of metrological provisions

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V. P. Danil'chenko, B. F. Markov, and V. V. Anikin UDC 389.14:658.5.012.1

A systematic approach based on purposeful programmed planning principles and methods is being widely used at present for substantiating scientifically the drafting and realization of complex metrological-provision (MP) programs for various national economic projects [i]. This approach is used as a basis for formulating the reqirements specified for the content of MP programs. Such programs should contain first of all: a system of mutually subordi- nated and comparable MP objectives as well as measures aimed at their attainment; initial data reflecting the primary MP level of the projects under consideration; a list and charac- teristics of scientific-research and experimental-design work; combined material, power, la- bor, financial, and informational resources; and principles for converting specific program factors into universal indexes for planning standardization and metrological provisions.

Experience gained in developing programs has shown that in order to obtain the most com- plete adherence to the enumerated requirements it is necessary to pay particular attention to a careful coordination of the programs with the corresponding standardization and MP plans, and to provide the program with all the required resources, to allocate strict responsibili- ties and deadlines, to provide a detailed scientific, technical, and economic substantiation of the research and design work and of the initial-data trustworthiness.

In order to raise the efficiency of the drafted programs it is necessary to have a pur- poseful and fully worked out methodology for the MP programmed planning. Therefore, one of the basic directions for improving the purposeful MP programmed planning should consist of developing its scientific and methodic foundations. At present the following techniques have been developed:

purposeful MP programmed planning for determining the content and procedure in compil- ing programs, distributing resources among them, determining the functions of scientific and administrative agencies at various administrative levels;

analysis and evaluation of the MP level;

scientific, technical, and economic MP forecasting;

technicoeconomic analysis of measures suggested for inclusion in the programs;

determining the resources for the scientific-research and experimental-design work and for producing the measuring equipment (ME);

determining the distribution of resources among the technical directions, separate pro- grams, and operations;

determining the priority and deadlines for the scientific-research and experimental- design work, etc.

Side by side with this it is also necessary to develop normative documents for specify- ing both the measuring-equipment and normative and technical documentation (NTD) development process and its duration and cost, as well as algorithms for correcting the programs and checking their implementation.

Another direction for raising the efficiency of the produced MP programs consists of their informational provisions. It presupposes the establishment of a system for collecting and transmitting instructional and accounting information on the drafting of programs and im- plementation of their specified tasks. For the purpose of ensuring informational provisions it is advisable to set up a stock of reference information (data bank) on the condition of metrological provisions for national economy. Such a bank can have different structures (cen- tralized) and should be incorporated in the metrological Automatic Information and Control System (AICS) by establishing beforehand a sufficient number of subsystems for accumulating information required for solving the entire aggregate of problems.

Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 5, pp. 8-9, May, 1979.

0543-1972/79/2205-0505507.50 �9 1979 Plenum Publishing Corporation 505

In establishing such stocks it is fundamentally important to organize a continuous re- newal of information, thus requiring the participation in whis work of the principal and lo- cal department metrological-service organizations, as well as their territorial agencies. Analysis has shown that reference-information stocks should contain the marketed ME technico- economic characteristics; technoeconomic indexes of the completed scientific-mesearch and ex- perimental-design work entailed in ME production; certified records of enterprises which pro- duce measuring equipment and ensure its centralized metrological provisions; information on the NTD which has been drafted, is being compiled, and planned and on the degree to which the various industries are provided with working and reference measuring equipment for vari- ous types of measurements; the requirements of industries in working and reference ME for various types of measurements; information on the physical wear and technical obsolescence of working and reference ME for various types of measurements.

In order to make the MP programs effective it is necessary, in our opinion, also to adopt a series of measures aimed at improving the organizational structure of the MP plan- ning and control system. It is necessary to definitize the functions of various organiza- tions (sections) and establish a procedure for their interaction, thus making it possible to limit one's activity only to determining their new functions.

In the course of developing interindustrial programs it is necessary to establish norma- tive documents for specifying the procedure in coordinating the draft MP programs of minis- tries and departments. Moreover, for the purpose of coordinating the work and solving sci- entific, methodic, and practical problems of purposeful MP programmed planning it is advisa- ble to consider the question of establishing a Gosstandard coordinating council. It should comprise, in our opinion, the heads of the basic functional administrations responsible in the minis- tries (departments) for the development and implementation of the programs, managers of the ministries' and departments' principal and local organizations, and directors of the Gosstan- dart metrological organization.

It is just as important to establish a system of interconnected documents which deter- mine the rights, duties, and the sequence of interactions of administrative, scientific- research, experimental-design and production organizations and enterprises which deal with the drafting of MP programs.

Thus, it can be considered that in order to raise the efficiency of the purposeful MP programmed planning it is necessary to establish and improve scientific, methodic, informa- tional, and organizational provisions. The importance of a comprehensive solution of the raised problem should also be stressed.



A. I, Ivlev et al., Izmer. Tekh., No. 8 (1977).


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