publisher: not sure what this artwork and design ... · i battled with insecurities my entire life....

Post on 30-Aug-2018






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Publisher: Terri Savelle Foy Ministries///Founder and President: Terri Savelle Foy///Managing Editor: Isaiah Shook///Artwork and Design: Micah Herrera///Photography: Terri Savelle Foy Ministries,


The Routine is published by Terri Savelle Foy Ministries, a non-profit corporation.

© 2011 Terri Savelle Foy MinistriesPrinting and distriburtion costs are paid for by donations from TSFM partners and friends.

All material published in The Routine may not be reproduced without prior permission from Terri Savelle Foy Ministries.

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Satan attacks our identity more than any-

thing else. He wants you to think you’re

someone you’re not. He wants you to dislike

who you are, compare what you look like and

wish you were someone else. Why? So you

will never have the confidence to do what

God put you on this earth to do.

I battled with insecurities my entire life. I was

so insecure growing up that I would not even

go swimming in my own backyard without

first putting on an entire face full of make-up.

It was only my sister and me at the pool, but

I felt so ugly. Plus, I hated my freckles, my

“knock knees”, my giant eyes, my red hair,

my baby voice (to name a few things). I even

disliked my personality. I wanted to be bold

and loud not sweet and soft spoken.

Later, I dealt with major insecurities, stem-

ming from some very painful experiences,

that lasted in me for many, many years.

There is no way I could be ministering now,

in front of people and TV cameras, if I hadn’t

allowed God and His Word to drastically

change me from the inside out. I now know

how it feels to be free, but more importantly,

I know how to get free!

Nearly everyday we receive letters and emails

from young women like this needing help:

“Hi, Terri! I am sure you get a lot of emails, and not sure if you will actually read this. But, I am just so desperate. I am a disappointment to my family. Worthless. I am a college stu-dent. Everyone knows me as the hot cheer-leader, and the guys are only after me for my looks. The girls hate me... I got wrapped up into drinking and being with the boys. This wouldn’t be a big deal... but I feel lost. I was the good Christian girl, then I came to col-lege and everything just did a 180... idk. I feel super lost... I honestly don’t even know why I am emailing you... I am not even worth it to respond back to. I don’t even know... have a great week.”

- H.B. (facebook)

It’s been said that what you hate is what you were created to solve.

I hate insecurity. I hate seeing women (and men) walk around with

their head down, poor posture, feeling insignificant, sleeping around,

disrespecting themselves and ultimately, believing Satan’s lies about

them. That’s why this issue of The Routine is dedicated to inspiring

you to change the way you see yourself, step out of your comfort

zone, overcome the insecurities that are trying to hold you back and

build your confidence like never before.

I’ve discovered that one of the best ways to get free is to sow into

someone else’s freedom. As a supporter of TSFM, you are aggressively

taking a stand against Satan’s attacks on our teenage girls. It’s been

reported that:

* 1 in 5 young women struggle with an eating disorder.

* 1 in 3 girls becomes pregnant at least once before age 20.

* 1 in 4 young women has admitted to committing self-harm.

We are changing that. How? By investing the truth into their lives.

The Lord clearly put it on my heart to “invest in teenage girls” and

“they will produce a harvest.” At our Icing women’s event the altars

are filled with young ladies crying out to God and being filled up with

His love and life-changing resources to take back home with them.

We also invest my books, CD’s and financial support into girls’ homes

and outreaches committed to rescuing the 350,000 reported cases of

human trafficking in the U.S. All of this is possible because of you!

As you read this magazine from cover to cover, go ahead and straight-

en up, pull your shoulders back, get your head up and get ready to

walk confidently towards the dreams God has put in your heart.

“If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with

a mosquito in the room.”



Did you know that you can spot an insecure

person from across the room without ever hearing

a word they say? At the same time, you can locate

their insecurities very clearly by listening to the

words they say. How do I know this? I studied body

language in college; but more importantly, I was filled

with insecurities from head to toe...

We all have things we would like to

improve and that’s OK, but when

you dislike yourself and wish you

were somebody else, you are an

open playground for Satan to walk

all over! He knows that in

order for you to carry out

God’s assignment for your

life, you must be confident

and secure in who you are

in Christ. You must be!

So, it makes sense why he

would do his best to make

you feel insecure. It will

stop you from ever stepping


What is insecurity? By defi-

nition it means worrried,

anxious, afraid, shy, unsure,

timid, self-conscious,

vulnerable, wide-open,

unprotected; likely to fail

or give way, lacking in se-

curity and self-confidence,

not safe from attack.

When you are insecure, you

are not safe from Satan’s at-

tacks. He preys on insecure

victims. He loves weakness

and he will do his best to

absolutely destroy any confidence or self-esteem

you may have. Why? It’s all in an effort to keep you back

from doing what God wants to do with your life.

Studies have found that when a rapist is looking for a

victim to attack, he looks for those who appear timid and

insecure. How does he know? In the way they carry them-

selves. Your body language reveals more than you may

realize. Body language is 55% of how we communicate.

The body language of an insecure person includes: stooped

posture, dropped head, looking down, a weak voice, folded

arms, wringing hands, touching the face frequently in

conversations, and many other visual signs.

Did you know that you can spot an insecure person from

across the room without every hearing a word they say?

At the same time, you can locate their insecurities very

clearly by listening to the words they say. How do I know

this? Well, for one thing, I studied body language in

college; but more importantly, I was filled with insecuri-

ties from head to toe. I have

been so eager to prepare

this teaching on insecurity

because of how God has

changed me so drastically.

Yes, I still battle with fears

and inferiorities from time to

time, but now I know how to

fight them head on. Rather

than bow down to those fears

and coward away from step-

ping out, I’ve learned how

to overcome them with the

Word of God.

I am so passionate about this

message, because I know

God had me prepare it. He

specifically said to me build

my girls up (and you too,

guys!). Basically, we have

been “down” for far too long!

It’s time to get built up –

spirit, soul and body. This

is your time to build your

confidence in who you are in

Christ like never before.

Let’s look at some behavioral signs of insecurity:

Defensiveness – She cannot be corrected without becom-

ing very defensive or on the opposite side, she will agree

with the correction to such a degree that she feel worth-

less and just wants to give up.

Make sure you take the

Insecure Test on page 12. Find out how you

rank and the ways you can improve your confidence!

6 Routine///SPRING/SUMMER_2011

Avoiding Silence – she fills every void

with meaningless talk. Silence usually

requires that we reflect on ourselves. Inse-

cure people want to avoid that at all times.

Critical – I have heard this described as

the “double put down”. Insecure people

either put themselves down hoping that

somebody will disagree with them and

build them up or they put someone else

down in an effort to make themselves look

better. When someone constantly makes

fun of other people, it’s a clear sign of


Rehashing Past Conversations – they

will rehearse their conversations with

people wondering what the other person

meant. They over analyze every word


Fear of being alone and habitually letting

others “walk” on them are also some of

the behavioral signs of an insecure person.

Some of the relational signs of

insecurity:An inability to express emotions – for

some, it is a fear of rejection.

Overly Sexual – for women who are

severely insecure, they learn that they

can receive a lot of attention from men by

displaying their sexuality. They use their

sexuality as a validation of their worth.

Stays in an Abusive Relationship – in-

secure people tend to be attracted to each

other. In many cases, abusive men end up

with women who take the abuse.

Continued on pg. 9 »


1010Quick Tips to

Build Your


#1. Stop speaking negatively about yourself.

#2. Compliment

Other People.

#3. Speak up.

#4. Change your appearance.

#5. Work out.

#6. Stand up straight.

#7. Look

people in the


#8. Set goals for yourself.

#9. Help

someone else.

#10. Receive God’s love continually.

Irrational Jealousy – constant worry about being cheated

on, excessive questioning, etc.

Do you recognize any of these signs of insecurity in your

life or someone you know? There are many other signs

and signals that indicate insecurity; but you can overcome

this tactic of the enemy with the Word of God.

God addresses the issue of insecurity throughout His

Word. In Psalm 18 (Psalms Now) we read, “It is no wonder

that I love You, O God, You have granted me a security

that I could never find among the things of this world.”

God is the cure for the insecure! Insecurity is rooted in

fear. It is a fear that you’re not good enough. And Satan

is the one who operates through fear. God doesn’t. Yes,

there are many reasons why a person becomes insecure.

Whether it is from being put down, made fun of, abused,

rejected, betrayed or abandoned, a spirit of fear (timidity,

insecurity) can enter a person at a very young age.

People who are insecure expect to be cheated, rejected

and depreciated in life. Their view of themselves only

validates what later happens.

God’s Word tells us in 1 John 4:18 that “fear involves

torment.” It is tormenting to be insecure. It is torment-

ing to be afraid to step out into what God has for you. It’s

tormenting to feel that you may never get married. It’s tor-

menting to feel ugly, fat, worthless and insignificant. Satan

is the “tormentor”. You have to learn to torment him back.

1 John 4:18 also says, “. . . but perfect love casts out fear.”

Whose love? God’s love. His love for you will drive fear

right out of your life. The Message Bible states it this way,

“Well-formed love banishes fear.”

Building your confidence in who you are in Christ is an

inside job. God always works from the inside out. Filling

up with His love is the foundation in building security and


“Your eternal love is beyond comprehension. No wonder

Your children constantly reach for it and find security

within it. Within that love, O Lord, You answer our needs

and fulfill our desires.” Psalm 36 (Psalms Now)

I want to build you up just like the Lord instructed me to

do. Why? Because I absolutely hate to see people falling

for Satan’s lies about them (the way I used to) rather than

trusting God’s truth about them. I hate to see people waste

their precious and valuable lives because of insecurity or


This is your time to be free – to go higher than you ever

have before in your relationship with God AND in your


I want you to confidently carry yourself with dignity,

honor and value – like the price Jesus paid for your life. I

want you to stand before God and say, “I did exactly what

you assigned me to do!”

Routine///SPRING/SUMMER_2011 9

WATCH: Terri’s 4-Part podcast on

Building Your Confidence


*at or youtube

On August 21, 2010 while prepar-

ing to minister in Jonesboro,

Arkansas, I was spending time in

prayer and God began to speak to

me about France.  I got my pen

and hotel notepad out and started

writing as fast as I could. This is

what I heard:

“You will preach all over France.

I have called you for this as-

signment. You will travel from

city to city taking the Word and

investing it every where you go. Your

heart of giving will open their hearts up

to you. You have favor with the French.

They love you. They’ll sense your

prayers. Twenty cities, Terri. Count

them. Twenty cities will come together

and change the nation. I will show you

one-by-one the cities I have called you

to. You are a divine instrument through

which my love and favor will flow in a

mighty way. Your voice has called this

into being.  Declare it, Terri. France

20/20.  Do it. I will rapidly send the

twenty. I will rapidly send the wisdom,

the ideas, the resources, the favor, the

relationships. Obey, Terri. Just do it.

My vision for France is crying out. Go,

Terri, full speed ahead.”

This year, God has opened doors for us

to reach out to 2 new French cities in

2011: Vichy and Marseille.

The 2011 “To France with Love”

Tour will begin by minister-

ing in the city known for Per-

rier water, Vichy. It will be a first

to minister in this thriving church,

Rivivre Centre Chretien. We will travel south to one of the

largest cities in France, Marseille, to minister with Pastor Marie-

Helene Moulin who is a pioneer in this country of less than 2% Christian.

From Marseille, we will travel to the Riviera in the one of the most beauti-

ful resort “villes” in the Mediterranean, the city of Nice. We will teach and

distribute my books in French at youth meetings and church services each

day. From Nice, we travel North to the City of Lights, Paris.  I will be joined

by a group of ladies for this experience of a lifetime.

“Icing: Paris” will take place at Hillsong Paris. French girls love the petite

gateaux (little cupcakes)! We have ladies meetings planned with Hillsong and

Paris Centre Chretien where thousands of women will be inspired to pursue

God’s plan for their lives. We will conclude the meeting venues at Hillsong’s

Sunday service and evening serving with Paris Centre Chretien. As we

distribute our French minibook, Vous Avez de la Valeur aux Yeux de Dieu,

(You’re Valuable to God) throughout the streets of Paris, we will reach our

goal of approximately 8,000 copies given away free of charge - thanks to the

amazing partners of Terri Savelle Foy Ministries!  That represents at least

8,000 lives touched by the written word of God.

Mark 13:10 “And the gospel must first be published among all nations.”

We have recently translated My Personal Dreams and Goals workbook into

French and will have them from the printer in June! We also received con-

firmation that contracts have just been signed by our publisher to translate

Make Your Dreams Bigger Than Your Memories into French!

Partners and Friends, thank you for helping us take the Gospel message to France. To give a special donation, give online at and select the “France Outreach” option.











Here are some nonverbal signs that reveal whether or not you’re insecure:

□ Limp, weak handshake

□ Weak, soft voice

□ Dropping head and looking down

□ Rigid, stooped posture

□ Folded arms, crossed legs

□ Clenching or wringing hands

□ Playing with hair constantly in conversations

□ Touching your face or covering it with your hands

□ Hiding your face underneath your hair

Here are some internal signals that reveal whether or not you’re insecure:

□ Extremely sensitive to others’ opinions

□ Self-consciousness about appearance or performance

□ Viewing people as competition

□ Habitually rehearsing past conversations or situations wondering what the other person thought about you.

□ A critical view of others - putting others down attempt-ing to make yourself feel better or putting yourself down hoping others will build you up.

□ Engaging in ‘clingy’ relationships (*insecurity is VERY unattractive! If you want to push your partner away, be clingy and insecure. Confidence is attractive!)

□ Inability to receive compliments

□ Demonstrating self-defeating behaviors behaviors (overeating, sleeping around, using drugs, self harm, etc... doing things you hate which only magnifies how bad you feel about yourself!)

□ Allowing people to use and abuse you

□ A fear of being intimate due to fear of trusting others or rejection.

□ Difficulty receiving God’s love.

□ Dependence on material possessions for security.

□ Inability to express emotions for fear of being vulner-able.

Psalm 23:

“The Lord is my constant companion. There is no

need that He cannot fulfill. Whether His course for me points to the mountaintops

of glorious joy or to the valleys of human suffering,

He is by my side.He is ever present with me.He is close beside me, when

I tread the dark streets of danger, even when I flirt with death itself, He will not leave me. When the pain is severe, He is near to comfort. When

the burden is heavy, He is there to lean upon.

When depression darkens my soul, He touches me

with eternal joy. When I feel empty and alone,

He fills the aching vacuum with His power. My security is in His promise to be near me always and in the knowledge that He will never let me go!”

Develop godly confidence and security by reading

what God says about you. The Bible is His ‘parents’ keepsake journal’ to you. Read it over and over and over until you believe it.

What you repeatedly hear, you will eventually believe. You can trust God’s Word.

He loves you.



you can make a difference

Partnership enables each of us to do more than we could ever do on our own. Partners truly are the ones that make the ministry possible.

More than ever there is a need to help people,

especially woman, discover their true value

and purpose in life. If we don’t then many

lives will struggle with guilt, failures and mediocrity

while never reaching their God-given potential.

Terri is committed to share with anyone and

everyone what she has learned about breaking free from

the past, developing a vision for tomorrow and building

a strong personal relationship with God.

Together, we can do so much more than we can on

our own. That’s why we’re asking you to partner with us. Through partnership, you provide ministry to

people all over the world through our media outreaches,

help rescue young girls from human trafficking, support ministry work in France and more.

We have a special calling to help teenage girls

develop value, discipline and vision so they can live

a regret-free life. As a partner with Terri Savelle Foy

Ministries, you are aggressively taking a stand against

Satan’s attacks on our teenage girls.

We are investing the truth into the lives of young

women. At our Icing women’s events, each year we give

away thousands of life-changing resources for teenage

girls to take home. We also invest ministry books, CD’s

and financial support into girls’ homes and outreaches

committed to rescuing the 350,000 reported cases

of human trafficking in the U.S. All of this is possible

because of your partnership.

France is often thought of as a dream vacation des-

tination. However, spiritually, France is a nation in great

need of Jesus. A major ministry focus for Terri Savelle

Foy Ministries is to make an eternal impact in France.

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have more Evangeli-

cal Christians per capita than France. Only 6%-8% of

France actively attends church. 80% of French people

have never owned or seen a Bible.

As a partner, you enable French-language re-

sources to be printed and distributed throughout France

and other French speaking countries and regions. You

also send Terri and a ministry team to France regularly

to share God’s love and truth to a nation in great need.

So, thank you for prayerfully considering partner-

ing with us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and

teach people how to live out their God-given purpose.

become a partner today!



become a partner today!



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- JONI LAMB, Daystar Television Network

“I am excited to use this book in our Mercy programs as a weapon

against the enemy.” - NANCY ALCORN, Mercy Ministries

“This book will be a turning point for many hurting people.”

- WENDY TREAT, Christian Faith Center only

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