psychology 1300, learning frameworks brazosport college

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PSYC1300, Learning Frameworks Professor Pegoda

Syllabus, Course Contract 1 of 7 “DO. Or do not. There is NO TRY.”



“What are you going to do? Are you going to be a passive recipient of education, or are you going to become an active owner of your education?”

Professor: Andrew Joseph Pegoda, Ph.D. Candidate Email: Phone: 979-230-3617 (office)Office: Student Success Center

Are you ready to work? I am excited to be your guide on what is sure to be an eventful journey on the road to lifelong learning. This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to be an active and successful learner. If you have not already, you will come to discover that becoming an active learner requires YOU to take full responsibility for your academic success. If any of this seems daunting, do not fear. You are about to receive some excellent training that will leave you with the necessary tools to succeed! It is my hope that, after trying out the strategies that we discuss, you will choose to adopt or modify those pieces that complement your own learning styles.

This is not a lecture-based course; rather, it is discussion-based. You will be responsible for coming to class prepared to discuss and interact with the material, the students, and the professors.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Learning Frameworks has been designed as a student success course. Through lectures, discussions, readings, written assignments, projects, and exams, students will be provided on-the-job training for becoming a successful student. A central focus of this course will be on the connection between psychological principles and various aspects of learning, such as motivation, goal setting, and stress. In addition, students will learn general college study skills for approaching notes, reading, writing, research, exams, etc. A central focus will be on the recognition of how college is different. By the end of this semester, students will have increased both their written and oral communication, critical thinking, and study skills. Students will have the skills necessary to conquer any college situation. This course is writing intensive.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon the successful completion of Learning Frameworks the student will know and will be able to identify, explain, describe, discuss, analyze, and/or apply:

1. the differences between high school and college, as well as the numerous services, resources, and onlinetools available to college students;

2. the importance of taking notes, the characteristics of taking notes, the factors that affect note-taking, cues tolisten for, and the three major note-taking methods;

3. the differences between and characteristics of proper long-term and short-term goals, mastery goalorientation and performance goal orientation, as well as common barriers to goals;

4. the different roles of self-esteem, self-efficacy, and attributions;5. the major characteristics and examples of active learning;6. the role of attention in memory, the process of memory acquisition and storage, and the role of specific

memorization strategies;7. test-taking skills for objective and essay exams for various courses;8. the importance of time management, the advantages to keeping a schedule and to-do list, and causes and

solutions for procrastination;9. the major causes of stress, solutions for overcoming stress, and the role of health and student success;10. the basic learning styles and how to adapt these to various learning environments;11. college-level reading strategies, including surveying, annotating, and practicing;12. the major characteristics of high school and college-level writing, the various types of plagiarism, resources

available in the library, and the difference between content and mechanics;

PSYC1300, Learning Frameworks Professor Pegoda

Syllabus, Course Contract 2 of 7

“DO. Or do not. There is NO TRY.”

13. the multiple factors involved in career decisions based on one’s individual differences; 14. specific written, non-written, and oral rehearsal strategies.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Students are required to complete all assigned readings, students are required to participate in all class discussions, and students are required to submit all written work—this includes four writing assignments, the midterm exam, the final exam, and the semester project. There are NO exceptions to these rules. College instructors expect students to spend at least one-hundred hours outside of class reading, writing, and studying course material. Specifically, for every hour students are in class they need to study for two-to-three hours. This is college. Wake up. Semester grades will be assigned as follows: 90% and above = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D 59.9% and below = F **Note: In order to receive a grade of “A” students must also earn at least 60% or better in all grade categories. Students who have twelve or more hours of absences will automatically receive a“F” The breakdown of the requirements is as follows: 20%-Quizzes 40%-Writing Assignments 10%-Midterm Exam 10%-Final Exam 10%-Semester Project 10%-Participation QUIZZES: Students will have a quiz at the beginning of almost every class. These will take place during the first five minutes. Quizzes will be over previous lessons, discussions, lectures, videos, and/or reading assignments. These questions are not designed to be difficult. Rather, they will greatly help students learn the material and excel. These will usually be in the form of short answer/extended essays. One quiz grade will be dropped. WRITING ASSIGNMENTS: Students will write FOUR formal essays. Students will be required to visit the Writing Center for each essay. More details will be provided in class. EXAMS: Students will complete TWO exams this semester – a midterm and a final exam. Both will be cumulative and essay- and application-based. The midterm will be take home, while the final will be in-class. More details will be provided in class. SEMESTER PROJECT: Students will also complete a semester project. The purpose of this requirement is to allow students the opportunity to demonstrate personal mastery of course material without writing a formal research-based term paper. This project should be completed independently and should be both original and creative and may relate to any of the course themes covered in Learning Frameworks. Ideas include: making a mosaic, video, skit, writing a poem or song. Please note, however, that a presentation that simply list the type of stress, for example, is not appropriate and will earn a failing grade. START EARLY! Do not wait until the last minute. Part of the grade will be assigned according to how much time and effort students put into the project. Projects are due at the end of this semester. Students must make a presentation of at least five minutes. Students must also submit a short summary of their project. A proposal will be due with the Midterm Exam.

PSYC1300, Learning Frameworks Professor Pegoda

Syllabus, Course Contract 3 of 7

“DO. Or do not. There is NO TRY.”

Presentations will be graded according to the following approximation: 1) Draft Proposal Paragraph 10%, 2) Understanding of subject 20%, 3) Quality of Presentation 20%, 4) Creativity/Originality 40%, and 5) Typed Summary 10%. PARTICIPATION: ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY!! Students are expected to attend every class, to arrive on time, and to remain the entire period. Students are also required to participate in online assignments, as assigned. Students who miss class are responsible for any and all material covered. In college there is no such thing as an “excused absence.” Students who are kicked out of class, who leave early/arrive late, or who refuse to participate (such as laying their head on the desk) will be marked absent. Students will earn their participation grade according to their 1) informed contributions to classroom discussions and exercises, online and face-to-face, 2) level of engagement/listening skills, 3) behavior, 4) preparation for class, and 5) communication with the professors. A participation grade of “A” stands for outstanding participation, “B” for very good participation, “C” for adequate but weak participation, and “F” for poor participation. WRITING CENTER: At a minimum, students must visit with the Writing Center FOUR times (once for each of the writing assignments). Students are, of course, encouraged to visit as often as they would like for all assignments. Students may even desire to visit the Writing Center multiple times for the same assignment. STUDENTS WILL FACE A 30 POINT DEDUCTION IF THEY DO NOT VISIT THE WRITING CENTER FOR THE REQUIRED ASSIGNMENTS. START EARLY! MAKE PLANS! Students cannot wait until the last minute. REQUIRED READINGS/SUPPLIES: Students should bring appropriate supplies and reading assignments to each class. -College Rules! How to Study, Survive, and Succeed in College 3rd edition -additional reading assignments to be found in D2L -binder, should be 2”-2 ½” with 4 divider tabs (one each for syllabus, handouts, notes, assignments) -paper, blue/black pens (only these colors)

“You learn something every day if you pay attention.”

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

PSYC1300, Learning Frameworks Professor Pegoda

Syllabus, Course Contract 4 of 7

“DO. Or do not. There is NO TRY.”

IMPORTANT POLICES AND NOTICES LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: A student’s enrollment in this class acknowledges he/she intends to learn course material. To that extent, certain behaviors that would impede this process will not be permitted. These include, but are not limited to, reading newspapers or books, text-messaging, surfing the web, answering cell phones, talking out of turn, etc. If a student is not sure what is appropriate, he/she should ask. Students are responsible for knowing and following common sense rules of behavior. The instructor is committed to creating and maintaining an open and productive intellectually engaging learning environment. Disruptive students will be instructed to leave the classroom – this is college, warnings will not be issued. ONLINE REQUIREMENTS: This is a Web-assisted course. Students will find additional reading assignments and handouts online. Students will also complete required online discussions and submit essays and exams online. Students are required to login at least three times every week to check for announcements and other important information. There will be a discussion board for questions, as well. More details will be provided in class. OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL WARNING: This is a college course and students should know that anything is fair game. The college classroom is a unique place in society where any ideas, opinions, and perspectives are welcomed and should be shared–respectfully. Students will find some of the material offensive, as they should. GUIDELINES FOR WRITTEN WORK: In-class assignments and other written assignments must be completed in blue or black ink – any other work will not be graded. In-class work must also follow normal guidelines of Standard English – this includes complete sentences. Of course, students are not expected to create polished in-class work. Out-of-class assignments must be typed with Times New Roman size 12 as the font, with one-inch margins on all four sides, and double-spaced – spelling, grammar, and format count. Use professional/formal/college English (this means NOT using text-message language, contractions, clichés, or slang, for example). All out-of-class work will be submitted both online in D2L and face-to-face. Once receiving graded work back, students should wait 24 hours before asking any questions about the grade. During this time, students should review the feedback and any relevant notes. Grades will only be changed if a mistake was made. Students should have clear and specific questions prepared if they are wondering why a certain grade was assigned to a paper. LATE WORK POLICY: THERE WILL BE NO LATE WORK! And there will not be any makeup exams or quizzes – no excuses. This is college – learn to meet deadlines. You are provided a list of major dates for a reason. ACADEMIC HONESTY: Brazosport College assumes that students eligible to perform on the college level are familiar with the ordinary rules governing proper conduct, including academic honesty. The principle of academic honesty is that all work presented by you is yours alone. Academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and collusion shall be treated appropriately. Please refer to the BC Student Guide for more information. and other technologies will be used, as necessary, to ensure academic honesty. STUDENTS MUST COMPLETE ALL WORK INDEPENDENTLY UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED. PLAGIARISM, CHEATING, OR ANY RELATED OFFENSIVES WILL RESULT IN AN AUTOMATIC ZERO FOR THAT ASSIGNMENT AT A MINIMUM – NO EXCEPTIONS! WITHDRAWALS: If a student needs to drop the course for whatever reason, it is his/her responsibility. THE INSTRUCTOR WILL NOT DROP STUDENTS FOR ANY REASON. All students who remain in the course will receive a grade based on

PSYC1300, Learning Frameworks Professor Pegoda

Syllabus, Course Contract 5 of 7

“DO. Or do not. There is NO TRY.”

their performance. Students are strongly encouraged to visit with the instructor if they have any concerns. Students should always visit with the instructor before dropping. ACCOMMODATIONS: Brazosport College is committed to providing equal education opportunities to every student. BC offers services for individuals with special needs and capabilities including counseling, tutoring, equipment, and software. Please contact Phil Robertson, Special Populations Counselor, 979-230-3236 for further information. Students must notify the instructor of any accommodations during the first week of class. HONORS CREDIT: Students may elect to take this course for honors credit. Students interested in going above and beyond and students wishing to personalize the learning experience are especially encouraged to consider this option. Students who are interested should speak with the instructor. TIPS FOR BEING SUCCESSFUL: This is not designed to be a difficult course. Students who attend class, take notes, read the required and recommended readings, and who study outside of class, should have no problem making a decent grade in this course. The instructor is available to students for any questions or concerns about the subject material. DISCLAIMER: THE INSTRUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES TO ANY PART OF THE COURSE REQUIREMENTS, ASSIGNMENTS, POLICIES, DEADLINES, CONTENT, ETC. Students are responsible for keeping track of any and all changes. The instructor assigns grades solely based on performance, not effort or anything else. If a student anticipates any difficulty meeting course requirements or deadlines, he/she should contact the instructor well in advance. If an emergency should happen, documentation is required, and the instructor will be more than happy to help the student to complete the course successfully. COPYRIGHT PROTECTION: Copyright Professor Andrew Joseph Pegoda, 2007-2011 All federal and state copyrights reserved for all original material presented in this course through any medium, including lecture or print. Unless otherwise noted, all course materials are the intellectual property of the instructor and are thus copyrighted. Individuals are prohibited from being paid for taking, selling, or otherwise transferring for value, personal class or other information notes made during this course to any entity without the express written permission of the instructors. In addition to legal sanctions, students found in violation of these prohibitions may be subject to disciplinary action from the college administration. FINAL WORDS: Welcome to Learning Frameworks! I teach under the belief that college must be an intellectually challenging and stimulating experience. If you commit yourself to working hard, this will also be a tremendously rewarding experience. Keep Going.

“It is our choices, not our abilities, that make up who we are.”

“Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every conceived notion, follow humbly wherever and whatever abysses nature leads, or you will learn nothing.”

PSYC1300, Learning Frameworks Professor Pegoda

Syllabus, Course Contract 6 of 7

“DO. Or do not. There is NO TRY.”


An essay or discussion graded “A” excels in both content and style. It goes beyond the requirements of the assignment. It presents a clear central thesis, which is effectively developed throughout the paper. It contains interesting and original ideas, which are organized in a logical structure. Paragraphs are unified, coherent and well developed. The “A” paper relies on support that is sufficient, appropriate, and effective. Transitions within and between paragraphs are fluent and guide the reader along a clear line of reasoning. Sentences are varied in structure and consistently correct. Vocabulary is well-chosen, specific, and precise. The “A” paper contains few, if any, errors, in form, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.


An essay or discussion graded “B” responds to the topic with engaging and interesting ideas. It has a clearly stated thesis and logical structure, but may reveal minor lapses in development. Paragraphs clearly relate to the paper’s main idea; however, transitions between ideas may be less fluent and supportive evidence less effective than in a “A” paper. The “B” paper uses words accurately and effectively and contains few errors in the mechanics of writing. Occasionally an essay that excels in other areas but contains some sentence-level errors may receive a grade of “B.”


An essay or discussion graded “C” displays a satisfactory response to the assignment; a “C” is not a penalty grade. The “C” paper may present the central idea in general terms, depending on platitudes or clichés to develop it points. While it usually shows some pattern of organization, transitions from point to point may be less fluent than in an “A” or “B” paper. Support may be in the form of generalizations or examples that are not relevant. Sentence structure may be repetitive and word choice imprecise. The “C” paper may contain mechanical errors, but these should not be numerous or hinder the communication of ideas. A paper that has few errors but relies on superficial reasoning or broad generalizations will receive a “C.”


An essay or discussion may be graded “D” for a variety of reasons. It may respond inappropriately to the topic or fail to present a clear thesis. It may be organized illogically, with few internal transitions between ideas. Paragraphs may not relate to the central idea, may lack development, or may rely solely on repetition and generalization. The “D” paper may contain sentences that lack variety and may exhibit frequently inappropriate or limited word choice. A paper graded “D” often contains frequent errors in sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


An essay or discussion may be graded “F” for any one or more of the following reasons. It may lack a thesis and display no clear logical pattern. Development may lack complexity, may be repetitive, or may be unduly brief. Paragraphs may be absent or undeveloped and disorganized. Numerous mechanical errors may impede the clear communication of ideas. Occasionally a paper will be graded “F” because it does not respond to the assignment.

PSYC1300, Learning Frameworks Professor Pegoda

Syllabus, Course Contract 7 of 7

“DO. Or do not. There is NO TRY.”

TENTATIVE COURSE CALENDAR: Unless otherwise noted we will follow the tentative course calendar (T/R version)

Note: Students must submit writing assignments and the midterm exam in two places: online and face-to-face by the beginning of class on the due date. All essays and midterm exam assignments are due on Thursdays.

Week: Class: Date: Topics: Complete before class: Assignments:

1 1 8/30 Introductions and Expectations 2 9/1 “A” Student Activity &

How College Is Different Chapter 1, 2, 3

2 3 9/6 When a Problem Arises Chapter 14, 15, 21, Video,

Navigating the Virtual Campus

4 9/8 Taking Notes Chapter 16

3 5 9/13 :Online Assignment #1 6 9/15 Attention and Memory Memory Handout

Chapter 11, 13

4 7 9/20 Learning Styles @Writing Assignment #1, Academic History Essay 8 9/22 Campus Safety

5 9 9/27 Transitioning to College Writing Chapter 22,

Article, “What is the Academic Paper,” “Notes on Punctuation”

10 9/29

6 11 10/4 Improving Reading Chapter 17, 18, 19 :Online Assignment #2 12 10/6

7 13 10/11 Active Learning Chapter 12, 20 14 10/13 Time Management Chapter 6, 7

8 15 10/18 Intelligence and Motivation Article, “What is Intelligence?” MIDTERM EXAM DUE 16 10/20

9 17 10/25 Setting Goals Chapter 8, 9 @Writing Assignment #2, Time Management Essay 18 10/27

10 19 11/1 Stress, Health, Wellness Watch, “Chronicles of a Teen Killer, ” Chapter 10

:Online Assignment #3 20 11/3

11 21 11/8 Preparing for Exams Chapter 23, 24, 25 @Writing Assignment #3, Goal Setting Essay 23 11/10 Multicultural Sensitivity TBA

12 23 11/15 24 11/17 Exploring Career Options Video, “What is a Career,”

Chapter 4, 5

13 25 11/22 To Be Announced :Online Assignment #4 11/24 Holiday – Happy Thanksgiving!

14 26 11/29 Miscellaneous Topics Chapter 26, Article, “Is Google

Making us Stupid” @Writing Assignment #4, Reflection Essay

27 12/1 Review for Final Exam



16 30 12/13 FINAL EXAM 8 AM-10AM @Extra Credit Essay




FALL 2011

Writing Assignment #1, Transitioning to College Essay

Please write an essay of at least 750 words in length that describes your educational and/or work

background to this point. What brought you to college at this time? Have you had positive or

negative educational experiences up to this point? What is you plan to become a successful

college student? Use clear and specific examples and elaboration. Think of this is something like

an academic autobiography.

The format of this essay should be as follows:

Times New Roman, Double Spaced, Size 12, 1” margins on all four sides

Please remember you must visit the Writing Center for this essay. Failure to do so will result in

an automatic 30-point deduction. Use the attached from to verify visit.

Your final, polished copy with revisions as suggested by the Writing Center is due at the

beginning of class on _____________________, as stated in the syllabus. Please remember to

submit a hard copy and an electronic copy.

Late work is not allowed.

If you have any questions, please ask.




FALL 2011


Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Assignment: __________________________________________________________________

Tutor Signature: ______________________________________________________________

Time in:_______________________________ Time out:______________________________

Student Reflections:



FALL 2011

Writing Assignment #2, Time Management Essay

Please write an essay of at least 750 words in length that analyses how you use your time.

Consider the following questions.

1. Discuss your experience with the “Time Flies Time Management Worksheet.” Were you

surprised by how you were spending your time? Why or why not? If you were left with little

time to study, in what ways can you create more time?

2. What are the time and energy zappers in your life?

3. What is procrastination? What role does procrastination play in your life? Why? How does it

hinder any of your goals? What are the reasons you procrastinate? In what ways can you deal

with procrastination?

The format of this essay should be as follows:

Times New Roman, Double Spaced, Size 12, 1” margins on all four sides

Please remember you must visit the Writing Center for this essay. Failure to do so will result in

an automatic 30-point deduction. Use the attached from to verify visit.

Your final, polished copy with revisions as suggested by the Writing Center is due at the

beginning of class on _____________________, as stated in the syllabus. Please remember to

submit a hard copy and an electronic copy.

Late work is not allowed.

If you have any questions, please ask.




FALL 2011


Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Assignment: __________________________________________________________________

Tutor Signature: ______________________________________________________________

Time in:_______________________________ Time out:______________________________

Student Reflections:




FALL 2011

Writing Assignment #3, Goal Setting Essay

Please write an essay of at least 750 words in length that describes your goals and potential

barriers/solutions to these goals. Remember to include proper short-term and long-term goals. Be

clear and specific. This is a formal essay.

The format of this essay should be as follows:

Times New Roman, Double Spaced, Size 12, 1” margins on all four sides

Please remember you must visit the Writing Center for this essay. Failure to do so will result in

an automatic 30-point deduction. Use the attached from to verify visit.

Your final, polished copy with revisions as suggested by the Writing Center is due at the

beginning of class on November 21, 2011 (M/W class) or November 22, 2011 (T/R class). Please

remember to submit a hard copy and an electronic copy.

Late work is not allowed.

If you have any questions, please ask.




FALL 2011


Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Assignment: __________________________________________________________________

Tutor Signature: ______________________________________________________________

Time in:_______________________________ Time out:______________________________

Student Reflections:




FALL 2011

Writing Assignment #4, Thought Essay

Option one: Please write an essay of at least 750 words in length that describes the biggest

problem with society today. Why is this a problem? What is a possible solution? Include at least

two specific examples for current events.

Option two: Please write an essay of at least 1000 words discussing the ways in which our

society does and does not mirror the society described in the short story “The Ones Who Walk

Away From Omelas.” Does our society operate in a similar way? While you are required to

discuss both sides, you are encouraged to pick a position (either that it does or does not mirror)

and defend this position throughout your essay. DO NOT spend excessive time summarizing the

story (no more than 3-5 sentences), and do not spend any time discussing whether the story is

moral or not. Feel free to reference current events, historical events, and talk about these issues

with friends or family. You may not, however, use any other outside sources.

Option three: Read Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television and write a 750 word


The format of this essay should be as follows:

Times New Roman, Double Spaced, Size 12, 1” margins on all four sides

Please remember you must visit the Writing Center for this essay. Failure to do so will result in

an automatic 30-point deduction. Use the attached from to verify visit.

Your final, polished copy with revisions as suggested by the Writing Center is due at the

beginning of class on November 28, 2011 (M/W class) or November 29, 2011 (T/R class). Please

remember to submit a hard copy and an electronic copy.

Late work is not allowed.

If you have any questions, please ask.




FALL 2011


Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Assignment: __________________________________________________________________

Tutor Signature: ______________________________________________________________

Time in:_______________________________ Time out:______________________________

Student Reflections:

Psychology 1300: Learning Frameworks Fall 2011 - Professor Pegoda

Midterm Exam – Fall 2011 – 10% of course grade – Due October 31, 2011, beginning of class (M/W class) Due November 1, 2011, beginning of class (T/R class)

Directions: This is a take-home exam. Please read all questions carefully before you answer them. Be clear and specific. If you have any questions, contact Professor Pegoda! YOU MAY NOT WORK WITH ANYONE ELSE ON THIS EXAM!! For this exam, however, you may use your textbook and notes. DO NOT copy information from your textbook, handouts, the Internet, a dictionary, etc. This will be punished with an automatic F. Please TYPE your responses. Use Times New Roman with a 12 point font and with one inch margins. Part I: Identification (6 questions, 10 points each, 60 points total), Remember – an ID essay should include who/what, when/where, how, why, an example, relationship to other terms, etc. Write a detailed and creative paragraph discussing the meaning on the term and its relationship to other course concepts (for example when discussing long-term goals, you need to discuss the relationship to short-term goals and motivation), as necessary. 1. long-term goals 2. self-efficacy 3. encoding

4. active learning 5. “the A Student” 6. time management

Part II: Essay (4 questions, 10 points each, 40 points total), 1. Imagine the following scenario: you are enrolled in a history class at Brazosport College with Dr. Trevor

Lovejoy. You have just taken your first exam and are disappointed with how your instructor has graded several of the questions. You are upset about your score and want to get more points. Completely outline the appropriate steps to take in this situation.

2. On the first day of class, we discussed the two keys to your success. List and discuss these two keys. In your

answer, describe what is meant by each component, and WHY they are important for your personal success.

3. Please explain how college writing and high school writing are different.

4. Emma comes to you needing advise for how to read her textbooks more efficiently. Since you are an expect on the SAP method, please provide suggestions for Emma.

Part III: Extra Credit (1 questions, 5 points each, 5 points total), 1. What are the two main categories of writing? What are the three main types of papers students usually find

in college? Please describe these. SEMESTER PROJECT UPDATE (10 points of semester project grade) 1. What are you planning to do for the semester project? Be as clear and specific as possible. What is your plan

or timeline for completing it? Please fell free to share any other thoughts about the project. Do you have any questions?

Can’t wait to read your wonderful midterm exams! Please let me know if you have any questions.


Name:____________________________________________ Student ID #:________________

Psychology 1300: Learning Frameworks

Final Exam Please complete this exam carefully. This is a cumulative and application-based exam. You may use your notes; you may NOT use your book or anyone in the class. If you have any questions, please ask your professor. Good luck! Part I, Identification Essays (6 questions, 5 points each, 30 points total): Please write an ID essay for the following terms. 1. attributions- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. encoding- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. neural networks- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. time and energy zapper- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. discussion columns- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. multiculturalism- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Part II, Application Questions (4 questions, 10 points each, 40 points total): 7. Please read the following passage and complete a set of appropriate annotations next to the passage.

Functions of Sleep Two complementary theories have been advanced to explain the function of sleep, and, taken together they provide a useful explanation. One, the restorative theory, holds that being awake produces wear and tear on the body and the brain, and sleep serves the function of restoring the body and mind (Gokcebay et al., 1994). There is convincing evidence for this theory: The functions of sleep do include the restoration of brain energy and the consolidation of memory (Kunz & Herrmann, 2000). The second explanation of sleep, the circadian theory, is based on the premise that sleep evolved to keep humans out of harm’s way during the dark of night and possibly from becoming prey for some nocturnal predator.

Alexander Borbely (1984; Borbely et al., 1989) has explained how a synthesis of the circadian and restorative theories can be used to explain the function of sleep. That people feel sleepy at certain times of day is consistent with the circadian theory. And that sleepiness increases the longer a person is awake is consistent with the restorative theory. In other words, the urge to sleep is partly a function of how long a person has been awake and partly a function of the time of day (Webb, 1995).


8. In the selection below a 12th grade student was asked to write an essay about the most valuable thing he/she owned. Using your knowledge of how high school and college writing are different, analyze and discuss the following passage. Please discuss the strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to include the characteristics of college writing versus high school writing in your response.

I have always looked up to my cousin, Nathan.When I was little I always used to just sit in his room and watch every little thing that he did. He always had a lot of small gadgets & toys that he would set up around his room. I would ask about everyone of them and try to get a full life story of the object. For instance, when did you get it? Why? Who made it? What do you use it for.!!!!!! On thanksgiving day I asked about the little golden, oval box sitting on his dresser. I always wondered what it was and for some reason I always felt connected to that box, as if there was more to it. He told me his dad had given it to him when he got back from some trip. It turns out the golden box opened up and it was an ashtray. Thats it, a dirty little ashtray. The ugly part about it was when you opened it up the reverse side of the lid said in bold black & white print, "ASHTRAY". I was kind of crushed but still had a feeling for it. He had given me the box that day and 10 years later I still have the Ashtray, sitting on my dresser. It is worth close to nothing at a store, but for some reason, to which I am still puzzled over today, the box gives me this feeling of curiosity and awe at its size and presance. Its a little wierd I know but I would heartbroken if I were to ever loose that ashtray. I dont use it for an ashtray and with its size its almost imposible to use. The box is about half an inch tall and two and a half inches wide. But I love the box and I will keep it with me forever.

(continue to the next page)




9. Louis has done really poor throughout his high school career. In fact, he is just 0.2 grade points from not being able to graduate. Although he has not done very well so far, he is not at all worried about college and decides that he is going to completely transform his attitude, focus on internal and stable attributions, and is going to get an “A” in every course. In addition, Louis declares that he is going to enter graduate school in three years. Using what you know about setting proper goals, motivation, and the time it takes to get a degree, please analyze the scenario just described, and give Louis some pointers. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


10. You and Jennifer are enrolled in Dr. Lamb’s Civil Rights Movement in Memory class at the University of Houston. You have been assigned to work in Jennifer’s group; however, you quickly suspect she has a drug or alcohol problem. After your first meeting, it is confirmed. She is an alcoholic and drives drunk. What should you do, who should you call? What might this do to Jennifer’s body? to others? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Part III, Short Answer (3 questions, 5 points each, 15 points total): 11. Please list strategies for surveying according to SAP. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. We discussed ten principles of active learning; please list three of these. (Hint: think about the skits we did). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. What was the purpose of the activity where we read a passage with and without music and other distractions? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Part IV, Extended Essay (1 question, 15 points, 15 points total): 14. We have spent a lot of time this semester discussing how college is different. Carefully considering what you have learned and what this information means, please name and describe the three most important differences. Explain your choices, explain why they are important, and provide examples. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Part V, Extra Credit (3 questions, 4 points each, 12 points total): 15. Do you remember our special mnemonic for memorizing ten items? What were the ten items?

a. One-bun ___________________ b. Two-shoe ___________________

c. Three-tree ___________________ d. Four-door ___________________ e. Five-hive ___________________

f. Six-stick ___________________ g. Seven-heaven ___________________ h. Eight-gate ___________________ i. Nine-wine ___________________ j. Ten-hen ___________________

16. What does “multiple intelligences” refer to? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17. What is AJP’s cat’s name? _______________________

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