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Dh ca. e4 .luhull.





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The Puget 80und Mall.' U 1.1I a a b _ U If lU.T UJtDU


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L I ' 8311TJI ~ S ON.

DULaI DI "n upon orW ••i, Hid ...

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J08N BENNETT Prgpn.tor

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An Il il i d. of • ., 11. III l b. II •• I ' ,o •• I, la ,W. 'd 'N 01"" ' tul " '.01" douo la I " UI'"10'" . ...... l u4 .""11'114 Ord, ,. ' 0' ,ood•• , w•• 11 f ro. ..U put, of Ull Ind ..,UfltM"~o .. . tn ll ..4 Il u,r, , oaruh ••

_ .tnta' ...10.... to .,d., prl. , It lI or.o. Fft. ' 01,.., II I . IU\,IUlo,II .. II."

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WADDELL & IILEI,1t'''ol e.QI~ and Retail Dealer.


I3=" Aac!I1h lor the celebrntedSll l'ElllOII STOVEH, lb. beat Ib. 1i••'Jlti u u lue }looiftg Cou to

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O I L IJ I I. '\ ~ J)

OLOTHIER & ENGLISH.Mount Vernon, Skagit River.








COSHIH'f ISlJ UI' A I' UI,I , LI St: 0 1"


13 .i~ -NI~E ]~S ,

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H J Olt UESSOS , )[o" og.r ur Ibe Ln Connor Urench.- - u: - -

=-I'RESCllll'TIOSS CAll E t·ULL Y cml1'OU!'<DED.

c n OCKE RY.

DEPOSITS n ECI:I VI:D " fut A CCClU II I M " tl' l hu1,jl' ( t 10 d lct ),;o r tJra rt .I S TI :lt ES'1' 1'.\ ID US T D lI : m :I 'OSI1 S.1I0 S DH. soro li H, DJ-:l :n s , ~ OTl;H, Dhll u ll .~ 1 Vnl"" htC' M, Uf'CeiVN

un Del'Ulll t lo r HK(~ · I\ c t p .u r.:.(;OLLl:<'TlO~S MAD I: nl h l l )rOC"cttl . P .omptl) nenlltl~d .

I ,OAS H S EOOfJ.\ T EIl .,\DY.\ SC ES )I.\DE US (l lt AIS CliO I' ll





S'3="'Orctcn pro mp t!,) IItt ttnltcd tu

A Rood }'"I\PUiDg 'YiU I. tb e IUDAt Important implement ODa Fa......nd Ib e Dl crfATOR FAN NINO lULL I> gUAranle.d [0 .. n..... all

purrsoiE AOENTS on Pog.1 Sound for Ibe Du ck.,. F . no Meoblno..,.and Bobuller W"Il0n> .. blcb b.TO no eq ual. I ... rrl [he Lorli NI 8100k ofPU)W8 ..nd HARROW8, al"" Ih. ImproTOd Tnl. Snlk., Plow. "ba..Iba Ho ..... w..1k on lb . melD land.

lba,a Jol""1 ComI.lolo Stook of Oen.ral HARDWARF.,'1'001. 8b1,! Cb..ndl • ..,.. 8boe Finding>. Rill.., Oun>, P ..Taokl~ an AmlUDaltioD, ever "rouRl" to 'he Territory.

"8peclal Attenllon triTOn10 oonn!r1 eorreopond.n..priltDpUy _lid. 10.

WE CARRY A LAROE STOCK Of LOUOINC CAMP 'UP,L1U,A Dd lonko II Hpe cil\lt~ of FU nllllh lUU' t ho flDme on Ih 'GHOILAltle Teml• •



.T. F. DWELI..EY,Oarpenter and Builder.

IlIIrORTER aad .I0BOEa, .A NDIII DE.-l t.set» F URNITUR E,

G R OC ] 1,; n I E B , LA CONNER. 'V·T·Jl OOMl.hUltd lnJf Rnci .n kind' of

carpen ter wor k proDlI)ttl ottended to.AI"o donler 10 Aod ItlanurMluNf 01

~r~{eD~~I~~tI ;:;':rtkle -::td ()l~ la0:4wlll b e e it he r mtttt . to o rder or pro-- ,r unll from th e ('it, .

J . F. m n :LLEY.

Groceries , Hardware. Dry-Goods, Boots & ShOOll.

.J O~"':S & ~\cCOJIII,


--- Tin • .,Ir,,,autld .. Marbled Wa.. e'ltBSl FM "T11L1l1l1 or 1=- U 1\'[ 1-" S .

C HO ICE J"LO U H. II'Olll'\\IC, I11'IIMN (loOllH, £:c.o lt omm lH lt J.f:Y .11. OATH

AI, I, I\ISIlH or n :I:J> on hnodOrutt·"·ork lIon e nt Illodc m lo Illi c li


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J T fII t l')\\ SH,.,I.I. , o t til " l ol'lI,l o tll ...

l" J11IT\;h "'T \Tr._ UI.r n l .... I . A!'III D flr,.("".t l l " n ' ~ l ll . W ,. 1_11,. " 11T . r, I\lIry.

SotfN h h.,.h \ .1 ' _Ulh "I , In N Ul I,""n .."wllh tI,,,p",..h l ' lIl. fJt Ill. ". I .. t t ollan .....~.l ,rn ' o,J h ' ... ~. lor.'lI. .. 111111.... .. \ n All I", til"_,t1"nI Tln\l K'rloflull. In1l',.,.II\I.... ..r c·lII lt r"r·::::;~!n~na'.i~I~VIlI :" M~1 11'-r~~.;:·h~':1I1;1IZ~:;

~li~\\n:r..I~I:~:~:.:!li:r. ~~,~~:~II~~:..~I~l,~ I!~I::I~~~111. HI' I. nt Mt:...otlfl u SOl 't t, ' " Th w ll d ll l ' S oIt norl h It ll nr~':'lin 4 ' ....1ut Ill. " ' lI l1l1ll C'lt"'lt1 _ rtd IIUi

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J T II ftfJ W S .U" . I_ler of til_ 1... 111.1 Olnu' .

;';011':,,:::.":tlr:.~I~,:':I;:':nt.'i. Pur· TOIU:T , I' EIIFmlEY AND FASCY AUTI CLES,lIOOI{H, ll'rATIOSEUY. &0•• AlwOl. nn nand.

:"iotl c e o r '11 J1l1c llll un 10 J'u r ­l: h" ..e I alnhel l .uU d .

1 !'In , •• -"'T\ Tt, Il lorrTI' ''' I." " " II V""!" .( 1) IllI,I". \\....hln tllun T " 1'I'1If1t 7

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~~~' III ~I:'·I~~1~~;:III~'.I ~ 111,,nnI~l': l~ , \;'~\~ i ~~ : ~~';IW~IItn (' '' w ll fl i ll _I~ l ' ViOl . l n) . f r"lll dllio lI"n.l"o:~ ~:III ::n IW:1;r, ~11~r'l \IJ~ ~~I\;l tut~i'ft :;II~,l X' lrl -l"l H..r l"('f ~t 'J, #/ r\~'~~I\ t~lhll' 1,..,== .-.-.,....,.,...",-..,..,.......,....-..======.....=,..".""'....= === =

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f".U::\G\ION S

n ISTUll :T COt: hT, WA' ll f l( l lTOI ~ TEn·IUTulI 'I: IIflll ll!'lO T "'UI'I A T L\ Cus .:HM .,,11. \\'11\1 (' 11:11: CII l: NT T.

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:\1.\Il\ W ,\ I .L.\t..:.~ , 1'1.lln UIT.V-

II \W, 'Y ' '' ,\ I.I.ACr.. Ud t' nd"nt.



•\ ('II" n bruu.:hl In t!l(' U!.JlrlcC ( 'tlllri n'tI' " · Il. h ln Kw n T u rl l u f\ . hnMlull: It'rIll 'I\t I." (IInll ~f (II' 1I11~ t Hu nl) u( ,,' b UI \ lJ llIIIl1d COIllI,I",lnl t,I,d III l ilt .. 1111 e .., III"Ch rk uf 11,111 l 'uur t ID tbo l 'uuul 1 u," 11"1('11111

1' u JI .\ lWY W A U ..\ C": , Il t ' en d au tIII Ih" narno uf lilt' t' nl le ll Sl ain 0 '

"mt'rlc'" >" U IIrt !l c r~b> tt;qu lrld to np·

~; "[h~ I~ I:.I~ r. ":~ ~~~II b;i:':~:I~ irWII: M':.:~I:\ I~~I'~I'.I ~~ \r.~' \':ru~ ::~rT;'~~iI\\~ll~:~~~1C"Unl) I') ll!lld T,.rrlt uf) , :lnd 10 ull..wer

~I~~ 1Il;~ ;:~~IIl ~il~ n~~:~ ~ :~~ill~.;i~~:lI:r"~~tl(.MUlnmlHu '

'I h i. tlt llll ll h lt rnu ~ht fur Ih e purpn ktof pr"c llf lll~· n d"cr"t: II ' ulJ Cu urt IU.·"Ih In;; Ihu bllluh u, Infllr ltnuny ('xl' ll ngbt t" N n 1'IIIIn lill 11 1111 IIcfe nl l " nt , fu r Iher.~1U tI ( willful .lll1lll! lIn lllt' n1 fI' Ilnd' 1Il1 urlJ tu pruvlll t' f ,lr .nll.l plllln11lf h) • ,II'III' cntl" nt ' IIr more Ihnn une , r Kr, IIlul"l ot<I tn ob lllin ,II" cuuue!) an lt cll n tr u l u rIh ., l linl' II1ln ,., ('h lhJrt n. tho 1..llll o rIIIld lI11lrrhIJl't". In.,,,It OIl, IB Ocr tru dt'.1.11111 , Iln,1 Wlli hu n O. Wllll. cI'.

," ~I~~~ ~;:~t~~U ~1,~(te~~III~I ~I: ft~; ~et l;~I~':~ lflrl~t llln l'!16lnt h ('r~ l n . J \l d U: T1UIl1 ",lillie luken" J;"hlli l , u lI b) c1eflt ul l M ('u nfn, pd, IIo mlIhl! p'r" y'lf It' the Cltllll ll llrlt,n t Il r" n l~·d .

IIr':.~~I i>~.:~I~\I~I;ur~~ n~\d(:I~IlK~:.~ ,tJ11~~fdCOU,1, Ih lt 411i dlllv "' 3larch, A n lR82.

J l\ )l":~.\ . OI Ll. II . AN I>.[8 I1:At I..1 (I" , klI ALr I n .t E !'tOl'x. '\11),' ' fir Pla lD1lfT.

Notloe of A p plloa tlon 10 P ur·oh a . o T lm b or Land .

l' tll1'~n"T " ,." 111" r111l'TI.\" b " ''' ltE ,OI)' II I I'l l \\ 1.. h ln., IOI" T. "It",)

~ "Il l''' 1_ln , r h) v h t " Ihill . In ..."n IJIIlInl'' '' Uh Ih" 1'"'\ 1'luI.. tor l h" \ I t tlr lU ll r n " ."11"1'1 ' 1 JU Il" ' . I<t:'. _ IUlI",,1 .. , ,, \ . t t ilIhi' ., ,1 r T t1l1t1ttr I 11<.1 In Ill ,. HIHht• ••t t .111 ·ru r.. l l. lln ll l ll ~ ' V , I <.I " An ,1 \, . l .. lIll1 r l lJl

~ ~~['\'It; ~) \~ " ! ~l tl ;~:.tl~1 T~ ~ I~ i~,~', t~"~\lr,~\~ ';r~~

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f ):~ ~~,'j'll\ ,I~\ .IT,: ~~ t . IIJrl~1 J~)li :, ,..)r,,;~~I\'''\ lr,.....J T Un o\\ :o.; .

n . ,1l o1" r or lh v r ....lh.ll)rl!l t''ltl ll , I - 10..-


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Dr~~~~lf~~~~T+Jt~~~·~'~Jfl::co~~·K~r u R W ".t. T('uN COUI'TY

JAm:~~r. ,\llllAI, LA r, l' 1. t",ta,

OI:U. 1:' . ml.o,,~. ~'~n lllnl

.\ elllln hrulIl:h t In I ht' Ult l r lt't Cnl1r10 fW. ' h lnJ{tnn r , r, lIur v. lIuMln" hrm " .1I.,. ('" nlll'r (" r l ilt" C',"n II II' Whlll ('111ll1111 ,1 CUIIlI' I,II" 1 II"' '' In 111.. u mre u' Ilia( 'I uk .. , !<alii ( 1l1HI III Ihu c..'u llu' l tl f\\ 1, lln llll .

I'll f ll :UJt(U: H Jln O\\' N U..'rn du l l111 l ilt' nll ill tl fI ' III" t:nltl'll ~I"l~. fI '\ lIl1 rll ll, )ItIl IHI lu . d l) r..llu lr..lI l ll "I '

1"'r1r In 1111 Itl tlnn 1Irol\l ;.(hl n(ItIIl.1 ' ''II II)IIIl' "I M" t "1t1ll' l l 111, ln ll lr In the I\ ' . ' r h'( 'I.", t . ,r W l,hlllW:hlll '1rrll nry hu llll nR;II rill_ 011 1.11 ( ' ''U IlI r ' .Ir \ \'II 'lt cotn " OU III )

III 'lllit l rl , rll llr) . tlll t l l u 1111 1 "1 r Iht' ( '''III .1,l llnl lllo,I IIII ,. 11I w lflrln "bl ) Il ll) " n l h rth e h'~1 r ll l,1 r ill I" u tI' 1111 . !'loU IIIIII " n.TlI l ~ "I IItln I_ Ilrlll l lCllt II 'r 1I1uPU' I'Il'to

n f ~1I '"rtlu ~ l il t' 1'")1111111 I,r II ( l'ulIl nIlrlllu l... I ' V 11 11 11. 1-:1\,' 11 hy " I Io' l l r ,.,\(l tl ll l.Or o tot n ' I)l111 . 1"",1.1 ,,11111 111" 1" llI u\1(' \ 111111IIIH , III "rllll( , ll h' Il l" l i l h Ill 'II ' J u ,u 1....'(1) fur 11 11 fl llll tI' f lli \I .I M .l ' lt) ll hl ~· , 1,ly 11111'11 ' 11 f " Ill! , \\ lIh In ll r ·~ . I I h ~ n " .n III l il t.! r" h' 'Jr lint' n ll d II1Il'' IUlf h r I't r Ct III I' l'r Inull i h . r ll) nlJll' 1I111I1I 11Irll ) tlllli If nlll 10111",1t1 til 1m 1I11t1c11, . , ntllllt('rllillt "l' lr l u ' Ih o l\rll1rll',,1 ,1111 1h nr IIk l ,.11 " , I lI ll r l , I . 1 1I~ t.' lhrr wll h lUIIl lI"rll l" " h ~' lIr It n p1'l ct' lIl . " ' l il t.!I,mullnl ,I" " , he rr un . ,u l f ' r I ll" (;1>41. u rth l. nil

.\ 11 11 )UlI are !lr rth ,. Iw l lOt"ll l httt If y Oll" ,11 111 111'1\('lIr IIn,1 IlII ll WH Iltu pl ltl ll ll lr"cUIIl"I"lut her.·I II , JlIII;tul('nt " 'Ill lJf' " I k..ntl,ll'lh "' l 1"11 h) dd"ull M r lt ll 'u"-II . lint!I ht' Ilr",' r II ' Iii.. clll n l' l " llI ~ n t )I' '' "It'l1\\ lInl'" t ilt' H ill( 11 ~ (hll(;k~ • • I llIllle" , .. 101 f) h t r lr t ( ·" lul."n,1 Ih e I t n l tlr , ..h il' uurl , thl. 2ht d" , " ' Aprll • •\ n. 1 ')IJ~

J Utt:S.\ O Il. [, II. \ ~ f1.(Su L.1 f:lt.', kl lt S \l ull r • T nUtll .lolif, .\ lI y l ' " r

l'h. lnI Ur

Ht !'tu ollM I""rl o) nnl t ~[ I II ~r , O(L'nlt ro rUllt. h n w ench Ill l roJ ucf'11 1Hlltt8ub ,trnnhn lh the .."me M ti ll' ( 'lIm l'llcrelltr lcl lUII be t u toc il 1)\ Ih o l 'rft"l.d t'Lt , flsce pt tbnl th o ·Iirs t I,ru vltlufor n llUtlJ' ....1It11on o r Ii ll tO~ 1l ' t BrM, nlul~hltcr·. bill for teu ~ ('nrll • •

T ilE X. 1'. I t It. - T he T " "nUIIlLetlUH ""' " Do nll g l"t> b ru l1 rJ theS . 1'. U it <';0 0lll('rl'l(011 072 1I111uof t "wk krill fmnlel l , :ltlO,OOo-llli Ill·cr eaM" of fl OO,19U o"'(lr tho MAlI ll"mou t h IU 11;:41 'f he b0l1 111 n~ of t hl,rontl Ilf IK lr lH coull ,,1 fN Wnrtl " ithg r('{\t onerKY, nllil b~ the h t of J I\II U·"'? I 1118,1, t h(' b~lJ win not ueed ~UO

~; II~~I~~ 1:1;':~~n , ' l~e::~:c~ul~~:~I~n~rund l\..tnnll1 , \It Incb . It HI ..t'lh'd, Willbe com plet o,1 bdllrc nl' xt J nuul'l ry.tlHn e \\ til bo II conLlDuous 11110 00't" t!ell l'u;:( t filllIDd nU ll 31i, ltou1" ,~lon t R Dn , tHlJ IUll o, III IOfll{th .



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1l"..1bem un.pe....bl. happlnt.. 1l4»t.

• n~ Ire'i':;:~ ~'~t:I~I~~~: t~:-f.~~~~)I~dnlau ,de or tbl eYMf Or would b. ru in• , oun. Watl·. t.llh In hum.nlty bl cou-

Ilaa ...,... ,aOPIlnOL " Ine ln , ' 1m 1h. 1 b l. dr.d ow1b.r JII.1 1. 11t

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The Bea u te P ot t-I nletliReocer , ~llllilt,I"II~lr"::!..,I;t'I:' ~ "nr~~~~l ~tll'II I~I~~111~::~aDlYerlDg que.UoDI fro m ahroAd , ' '' ItHe ll te. li e IlIkl .. 'rlJln the 111 "11 "hul t'.,. : P I.Me0 Rer nte" 0 0 tho Suun ,1 lIfu IlIlt 1"'''1 a ' ltll",o Illn e' l ilt' IU' lle II I

"DP from th r. e to .b: cent. a milo :~~t i:II~'i;~.III~~ I~ I~h~,~~..~ ::~t'h~=:~~II: I :r t'ft11~1lor 8nloota . , tm OlpO rta ti oD. four IIUUh:lle, tr utll 1111' ll" lrl n r ¥!Ill" h... It"' r llf'

eMIt.. bel Dg about tho ayemsp. Tb~"tt rl~g:II~r~ : ''' I:: II ~~:lll ;:.I \ l lllllll "lrl: ~ : : l l v l ~~ ~· h'" i~~ra teiarefor ra ll aDtl l koa. moo nttm ' el. _lUI ('lIm' .., 1 li fo.' I )": ' ,Inl h'" 11,' '-"IHlI"

heota are reaAOoab te , In th i.. cit.\ : ~ ~l tJUI~~ ~~ ~~1 h;~" : ' ~ lI:~III:lI :~lf\II~I . ,,"m:d"ellog, raoge from . 5 to tao per I""II rll n r lillt' Illl l r " It Itl er t ll IHIV," 1..1"

lUonth - 115 to ' 20 be ing a bo ut th u 1 :~ ;" lt'I ~~ o ",I. ~ (1 tI'f'~ I ;C' 1,llll'I'lt' rl'~~ tl ~t'~\~hi~~. , orago. Tbortl i, a wid er rnl1Uo for I II I hl f r 1" 1f'f'O

place, of b u.ioul E llgihle oJllc oll " ~~ . lO '; r ~: 1; 1III!'I~ : : : il :::~"r~lI; ;;,11:1~ I~~,I,~ .nt.e fro m tl0 to $20 ' or Di ling lo room, I n ,I. Ihe III 11I. lulI . II ' l h r l" ' 1miry IIrl '

and ' rom $20 to t iD (or n Bulb'. ;.'r';U li ~I~~ ~.: ~ : 'll ll!I'1~ ::t,l ~~t,,";r~1 ; :: IIII 'I~ ~I~'~~depelKUng UPOD Joea llon Alu t clll\r - l in.' ~H Il1l(u t " 'I f! .11 11'\1 II ' 111 Ir ,II I ) II l11leater of buil dln tt. The smnller 1,lnM" th u e .. lI....l llltl llll " lhl hU11tl II' lIUlIIllu ll y01 .hope eRn 00 blld ot . 12 to f 2n, l.: t t u lt tl l\ Ylln I!lu ' tJ tl ~ I If I Il )( lI rl l l l l\ ..lu n,·'and good .tore roOInS At '30 to ' 100 l' " Ih:.cbllll,:u 1" lru lh rt:~ulrp. I I,l_h r, I\I!t'Jlt'r moalb. Uente IU"O h lA'her 1I(lrl1 ~;ii;',i 'I'llyl I ~l: oIlJ:::; rl~l; 1\'IJ:;tt\~~'~I ::lfl, 1 11111'....n.' othttr polall on th., & uull , d , lIl1rv l " Iht IIl tll <l ~1 04\ lUI' Il h, . !tll il l hebl:l' lor ob ,.,oul ren1\o nll Thn to" n tt u r) lit 1\ Ill,! ' huh ' II " " " I ' , ,, 1111 "II " 11 ,1i. tbe lugelt and bolt . DUI.ineti. hllm Ir " h il t. 1111110 t n~lI ~t'. 1 III " l u, k InceDlere , boro, an tI il umlerBoin~ AU CI"II"'r.-o'" "' l lh .... l l h h l ht' 1I1' _'ler ., IIr

, el panl ioQ of tbe MoaL smU fJ illl( SI U.rnll,l lllIll\\ w,,,, "~ rcUu l IHU,' bt· lUI('baneter. No place on th e l'acl ftc u l ru c l" u lI IIbt IC_I hAa botter prOflp..14 Ihn"Seattle. an (l we beheul DOuther pint:Ohu ugood .

Tb e whole T.rri torl I. now I,,/u. ·ed wltb.. II/e ..nd "".....od 01 nnlIClInll ln .."".. 01 . n, lh lng 01 thokind b.retofore •••n III popnl . llonI. bei ng ",pull, .ugment<'<! , . n,1 II_relOu roeI are be iDg de,el upetl in "more tb an cOrTelpoadmq rUODoer .F or all IbAI I. p rod"ced 1I1ero I. de·m Aod. I Dd more i. flroc:lucotl h fJroper cap ita tba n by aDl olhe r equatpop ula tion In Ih. Unlte,l !It. ,... .Th e ..porta b, .b1p 01 Ibo pu t 'w eh omont h. ba ,.e been about 100 ,000 ton HagrIoullural produ ce. 200,000 10".coa l, a nd 500,000 to ni luw be r , o r no

::::.~e ..~c1 e~t~l~u:/r~~~ l~~~ul~~habitanh. AU th i. , belld el oJato r. ,aalmon. furnilure, barret mnter illl,fun and , kio., Boimalll, etc, a,:rRre·ptiDR' in Tatue It leG. t on e milhondoUan. Th111 11 ft people of l)ro(ll1.cen, aDd th eir pr od uct. go di rect tothe oon. u men in Cali fornia , MeJ.it'o ,South Atu erl co. Ha wAh. Auatmlln. .Chin., Ore . t Urlta ln . tho Allnnll eltate. , eto. , thouR'b too ofton u n uer' he Ruil e of Oregon produ ctH.

U il hardll pORt ibl o for one com­lug bere to min II. A thou•• "dalaaDcoe are op en . 'f mde iRno" herobetter. The tim es ar e good RlItlmon.,I. pl enll . nd eb. np. Wngo.are blgh And lond onn bo bnd lur lho..ld0r.' Lumber .m oD, coa l miocrtl,

~e:t.a~,:~~:drrD~~:~ ~;io~lirkl~d~an wanted, 1M ",oil .. mon of b UI l­D"', brain. , aDd motley. There a real pr...nl bu l 100,000 01 ue, ",hll e\ben i.Jroom for 10 ,000,000.





G.4. (;IIE!If,

I S--:0:--





L .


.I ,

Yours Truly,


rO IN T,\ LKS IIl1d 110 dooH Count ry I"roduco




Wt:llTY.IlN t:)II'Im:, J11I1MARK, ••d • LarJl1l Vull lT 01

Olhor Cooklog AO<l 110.11011 Slove•.

III:TTI:II T IIA:' (; AIW li E Hf: I; IIR J:D I: L'EW U E a lC•



*- ----

"'V I ,T. Y 7DECAUHt: W t: Il UY t'OIl OASII.

Il J-:CAUllt: AI,I, OUIl (Joons AJIf: Ht:l. t:OTY. D bl our 0"0 DU1."IJI-:CA t:~n: Ollr Htock 1'1tho IUllIl..A.."o rlt,tl IlIJlI Cbea pe . t o n th. Koua d, ,

JH:VAUHf<; Uu., h11o: fo r Gallh 1'1111 ~cu rhl g O rod n.rpla.'\'e ciln Afror el tQ tli ,il l61 t he P ro tll ",Ith Our CUllw mera. '

ASD ll on'l 11.1. Our 0 ", ,<1 . 01 IIiUb I' rlc..1'~ M. b You I'•• lur !lad n oble.--1111__

" 1f.lI Il:HT I'R U ' I: r Ain FOR O RI:I: IW A!lID D R .. ..IDIII




~o.. o u "aDd An d 1u ( 'o ••t ant Ile e • • , . .. ,. Ite•••r .

!:1J!/HIHTllm lI r

Il l' )' Uood", Clolh illg, 1100111 llnd ·ShOOH, II l1rd"a r llCr ockory. Tobacco, Ula•• w are, Groo,ri",

ProndoD' , S a.hel, Doon. Pa.l IlU,Oil. Tinwar. and




- - :0:- -

cr. SCHRAM & CO.,

t1rA L L lllA U IlL'T AH LE I 'RODI: C;E T AIlE" I" EllC:U A. " F.. '




OALL It L. L ••b dr . ... far Vl....al'. 0 ............. Boola .... IlIIDMIh. a-t la lbe ..orld . ,..

AL80 It L. I, • .lad...... for AlII.. OIMw 8oe4.L, 10, .umaIrW'II, J. 0-., W, or,

--tOI--n••lb loll Ibo I mmo••o A,IY.otoll•• I cer\llnK Ilik o to bolb DUTlr 6; 11111.,

tbr ouuh the mellluRi of

A aTRICT CAlH IUIINUIIW O horobl lilY. nolleo Ib. 1 frOlD I n" Ill<r Ihl. d.teJ:d="W. W ill Ext.nd N o More Or.dlt.


O J-l E A P J" O It OASI -I() U It I ~l ~l H N Ii t: S T 4) C K () Io' 0 0 0 D R,


--:0: - -


COS !!I!!T1S lI CI t '

OH O O hHI E S ,D H Y a OO DS, C LO'l'I 'I ING ,

1.-[ A. ~I' !':I , ]i 0 0 T B & S H : a E S ,G ENTS' F URNIS I:IIN G GOO D S . & C ,

C IG A RIl &. T OB A00 08,o L OC K S, NOT ION S, STATIONERY, &.0.

I DlD Allcol lor W AI,Tt:1I A. WOOD'H World lle o....n••1Hlnft.ti ng MAch in ,," , in cludiDg' .U Htyl el of Uea}M!R and !dow.r- .Twio. Dod Wi,. !lo1' ·Biodo.., Th o Worl,. Wide lteputalloa ulth elW!l )1.cb ln.. nlOClda no tu rtllu O Ufl,nnl.ef.l . •



PUMP8, PIPU. 81UlET mo. ~ co.....


IJII1Ck"lIIlth IIl1d MII,chl IlIHt,

LA COS S EIl, W. T .


I • Co I ~ Hil l' OIl I "IHI O IW .

T ho I' int-Clo.MII Htl' nm flr

"'V E L eO ~I E,"WILL 1.1: ,\\"1,: Ilt: A1'TU:

J:H'ry ~lontl1l1 urul T llUUdllY

F or La Oonne r , 8ehome a.ndAll W a y P o rt l ,

Ilttlu rn "·edn~ntl Hat u rtll ' ,

RI: " VI.AII T IIlIf:Aod F itllt·Clu fI AccCl mm"tlaticn .

for bu th I)Rlleen u er.. and t·r..-IHlJl.

l) u};~:r ~~'Lo:::rly to tlao Co pt . io or

C. t:. OLAS CI':Y," " " Ilt , Nllw T5lComl .J OHS )1U1Il ,

t J. n t ,., I.h l 01 , ·... ·c . , A • • n l, 'tort l"'n • •

~;'. ~~·l'..~~::~lt.' :.~I~'~.r,~~'i'~::d.

r'tiutlc'" 01' ' Ohu , . I ' r o u ' ." , 101 I .Pflllll't' l fr:~,II I Y"'IA " 'T ,

\1111'" 1 I, IMl

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~"~=~_.__~~l~~~utlce 0" . ' h ll ll J'ronr•

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S O'Tlt"Io: H" I"UIAI 1)lloOr .


N'UTIc'" or l'urAL Puoflr.

I ' . II. I . \ !'fll fl",," ~ AT fil~~" I;': ~;l"

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illl .III "I,~:: '~" 1;~:r":Jj.~ ~·i:' n~" l'4h~~:~ r \~~ ~ l~~"' ,rl",,, ,I.T.. wu .i1 ll1i'to\ ', u,lll . 1I 11 1 1~. :t ..IUl.

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:\:o"r.~ of rhlltl .' r no r.I ' " 1..,,, ,, fl....II" AT,~" ,~t~';~ , \:; . T .

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N OTI( r. or 1-'11(.11. 1'1\00r .

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I~·;:i "~! t.~\· ,,,, J . 'r . 1I1t' ) W :,/ . II r e l_I.., .


lIo llce .r FI • • 1 p , o or.

Nollo. of Final Proof.

S CJTlca o r I'I!'UI. I',:oll r .

Lit r. t "' D n " " t:.... 1 OI.tl'fj·lA. \\. T ,

_••~ ~: ~~~n~·Il:;~~:11 1~~ I,: ~,~ ~~'~:lJ~£:h':r.~: ;~; ~~;"' II,q1-.• 1,,1.' " , a-.U1. .\ J Hil I'. \ H1 11.....1.: ,·......1. tll r d " ,,110. .. ' 11I( ~IlU.' n I" 100u lI, '

r,:~'~ \ ,I ~·k '..lt ri~':·l~ :~·l~:~:· ;' ~,·,·t, : ~ ~'(I"II~~;~J1:. ~ :!:~yl~:r Ii; :: :I ~r:"'I~~I" f1l' ll::::I'~.:I ;,~I't~I~I. : II~~ , r.~ ~:0.0 " . :'::". ' ..r 111'/1'1,,1, "r ,.. " ' .1111 1 1'4\ \ ' 1, ,, '~~'::I' " ".('11.." II,. r,,,Yn,,hll' II " ••,111, U,, " • •·

,,'NI'IIII.I,:Tj" :'t:'.i ..-::" {~'li i; '~;11 l ~ t:; l: 'II'u.:~~ ' ·i i 'K l w l, I .. , Ill! fir M 'lII ll l \ " ' 11' 011 . '\ 1011" " 1111I "tllI l' . " ' . ·r.•\1 " 1 .; ~ ~ .... I . T II UI . \\' :o.o , n ' l(l . I " ,

~ u"Cf' of 1·.lI nl .- . nu ' :

u. .. J.AIlt'D Orrin A.T lJ.~~ rlll~t:i T .

n~mJ::'J· :1I·r~l{lHt·~:r...I ~'I I ~:~~.nl ~n ' .k. rl ll al pru"r " ",,. th. C t.,. '" 11111HI".

fa::~~~r.~;~~tIZ,~n~~~::c":~.::tnE;,::··I~~:l'4 1':1("'" " IIIoI" If. T"WI.' lIlp :UWlrlll, Il- I' . "I ~"I. .

1101n. nl "• • 11 w H n ••~.IJ"hn r....f'I'n . " . I"r l cor" n,Ih lll" u l1. (...tIIl_ I " rt l' 11'"1 J ••hn I ... .' . "" '." ulIr ' lhU'" \ r,II" ". \Vh ..I","nf ". 11 ')." .T .

.\I., II IMw. , J . T. It Il·J" N. H. , h lo, .-.__._--

r.' !'I .. a'C . ' I " U 1I. I .lttM M ":hl"fl fl : -U · " r "'Irl W ill >'''1 1,,,,," 11u ..

(11" '''11'11 III .. ' .. 111111 11" " r )"'" ' '' ' ) '!l11l ,1110

1':~!:7tl~" .~.~:" = ;,~.,~': 1 ~,I;~ ' l ! ': : j l ': i.•.~': .'~::~~~~: i :l""".1 "II' , ,11111 11.1, 1111,1 ""'\I Ud 1 1111''' • • r..,(II . Ir.' 11" " '\1. "'Illn. ", '" 1' ...,11, 1111.1.. III 0111'1,.. 11II1t .\ h,, " 1 n y ' ...' 01" 1, " .. , lIIU .... Ir l .

~I.~"~I. ~'r~l t,t lll~~'" ~ : i ' ( '~ l:rYr :: ~"~~,I'~lI lw~:,.r ~;. t".l'ltl,t"ol" r I.. , II r , \ \ '.. w.,..III , nloll 1.1111'" ' f ll ll l(" 1'11101 n n ,1 r, 111111,1"" .. h ..,1 II" r, lrll'l""'If t " ....""In w., . ' 111 1 ' . " , ••, .... , , .. , " ' 111.1lI11t ""'" wl"" lle r, ''' 111,. .11f1'rl••.1 wh," " .. II,.. " ..I. " ' • • t, ;Il" r l h . I l lfl """1 111' 1111" ", .. , ,1. ,, '1I) l lI l 'lI l h y '.. .." 111 1. 1111. ,1 I ,) lI"u r 1,,1,.11111111,1I ,·., r. I .. .. t "" '111 r,ut lo ..' ".., hn l' l l lIlIl1 till)' " 'h,· ,1"",,,••,•. IIW""" h,_lI r. I .II.11I1I11I11' I U..lUl l h r ll ' ln tr I n "rlliff ...t ... 111 (1,11r"' '''II',I,' ' 1'.1111" (I ll' ! 1110". r"II'l\ud \, .. rll ll ll ., 1 Ill 'lnkr"' ch lin e .. l,u,III.I,. 1.. lu I h., 1 ""I1 ~'''U • •I..U w .. ""' I. h (" . ..... I.. Ih"lIl..IIf "Til Y h",, ·c U l lI l.. l , 1" . ",1 111'"'' lli o \00 ,," ''' , a "'1 II _ III1"1"'" 1..11I""' lIr..., J11111l)',Ia ,. _ to

\ . , )' 1l .. ·I..•..U IlIl \".JI\'1I'" "' '' I \ h lll r: C'. lI u I 'If A "'.

- - - - -I4,:TTr.1I 1. l tT- · Lotl N .. f()r the fo l·

IOwllISf' rHum'cl Ill' r llun .. r(llllnill ti ll ·cnl lu\t for LIl t ti l e ~ I C.lIJlHlr I I Jlrto l1i,' e :J, J , AUllurklJo. J . f:. H.alf' \ . " 'm ul.:Henr.r . 31I1 tho' , \\"uuclnu' fl , Ht=lI r~Thibert; Mr• . Annl o <':o u" lIy.

.\"t\;r;ror Thank, .

T......ther during the pool ....kbRH boon ,er, un lo.vor.ble, anll alto­A'ether tb.....OD i. umJ,uAlly I.te,l:IUII II,. lann.n lro bopolul.

N... R"•• flT.......- OI Ibl pro ­peeed llef\llIor lur the 8k"qit ni,e"

::~~Ii~ ~~e i~:iL~ t~:~~[~1;h:~~lelo IA. ", C. pl. I' . W. L"k o, ollhl.clly. i~ h uitdi n" n " te rn"beel t tflame rlo r Durll~ & Cu. , w bo I1 l11od for th oIlk- 1l11 rh or lra ,Io. It I• • \lllh ltlrn rt . ..hovel ·n ol . ,1 pntto rn, ftn ~ hib ull \ es pre ... ly lur ..hAllow ...wlft run­biu~ water . I t h H() fo(\ ~ lon u . wit hl U·f out floor en d l U-foot Ill'ck , Aco n veuie nth· orrn nJ{pc1 enblu, \'lit hrOlU nl(eml Lortla.. for thll In UIl , willb e colUtl ruc tN l nu tho lo wer d eok .

ra~~.o ~~BM~l l oTI: ::P: ~4 '1: ~I~~ ~ \(:ilril~~~~e:~41~11:'llll I ~~ n ~h o fI :~~,II~~:~ttft:l .l~\ i:~~:chl no n ,.t11 lKtUrHt C' 1~"H nnel ul hUIII!'rnn llll f;,cturu. Th o \rllo fll h luU'llJlIfo ul1lh y 1111.. Ih o CUllt!n l·t fur tho(lIIUi no n thlllmchhH~I ,\' . lu lt l ,\ . I,'vlltelWill f lll ll i lill 11 11.' hllllc'r '1'110 hull 1Mnow In frll llle "1If1 ,\ III he (lll1nkoll

~~(L~':i'~' ~ [ ~~ It' 1~~\~ , IJTI~:lI~~~~~~fll I::II :~COID)llo t \'l l '" IIll"uMl "h ullt tnouo , 1111 ,1

~::m' :I~~k ~\,iiil °belli llft!~~ l 0~1f1~ o"t:~~N Ath II)f rhur purpu, oll OHr IHliltin t!w W(lKI.

Ih .v. ~[II . ] ; fI, l" , uf the <': ullur cs:n.t iull,, 1Chll rcll, ~OI\tt l1" IIllH ,lUJulIrIlo,1B f,·w 1111\' . tit 14f\ Co nuor th" p"..t'M,' l·k . Ilu ri ou \\'h lclll hlw IlfJpr 'Jlu:IIQl tH4' \ crn l Olll f,III U IliMCOUrJll'1I tu flll r

jlon )ll o. ,\'(. hOI)!} 11 0 " ill tl.hl it~th pl oaof,u n t I\Ul co n von iou l t f ) .iltit

UII fr Ol l' l OUti V Jlnr ..ll ftur .Hf!V. ~l r . lJ'IIlI11 . th o )0('1\1 nrinillter .

ottsl!'ltctl ~[ r , }:III~ in h i.. "OOtt " urkd miug h i!'! " IR~II~_~~Il'r ,

A H(Jf':'I4I. " 'lIn' " ill IN· 8h~ n II,:'llr. () 1>. S tf)rr" nt h i.. b loW tf'"i,lenCIlem 1'1,lllIUtJ UI\,,' , Don.r Anlli or tuli. unThu nltl tl) t=\Ollhl~, th e ~7th Inllt. , 10"hid l a ll hl 1lfr loDd 4 a nu lIuiSf liborllaru conhll ih 1""11&1.1. O on. l rnulliowill ho h. ;,UC' llIllIueo 10 l:IlII\OIl tlu­CJC{·RIlIO Ii .

JUDO I OnUMI'. CIURllI to thoOmod Jllr)' 0 1 lb. pr..ool I.onn ~I

Ibl !!II11I1 Oourl II, TOr)' ••Ibornledocument, OCaUI)ylh" crer " page of

ir~bo~~d:~: aC:rce:- l~~~h::dC~\~:u cn , len fler lWJnUme nf, and . M miKh~be oxpeo~d. ID lllil vot ioD to th ll Co n­Itit utloQ und 1" "1Il of tb e country""hloh RunrDutfle" th lt "no pera c n. h.1I be ' le[lfh cd 0 1 IUo, lII"' rl)·. o rpr o pe rty wl b out d ue procu lIl of lo w ]"e ud 11.11 th i. In refere nce 10 tb e eum ­mo.r,. "'11", ,, nco dul t out npon tb ewrotd u'" HOWI\l d , l;ullivAIJ . und1)"1 "e tile lIIur,l er. u of Oll ur"e D.n . vnu\'h unit UM itl Hire" . Wo ud ­miie h ut. ca nnot npl'ru.o Ih o U~e e . ·"h o tend t'fll t!fUI 01hiM lI ouor'" clU\rA' 8,nn fl r('A' rot " ttC'! "lIl1ut roprocillcu tht'"nll1. ,l ltuCtlIllOllt III thlHle CUIIlIIl Il"\\' 0 q uot.o , li lt. WM B . troke uf . ,ooth ·JUJJl h·(J. nodouh t , to 11"' u Ih ll l,,\\l e,,"l huHcr n.h oll b,· 1 1I "I (,H" IU~"H . hut itt he t m ntlu rt'''lflO r to Lo ju..t1tl(lll in hi ..t rtUlHHrc"Hlun I~c"u"u Ih rutJSfh IJiHtr ,tn lll(rl',," lun nllm ,' r , ul lul-l' th oruu gll ­lloltlH' JUMUl'\! " IUIIH'ht? It 10. tl lt'llBit Iblclui t)· "t JIlMtlflfh). • • • 'ro"1 ~110 Iliut \\ 0 Ilhl (I, l l thut RuodIUlu-ht ('11 1110, o r to I1r""0 th l\t UvC'n ll.n" ooll ft)UuWU II fr oUl tho (lvll Wl' d ltl ,tll.rl.'fllfo Wlilit " II 11 111 I.. no l ovll . I"no nl1"" f>f to II. ohar lto 01 InMubu rlll ­un li on . u "u u rplllU U\(lr)' lm Ulch nl HIfRC\l l t~ o f J.fO\l'f11I11 l!llt . Hl.lIdl ,\('rill up cO",tt lt ,, \ iUIi RIIII I"w" RIlII pilotholll li ke IU tI111ll." fUlloh nl)(Hlt nc rlJuiruI I t L..t in the IIt flllrtlot!oll flf

~~OA ~~~ li)::"~I:I~r.i~~ ~:~r~;:~?? 1~;kl~t llo mAli wh o 1Mat Hvln" 01 ('ul<l, RIlIIt hou U'b tl. ~" ~ f tLll Lut l ho ell\IIKCr offrcu lUA', I,o i"on lt t he nir of IIi.. chnm·her wit h on o pun rll n of cOlli,,? Th ore'If " WA1 tu MOl , ••rlft withoul 1:0 1n ..miUuM Muid,le. nrul IIJf,rft I" n "Ry todul jm lti co \, it hullt , Illru .in~ throuSlbtbe JI'JHtlcol Rl Ill0 4\)hf'fo lin In..i,li null(l('oJI, Im il'On. L tg I I well tlw . lroeh ;U1niut lilt ft pulice of purity Bud num ­be r " atl"ptflll tu Ih o "it lla.tion 111111co ulh tio ll of "oclet., ; l'ompl"i u wit h ·out "lIut hefor o tl w p r01'l.'r lIut!lf)r it i«:' ",o f nil ..iu lf\llu u" of 111W; l,ro"ltl', a.jun".' MtCUI llmt "Ill uhe j ll d e ll Unt "ltli.

~~ tJ';i'~~ll:~c~~~le~~"Ctl~l~dl \~LOn~r:RI17c~H\l llI'lI0r tn (" f'r , t LiIl U bu t th o '::0011of tll " w lw lo T er ritol .' ; hold j lld U'l.I"to n "tnel rlcco uul fur t hoir t u liu ulIfro m tL Q IU~ llch Afl,1 tll('ir cOllclu" t oftrllll "j Rlld II},O' " nil mllllltAiu n.puhl leOpi lliufI tlmt lII..h.tlt 011 hr inu iug c"o n'" rlm illal , ", lll,ltt 'ft r h i li Cd IUf", to" IH!f-d,)' meriwII )l\lflilllllllf>l lt 111 ",uu eI" i r WA" np l loi utU11 II" cunll tl t utlflOBnet la w." Furt her lin . th o J IIlIs.: t·II I"M. II H im l Oll ..;' "ill It lie In' f' u eSeAttio ..hall \\ I t II f'!'l " o.lIIlllll'r Ullt ·IJr(lllk ? A cU lli lD u nil~ t h l\t ha 'l UIIClt(w r ll t th t! 1IIII II tr" . O( Ilut borih I II mu rl.'h kt'ly t t ) flo It nWllII. It i<t · " t "llllllhnt liM Ofll 'O ruu Mvn" , It 1M U. 111.'1t1tl llit IIIIHH lle'l IIIIRlII l' r:llol) • • •:it·Clll lt.\· Ug'lUII'tt HIHh nopotltl on 11'1IIn l \' t.} hIt 11IId b\ 111I11I11I1.. tlll(.{ t hoIlp r l,rlll niti t'.. ur '11) ' HlIlll (lrlll U' Ih e lllill ti ll' h h,hu",t III${1f'O un"ufn II lI utll ..11 "ppt .ll.. 10 tlill "rn nlt }IU,>" If )" ,l lI l'l JoIOIIIO (IH!RIolU rO of Mcr.u r l t~· , nOlil ·tl l1c l, Ji l o t " IIh tIlfUIf~ wlIrll ..: 1I(j ~ n ­

Ih.'QlOn . . .. fnr 1\" 1 In.wfllih IIl fl\" . 1Will UIIIt.1 I,· Ru ucl"t o lIIV llfIf \ " Il L ·,uuin tiwi con tliet . III I\li I"" flll "';"y..I Will accomp:lnr a nti A1I 11 111t ' UII . I110 Dot ..o,y to you•• (Jo I\ Utllto ,,111\1ill nuht l' 1 1' 0 nut SlaY tt' J UU • no l'I ..ay ' COIP. !' II

T•• ItIAI£ .AMP " • • Olnc£~.


A. 8 AD Ou. or D AOWMtll'n eee e reedat. An"cort•• on 1tu,t ThurRfI., moen ­log . )fro No.h Nolooo, .. llh ·h l_ 1" 0100' lu,.d 18 rmJ ~" . tArteJ (lu t " libIIr. O. D . Slor... , an lt jUd "" th ltywer . holaUnll MU, and u D1, R t tt",arch from tb e beech , ft aq lll\l1"t nl cka. d ca(l lll l£l'd th e IID B ll .lJtlal. ~[ r

HtewnIntt ~Ir, Neb on IJe("I1'ue e u­tanal et' in Ihe . ,,11 a ud fOllOH RII IIcould '-rol)' Ir pto tb oln llflhe.. ~ I hnuU'on to th e nnw urtu rnoct OOtlt; \,hll t>00. 0' the Nel ",on bo n "truok for lhe.bore , I ud lIl.de It In "nf" t\'. Til ..othe r Im,r• •• t'lng h lN hr oth;r'" "Uc·("e,,", aft er haugillR Atuun,1 lhn L Int" ..bort lim o, . truck o u l 01010 . hUl th ~l'"rly hAl' lu" by th i.. tim " c\rlh t'tlfu rllJtr lulo th u .trenm h e ftllBlI~

\lee.me eI,b"u"wtl Aitor b"ttlill~ 100 ..tmnllfully with one o f th e tr cltChOrOUflwh lrliuA' ed<llel oil tho I'oiu t of rochAnti lumk D8\ er in Ufe to rl MC o",ninf'fO ' Ul,.·cor could rtoftl·h him from Ill"I ntlilill can,... ru . blng l or him witha.ll I)cllible fIIpe('tl . Tb o Jntlinll lerulle" for lh elnHIJ for Mo rne hu u, "_'In hUl "hho ut . UCC('II . ~h . S ei llonDnd :\Ir . filar... " e ro lInoll, rOH\lllelit rom tb . ir por llou . ..h URtiol1 00 t hernpiuC'd boat. 1"he dr u" ned " OUlI~luau'. ",,,ne wall Mnrlon Nelll~n . IH

)(:~jft~·' a;~:~cib~r:~:tI~I:~~ f~ ' ll.~i\~' ru iO -H OWArd Ll\kt' . )[ lIln OIlIJt" .Tbe ..d afl'o.ir i. rC'ndel .-1I all tbe tllor oell.trenful oot ou ly 10 the lM! ren'fllf. mily but 10 ou r II(IOIJlu t hnt Iheir..ltI .ment Imon g lilt .hou ld cOin..lUelle. NO ,ri""lou.l v.

HUll-II D. n RlCT b very ,t, neiontIn ....amllO.t ('orulu unirnt ion 'Vil litbe euler " orl d In 1110 I l re ~ fl nt a r..hog.dleDt of touch ing nt Denn'"Pullit . ..b ere tb ,.,. bM,ft n o wluu t o raccomnlOll.t lou lur fr e lj.l'l lt o r l''' '''Jlcn ­"OUt Th. l.n1hDg' "houl l1 he do" IIat DinJJwall'1 pl~f' . where t hev It,, \ C" ucb . ecolDluodntion , . Tlu!r e lot• hne it UJtf!ci to IJo MQ me " enu " ,qO.nn d .... " 00 ),. cb"og e<l wheu R "liBd"III bu lltat th e l)oiDt in '74. at d ee r or",.Ier than tblt .l Din'l~IJ ·" . T LIII,..harf h• • 100" " 111(' 0 "nllh oo Q""",.lId UUlet lun clHlUlJed sin ce t ba ttlat e. 1 h en t ho u~ttl (1lD ent au(l trlldeo f lb .. fi"mi. t. <liMlriel ", ae in a Ilm ni.tive ('o l1d h luD, " h llo n uw it ill"I.·collela ni)' to til e La Con ncr region in pointo f l)rocluct ion . " litI uutcrprillc. Thi llc ro"t.. Ad emllnd lor g re nte r facl h t lf> Htor frflig hl AUti 1'lUUfell,:;:or il to nudf rOID the pla cu, lind th o IIIfJ"t CO D­

"enhrnl \,olnt i. lhft o ld laudiug AlDing.....l 'Ii I.et lh e pfJoJlh· pe tl tl olltho l'ollloll1ce V"llurtlUcut tu lm H!tb. w.U ....me r R'0 hack tlu m ,. nll,I",ill Ue M) orc.loretl. .. 'r horo I II HUtll ·aienl depl h o f "Alec th er e for ollll ·n • ..,. pu~.. Wo reu1o .u LJer Ih etim. wbeu tbe old L i Lli)' . d rnw lu g Rgnat.e r tJel1tla0' "Atl'f than lh e p r" . ­tint at~wt'rll , UHeII to ullIku l'r..ulre gnl.rlauchn l:" otlJhlg \f llll ·K"hnr ;ADd e,cn if It oc ('ruiu n. 1 u ninTo roLl e..taS'" Cl f th l) l ido tb ey lU" 8 lo IlIIto u t A bo. t. it i. IJO mor e thnn t WI

~rbe~~~II~:;~ ~ ~: ..i~I.'}t~Pr":~~::~~~~:d.tion ' or fr eiKut . T h....tr llmer . Dr,·loo.iD8 t ra c!e uy nut L.!IDg mor e IC·eo mlUod . tinU' in l1IoklnJr I. ull inK".. ne.r •• potI'lhle the C('Dt.er of IJultl"uell of th e co mmunit , ·. f~r t bo pe op1t...now 100M uluaLi. t hu e In C'omlllG'10t own o r bcue of lIu Jl})lie. iu . 11111 11boDU . wll ea t.bey . bo ulil b ll\"G (~I Ii ·

tin of . hl vplin g Ind reee,,,ing uy.teamer .



tor u llltl dno1 Co mpi o. nt. and fo t alldl lO a... of tho

-LIVER.-It b "'l*2I!\484U 01l0lt ,watl~' i .. poru.'

0rc allo ChUblla~ " , 'hra r otr \o.wpl41 , . It<1lJU,oWD . Uma.1al lAa' l }l.eIl.H.:Ua" MGMUOD otth e DJ... IUd tiT ketpta. ,~ boWel.t I. tr'MOllWt101l .treotJ.~ I~"~~h&rp

Jf :J"Cil" .,.,~d~OltIUU~"~ fro••...,... JtM1M1 Won .. \be"~~aee4.





• •

II Sew by AI~ Drllgglltl

top related