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STATE OF CALIFORNIA Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor


SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-3298

March 3, 2016

Advice Letter: 3113-E, 3113-E-A, and 3113-E-B

Russell G. Worden

Vice President, Regulatory Operations

Southern California Edison Company

8631 Rush Street

Rosemead, CA 91770

Subject: 3113-E, 3113-E-A, and 3113-E-B

Dear Mr. Worden:

Southern California Edison (SCE) filed Advice Letter (A.L.) 3113-E on October 7, 2014. Energy

Division staff initially suspended it for staff review on November 11, 2014. Energy Division staff

further suspended on January 30, 2015. The Commission approved Resolution E-4730 on

August 27, 2015. That Resolution ordered SCE to file a Supplement to A.L. 3113-E. Executive

Resolution E-4739 corrected a typographical error in Resolution E-4730 on September 4, 2015.

SCE filed A.L. 3113-E-A on October 1, 2015. The City of Lancaster (Lancaster) filed a limited

protest to A.L. 3113-E-A on October 21, 2015. Energy Division staff worked with SCE and

Lancaster to resolve the subject matter of Lancaster’s protest. Energy Division, SCE, and Lancaster

were able to reach a mutually agreeable “protocol” which is referenced in A.L. 3113-E-B. This

“protocol” is the subject matter of A.L. 3364-E, filed on February 12, 2016.

Therefore, since the subject matter of the protest is now moot and SCE is in compliance with

Resolution E-4730, A.L. 3113-E, 3113-E-A, and 3113-E-B are hereby effective as of

October 1, 2015, the date of the first Commission-ordered supplemental filing, as requested by SCE.


Edward Randolph

Director, Energy Division


* Note: reference – Decision D.02-02-049, dated February 21, 2002, and Rule 7.5 in appendix A of D.O7-01-024



Utility Name: Southern California Edison Date Utility Notified: January 30, 2015 via: email

Utility No./Type: U 338-E [X] E-Mail to:

Advice Letter Nos.: 3113-E

Date AL filed: October 7, 2014 Fax No.: N/A

Utility Contact Person: Darrah Morgan ED Staff Contact: Will Maguire

Utility Phone No.: (626) 302-2086 For Internal Purposes Only:)

Date Calendar Clerk Notified _____/_____/_______

Date Commissioners/Advisors Notified ___/___/___

[ ] INITIAL SUSPENSION (up to 120 DAYS from the expiration of the initial review period)

This is to notify that the above-indicated AL is suspended for up to 120 days beginning

November 4, 2014, for the following reason(s) below. If the AL requires a Commission

resolution and the Commission’s deliberation on the resolution prepared by Energy Division

extends beyond the expiration of the initial suspension period, the advice letter will be

automatically suspended for up to 180 days beyond the initial suspension period.

[ ] A Commission Resolution is Required to Dispose of the Advice Letter

[ ] Advice Letter Requests a Commission Order

[ ] Advice Letter Requires Staff Review

The expected duration of initial suspension period is 120 days

[ X ] FURTHER SUSPENSION (up to 180 DAYS beyond initial suspension period)

The AL requires a Commission resolution and the Commission’s deliberation on the resolution

prepared by Energy Division has extended beyond the expiration of the initial suspension period.

The advice letter is suspended for up to 180 days beyond the initial suspension period.


If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Analyst Will Maguire at



* Note: reference – Decision D.02-02-049, dated February 21, 2002, and Rule 7.5 in appendix A of D.O7-01-024


Utility Name: Southern California Edison Date Utility Notified: November 4, 2014 via: email Utility No./Type: U 338-E [X] E-Mail to: Advice Letter Nos.: 3113-E Date AL filed: October 7, 2014 Fax No.: N/A Utility Contact Person: Darrah Morgan ED Staff Contact: Will Maguire Utility Phone No.: (626) 302-2086 For Internal Purposes Only:)

Date Calendar Clerk Notified _____/_____/_______ Date Commissioners/Advisors Notified ___/___/___

[X] INITIAL SUSPENSION (up to 120 DAYS from the expiration of the initial review period)

This is to notify that the above-indicated AL is suspended for up to 120 days beginning November 4, 2014, for the following reason(s) below. If the AL requires a Commission resolution and the Commission’s deliberation on the resolution prepared by Energy Division extends beyond the expiration of the initial suspension period, the advice letter will be automatically suspended for up to 180 days beyond the initial suspension period. [ ] A Commission Resolution is Required to Dispose of the Advice Letter [ ] Advice Letter Requests a Commission Order [X] Advice Letter Requires Staff Review The expected duration of initial suspension period is 120 days

[ ] FURTHER SUSPENSION (up to 180 DAYS beyond initial suspension period) The AL requires a Commission resolution and the Commission’s deliberation on the resolution prepared by Energy Division has extended beyond the expiration of the initial suspension period. The advice letter is suspended for up to 180 days beyond the initial suspension period.

_____________________________________________ If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Analyst Will Maguire at cc: EDTariffUnit

P.O. Box 800 8631 Rush Street Rosemead, California 91770 (626) 302-6855 Fax (626) 302-4829

Megan Scott-Kakures Vice President, Regulatory Operations

October 7, 2014

ADVICE 3113-E (U 338-E)


SUBJECT: Community Choice Aggregation Tariff Revisions in Compliance with Senate Bill 790

Southern California Edison Company (SCE) hereby submits for filing the following changes to its tariffs. The revised tariff sheets are listed on Attachment A and are attached hereto.


This advice filing revises SCE’s Rule 1, Definitions, and Rule 23, Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), to comply with Public Utilities (P.U.) Code Section 366.2(c)(13) and Section 331.1, which were amended by Senate Bill (SB) 790. This advice filing also modifies: 1) tariff language within Schedule CCA, Community Choice Aggregation, to make clarifying changes and correct minor errors, 2) Form 14-793, Six-Month Advance Notice to Transfer to Direct Access Service, and Form 14-794, Six-Month Notice to Transfer to Bundled Portfolio Service to be used solely for Direct Access (DA) and Community Aggregator (CA) customers, and 3) establishes two new forms, Form 14-954, Six-Month Advance Notice to Transfer to Community Choice Aggregation Service, and Form 14-955, Six-Month Advance Notice to Return to Bundled Portfolio Service (from Community Choice Aggregation Service).


On October 8, 2011, SB 790 was signed into law. As a result, certain P.U. Code sections pertaining to CCA, including Section 366.2, and Section 331.1 were amended. SCE filed Advice 2705-E with the California Public Utilities Commission (Commission) on March 2, 2012, in compliance with the letter from the Energy Division Director on

ADVICE 3113-E (U 338-E) - 2 - October 7, 2014

February 2, 2012.1 Advice 2705-E modified Schedule CCA-INFO, Form 14-769 and Form 14-770 pursuant to SB 790.

SCE has recently identified one change to the Bundled Portfolio Service (BPS) commitment requirement that is mandated by SB 790 but was not included in Advice 2705-E. Therefore, SCE is filing this advice letter to modify its Rule 23 to reflect this change and modify the minimum stay period for CCA customers returning to SCE procurement service from three years to 12 months pursuant to P.U. Code Section 366.2(c)(13) as modified by SB 790. In addition, SCE proposes to separate two existing DA/CCA joint forms to reflect the new BPS Commitment period of 12 months for CCA customers.2 SCE is modifying Form 14-793, Six-Month Advance Notice to Transfer to Direct Access Service and Form 14-794, Six-Month Notice to Transfer to Bundled Portfolio Service to be used solely for DA and CA customers. SCE is also establishing new forms, Form 14-954, Six-Month Advance Notice to Transfer to Community Choice Aggregation Service, and Form 14-955, Six-Month Advance Notice to Return to Bundled Portfolio Service (from Community Choice Aggregation Service) to be used by CCA customers.


Rule 1:

• Modify definition of Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service) to include reference to P.U. Code Section 331.1.

Rule 23:

• Add “Table of Contents”

• Modify definition of CCA in various sections for clarity

• Replace reference of “utility” to “SCE” and clean up format spacing.

• Replace “Energy Service Provider” with “Electric Service Provider” or “ESP.”

• Updated minimum commitment of BPS customers from three years to 12 months

1 The February 2, 2012 letter directed SCE, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, and

Pacific Gas and Electric Company to submit modified CCA Information Fee (i.e., SCE’s Schedule CCA-INFO) tariffs to comply with P.U. Code Section 366.2(c)(9), which was amended by SB 79.

2 Currently, the BPS Commitment period is 18 months as set for DA customers in Rule 23 in the joint DA/CCA forms.

ADVICE 3113-E (U 338-E) - 3 - October 7, 2014

Form 14-793, Six-Month Advance Notice to Transfer to Direct Access Service

• Modify to be used solely for DA and CA customers

• Minor clean-up edits

Form 14-794, Six-Month Notice to Transfer to Bundled Portfolio Service

• Modify to be used solely for DA and CA customers

• Minor clean-up edits

Form 14-954, Six-Month Advance Notice to Transfer to Community Choice Aggregation Service,

• Establish new form for use by CCA customers

Form 14-955, Six-Month Advance Notice to Return to Bundled Portfolio Service (from Community Choice Aggregation Service)

• Establish new form for use by CCA customers

No cost information is required for this advice filing.

This advice filing will not increase any rate or charge, cause the withdrawal of service, or conflict with any other schedule or rule.


Pursuant to General Order (GO) 96-B, Energy Industry Rule 5.1, this advice letter is submitted with a Tier 1 designation.


This advice filing will become effective on the same day as the date filed.


Anyone wishing to protest this advice filing may do so by letter via U.S. Mail, facsimile, or electronically, any of which must be received no later than 20 days after the date of this advice filing. Protests should be mailed to:

ADVICE 3113-E (U 338-E) - 4 - October 7, 2014

CPUC, Energy Division Attention: Tariff Unit 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, California 94102 E-mail:

Copies should also be mailed to the attention of the Director, Energy Division, Room 4004 (same address above).

In addition, protests and all other correspondence regarding this advice letter should also be sent by letter and transmitted via facsimile or electronically to the attention of:

Megan Scott-Kakures Vice President, Regulatory Operations Southern California Edison Company 8631 Rush Street Rosemead, California 91770 Facsimile: (626) 302-4829 E-mail: Michael R. Hoover Director, State Regulatory Affairs c/o Karyn Gansecki Southern California Edison Company 601 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 2030 San Francisco, California 94102 Facsimile: (415) 929-5544 E-mail:

There are no restrictions on who may file a protest, but the protest shall set forth specifically the grounds upon which it is based and shall be submitted expeditiously.

In accordance with Section 4 of GO 96-B, SCE is serving copies of this advice filing to the interested parties shown on the attached GO 96-B, R.12-02-009 and R. 03-10-003 service lists. Address change requests to the GO 96-B service list should be directed by electronic mail to or at (626) 302-4039. For changes to all other service lists, please contact the Commission’s Process Office at (415) 703-2021 or by electronic mail at

Further, in accordance with Public Utilities Code Section 491, notice to the public is hereby given by filing and keeping the advice filing at SCE’s corporate headquarters. To view other SCE advice letters filed with the Commission, log on to SCE’s web site at

ADVICE 3113-E (U 338-E) - 5 - October 7, 2014

For questions, please contact Amy Liu at (626) 302-4019 or by electronic mail at

Southern California Edison Company

/s/ Megan Scott-Kakures

Megan Scott-Kakures MSK:al:jm




MUST BE COMPLETED BY UTILITY (Attach additional pages as needed)

Company name/CPUC Utility No.: Southern California Edison Company (U 338-E)

Utility type: Contact Person: Darrah Morgan

ELC GAS Phone #: (626) 302-2086


E-mail Disposition Notice to:


ELC = Electric GAS = Gas PLC = Pipeline HEAT = Heat WATER = Water

(Date Filed/ Received Stamp by CPUC)

Advice Letter (AL) #: 3113-E Tier Designation: 1

Subject of AL: Community Choice Aggregation Tariff Revisions in Compliance with Senate Bill 790

Keywords (choose from CPUC listing): Compliance

AL filing type: Monthly Quarterly Annual One-Time Other

If AL filed in compliance with a Commission order, indicate relevant Decision/Resolution #:

Does AL replace a withdrawn or rejected AL? If so, identify the prior AL:

Summarize differences between the AL and the prior withdrawn or rejected AL:

Confidential treatment requested? Yes No

If yes, specification of confidential information: Confidential information will be made available to appropriate parties who execute a nondisclosure agreement. Name and contact information to request nondisclosure agreement/access to confidential information:

Resolution Required? Yes No

Requested effective date: 10/7/14 No. of tariff sheets: -62-

Estimated system annual revenue effect: (%):

Estimated system average rate effect (%):

When rates are affected by AL, include attachment in AL showing average rate effects on customer classes (residential, small commercial, large C/I, agricultural, lighting).

Tariff schedules affected: See Attachment A

Service affected and changes proposed1:

Pending advice letters that revise the same tariff sheets: None

1 Discuss in AL if more space is needed.

Protests and all other correspondence regarding this AL are due no later than 20 days after the date of this filing, unless otherwise authorized by the Commission, and shall be sent to:

CPUC, Energy Division Attention: Tariff Unit 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, California 94102


Megan Scott-Kakures Vice President, Regulatory Operations Southern California Edison Company 8631 Rush Street Rosemead, California 91770 Facsimile: (626) 302-4829 E-mail: Michael R. Hoover Director, State Regulatory Affairs c/o Karyn Gansecki Southern California Edison Company 601 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 2030 San Francisco, California 94102 Facsimile: (415) 929-5544 E-mail:

Public Utilities Commission 3113-E Attachment A

Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Title of Sheet

Cancelling Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No.


Revised 55550-E Rule 1 Revised 50437-E Original 55551-E Rule 1 Revised 50437-E

Revised 50439-E Revised 55552-E Rule 1 Revised 50438-E Revised 55553-E Rule 1 Revised 50439-E Revised 55554-E Rule 1 Revised 52476-E Revised 55555-E Rule 1 Revised 52477-E Revised 55556-E Rule 1 Revised 52478-E Revised 55557-E Rule 1 Revised 49028-E Revised 55558-E Rule 1 Revised 22920-E Revised 55559-E Rule 1 Revised 22921-E Revised 55560-E Rule 1 Revised 43786-E Revised 55561-E Rule 1 Revised 52479-E Revised 55562-E Rule 1 Revised 54302-E Revised 55563-E Rule 1 Original 54303-E Revised 55564-E Rule 1 Revised 54304-E Original 55565-E Rule 23 Revised 55566-E Rule 23 Revised 47476-E Revised 55567-E Rule 23 Original 40025-E Revised 55568-E Rule 23 Original 40026-E Revised 55569-E Rule 23 Original 40027-E Revised 55570-E Rule 23 Original 40028-E Revised 55571-E Rule 23 Original 40029-E Revised 55572-E Rule 23 Revised 47068-E* Revised 55573-E Rule 23 Original 40031-E Original 55574-E Rule 23 Original 40031-E Revised 55575-E Rule 23 Revised 47477-E* Revised 55576-E Rule 23 Original 40033-E Revised 55577-E Rule 23 Original 40034-E Revised 55578-E Rule 23 Original 40035-E Revised 55579-E Rule 23 Original 40036-E Revised 55580-E Rule 23 Revised 47196-E Revised 55581-E Rule 23 Revised 47197-E Revised 55582-E Rule 23 Revised 47198-E* Revised 55583-E Rule 23 Original 40040-E Revised 55584-E Rule 23 Original 40041-E Revised 55585-E Rule 23 Original 40042-E Revised 55586-E Rule 23 Original 40043-E Revised 55587-E Rule 23 Original 40044-E Revised 55588-E Rule 23 Original 40045-E Revised 55589-E Rule 23 Revised 47478-E Revised 55590-E Rule 23 Original 40047-E Revised 55591-E Rule 23 Original 40048-E Revised 55592-E Rule 23 Original 40049-E Revised 55593-E Rule 23 Original 40050-E Revised 55594-E Rule 23 Original 40051-E Revised 55595-E Rule 23 Original 40052-E Revised 55596-E Rule 23 Original 40053-E Revised 55597-E Rule 23 Original 40054-E Revised 55598-E Rule 23 Revised 47479-E Revised 55599-E Rule 23 Original 40056-E Revised 55600-E Rule 23 Original 40057-E Revised 55601-E Rule 23 Revised 47480-E

Public Utilities Commission 3113-E Attachment A

Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Title of Sheet

Cancelling Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No.


Revised 55602-E Rule 23 Revised 51315-E Revised 55603-E Rule 23 Original 40060-E Revised 55604-E Rule 23 Original 40061-E Revised 55605-E Form 14-793 Revised 53908-E Revised 55606-E Form 14-794 Revised 51890-E Original 55607-E Form 14-954 Original 55608-E Form 14-955 Revised 55609-E Table of Contents Revised 55261-E Revised 55610-E Table of Contents Revised 55195-E Revised 55611-E Table of Contents Revised 55152-E

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55550-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 50437-E

Rule 1 Sheet 2




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

2H17 Resolution E-4730

California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE). The CARE (formerly LIRA) Program was

established by the Commission in Decisions 89-07-062, 89-09-044, 92-04-024, 92-06-060,

94-12-049 and 95-10-047 for the purpose of providing qualifying CARE households and

Agricultural Employee Housing with a discounted rate for residential service. To qualify for the

CARE Program the total annual gross income of a customer's household must not exceed the

income levels established by the Commission for Universal Lifeline Telephone Service (ULTS).

The ULTS levels are set forth in CPUC General Order 153, Section and reflected in SCE's

Schedule D-CARE Rate, Domestic Service. These ULTS income levels are revised by the

Commission in February of each year.

California Independent System Operator (CAISO): The California Independent System Operator

Corporation, a nonprofit corporation that controls the transmission facilities of all participating

transmission owners and dispatches certain generating units and loads. The CAISO is

responsible for the operation and control of the statewide transmission grid.

Certified Renewable Resource Provider: A renewable resource provider who has obtained

certification from the State of California.

Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service): This service allows customer to

purchase electric power and, at the customer’s election, participate in additional energy efficiency

or conservation programs from non-utility entities known as Community Choice Aggregators

(CCA’s) as defined in Public Utilities (PU) Code Section 331.1.

Community Choice Aggregator (CCA): An entity that provides electric supply services to CCA

Customers within SCE’s service territory as defined in Public Utilities (PU) Code Section 331.1. A

CCA may also provide certain energy efficiency and conservation programs to its CCA customers

as provided for in the tariffs.

Commercial Developments: Consist of two or more enterprises engaged in trade or the furnishing

of services, e.g., shopping centers, sales enterprises, business offices, professional offices, and

educational or governmental complexes.

Commission: The Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, sometimes referred to as

the Public Utilities Commission or the CPUC.

Company: Southern California Edison (See Edison, SCE or Utility)

Competition Transition Charge (CTC): A non-bypassable charge applicable to all existing and

future SCE Bundled Service Customers, all Direct Access Customers, and all Departing Load

Customers for recovery of SCE’s transition costs.

Completed Application: An Application that satisfies all of the information and other requirements

of the tariff schedules, including any required deposit.




Southern California Edison Original Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55551-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 50437-E


Rule 1 Sheet 3 (N)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

3C19 Resolution E-4730

Connected Load: The sum of the rated capacities of all of the customer's equipment that can be

connected to SCE's lines at any one time as more completely described in the rate schedules.

Conservation Incentive Adjustment (CIA) Charge: A non-bypassable charge applicable to all

residential Bundled Service Customers, Direct Access Customers, Direct Access Eligible

Customers, and Community Choice Aggregation Service Customers. The CIA charge creates a

tiered pricing structure to encourage energy conservation by charging higher rates for higher levels

of energy usage. As usage increases, so does the price per kilowatthour.

Consolidated Energy Service Provider (ESP) Billing: A situation in which the ESP presents a

consolidated bill to the Direct Access Customer which includes its own charges and SCE’s charges.

Consolidated SCE Billing: A situation in which SCE presents a consolidated bill to the Direct

Access Customer which includes its own charges and the Energy Service Provider’s charges Customer: The person in whose name service is rendered as evidenced by the signature on the

application, contract, or agreement for that service, or, in the absence of a signed instrument, by the

receipt and payment of bills or Summary Bills regularly issued in his name regardless of the identity

of the actual user of the service. A Customer may also be a party with whom SCE is doing business

with or without a billing relationship. Types of Customers include, but are not limited to the


a) Bundled Service Customer: A customer who takes bundled services from SCE including all

its power requirements purchased by SCE.

b) Community Choice Aggregation Customer (CCA Customer or CCA Service Customer): A customer located within the service area of a CCA who receives electric power procurement

services from the CCA.

c) Distribution Service Customer: A customer who receives or is entitled to receive

Distribution Service through the Distribution System.































Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55552-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 56605-E

Rule 1 Sheet 4 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

4H24 Resolution E-4730

Customer: (Continued)

d) Departing Load Customer: A customer who is served by Departing Load.

e) Direct Access Customer: An End-Use Customer located within SCE’s service territory

who purchases Direct Access services through an Energy Service Provider.

f) End-Use Customer: A customer that takes final delivery of electric power and does not

resell the power.

g) Energy Service Provider (ESP): An ESP utilizing Consolidated ESP Billing.

h) Residential Customer: A domestic class of customer whose dwelling is a single-family

unit, multi-family unit, mobilehome or similar living establishment (See Residential Hotel or

Residential Unit).

Customer’s Mailing Address(es): The physical and electronic mailing address specified in a

customer’s application or contract, or any other address subsequently given to SCE by the

customer, to which any bill, notice or other communication is to be mailed.

Customer Service System (CSS): CSS has its focus at the customer level, not at the meter or

premises level. There are five entities or levels to the design of CSS. These are:

1. Site: The premises where SCE has installed electrical equipment such as meters or

transformers, etc.

2. Installed Service: Actual equipment SCE has placed at a Site.

3. Service Account: Level where service is metered or usage is determined and Tariffs


4. Customer Account: The level of accounts receivable and credit activity. Also the level

at which a billing statement is issued.

5. Customer: An entity or person upon which SCE keeps information or with whom SCE is

doing business with or without a billing relationship. A customer can also be an account

holder and receive billing statements at the Customer Account level.


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55553-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 50439-E

Rule 1 Sheet 5 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

5H15 Resolution E-4730

Date of Presentation: The date upon which a bill or notice is mailed, or delivered by SCE, to the customer.

Departing Load: Departing Load is that portion of an SCE’s customer’s electric load for which the

customer, on or after December 20, 1995: 1. discontinues or reduces its purchase of electricity supply and delivery services from SCE;

and 2. purchases or consumes electricity supplied and delivered by sources other than SCE to

replace such SCE purchases; and 3. remains physically located at the same location or within SCE’s service area as it existed

on December 20, 1995.

The definition of Departing Load specifically does not include: 1. a customer’s load that moves to a new location outside SCE’s service area as it existed

on December 20, 1995; 2. a customer’s load that is no longer served with electricity from any source; 3. a new customer that, after January 1, 1998, locates new load in SCE’s service territory,

provided that it does not purchase electricity from SCE nor uses SCE’s transmission or distribution system (either directly or indirectly through a third party) in any manner to supply electricity to its load, unless the load is served by transmission or distribution facilities which are owned or operated by a local publicly-owned electrical corporation formed after December 20, 1995 or were acquired from SCE by annexation by a local publicly-owned electrical corporation that was in existence as of December 20, 1995; or

4. a customer’s load that is eligible for net energy metering as defined in Public Utilities (PU) Code Sections 2827 – 2827.10.

When an SCE retail customer that purchased electricity from SCE on or after December 20, 1995, subsequently replaces such SCE purchases with purchases from an entity that supplies such retail customer using SCE’s transmission and/or distribution system (other than through a Direct Transaction), that load is classified as Departing Load for that portion of its requirements that are purchased through such an alternative supplier.

Direct Access: A service option where the customer obtains its electric power and ancillary services

from an Energy Service Provider. Direct Transaction: A contract between any one or more electric generators, marketers, or brokers

of electric power and one or more End-Use Customers providing for the purchase and sale of electric power and ancillary services. Direct Transaction may also be referred to as Direct Access.

Distributed Energy Resources Generation (DERG): Includes any newly installed electric

generation technology that meets all of the following criteria: 1. commences initial operation between May 01, 2001 and June 01, 2003 or must

commence operation no later than September 01, 2002 if gas-fired Distributed Energy Resources that are not operated in a combined heat and power application; and

2. is located within a single facility; and 3. is five megawatts or smaller in aggregate capacity; and 4. serves onsite loads or over-the-fence transactions allowed under PU Code Sections

216 and 218; and 5. is powered by any fuel other than diesel; and 6. complies with emission standards and guidance adopted by the State Air Resources

Board pursuant to Sections 41514.9 and 41514.10 of the Health and Safety Code or emissions levels equivalent to nine parts per million oxides of nitrogen whichever standard is in effect at the time the Distributed Energy Resources generator is being used; and

7. units shall comply with the applicable best available control technology as determined by the air pollution control district or air quality management district in which they are located.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55554-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 52476-E

Rule 1 Sheet 6 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

6H14 Resolution E-4730

Distributed Energy Resources Generation (DERG): (Continued) A customer who has installed DERG will be subject to the same rates, rules, and requirements of

those of a customer served under the same rate schedule who has not installed DERG only until June 1, 2006 when the DERG is not operated in a combined heat and power application or June 1, 2011 when the DERG is operated in a combined heat and power application.

Distribution Line Extension: New distribution facilities of SCE that is a continuation of, or branch

from, the nearest available existing permanent Distribution Line (including any facility rearrangements and relocations necessary to accommodate the Distribution Line Extension) to the point of connection of the last service. SCE’s Distribution Line Extension includes transmission underbuilds and converting an existing single-phase line to three-phase in order to furnish three-phase service to an Applicant, but excludes service transformers, meters and services.

Distribution Lines: Overhead and underground facilities which are operated at distribution voltages,

and which are designed to supply two (2) or more services. Distribution System: Those non-CAISO transmission and distribution facilities owned, controlled,

and operated by SCE that are used to provide distribution service under the tariffs. Domestic Service: Service for residential use at a Single-Family Dwelling premises. Any service for

other than residential use at a Single-Family Dwelling premises may be served through the domestic service meter only where such nondomestic connected load does not exceed 300 watts for lighting or 2 hp for power.

Domestic Farm Service: Single-phase service for light or power will be considered domestic farm

service provided: 1. The service is furnished through the farm operator's domestic meter; 2. The service is used only for farming operations, in addition to domestic purposes, on the

farm furnished the service; 3. Monthly billing: The total use on the domestic farm service meter does not exceed

2,500 kilowatthours per month in each of three consecutive months or a total of 20,000 kilowatthours in any twelve consecutive months;

4. Bimonthly billing: The total use through the domestic farm service meter does not exceed 10,000 kilowatthours in any two consecutive bimonthly periods or a total of 20,000 kilowatthours in any twelve consecutive months.

Domestic Heat Pump Customer: A domestic heat pump customer is one who has installed a

central heat pump unit of not less than 3 hp (nameplate rating), which is used exclusively to heat and cool the domestic Single-Family Dwelling.

Edison: Southern California Edison (See Company, SCE or Utility) Electric Service Provider: See Energy Service Provider. Electric Supply: Electric energy or power. Electric Vehicle: An electric vehicle is any vehicle propelled in whole or in part by electrical energy

stored on-board for the purpose of propulsion, and where charging of the on-board electrical storage is provided, in whole or in part, through a connection to the utility distribution system. Types of electric vehicles include, but are not limited to, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), battery electric vehicles (BEV), electric golf carts, or neighborhood electric vehicles (NEV).

Electronic Record: A record created, generated, sent, communicated received, or stored by

electronic means.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55555-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 56606-E

Rule 1 Sheet 7 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

7C18 Resolution E-4730

Electronic Signature: An electronic sound, symbol, or process attached to or logically associated

with an electronic record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the electronic


Electronic Transfer: Paperless exchange of data and/or funds, usually involving computer and

telecommunication technology.

Energy Service Provider (ESP): An entity that provides electric power and ancillary services

(including, but not limited to, aggregators, brokers, and marketers, but excluding utilities) to an

End-Use Customer. An End-Use Customer can act as its own ESP as long as it complies with all

requirements of being an ESP. Also referred to as Electric Service Provider. General Service: Service to any lighting or power installation except those eligible for service on

single-family and multifamily domestic, street lighting, outdoor area lighting, traffic control, resale,

or standby schedules. No customer for whom a single-family or multifamily schedule is applicable

may transfer to or newly take service under a general service schedule. Domestic service which is

on a separate meter from a Single-Family or Multifamily Accommodation shall be served under a

general service schedule.

Heating Service: Service to any apparatus employing the resistance of conductors to transform

electric energy into heat.

Hourly Metering: See Meter, specifically Interval Data Recorder (IDR) Meter.

Housing Project: A building or group of buildings located on a single premises and containing

residential dwelling units for which master metering of electric service at one location has been

installed in accordance with tariffs in effect at the time of installation.

Independent Verification Agent (IVA): An agent who verifies a change in Direct Access service in

accordance with Public Utilities Code Sections 366(d) and 366(e).

Industrial Developments: Consist of two or more enterprises engaged in a process which creates a

product or changes materials into another form or product.

Intermittent Service: Service which, in the opinion of SCE, is subject to discontinuance for a time or

at intervals.

Lighting Service: Service to any apparatus transforming electric energy into light for all visual

purposes except those specified under "Power Service."

Mailed: Any notice or other communication will be considered "mailed" when sent by electronic

means or when it is enclosed in a sealed envelope, properly addressed, and deposited in any

United States Post Office box, postage prepaid.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55556-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 52478-E

Rule 1 Sheet 8 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

8C13 Resolution E-4730

Marketer: Any entity that buys electric energy, transmission and other services and resells those services at wholesale or to an End-Use Customer.

Maximum Demand: The average kilowatts during the specified time interval when the customer's

use is greatest in the billing period as indicated or recorded by the meter. Meter: The instrument used for measuring the electricity delivered to the customer.

Interval Data Recorder (IDR) Meter: A metering device capable of recording minimum data required. Minimum data requirements include (a) hourly usage required for the Direct Access settlement process; and (b) data required to bill SCE’s distribution tariffs including 15-minute demand data. Also referred to as Hourly Metering.

Edison SmartConnect™ Meter: A SCE-owned advanced (IDR) meter having two-way

wireless remote communication and interface capability enabling customers to proactively manage their energy use.

Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA): the entity that takes raw meter outputs, validates them

using validation, editing and estimating rules, adds corollary information needed to characterize the customer, and makes complete customer information available to others for use in various applications.

Metering Facilities: The necessary meter, instrument transformers, test facilities, data

communication equipment, and other associated metering equipment. Meter Service Provider (MSP): the entity that installs, validates, registers, and maintains the

physical meter required on a premise to measure the required variables. Meter Systems: the meter, the meter reading system/ and the meter data management server. Midnight Service: Midnight or equivalent service time reference as provided on Schedule

Nos. LS-1,LS-2, and OL-1, shall be standard clock time on the first of January of each year and shall not change throughout the year.

Mobilehome: A mobilehome is a structure designed for human habitation and for being moved on a

street or highway under permit pursuant to the California Vehicle Code. Mobilehome also includes a manufactured home as defined in the California Health and Safety Code, but does not include a recreational vehicle as defined herein or a commercial coach as defined in the California Health and Safety Code.

Mobilehome Park: A mobilehome park is an area of land where two or more mobilehome sites are

rented, or held out for rent, to accommodate mobilehomes used for human habitation. A mobilehome park is not a recreational vehicle park.

Multifamily Accommodation: An apartment building, duplex, mobilehome, mobilehome park,

Qualifying Recreational Vehicle Unit, Qualifying Recreational Vehicle Park, Owner Lot Recreational Vehicle Park, or any other group of permanent residential Single-Family Dwellings located upon a single premises, providing the residential dwellings therein meet the requirements for a Single-Family Dwelling. A Multifamily Accommodation does not include hotels, motels, residential hotels, guest or resort ranches, marinas, tourist camps, recreational vehicle parks, campgrounds, halfway houses, rooming houses, boarding houses, institutions, dormitories, rest or nursing homes, military barracks, or any enterprise that includes or rents to either transient tenants or transient accommodations.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55557-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 49028-E

Rule 1 Sheet 9 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

9H16 Resolution E-4730

Multiple Occupancy Building: A building of multiple occupancy provided with continuous outer

wall construction including, but not limited to, apartments, condominiums, townhouses and

commercial buildings.

Nominal Voltage: The nominal voltage of a circuit is the approximate voltage between conductors

in a circuit or system of a given class, assigned for the purpose of convenient designation. For

any specific nominal voltage, the operating voltage actually existing at various points and at

various times on the system is subject to normal distribution variation.

Otherwise Applicable Tariff (OAT): The customer’s regularly filed rate schedule under which

service is rendered.

Owner Lot Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parks: Owner Lot RV Parks are common interest

developments governed by the requirements of the Davis Sterling Common Interest Development

Act, which is codified in California Civil Code sections 1350 through 1378. In such common

interest developments, there is no park owner that operates the park and leases lots in the park

as a business enterprise. Instead, each of the common interest development park's lots are

individually owned as single family residences and the common interest development park is

managed by a nonprofit corporation or unincorporated association. In addition to the individually

owned lots, there may be a common area that is either owned and maintained by the association

or in common by the individual lot owners who each possess the right to use the common area.

The Owner Lot RV Parks are configured as master-metered parks in which SCE delivers electrical

service to the park’s master meter and the park’s managing entity provides submetered service to

the individual lots and common areas. Paid or Payment: Funds received by SCE through postal service, SCE payment office, SCE

authorized agent, or deposited in SCE account by Electronic Transfer.

Permanent Service: Service which, in the opinion of SCE, is of a permanent and established

character. This may be continuous, intermittent, or seasonal in nature.

Person: Any individual, partnership, corporation, public agency, or other organization operating as

a single entity.

Point of Delivery: The point where conductors of SCE are connected to the conductors of the

customer, regardless of the location of SCE's meters or transformers. SCE conductors may be

owned, leased, or under license by SCE, and the conductors of the customer may be owned,

leased, or under license by the customer.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55558-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 22920-E

Rule 1 Sheet 10 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

10C13 Resolution E-4730

Power Service: Service to apparatus or equipment used for purposes other than lighting shall be

considered as power service. Lamps or lights used for purposes which, in the opinion of SCE, are

not general illumination purposes are classed as power service, such as the following: motion

picture projection, motion picture and television production, production of stimulating the growth or

yield of agricultural products, pilot or indicating lights on power control equipment, and lighting

used as an aid in the operation of a motor-driven production machine for the purpose of checking

tool settings or dial readings, measuring or inspecting the product while on the machine, when the

lamps are installed as an integral part of the machine and energized from its power supply.

Premises: All of the real property and apparatus employed in a single enterprise on an integral

parcel of land undivided, excepting in the case of industrial, agricultural, oil field, resort

enterprises, and public or quasi-public institutions, by a dedicated street, highway, or other public

thoroughfare, or a railway. Automobile parking lots constituting a part of and adjacent to a single

enterprise may be separated by an alley from the remainder of the premises served.

Public Purpose Programs Charge: A non-bypassable surcharge imposed on all retail sales of

electricity to fund public goods research, development and demonstration, energy efficiency

activities, and low income assistance programs.

Public Utilities Commission: The Public Utilities Commission of the State of California.

Pull Box: An enclosure for joining conductors which also provides by its size, arrangement, and

location the necessary facilities for pulling the conductors into place. This term as used here

includes structures also known as "manhole," "hand hole," and "switch board pull section."

Qualified Customer: As determined by SCE, those customers having met the criteria and supplied

the facilities for electric service under SCE's Tariff Schedules, and/or having special skills and

equipment necessary to participate with SCE in business services.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55559-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 22921-E

Rule 1 Sheet 11 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

11C13 Resolution E-4730

Qualified Contractor/Subcontractor (QC/S): An applicant's contractor or subcontractor who:

1. Is licensed in California for the appropriate type of work such as, but not limited to,

electrical and general;

2. Employs workmen properly certified for specific required skills such as, but not limited to,

plastic fusion and welding. Electric workmen shall be properly qualified (qualified

Electrical Worker, Qualified Person, etc.) as defined in State of California High Voltage

Safety Orders (Title 8, Subchapter 5, Group 2).

3. Complies with applicable laws such as, but not limited to, Equal Opportunity regulations,


Qualifying Recreational Vehicle (RV) Unit: An RV Unit that is used as a permanent single-family

residence at the same location in an RV park or on a single premises for at least nine months out

of the year; is not used for recreational purposes; and is not removed from its space or location on

a regular basis.

Quasi-public Institutions: Public utilities, educational institutions, and hospitals, whether publicly

or privately owned, where the property, campus or hospital grounds extend over relatively large

areas through which public streets may run.

Rate Area: A specified area within which a rate schedule or schedules apply.

Rate Charges: Charges in the rate schedules may include the following:

Customer Charge: That portion of the charge for service which is a fixed amount without regard

to connected load, demand, or energy consumption in accordance with the rate schedule.

Demand Charge: That portion of the charge for service which varies with the billing demand in

accordance with the rate schedule.

Energy Charge: That portion of the charge for service which varies with the quantity of energy

consumed in accordance with the rate schedule.

Minimum Charge: The least amount for which service will be rendered in accordance with the

rate schedule.

Service Charge: That portion of the charge for service which is a fixed amount based on

connected load in accordance with the rate schedule.

Standby Charge: That portion of the charge for standby service which is a fixed amount based on

the maximum load SCE stands ready to supply in accordance with the rate schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55560-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 43786-E

Rule 1 Sheet 12 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

12C13 Resolution E-4730

Rate Schedule: May be one or more tariff sheets setting forth the charges and conditions for a

particular class or type of service in a given area or location. A rate schedule, as referred to

herein, shall include all the wording on the applicable tariff sheet or sheets, such as, but not

limited to the following: Schedule Number, Class of Service, Character or Applicability, Territory,

Rates, Conditions, and reference to Rules.

Recreational Vehicle: A recreational vehicle (RV), as defined in the California Health and Safety

Code, is a motorhome, slide-in camper, park trailer, or camping trailer, with or without motive

power, designed for human habitation for recreational or emergency occupancy.

Recreational Vehicle Park: A recreational vehicle (RV) park is an area or tract of land or a

separate designated section within a mobilehome park where one or more lots are occupied by

owners or users of recreational vehicles as defined herein.

Residential Customer: See definition of Customer

Residential Hotel: A hotel establishment which leases residential units as permanent primary

residences and at least 50% of its total residential units are leased for a minimum period of one

month and each of said leased units is occupied for at least nine months of the year. Residential

hotels do not include establishments such as guest or resort hotels; resort motels or resort

ranches; tourist camps; recreational vehicle parks; trailer parks; halfway houses; rooming houses;

boarding houses; dormitories; clubhouses; rest homes; convalescent homes; retirement homes;

military barracks; or a house, apartment, or any other residential dwelling unit used by a single

family, an organization, or a group of persons.

Residential Unit: A residential dwelling unit consisting of a room or group of rooms which do not

qualify as single-family dwellings. Residential units may be used as permanent primary dwellings,

as transient tenant accommodations, and by organizations or groups of persons. When a

residential unit is used as a permanent primary residence, use shall be domestic service. When

such unit is used by a transient tenant, an organization, or a group of persons, use shall be

nondomestic service.

Retailer: Any entity, whether it is a non-utility generator, aggregator, broker, or marketer, which

offers electric power service to End-Use Customers.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55561-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 52479-E

Rule 1 Sheet 13 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

13H14 Resolution E-4730

Rules: Tariff sheets which set forth the application of all rates, charges, and service when such applicability is not set forth in and as part of the rate schedules.

SCE: Southern California Edison (See Company, Edison, or Utility). SCE's Operating Convenience: The term refers to the utilization, under certain circumstances, or

facilities or practices not ordinarily employed which contribute to the overall efficiency of SCE's operations; it does not refer to customer convenience nor to the use of facilities or adoption of practices required to comply with applicable laws, ordinances, rules or regulations, or similar requirements of public authorities.

Scheduling Coordinator (SC): An entity certified by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

that acts as a go-between with the CAISO on behalf of generators, supply aggregators (wholesale marketers), retailers, and customers to schedule the supply and consumption of electricity.

Seasonal Service: Service to establishments which are occupied seasonally or intermittently, such

as seasonal resorts, cottages or other part-time establishments. Separate SCE/ESP Billing: A situation in which SCE and an Energy Service Provider each bill a

customer separately for their own services. Service Account: For Direct Access, the Service Account is where electric power and ancillary

services are delivered and recorded (metered) for billing purposes. See also the definition of “CSS”. Service Wires or Connection: The group of conductors, whether overhead or underground,

necessary to connect the service entrance conductors of the customer to SCE's supply line, regardless of the location of SCE's meters or transformers. An overhead service connection, sometimes referred to as a "service drop," is the group of conductors between the customer's building or other permanent support and SCE's adjacent pole.

Service Extension: The overhead and underground primary or secondary facilities (including, but

not limited to SCE-owned Service Facilities and Applicant-owned service facilities) extending from the point of connection at the Distribution Line to the Service Delivery Point. When an underground Service Extension is supplied from a SCE-designated overhead pole, the beginning point of connection to SCE’s Distribution Line shall be where the Service Extension is connected to SCE’s overhead Distribution Line conductors.

Signature: Either an original “wet” signature or an Electronic Signature, except where statute,

regulation, contract, tariff or SCE policy require that a customer or client signature must be a “wet” original signature. Agreements, unless they expressly provide otherwise, may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument or agreement. Unless otherwise required by statute, regulation, contract, or SCE tariff or policy, documents bearing signatures may be transmitted in person or by: (1) mail by regular or commercial carrier, (2) fax, or (3) e-mail attaching a copy of the document.

Single Enterprise: A separate business or other individual activity carried on by a customer. The

term does not apply to associations or combinations of customers. Single-Family Dwelling: A house, an apartment, a flat, mobilehome, Qualifying Recreational Vehicle

Unit, Qualifying Residential Unit, or any other permanent residential dwelling which contains cooking facilities (not necessarily electric) and which is used as a residence by a single family either in a Multifamily Accommodation or Single-Family Accommodation.

Single-Family Accommodation: A building of single occupancy that does not share common walls, floors, or ceilings with other Single-Family Dwellings.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55562-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 54302-E

Rule 1 Sheet 14 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

14H17 Resolution E-4730

Small Business Customer: For purposes of assessing deposits and effectuating certain rebills in

accordance with Decision 10-10-032 and Decision 10-11-037, in Rule 1, Rule 7.A, Rule 11.B, and

Rule 17.C and D, a Small Business Customer is a non-residential customer with either a demand

of 20 kW or less during the previous calendar year, or an annual usage of 40,000 kWh or less

during the previous calendar year. For customers with more than one service account, SCE will

aggregate monthly usage data over that calendar year, and will aggregate the maximum peak

annual demand for each service account. This definition of Small Business Customer excludes

customers on rate schedules for fixed usage and unmetered service (Schedules LS-1, LS-2, OL-

1, TC-1, Wi-Fi-1, and WTR). Per Decision 10-10-032 and Decision 10-11-037, to be treated as a

“Small Business Customer” under this definition, non-residential customers who do not meet the

above-described electric demand or usage criteria, or for whom SCE lacks 12 months of data

from the previous calendar year, may self-certify as a “Micro-Business” under California

Government Code 14837 by submitting SCE Form 14-904, Southern California Edison Company

Micro-Business Self-Certification Affidavit. Small Business Customer – California Climate Credit: For purposes of receiving the California

Climate Credit from the State of California, customers are designated as Small Business

Customers and are eligible to receive the California Climate Credit if they are a non-residential

customer receiving service under a General Service or Agricultural Pumping rate schedule with

an electric Billing Demand that does not exceed 20 kW in more than three months within the

previous twelve-month period. For customers that lack twelve months of billing data, Small

Business Customer eligibility is based on the customer’s rate schedule in addition to the number

of times the customer has exceeded 20 kW. Customers who meet the eligibility criteria for Small

Business Customers but who are designated as Emissions-Intensive and Trade-Exposed (EITE)

are not considered Small Business Customers under this definition and are not eligible to receive

the California Climate Credit. Customers receiving generation services from the City of Cerritos,

the City of Corona and the Eastside Power Authority are not eligible to receive the California

Climate Credit.

Small Customer/Applicant: Applicants for service and customers served under Domestic Rate

Schedules and Schedules GS-1, TOU-GS-1, TOU-GS-1-RTP, TOU-EV-3, PA-1, AL-2, LS-1, LS-

2, LS-3, OL-1, and TC-1.

Small Commercial Customer: Customers served under Schedules GS-1, TOU-GS-1,

TOU-GS-1-RTP, and TOU-EV-3. Standby Service: Service supplied to customers who normally obtain their power requirements

from sources other than SCE. Under this service SCE provides a permanent service connection

to supply the customer's contracted load in accordance with the provisions of Schedules S, TOU-

8-S or TOU-8-RTP-S.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55563-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Original Cal. PUC Sheet No. 54303-E

Rule 1 Sheet 15 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

15C13 Resolution E-4730

Statistical Load Profile: The result of a statistical sampling technique which estimates a group of

customers’ hourly energy consumption calculated over a given period of time and allows such

customers with load variances to be represented by a single measurement. Load profiles will be

used to determine hourly energy consumption for customers who engage in Direct Access

Transactions and who are eligible for using Statistical Load Profiles consistent with Commission


Street Lighting Service: Service to any lighting apparatus used primarily for the illumination of

streets, alleys, highways, or other public ways.

Summary Bill: A Customer Account Statement that includes charges for multiple service accounts.

Any customer with a minimum of two service accounts can participate in summary billing.

Tariff Schedules: The entire body of effective rates, rentals, charges, and rules collectively of

SCE, as set forth herein, and including title page, preliminary statement, service area maps, rate

schedules, list of contracts and deviations, rules, and sample forms.

Tariff Sheet: An individual sheet of the tariff schedules.

Temporary Service: Service for enterprises or activities which are temporary in character or where

it is known in advance that service will be of limited duration. Service, which in the opinion of

SCE, is for operations of a speculative character or the permanency of which has not been

established, also is considered temporary service.

Tract or Subdivision: An area for family dwellings which may be identified by filed subdivision

plans or as an area in which a group of dwellings may be constructed about the same time, either

by a large scale builder or by several builders working on a coordinated basis.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55564-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 54304-E

Rule 1 Sheet 16 (T)



(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

16C13 Resolution E-4730

Traffic Signal Systems: A system or device utilized 24 hours a day that provides for the safe flow

of traffic and is utilized in the interest of public safety.

Utility: Southern California Edison (See Company, Edison, or SCE).

Utility Distribution Company (UDC): Also known as “Edison”, “SCE”, or “Utility”. An entity that

owns a distribution system and provides regulated services for the distribution of electric power to

customers. Utility Users Tax: A tax imposed by local governments on SCE’s customers. SCE is required to

bill customers within the city or county for the taxes due, collect the taxes from customers, and

then pay the taxes to the city or county. The tax is calculated as a percentage of the charges

billed by SCE for energy use.

Violence: Types of violence are to include, but are not limited to, death or injury with a weapon,

inflicting bodily harm, allowing animals to attack, physically detaining an employee against his/her

will, and/or tearing employee's clothing.

Water Suppliers: Establishments primarily engaged in distributing water for sale for domestic,

commercial, and industrial use.

Written Transaction: An action or set of actions occurring between two or more Persons relating

to the conduct of business, including the formation of contracts and agreements that are

conducted or performed in writing. Unless prohibited by statue, regulation, contract, tariff or SCE

policy, written transactions include those conducted or performed, in whole or in part, by

electronic means or records, in which the acts or records of one or both parties are not reviewed

by an individual in the ordinary course in forming a contract, performing under an existing

contract, or fulfilling an obligation required by the transaction.

X-Ray Service: Service to any apparatus transforming electric energy into radiations similar to light

but having wave lengths from .0006 to 2 angstroms.

Zone: Zones are defined by zip code for purposes of establishing discretionary service fees under

Direct Access.

Southern California Edison Original Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55565-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Cal. PUC Sheet No.

Rule 23 Sheet 1



(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

1H18 Resolution E-4730



Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55566-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 47476-E

Rule 23 Sheet 2 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

2C19 Resolution E-4730

Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service) permits cities, counties, a city and county, or any group of cities and counties, as defined by PU Code Section 331.1 whose governing board(s) have elected to do so, or have elected to form a joint powers agency to do so, or the Kings River Conservation District, the Sonoma County Water Agency, or any California public agency possessing statutory authority to generate and deliver electricity at retail within its designated jurisdiction provided the cities and counties within, or contiguous to, its jurisdiction have by resolution requested the agency to do so, to aggregate the electric loads of SCE end-use customers within their service areas for the purposes of acquiring and providing their electric power needs. These entities are hereinafter referred to as Community Choice Aggregators (CCA), to provide electric services to SCE end-use customers located within their service area(s) as set forth in California Public Utilities (PU) Code Section 366.2 and other Commission directives. Customers that have not elected to opt-out of CCA Service or at the customer’s election shall have their electric power procured by the CCA. The following terms and conditions apply to both SCE customers and CCAs who participate in CCA Service and are not meant to include all requirements that may otherwise be mandated to comply with state laws, the PU Code, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Rules, and California Independent System Operator (CAISO) Rules applicable to CCAs and CCA Service. CCA Service shall refer to the electric service provided by a CCA to any group of end-use electric customers located within the service area of the CCA who have not elected to opt-out from such service and receive electricity procurement and other related services from the CCA. A. CUSTOMER SERVICE ELECTIONS

1. SCE Bundled Services This service preserves traditional utility electric services, under which SCE performs all

electric energy services for the end-use customer including metering, billing, collection, and customer services. Customers not receiving service under CCA Service or Direct Access Service shall receive service under SCE Bundled Services.

2. Non-SCE Energy Services

a. Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service)

This service permits cities, counties, a city and county, or any group of cities, counties, or cities and counties, as defined by PU Code Section 331.1, whose governing boards have elected to do so, to aggregate the electric load of SCE end-use customers within their service areas for the purposes of acquiring and providing their electric power needs. These entities are CCAs. Customers that have not elected to opt-out of CCA Service or at the customer’s election shall have their electric power procured by the CCA.

b. Direct Access

This service election allows customers to purchase electric power and, at the customer’s election, additional energy services from non-SCE entities known as Electric Service Providers (ESPs). Direct Access service is governed by Rule 22. Direct Access customers are eligible for CCA Service participation pursuant to the provisions set forth in Section G of this Rule.

(N) | | | | | | (N) (N) (N) (T)

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55567-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Original Cal. PUC Sheet No. 40025-E

Rule 23 Sheet 3 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

3C15 Resolution E-4730


1. Definitions

The definitions of principal terms used in this Rule are found either herein or in Rule 1, Definitions. Unless otherwise stated, all references to “customer” in this Rule will refer to SCE customers that have service accounts within a CCA’s service area. Unless otherwise stated, all references to “service account” shall refer to individual customer meters. Unless otherwise stated, all references to “utility” shall refer to SCE. Unless other stated all references to “CCA Service Customer” shall refer to “CCA Customer” as defined in Rule 1. The descriptive section headings of this Rule have been inserted for convenience of reference only and shall in no way define, modify or restrict any of the terms and provisions thereof.

2. General Obligations of SCE

a. Non-Discrimination SCE shall discharge its responsibilities under this Rule in a fully cooperative, fair and non-discriminatory manner as to providers of all commodities and services, which are subject to CCA and Direct Access Service. Pursuant to D.05-12-041, fully cooperative is defined to mean SCE shall facilitate the CCA program and a CCA’s efforts to implement it to the extent reasonable and in ways that do not compromise other SCE services.

b. Requests for SCE Services

SCE shall process requests for similar SCE services, such as Community Choice Aggregation Service Requests (CCASRs), in the same manner and within the same period of time for all CCAs and their respective customers.

c. Timeliness and Due Diligence

Consistent with State law and Commission decisions, SCE shall exercise due diligence in meeting its obligations and deadlines under this Rule so as to implement CCA Service as quickly as possible.

d. Transmission and Distribution Service

Subject to the terms and conditions of the CCA Service Agreement (Form 14-768), applicable SCE tariffs, applicable FERC rules and CCA's and customer's compliance with their terms and conditions, SCE shall provide transmission and distribution services under applicable tariffs and contracts for delivery of electric power to CCA customers.

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Rule 23 Sheet 4 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

4C15 Resolution E-4730

B. GENERAL TERMS (Continued) 3. General Obligations of CCAs

a. Timeliness and Due Diligence

CCAs shall exercise due diligence in meeting their obligations and deadlines under this Rule, applicable laws and Commission decisions. CCAs shall make all payments owed to SCE under this Rule in a timely manner subject to applicable payment dispute provisions.

b. Arrangements with CCA Customers

CCAs shall be solely responsible for having contractual or other arrangements with their customers necessary to implement CCA consistent with all applicable laws, Commission requirements and this Rule. SCE shall not be responsible for monitoring, reviewing or enforcing such contracts or arrangements.

c. Scheduling Coordinator

As a requirement of this Rule, CCAs providing electric power shall have one

or more Scheduling Coordinators. SCE shall not be responsible for enforcing

requirements applicable to the performance of Scheduling Coordinators.

4. Transfer of Cost Obligations Between CCAs and Customers

Nothing in this Rule is intended to prevent CCAs and customers from agreeing to

reallocate between them any costs for CCA Services which are designated in this

Rule to be paid by either of them.

5. Responsibility for Electric Purchases

CCAs have exclusive responsibility for obtaining and providing the electric power needs (including ancillary services) of their CCA customers and to deliver such power to the necessary grid location required to serve electric power needs to those customers.

6. SCE Not Liable for CCA Services

If a customer receives service from a CCA, SCE has no obligations to the customer

with respect to the services provided by the CCA. The customer must look to the

CCA to carry out the responsibilities associated with that service.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55569-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Original Cal. PUC Sheet No. 40027-E

Rule 23 Sheet 5 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

5C15 Resolution E-4730

B. GENERAL TERMS (Continued)

7. CCA Not Liable for SCE Services

To the extent the customer receives service from SCE, a CCA has no obligations to the customer with respect to the services provided by SCE. The customer must look to SCE to carry out the responsibilities associated with that service.

8. Load Aggregation for Procuring Electric Power

CCAs may aggregate individually metered electric loads located within the service area of the CCA only for the purpose of procuring electric power and ancillary services. Load aggregation shall not be used to determine SCE charges or tariff applicability. The right of customers to physically aggregate by combining multiple accounts into a single metered account as permitted under Commission-approved tariffs is not restricted by this section.

9. Split Loads Not Allowed

Customers participating in CCA may not partition the electric loads of an individual service account among electric service options or providers. The entire load of an individual service account must receive service under only one electric service option or provider.

10. Residential Customers

All residential customers, as defined in Rule 1, located within a CCA’s service area shall be offered CCA Service.

11. Interval Metering

Interval metering shall refer to a meter device capable of recording the minimum data required for (a) hourly data required for the CCA Service settlement process; and (b) data required to bill SCE distribution tariffs.

12. Statistical Load Profiles

SCE shall provide statistical load profiles, in place of Interval Metering, to permit SCE or CCA to compute the bills for all CCA customers who have service accounts where interval metering data is not provided to the CCA. Statistical load profiles shall be applied as authorized by the Commission.

13 Master Metered Customers Individual master metered customers who provide sub-metered tenant billings, may participate in CCA Service as a single account. A master metered customer may not partition the electric loads of a single master meter among several electric service options or providers. The entire load of a single master meter must receive service under one electric service option and provider.

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Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Original Cal. PUC Sheet No. 40028-E

Rule 23 Sheet 6 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

6C16 Resolution E-4730

B. GENERAL TERMS (Continued) 14. Service Fees and Other Charges

a. SCE costs for services provided to a CCA or CCA Customer shall be charged to

the CCA or customer as set forth in the appropriate SCE rate schedule. SCE may charge service fees for CCA related services described in this Rule only for the incremental costs associated with providing these services and provided that service fees do not assess charges on CCAs for billing processes or customer services that are unrelated to services and customer billings associated with the CCA’s CCA Service or are collected in other SCE rates, charges or fees.

b. SCE Service charges approved by the Commission, which may include, but are

not limited to, service establishment charges and special meter reading fees, which are contained within or authorized by other tariffs are not affected by this Rule.

c. Service fees for CCA Services are described in Schedule CCA-SF and Schedule


15. Non-bypassable Obligations

As a condition of participating in CCA Service, CCA customers shall be responsible to pay for all non-bypassable charges authorized by the Commission and which SCE may recover from customers in accordance with state law. SCE shall continue to bill the customer for such charges. Disputed charges shall be resolved pursuant to the provisions set forth in Rule 10.

16. Franchise Fees And Other Charges

CCA Customers shall continue to be responsible to pay all applicable fees, surcharges and taxes as authorized by law. SCE shall bill customers for franchise fees as set forth in PU Code Sections 6350 to 6354, and for fees as set forth in PU Code Sections 401 to 410. The CCA and SCE shall each be responsible for calculating other fees, taxes, and surcharges for their respective services.

17. Liability In Connection With CCA Services

a. In this Section, “damages” shall include all losses, harm, costs, and detriment,

both direct and consequential, suffered by the customer.

b. SCE shall not be liable to the customer or CCA for any damages caused by SCE’s conduct in compliance with, or as permitted by, SCE’s electric rules and tariffs, the CCA Service Agreement and associated legal and regulatory requirements related to CCA Service.

c. SCE shall not be liable to the customer for any damages caused to the customer

by any failure by CCA to comply with SCE’s tariffs, the CCA Service Agreement and associated legal and regulatory requirements related to CCA Service.

(T) (T)

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Rule 23 Sheet 7 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

7C17 Resolution E-4730

B. GENERAL TERMS (Continued)

17. Liability In Connection With CCA Services (Continued) d. The Commission shall have initial jurisdiction to interpret, add, delete or modify

any provision of this Rule or the CCA Service Agreement, and to resolve disputes regarding SCE’s performance of its obligations under SCE’s tariffs, the CCA Service Agreement and requirements related to CCA Service, including any disputes regarding delays in the implementation of CCA.

e. SCE shall not be liable to the customer for any damages caused by CCA’s

failure to perform its obligations to the customer, including, but not limited to the obligation to provide electric supply services to the customer. The CCA shall not be liable to the customer for any damages caused by SCE’s failure to perform its obligations to the customer.

f. A CCA is not SCE’s agent for any purpose. SCE shall not be liable to the

customer for any damages resulting from any acts, omissions, or representations made by CCA in connection with soliciting customers for CCA Service or performing any of its functions in rendering CCA Service.

g. SCE is not the CCA’s agent for any purpose. The CCA shall not be liable to the

customer for any damages resulting from any acts, omissions, or representations made by SCE in connection with soliciting customers for CCA Service or performing any of its functions in rendering CCA Service.

18. CCA Implementation Plan

A CCA shall develop an Implementation Plan, as defined in PU Code Section 366.2(c)(3).

19. Sixty (60) Day Period

A Sixty (60) Day Period is a period of time equal to sixty (60) calendar days. For purposes of this Rule, two billing cycles or two calendar months are also equal to 60 calendar days.

20. Automatic Enrollment Automatic Enrollment is the process whereby a CCA can automatically enroll an eligible SCE customer in CCA Service. Customer participation in CCA Service may not require a positive written declaration, but all customers shall be informed of their right to opt-out of CCA Service. If no negative declaration is made by the customer during the initial 60-day initial notification period or the 60-day follow-up notification period, the customer shall be served through the CCA’s CCA Service. Automatic Enrollment is the transfer of a customer’s service account to CCA Service with no action taken by the customer to initiate the transfer.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55572-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 47068-E*

Rule 23 Sheet 8 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

8H16 Resolution E-4730

B. GENERAL TERMS (Continued)

21. CCA Customer Notification

CCA Customer Notification is the required CCA customer notification that informs customers of the CCA’s CCA Service. The CCA Customer Notification must inform customers that (a) they are to be automatically enrolled in CCA Service, (b) the terms and conditions of CCA Service, and (c) the customer has the right to opt-out of CCA Service. The notification must also include a mechanism by which a potential customer may opt-out of CCA Service. To qualify for Automatic Enrollment the CCA shall fully inform participating customers (1) at least twice during a sixty (60) day period in advance of the date of Automatic Enrollment, and (2) at least twice during a 60-day period following enrollment in a CCA’s Service.

22. Opt-Out of Automatic Enrollment

The term “opt-out” or “opt out” is the customer’s election not to be served under CCA Service and to continue to receive its existing service. In order to exercise its right not to participate in CCA Service, a customer must request to “opt out” of CCA Service through the required action as prescribed in the CCA Notification. A customer may exercise its opt-out right at any time during a 60-day notification period prior to Automatic Enrollment through the end of the second 60-day notification period subsequent to the Automatic Enrollment of a customer’s account to CCA Service. The terms and conditions of CCA service will be made available by the CCA. This CCA-specific information will be provided to customers pursuant to P.U. Code Section 366.2(c)(13)(A-C) – either directly by the CCA or by SCE pursuant to the provisions set forth in Section H – and will enable customers to make an informed decision whether or not to opt-out of CCA service. Customers receiving section 366.2(c)(13)(A-C) notices regarding a CCA with more than one planned CCA phase-in date will be provided the required 60-day notices based around the date their particular phase-in commences.

23. Initial Notification Period

The Initial Notification Period is a period of time, lasting not less than sixty (60) days, leading up to the Automatic Enrollment date.

24. Follow-up Notification Period

The Follow-up Notification Period is a sixty (60) day period of time commencing immediately following the date of Automatic Enrollment.

25. CCA Cost Responsibility Surcharge (CCA-CRS) As a condition of receiving CCA Service, CCA customer shall be responsible for paying a CCA Cost Responsibility Surcharge (CRS) as set forth in Schedule CCA-CRS. The CCA CRS shall be identified separately, as part of SCE charges on the customer’s monthly billing statement.

26. CCA Service Request (CCASR) CCA Service Request (CCASR) is the electronic communication required to enroll or add customers to CCA Service, remove customers from CCA Service, change service options, and maintain customer information.

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Rule 23 Sheet 9 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

9C21 Resolution E-4730

B. GENERAL TERMS (Continued)

27. CCA Phase-In

Pursuant to D.04-12-046, a CCA has the ability to offer service to some eligible

customers before others. This incremental enrollment process is defined as a Phase-

In and shall be subject to the provisions set forth in Section E of this Rule.

28. CCA Service

This service permits cities, counties, a city and county, or any group of cities,

counties, or cities and counties, as defined by PU Code Section 331.1, whose

governing boards have elected to do so, or have elected to form a joint powers

agency to do so, or the Kings River Conservation District, the Sonoma County Water

Agency, or any California public agency possessing statutory authority to generate

and deliver electricity at retail within its designated jurisdiction provided the cities and

counties within, or contiguous to, its jurisdiction have by resolution requested the

agency to do so, to aggregate the electric load of SCE end-use customers within their

service areas for the purposes of acquiring and providing their electric power needs.

These entities are CCAs. Customers that have not elected to opt-out of CCA Service

or at the customer’s election shall have their electric power procured by the CCA.


1. Customer Inquiries

Customers contacting SCE requesting information on CCA Service shall be referred

to the CCA for assistance. SCE shall provide the customer with the CCA’s telephone


2. Customer Request To Initiate CCA Service

Eligible customers contacting SCE requesting to initiate CCA Service from the CCA

shall be processed by SCE. SCE shall notify the CCA pursuant to the provisions set

forth in this Rule.







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Rule 23 Sheet 10 (N)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

10C19 Resolution E-4730


3. Access to Customer Data

a. SCE shall provide customer-specific usage data pursuant to Schedule CCA-

INFO. SCE and CCA shall abide by the instructions of a customer as to the

entities to whom access to the confidential customer information is provided.

b. When a customer is enrolled into CCA Service, the customer’s account

information will be sent to the CCA. Such information will include information

such as metering information required for billing, settlement and other

functions and twelve (12) months of historical usage data (if available).

c. A CCA has the option to request additional customer information pursuant to

Schedule CCA-INFO.
















Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55575-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55694-E

Rule 23 Sheet 11 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

11C22 Resolution E-4730

C. CUSTOMER INQUIRIES AND DATA ACCESSIBILITY (Continued) 4. Customer Inquiries Concerning Billing-Related Issues

Customer inquiries concerning SCE’s charges and services shall be directed to SCE. Customer inquiries concerning the CCA’s charges or services shall be directed to the CCA.

5. Customer Inquiries Related To Emergency Situations And Outages

a. SCE shall be responsible for responding to all inquiries related to distribution or transmission service, emergency system conditions, outages and safety situations. Customers contacting the CCA with such inquiries shall be referred directly to SCE.

b. It may be necessary for SCE to shed or curtail customer load at the request

of the CAISO, or as otherwise provided by Commission-approved tariffs. Nothing in this Rule or CCA Service shall change the criteria for load shedding established by the CAISO or Commission.

c. SCE shall continue to be responsible for implementing Commission-approved

load curtailment and demand response programs, including providing notification to participating customers.

d. The CCA shall be responsible for notifying its Scheduling Coordinator of any

notice issued to the CCA by SCE under this Section.


1. In accordance with Decision (D). 04-12-046 and D.05-12-041 , the processes set forth below describe basic services provided by SCE to develop, implement and support CCA Service:

a. A standard opt-out service as defined in Section I. b. A mass enrollment process, defined in Section J, whereby all eligible

customers who have not opted-out of CCA Service, shall be automatically enrolled in CCA Service on the customer’s scheduled meter read date during a one month period, subject to phasing or the mutual agreement of SCE and CCA pursuant to the provisions set forth in Section E of this Rule.

c. On an ongoing basis, subsequent to the initial mass enrollment, SCE shall

initiate the customer’s enrollment or transfer to CCA service, as defined in Section K, when the customer contacts SCE to establish or relocate SCE service.

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Rule 23 Sheet 12 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

12C16 Resolution E-4730


1. A CCA electing not to utilize the basic processes described above may request specialized services from SCE at a cost to the CCA as set forth below. Specialized Services include any request for services that do not conform to SCE’s basic CCA services and processes in Section D. Specialized Services may include, but are not limited to CCA Phase-In, special reporting or other unique services.

a. A CCA interested in submitting a request for Specialized Services shall be

responsible for funding an analysis of the impacts to SCE normal operations and a study to determine the estimate of costs for which the CCA shall be responsible to pay.

b. A CCA requesting Specialized Services shall be responsible for executing a

Specialized Services Agreement between the CCA and SCE.

c. SCE shall consider requests for Specialized Services on a case by case basis, provided that implementation can be accomplished without compromising SCE’s customer service obligations, reliability or operational flexibility of SCE‘s systems.

d. The estimate of the costs for which the CCA shall be responsible, shall be

provided to the CCA and shall be based upon time and materials costs and fees set forth in the appropriate SCE rate schedule. The estimate of costs shall include any cost savings that may occur as a result of the specialized service.

e. The CCA shall be responsible for all actual costs associated with Specialized

Services, including but not limited to the development of the estimate of costs, the implementation of the Specialized Service and all applicable ongoing maintenance costs.

f. The costs associated with the initial implementation of any Specialized

Services shall be paid in advance by the CCA before work is commenced.

g. The CCA and SCE shall agree to a mutually acceptable implementation schedule. The implementation schedule shall take into consideration and provide priority to required SCE system work, which may include work related to mandated regulatory changes, customer service obligations, computer system integrity testing and maintenance.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55577-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Original Cal. PUC Sheet No. 40034-E

Rule 23 Sheet 13 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

13H17 Resolution E-4730

E. CCA SPECIALIZED SERVICE REQUESTS, INCLUDING PHASE-IN (Continued) h. Pursuant to D.04-12-046, a CCA may choose to phase-in CCA Service to

customers. To assist CCA’s with their phase-in plans, SCE has developed an optional standard phase-in service, more fully described in Schedule CCA-SF, which requires minimal system changes to minimize the CCA’s phase-in costs. A CCA, however, has the option to propose its own phase-in plan as a Specialized Services request. Regardless whether a CCA chooses the standard phase-in service or proposes its own phase-in criteria, SCE will work cooperatively with CCAs to phase-in groups of customers in a manner that minimizes SCE and CCA costs. CCA phase-in service shall be subject to the provisions set forth in Schedule CCA-SF and this section.


1. CCA Implementation Plan and CCA Registration With The Commission a. Pursuant to D.05-12-041, the Executive Director shall develop and publish

the steps of an informal process of review that provides a forum for the CCA and SCE to understand the CCA’s implementation plans and assures that the CCA is able to comply with SCE’s tariffs.

[Process details to be added once developed by the Commission Executive Director]

b. Pursuant to D.05-12-041, the Executive Director shall prepare and publish

instructions for CCAs and utilities that include a timeline and describe the procedures for submitting and certifying receipt of the Implementation Plan, notice to customers, notice to CCAs of the appropriate CRS, and registration of CCAs.

[Process details to be added once developed by the Commission Executive Director]

c. Pursuant to D.05-12-041, where the CCA fails to conform to SCE tariffs, SCE

shall decline to initiate service to the CCA. If SCE refuses to facilitate the CCA’s initiation of service or declines to provide service to the CCA, SCE must inform the CCA and Commission of its reasons in writing. The CCA may file a formal complaint with the Commission if the CCA believes it or its customers have been improperly refused service, whether before a CCA’s service is initiated or in a case where SCE interrupts CCA services.

d. The CCA and SCE shall follow the process below to resolve disputes over

operational issues prior to the CCA’s initiation of service.

[Process details to be added once developed by the Commission Executive Director]

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55578-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Original Cal. PUC Sheet No. 40035-E

Rule 23 Sheet 14 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

14H17 Resolution E-4730

F. CCA IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AND CCA SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT (Continued) 2. The CCA shall provide to SCE the Commission’s certification of (1) CCA registration,

and (2) the amount of cost recovery that must be paid by its customers. 3. The earliest possible date a CCA may implement CCA Service shall be the date the

CCA has fulfilled all requirements in the applicable tariffs, including service establishment requirements set forth in this Rule, or the date the CCA and SCE agree is reasonable, whichever is later, unless stated otherwise in a Commission order or in a letter from the Commission’s Executive Director. In advance of providing service to the first CCA in SCE’s service territory, SCE shall require six (6) months from the date the first CCA files its Implementation Plan with the Commission or a mutually agreed upon date between SCE and the CCA.

4. CCA Service Establishment

Prior to providing CCA Services within SCE’s service territory, the CCA must comply with the following requirements:

a. CCAs must submit an executed CCA Service Agreement in the form attached

hereto. b. The CCA remains fully responsible for its subcontractors, agents, and

Scheduling Coordinators performing CCA related services on behalf of the CCA.

c. The CCA must satisfy SCE credit-worthiness requirements set forth in

Section V, Credit Requirements.

d. The CCA must satisfy applicable Electronic Data Exchange requirements, including:

(1) Completion of all necessary electronic interfaces for the CCA and

SCE to communicate for CCASRs, billing, collections, general communications and communication of meter reading and usage data from SCE.

(2) Have the capability to exchange data with SCE via the Internet.

(3) Successful completion of all standard SCE technical testing and must

have the capability to communicate using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Internet, or an electronic format acceptable to SCE and enter into appropriate agreements related thereto. EDI testing may commence between CCA and SCE at any time prior to CCA service commencing and both SCE and CCA will make best efforts to complete EDI testing expeditiously.

e. No outstanding charges related to Specialized Services defined in Section E. f. Confirmation that the CCA is registered with the Commission and that the

CCA has filed an Implementation Plan with the Commission.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55579-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Original Cal. PUC Sheet No. 40036-E

Rule 23 Sheet 15 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

15H17 Resolution E-4730

F. CCA IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AND CCA SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT (Continued) 5. Adding/Deleting A Municipality To An Existing CCA

This section is applicable to CCAs participating in a joint powers agency (JPA) pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 6500) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code pursuant to PU Code Section 331.1.b. The CCA shall comply with each of the following: a. Before SCE will process requests associated with a city or county joining or

leaving an existing CCA, the CCA must execute a Specialized Services Agreement between the CCA and SCE pursuant to the applicable provisions set forth in Section E of this Rule.

b. Before SCE will process requests associated with an existing CCA adding a

city and/or county to its membership, the CCA must update or renew all requirements as specified in Sections F.1, F.2, F.3 and F.4 above.

G. CCA SERVICE CUSTOMER ELIGIBILITY A CCA must offer to provide electric power to all residential customers located within its service area and pursuant to D.04-12-046, the CCA has the option to provide CCA Service to non-residential customers located within its service area. Pursuant to D.05-12-041, all customers, including active Direct Access customers, located within a CCA’s service area that have been offered service by the CCA that do not affirmatively decline such service (opt-out), shall be served by the CCA. SCE shall not be responsible or liable in any way for any costs, fees, or penalties associated with a customer's Automatic Enrollment in CCA Service. 1. Customers with a SCE commodity contract term obligating them to remain on SCE’s

Bundled Service, including Bundled Portfolio Service (BPS), shall be included in the CCA’s Automatic Enrollment process and are subject to a CCA Cost Responsibility Surcharge as set forth in Schedule CCA-CRS. Customer inquiries concerning SCE contract term requirements will be referred to SCE.

2. Customers taking service under Net Energy Metering (NEM) Rate Schedules, shall

be included in the CCA’s Automatic Enrollment process and are subject to the provisions set forth in SCE’s NEM Rate Schedules which may preclude NEM eligibility or may require special metering prior to the switch to CCA service, as defined in Section J.

3. Customers currently under Direct Access service shall be included in the CCA’s

Automatic Enrollment process and are subject to a CCA Cost Responsibility Surcharge as set forth in Schedule CCA-CRS. SCE may require Direct Access customers with meters that do not conform to SCE’s metering standards and are incompatible with current SCE metering reading systems to be replaced with a compatible meter prior to the switch to CCA service, as defined in Section M.

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Rule 23 Sheet 16 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

16H17 Resolution E-4730


1. CCA Customer Notifications

A CCA must provide required CCA Customer Notifications to participating customers eligible to receive Automatic Enrollment into CCA Service during the Initial Notification Period and Follow-up Notification Period. The CCA shall be solely responsible for all obligations associated with CCA Customer Notifications and performing those obligations consistent with the requirements set forth in Public Utilities (PU) Code Section 366.2, the CCA’s Implementation Plan, Commission requirements and all applicable Commission orders. SCE shall not be responsible for monitoring, reviewing or enforcing such obligations.

All notifications must include the necessary customer data and instructions that will allow customers to gain access to and complete the opt-out service described in Section I.

2. SCE CCA Customer Notification Services

a. A CCA may request SCE to provide the required CCA Customer Notifications on behalf of the CCA with adequate advance notice as set forth in Schedule CCA-SF. Customized CCA Customer Notification mailing services may be provided to CCAs only upon agreement with SCE.

b. A CCA requesting to include its required customer notifications in SCE’s

billing envelope is subject to the provisions set forth in Schedule CCA-SF. The information in CCA customer notifications included in SCE’s billing envelope shall be limited to that required by PU Code Section 366.2(c)(13)(A).

c. CCA is responsible to ensure mailing instructions provided to SCE comply

with the communication plan set forth in the CCA’s Implementation Plan, rules and applicable laws.

d. The standard CCA Customer Notification mailing(s), when provided by SCE,

shall be staggered based on the customers’ billing cycles.

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Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 47197-E

Rule 23 Sheet 17 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

17H18 Resolution E-4730

H. CCA CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION PROCESSES (Continued) 3. The following additional provisions apply to CCA Customer Notifications:

a. The CCA and SCE must mutually agree on the date before the CCA’s Customer Notification process can begin.

b. CCA Customer Notifications may be sent concurrently with SCE’s billing


c. Neither CCAs nor SCE shall use the other party’s logo on CCA Customer Notifications or other materials absent express written consent to do so. Neither party shall express nor imply that the other party is affiliated with, is a sponsor of, or endorses their services or other programs.

d. If a CCA’s Automatic Enrollment process is suspended by the CCA, the

Commission or any other State agency, the CCA shall be responsible for all SCE costs, including, but not limited to, customer communications associated with the suspension.


Pursuant to PU.Code § 366.2(c)(13)(A)(i), CCA-issued Customer Notifications required for automatic enrollments into the CCA program shall include the opportunity for customers to opt-out of CCA Service and continue to receive their existing service. Pursuant to PU Code § 366.2(c)(13)(C), the opt out may take the form of a self-addressed return postcard indicating the customer's election to remain with, or return to, electrical energy service provided by the electrical corporation, or another straightforward means by which the customer may elect to derive electrical energy service through the electrical corporation providing service in the area. Pursuant to PU Code § 366.2 (c)(13)(B), a CCA may request that the Commission approve and order SCE to provide the Customer Notifications required in Subparagraph (A). If the CCA makes this request and the Commission approves it, the CCA shall use SCE’s opt-out process as set forth below.

1. SCE shall provide an opt-out process to be used by all CCAs. SCE shall offer at least

two (2) of the following options as a part of its opt-out process: a. Reply letter or postcard (postage paid) enclosed in CCA Customer

Notifications b. Automated phone service c. Internet service d. Customer Call Center contact

2. Customers eligible for Automatic Enrollment in CCA Service must be notified twice during the Initial Notification period. If SCE is aware that a customer or group of customers has not received the required notifications, SCE shall immediately inform the CCA. If the CCA is aware that a customer or group of customers has not received the required notifications the CCA shall immediately inform SCE to remove the customer from Automatic Enrollment.

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Rule 23 Sheet 18 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

18H20 Resolution E-4730

I. CCA CUSTOMER OPT-OUT PROCESSES (Continued) 3. A customer opting out of CCA Service during the Initial Notification Period shall be

removed from the Automatic Enrollment process. 4. Pursuant to D.05-12-041, every customer in the CCA’s Automatic Enrollment that

does not opt-out of CCA service shall be served by the CCA, including customers with commodity contracts, Direct Access customers and customers whose CCA Customer Notifications are returned unopened.

5. A customer opting out of CCA Service during the Follow-up Notification Period and

after enrollment in CCA Service shall be returned to its previous service, without penalty, on the customer’s next scheduled meter read date, consistent with CCASR processing timing as defined in Section M. Returning Bundled Service customers shall be returned to Bundled Portfolio Service subject to the terms in Section L of this Rule, but are not subject to Transitional Bundled Service as defined in Schedule PC-TBS.

6. If a CCA using SCE’s opt-out process pursuant to subsection 1 receives a customer

request to opt out, the CCA should refer the customer to SCE’s standard opt-out process. Otherwise, the CCA should inform SCE such opt-out requests in a fashion that is mutually agreeable to SCE and the CCA so that SCE can update its records.

7. SCE shall provide notice to the customer when the customer’s opt-out request has

been processed unless the CCA and SCE agree that the CCA shall provide such notice.

8. After the conclusion of the Initial Notification Period, in advance of the date of commencing Automatic Enrollment and prior to the customer’s enrollment in CCA Service, SCE or the CCA may continue to accept customer opt-out requests and SCE and the CCA may make best efforts to process such requests before the customer’s account switches to CCA Service. Opt-out requests that cannot be processed before the account switches shall be processed following the CCASR processing timing to return the customer’s account to its previous service, as defined in this Rule.

9. After the customer’s account has switched to CCA Service, SCE shall notify the CCA

of customer Opt-out requests using the CCASR process as defined in Section M. 10. Customers making a positive election to CCA Service are not eligible for opt-out

privileges and will return to Bundled Service under the provisions of Section L of this Rule.

11. If a CCA elects to use a postcard or reply letter for the opt-out mechanism, the reply

letter or postcard opt-out service must include a customer specific utility identifier preprinted on the reply letter/card if SCE makes such identifier available to the CCA.

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Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

19H22 Resolution E-4730


SCE shall provide a Mass Enrollment process whereby all eligible CCA customers that have not opted out of CCA Service shall be automatically enrolled in CCA Service on the customers’ regular scheduled meter read dates over a one (1) billing month period, subject to phasing.

1. In advance of implementing the Mass Enrollment process, SCE must be in receipt of

the CCA’s confirmation, indicating the CCA has fulfilled its Initial Notification requirements. SCE has no responsibility for verifying that the CCA has complied with its notification requirements.

2. Within fifteen (15) days after conclusion of the Initial Notification Period, SCE shall

provide to the CCA one (1) update of its customer enrollments, providing individual customer information and energy usage data for those customers scheduled for mass enrollment. The update shall exclude all customer information for which SCE has processed opt-out requests. A CCA has the option to request additional customer information pursuant to Schedule CCA-INFO.

3. The mass enrollment shall commence at a time not less than thirty (30) days and not

more than forty-five (45) days after the conclusion of the Initial Notification Period, unless another date is mutually agreed to by the CCA and SCE, and shall be processed over a one billing month period by billing cycle unless the CCA and SCE have agreed to specialized services for CCA enrollment or Phase-in services as defined in this Rule.

4. For each account in the mass enrollment, SCE shall switch the customer’s account

on its scheduled meter reading date, providing confirmation to the CCA. 5. Following the Mass Enrollment, SCE shall provide the CCA with an update to its

customer enrollments, providing individual customer information and energy usage data, and the switch dates for those customers that were actually enrolled in the CCA’s CCA Service.

6. Effective beginning on the date of the transfer, the CCA is solely responsible for providing the electric power needs of its customers.

7. Customer opt-out requests processed after the account has switched to CCA Service shall be returned to the previous service by the initiation of a CCASR and under the CCASR process timing, as defined in Section M.

8. The CCA shall update its records within three (3) working days from the date of receiving a customer’s opt-out notification from SCE to remove the opt-out customer from CCA Service and eliminate future communications from the CCA, concerning a customer’s option to opt-out of the CCA Program, as defined in Section H of this Rule from the CCA.

9. Except as otherwise provided for in Rule 23, no special metering shall be necessary or permitted during the mass enrollment process.

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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

20H18 Resolution E-4730


The following sections apply to customers establishing electric service, relocating existing service, and discontinuing electric service within a CCA’s service area. Except as otherwise exempted by this Rule, Commission decision or by law, customers establishing or relocating electric service within a CCA’s service area shall be served under CCA Service unless SCE receives an opt-out request.

1. The following section shall apply when CCA customers are contacting SCE to

relocate or discontinue their electric service account within a CCA’s service area:

a. In addition to its normal business requirements related to the customer’s request, SCE shall also process the changes for CCA Service and advise the customer it will place a CCA Service request to the CCA for the customer’s account changes related to CCA Service.

b. SCE shall notify the CCA of the customer’s relocation or discontinuance of

CCA Service by submitting the appropriate CCASRs as defined in this Rule. c. The CCA shall be responsible for processing customer request(s) within three

(3) business days and is solely responsible for the customer’s electric power supply needs consistent with the service date as indicated on the CCASR(s).

2. The following section shall apply to customers establishing electric service within a

CCA’s service area. Customers establishing electric service within a CCA service area shall be automatically enrolled in CCA Service at the time their electric service becomes active.

a. In addition to its normal SCE business requirements related to the customer’s

request, SCE shall process the customer enrollment for CCA Service.

b. SCE shall advise the customer that its account is to be automatically enrolled in CCA Service being offered by the CCA, that SCE will place a CCA Service request to the CCA and as applicable, the terms and conditions for the customer to return to Bundled Service.

c. SCE shall notify the CCA of the customer’s enrollment by submitting the

appropriate CCASRs as defined in this Rule. d. The CCA shall be responsible for processing the customer request(s) within

three (3) business days and is solely responsible for providing the customer’s electric power supply needs consistent with the service date as indicated on the CCASR(s).

e. All CCA customer enrollments defined in this section shall be considered

Automatic Enrollments and customers shall be permitted to opt-out in accordance with Section I. The CCA shall be solely responsible for all obligations consistent with the requirements set forth in PU Code 366.2. Customers shall be referred to the CCA for the information related to the CCA’s customer notifications and other CCA terms and conditions of CCA Service.

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Rule 23 Sheet 21 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

21H24 Resolution E-4730


3. SCE will abide by the instructions of a customer requesting not to receive CCA Service at the time of service establishment or service relocation.


1. Positive Elections

a. Customers that have made a positive election to participate in CCA Service requesting to return to bundled service must provide a six (6) month advance notice and are subject to the terms and conditions of a Bundled Portfolio Service (BPS) as set forth below.

b. Direct Access eligible customers returning to bundled service from CCA

Service shall be subject to Direct Access Rule 22.1. These customers are eligible to switch from CCA Service to DA service without returning to bundled service.

2. Customers Automatically Enrolled in CCA Service Returning to bundled service after

the Follow-up Notification Period.

a. Active Direct Access eligible customers that have been Automatically Enrolled in CCA Service and are returning to bundled service from CCA Service shall be subject to the provisions set forth in Direct Access Rule 22.1. These customers are eligible to switch from CCA Service to DA Service without returning to bundled service.

b. Former Bundled Service Customers that have been Automatically Enrolled in

CCA Service requesting to return to Bundled Service after the Follow-up Notification Period must provide SCE with a six (6) month advance notice and are subject to the terms and conditions of Bundled Portfolio Service (BPS) as set forth below.

3. Bundled Portfolio Service

Bundled Portfolio Service is applicable to CCA customers who return to Bundled Service for a minimum of 12-months. This 12-month minimum Bundled Service commitment shall be referred to herein as Bundled Portfolio Service (BPS). The following conditions shall apply:

a. Customers receiving this service make a 12-month commitment and shall not

be allowed to return to CCA service until their 12-month minimum period has been completed. The 12-month minimum period shall begin on the date the customer is switched to BPS after the conclusion of the six-month advance notice period as set forth in this Section L.3.b. No premature departures from the 12-month commitment shall be allowed.

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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

22H22 Resolution E-4730


3. Bundled Portfolio Service (Continued)

b. Customers must provide a six-month advance notice to SCE prior to

becoming eligible for BPS so SCE can adjust its procurement activity to

accommodate the additional load. Such notification will be made by the

customer submitting a Six-Month Advance Notice to Return to Bundled

Portfolio Service (from Community Choice Aggregation Service) [Form 14-

955]. SCE shall provide those customers who have provided advance notice

with written confirmation and necessary switching process information within

10 business days of receipt of the customer’s notification. Once received by

SCE, customers will have a three business-day rescission period after which

advance notifications cannot be cancelled. SCE shall process requests to

BPS in the following manner:

(1) Account transfers to BPS shall be switched on the customer’s next

scheduled meter read date after the completion of the six-month

advance notice period.

(2) SCE shall initiate a CCASR, to transfer the account to BPS and shall

provide notification to the customer and CCA in accordance with

Section M.

c. During the six-month advance notice period before customers become

eligible for BPS, customers may either continue on CCA Service or return to

Bundled Service and receive Transitional Bundled Service (TBS) commodity

pricing terms as set forth in Schedule PC-TBS and be subject to the

provisions and applicable charges of the CCA Cost Responsibility Surcharge

as set forth in Schedule CCA-CRS. After receiving a Six-Month Advance

Notice to Transfer to Community Choice Aggregation Service (Form 14-954),

SCE shall process any CCASR returning the customer to bundled service

during the six-month advance notice period in accordance with Section M and

shall provide bundled service to the customer at the TBS rate for the

remainder, if any, of the six-month advance notice period. SCE shall initiate

the necessary transfer of the account to BPS at the conclusion of the six-

month advance notice period with notification to the customer. Customers

returning to bundled service during the six-month advance notice period (i.e.,

before the commencement of BPS) cannot return to CCA Service until their

12-month bundled service commitment has expired.

d. Customers returning from CCA Service after the Follow-up Notification period

has expired are subject to a re-entry fee as set forth in Schedule CCA-SF.






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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

23H22 Resolution E-4730


4. End of Bundled Portfolio Service

At the end of the customer’s initial 12-month BPS commitment, customers will have

the option of switching back to CCA Service or remaining on BPS based on the then

current applicable rules in effect. SCE will provide the customer with a courtesy

reminder eight months before the expiration of the customer’s 12-month commitment.

This timeframe will allow for the six-month notification period and will provide a 60-

day transitional period for the customer to notify SCE of its intent to return to CCA

Service. If for any reason the customer is not sent, or does not receive, a courtesy

reminder from SCE, the customer is not relieved of its responsibility for providing SCE

the notice required in this Section L.4.a., below.

a. Customers electing to return to CCA Service at the conclusion of the

12-month BPS commitment period shall provide advance, written notice to

SCE at least six months prior to the conclusion of the 12-month commitment.

SCE shall provide to the customer a written confirmation and necessary

switching process information within 10 business days of the customer’s

notification, including the final date to be in receipt of a CCASR to return to

CCA Service. The customer is responsible for providing its CCA with this


(1) The customer’s CCA shall submit a CCASR to ensure the necessary

switch to CCA Service under the CCASR rules, as set forth in Section

M., occurs on the service account’s next scheduled meter read date

after the completion of the six-month advance notice period.

(2) If SCE is not in receipt of a CCASR by the end of the customer’s

12-month commitment, the customer’s request to return to CCA

Service shall be cancelled and the customer shall be subject to the

terms of Section L.4.b., below.

b. Customers electing to remain on BPS are not required to take any action and

shall automatically be subject to a new commitment period, if any, based on

the then current applicable rules in effect. Unless a customer has submitted a

six-month advance notice to return to CCA Service at the end of the 12-month

BPS commitment period, the customer shall automatically be subject to a new

commitment period, if any, based on the then current applicable rules in








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Rule 23 Sheet 24 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

24H19 Resolution E-4730


1. CCASRs, in the form specified by SCE, must be submitted electronically by the CCA unless an alternate means of submittal has been mutually agreed to by SCE and the CCA. The CCASR process described herein is used for various changes to a customer’s choice of services and service providers, such as customer CCA elections, customer-initiated returns to SCE Bundled Service, CCA-initiated customer returns to SCE Bundled Service, and maintaining customer information. CCAs must execute the CCA Service Agreement and successfully complete all CCA Service establishment requirements set forth in this Rule before submitting CCASRs.

2. SCE shall begin accepting CCASRs from the CCA for service accounts on a mutually

agreed upon date with SCE, but no earlier than the start of the CCA’s Mass Enrollment process.

3. A separate CCASR must be submitted for each service account. Upon request by a

CCA, SCE shall provide timely updates on the status of the CCASR processing to the submitting CCA and customer.

4. CCASRs must identify SCE account information, as determined by SCE, of the customer participating in Community Choice Aggregation. A CCASR that does not contain this information shall be considered materially incomplete.

5. CCASR forms shall be available through electronic means (e.g., SCE’s website).

6. SCE shall provide an acknowledgment of its receipt of the CCASR to the CCA within two (2) working days of its receipt. SCE shall provide to the CCA, within three (3) working days, a CCASR status notification informing them as to whether the CCASR has been accepted, rejected or deemed pending for further information. If accepted, the switch date determined in accordance with paragraphs 11 or 12 of this section shall be sent to the CCA. If a CCASR is rejected, SCE shall provide the reason for the rejection. If a CCASR is held pending further information, it shall be rejected if the CCASR is not completed within eleven (11) working days following the status notification.

7. In accordance with the provisions of Rule 3, SCE has the right to deny the CCA’s request for service for a particular customer if the information provided by the customer is false, incomplete, or inaccurate in any material respect.

8. If a submitted CCASR complies with the CCASR requirements, the CCASR shall be accepted and scheduled for CCA implementation.

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Rule 23 Sheet 25 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

25H20 Resolution E-4730


9. CCASRs shall be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Each request shall be time-stamped by SCE.

10. If more than one enrollment CCASR is received for a service account within a single CCASR processing period, only the first valid CCASR received shall be processed in that period. All subsequent CCASRs shall be rejected.

11. Accepted CCASRs that do not require a meter change and that are received by SCE a minimum of fifteen (15) days before the customer’s next scheduled meter reading date shall be switched over on the next scheduled meter reading date for that service account.

12. If an accepted CCASR requires a meter change (i.e., the existing meter is incompatible with SCE’s meter reading system), SCE shall install a new meter and switch the account over to CCA on the date of installation. SCE shall endeavor to complete the meter change request within fifteen (15) days after acceptance of the CCASR in the absence of a meter installation backlog or other circumstances beyond SCE’s control such as, but not limited to, delays in the installation of a communication line to the meter. SCE may require Direct Access customers with meters that are incompatible with SCE’s systems to be replaced with a compatible meter prior to the acceptance of a CCASR. SCE shall provide notice of any current meter service backlog or the next available installation date. Such metering services are subject to fees in accordance with Schedule CC-DSF.

13. In the event the Commission or the CAISO governing board declares an emergency and institutes a moratorium of SCE processing of CCA requests, SCE shall comply with such moratoriums and inform CCAs or customers of the details of emergency plans.

14. SCE, CCA and customer, on mutual agreement, may agree to a different service change date for the service changes requested in a CCASR.

15. A CCASR is submitted pursuant to the terms and conditions of the CCA Service Agreement and this Rule and shall also be used to define the CCA Services that the CCA is providing the customer.

16. CCASR’s submitted for customers returning to SCE Bundled Service will follow the same process and timing as CCASRs to establish CCA Service. CCAs shall be responsible for the continued provision of the customer’s electric power needs until the service change date. Customers returning to SCE Bundled Service shall be subject to the terms and conditions as set forth in Section L.

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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

26H18 Resolution E-4730


17. SCE shall assess a service fee for CCASRs for adding or removing customers from

CCA Service. This service fee shall be billed to the CCA unless the customer is

requesting to return to SCE service after the Follow-up Notification Period whereupon

the customer’s re-entry service fee shall be billed to the customer.

18. SCE shall not hold the CCA responsible for any unpaid customer billing charges that the customer incurred prior to the customer’s switch to CCA. Unpaid billing charges shall not delay the processing of CCASRs and shall remain the customer’s responsibility to pay SCE. SCE shall follow current Commission credit rules in the event of customer non-payment, which includes the disconnection of service.

19. CCA must submit CCASRs only for customer accounts within its service area and for

customers that meet the eligibility requirements set forth in Section G.

20. Any CCASR not meeting the above requirements shall be rejected, the affected

customer shall be notified, and the applicable CCASR fee shall be charged to the


21. If a customer cancels an agreement, a CCASR shall not be submitted for that

customer. If a CCASR has already been submitted, the submitting party shall, within

two (2) business days, direct SCE to cancel the CCASR.

22. CCA’s shall offer service to all residential customers and shall not return residential customers involuntarily to Bundled Service, except in the event of non-payment of CCA charges by the customer, as set forth in Section U.2.

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Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Original Cal. PUC Sheet No. 40048-E

Rule 23 Sheet 27 (T)




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

27H18 Resolution E-4730


1. Meter Services Meter services are comprised of three primary functions, Meter Ownership, Meter

Services (Installation, maintenance, and testing) and Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) Services. SCE shall perform all Metering Services for a CCA’s customers.

SCE, as the Meter Service provider, shall ensure all of its meters and associated

metering services are in conformance with its metering standards and Commission approved rules governing such services.

a. Meter Conformity

Customers who had previously purchased or leased an interval meter acceptable to SCE as a condition of receiving DA service, may own or lease interval meters used for billing purposes for CCA Service, but shall continue to be responsible for the obligations of a meter owner under Rule 22 Section G. If the customer has a non-conforming meter, or elects to have the meter replaced, SCE reserves the right to extend its normal installation period due to meter and installation personnel availability. Under these circumstances, SCE shall apprise the customer and CCA of the specific reasons for the delay and the anticipated schedule for installation.

b. MDMA Services

SCE shall perform all Meter Data and Management Agent (MDMA) services required for CCA Service in accordance with its Commission approved tariffs. MDMA obligations include but are not limited to the following:

(1) Meter data for CCA customers shall be read, validated, edited, and

transferred to the MDMA server pursuant to SCE’s standards. (2) Both SCE and CCA shall have access to the MDMA server. (3) SCE shall provide the CCA’s (or their designated agents) reasonable

and timely access to meter data as required to allow the proper performance of billing, settlement, scheduling, forecasting and other functions.

c. Charges for Metering Services

SCE may charge the customer or the CCA for the provision of metering services only to the extent such charges are authorized by the Commission. If the installation of metering services is at the customer’s expense, the customer’s authorization is required.

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Rule 23 Sheet 28 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

28H18 Resolution E-4730


In accordance with PU Code Section 366.2, at the request and expense of any CCA SCE shall install, maintain and calibrate metering devices at mutually agreeable locations within or adjacent to the CCA’s service area. SCE shall read the metering devices and provide the data collected to the CCA at the CCA’s expense. All costs incurred by SCE as a result of providing this specialized service, hereinafter referred to as Boundary Metering shall be the sole responsibility of the requesting CCA.

1. SCE shall consider and evaluate requests for Boundary Metering on a case-by-case

basis, provided that implementation can be accomplished without compromising the safety, reliability or operational flexibility of SCE’s electrical facilities. Any CCA interested in submitting a request for Boundary Metering shall be responsible for funding an analysis of the electric system impacts and a study to determine the estimated costs associated with Boundary Metering. The CCA shall be provided with an estimate of costs for which it shall be responsible to pay.

2. A CCA requesting Boundary Metering installation shall be responsible for executing a

Specialized Service agreement or contract established pursuant to Rule 2 establishing the terms and conditions for installation and maintenance of the special facilities.

3. The CCA shall be responsible for all actual costs associated with Boundary Metering

services, including but not limited to the development of the estimate of costs, the implementation of Boundary Metering and all ongoing operating and maintenance costs.

4. All costs associated with the deployment of Boundary Metering for a CCA shall be

paid in advance by the CCA before work commences. 5. A CCA terminating Boundary Metering services with SCE shall be responsible for all

costs related to the restoration of SCE’s facilities, which may include, but are not limited to, removal of meters.

6. As applicable, Boundary Metering costs shall be included as a part of SCE’s credit

requirements set forth in Section V. 7. The CCA and SCE shall agree to a mutually acceptable Boundary Metering

installation schedule. The installation schedule shall take into consideration and provide priority to required SCE metering work which may include work related to mandated regulatory changes, customer installations and testing, emergency service orders and routine testing and maintenance.

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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

29H18 Resolution E-4730


SCE shall perform the billing services for the CCA. SCE shall use SCE’s Consolidated Billing process described below.

1. Introduction

This section establishes SCE and CCA obligations for billing information and legal and safety notices.

a. Description

A CCA shall send its customer billing information to SCE. SCE shall in turn send a consolidated bill, containing both SCE and CCA charges, to the customer.

b. SCE Obligations (1) SCE shall calculate SCE charges and send the bill either by mail or

electronic means to the customer. SCE shall include CCA charges on the bill. SCE is not responsible for computing or determining the accuracy of the CCA charges on the bill.

(2) SCE bill shall include a summary of the CCA charges and may

provide any billing-related details of CCA charges, including the CCA’s telephone number. The CCA bill may be printed with the SCE bill, or electronically transmitted exactly as provided by the CCA.

(3) SCE shall process customer payments and transfer amounts paid

toward CCA charges to the CCA when the payments are received pursuant to the provisions set forth in Section R., Late or Partial Payments and Unpaid Bills.

c. CCA Obligations

(1) The CCA shall offer SCE consolidated billing services to the CCA customers it serves.

(2) In accordance with subsection d., below, the CCA shall submit the

necessary billing information to facilitate billing services according to SCE’s billing schedule and by service account.

(3) The CCA shall provide SCE with a summary of CCA charges by

electronic transmittal. The CCA may provide billing-related details of CCA charges on a separate page which shall be included in the consolidated bill if transmitted with the summary charge. CCA charges which are not transmitted as required shall not be included in the consolidated bill.

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Rule 23 Sheet 30 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

30H18 Resolution E-4730

P. BILLING SERVICE OBLIGATIONS (Continued) d. Timing Requirements

(1) SCE shall render customer bills once a month. Nothing contained in

this Section shall limit SCE’s ability to render bills more frequently, consistent with SCE’s existing practices. However, CCA charges shall be included on SCE bills in accordance with the regular monthly billing cycles.

(2) Except as provided in paragraph d(1) above, both CCA and SCE

charges shall be based on the same billing period data to avoid any confusion concerning these charges.

(3) CCA charges must be received by SCE the day following SCE’s

actual meter reading date. If billing charges have not been received from the CCA by this date, SCE will render the bill for SCE charges only, without CCA charges. The CCA must wait until the billing cycle following the receipt of the CCA charges. At the discretion of SCE, other arrangements may be made available at a fee as set forth in the applicable fee schedule.

2. Billing Information and Inserts

a. Identify SCE and CCA Charges

The consolidated SCE bill, at a minimum, shall identify SCE charges as specified by the Commission or its codes and when CCA charges are received shall identify, at a minimum, two sets of charges: one for SCE services and another for CCA energy services.

b. Required Legal and Safety Notices

All customers, including CCA and SCE Bundled Service customers, shall receive mandated legal and safety notices, and SCE shall be responsible for the creation of these notices. SCE may also enclose SCE-related bill inserts in consolidated SCE billing as permitted by Commission regulations.

c. CCA Obligations under Consolidated SCE Billing

The CCA may include any information directly related to the calculation or understanding of CCA charges directly in the bill but may not include any text on the separate detail page which is not specifically related to the charges or their explanation.

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Rule 23 Sheet 31 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

31H18 Resolution E-4730


3. Billing Adjustments for Meter Error and Billing Error

a. Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error

SCE shall perform the adjustment of bills for meter error in accordance with Rule 17.

b. Adjustment of Bills for Billing Error SCE shall perform the adjustment of bills for billing error in accordance with Rule 17.

4. Unauthorized Usage of Energy

a. SCE will conduct the investigation of the unauthorized use of energy in accordance with Rule 17.

b. If SCE determines there has been unauthorized use, SCE shall have the legal right to recover, from any customer, CCA, or other person that caused or benefited from such unauthorized use, the total estimated amount of the undercharge, including the CCA electric power component, for the full period of such unauthorized use, and any other actions authorized pursuant to its Commission-approved tariffs or by law.


1. SCE shall pay the CCA the amounts paid to SCE for CCA charges only after the

payment is received from the customer. Payments shall be transferred to the CCA electronically specifying the amount paid by each specific customer account or group of customer accounts if the customer is Summary Billed.

2. Upon receipt of SCE’s payment, the CCA is responsible for accurately posting the

payment to the customer’s account. The CCA shall also be responsible for any follow-up inquiries either with SCE or customer if there are questions concerning the posting of that payment amount.

3. SCE shall remit payments to the CCA only for the amounts paid by the CCA customer

for payment of CCA charges. Payments are due on or before the later of:

a. Seventeen (17) calendar days after the bill was rendered to the customer, or b. The next business day after the payment is received from the customer.

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Rule 23 Sheet 32 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

32H18 Resolution E-4730


4. SCE shall process payments, post SCE charges paid to customer accounts, and

transfer funds owed the CCA to the CCA. SCE shall debit to the CCA any amounts

resulting from returned payments and assess returned payment charges (i.e., a

charge for each returned payment) to the appropriate customers.

5. The CCA has no payment obligations for customer payments under consolidated

SCE billing services. The CCA is required to settle any disputes of CCA charges with

the customer.

6. The customer is obligated to pay SCE for all SCE and CCA charges consistent with

existing tariffs.

7. The customer must notify SCE of any disputed SCE charges; otherwise, any

outstanding balance shall be handled as an amount past due. Customer disputes of

CCA charges must be directed to the CCA, and customer disputes of SCE charges

must be directed to SCE.

8. If the customer disputes any SCE charges, it shall nevertheless pay the amount

billed; provided, however, that the customer may, at its election, pay that portion of

the charges that the customer disputes to the Commission in accordance with Rule

10. If the customer disputes any CCA charges, the provisions of its agreement with

the CCA shall apply. SCE shall forward to the CCA amounts paid to cover CCA

charges. However, no CCA may discontinue CCA Service to a residential customer

for a disputed amount if that customer has filed a complaint with the Commission, and

that customer has paid the disputed amount into an escrow account.

9. For CCA sundry charges, SCE shall accept cash, check or electronic payments. The

CCA must remit payment for any charges, approved by the Commission, for services

provided it by SCE. Sundry charges shall be considered past due 30 days after the

date the bill to the CCA is rendered.

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Rule 23 Sheet 33 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

33H19 Resolution E-4730


1. SCE is responsible for collecting the unpaid balance of all charges, including the CCA

charges, from customers during the time the CCA is providing CCA Service, sending

notices informing customers of unpaid balances, and taking the appropriate actions to

recover the unpaid amounts owed the CCA during its credit related interactions with


2. Partial payments by customers shall be allocated on a pro rata basis to the TTA and

to SCE charges for which delinquency may result in disconnection, and then any

balance shall be prorated between the CCA and other SCE charges.

3. Undisputed overdue balances owed SCE shall be considered late and subject to SCE

late payment procedures.

4. Commission rules shall apply to unpaid SCE charges by the customer.


Termination of a CCA’s CCA Service occurs when an individual CCA or a CCA operating

under a Joint Powers Agency (JPA) discontinues providing CCA Service to all customers in its

service area. Upon termination of CCA Service, all active CCA customers shall be returned to

Bundled Portfolio Service (BPS) pursuant to Section L of this Rule. CCAs shall use best

efforts to provide as much advance notice as possible to customers, the Commission and

SCE and coordinate with the Commission and SCE to ensure an efficient process and to

protect all SCE customers from service problems and additional costs. In addition to the

above, the CCA must comply with the requirements set forth below or be subject to Section T,

Involuntary Service Changes, of this Rule.

1. The CCA shall provide at least a one (1) year advanced written notice to the

Commission and SCE of the CCA’s intention to discontinue its CCA Service.

2. The CCA shall provide customers with a six-month notice and at a minimum provide a second notice during the final 60 days before the CCA’s scheduled termination of service.

3. SCE shall provide notification to and return all CCA’s customers to SCE’s BPS during the month in which the CCA terminates its CCA Service on the customer’s scheduled meter read date. The CCA shall be responsible for the continued provision of the customer’s electric power needs until the date the customer returns to Bundled Service.

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Rule 23 Sheet 34 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

34H18 Resolution E-4730


4. Customers eligible for Direct Access shall return to Bundled Service subject to Direct

Access Rule 22.1. All other customers shall be returned to BPS subject to the terms

in Section L, but are not subject to Transitional Bundled Service as defined in

Schedule PC-TBS.

5. Customers requesting to return to Bundled Service before the termination of CCA

Service shall be subject to all terms and conditions in Section L of this Rule. The

CCA shall not terminate any of its customers’ CCA Service before the termination of

the CCA’s CCA Service.

6. The CCA remains responsible for compliance with all applicable Commission rules,

CAISO requirements and LSE obligations.

7. A CCA shall be responsible for all costs resulting from the CCA’s CCA Service

termination. SCE reserves the right to withhold CCA customer payment remittances

from the CCA for undisputed overdue charges.

8. The CCA’s Service Agreement with SCE will be cancelled with its termination of its

CCA Service. At any time not less than three (3) years after the CCA’s termination of

CCA Service, the CCA’s eligibility to engage in CCA Service may be reinstated. The

CCA’s reestablishment of CCA Service will require the CCA to complete all CCA

Service establishment requirements, including filing a new Implementation Plan with

the Commission, being registered by the Commission, establishment of service with

SCE pursuant to Section F, completion of credit requirements pursuant to Section V,

all past due charges and arrearages having been paid, with interest, and the CCA has

re-established compliance with all then-current Commission requirements.

9. A CCA providing CCA Service pursuant to a JPA that terminates its CCA Service

must also fully comply with the CCA Service termination requirements. Should one or

more constituent members of a JPA seek to continue operations as a CCA, that new

entity shall comply with all requirements for CCA Service establishment set forth in

Section F of this Rule.

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Rule 23 Sheet 35 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

35H18 Resolution E-4730


1. Service Changes

Pursuant to D.05-12-041, absent the express approval of the CCA, an order of a

court, the Commission or the FERC, SCE shall adhere to the requirements set forth

below in the event it seeks to terminate service to a CCA.

2. SCE shall send notices of involuntary service changes or termination to the CCA, to

each affected CCA customer, and to the Commission. The CCA shall be responsible

for all SCE costs associated with an Involuntary Service Change occurrence. Such

costs may include, but not limited to, system, administrative, customer

communications and legal costs. SCE has the right to withhold and offset CCA

customer payment remittance to the CCA until all such charges are paid by the CCA.

3. Change of Service Election In Exigent Circumstances

Where continued CCA service would constitute an emergency or may substantially

compromise SCE operations or service to bundled customers, SCE should seek an

emergency order from the Commission. In the event a CCA or a customer has failed

to meet its obligations under this Rule or CCA Service Agreement such that SCE

seeks to invoke its remedies under this Section, and the failure constitutes an

emergency (i.e. the failure poses a substantial threat to the reliability of the electric

system or to public health and safety or the failure poses a substantial threat of

irreparable economic or other harm to SCE or the customer), or the failure relates to

CCA’s unauthorized energy use, then SCE may initiate a change, or, in some cases,

terminate a customer’s CCA Service, or a CCA’s ability to provide services under

CCA. In such case, SCE shall seek an emergency order from the Commission.

Pursuant to D.05-12-041, the assigned Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), in

consultation with the assigned Commissioner, is authorized to issue a ruling providing

interim authority for SCE to terminate a CCA’s service. Upon receipt of such a ruling,

SCE shall initiate the change or termination by preparing a CCASR, but the change or

termination may be made immediately notwithstanding the applicable CCASR

processing times set forth in this Rule. SCE shall provide such notice to the CCA

and/or the affected customer as is reasonable under the circumstances of this

section, if any is reasonable. The CCA or the affected customer shall have the right

to seek an order from the Commission restoring the customer’s service election

and/or the CCA’s ability to provide services. If a customer’s CCA Service is

terminated, the customer will be subject to the provisions of Section L and the terms

and conditions of Bundled Portfolio Service. Unless expressly ordered by the

Commission, these provisions do not disconnect electric service provided to the


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55600-E

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Rule 23 Sheet 36 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

36H18 Resolution E-4730


4. Change of Service Election Absent Exigent Circumstances

In the event SCE finds that a CCA has failed to meet its obligations under this Rule or

CCA Service Agreement such that SCE seeks to invoke its remedies under this

Section, but the failure does not constitute an emergency (as defined in Section T.3),

SCE shall notify the CCA and the affected customer of such finding in writing stating


a. The nature of the alleged non-performance;

b. The actions necessary to cure it;

c. The consequences of failure to cure it and the remedy SCE proposes to

invoke in the event of a failure to cure; and

d. The name, address and telephone number of a contact person at SCE

authorized to discuss resolution of the problem.

The CCA shall have thirty (30) days from receipt of such notice to cure the alleged

non-performance or reach an agreement regarding it with SCE. If the problem is not

cured or an agreement is not reached following this 30 day period, SCE may seek

authority from the Commission to terminate CCA Service. SCE’s request to the

Commission shall specify the reasons for the requested termination, the impacts of

the termination, and the expected impacts if the CCA’s service is not terminated.

Upon Commission approval, SCE may initiate the CCASR process set forth in this

Rule to accomplish the remedy set forth in the notice. If a customer’s CCA Service is

terminated, the customer will be subject to the provisions of Section L and the terms

and conditions of Bundled Portfolio Service, unless the customer is eligible for Direct

Access and has previously selected another ESP in accordance with Rule 22. SCE

shall suspend the exercise of such remedy if, before the end of the cure period, the

CCA has filed an application with the Commission requesting an order from the

Commission that the CCA is entitled to continue the CCA Service Agreement and

SCE is not entitled to exercise the remedy it has identified in its notice. The status of

the CCA shall not change pending the Commission’s review of SCE’s request

provided that an emergency, as described in Section T.3 of this Rule does not arise.

Unless expressly ordered by the Commission, these provisions do not disconnect

electric service provided to the customer. SCE’s action to defer the exercise of its

remedies in accordance with this section does not constitute a waiver of any rights.

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Rule 23 Sheet 37 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

37H19 Resolution E-4730


5. Following consultation with the CCA, SCE is authorized to serve CCA customers

temporarily where the CAISO or the CCA has notified SCE that customers would

otherwise not be served. In such cases, the CCA’s Service Agreement is not

terminated; however SCE shall immediately initiate the process to return affected

CCA customers to Bundled Service without prior Commission approval. SCE shall

initiate the service change by preparing a CCASR, but the service change may be

made immediately notwithstanding the applicable CCASR processing times set forth

in this Rule. Affected customers will be provided service temporarily under Schedule

PC-TBS. With the exception of Direct Access eligible customers, CCA customers

receiving temporary service in this situation may not seek service from other ESPs or

CCAs. SCE may seek authority from the Commission to terminate CCA Service

pursuant to Section T.4 of this Rule at anytime after being notified that the CCA’s

customers are not being served.

6. Burden of Proof Before Commission

In any case before the Commission the party bearing the burden of going forward and

the party bearing the burden of proof shall be established in the manner normally

established at the Commission.

7. Action in the Event of Termination

Upon termination of CCA Service pursuant to this Section T, the customer shall be

returned to SCE Bundled Portfolio Service and subject to the terms and conditions of

Section L of this Rule, unless the customer is eligible for Direct Access and has

previously selected another ESP under the procedures set forth in the Direct Access

Rules 22 and 22.1.

At any time not less than three (3) years and six (6) months after termination of a

CCA’s CCA Service rights pursuant to this Section T, the CCA’s eligibility to engage in

CCA Service shall be reinstated upon a reasonable showing by the CCA that the

cause(s) of the CCA’s termination have been cured, all past due charges and

arrearages have been paid, with interest, and the CCA has re-established compliance

with all then-current Commission requirements, including credit requirements under

Section V.


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Rule 23 Sheet 38 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

38H21 Resolution E-4730


1. SCE shall notify the customer of SCE’s right to disconnect electric service for the non-

payment of SCE charges pursuant to electric Rule 8. The customer, and not SCE, is

responsible for contacting CCA in the event it receives notice of late payment or

service termination from SCE. If a customer has been disconnected, and is not

reconnected within two days, SCE shall promptly notify the CCA. A service charge

shall be imposed on the customer if a field call is performed to disconnect electric


2. SCE shall not disconnect electric service to the customer for the non-payment of CCA

charges. In the event of non-payment of CCA charges by the customer, the CCA may

submit a CCASR requesting transfer of the service account to SCE Bundled Service

according to Section M.

3. SCE shall reconnect electric service for a Commission-authorized service fee when

the criteria for reconnection pursuant to the provisions set forth Rule 11,

Discontinuance of Service, and Schedule SC have been met.


1. SCE may require the CCA to establish its creditworthiness through evaluations,

deposits, or other security in the manner described in Section V.2 of this Rule, to

cover Commission-approved charges incurred as a result of CCA participation. That

is, the creditworthiness only applies to SCE charges that are billed directly to the


2. Creditworthiness

a. Credit Evaluation

A CCA with a demonstrable current credit rating of Baa2 or higher from

Moody’s or BBB or higher from Standard and Poor’s, Fitch or Duff & Phelps,

is deemed to be creditworthy unless SCE determines that a material change

in the CCA’s creditworthiness has occurred. SCE requires CCAs to complete

a credit application including financial information reasonably necessary to

establish credit. The creditworthiness evaluation may be conducted by an

outside credit analysis agency, determined by SCE, with final credit approval

granted by SCE. This evaluation shall be completed within ten (10) business

days. Credit reports shall remain strictly confidential between the credit

analysis agency and SCE. A credit application processing fee, as approved

by the Commission, may be charged to offset the cost of determining the

CCA’s creditworthiness.

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Rule 23 Sheet 39 (T)




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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

39H18 Resolution E-4730


2. Creditworthiness (Continued)

b. Security Deposits

The CCA or its authorized agent may submit and maintain a cost-based

security deposit in lieu of submitting to or being qualified under a

creditworthiness evaluation. The amount of the security deposit required to

establish credit will be based on SCE providing services to the CCA for

customers in the CCA’s service area and costs associated with specialized

services and boundary metering requested by the CCA. The value of the

security deposit shall be determined by SCE. Security deposits may be in the

form of (1) cash deposits, with interest earned at the 3-month commercial

paper rate, (2) letters of credit, defined as irrevocable and renewable issued

by a major financial institution acceptable to SCE, or (3) surety bonds, defined

as renewable and issued by a major insurance company acceptable to SCE

Security deposits must be posted with SCE prior to the CCA’s participation in

CCA and prior to the implementation of any Customer Notifications as

identified in Section H. Security deposits posted with SCE which are in

excess of outstanding unpaid bills owed to SCE will be returned to the CCA

within approximately 60 days after the CCA has terminated its services in

SCE’s service territory.

While the CCA is participating in CCA, deposits cannot be used as payment

for past due bills in order to avoid or delay imposition of any of the

Commission tariffs and rules pertaining to CCA’s non-payment of bills owed

to SCE.

c. Interest on Cash Deposit

SCE shall pay interest on cash deposits, except as provided below,

calculated on a daily basis, and compounded at the end of each calendar

month, from the date fully paid to the date of refund by check or credit to the

CCA’s account. The interest rate applicable in each calendar month shall be

set forth in Rule 7; except that when a refund is made within the first fifteen

days of a calendar month the interest rate applicable in the previous month

shall be applied for the elapsed portion of the month in which the refund is

made. No interest shall be paid if the CCA’s right to continue to provide CCA

Service is temporarily or permanently discontinued for nonpayment of bills.

No interest shall be paid for periods covered by bills paid after becoming past


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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

40H18 Resolution E-4730


d. Ongoing Maintenance of Credit

To assure continued validity of established unsecured credit, the CCA shall

promptly notify SCE of any material change in its credit rating or financial

condition. CCA shall also furnish evidence of an acceptable credit rating or

financial condition, as set forth above, to SCE upon request.

3. Additional Documents

The CCA shall execute and deliver all documents and instruments (including, without

limitation, security agreements and SCE financing statements) reasonably required

from time to time to implement the provisions set forth above and to perfect any

security interest granted to SCE.

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Sheet 1

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Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

1S11 Resolution E-4730



Form 14-793

Form 14-793 10/2014

For Office Use Only Date Received:

Six-Month Advance Notice to Transfer to Direct Access or Community Aggregation Service

This completed form notifies Southern California Edison (SCE) of your intent to transfer your account(s) to Direct Access (DA) service or Community Aggregation (CA) service. SCE must receive this notice at least six months in advance of the date you intend to transfer to DA/CA service. Once received by SCE, you will 1) have a three business-day rescission period after which this notification cannot be canceled, and 2) receive confirmation of your notice to transfer to DA/CA service within thirty (30) business days that will specify the date that your Electric Service Provider (ESP) must submit a Direct Access Service Request (DASR) to SCE in order to transfer your account(s). This is important information that you will need to provide to your ESP to complete your request. This date is significant because if SCE does not receive a DASR by that date, your account will be transferred to Transitional Bundled Portfolio Service (TBS) and will be billed at the spot price rate for sixty (60) days. Unless a DASR is received by SCE by the end of this sixty-day period, the six (6) month advance notice to return to DA/CA service will be canceled and the account will no longer be eligible for DA/CA service. The account will continue to bill on the TBS spot market price for an additional six (6) months, after which it will begin bundled service for an eighteen (18) month Bundled Portfolio Service (BPS) commitment term. ________________________________________________________________________________ Please consider this my notice to transfer the account(s) listed below to DA/CA service after my BPS commitment expires. I understand the rules and conditions as set forth in SCE Rule 22.1.


Required Customer Information:

(T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T)

Account Name:

Service Account Number:

Service Address:

City, Zip:

Customer’s E-mail Address:

(For more than one account, please list the additional information on a separate sheet and attach it to this form.)

Customer or Authorized Agent Signature2 Signature

Type/Print Name:

Daytime Phone Number:

E-Mail Address:

Date of Signature:

FAX completed form to: 626-812-7562OR

E-Mail to:


1 SCE Rule 22.1 is available on and includes the terms and conditions applicable to transferring between

BPS and DA/CA. 2 If a Six-Month Notice to Transfer to Direct Access Service or Community Aggregation Service is executed by a third party on

behalf of the customer, an executed Authorization to Receive Customer Information or Act on a Customer’s Behalf form (CISR) is also required, but should be submitted separately to 3, 909-941-2677 (fax), or 3

rd Party Authorizations, P.O.

Box 6400, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729.

(T) (T) (T) (T)

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55606-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 51890-E

Sheet 1

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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

1S11 Resolution E-4730



Form 14-794

Form 14-794 10/2014

For Office Use Only Date Received:

Six-Month Advance Notice to Return to Bundled Portfolio Service (from Direct Access Service or Community Aggregation Service)

This is my notice to return the account(s) listed below to Southern California Edison’s (SCE’s) Bundled Portfolio Service. I understand the rules and conditions as set forth in SCE’s Rule 22.1 for Direct Access (DA) service

1 or Community Aggregation (CA) service

Customer Information:

(T) (T)

Account Name:

Service Account Number:

Service Address:

City, Zip:

Customer’s E-mail Address: (For more than one account, please list the additional information on a separate sheet and attach it to this form.)

On Behalf of Customer:


Type/Print Name:

Daytime Phone Number:

E-Mail Address:

Date of Signature:

Bundled Portfolio Service – Customers choosing to return to Bundled Service2 for a term longer

than 60 days must provide a six-month advance notice to SCE prior to becoming eligible for

Bundled Portfolio Service (BPS). SCE must receive this notice at least six months in advance of the

date you intend to transfer to BPS. Once received by SCE, you will 1) have a three business-day

rescission period after which this notification cannot be canceled3, and 2) receive confirmation of

your notice to return to BPS within twenty (20) business days. Account transfers to BPS will be

transferred on the customer’s next scheduled meter read date following completion of the six-

month advance notice period. Customers electing BPS service make an eighteen (18) - month

commitment and will not be eligible to return to DA service, until their 18 - month minimum period

has been completed. Customers returning to BPS from DA service continue to be responsible for

Direct Access Cost Responsibility Surcharge (DA CRS) under-collections and customers returning

to BPS from CA service continue to be responsible for Community Choice Aggregation Cost

Responsibility Surcharge (CCA CRS), if applicable; resulting from the period they were taking DA

or CA service.

At the end of the initial 18 - month term, customers will have the option to return to DA service, or

remain on Bundled Portfolio Service based on any subsequent rules.

FAX completed form to: 626-812-7562 OR E-Mail to:

OR mail to: Southern California Edison

Attn: Direct Access Support

6020 N. Irwindale Avenue

Suite I

Irwindale, CA 91702












1 SCE’s Rule 22.1, available on, includes the terms and conditions applicable to transferring

to BPS from DA/CA service. 2 Bundled Service refers to the combination of generation and other utility services, such as transmission, distribution,

etc. DA/CA service indicates that generation is provided by another energy supplier, other than SCE 3 SCE must receive written notification of the rescission within 3 business days by mail or by fax at the address listed


(T) | | (T)

Southern California Edison Original Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55607-E

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Sheet 1

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Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

1S14 Resolution E-4730



Form 14-954

Form 14-954 10/2014

For Office Use Only Date Received:

Six-Month Advance Notice to Transfer to Community Choice Aggregation Service

This completed form notifies Southern California Edison (SCE) of your intent to transfer your account(s) to Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) service. SCE must receive this notice at least six months in advance of the date you intend to transfer to CCA. Once received by SCE, you will 1) have a three business-day rescission period after which this notification cannot be canceled, and 2) receive confirmation of your notice to transfer to CCA within thirty (30) business days that will specify the date that your Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) Service Provider (CCA Provider) must submit a Community Choice Aggregation Service Request (CCASR) to SCE in order to transfer your account(s). This is important information that you will need to provide to your CCA Provider to complete your request. This date is significant because if SCE does not receive a CCASR by that date, your account will be transferred to Transitional Bundled Portfolio Service (TBS) and will be billed at the spot price rate for sixty (60) days. Unless a CCASR is received by SCE by the end of this sixty-day period, the six (6) month advance notice to return to CCA will be canceled and the account will no longer be eligible for CCA service. The account will continue to bill on the TBS spot market price for an additional six (6) months, after which it will begin bundled service for twelve (12) month Bundled Portfolio Service (BPS) commitment term. ________________________________________________________________________________ Please consider this my notice to transfer the account(s) listed below to CCA service after my BPS commitment expires. I understand the rules and conditions as set forth in SCE Rule 23.1 Required Customer Information:

Account Name:

Service Account Number:

Service Address:

City, Zip:

Customer’s E-mail Address:

(For more than one account, please list the additional information on a separate sheet and attach it to this form.)

Customer or Authorized Agent Signature2 Signature

Type/Print Name:

Daytime Phone Number:

E-Mail Address:

Date of Signature:

FAX completed form to: 626-812-7562OR

E-Mail to:

1 SCE Rule 23 is available on and includes the terms and conditions applicable to transferring between

BPS and CCA. 2 If a Six-Month Notice to Transfer to Community Choice Aggregation Service is executed by a third party on behalf

of the customer, an executed Authorization to Receive Customer Information or Act on a Customer’s Behalf form (CISR) is also required, but should be submitted separately to 909-941-2677 (fax), or 3rd Party Authorizations, P.O. Box 6400, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729.

Southern California Edison Original Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55608-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Cal. PUC Sheet No.

Sheet 1

(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

1S13 Resolution E-4730



Form 14-955

Form 14-955 10/2014

For Office Use Only Date Received:

Six-Month Advance Notice to Return to Bundled Portfolio Service

(from Community Choice Aggregation Service)

This is my notice to return the account(s) listed below to Southern California Edison’s (SCE’s) Bundled Portfolio Service. I understand the rules and conditions as set forth in SCE’s Rule 23 for Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service)


Customer Information:

Account Name:

Service Account Number:

Service Address:

City, Zip:

Customer’s E-mail Address: (For more than one account, please list the additional information on a separate sheet and attach it to this form.)

On Behalf of Customer:


Type/Print Name:

Daytime Phone Number:

E-Mail Address:

Date of Signature:

Bundled Portfolio Service – Customers choosing to return to Bundled Service2 for a term longer than

60 days must provide a six-month advance notice to SCE prior to becoming eligible for Bundled

Portfolio Service (BPS). SCE must receive this notice at least six months in advance of the date you

intend to transfer to BPS. Once received by SCE, you will 1) have a three business-day rescission

period after which this notification cannot be canceled3, and 2) receive confirmation of your notice to

return to BPS within twenty (20) business days. Account transfers to BPS will be transferred on the

customer’s next scheduled meter read date following completion of the six-month advance notice

period. Customers electing BPS service make a twelve (12) - month commitment and will not be

eligible to return to CCA Service, as applicable, until their 12 - month minimum period has been

completed. Customers returning to BPS continue to be responsible for Community Choice

Aggregation Cost Responsibility Surcharge (CCA CRS) under-collections, if applicable; resulting from

the period they were taking CCA service.

At the end of the initial 12 - month term, customers will have the option to return to CCA Service, as

applicable, or remain on Bundled Portfolio Service based on any subsequent rules.

FAX completed form to: 626-812-7562 OR E-Mail to:

OR mail to: Southern California Edison

Attn: Community Choice Aggregation Support

6020 N. Irwindale Avenue

Suite I

Irwindale, CA 91702

1 SCE’s Rule 23, available on, includes the terms and conditions applicable to transferring

to BPS from Community Choice Aggregation Service. 2 Bundled Service refers to the combination of generation and other utility services, such as transmission, distribution,

etc. CCA Service indicates that generation is provided by another energy supplier, other than SCE 3 SCE must receive written notification of the rescission within 3 business days by mail or by fax at the address listed


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55609-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55261-E



(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

1H13 Resolution E-4730

Cal. P.U.C.

Sheet No.

TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................................................. 11431-E

TABLE OF CONTENTS - RATE SCHEDULES .... 55537-55097-55262-55375-55476-55377-55378-E

...................................................................................................................... 55379-55505-E

TABLE OF CONTENTS - LIST OF CONTRACTS AND DEVIATIONS ................................... 55505-E

TABLE OF CONTENTS - RULES ............................................................................................ 55610-E



TABLE OF CONTENTS - SAMPLE FORMS.. ................... 53919-55477-53921-55196-54395-54065-E

............................................................................................................ 55538-55539-52753-E


A. Territory Served ......................................................................................................... 22909-E

B. Description of Service ................................................................................................ 22909-E

C. Procedure to Obtain Service ..................................................................................... 22909-E

D. Establishment of Credit and Deposits ....................................................................... 22909-E

E. General .......................................................................... 45178-45179-45180-53818-45182-E

F. Symbols ..................................................................................................................... 45182-E

G. Gross Revenue Sharing Mechanism ....... 26584-26585-26586-26587-27195-27196-54092-E

.................................................................................................. 51717-53819-27200-27201-E

H. Baseline Service ........................................................... 52027-52028-52029-52030-52031-E

I. Not In Use ............................................................................................................................. -E

J. Not In Use ............................................................................................................................. -E

K. Nuclear Decommissioning Adjustment Mechanism ........................................ 36582-47710-E

L. Purchase Agreement Administrative Costs Balancing Account ........... 51921-51922-51923-E

M. Income Tax Component of Contributions ....................................................... 53556-27632-E

N. Memorandum Accounts .... 21344-55047-53015-49491-49492-41775-45585-45586-53821-E

........ 50418-42841-42842-44948-44949-44950-44951-44952-44953-42849-42850-42851-E

........ 41717-47876-44297-42855-42856-44341-45252-52033-50419-55048-42862-42863-E

........ 42864-53822-53823-51235-45920-51236-42870-50209-42872-42873-50421-46539-E

........ 42876-42877-42878-42879-42880-42881-42882-54534-44958-42885-44959-42887-E

........ 53321-53322-47098-52551-52552-49928-54107-51239-51240-55144-55145-44029-E



O. California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Adjustment Clause ................. 34705-41902-E

.............................................................................................................. 36472-38847-55273-E

P. Optional Pricing Adjustment Clause (OPAC) ........................... 27670-27671-27673-27674-E



Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55610-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55195-E




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

10H11 Resolution E-4730

RULESRule Cal. P.U.C. No. Title of Sheet Sheet No.

1 Definitions .. 52475-55550-55551-55552-55553-55554-55555-55556-55557-55558-55559-55560-E ............................................................................................................. 55561-55562-55563-55564-E 2 Description of Service ........................................ 22926-22927-22928-25264-22930-22931-22932-E ........................................... 22933-22934-51551-51552-47145-47146-47147-47148-47149-47150-E 3 Application for Service ............................................................................................... 50441-22943-E 4 Contracts .................................................................................................................... 38154-39859-E 5 Special Information Required on Forms .............................................. 27742-27743-51306-31052-E 6 Establishment and Re-establishment of Credit .......................................................... 55074-55075-E 7 Deposits .......................................................................................................... 55076-55077-47771-E 8 Notices ....................................................................................................................... 55078-27747-E 9 Rendering and Payment of Bills ............................................... 29956-52691-51308-52504-52692-E 10 Disputed Bills ............................................................................................................. 27748-55079-E 11 Discontinuance and Restoration of Service ............................. 22964-55080-22966-22967-22968-E .................................................................................................. 22969-47772-22971-45093-49671-E 12 Rates and Optional Rates ............................................................................... 40634-35618-51311-E 13 Temporary Service ................................................................................................................ 51312-E 14 Shortage of Supply and Interruption of Delivery ......................................................... 53899-26339-E 15 Distribution Line Extensions .................... 24684-47151-47152-47153-47154-53956-47156-47157-E ................................ 47158-51852-47160-47161-47162-47163-47164-51555-51853-47167-47168-E 16 Service Extensions .............................................. 24700-49672-48155-24703-24704-47169-47170-E .................... 47171-47172-47173-47174-47175-47176-47177-47178-47179-47180-48156-48157-E 17 Adjustment of Bills and Meter Tests ......................................... 19616-47773-47774-19619-19620-E 18 Supply to Separate Premises and Use by Others ............................... 47472-45543-51854-45545-E 20 Replacement of Overhead With Underground Electric Facilities ....................................................................................... 31867-23019-23020-31868-26177-31869-E 21 Generating Facility Interconnections ................................................................................................... ...................................................... 54718-54719-54720-54721-54722-54723-54724-54725-54726-E 54727-54728-54729-54730-54731-54732-54733-54734-54735-54736-54737-54738-54739-54740-E 54741-54742-54743-54744-54745-54746-54747-54748-54749-54750-54751-54752-54753-54754-E 54755-54756-54757-54758-54759-54760-54761-54762-54763-54764-54765-54766-54767-54768-E 54769-54770-54771-54772-54773-54774-54775-54776-54777-54778-54779-54780-54781-54782-E 54783-54784-54785-54786-54787-54788-54789-54790-54791-54792-54793-54794-54795-54796-E 54797-54798-54799-54800-54801-54802-54803-54804-54805-54806-54807-54808-54809-54810-E 54811-54812-54813-54814-54815-54816-54817-54818-54819-54820-54821-54822-54823-54824-E 54825-54826-54827-54828-54829-54830-54831-54832-54833-54834-54835-54836-54837-54838-E 54839-54840-54841-54842-54843-54844-54845-54846-54847-54848-54849-54850-54851-54852-E 54853-54854-54855-54856-54857-54858-54859-54860-54861-54862-54863-54864-54865-54866-E ................................ 54867-54868-54869-54870-54871-54872-54873-54874-54875-54876-54877-E 22 Direct Access ..................... 46949-53900-46951-50443-46953-46954-46955-46956-49517-49518-E ................................ 51394-51397-46961-46962-47475-46964-46965-46966-46967-46968-46969-E .................... 46970-46971-46972-53901-46974-46975-46976-46977-46978-46979-46980-46981-E .................... 46982-46983-46984-46985-46986-46987-46988-46989-46990-46991-46992-46993-E ........................................... 46994-51313-51314-46997-46998-46999-49520-49521-49522-49523-E ............................................................................................................. 24330-24331-24332-24333-E 22.1 Switching Exemption Guidelines ......................... 51618-51619-49296-49297-49298-47005-47006-E ................................................................. 47007-50444-47009-47010-47011-51620-51621-51622-E 22.2 Direct Access Service for Qualified Nonprofit Charitable Organizations ................................ 41804-E 23 Community Choice Aggregation ... 55565-55566-55567-55568-55569-55570-55571-55572-55573-E 55574-55575-55576-55577-55578-55579-55580-55581-55582-55583-55584-55585-55586-55587-E 55588-55589-55590-55591-55592-55593-55594-55595-55596-55597-55598-55599-55600-55601-E ......................................................................................................................... 55602-55603-55604-E 23.2 Community Choice Aggregation Open Season .................................... 40062-40063-43671-43672-E 24 Direct Participation Demand Response….54032-54033-54034-54035-54036-54037-54038-54039-E 54040-54041-54042-54043-54044-54045-54046-54047-54048-54049-54050-54051-54052-54053-E 54054-54055-54056-54057-54058-54059-54060-E 25 Protecting the Privacy and Security of Customer Usage Information .......................... 51185-51186-E ……. .............................................. 51187-51188-51189-55177-55178-51192-51193-51194-51195-E 26 Release of Customer Data or Energy Usage Related Data to Third Parties .... 55179-55180-55181-E .................................... 55182-55183-55184-55185-55186-55187-55188-55189-55190-55191-E

(T) (T) (T) | | (T) (P) (P)

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55611-E

Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 55152-E




(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)

Advice 3113-E Megan Scott-Kakures Date Filed Oct 7, 2014

Decision Vice President Effective Oct 1, 2015

17H13 Resolution E-4730

SAMPLE FORMS (Continued)Form Cal. P.U.C. No. Statements (Continued) Sheet No.

Direct Access

14-756 Direct Access Customer Relocation/Replacement Declaration .............................. 53907-E 14-768 Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) Service Agreement .................................... 47507-E 14-769 Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure Agreement ................................... 51040-E 14-770 Community Choice Aggregation Service Declaration ............................................. 49644-E 14-793 Six-Month Advance Notice to Transfer to Direct Access Service ........................... 55605-E 14-794 Six-Month Notice to Transfer to Bundled Portfolio Service ..................................... 55606-E 14-795 Notice of Intent to Transfer to Direct Access Service (During the Open Enrollment Window April 16, 2010 to June 30, 2010) ............................................................................. 47049-E 14-796 Authorization To: Receive Customer Information or Act on a Customer's Behalf .. 48656-E 14-797 Customer Assignment Notification .......................................................................... 51663-E 14-930 Direct Access Customer Replacement Declaration ................................................ 51664-E 14-954 Six-Month Notice to Transfer to CCA Service ......................................................... 55607-E 14-955 Six-Month Notice to Return to BPS (from CCA Service) ........................................ 55608-E

Interconnection Agreements

14-459 Momentary Parallel Generation Agreement ........................................................... 27758-E 14-653 Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing - Virtual Net Metering Interconnection Agreement .... ................................................................................................................................. 54514-E 14-730 Back-Up Service Agreement Between Customer and Southern California Edison

Company (SCE) ...................................................................................................... 53904-E 14-731 Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement ...................................................... 53905-E 14-732 Generating Facility Interconnection Application ...................................................... 54878-E 14-742 Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (3rd Party Non-Exporting) ............ 50717-E 14-743 Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (3rd Party Inadvertent-Exporting) 50718-E 14-744 Customer Generation Agreement ........................................................................... 50719-E 14-745 Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (Inadvertent-Export) ..................... 50720-E 14-750 Biogas Digester Electrical Generating Facility Net Energy Metering and Interconnection Agreement ............................................................................................................... 50721-E 14-753 Application For A Net Energy Metering And Generating Facility Interconnection

Agreement ............................................................................................................... 49812-E 14-755 Fuel Cell Electrical Generating Facility Net Energy Metering and Interconnection

Agreement ............................................................................................................... 53620-E 14-773 Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement for Combined Technologies ......... 54515-E 14-788 Local Government Renewable Energy Self-Generation Bill Credit Transfer (RES-BCT) Interconnection Agreement ..................................................................................... 53656-E 14-909 Virtual Net Energy Metering for Multi-Tenant and Multi-Meter Properties Interconnection . Agreement ............................................................................................................... 54516-E 14-910 Virtual Net Energy Metering for Multi-Tenant and Multi-Meter Properties Allocation

Request Form .......................................................................................................... 49814-E 14-911 Interconnection Agreement for An Existing Small-Generation Facility Interconnection to

the Distribution System Under Ruler 21 .................................................................. 49042-E 14-917 Standby Contract for Electric Service ..................................................................... 53909-E 14-918 Rule 21 Exporting Generating Facility Interconnection Request ............................ 54879-E 14-919 Rule 21 Generator Interconnection Agreement for Exporting Generating ............................

Facilities Interconnecting Under the Fast Track Process ........................................ 50728-E 14-922 Rule 21 Pre-Application Report Request ................................................................ 54880-E 14-923 Southern California Edison Company Net Energy Metering Solar and Wind Generating Facility 10 Kilowatt or Less Interconnection Agreement……………………………..54517-E 14-937 Net Energy Metering (NEM) Aggregation Account Information ............................ ..55149-E

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