published irregularly st. johnmay 2013 published irregularly vol. 19 05issue st.john’s lutheran...

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05St. John’S Lutheran ChurCh

S u m n e y t o w n


HigHligHtsin tHis issue

Name TagsValley Arts ConcertRummage SaleNew MembersMay CalendarYouth Group AprilInk Cartridge RecycleGeranium Sale

The Holy Spirit Active and Alive in Our LivesThis past Wednesday evening, our confirmation students reconvened after being off during the season of Lent and the topic that was scheduled for our learning time was The Holy Spirit. I have to admit that this lesson designed to unpack the third article of The Apostles’ Creed was not an easy one to prepare. We proclaim in the creed our faith in a god who shows up in three distinct personalities – God as Father who creates, God as Son who redeems and God as Spirit who sanctifies.

Most of us are pretty good at recognizing God as Father and God as Son, but somehow the third aspect of the Trinity, God as Spirit, is one that we tend not to focus on as much. And that became even clearer to me as I sat down to prepare a lesson to teach our young people about the Holy Spirit.

What most of us know about the Holy Spirit is captured in the third great festival of the church year – Pentecost. On this Sunday, we celebrate the birth of the church, as the Holy Spirit shows up among and within the apostles as they meet together. If we read the story of this day as recorded in Acts 2, we see that the Spirit shows up in a three distinct ways that day. First, the Spirit arrives as ‘a rush of violent wind’ filling the room in which they met (Acts 2:2). Next, the Spirit appears as tongues of fire, resting on their heads (Acts 2:3), which was an image that was a little difficult for our middle school students to grasp. And lastly, the Spirit fills the apostles so that they are able to speak in other languages (Acts 2:4).

The rush of a violent wind, tongues of fire, the ability to speak in other languages – probably most of us have not experienced the Spirit in these ways. And yet, I’m guessing that all of us have experienced the movement of God’s Spirit in our lives. I firmly believe that the Spirit was active when I opened myself up to a new call, which led me to St. John’s. Some of us may talk about a feeling, or a voice we hear in our minds, but I think that can be the Spirit at work. That nudge that pushes us towards something we might never have considered, or the opportunity that comes our way that puts us in the path of a person who changes our lives. Those are all moments where the Spirit is at work.

So whether we think of it as fire or wind or breath, the reality is that God’s Spirit has been alive and active in this world from the beginning of creation. And sometimes, if we are paying attention, we might be able to discern the movement of that Spirit in our lives. As we gather for worship on Pentecost, May 19, I hope that you will feel the Spirit present and at work in our worship and in the life of our community.


Pastor Becky +

2 St. John’s Lutheran Church • • 215.234.4888 • email:

Church Council We all had opportunities to experience powerful messages during Holy Week. I truly enjoyed the amazing journey that our congregation and community were able to experience throughout the week. We are grateful to ALL that had a hand or hands in all of the services and activities. Thanks to your efforts we had a week filled with moving experiences.

We also would like to express thanks to two of our former community members. Mr. Earl and Mrs. Anne Henuber had awesome foresight and donated the land that our church is built on. This fact is one that many in our community were not aware and it is really cool! This alone is a considerable contribution to Saint John’s. Unfortunately both Earl and Anne passed away. In addition to their contribution of the property they left a large portion of their estate to the church.This recently became official and we are anticipating the arrival of this bequest in the very near future. We will be again

faced with the challenge of making sure that the funds are used in a responsible fashion. Please let council know if there are any projects or new programs that you would like to have council consider. We are so blessed for these generous gifts.

Here are some other notable items to report: a new electricity supplier has started and we are hopeful that this will yield some savings to our energy bills and our building loan was renegotiated with Univest also yielding some savings. Even though we are continuing to reduce expenses when possible, our giving is still struggling to meet our budget. Things are tight and we needed to tap into funds from the Neetz Estate to cover some bills. We are grateful for this gift; however council would like to direct the balance of the funds to improvements and programs rather than budgeted expenses. Please keep an eye on the financial reports and help if you are able.

Kent Krauss, Council President

We continue to review and prioritize projects around St John’s buildings and grounds. There are always needs and we are asking for your support. If you are not already involved please consider supporting the property committee’s efforts. We have many projects that have been put on the table and we would like to act on them all, however they are not in the budget. Join the committee and we will see if there is a way to complete some of these tasks on our own. Also, please prayerfully consider a special donation to the designated gift account for property maintenance to help fund some of the additional projects. We received approval from council to begin paint removal and refinishing on the three entrances to the Narthex. The same contractor that worked on the sanctuary windows will work on the entryways. The doors and trim are in need of immediate refinishing to maintain the beauty and stability of these elements. In addition we are looking at possibly capping the soffit and fascia millwork that is around the sanctuary exterior. We are also in the process of reviewing a conversion to natural gas for heat fuel.

Property Committee:

Ten of the fifteen members that make up this organization were available to gather around the table on April 15 for a discussion session basically pertaining to the Turkey Dinner. Pastor Becky led us in prayer and remained for a portion of the meeting before having to join the members of the Christian Education Committee. AND as always - we did not have the coffee pot perking but boy did we enjoy a delicious treat, made again by Betty Houck. Upon your ‘someday’ retirement, we do hope you’ll consider opening a pastry shop in the valley! Could be called Betty’s Best.

Even though 503 folks ventured out in rain, sleet and snow, the profit margin is not what we are used to seeing. In fact, we talked quite a bit about the fact that attendance has been on the decline over

the past few years and how it is affecting the outcome.

With the rising costs of food items and some needed supplies adding to the costs again this year we are not able to make donations as large as we prefer.

Of course money is going into the Kitchen Renovation Fund, toward utilities as always, and we have committed to a $200 donation for some much needed shrubbery mulch around the church.

We were informed by the gentlemen tending to the pots on the stove that some of the burners were not maintaining the heat levels that would have been needed to serve 900 patrons! So perhaps some repair bill will need to be paid and we need to purchase 6 more steam pans.

We will be selling some chow-chow and have an idea for a small fund raiser that we feel some of you may really enjoy!

With energy and smiles this committee will continue to keep its commitment to helping St. John’s and spreading our evangelism out into the surrounding community by supporting area volunteers and helping those experiencing difficult times in their lives. We strongly feel that is an important part of what we should be doing as a Christian Church.

We appreciate those who support our efforts.

Diane L. Appold, Chairperson of Social Events


3St. John’s Lutheran Church • • 215.234.4888 • email:

MAY MUSIC SCHEDULEMAY 5 – Sixth Sunday of Easter with Holy CommunionSenior Citizens’ SundayContemporary Worship at 8:30 a.m.

Music – Praise Team, Piano Solo: Ken StuafferTraditional Worship at 10:30 a.m.

Music – Chancel Choir, Solo: Brian Allebach

MAY 12 – Seventh Sunday of EasterChurch Music Sunday - Mother’s DayDedication of MemorialsContemporary Worship at 8:30 a.m.

Music – Praise Team, Solo: Christine CiesielkaTraditional Worship at 10:30 a.m.

Music – Chancel Choir, Youth Choir, Children’s Choir, Handbell Choir, Trumpet: Dave Lewis

MAY 19 – Pentecost with Holy CommunionConfirmationWorship at 10:30 a.m.

Music – Chancel ChoirFlute Duet: Lynsey and Meagan Quinn Trumpet: Dave Lewis

MAY 26 – Holy TrinityContemporary Worship at 8:30 a.m.

Music - Praise TeamTraditional Worship at 10:30 a.m.

Music – Chancel Choir Violin Solo: Rev. Jennifer Ollikainen

Hymn of the Month - “When in Our Music God Is Glorified”

There are times when a wonderful tune can help us to remember the text. Sometimes, new words can revive a tune that has been forgotten. This is how “When in Our Music God is Glorified” came to be written. A friend of the Methodist poet and hymn writer Fred Pratt Green requested that he write new words to the hymn tune Engelberg. This tune was well-known earlier in the century, but had been forgotten when the famous composer

Ralph Vaughan Williams wrote a new tune for the text “For All the Saints”, which had previously been sung to Engelberg.

The opening line (called the incipit) originally read, “When in man’s music, God is glorified”. In order for the hymn to support “inclusive language”, the author reluctantly altered this to “When in our music God is glorified” for the Lutheran Book of Worship (green) which was published in 1978. This change has been universally accepted in today’s hymnals.

Pratt Green seems to agree with Martin Luther who said, “Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.” Luther and Pratt Green seem to ascribe a quasi-sacramental quality to music—music as a means of revelation and grace. (Dr. Michael C. Hawn, professor of sacred music at Perkins School of theology, SMU)

Please join us on May 12 when we will sing this beautiful hymn and honor our church musicians.

Note: Only ONE

Service May 19.

Sponsorships for Flowers, Bulletins, BoutonnieresFor any open dates you may wish to fill, please call: Flowers - Kathy at 610-754-6156 Bulletins - Office at 215-234-4888Boutonnieres - Mary J Dzurenda at 215-679-5783

Flowers $30 & $25

Bulletins $10

Boutonnieres $2

5/05 Loughery Organ-Miller

Ruth Dzurenda

5/12 Feenstra Base-Travis

Hutt Reptsik

5/19 OPEN Base-Keller

Bossert OPEN

5/26 LeisterBase-Allem

Young Conchado

6/02 BarndtBase-Meade

Leister Miller

St. John's Name TagsDo you have a St. John's name tag? All of our members are encouraged to wear their name tags each Sunday so that we can get to know each other better. If you do not have a name tag, or if you need a replacement, please print your name in the log book on the table in the narthex. A name tag will be provided for you. Each Sunday try to greet at least one person you may not know.

4 St. John’s Lutheran Church • • 215.234.4888 • email:


“The Dogs” have sung the National Anthem at Philly’s Citizen’s Bank



“The Dogs” of Falkner Swamp

Ring in the Spring! Join us as Valley Arts brings out …

Who  Let  The  Dogs  Out?        Valley  Arts,  of  course!    Sponsored  by  the  non-­‐profit  Valley  Arts  Group  from  St.  John’s  to    support  arts  and  music  in  the  Upper  Perkiomen  Valley.    

Visit  us  online  at  

What’s  in  a  Name??    Enjoy  the  show  and  learn  the  meaning  behind  the  name  

“The  Dogs”!!  

Admission is free, a freewill offering will be taken. Greet the “Dogs” and enjoy refreshments Immediately following the performance!

Come on out and enjoy this talented local trio perform old time spiritual favorites, hymns and “oldies but goodies” from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s!

Sunday, May 5, 2013 7:00 PM

St. John’s Lutheran Church Sumneytown, PA

5St. John’s Lutheran Church • • 215.234.4888 • email:

WELCAWomen of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in AmericaSara Shellaway opened our meeting on April 9 by reading an article titled, “Anticipation.” We, as Christians, cannot imagine not looking forward to the return of our Lord, as we believe the promises of God.

Five members were present at our meeting and each told of their Easter visits to the home-bound members of our congregation. We had conversations and experiences to relate and each of us were happy to have made the connections to those we seldom see.

The Spring Gathering of the Upper Montgomery Conference was held at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Pottstown on April 13. Canned goods were collected for the Cluster Outreach Center of Pottstown.

Decisions were made regarding our Spring Rummage Sale. See page 7 for details. As we had done previously, we decided to again donate funds to the Lutheran World Relief in the form of purchasing 2 piglets at $45 each to be given to a family in Indonesia or Nepal as an investment. These piglets can be raised into hogs and support a family with the income.

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 14, at 10:00 a.m. in the parish hall.

Myrt Beideman

A Stewardship Minute

Parish Publishing, LLC (888) 320-5576

MAY 2013 An article in the May issue of Stewardship focuses on what might be called

“Box Stewardship.” Suppose that somewhere in the church we had several tables with boxes with different labels that might read: “Children's clothes.” another “Girls and women's clothes,” while still other boxes might be for kitchen and table goods, or lawn and garden materials. Members can then make donations of their belongings no longer used. The church arranged to have the donated items delivered on a monthly basis to a church-sponsored outlet that sells them for a small price. One church I know has a very large store that sells everything imaginable! The outlet store is run by volunteers. It is a cheery place just to visit, or to take items to.

Now listen to another story of an older layman in Oklahoma City who felt compelled to collect soft drink cans, take them to a company that buys metal items, and give the money received to his church. Soon many church members brought their empty cans to help the old fellow. In fact, they brought so many cans to him that he bought a trailer, put high sides on it, parked it on the church lot where people could deposit cans whenever they wished. When the trailer is full, he hooks it his car and goes to the metal buyer, gets the money earned and takes it to the church! This is creative stewardship. It is enhancing the kingdom of God by more than tithing; creating ways to work for God on a daily basis and finding the amazing joy that comes from such service. Prayer: Creative Lord, help us to be the creative people you want us to be in order that your kingdom might be spread by our stewardship. Amen

IIInnnssspppiiirrriiinnnggg aaa dddeeeeeepppeeerrr uuunnndddeeerrrssstttaaannndddiiinnnggg ooofff tttrrruuueee gggiiivvviiinnnggg An introduction of Stewardship to the congregation

A Stewardship Minute is available to subscribers of Stewardship at Simply click on the “Parish Resource Center” and log in using with your account number (Username) and zip code (Password), both of which can be found on the invoice or mailing label.

St John’s is pleased to announce the introduction of an electronic option on our website for making regular offerings. Contributions can now be debited automatically from your checking or savings account [or processed using your credit or debit card]. Our new electronic giving program offers convenience for you and much-needed donation consistency for our congregation.

Stewardship is a way of lifeElectronic Giving coming soon to our website

6 St. John’s Lutheran Church • • 215.234.4888 • email:

Treasurer’s ReportSt. John’s Lutheran Church

March 31, 2013


WORSHIP ATTENDANCE Mar. 24 234 Mar. 28 149Mar. 29 131Mar. 31 343Apr. 7 142Apr. 14 155

TOTAL 1154



Beginning Balance $44,969.15 Mar. 24 4,857.15 Mar. 28 Mar. 29 Mar. 31 8,629.76 Apr. 7 3,114.00 Apr. 14 2,775.30 $ 64,345.36

Budgeted at $76,679.10 week # 15 -64,345.36 - $12,333.74

BUILDING FUND GIVINGBeginning Balance $3,927.00Mar. 24 234.00 Mar. 28 Mar. 29 Mar. 31 449.00 Apr. 7 271.00 Apr. 14 196.00 $ 5,077.00

Budgeted at $8,478.75 week # 15 - 5,077.00 -3,401.75

Treasurer's Report4/6/2013

St. Johns Lutheran ChurchMarch 31, 2013

Account Balances 31-Mar-13General Fund Checking $8,117.12Building Fund Checking $2,821.54Petty Cash $63.52Designated Gifts $90,300.92Benner CDs $5,902.79Benner Savings $2,009.00Endowment $124,670.89Mortgage Principal Owed (rate 6.25%; matures 12/9/14) $155,166.42

General Fund Checking Beginning Balance 2/28/2013 $2,932.12

General Fund Offering for March 2013 $22,428.76Other General Fund Income March 2013 $5,241.37Benevolence Offering for March 2013 $595.00Total General Fund Income for March 2013 $28,265.13

General Fund Expenses/Transfers for March 2013 -$23,080.13

General Fund Ending Balance March 2013 $8,117.12

Building Fund Checking Beginning Balance 2/28/2013 $3,401.55

Building Fund Offering & other income for March 2013 $1,691.00

Building Fund Expenses for March 2013 -$1,668.01

Building Fund Checking Balance March 2013 $3,424.54

Total Estimated GF Bills & transfers April 2013 $19,745.91

Total estimated BF expenses for April 2013 $1,668.01

General Fund Balance as of 4/6/2013 $6,616.63Building Fund Balance as of 4/6/2013 $3,424.54


1) $150.00 received from WELCA; $17.69 from recycling & $635.88 from Redners Tapes in March

2) There is no budget line for congregational activities such as the Night @ the Phillies. Where to put ticket cost/payments? 3) Easter Breakfast donations covered the expenses of the breakfast.

Respectfully submitted to the best of her abilities by the Treasurer who apologizes for any inadvertant errors, omissions or typos.

Respectfully submitted to the best of her abilities by the Treasurer who apologizes for any inadvertant errors, omissions or typos.

7St. John’s Lutheran Church • • 215.234.4888 • email:

SPRING RUMMAGE SALEMAY 21-23WELCA'S Spring Rummage will be held May 21-23 in theParish Hall. We accept clean, unstained, usable clothing and good household items. Note the following important dates:

DROP OFF: Monday, May 20: 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall; items will NOT be accepted after May 20.


• Tuesday, May 21: 8 a.m.-8 p.m.

• Wednesday, May 22: 8 a.m.-8 p.m.

• Thursday, May 23: 8 a.m.-11 a.m.

Purchases can be made for $1 per paper grocery bag and for $5 per plastic "trash" bag on Wednesday, May 22, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. as well as Thursday, May 23, from 8:00-11:00 a.m.


• Baby turniture, car seats, etc.• Christmas decorations (wait until Fall)• Shoes• Text books & encyclopedias• Stuffed animals• Plastic dishes• Plastic storage containers• Large cumbersome items (if in doubt,

please call before bringing item)

DROP-OFF DATE: AFTER MAY 5: Items for the sale can be delivered to the shed UNDER THE OVERHANG. Please put all items in strong trash bags or securely packed boxes. Thanks for all your support.

St. John's WELCA

Welcome New MembersThe following were welcomed into our church family on April 7

Jason and Heather Gray, Taylor, Alexa and Kaitlyn

Betty CaroffPaul and Shirley Kulanko

Jeremy and Liberty Dusza, Katelyn, Carter and Reagan

8 St. John’s Lutheran Church • • 215.234.4888 • email:

HOSPITAL INFORMATIONMembers who most recently returned home are: Marge Simon, Dick Hartzell, Leroy Long, Jay Koffel and Keara Laessig. Currently hospitalized is: Charlie Breyer residing at Greenfield in Schwenksville and Herb Blair, Sr., at Abington Hospital. If a member of your immediate family is hospitalized, please call Pastor Becky or the office. Just as a reminder, the Federal HIPPA regulations put certain restrictions on what is now considered private information. In keeping with these regulations -- the office can no longer print information passed on by a third party. Hospitalizations and deaths need to be verified by the patient, spouse, adult child or a parent. We thank you for your understanding. Also, most hospitals will not release room number information to the church secretary unless, the patient has given permission.

DEATHSOur Christian Sympathy is extended to the families of:• Mildred “Mickey” Smith, whose death occurred on March 23. The

funeral service was held on March 27.• Hattie Walter, whose death occurred on April 4 with the funeral

service taking place on April 9.

WEDDING ANNIVERSARIESOver the years, it has been our privilege to congratulate members who have reached the milestones of 50 and 60 or 60 plus years of marriage. Please inform the office with your special date if you have been missed!

May 4: John and Jill Gray will celebrate 50 years of marriage.We say Congratulations!!

FIRST COMMUNIONWe welcomed into our church family as CommuningMembers, the following 5th and 6th grade students on Maundy Thursday: Ryan Asmann, Chelsea Burke, Cody Matusek,Samantha Haggert, Luke Matusek, and Margaret Sell.

Caroff Betty 288 W 4th Street Red Hill 18076 215-679-9555

Dusza, Jeremy and Liberty 1011B Penny RoadGreen Lane 18054 267-246-2409

Gray, Jason and Heather 745 Eisenhower Drive Telford 18960 215-723-9379

Kulanko, Paul and Shirley 642 Butternut Court Red Hill 18076215-679-3913

Martin, Gennifer 9505 Easter LaneGreen Lane 18054 484-942-0014

Piston, Laura 130 Copperhead RdMoorefield WV 26836

Pierce, Daniel 3016 Finland RdPennsburg PA 18076

Zepp, Kathy 405 Walnut StreetGreen Lane PA 18054

Breyer, Charles c/o Alan Breyer1812 Ziegler RoadPennsburg PA 18073

Linville, Tammie 693 Garfield AveLansdale PA 19446

Lemon, Christine 365 Rich Hill RoadSellersville PSA 18960

Travis, Kathleen 772 Gabriel CourtPottstown PA 19464


5-18 Lois Walter-Hammer Pennsburg Manor Rm 530 Macoby Street Pennsburg PA 18073


CONGRATULATIONSOn Saturday, March 23, 2013, Emily Loughery placed 2nd All Around in the Level 9 Senior B Division of the PA State Gymnastics Championships. She also placed 2nd on vault, 1st on Balance Beam and 1st of Floor in the Sr. B division.

Addresses for our newest members and other changes are here noted:


1 Choir Rehearsals6 Praise Team7 Handbells 8 Chancel 7-8:30 Confirmation Learning Night


3 SE PA Synod Assembly

6:15 Girl Scouts

4 SE PA Synod Assembly

Set up for Senior Citizen’s Brunch Kitchen in use

5 Senior Citizens’ Sunday Celebration 8:30 Contemporary Communion Service 9:20 Sunday School 9:20 Brunch to honor Senior Citizens10:30 Traditional Communion Service7:00 Valley Arts Concert “The Dogs”

6 7

10 am Staff Mtg.

7 Executive Council Meets

8 Choir Rehearsals6 Praise Team7 Handbells8 Chancel



6:15 Girl Scouts


12 Mother’s DayMusic Sunday

Dedication of Memorials & Gifts 8:30 Contemporary Worship 9:20 Sunday School 10:30 Traditional Worship Service


7 Council Meets


15 Choir Rehearsals6 Praise Team7 Handbells8 Chancel7 Confirmation Rehearsal



6:15 Girl Scouts


19 Pentecost ONE Service Only! with Confirmation9:20 Sunday School 10:30 Blended Worship Service Cake and Coffee hr. afterward including Confirmation Anniversary Classes Set up for Rummage Sale (afterward)

20Bring Rummage items 8 – 8 pm

7:30 Christian Ed.7 Evangelism

21Rummage Sale 8 am – 8 pm

7 pm Altar Guild

22 Rummage Sale 8 am – 8 pm (5 pm – 8 pm 1/5 $ Per BAG!!) Choir Rehearsals 6 Praise Team 7 Handbells8 Chancel


Rummage Sale 8-11 am ONLY!1/5 $ Per Bag!


6:15 Girl Scouts


26 Holy Trinity8:30 Contemporary Worship 9:20 Sunday School 10:30 Traditional Worship Service

27Memorial DayOffice Closed

28 29

30 31LutheranNight @thePhillies

June 2 Communion 8:30 & 10:30 Graduate Recognition Day

June 9 1 Service- Outdoors-Picnic Sunday School Awards DayJune 16 Begin – 9 am Service Time

DEADLINE for Newsletter Articles is May 12 for the June issue

10 St. John’s Lutheran Church • • 215.234.4888 • email:




May 58:30 am

Sara ShellawayShirley Kulanko

Shelley and Paul Barndt, Jr.

Bob Kemmerer

Barry LongChris Matusek

May 128:30 am

Pat KruppHank Clare

Wendy and Hank Clare

Jason Detwiler


Paul Barndt, Sr.Carol Vaszily

George and Carol Vaszily

Bob Kemmerer

June 28:30 am

Tina HershElaine Portock

Sheryl and Leslie Soffa

Jason Detwiler

Jim and Kathy Fitser




May 510:30 am

Kathleen and Meagan Hutt

J. AllebachBarbara Ryan

Tori FaustTrevor Faust

This roomis available


during the service.There is audio.

Parents arerequested to remain

WITH theirchildren, asno one ison care

giving duty.

C Team #4 Erika Haldeman, Mary Jane Dzurenda, Tina Hersh, Joan Miller, Cathy Sweeney

May 1210:30 am

Joan MillerKathy Weidner

J. KirkwoodM. Beideman

Sarah SoffaLeslie Soffa

Team # 1 Thomas Casey, Otto Quinque Robert and Jamie Ernst

May 1910:30 am YPO Members

T. HunsbergerM. LaessigTory Faust

Nathalie SellJacob Irvin

C Team # 1 Ray Moats, Paulette Moats, Lawrence Loughery

May 2610:30 am

Thelma BardmanSandra Graber

Ryan SweeneyMJ Dzurenda

Mitch JellenL. Loughery

Team # 11 Mary Jane Dzurenda, Kristie Faust, Susan McNeill, Justine Quinn

June 2 10:30 am

Deb YoderHope Long Graduates Zack Reck

Nathalie SellC Team # 2 Russ Fretz, Bob DiDio, Wm. Hunsberger, Bob Kemmerer, Barry Long


May 510:30 am Rich Berry Christine Ciesielka

Erika HaldemanThis responsibilityis presently beingdone by teams on

a week by weekbasis, as people are


Jocelyn Kulp

May 1210:30 am Chris Appold “

May 1910:30 am Rich Berry Youth Group Members

May 2610:30 am Chris Appold “

June 210:30 am Rick Berry Bob DiDio

Barry LongShelley and Sara BarndtBrenda and Kirsten Hildenbrand

Communion Set-up Teams: Linda Hart & Evey Koffel, Wanda & Travis Hunsberger, Jenny & Lauren Reineke, Fern Schantz & Justine Quinn

CHURCH LAWN MOWING SCHEDULE5-6 Stan Landis 5-13 Jay Koffel5-20 Jim Fitser5-27 Chris Appold6-3 Stan Landis

CHURCH LAWN TRIMMING SCHEDULE5-6 Hank Clare Terry Houck 5-13 Kent Krauss Jason Detwiler 5-20 Mike Casey Tom Casey 5-27 Jim Fitser III Jim Fitser II6-3 Alex Grande Dave Lewis

11St. John’s Lutheran Church • • 215.234.4888 • email:

Don’t Throw Away Your Empty Ink Jet Cartridges! Recycle Them!The Stewardship Committee is pleased to provide a new recycling opportunity to the members of St. John’s. We’ve partnered with Empties 4 Cash to collect and recycle ink jet and laser toner cartridges. We’ll be saving the landfills and earning a little cash, too! Each cartridge can earn from $.05 up to $1.00 depending on the brand. You Can Help! Place your cartridges (includes most of Hewlett Packard, Lexmark, Compaq, Canon, Dell, Brother, and Apple) in the labeled collection box under the coatrack in the Narthex and become a good Steward of the Earth and St. John’s!

Recycle Ink Jet Cartridges - Reduce pollution - Raise funds - One cartridge at a time...


May 5 – Youth Group Meeting(9:20-10:20 a.m.)

May 11 – *Volunteering at Manna on Main Street (9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.)

May 12 – Intergenerational Event (9:20-10:20 a.m.)

May 19 – Youth Group Meeting (9:20-10:20 a.m.) *Registration Required. (See YPO bulletin board for forms.)

Thanks to everyone who helped by donating food or their time (setting up, taking pictures, playing music, breaking down, etc.) to help make our teen dance and lock-in on April 13 a success! Over twenty teens danced in our Youth Room which was converted to “Midnight at the Oasis” and thirteen teens slept overnight (“slept” may not be the right choice of words!). After an eventful start to our evening, we settled in and enjoyed some good food, music, dancing and lots of activities. Thanks again to all of the teen and adult volunteers for their participation.

At the end of April, our Youth Group will be traveling to Atlantic City, NJ, to help clean up destruction left by Hurricane Sandy. We will spend the night in a church on Friday, April 26 and volunteer all day on Saturday, April 27.

We also have another volunteering event planned on Saturday, May 11. From 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., we will be serving breakfast to those in need at Manna on Main Street in Lansdale. Registration is required for this event.

On Sunday, May 12, our teens will be participating in the Intergenerational Event and teaching everyone a new song that we learned while on our retreat in March. Please join us for this event and sing with us!

Please encourage all teens to join us for our weekly Youth Group meetings on Sunday mornings from 9:20-10:20 a.m. and attend some of our upcoming events. Check out the bulletin board outside of the YPO room for more information. If you would like to be added to our Youth Group distribution list, please provide the office with your email address.

Thank you!

Non-Profit OrganizationU.S. Postage P A I DBOYERTOWN, PAPermit No. 11

ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH3104 Main Street, P.O. Box 255Sumneytown, PA 18084-0255


Label Here

_______ plant(s) $4.50 = Total Cost $ _____________

____ I'll pick up ____ Give to sick

Bulletin info: (Please write what you want printed in the bulletin)

In memory of

Given by:

In honor of

Given by:



Geraniums to order for Confirmation Sunday, May 19, 2013You may turn your order form along with payment into Kathy Hutt on Sunday mornings or mail to the church office until the deadline of May 5. Please make your check payable to St. John’s Church and mark the notation spot “geraniums”.

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