pupil and parent learning sheet · causes of flooding in boscastle effects of flooding in boscastle...

Post on 26-Jun-2020






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Pupil and parent learning sheetWeek beginning: 22nd June 2020This week's work for Year 7 Geography is an introduction to Flooding.By the end of this week, you should be able to: 1. Investigate what causes floods.2. Study a case study of a flood3. Investigate how people respond to floods4. Create a flood information poster

Your work this week will include the following activities: (You do not need to print any resources!)• Using your previous knowledge to review the water cycle/hydrological cycle• Thinking about how people may change for good or bad the water cycle/hydrological

cycle• Reading or researching more about the effects of humans on the water

cycle/hydrological cycle

If you complete all your work to a high standard, you may also want to explain the challenges facing the Oceans around the World.

For extra help with Geography learning, you may also want to look at the links on different slides

Can you sort out these anagrams – these are different from last time

1 2 3

54 6




Clue:A little river

Clue:A line around the outside

Clue:Where a river goes

Clue:Where it starts

Clue:A meeting

Clue:Where it ends

Answers, how many did you get right?

1 2 3








What has happened here?

Key words:

Flood – a large amount of water on land where it should not be.

Defence – something that protects.

Environment – a place where people, plants and animals live.

Precipitation – Water from the sky such as rain, snow, hail.

Confluence – where rivers join together

Saturated – full of water

TASK: Why do you think rivers flood?

There are more reasons than just rain. Some of the reasons are to do with how the rain falls.

Can you think of different ways rain falls that may cause floods?

Write down as many reasons that you can for a river flooding…

…can you explain any of these reasons?

If you need more help or to check key terms use the links below or use a dictionary if you don’t have access to the internet:https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zppdg82/revision/1

Bronze: can think of one reason that a river floodsSilver: can explain two reasons why a river may floodGold: can link a variety of reasons as to why rivers flood

Did you get any of these reasons for flooding?

• Heavy rain – often big thunder storms

• Prolonged rain – when it rains for a really long time

• Steep sided valleys – the hills means water gets to rivers fast

• No trees – trees slow the water down

• Towns – lots of water gets to rivers fast through the drains

• Snow melts – if it happens fast, just like heavy rain, this will cause flooding

Heavy rain stormProlonged rain

Steep sided valley

Trees slow down water Towns and drains

Melting snow 1) Can you explain in words how each image can lead to rivers flooding in detail?

2) Can you draw a diagram/visual representation of how each of these things contribute to flooding?

Look at the pictures and then complete the tasks below.

How does a flood occur?

Below is a passage that explains how a flood occurs…can you put the words from the textbook in the correct place?

Write out the complete passage on paper or in your books.

Heavy falls for a long period of time and slows down. The ground gets , it is full of water. More rain falls and it runs over the and into the . The water rises over the of the river and the river


Check your answer on the next slide!

land, river, infiltration, banks, saturated, floods, rain

How does a flood occur?

Heavy rain falls for a long period of time and infiltration slows down.

The ground gets saturated, it is full of water.

More rain falls and it runs over the land and into the river.

The water rises over the banks of the river and the river floods.

an area of low-lying ground next to a river, formed mainly of river sediments and subject to flooding.

Below are some consequences/damages of floods – you will need to think about why these may be

so and what could be done to help

• Homes may not be safe to live in for weeks.

• A flood may disrupt water supply.

• The impact of the flood may last for years.

• Repairing flood damage can cost millions.

Draw out this table and attempt to complete it. The first one has been done for you.

Damage(consequence of


Effect Solution

Water pipes are damaged Water is contaminated and therefore dangerous to use.

Boil water from taps

Homes not safe

Repair costs millions

The effect may last for years

Well done on your work so far!

• Now may be a good time to take a break from this week’s Geography work and try something different!

• If you do take a break, remember to keep your work safe for finishing a different time this week!

You are now going to look at a case study of a flood.

First watch this: Boscastle 2004


In this clip you will see the flood happening, however, you will be able to complete the lesson if you can’t watch it.

Boscastle flood (2004)• Boscastle is a small coastal settlement in the

south west of England.

• It flooded in August 2004, washing cars and buildings into the sea and putting peoples' lives in danger.

• Boscastle is at the confluence of three rivers -Valency, Jordan, and Paradise.

• A large quantity of water arrived within a short space of time causing the rivers to overflow.

• The flooding coincided with a high tide, making the impact much worse.

Bronze: sort some of the clues on slide 17 into causesSilver: sort most of the clues on slide 17 into causes and effectsGold: sort all of the clues on slide 17 into the correct boxes

On slide 16 is a table you will need to copy out and you will use the clues on slide 17 to compete it.You can check your answers on slide 18.

Make a copy of this table and then use the information on the next slide to complete it

Causes of

flooding in


Effects of

flooding in


Responses to

flooding in


Saturated (full of Water) ground from

previous rainfall.

4.5 million Spent on a flood defence

scheme after the flood.

Homes, businesses and cars belonging

to more than 1,000 people were swept


Telephone, water, electricity and gas

supplies were all immediately


Income from tourism was lost. This had

an impact on livelihoods and the local


Boscastle car park has been raised in

height, which will stop the river from

bursting its banks so easily

There were lots of insurance claims. Narrow river channels in the village


Heavy localised rainfall – 89 mm of rain

fell in an hour.

No lives were lost, partly due to the

rapid response of the emergency


Six properties were destroyed outright. Two bridges in the village were


New drains built to allow water to run

into the lower section of the river


The river channel has been made

deeper and wider so that it can

accommodate more water


Causes of flooding in


Effects of flooding in


Responses to flooding

in Boscastle

Saturated (full of Water) ground from previous rainfall.

Heavy localised rainfall – 89 mm of rain fell in an hour.

Narrow river channels in the village itself.

Telephone, water, electricity and gas supplies were all immediately interrupted.

Two bridges in the village were destroyed

Six properties were destroyed outright.

Homes, businesses and cars belonging to more than 1,000 people were swept away.

No lives were lost, partly due to the rapid response of the emergency services.

There were lots of insurance claims.

New drains built to allow water to run into the lower section of the river quickly.

4.5 million Spent on a flood defence scheme after the flood.

Boscastle car park has been raised in height, which will stop the river from bursting

its banks so easily

The river channel has been made deeper and wider so that it can accommodate

more water

No lives were lost, partly due to the rapid response of the emergency services

Does your table look like this?

Can you describe the flood?

Can you try to do a 1 minute radio news flash about the Boscastle flood? This can be written down or verbal. Make sure you include:




Bronze: you describe the floodsSilver: you describe causes and effectsGold: you link the cause and effects in a thoughtful way

People who visit Boscastle now want to know about the flood

Can you help by producing a poster to explain the floods?

• Include cause, effects and responses.

• Make it bright, colourful and informative.

• You can do it on paper or digitally.

You can send a photo or copy of your work to:


Bronze: you draw a poster that has some information about the floodSilver: your poster has information about the causes, effects and responsesGold: your poster has links between the causes, effects and responses

Well done everyone! It doesn’t matter if you have completed all the tasks or just some of them! Miss Tinsley and Mr Thomas look forward to seeing what you have managed to produce!

Well done once again take care and stay safe!

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